Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 4 : KeyBlade and Power part I ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sorry I lnow its been a while but I have been busy with some wedding plans for my friends and some other stuff very sorry but anyway her you go.

The Acadmey's Scale Goes Like This

A1 A2

B1 B2

C1 C2

D1 D2

E1 E2

F1 F2

G1 G2

H1 H2

I1 I2

J1 J2

K1 K2

L1 L2

M1 M2

N1 N2

O1 O2

P1 P2

Q1 Q2

R1 R2

S1 S2

T1 T2

U1 U2

V1 V2

W1 W2

Y1 Y2

X1 X2

Z1 Z2


Kingdom Hearts : A Wolf's Heart

Chapter 4 : KeyBlade and Power part I

Labored breaths came out of Ren's mouth as she ran around the traing room doging the androids left the right then left again they had her cornered her back was aginst the cool surface of the room as she blinked the blood out of her right eye from where one of them had nicked her on the uper part of her eyebrow while she was busy fight the other her hand out she charged it up with some energy, it swelled a blood red color as she held it out the grinning a evil little smile she said "bye bye now" she let the blast fire straight threw the damn androids and slummped down breathing hard.

"Not Bad you little Brat" said Raye as she walked in slowly very slowly with heavy steps barly making it to the computer board "Whats the mater Pryo the gravity to much for your fat butt" said the sayin from where she leaned against the wall a smrik covered her face as she got up and walked over to the computer board that had six glowing letters on its screen it said 595 x eg. Setting down in a small flaoting Chair she flicked a button and the room went back to its normal gravity "So Pryo mabey you should go on a diet" she walked bye Raye and then looked at her with a smirk /pop/ Raye's had was on Ren's cheek then it slid down the cheek from where the nice had print was, grabing Ren's shirt she yanked her down to her "now look here you smart ass I am not fat...or anything else you may have in the smartelick mind of yours ...I am just not used to 595 times earths normal gravity I have only just reached the three hunfreds and you know it so shut up" Raye then walked away in a uproar .

Ren reached her hand up to her check and rubed it saying something about sayian women and their mood swings...Walking into her room on the space ship she got some clothes ready for her bath .After taking a nice hot bath she walked into the pilot room and found Raye looking out a window "Sorry..." she said as she wrapped her arms around Raye they had been on this ship for one year together and were only two days away from the place they were meant to her firend she kissed her cheek and said "would you put my hair up" she handed Raye the small hair ribbion it was black and blue flames at the end of smiled and turned around hugging Ren back standing up she looked at her friends short hair it now reached her her shoulder blades enough to form a small low ponytail (like trunks had) taking the ribion she walked behind Ren and gently ran her hands through the slik like snow hair pulling it all back she tied off the ribion and said "there its done you big goof ball" she then walked to the door leaving .

Ren walked after her and went with her to the kitchen for something to eat both of them setteled on some nodles and some tea Ren's was chicken and beef with some cinnamon tea Raye's was shrimp and vegtables with some green in slicen they let their legs touch letting the comfort of the others arua wash over them they had been doing this since they had first arived on the ship even though it also seemed even if they each had a bed room Raye seemed to find her way into Ren's at night tho Ren never complained she loved it when the six year old Raye pressed aginst her Seven year old body .Once done each girl went their seprate ways for now to do diffrent things. Ren back to the gravity room Raye to the fire room made just for her.

Later that Night

Ren came into her room the door slinding up as it opened walking in she was covered with sweat looking to her bed she already found Raye laying under the blue sheets and holding a wolf stuffed animal that was Ren's when she used to sleep with it, and her small stuffed tiger .Shaking her head Ren went and took anthor bath quickly scrubing away her sweat and all the dirt that she was covered in once she was changed she came out in her blue boxers she was still shirtless as ever when it came to sleeping it was like she had much of a chest anyway so she didn't care crawling into bed beside Raye she let sleep over come her as she smelt the perfume Raye was wearing holding her close she breathed deep purring in delight.

