Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction / Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Whipped Creme ❯ Chapers 5-8 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Whipped Crème 5 Higher Lord D stepped into the house smiling at the vivacious bubble of energy that was Angel. “I am so glad to see you smiling again D-Chan. Did I say that right? I did some research, ok I asked around.” He laughed ushering Lord D to a parlor where a tea set was arranged. “I did learn how to make Oolong tea. JJ said that aside from White and Green teas it was your favorite.” Lord D started to speak but held his tongue as Angel continued. “ Mimi and Roger will be here shortly. I knew you got a record deal; I was unaware of the apartment. You are just too much.” Lord D could not help the soft laugh that he hid behind his hand. “I know you are a serious vegetarian and that you have a horrid sweet tooth that is not easily satisfied so I raided the bakery to find the best they had, I mean the sugar crystals on some of this stuff is bigger than the fruit.” Angel laughed glad to see his friend doing better.I hope everything is to your liking.” Lord D indicated the home.Absolutely,” Collins emerged from the kitchen wearing an apron. “We just wanted to let you know that I am opening my shop right here. While he is selling his creations, I will be serving mine. It will be a Café Boutique.”How ingenious, I am happy for you.” Lord D accepted a cup of tea. He sipped then smiled to show his pleasure. “JJ sends his regrets he had to work today.” Lord D explained.But then who has your children?” Angel asked sitting beside Lord D trying his creation. He smiled to find the tea so delicious. Perhaps with a bit less sugar, than Lord D’s but still good.My parents, they are keeping all the children for a few days.”All?” Collins asked.Yes, my two, Little Aoi and Chris, Bikky, Rain, and Lyo will all be at my parents until next week.”There must be big plans for Valentine’s day.” Lord D blushed saying nothing he reached into his sleeve extracting an invitation for the Valentine’s ball on Wednesday and the Arcadian Fire festival the following Saturday. Break Ryo walked over to Dee placing his hand on his arm. “Dee,” Ryo said quietly forcing his eyes away from the woman that stood before them.No Ryo…” Dee shook the hand off. “No…” Dee stormed away from them leaving the garage. Ryo blinked away tears then looked again at her.Hello I am…Randy,”Ryo,” She said with a trembling smile. “I have followed all of his cases. I know he was with you in New York. I said I would give up watching after him when you guys moved here but… Then I received a letter about my cousin’s death. I looked into who had taken in the child and I saw his name again. I thought, this can’t be a coincidence right.”Your cousin?” Ryo questioned looking at Rain’s bright green eyes.I have been rude, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Renee Spencer. Patricia Cornwall, your mother,” She looked at Rain. “Was my cousin.” Rain gasped staring at the woman that was a stranger to him. “Your mother left the family to be with the man she loved. I left to hide my shame. None of them know where I am or that I bore a child. None of them know that I… Abandoned him.” Renee sobbed causing Ryo to reach for her. “Go after him. Find him please. I’ll go and never contact you again, but please make him ok. I know you can.”No,” Ryo said softly. “If you leave, you will truly be abandoning him. He needs his time. He will come home and then I will make it ok. Why don’t you come with us? Are you staying somewhere in town?” Renee shook her head feeling pain at Ryo’s gentle kindness. “I just arrived this morning, I came by here to pick up a few things and then I saw you all…” Renee trailed off looking in the direction that Dee had taken. “Will he be…”Don’t worry, when he cools off, he will come home and I will take care of him.” Ryo smiled at Renee as he opened the passenger door for her. “Come along now, Rain has rehearsal and we should have left fifteen minutes ago if he is not to be late.”Aw man, with you driving,” Bikky got into the car and made a show of buckling his seatbelt. “We should have left yesterday.” Ryo turned a chagrined frown on Bikky before he reached back and plucked his nose. “Ow,” Bikky complained rubbing the slight injury. “See that? Rain’s a witness.”Huh,” Rain looked up from his journal.Never mind,” Bikky muttered smiling at Ryo glad that his ploy to make Renee comfortable worked. She was sitting in the