Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts A Wolf's Heart ❯ Chapter 9: Key Blade and Power part VII ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kingdom Hearts: A Wolf's Heart

New chapter up and finally the heartless make themselves known and worlds collide and new people are meeting. Hearts are take and hope is shattered in this new chapter of KHAWH I hope you love it. Also the song isn’t mine I didn’t make and nor do I claim to have done so the song was made by Utada Hikaru.

Also I Have A Poll For You Lovely People, Should Ren get a set of guns or not.

Yes - 0

No – 0

Chapter 9: Key Blade and Power part VII

After having gotten up once more Ren smiled looking up and over she saw a note on the table from Rei who must have already left. Getting up from the couch she sat back down after she went to get something to drink. Looking at the note she smiled it looked as if Rei had class so she need to leave, tossing the note aside Ren got up when for some reason something didn’t feel right, running to her room she tossed on some clothes and ran out of the house before thing quickly and running back in and sealing it.

The house slowly began to fade away until Ren was left standing alone with a scroll in her hand. Tucking the scroll away in her pants pocket she began to dash away heading for the school. Coming to a stop she felt her breath leave her as she saw the people lying around slowly sinking into black holes in the ground. Jumping to her side quickly she avoided a small black creature that had almost hit her, looking at it she saw its glowing yellow eyes and shadow like body.

She growled and flashed with power her sayian powers kicking in as she powered up she held out her hand and. Her world went dark as she was sucked away through a black hole falling down into a deep black watery darkness. She felt sick she felt ill; her heart was speeding up going at a faster rate with each second that went by.

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say please

Oh baby, don’t go

Simple and clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

She was slowing down some her falling was more sluggish now she could almost feel the air around her. Almost like it was alive with the darkness that was hiding it in this place.

You’re giving me too many things

Lately you’re all I need

You smiled at me and said,

Her body felt cold she felt as if she was losing something important but for some reason she could think of what it might be it was like she could feel the though at the tip of her tongue but she couldn’t think of what it was.

Don’t get me wrong I love you

But does that mean I have to meet your father?

When we are older you’ll understand

What I mean when I said “No,

I don’t think life is quite that simple”

Ren slowly felt nothing as her world went black and her body picked up pace once more slamming her onto a hard ground knocking her out as black ravens flew off leaving her laying in the darkness on the glowing surface of two women.

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say please

Oh baby, don’t go

Simple and clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

Her breathing slowed and her eyes stayed shut as the world around her slowly faded out. The darkness moving in slowly trying to cover up her glowing light, and steal away her heart and soul.

The daily things that keep us all busy

Are confusing me

That’s when you come to me and said,

Ice blue eye’s opened once more quickly she jumped up, her mind speeding through a thousand thought at once thoughts like who was she, where was she, and what was she.

Wish I could prove I love you

But does that mean I have to walk on water?

When we are older you’ll understand

It’s enough when I say so

And maybe some things are that simple

The shadows stopped at her feet and fled once more as she looked around watching as three stands slowly began to rise up from the ground.

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say please

Oh baby, don’t go

Simple and clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

On the stone stands where three different things one held a shield, the second held a staff, and the last held a sword. All shined with light of some kind that made her feel a lot warmer when she got close to one of them.

Hold Me

Whatever lies beyond this morning

Is a little later on

Regardless of warnings that future doesn’t scare me at all

Nothing’s like before

Moving away from them she went to look around walking to the edge of what she was standing on she gasped looking at the deep darkness that was all around shivering some she wonder how far down it went.

When you walk away

You don’t hear me say please

Oh baby, don’t go

Simple and clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go

Reaching around in her clothes she searched smiling when she found something to toss into the darkness. Pulling out a pen she tossed it over the edge, straining her hearing to see if she could hear it drop. After a while of waiting she sighed and pulled back and looking over her shoulder to the two women on the ground.

Hold Me

Whatever lies beyond this morning

Is a little later on

Regardless of warnings that future doesn’t scare me at all

Nothing’s like before

One looked very young and the other slightly older and sad. They both where blonds though and had amber brown like eyes, that seemed to hold a lot of wisdom in them. The younger one had a smaller chest while the older one had melons that would make any baby hungry.

Hold Me

Whatever lies beyond this morning

Is a little later on

Regardless of warnings that future doesn’t scare me at all

Nothing’s like before

Shaking her head she walked back up to the items checking them out she walked over to the sword and moved to grasp it when ‘Is this your choice young one, the path of a warrior to fight and stand and protect those precious to you’ Ren looked around before nodding her head and taking the sword once more a sad smile on her face as it flashed out of sight.

‘Then what do you give up the power to shield your self or the power of wisdom’

Ren looked at the staff and shield before running over to the shield and holding it up to be taken away. ‘Are you sure little one’ Ren thought for a moment before nodding and holding the shield up once more watching as it flashed away just like the sword. ‘Then your path is set only you can change it by fighting away the darkness once more, you hold the key at your side and may the darkness never surround you and make you forget young one. But remember the closer you get to light the bigger you shadow but don’t fear because you are never alone.’

