Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Godannar ❯ Basic Training ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
=Flash Back=

Ranma was rubbing his eyes as he and Kiriko were walking down the hallway. “Do you think this is a good idea?” He asked.

“She wants to do it, she is qualified all she needs is experience.” She said, “Having doubts?”

“I don’t know, maybe I’m just worried.” He said.

“I understand,” she said. “After all you got down on your hands and knees to beg for her hand in marriage.” Just then he quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

“Geez, why don’t you say it louder? I’m sure Dino Base didn’t hear you, it’s supposed to be a secret!”

“Well what do you expect for keeping a big secret like this?” She said muffled, just then Konami came walking up.

“Ah there’s the married man, you must be tired Ran-chin.” She said and in came avalanche of teasing. Ranma hung his head, and then he smirked and pulled out a small tape player, lifted it up and pressed play.

“DON’T HATE THE PLAYER! HATE THE GAME!” He turned it off and let go of Kiriko then they went to see how Anna was doing.

Chapter 4: Basic Training

Anna was swimming, trying to keep up with Ranma’s pace. “Come on Anna you can do it!” Said Shizuru, Shizuru Fujimura is one tough lady, pilot of the Core Gunner and Ranma’s best friend ever since the war she has a slight crush on him but cannot express her feelings to him. She has long black hair and blue eyes.

“Right!” Said Anna.

“So, what do you think?” Said Kagemaru, he was the commander of Dannar base. He’s a handsome man with long black hair and brown eyes.

“From the looks of it, she is keeping up with me.” Said Ranma, “that’s right Anna. You can do it, focus!”

“Right!” Said Anna.

“Anna said something during the battle before we merged.” He said, “She said it was fate that we met. Do you think that’s true Boss?” Kiriko lit up a cigarette, took a drag and blew out the smoke.

“I have to agree with that Ranma,” she said. “It was fate that brought you two together. Or else it would’ve taken more than just you begging me for her.” Anna was done and she climbed out.

“Nice going Anna.” He said and she went to the locker room to get cleaned up and changed.

“Ranma, I know you are worried. But Anna is my daughter, she will never give up. Just like you.” Kiriko said, “Don’t you have faith in your wife?” Ranma sighed and nodded.

“I just want her happy.” He said, “I know it’s not much but it’s all I have left. I can’t give anything else.”

“That’s all she needs, your love.” She said, “After what happened to you. I think it’s time for you to be happy as well.” He started to walk off.

“Me? Happy? Yeah right!” Kiriko looked after him and sighed. ‘Anna, he needs you as much as you need him. Take care of him.’ Anna continued with ‘Ranma’s basic training’, she was getting stronger, faster and better. Ranma looked on and saw his wife getting better, he smiled and nodded.

“She’ll be at my level, but no one can ever get to you Ran-chin.” Said Shizuru, he sighed.

“Great you’re calling me Ran-chin too huh? Will everyone stop busting my balls for a minute?” Later Ranma came to his little apartment he lives with Anna and Shinobu, “honey I’m...” He looked down and saw her out cold in the middle of the doorway, food and her schoolbooks were surrounding her. He shook his head and picked her up, so he can carry her to their room. He placed her down and tucked her in bed, he bent down to kiss her on her forehead.

The next morning, Ranma was making breakfast while Shinobu was doing the dishes. “AHHH, NOW I’VE REALLY DONE IT!” Screamed Anna she rushed out, “morning.”

“Morning,” said Shinobu.

“Morning, dear.” Said Ranma while finishing up breakfast. “Here we are, one healthy hearty breakfast.”

“No time, I’m late for morning training!” She said.

“Anna, SIT!” She came over and sat down across from him. “Look, I know we are cut from the same cloth. But if you keep pushing yourself, you’re going to burn out.” He said, “I’m not saying stop. I’m saying rest, that’s why I’m canceling training for the week.”


“Anna, I guess you didn’t hear me. I said, ‘YOU ARE BURNING OUT!’ Look part of being one of us is, also knowing when to relax. You’re in, but relax you don’t have to be me! I think the world can’t handle two of me. Okay?” She sighed and nodded.