car watching the interplay with a slight smile. Ryo inserted the key into the ignition then fought with the gears. “Dee would drive a stick… Ryo the clutch.” Bikky breathed a sigh of relief as Ryo made it out of the parking spot. Rain stared wide-eyed in horror as the car lurched down the road. Break Chihaya stared into his tea while Kagetsuya bustled about making lunch. “Kage-kun.” Kagetsuya looked over at the fluffy haired angel with mild interest. “Do you ever miss Eden?” Kagetsuya thought hard about the question as he remembered their beautiful homeland. If he closed his eyes he could almost smell the gardens. “Sometimes,” he admitted sitting beside Chihaya taking off his apron as he sat plates on the table. “But then I remember,” Kagetsuya took Chihaya’s hand in his own. He brought the small appendage to his lips to place kisses along the white knuckles. “That if I had stayed there I couldn’t keep you, then I don’t miss it at all.” Chihaya smiled squeezing Kagetsuya’s hand. “Last night I had a dream. I knew it was sent to me, but still it made me feel…” Chihaya sighed. “You were doing great until you paired up with me.”No, I was a walking corpse, then you looked at me with those bug eyes and that smile and it seemed as if the sun found my little hovel and I walked into paradise when I walked into your arms.” Chihaya felt tears spill down his cheeks. Lunch was forgotten as Kagetsuya pulled Chihaya to his feet. “Come here little one, let me show you.” Chihaya's eyes widened as he followed Kagetsuya to their bedroom. It was always a wonderful experience when Kagetsuya made love to him. Chihaya took a moment to remember the way it was before. Though Kagetsuya was gentle and caring, it had hurt and Chihaya had found no pleasure in the act. Chihaya could not even think of submitting now withought the thoughts of the pleasure he would soon recieve. Kagetsuya pulled him into the room leaving the door open and all the blinds open. He loved the sight of Chiyaha writhing in the bright sunlight. It was the best turn on he could think of. Kagetsuya pulled the clothes from Chihaya's body kissing every available space. He found the cherry red nipples and allowed his tongue to dance in lazy circles. Chihaya's breath caught in his throat. He bit his lips as small needful moans began to escape. "Kage-Kun..." He whispered tugging on Kagetsuya's shirt. "That's right my darling, tell me what you like." Kagetsuya urged peeling the shorts from Chihaya's shifting hips. Kagetsuya smiled to see Chihaya already excited and dripping onto his smooth, taut stomache. Chihaya gasped lifting his hips in invitation as Kagetsuya grasped him firmly stroking. The blond licked his lips before pressing them against Chihaya's member loving the salty sweet taste of his lover. "Yes, Kage-Kun, yes," Chihaya tunneled his slim fingers through Kagetsuya's hair. He had been surprised at his own wanton behavior, but he would not let embarassment halt his pleasure. Count D and Ryo had told him to enjoy and he was more than determined to. "Yes Kage- Yes, Lick... Suck..." Chihaya cried out as Kagetsuya took him fully into his mouth. Chihaya moved angeling his body until he was facing Kagetsuya's need. With a smile he licked around the dripping head of his lovers erection. "So good," Chihaya cried out feeling Kagetsuya's fingers probing his most intimate places. He relaxed allowing the fingers to penetrate him. He gasped then sucked Kagetsuya fully into his mouth. "Chi...Ha...Ya..." Kagetsuya managed to say around his mouthful of throbbing manhood. Kagetsuya knew he would not last much longer. He had to end this or come across Chihaya's beautiful lips. Kagetsuya tried to ignore the mewled protest as he pulled away from his mouth. Kagetsuya sat Chihaya in his lap licking his way across the creamy chest. Chihaya wriggled as Kagetsuya continued to fondle and lube his entrance as their tongues began a duel that neither wanted to win. "Relax Chihaya, let me love you," Kagetsuya urged easing his fingers away so that he press himself in. "Oh... Kage-Kun..." Chihaya felt the fullness as it pressed inside him. The initial discomfort passed so quikly now that he barely even noticed it. Chihaya began to shift his hips lifting and falling in a frenzy of movement that he knew would soon send them both to the edge. Chihaya kept moving in wild gyrations, he had reached the edge and was uncaring of the danger. Holding tight to Kagetsuya Chihaya rode until he tumbled off shouting Kagetsuya's name in complete surrender. He