Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Five

"I can call Shanks whatever I wants since he's the man who ruined my life!" said Buggy as he moved to explain his history.

Many years ago...

Two young boys were in the middle of an argument, one with a straw hat and one with a big red clown nose. The one in the Straw hat was making his point at this time, "I say the South Pole is the coldest of the two poles, it's a frozen continent after all."

"The North Pole is the coldest, it's made completely out of solid water. So it has much more ice and snow then the South Pole's frozen dirt, Shanks." said the one in the clown nose, as he seemed to be getting more and more upset. Shanks was also getting more and more upset as he entered the face of his opponent.

"Yes, but you don't need much cold to make water freeze. It takes a lot more cold to make a chunk of dirt, as you say, to freeze solid. This makes the South Pole the coldest, Buggy."

"It's the North Pole, you moron!" shouted Buggy as he charged to fight against Shanks, who proceeded to defend himself. This moved into a fight for a few minutes before an older man walked beside the fight and pulled the two of them away from each other by force.

"Stop it right now! Save it for the enemy, we're going into battle any time now." said the man as the ship moved next to another one.

Swords drawn, Buggy and Shanks moved to attack the enemy's crew. As they were fighting they were separated from each other. Buggy had charged ahead to cut down his foes. As he did this to one man, he saw paper sticking out of the man's shirt. Pulling it out, he saw it was some kind of map.

It was the orders to hand over any kind of map to the captain, but Buggy saw this as a way to make his fortune. He carefully hid the map into his own shirt as he moved to start fighting again.

Later that day...

The pirates in the crew had been having a party to celebrate their victory over their opponents. Buggy had been keeping himself away to hid the map he now held, while he had been keeping a few peeks at the map. He was memorizing all of the details he could make out. It was when someone called out his name, he stuffed the map into his shirt.

"Buggy, why aren't you joining the party? We managed to make a great score, even bigger then we thought. Turns out the ship had in it's hold a Devil Fruit of some kind. I once heard that all of the Devil's Fruits are the Sea Devil's incarnations. If you eat one, you gain a special ability, but you won't be able to swim ever again.

The captain says that's it worth at least a hundred million beli, maybe more for the right buyer. So you can bet that we'll be rolling in drinks when we hit the next port." shouted Shanks as he tried to bring Buggy to the party.

However, Buggy was getting another brainstorm as he looked for a way to slip from the crowd again. It was about fifteen minutes for him to get what he needed and then prepared for the show.

"I'm going to show how brave I am and eat this devil fruit!" said Buggy as he shoved a fruit with swirls on it before any of the men could stop him from swallowing. The crowd gasped at the shock of it and asked the young blue haired man if he was feeling alright. After a few questions, the crew had come to believe the devil fruit was a fake. Likely a scheme to cheat people for money, causing the men to leave in disappointment.

Buggy just smiled widely as he could feel the map and the real devil fruit inside his shirt. He then headed to the life boat for an escape.

'A map to treasure and a devil fruit to finance it, I'm going to have a powerful pirate crew. Better then anything this crew will ever do!' thought Buggy as he hid on the boat, before pulling out the devil fruit to look at it.

"Hey, Buggy!" came a voice as Buggy stuff the map with one hand into his shirt and the other hand shoved the devil fruit into his mouth. The voice of Shanks continued, "What are you grumbling about?"

"Oh, it's you. Don't startle me like that, I'm busy." mumbled the big nose pirate as his mouth was full of the whole devil fruit.

"What's with the expression? " started Shanks as he got up to leave. He continued to say, "If you're taking food, you had better stop. Cook's going to get upset with you. Buggy was just catching his breath after watching Shanks leave, when the voice scared him again.

"Oh yeah, the captain was saying...."

Buggy instinctively swallowed, as the huge fruit fell down his throat like a rock. A moment of silence occurred before the clown-like man grabbed the shirt of his crew-mate and started to strange him while screaming the idiot's name.

"What's with that paper floating over there?" asked Shanks as he pointed off the ship.

Turned around to see what was the map he had been hiding in his shirt, Buggy jumped off the boat after it. Only for all of his muscles to lock up once he was in the water. It was moments later when Shanks lifted him from the water and back to the ship.

Back in the present...

"So Shanks saved your life?" asked Luffy, curious about this turn of events.

"Not the point! Because of Shanks I was delayed in my mission due to the loss of the fruit's profit, plus I could no longer gain the treasure since it was buried underwater. So I decided to take all of the treasure on the land instead." said the clown captain as his top half burst up into the sky above Luffy.

"No one touches my treasures but me. Anyone else who touches it will die!" continued the red nose man before shrieking out about his treasure and unhanding it. Luffy turned and saw Nami carrying two huge bag of something, as splitsman moved in for the attack. So Luffy did something he had wanted to do after the pirate had hurt his treasure, a good old fashion crystal boot to the nuts. Even over the distance, Buggy's upper half winched and stopped in pain.

The crystal man turned and said, "Your opponent is me!"

Luffy returned to his human form and started to talk to Nami, "You better leave that treasure and run, cause he's not going to stop coming after you till you do."

