Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts : A Wolf's Heart

Chapter 3: Grow

Serena-Ren-Age 6
Max-Age 6 1/2
Rei-Raye-Age 5
Hotaru-Hotaru-Age 4

As the party went on Ren got a new set of clothes from Bulma and Bra, Pan, Trunks, Vejita, Goten, and Goku got her traing gear and weights which they got yelled at for later.Sora got her a necklace with a wolf and a cross on it was pure silver from the deepths of a lunar mine witch gave it a silver glow the wolf's eye's were blue gems from the moon also.Kairi got her some hair clips for when her hair started to grow (yeah right).When the party was over and everyone had left a knock on the door stped them from going to bed.

Walking to the door Sora opened the door and let in Auron, Leon, Cloud, Yuffie, Cid, and Merlin. Aruon looked around and said "I hope we are not to let" Yuffie jumped in and ran right to Kairi and the baby saying "Ahhh your so cute" Cid and the rest loked own as they women talked after a few more mintues Merlin spoke up "Alright it is time for us to go, oh I almost forgot" walking over to the little one he taped her own her nose and said "there you go little one my gift to you is the power of magic use it wisley as you grow up".

"yeah thats right I almost forgot also" said Cloud as he walked over to the child reaching into his pocket he pulled out a book and a ring it was gold and silver magic flowing off of it in waves "This little one is a ring of Transformation" puting the ring on the right hand ring-finger "It well grow in in power as you do and as you grow it well change size to fit your finger.Here is the book to under standing it little one" handing the book to Sora he steped away.Leon stepped up and grinned down at the little bugger pulling out a pair of small swords he said this a re for you little one holding themup everyone looked at them.One was a pure silver with a handle of a wolf its teeth and fangs dug into the handle. The other was a pure gold with a dragon wrapped around its handle.

Handing them to Sora he walked away Yuffie grinned and leaned over to look at the kid then reaching into her pocket she pulled out a watch or so it seemed it was blue and white with silver buttons "This my friend is a watch but not just any watch if you press this button here it becomes like a computer and you can find almost anything on her also you can stay in contact with anybody you whish." puting the watch on the kinds left wrist she straped it into place "and just like the ring it grows to fit you" stepping away she walked over to Leon and Cloud who stood by the door.Cid and Aruon looked at each other before Cid stepped forward pulling a small gummi from behind his back "This for when you frow up kind its made just for you I hope you like it" Handing the gummi to Sora he walked out the door and stood with Merlin, the three that where by the door came behind him witch left Aruon sighing he walked forward and smirked pulling out a collar he side "You will be a wild one try to stay contained" slipping the collar onto her neck he walked out the door shutting it behind him.

"Hey That was mean" said Kairi as she reached down to take off the collar only to find her babys hands wrapped tightly around it biting own with her mouth.

~Five years Later~

The sound of feet running down the hallways of the castle was very dellight full as the four children ran down the hall Ren was running right behinde Max Goofy's son he was only a older that her by 3 months. her clothes were bearly hanging own to her slime form her blue shirt sliding off her right shoulder a little her pants where belted on to here but still seemed to hang down her necklace and here collar, which she refused to take off no matter what her mother said, hung limply from her neck. Raye and Hotaru were right behind her. They were Chi-Chi's and Goku's daughters Raye the oldest by one year.

As they were running around the corner the almost bumped into some of the cling tools that were under spells just as they were running down anthor hallway a hand reached out a grabed Ren by her collar and yanked her up.

"Hey put me down" Ren growled out as she was pulled up to look into Aruon's face her tail lashed back and forth in displeaser 'Now listen her you little ball of energy you have classes in 1 hour and I expect you to be there so don't be late" with that Ren was dropped to the ground as Aruon walked off .

"man i love the old bat but man that hurt" said Ren as she ran back up to her friends they then began to run toward the castle feilds to play ball.Ren was up first pulling on the helmet she waited for Max to throw the ball once he did she waited the swong and the ball flew in the other direction.

~ On The Balcony Above the Castle Feilds~

"Holy Shit" said Clud watching as the ball flew in the wall next to him geting stuck making a crak form."No that is an arm" said Leon as he pulled in out with a little force "Yes it would seem your daughter gets stronger every day Sora" said Mickey from where he stood at the other end of the balcony.

"yeah I know, but its not like we don't try to teach her how to crontrol some of it" said Sora as he grabed the ball and through it back down to the feild to the kids.

"Yes I know my friend but mabey its time to send her to somebody that can help" said Aruon as he walked up to the group of men "I myself can no longer train with because she learns far to quickly and its get harder for me to teach her anything".

"But whee would I send her" asked Sora as he watched his daughter play with her friends.

"Why not to Myzuki she should be able to help are little friend her and while were at it lets send Raye with her." said Goku as he came upoon the group also.Myzuki was know for her hard skills and never ending training.

"I agree the do seem to be attached at the hip." Said Sora.

~Back Down at the Feilds~

Ren ran up to Raye as she passed home plate wining the game for her team "Looks like me and Pryo over here win" said Ren pointing at Raye "yeah she right" said Raye as she put an arm around Ren's shoulder playing with the collar a little giving it a little jerk.Before letting it go "So what do you guys wanna do now" said Raye as she walked over to the chairs and tables that where near the opening of the castle gates.

"I have to go train with Auron so see ya" said Ren as she ran off into the castle leaving her friends behind.

Running down the hallways she bumped into her dad "Hey dad whats up" she said picking herseld up from the ground. "Ren you really are growing aren't you" said Sora as he looked at his daughter already a good 5'0" and only six "Yep I sure am" said Ren as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Ren how would you like to go on a vaction and learn a lot of new things Raye can go with you but only Raye" said Sora as he got down on one knee and sdusted her shirt off a little

"Sounds like fun" said Ren as she ran a hand through her short cropped hair her tail wagging behind her.

"Really okay then this is what you need to do" said Sora as he began to tell her about Guko's Idea for her.

~At The Transport Station~

Ren and Raye stood next to the gummie bags in hand waving good bye to there friends and family before boarding the ship.once on board they sat down and straped themselves in for the ride to Myzuki's. A little while latter once in deep space they where in the room getting ready for bed when Raye came into Ren's room.

Ren looked up from what she was doing seeing her friend standing by the door a stuffed tiger in her hands she stood and asked "Whats wrong Raye" walking over to the girl in boxers and nothing more she wrapped her arms around Ren and said "I am not used to sleeping by myself can I stay with you" Raye looked up at Ren.

Ren smilled and said "Yeah come on its bed time for us anyways" pulling the shorter girl with her to teh bed she kissed her forhead and said "Night Raye" then turing off the light she pulled her into her arms.