With those words Ren was left alone once more only this time a door slowly made itself known light bursting through when she opened it her shadow grew and in size and shape slowly change into that of a fox with nine tails something she had never seen before. But some how she knew what to do she held out her hands away from her body and brought them together as if holding something when with a flash of light a blade that looked as large as a key formed in her hands it glowed with power and hummed happily in her mind.

She took up stance and grinned at the beast charging forward dashing from side to side as its tails came crashing at her. Dropping to her back she slide under the beast and thrust up her light slowly turning the creature white the black fading showing a furry red fox that slowly began to turn white its sadistic grin faded to one of hurt and anger to one of sadness and sorrow. Its eyes just as blue as hers if not more seemed to be crying before it burst into flames racing up her right and left arms burning the skin and tearing a design into them.

Ren left out a scream of pain that sound so animal like that it echoed off the darkness making shatters appear in it slowly light began to break in through the shadows surround her world until she felt herself falling once more only this time she was falling fast. She landed with a thud on top of a large reddish toad that had a man with blond hair standing on looking at her as he held a baby in his hands.

Ren shook her head and looked at the man before turning her head quickly gasping at what she saw a red giant fox was racing its way toward them. Looking up at the man she asked “You plan on stopping it right” He nodded his head looking down at the baby in his arms. She saw his gaze and a thought went through her mind of a house sealing its self into a scroll. Looking up she said “your sealing it into the child aren’t you” He looked at her once more and with a sad gaze he said “yes”.

She stood up and took the child looking at its stomach she saw the spiral on it and asked “can you put it in me and him that way he isn’t alone” The man thought for a moment and nodded his head quickly pulling out a brush and some ink he began to work fast on the girls stomach as she held the child. Once it was finished she asked “what’s you name” he looked at her then smiled say “My name is Minato Namikaze I am the fourth Hokage” she smiled “nice name I can’t remember mine so is this you’re son” Minato smiled once more and said “yes his name is Naruto Uzumaki” she looked down at the child.

She smiled and turned to face to man as the demon got closer saying “he well never be alone” Minato smiled whoever this girl was she was something else doing some hand signs and saying the move he slammed his hand into her stomach along with Naruto’s. The demon fox let out a scream before it vanished slowly along with killing the man before her falling backwards she landed softly with Naruto in her arms wrapped softly in them sleeping smiling at the child she let sleep consume her.


Sarutobi was man they called professor and at one time the third Hokage and now it would seem that he would have to take that title once more. Looking into the room he saw the boy and the girl that had the nine tail beast sealed with in them looking over the girl with sad yet grateful eyes sad because she seemed to be in pain and the marking on her arms and stomach would cause only more pain. Yet, he was grateful because this girl chose to help the fourth and not leave the boy alone at least that’s what the great toad had said.

But the girl also didn’t have a family nor no name she was practically all alone in this world, well that wasn’t true she had Naruto. He smiled yeah, he though she has Naruto her new little brother. Now all she need was a name, he sat and watched the two for a few moments. Before nodding his head and reaching in his robe to pull out a scroll it was only fair this girl and this boy got this and no one else seemed worthy anyway. Now all he had to do was think of a name for the girl, hmmm what would be best for her. He had got it he would name her a boys name and make her be a boy so the conical would accept the idea he had planned for her and Naruto.

Summoning an ANBU he said “get me the file on this new comer here” then ANBU nodded and left in a puff of smoke before flashing back in a second the leaving once more. Sarutobi smiled and began to fill out the form where it said Name he put down Nero Uzumaki Namikaze. Looking the girl over he moved to look her over her left arm had a strange tattoo on starting from her wrist all the way up to her shoulder and down her shoulder blade a bit, and her right arm looked the same except that the tattoos glowed red and blow and her finger nails on that had looked more like claws. Jotting all this down in the file, he went on some more looking over her form, strange she even had a tail at the base of her spine that no matter what the doctors did would not come off. Her frame seemed to be change too as well her bones where becoming stronger and tougher it would take a lot to break one, yet they also had some flexibility to them as well.

Pulling the covers back he saw her chest was wrapped up because of some fractures she had got from something, moving his gaze down he saw the spiral on her stomach and jotted that down in the file along with everything else. Calling a nurse in he asked her to check everything else below the belt, after a second of two she came back with a deep blush and reported that the girl had both male and female parts, before she left a little blood dripping from her nose as she told him all the measurements. Sarutobi laughed a little on the inside at the woman’s blush and bloody nose, jotting down that her silver white blond hair color was truly a natural color.

He came to the part in the file where it asked about the sex of the person, sighing he put down that she was now a male. Moving back over to the girl he checked her eye color and put down that they where a very light blue color, running a glowing had over her body once more, he nodded and put down that she had large chakra pathways, and her blood type as well was something new. Finishing the girls new file he did all the same with Naruto to make sure he was in good shape as well, once finished with boy children he sat back down and went back to watching them waiting to see if they would awake soon.


Well hope you liked the update. Also to my beloved fans I am sorry if this update was late but I am have been really busy with some things in real life, but anyway I promise to put up the next chapter soon so I hope you like this one.