"Leave the treasure here? Definitely not! This is my treasure and I am not just going to leave it here where anyone can pick it up. It's mine!" argued the orange haired girl as she made her case for keeping it.

"Those are your treasures?! " Buggy was slowly rising from his laying down position as half a man.

Yes, they're mine. I am a thief who steals from pirates! Now that I got what I was here to steal, the treasures are mine for the taking. They become mine, all mine!" shouted Nami as she was starting to get angry with her fist out.

"That makes sense, I think," said Luffy as he pounded his fist into his flattened hand.

"Bullshit! Those are my treasure! You think they're yours because you stole them from me! What kind of school did you go to?" yelled the clown as his mouth turned into a grimace and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as they filled with veins.

The thief just held a slight frown as she said, "A crook lecturing another kind of crook is... Ridiculous! " The final part of the words were said in a huge smile as she seemed to find the idea a huge joke.

"What!" came the shocked blue haired pirate. Luffy was watching, curious about how this was heading.

"I will not bring myself down to the same level as you pirates." she said with a smile as she stuck out her tongue at Buggy after she spoke.

"You better prepare yourself, girl! Chop Chop Festival!" shouted Buggy as his devil fruit ability was beginning to take effect. The captain's body took on little chunks and fat discs and flew to the location of his upper half which was also shifting, his head remaining solid.

"If you think you can help your friend, you had better do it now, freak-show!" said the enemy as he grinned his wicked grin! His chunks were floating after the young woman, who was now running from him. Nami was screaming as Buggy was laughing, when Luffy noticed one very interesting thing. Buggy's feet walking after his body.

Luffy took this moment to grab a foot and remove it from it's shoe, from it's stocking. He proceed to tickle it, and Buggy reacted in an annoyed manner. Luffy pinched the skin and Buggy grunted in pain. Luffy turned into Mr. Hand and held it with two hands while slamming the other two on it... Buggy stopped moving. Long enough for Nami to bash in the head of the floating clown with his, or Nami's. treasure. Or at least look like it.

Yet Buggy's hands managed to stop the bag while holding his knives as the ghastly pirate smiled and laughed before saying, "You've returned my treasure to me, how kind."

Nami was pulling and shaking the bag to get the bag of beli from the grasp of the greedy captain, as his hands managed to maintain their hold. Nothing broke the grin of the man with crossbones on his face. Then came a series of "Let go! " "No, you let go! " "I said let go first! "

Luffy moved quickly to the place where the thief and the pirate were battling over cash, moving quickly in his human form. As he approached, Buggy let go to make use of his twin blades on Nami. The clown did this with a cry of "Die" as he attacked. A green flash burst into the seen as Luffy changed. It could be measured in seconds as Luffy charged at superhuman speed as his new friend made the scene, pushing Buggy head first into the bag of treasure and bursting the cloth container.

"Mr. Fast on the scene," said the blue and black lizard man with wheels for feet. On his head was a black helmet like thing with a green x-shaped visor. his hands held blade like fingers as his ling striped tail stretched out behind him. The visor popped up to reveal a face with green eyes and sharp teeth.

"You shouldn't have forgotten I was your opponent. You can just charge that to the mayor!" said Luffy as he tried to make a witty comeback. Training with some of his friends had taught him to use that on occasion. A groove could be seen as Buggy fell at the end and lay on a pile of scatter, his chunks fallen all across the village streets.

Nami looked up to Luffy and said, "Thank you, you saved my life back there. If those knives had hit..."

"No Problem." was the reply from the lizard with a smile.

"It's not over yet, lizard-man! " came the voice of Buggy as his head floated in the air with a threatening aura around him.

"You're still alive?" came the blue alien's reply.

"Shut up! How dare you touch me when I was about to get my treasure back! You're on my list of people to kill! With Nami and Shanks! Reassemble! Chop Chop Parts!" said Buggy as he tried to summon all of the parts which he had lost in the battle. It was not as expected as the only parts to return was the hands and feet which merged with the head to create a mini-version of Buggy!

"What? " asked the clown, confused.

They all turned to see Nami tying a bundle tight with her foot on it to hold the ropes as hard as possible, inside the bundle was the collective parts of the rest of the body of the captain. The rope cut off all escape from all angles for the human flesh within the tied pile. Nami looked at the enemy and asked, "Are you looking for these?"

"My Parts! " yelled the Blue haired clown as Luffy began to laugh at the state before him, even turning back into his human form for the moment.

"No wonder you're a thief, Nami. You're really good at taking things when people aren't looking! " said Luffy as he changed again into Mr. Hand and picked up mini-Buggy and started to swing him around. After a few spins of his two largest arms, he threw the pirate captain into the air to a super-strength enhanced distance.

Luffy returned to human with the words, "I win! "

The straw hatted one managed to walk a short distance before finding his lost treasure, a much ripped and cut straw hat which had been laying on the street. Face shadowed he dusted it off as he looked at it.

"Your hat is damaged, what are you going to do?" asked Nami as her voice softened.

