Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 8: Key Blade and Power part V ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts: A Wolf's Heart

Warning some sexual things in this chapter.

Chapter 8: Key Blade and Power part V

As the day rolled forward and the sun began to rise we come to see a mass of flesh and covers all around one single person all of them cuddling her in some way. Snow-white hair was ruffled as a set of ice blue eye’s opened to great the sun. Yawing Ren sat up looking at the clock she sighed and slipped out of the bed looking at her body she smiled it had been a few years and already she was thirteen years old and was doing a lot more with her time. She spent most of it making out a lot and getting weird looks from teachers and whispers about how she was able to do that.

Walking into the bathroom she did her morning routine and began to get ready for the day and just like every other day a set of hands grabbed her ass and squeezed smiling she saw that all the other girls where up and getting ready to.”Hey that’s my ass you groping” she said as she giggled. Amara smiled and pinched the young ass one more time “Oh I know and it’s a cute ass as well can’t help it Kitten” she moved to hold the skinny waist that belonged to Ren.

The girls as all laughed and gave to delicate small bottom a pinch and smirked in a happy way. Ren just shook her head and smiled and began to brush her teeth and then comb her hair walking out she got dressed and waited for all of her lovers watching them all get dressed with a smirk. All the girls giggled and laughed got dressed slowly for their lover, Amara dressed first she was also wearing the boy’s uniform and she cuddled and kissed up against her lover while talking about their other lovers.

Once dressed and ready for action they head out into the hall and down the steps so the could talk longer. Upon reaching the cafeteria then grab a plate and a tray waiting in line the got breakfast and began to eat slowly. Ren watched the whole room with her eyes taking in every thing when she felt a sharp burning in her eyes closing them in pain she blinked and was glad to see no one had noticed.

She was wrong though at the teachers table Myzuki frowned a little and was about to walk over when the bell rang sighing she would just have to wait a little longer before talking to the brat.

Ren and the girls split up after a while each heading to their own classes which had changed now over the years Ren and her girls all skipped a head in some classes, and Ren's new class she wasn't with anyone but Mistress Myzuki learning about her body and deck, learning how the cards she chose had hearts as well which mixed with her own powers. Walking into the room which was put under a spell to look like outer space the moon hanging high Ren walked in and smiled setting down she waited for her hot teacher, though she would never date her.

Setting in a meditative style she felt her teacher enter and grinned standing up she turn around and bowed at the waist “Myzuki-chan” she said her bright smile showing Myzuki smiled herself reaching out to pet the younger girls head gently running her fingers through the growing hair which for a saiyan was silky to the touch. “Good morning yourself brat”she kissed her little student on the head motherly like before saying “i saw you this morning now lets see those eyes”.

Ren hated when that happened getting caught when she always thought nobody saw, looking up she grinned and let Myzuki check over her eyes she hmmmm and mmmm and hmmmed some more she reached into her breast and pulled out a wand shinning a small light into Ren's eyes watching for reactions. Surprised when the eyes flashed sharply for a quick moment then going back to normal. “Well well look what we have here you little brat your progressing faster then i thought you would...” Ren pulled back in surprise at the words “faster dose that mean i am a freak” asked the younger girl.

Myzuki smiled and shook her head no picking up the younger skinner girl she grinned and said “no it means your special and pick up things faster baby girl” Ren smiled and snuggled closer like a child to its mother. Myzuki grinned and said “looks like you body is tapping into your other souls and heart knowing that when time comes you will become something great.” she sat the girl down and smiled “which mean your work out is not being changed” she reached inside her robe sleeves and pulled out a scroll that looked so old and ancient that it could have been from the time of gods. It was also covered in letters of blood. She then pulled out a couple of other that looked them same, as the first and one that had gold letters instead of blood.

“These are ninja scrolls, which mean there is Taijutsu,Genjutsu , and Ni-jutsu” she showed the others “these scrolls talk about your body and your chakra learn it first” and she then left young Ren to herself to study. Ren sighed and sat down and began to read the stupid scrolls, because if there was one thing she hated it was reading long ass shit.

When Myzuki came back out side she found Ren already had the basic jutsu's down because she saw all kinds of clones, walking up and down trees, on water and up the sides of the old sheds that where not far off from here she also saw the original setting in a meditative state with her spiritual force which was snow white floating around in her in a massive aura and her chakra which was a golden color shinning off of her body as well.

“Very nice i see you have learned a lot already form the scrolls” Myzuki picked up a rock and threw it at Ren watching as she caught it faster then anything before when Myzuki threw stuff at her. Ren grinned and crumbled the rock into dust expelling all the clones she got a little dizzy when all the information came back her silver and gold power both shooting off in more massive waves of power before she calmed down and slowly made it dissipate to keep it hidden. Ren walked over slowly you could tell she was tired and sleepy but she had one of those grins on that said she was happy with her work and didn't mind how it wore her body out.