could feel the thick, warm flood as Kagetsuya released inside of him. He smiled as he sat on his lover knowing that soon they would need a bath. He could already feel the excess of Kagetsuya's enjoyment creeping down his thighs. Kagetsuya claimed his swollen lips. "Do you see, why I do not miss it?" "Yes, Oh Kage-Kun... Yes," Break Rain entered the consulate looking around glad to be there in one piece. Bikky had not told a falsehood when he claimed Ryo was a poor driver. Bikky stood beside him having jumped from the car claiming to want to attend the rehearsal with Rain. “I’ll ask Nestoir to drop us off at home. ‘Kay!” Bikky waved. “Now you go find Dee.” Bikky waved. “Man,” Bikky shook his head as Ryo drove off. “I am not getting in another car with him behind the wheel.” Rain was silent as he nodded he walked into the large room where the rest of the Arcadian’s were lounging about. Bikky hung back as Rain was greeted. He saw Lady Clarisande bent over double with her arms wrapped around her knees. Piles of silky black hair brushed the floor as she moved her arms to raise a single leg. Bikky tilted his head to side watching as she then uncurled placing her back on the floor raising her arms. “Interesting the way female bodies can look so beautiful is it not?” Bikky was startled to find Daphnus beside him securing his waist length hair in a ponytail.Ah huh,” Bikky tried hard not to stare. He was used to pretty men, heck, he lived two of them, and saw the D’s on a regular basis, but Daphnus… was so pretty it was frightening. “I mean… Hi.” Bikky lowered his head in a formal nod of greeting that he had picked up hanging around the palace.Never mind all that,” Daphnus waved away the formality. “Sit and be comfortable, enjoy.” Bikky watched as Rain was taken to a piano where Daphnus sat beside the silent Angel prince. His golden head seemed to glow in the beam of sunlight that splashed wildly in through the wall of windows in the large studio. “Warm-ups.” Daphnus announced calling the group to surround the grand piano. Daphnus called each member separately putting them through the scale of their vocal range. Bikky’s ears perked up when Rain was called. He had never understood the extent of Rain’s talent. Hearing the variations of his highs and lows Bikky’s jaw dropped. The vocal warm ups ended and Clarisande then lead the group in many stretches and work out dances. Daphnus then took over again with the actual songs they planned to perform. Bikky tried not to laugh at how out place Rain looked as he tried to copy the faster dance moves. At his birthday party Bikky had suspected as much, now he knew for sure. His brother could not dance. Sure he could do tap dancing and theater choreography, but this type of hip-hoppy-modern-esque dancing left him out of tune. “Hold up…” Bikky called interrupting the rehearsal. “Rain…Rain, come here. Work with me.” Daphnus held up his hand at the servant prepared to upbraid Bikky for his rudeness. “Put a little sexy in those hips.” Bikky then copied the move exactly as Daphnus had demonstrated it. Daphnus smiled, perhaps one brother could sing for the group and the other… Andy saw the smirk on her friends face as he watched Bikky coach Rain. Rain was still awkward, but by the time they called for a break, with Bikky’s help he was improving. As the last few songs were sung for the day and the sun disappeared behind a large mountain Rain was more comfortable with the group. He was laughing with Nestoir as Daphnus announced that the long rehearsal was over. Bikky watched as the Angel prince stared at Rain. He tossed an iridescent bubble over him. Bikky walked forward to protect Rain and gasped as he felt winds swirl around them both. Prince Angel leaned his head as he stared at them both. He looked at Rain then made a hand signal to Daphnus. When his eyes fell to Bikky, Bikky was surprised to be staring in cobalt blue orbs that seemed to pierce every part of his being. The prince made a final hand signal before, with a wave of his hand, he vanished from the room.Wind and flames,” Andy interpreted the signing. She looked at both boys a smile curving her lips. “Mages both. Our influence happened early enough in your lives that you are forever marked by it.” Andy was laughing as she left the room. “My children no doubt miss me, lord knows I miss them.” Nestoir grinned and followed his wife leaving Daphnus the chore of taking the boys home. Break After making sure that Renee was settled in with Alicia and Lyo, Ryo went in search of Dee. He