Raye rolled over in her sleep and grabed the taller body laying next to her letting go of the stuffed animals, she held Ren to her leting her finger tangle in her hair 'she needs to cut it agian' she thought as she let her hand slid back down Ren's body running over her bare top she never stopped to think or question why she never minded the nakedness of her frineds body afterall she was only six stopping her had over the hard abs she trace small shpes with her fingers she was sayin to but unlike Ren she wasn't as tomboy-ish or as rock hard as her but still yet Raye did wonder why she was so attached to her friend thinking back to the first day the met Raye smiled rmember the goofy line Ren had used 'you may be a girly gril but you can play with me any day' Raye sighed as she felt their aruas seek each others in their sleep runing a hand down Ren's back she felt the girl purr a little more before she herself let sleep over come her in a deep sweet dream like state.

The Next Day

Ren sat at the front chair infront of the controls Raye to her right was setting strapped in as well her hands where twisting her hair between her fingers as she waited for them to land they had finaly made it to the Planet Magikixe.Once landed the girls grabed their bags and unboarded the ship once off Ren pressed the button and let the ship go back to its capsel form stuffing it in her pocket walking up the golden brick path with a few silver bricks here and there they saw the feilds of green grass and the water falls that were in the distnace and a forest where if you looked closey enogh you could see the stray couple or two kissing under a tree or an animal eating some grass upon reach the gates they smilled at the gaurds who looked like amazons to Ren, "We are here to see Myzuki" said Raye as she punched her friend in the arm she was starring to long for Raye's taste.

"You must Be Raye and Ren then" said The Short Blonde one "My name is Gabrile and over their is My soulmate Xena we well take you to see Myzuki come on know" Gabrile bent down and picked up Raye and her small bag walking off with the girl."Hello Child" Xena reached down and picked up looked down at the snowy white hair and icy blue eye's smiling she said "as Gabrile said my name is Xena and judging by your power you must be Ren" she held the kid to her tall frame as she held the bag with the other she looked down when she felt the young girls tail wrap around her wrist "Yeah I am Ren and thats Raye she is my beeesssst Frined in the whole universe" .As soon as Ren meet the taller girl she liked her ameditly she was just so much like dad with her blue eye's and smile and her arua felt good to Ren almost like an older sister. As they came to the door to the acdamey building they walked in and then down the long hallway pass some other hallways that went to the left or right once in the center of the building you could see the golden water statue as it held a golden vase in its hands that poured water into the small fouton around it wich was felled with tiny coins that no one every took out or else the pound itself was maigical it would never run out of room for its whishers as they tossed coins in or the little fish that swam in it .Gabrile put Raye down and took her hand then looked back to see Xena still holding Ren who was asleep in her amrs smilling she wondered if she and her love could ever have smiled down at the little bundle in her arms hooking the bag to her belt she ran a hand though Rens hair undoing the little ponytail and easing the pain it might cause from sleeping with it on tying it around Ren's wrist she held the kid closer and ran a hand down her back it was like the kid had weaved a spell on her already a spell of sisterly love looking up she saw her soulmate looking at her with loving eyes blushing she looked away.

Once the reached the top of the stairs that were on both of the sides in the room the went to the left heading down the hallway they came to a big pink door knocking on it the waited for a moment before walking in the room was filled with books and scrolls a window let a little sunlight into the room it also gave you a look out to the feild that held soccore games and football games and you could see the blitzball arena off a little more to the right .Smilling Xena woke Ren up and sat her down ruffling her hair and handing her the bag with her stuff before her and Gabrile left the room shuting the doors.