Myzuki picked up the girl when she was close enough to pick up, she then carried her back in and up the many flights of stairs she walked into the room and frowned at how crowed the places was, looking down at the know sleeping girl she wondered how she and all those girls stayed in her grinning she pulled out her wand and did a couple of spells before leaving the now empty room head back down stairs and out side she went over to one of the special parts of the great oh big Castle like school opening the door you found yourself in a massively huge room covered in all kinds of old paintings, then if you looked around more you could see all the girls posters on some of the walls and all of Michiru's paintings where hanging up as well, even the ones of Ren. Those picture made Myzuki blush, a scarlet red color, before going back to looking around the room to make sure her spells had worked. The celling looked like the night sky it even had a full moon hanging in the night sky and also had all the girls astral signs out line in all there favorite colors in the sky.

The walls where also stone brick in a black color, the floors where a nice soft, and silky carpet, that was a deep mix of violet, dark blue, and black. Which meant it looked black, but when the lights hit it in a certain way it could change colors. Their was a huge fire place with two big couches, one love seat, and a bean bag for each girl in their own favorite colors, the couches and love seat where a deep black leather couches.

They had big fluffy cushions and pillows as well. Their was a big flat screen TV hanging off the wall with built in slots on the wall for all the game systems the girls had all bought on one of their trips out of school, they had an Xbox 360, a Game Cube, Playstation 2, and a Playstation 3. Their was a big book shelf for each game systems games, which meant on one book shelf was Xbox games, on the other was Game Cube, and the last one was Playstation games. They where all made of a nice golden brown wood with a coat of golden stain and a hardener to make them last longer. To the other side of the room was a great old big home made bed that she knew Ren would just love, the home made bed was just basically this, on the very bottom layer was pads, all kinds of soft pads. The second layer was cushions, soft fluffy cushions, then some feathered in objects like pillows and more pillows. The thrown over this layer was a bunch of silk sheets and furs to cover it all up then another layer of furs that as all big and fluffy like. The one sheet of a dark black color went over them around the bed to keep this all in and not to fall out was some wood covered in padding to keep it from hurting anybody. Also there was a head board the same color as the carpet. The final layer on the bed was a bunch of pillows at the top for the girls to lay their heads one of each color that went with each girl, that where silky to the touch, then a two silky sheets one was navy blue and the other was black with purple and light blue stars on it.

Also on this side of the room where more books shelves then the other side but these ones where filled up with books and more books and scrolls and etc. They where the same color as the other shelves. There was also a big desk that had a supercomputer, from the future of a different planet setting on it, it was connected to a scanner, printer, a big stereo that had a 10 disk holder and iPod plug in, some speakers, the game systems, some of the security systems, and Ren's dueling device. Everything to which was wire throughout the walls expect for Ren dueling device which she just plugged in to update, everything else as was all neat and tidy and fire safe connected throughout the walls. There was surround sound in the whole house. Off to the side was a big closet where all the girls where hanging in neat order and in sections of their own all their shoes down at the bottom all shinned and clean, along with the chest each of them got when they came to the school.

Along one side of the wall was another place for their other dressing material such as underwear, boxers, tank tops, necklaces, collars, and etc. Each girl had their own and all the dressers where black and built into the wall so they where not in the way and on each drawer was the symbol of each of the girls powers so they would know who's was who's. Also near the middle of the room was another an open door way which lead into a great old big bathroom and gym/weigh/sauna room with all kinds of white, black, blue, and violet towels. The tiles where all made of the most expensive wood and the walls the same black brick in the other room the celling was also more stars and other planets. Their was a big pool like tub, with jets, and small seats in it. Their was all kinds of bathing stuff in a small shelf, in a neat order, because all the girl had their own taste in body washes and shampoos.

The wares and counter mad of marble which had four sinks on it so the girls could have more room, all their tooth brush had a little hanging place so they could be reached all, and their tooth paste was laying right below it, their hair stuff was in a small shelf, along with their lotions, and etc. Their hair brush and combs where also put up in a neat place. They had a huge shower with showers head on the celling on all the walls and corners and place for the bottles of wash and shampoo to set and a glass door to keep the water from getting out and everywhere.

In the gym part there was weights, in order from how much they weighed, their was a step master, a workout bench, a bowflex, and more stuff to work out with. Walking back out into the other room she looked around some more thats when she saw that the lights where old time like lights made to look like candles and torches. Giving the place an castle like look in a little way, and there was also some face animal skin rugs on the floors as well and a place to keep the wet shoes so the carpet wouldn't get dirty or wet.

Shaking her head she moved back over to the bed laying Ren down she took off her dueling devices moving to set them and the cards on the desk neatly, she then moved to remove the shoes and set them in the closet before ruffling her hair and putting the scrolls up and leaving the girl to get her much need sleep. As she went off to find the other girls to tell them where they had moved to, on her way out she saw the small button near the door that said in simple words seal, which meant if you pressed it you could take the house with you anywhere in a tent, on a plane, and etc. You would place the small scroll that would be left once you sealed it on a door and once you opened that door you house would be back to its old self once more.

Walking out and shutting the door she went in search of the other girls.


Well here is the newest chapter and i am also going to have to say that i will be posting the rest of the new up date on my http/wolfdragongod . Deviantart . Com/ all you have to do is take the spaces out and then click enter or go to my bio page and click it there either way the newer updates will be on that page.