"It's alright, I can still wear it. That's what matters. Nothing to worry about since Buggy is defeated and all of his trouble has been taken care of. " said Luffy as his smile returned to his face.

Nami turned her head away from Luffy and whispered, "Don't worry about it, I'll help you mend it so it looks good as new."

"What? You said something?" asked Luffy as he turned his head to Nami.

"Nothing, nothing at all. " was the reply from the orange haired girl before she continued, "I had to split the treasure into two bags since that was all they had left. Can you help me carry one? They're really heavy."

"You don't give up when it comes to treasure, do you?"

"Seems like Buggy is selective about what he takes, everything he takes is the most valuable of all kinds of loot. All of it together these two bags are worth five million beli each, ten million total! " she smiled as she moved to two bags to the edges of her cheeks. She paused for a moment before unhanding a roll of paper.

"This is the map I stole from Buggy, it's a map of the Grand Line. If you want to be king of the pirates, you need this to enter the Line and find One Piece. It's a thank you for saving my life when you didn't have to." said Nami as Luffy jumped forward and took the map from her with a number of thank yous.

"Does this me you want to join my crew?" asked Luffy his excitement building.

"Didn't I tell you I hated pirates? I am not going to become one, I'm a thief and that's all to it. But it's okay, since I figure travelling with you and Zoro would help me need a tidy profit from the places you go. I'm only working with you, not for you in your crew. Remember that and we'll get along fine." said Nami as she moved from upset and disgusted to a more happy tone. Luffy smiled back before trying to wake Zoro up from his combat induced nap. Luffy then gave a quick explanation of what had happened. They then turned to look at the mayor that Luffy had knocked out.

As they approached, a mob arrived asking who they were and what they were doing there. It turned out they were the people of the village they were in and they didn't look happy as the looked upon all of the destruction in the village from Buggy and the battles. They asked for any kind of information Luffy and the rest could given on the pirates who had been there. Their attention turned to the mayor as they saw the unconscious older man. One of the villagers asked who could have done such a thing and why?

"Sorry, I had to knock him out." said Luffy as all eyes turned on him, villager and friend alike. Hatred in the eyes of the villagers was clear, as Nami was hoping that Luffy would shut up and she could come up with an explanation to calm things down.

"How could you say such a thing?" asked Nami, getting made at the weird boy.

"You saw it, Nami."

"I saw it, but it was for a good reason..." Nami was stopped by angry villagers with wooden sticks asking why their mayor was harmed. Villagers wanting no excuses and asking who they were, asking if they were connected with the pirates. Nami tried to come up with an explanation and hope nothing bad or stupid happened.

"We're pirates!" came the reply from Luffy, plain and stupidly simple.

"We thought so!" screamed the villagers as their anger boiled and Nami fell over from shock. Zoro was just laughing from the simply Luffy moment which passed.

"Idiot!" screamed an enraged Nami as Luffy tried to explain it was the truth. Villagers spoke as one as they blamed the destruction of the village on Luffy and his friends.

"Now what? They won't listen to anything you say anymore." said Zoro as he looked at Luffy.

Luffy just looked like he had no care in the world as he said, "They can meet my friend, Mr. Fast... and Run!"

Luffy changed into his lizard form and scooped up Nami, her treasure plus Zoro with his swords. Taking a trip to carry each of them with superhuman supersonic speed which made him looked like a blue and black blur. The villagers blinked for a minute as they tried to figure out what had happened.

On the beach with the boats, Luffy explained, "This is a good town, people willing to fight for their mayor and their town. But they were so angry with what had happened they would still be angry after we tried to explain, and likely not believed us. So why not tell the truth and have them be made at us for that reason instead."

"How did we get into this position?" asked Nami as they looked at the two boats.

"It's not that bad, we did everything we wanted to get done. Plus we have all of the things we came for too. So it's not that bad. Is that you're boat? It's Nice! "

"Not really, since I stole it from a bunch of Buggy's pirates..." It was then three pirates appeared from the stole boat threatening all before them. Beginning with Nami as they moved to Luffy before going for the sleeping man on Luffy's back, only for them to recognize Zoro and start running. Soon Luffy and Zoro was on their ship and Nami on hers, sailing off to the next adventure.

Before that happened they heard the mayor call out to them as he yelled out, "I'm sorry, I'll return the favour next time."

Luffy understood what he had meant for the help in taking down the Buggy Pirates and having the strength to knock the mayor out, no matter how noble the man's goals. He could have died and this would have hurt his village more then anything else. So Luffy yelled back, "Don't worry about it. Take it easy."

A few moments later Nami noticed something important, "Where's my second sack of treasure?"

"The villagers are going to need money to rebuild their town, so I gave it to them to help them out." answered Luffy without a worry himself.

"You idiot, that was my money. I stole it fair and square! You're going to pay me back double, no triple for each beli you cost me today. Even if I have to skin it from your monster changing hide." answered Nami with rages as he hands surrounded Luffy's neck as the two boats were close enough for it. While this was happening and Luffy was trying to get out of this, Zoro was laughing his ass off.