"Wow..this place is so beautifull Ren don't you think" asked Raye as she looked out the Windows Ren tied her hair back into place before walking over to Raye who stood at the window walking over behind her she looked out and said "yeah this place is cool" Ren leaned further forward placing her chin on Raye's reached up and ran her finger over the collar smilling she kissed Ren's cheek placing her lips on the corner over her lips ,Ren looked down and grined she never knew why she and Raye were always kissing they just where "ahemmmm" The girls jumped apart and turned to look at the woman who was standing in the door way she was wearing a purple robe with stars on it she had long pink hair held up in a bun with a pair of deep red chop sticks some of it coming lose and hanging down by her face her glass wear a slim wire frame with small oval lends, the glass wear sliding down her nose as she looked both girls up and down smilling she walked past both girls her legs became visable through the slits in her dress like robe as she walked by her dark black heels clicking as she moved and sat down behind her desk lifting one leg up she crossed it over the other the slit slip in open showing some bear she pointed her hand and two chairs poped up "have a seat girls" Raye quickly walked over and sat down in the left chair Ren however stood there her eye's glued to the deep dip in the dress that hid the other womans chest from her veiw shaking her head she went and sat down blushing she felt a little werid in her lower half of her body.

"You girls must be Ren and Raye welcome to my Name is Myzuki and I am the head woman around here after all this is an all girl school" she saw the look Ren was giving her and rolled her eye's at the girl "as for what you are doing here you' re father's have called me and told me why, you are hear to learn control and be schooled at the same time so let me take you to your rooms" Getting up she walked down the hall once more walking over to an elevator she pushed its button once in she pressed A1 and the doors shut as they got in. On the ride up she told them the rules of this school and that their were uniforms for them to wear and that all tomboys wore a diffrent version of that which had pants not which Ren blew out a breath at she would never wear a skirt in her life if she had to she would die first."hey what dose the A1 stand for" asked Ren as she looked at the other buttons on the panle of the elevator she was always the one who asked questions her dad had once said to be careful with that "the A1 stands for Class A level 1 its for the beginers of the School year and thats what you to are as you work your way down you become Z1's they are the best at what they do some of them are teachers here and are trainers as well you also have meet two of them Gabrile and Xena i think" said Myzuki as the door opened walking out into a pale hall way the walked down the hall coming to a door with a gold number 1 on it knocking on it she pushed it open their was four beds a green one, a blue one, a red one, and a snow white on the green one was a girl around Ren's height with her long brown hair up in a hight ponytial and another girl was setting on the blue one with short shoulder length blue hair with a book in her hands both girls looked up from what they were doing and said "Hello Mistriss Myzuki" Myzuki smiled at the girls and lead Ren and Raye in saying "These are Raye and Ren girls they well be staying with you." as she was told this to the girls they got up and walked over to them the blue haired girl went first "Hey My names Amy I am six" she held out her hand and got a shake from both girls next was the brown haired one "Names Lita i am 7" she held out her hand to Raye and gave her a soft shake when she shook hands with Ren she add some grip to it both girls grinned and then let go.

As Myzuki was leaving she said "Ren I want to see you in the morning"She then left leaving the girls to themselfs Ren grined and walked and sat down on the snow white bed and fell backwards letting her head hit the nice soft pillows Raye grined and walked bye smacking her on the abs as she went and sat on the red bed "so what can we do around her for fun" asked Ren as she rubed her smiled and put her arm around Amy's shoulder "we can go play blitz ball" she pointed out the window to the areana "yeah lets go what about you girls you wanna come with us" asked Ren jumping up and tossing her bag down she walked over to the door and waited for Lita."No way you to tomboys go a head with out us" said Amy as she sat back down getting a "yeah go on" from Raye as she began to put her stuff grinned and ran over to Amy kissing her on the cheek before running out with Ren to the blitz ball areana.