found him just where he thought he would be. The club where they had first had coffee with Count D and Leon, where they had first met the Arcadians. Dee leaned against the building. He flinched when Ryo came to a jerking halt. “Did you hurt it?” Dee asked dropping his cigarette as Ryo approached.Shut up,” Ryo said softly handing him the keys.Sorry baby,” Dee pulled Ryo into his arms burying his face in the soft joint of Ryo’s smooth, sweet-smelling neck. While sweet, the scent was masculine, entirely Ryo.Koibito,” Ryo whispered lifting Dee’s face to his own. Not giving him a chance to speak Dee pressed their lips together. Ryo submitted to the probing offering his mouth as a solace for emotions that were driving Dee mad. He felt wetness on his face as Dee’s tears hit his cheeks. The kiss turned harsh as Dee’s sobs intensified. Ryo held on to Dee stroking his back. Dee broke away when he could not breath, too choked up to say or do anything more than hold on to Ryo. “Come home, love.” Dee nodded wiping his face then rubbing his hands on his jeans shunning the handkerchief that Ryo offered him. “I’ll drive,” Dee sniffled.Shut up,” Ryo lightly punched Dee in the arm. The night wind howled a lonely song as Dee started the car and headed home. Break Leon whistled as he hung up the telephone. Count D raised his eyes from his embroidery. Leon looked into their endless depths and felt his heart melt. Even after all this time D still did things to him. “Yes?” D asked when Leon did nothing but stare at him. Aoi happily sat with Chris watching him do his homework. Leon would place wagers that the child was a genius. Leon still said nothing and D sighed. “Chris, are you almost done?” Chris looked up at Count D then saw his brother practically drooling as he looked at the deep blue silk clad Count. Chris smirked thinking that Snow White would envy the Count’s complexion.Just finished, why don’t I take Jewel and get her ready for bed?” Chris stood to his feet packing away his things. Slinging his backpack over his arms he picked then bent to retrieve his niece. As he left the room he heard Count D sigh. He looked back to see Leon licking a trail up the Count’s neck. Chris stifled a laugh as he left them alone.Leon,” D managed to separate himself from Leon. “What did Ryo…” Before he could finish the question Leon captured him again.Dee’s mother… showed up… he…Dee I mean… Is freaking out… Ryo went to find him…. Dee will… Freak… Out even more… when he realizes… that Ryo… Drove his car…” Leon explained in between attempts to eat Count D from his clothes.Ah…” Count D muttered not caring that Leon ruined his Cheongsam by pulling off the buttons instead of undoing them. A pile of deliciously haphazard yards of silk soon surrounded him. His pale skin seeming to glow in the dim light of the shop Leon pulled him to his feet gathering up his treasure he headed for their bedroom. Count D smiled, no matter how many times it happened, he would always love when Leon carried him to bed. Leon always cradled him so carefully his larger, strong hands holding him tight. "I am going to love you all night." Leon whispered the words into Count D's small ear eliciting a heated shiver from his beautiful body. "i want to hear you panting and crying. I want to taste your pleasure." "Leon," Count D gasped feeling his skin heat in a blush as it always did when Leon found it necessary to shock him with his words. Leon deposited D on the bed careful not to tangle him the yards of falling silk. D reached to remove the hanging garments but Leon reached up to stay his hand. "No, baby, you are my gift, I get to unwrap you." Leon removed his shirt then loosened his pants. In moments he was tugging the large sleeves of Count D's robes over his fingers marveling at the artfully designed nails. The painted white flowers over the dark blue backdrop was a perfect match for the ensemble the delicate looking Kami had worn. "Leon..." Count D sighed when Leon's lips found a taught nipple. "So sweet," Leon mummured against the skin he was nuzzling. The taste of his lover would forever bedazzle his senses. He licked fervantly wanting more of the shockingly sweet flavor. Count D dragged his long fingers through Leon's wild mane of blond hair holding his head to his body. Tremors wracked his slight frame as Leon gently chewed and suckled his aching nipples his free hand pinching where his mouth left off. "So good." "Yes... Leon..." Count D moaned feeling Leon's fingers slip around his burgeoning excitement. "Let go," Leon