“Alright Ran-chin.” She said.

“Also can we come up with a different pet name for me? Please?”

“What’s the matter? You don’t like ‘Ran-chin’? Why didn’t say anything?”

“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

“Can I call you Ran-chan?”

“I’d prefer it.”

“Ran-chan?” Said Shinobu.

“My old nick name, it explains what I am: a ‘Little Wild’.” They laughed; later Anna went to school and started to grumble under her breath though.

“Ran-chan, you big idiot! You jerk; I can’t believe you actually canceled training today! You jerk!” She slammed her locker and she saw one of her friends standing there. She was startled. They took her around the back.

“So, who’s Ran-chan?”

“Yeah, who is he?”

“My, uh, my cat!” She said, “Yeah that’s it.”

“Was that its name?”

“Sakura, you’re always questioning things.” Anna laughed nervously.

Meanwhile Ranma was at Mira’s gravesite and helping to clean it up.

‘I just didn’t want her pushing herself. The world doesn’t need another Ranma Saotome.’ Just then he got a message telling him that no one can ever fight alone. ‘But, I knew that. I already know that!’

Meanwhile Shizuru was visiting Koji in the hospital. “Wow, I didn’t know Ranma was married.” He said she smirked.

“Wait ‘til you meet her.” She said.

“Wow, that cute?”

“Mmm hmm, she’s even being called Ranma’s protégé. Even passed level S.”

“Level S? I gotta get outta here!”

“Will you relax? You’ll open your wounds.”

“I’m sorry I am a klutz am I?”

“Don’t worry, a lot things happened since you’ve been gone.”

“Like what?”

“I’ll explain everything later. But right now, I have to get home. If I stayed I’d betray my one true love.”

“One true love?”

“Um hmm, I just hope Anna doesn’t mind sharing him.” She giggled, “Oh by the way catch.” She tossed something to him and he caught it.

“What is it?”

“An expression of affection.”

Just then an alarm started blaring, “Commander! A mimetic beast is in hanger bay 3.”

“What? How did it get here?” Said Kagemaru, just then the head mechanic came on screen.

“Sorry sir, it must’ve snuck in with Club Mariner!” He said they told Kagemaru what it was made of, and then Kiriko came in.

“That’s not entirely true; it has a liquid-like center, like a huge jelly donut.” She said.

“Ma’am, I’m reading another life form.” Said Momochie, “it’s human!”

“It’s Hiyashi.” Said a mechanic.


“What was she doing back there?” He couldn’t explain.

The beast escaped and was headed for the city. Ranma was on his way, “get my Dannar ready!” He said.

“Its gonna take time!”

“Damn it! Hurry it up!”

Meanwhile it was continuing to run rampart through the city. Anna saw what was going on, “what was that?” She said they headed out to catch up with it.

“Doctor look at this.” Said Konami, they saw it chasing Anna.

“Oh dear,” said Kiriko.

“What the? Idiot, she’s crazy, she’s still in high school!” Said Ranma.

“You wrong, she’s not just any ordinary high school student. Anna is MY child, besides from what you told me. She’s just like you.”

“THAT’S WHAT I’M AFRAID OF! I’ve made too many mistakes!”

“But did she think it was a mistake falling for you? Did she think you ever made a mistake?”

“No, don’t make me live this again!”

“What was the look on her face when she told you she loved you? When she died?”


“Ranma, everything’s set!”

“Good, Dannar start up!” It did and Ranma was in it, he took off. Meanwhile Shizuru was wondering what was going on.

“Why is it chasing her?” She said, just then Ranma flew over her.

“Because we were the ones who took it out!” He said.

“Ran!” She said, meanwhile Anna lead it to the school and they went to were the robots were. But the beast showed up and attacked. Ranma was right behind it.

“Take this!” He said and knocked it off of Anna. “ANNA! SHINOBU!” That was when he saw what happened to them. He couldn’t take it anymore and Dannar was surrounded by white flames.

“MA’AM, WHAT’S GOING ON?” Said Momochie.

“Oh my god it’s the phoenix spirit.” Said Kiriko.

To be continued

End of chapter 4: Basic Training