As Amy and Raye were left in the room the girls began to talk "So you and Lita dating" asked Raye as she folded her socks an putting them up after doing the rest off them she sat down because she had no more things to put up."Yeah we are we just started dating a year ago" said Amy as she blushed looking back down to her book she read more, Amy watched Raye with her eye's hiden watching as the girl stood back up and walked over to Rens stuff. Raye opened Ren's bag and dumped its stuff out onto the bed first she took all the shirts and hung them up before putting them in Ren's closet then she folded the shorts and hung them up and the pants to once that was done she began to fold the boxers smilling as she came across the puppy ones folding them she put them in the draw followed by the anckel socks that Ren loved to wear then she folded the last thing the wife betters and muscle shirts puting them up in drawers smiled Raye liked Ren or so it seemed from the looks of pulled the small wolf close to her chest breathing in Ren's sent from the stuffed animal before setting it on her pillow."So Raye you have fellings for Ren don't you" asked Amy as she sat her book down on the little table beside her jumped and looked at Amy and said "yeah i do, ummm just don't tell her okay"Amy smiled and noded both girl then began to talk to each other.

The Blitz Arena

Ren and Lita ran down the hallway and took the steps as a quick warm up never once breaking a sweat running past Xena and Gabrile who where eating she smiled and waved at them before turning and runing to catch up with Lita as the hit the pathway once more they took of to the arena running down the walk ways and around other students the stopped and took a breath of air .They then looked up and saw the arena "so Ren you ever play this before" asked Lita as she pushed the doors open "no never why" asked Ren as she was lead to a video projector "the you need to watch this then" said Lita pushing the button getting the small film started Ren grined and reached her hands out her watch glowed breifly and a small hacker line jumped out and contected to the video projector then a small key board came to life under hands made of pure light and energy it felt real to the watch holder and was used as a real one so it was very quick and easy to use. Ren then began to type things in on the board watching as the video change from beginer to pro in seconds taking in everything watching as the plays came together before her eye's taking in everything and more once she had been through every play and trick used she pulled back and the watch drew back in its line and the keyboard fade away.

Ren walked over to Lita who stood looking out the window "alright lets play" she said as she tapped her on the shoulder "alright come on then you need a school gym outfit" said Lita leading them into the clothes room walking over to the locker marked Lita she pressed a button and pulled out a pair of green spandex shorts and a green muscle shirt and a drak green pair of overalls with both pants legs cut of at her knees and a green jacket that had her name on the back of itwith the Number 4 on it ."You should get yours made then put it in your locker when your done" said Lita as she changed then put her regualr close in her locker and locked walked over to the scaner and it said "Step..In Please" Ren did as she was told standing on the black circle then a black light ran up and down her body then a another red light ran down her body before the computer said "Step off plaease...Now what is your favorite animal" Ren did as she was told typing in the snow wolf before backing up "Thank..You.,Your Uniform Blitz Suit is Now Done" Ren grined and walked over to the small window where her suit came out wrapped up and boxed away .

Picking it up she wallked over to her locker and opened it then setting down she began to open her outfit pulling out the black spandex shorts she sat them down and then she pulled out the snowwhite spandex shirt with a black wolf pawprint symbol over its heart and one on the back over her right shoulder, pulling out the dark blue overalls the right leg was cut off at the kness and was filled with small wholes that armor chain was weaved through. On the top half the buttons where made of golden wolf prints and hald silver straps the jacket was pure snow white and had a black and blue wolf print design on the arms all the way up the shoulder on on the back there was Ren's name in blood red with the number V on it made of shoes where boot like they were black with metal on the bottoms and heel and on the front to protect the she put her clothes up and threw her trash away running out she meet Lita and said "we ready now" She showed of her uniform smilling as Lita tossed her the blue ball walking to the Arena they saw that it was already filled and was ready for on the plat form Lita jumped in and waited for Ren. Grinning her teeth shinning as she took a run and jump her body adjusting to the water tempreature smilling Lita and Ren took a deep breath the water filled their lungs. Lita waited for Ren to start chocoking like most newbies but was supriesed when she didn't grinning she sat the ball on the tosser and waited for the game to begin.