urged licking a trail to the appendage he had captured. "Let me drink you." Count D cried out as Leon took him fully into his mouth sucking hard. Leon smiled around his mouthful of quivering flesh as D released himself on a wave of hot sensation. Leon worked his throat furiously swallowing the heavy sweetness that was D. It coated his tongue leaving him feeling intoxicated. "Leon... Leon, Leon," D panted spreading his legs pulling Leon to nestle between them. "I want..." "That's right, Baby, tell me what you want." Leon urged coating his fingers with lubricant and probing the intimate places of D's willing body. D's hips raised in time to the stroking fingers as his body relaxed into an imitation of the act soon to come. "Take me Leon," D groaned when another finger joined the first. "I want you inside of me." "Will you come for me again?" Leon asked sliding his fingers out one by one then returning them slowly enjoying Count D's whimpers. "Will you let me hear your pleasure?" "Yes... Oh..." Count D melted against the bed as Leon shifted his body removing his fingers once and for all. He placed the dripping head of his member against D's opening circling his hips loosening the muscles that clenched around him greedily taking him in. Leon rode D trying to be gentle. "Leon... More..." D begged losing all sense of reason as he raised his legs and wrapped them securely around Leon's waist. Leon listened to the hitching in D's breathing and could feel the clenching of his muscles. He angled himself making sure to hit D's pleasure spot with each thrust taking himself closer with each movement into D's pliant body. "D..." Leon cried out as D's body clenched down tightly. He spilled himself over both of their tummies smiling contentedly. Leon closed his eyes as he crested a wave of bliss deep inside of Count D's body. He collapsed beside him spent holding him tightly. He looked at the cooling mess on Count D's belly. With a wicked gleam in his eyes Leon leaned down dragging his tongue across the pearly skin cleaning up the evidence of their love. Break JJ smiled as he hung up the phone. “Love,” He called to Lord D who had just spent the pleasant dinner telling him of his tea with Angel, Collins, Mimi and Roger. “Jeremy and Berkeley will be here tomorrow. They will not be staying long however. They will be finding their own place soon. It seems that Berkeley asked him to move in with him.” JJ grinned as he went to help put their boys to bed.Truly, I am glad they are happy.” Lord D said kissing each boy. He moved aside for JJ to do the same. He entered their bedroom and began to disrobe for the evening. As he freed his hair and dragged a brush through the midnight locks he smiled when JJ took the brush from him.Let me,” JJ whispered taking over the chore loving the way the silky strands felt against his hands. Lord D relaxed into the soft cushion and JJ. His eyes closed in bliss at the ministrations of JJ’s hands. JJ sat the article on the vanity. He gathered all of Lord D’s hair in his hands to move it aside exposing his throat. JJ stared at the pulse there before he placed his lips over it. Sucking softly he knew he left a mark on the delicate skin. Lord D’s breath caught and he allowed himself to be stood to his feet and gently undressed. JJ marveled at the pale, beautiful skin that was revealed to his hungry eyes as mounds of silk fell about dainty feet. "You are so unbelievbly beautiful." JJ's whispered words sounded almost reverent as he brought his lips in to contact with Lord D's. Lord D sighed into the moist touch trembling with thoughts of what Jj would soon do to him. Or not, Lord D thought fingering the tube of lube as JJ sat him on the bed. "You want me?" JJ asked with a smirk and a wink as he undressed. Crawling onto the bed he pushed Lord D onto his back. "Jemi-Chan..." Lord D moaned as JJ began to suck and nuzzle between his spread legs. JJ angled his body until his need was near Lord D's mouth. Lord D opened his lips admitting JJ's dripping member. JJ relaxed into the mutual sucking he felt a slim finger with the nail purposfully blunted coaxing his muscles to relax. JJ sighed admitting the finger into his portal glad of Lord D's versatility. "Yeah, Darling, I'm there." JJ moved on the bed until he was on all fours. Looking over his shouder his encouraged Lord D to lube himself. JJ leaned down on his elbows offering his body for possession. Lord D was gentle as he placed his hands on JJ's hips. He pressed forward filling JJ with his own