The ball was tossed and laned on the middle the whistle was blone and both girls took of to the ball Ren getting there first took it then swam to the side befor taking it kicking it into Lita's goal pass the blocking bot .After a two full hours of playing the girls had quite the crowed from all class from A-Z the socre was Lita 99 Ren 99 the both were barly even tired once the ball touched the float platform they took off for it Ren got it first grabbing the ball she and Lita began swimming to the right Ren grined and charge at Lita. Before tossing the ball up and going after it leaving Lita starring at clear water jumpping up and out of the water Ren did a back flip kicking the ball fast making it wizz into the water scoring Lita's goal. Giving Ren the final point cheers broke out as Ren laned on the dry ground of the stadium Lita grined big and got out of the water shaking her head she ran to Ren and tackled the girl giving her a nuggy "you rock my girl" said Lita as the realeasd the other girl who was blushing from the cheers of the other people especially when they said "Ren is so cute look at her the little snowy angel I so want to date her" .

Once they were in the locker room once more they began to change and get ready to go back taking off the clothes they put them in the drier as they got dried themselves and put the clean and dry clothes on once the suits were dry they put them up as well shutting and locking their they were walking out Ren was pulled up into a big hug looking behind her she saw Xena and grinned yelling out "SIS" blushing she pulled away "sorry it just came ou..." Xena pulled Ren to her saying "its okay runt you are my little sister now i just can't seem to let you go" she gave Ren a tight hug pushing away the girls fears."So who taught you to play like that" asked Gabrile as she reached out and rubbed the girls cheek gently with her tumb Ren blushed and said "well i watched the video's and just leared from there why" Ren looked at Gabrile and Xena and then to Lita all three of them looked at her like she had a second head."you have got to be kiding me you learned all of that from the beginer video training simulations" yelled Lita as she grabed Ren by her collar and yanked her forward pointing to the arena where the projector was "umm well yeah but i also watched the pro video's as well it wasn't that hard" said Ren as she pulled back "damn girl if you can learn that quick i pitty the people that dont get you in bed" said Xena as she pulled her lover to her Lita blushed as she though of thought she could keep her eye's off Re.

After a while of talking to Xena and Gabrile the girls finaly left and headed for their room after jogging up the many, many, steps they came to their door opening it Lita walk in first and gave Amy a deep kiss then she headed for the bathroom to tak a shower and brush her teeth and get ready for walked in behind her shutting the door heading over to her bed she saw her stuff was put up looking over to Amy and Lita she blushed and looked away smilling she saw Raye was writting in her jorunal."hey pro whats up..." Ren ran a hand down Raye's leg giving it a squess making dark eyes look up and lock with hers "nothing much brat why you ask" said Raye as she stopped writting put her pen in its place before shuting the book and putting it away in her drawer "ummm can you cut my hair for me Raye" as Ren as she pulled the hair tie out of her grinned and got up walking out with Ren to the hallway and over to a trashcan she then pulled out her clippers and began to cut and trim Rens hair until it was back to its short tomboy-ish cut from a year ago that she still back in she took the ribion and tied it around her tigers neck,

Ren looked up as Lita came out in green boxers and a black shirt getting up she head for her own she was done brushing her teeth and hair she came out with her black boxers on and stopped from the look she got "what you never seen a topless girl before" Ren wasn't gong to change her ways of sleeping for over to her bed she pulled the sheets back and crawled under before turning out her smiled as she watched her friend looking at the other girls she said "forgive her she never wears a shirt to sleep in hope you don't mind". Once all the lights were out and the two other girls were asleep raye slipped out of her bed and crawled into bed with Ren. "Raye.." Ren opened her eye's a little and looked at her friend and pulled her to her under the covers and sheets holding her cloes as she let sleep over come her.


Like i said before i know its been a while and i am so sorry it just i am think on what to do next so any way i am still thinking about the whole Ren/everybody theory any way see you cats later.
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