body. "Yes, Precious... Just like that." JJ whimpered as Lord D began the slow movements sure to keep them occupied the whole night long. Break Ryo opened the door of the house preparing for Dee’s reaction upon the sight of his mother sitting on their couch. Ryo flinched as Dee looked at her as if he did not see her, turned and entered the kitchen. “I’m starved Baby,” Dee said opening the fridge.Dee,” Ryo began giving Renee an apologetic look as tears gathered in her eyes. She had complimented Ryo in every possible way on their home. Dee stood in the light of the fridge staring unseeing at he contents. “Dee,” Ryo tried again causing Dee to slam the door so hard that it reopened. Ryo went to shut it softly glad that nothing had spilled inside. Dee prepared to shove past Ryo and head to their bedroom. Ryo growled grabbing Dee’s arm. “Kuso, Koibito, Hanasu yo-!”What do you want me to say Ryo!?” Dee exploded falling against Ryo glad that despite his size Ryo could hold him.How about…” Ryo looked deep into Dee’s deep green eyes. The eyes that had entranced him since the day they had met. “Hello.” Dee’s lip trembled and he firmed his. His shoulders lowered and he straitened them. Holding tight to Ryo’s hand he walked into the living room. Pulling Ryo in beside him he sat across from Renee. He looked into eyes so like his own it was painful. “Hello…Mother.” Renee collapsed into sobs hearing the words she had long decided that she did not deserve. Break Ryo had long since excused himself. He had made sure that the boys had taken a bath after dinner. Ryo had apologized for the necessity of pizza before looking in on Alicia. She had chosen to sleep on an air mattress in Lyo’s room. Leaving the Spare for Renee. Rain had chosen not to dwell on the fact that the lady was his cousin. Ryo then found his own bed. Thinking it was much too big without Dee. Ryo awakened to feel soft nibbling and licking along his lips. He opened his mouth to Dee’s tongue sighing as he realized that he had somehow lost his pajamas. He would not waste time wondering when Dee had undressed him. Ryo simply gave in to Dee’s need because they so closely mirrored his own. Dee found the pale pink nipples and sucked them deeply into his mouth. Ryo cried out when Dee's teeth lightly grazed his sensitive flesh. "Dee," Ryo licked his lips aas he could feel his face heating. He needed Dee inside him. "Hold on Baby, let me get you ready." Dee murmmured sliding down the bed. He saw Ryo, hard, dripping, and delicious. With a grin he trailed his tongue from the base to the tip and back again. Paying close attention to his lovers sack Dee nuzzled. He could feel them tighten and was glad that he had teased Ryo's body even before he had awakened. Ryo's breath caught as he felt a molten wave of pleasure rocket through his body. "Dee... I'm..." Ryo tried to warn Dee of the imminent explosion. "I know baby..." Dee sucked Ryo in whole. Ryo cried out loudly as his body released into Dee's waiting mouth. Ryo collapsed back onto the bed panting he canted his hips in shock when two of Dee's fingers entered him swiftly. "Like that?" Dee asked as a moan escaped Ryo's lush lips. He knew Ryo had been unprepared for the assault, but his muscles were still relaxed from his orgasm and he knew the surprised pleasure could send him to the brink again. Ryo whimprered nearly weeping as his body was forced to release again so close to the last time. "Dee..." Ryo managed no further words. He tugged until Dee was on top of him. "No Baby, get on your knees." Dee whispered into Ryo's ear. "I need to be deep," Dee urged moving to help Ryo find a comfortable position. Dee placed a pillow under Ryo's head making sure that his back arched comfortably. Dee pushed Ryo's legs apart and then took a moment to look at the beautiful picture he presented. he saw the long, strong, pale, beautiful legs going all the way up to a juncture of unsurpassed loveliness. He saw the small opening blossoming and could not help but to press a kiss there. Ryo hissed crying out loudly as Dee's tongue probed for entry. "Dee... Dee... Right there." Ryo wiggled his hips feeling shameless in his quest of pleasure. Dee reinserted his fingers as he loosened Ryo. Soon, he knew, he would have to be inside of him. Dee waited until Ryo was moaning on every stroke before he kneeled behind him pressing inside. A long wail built in Ryo's throat working it's way out as Dee possessed him. "Yes," Ryo sobbed as Dee rocked their hips together taking him to familiar, frightening heights of pleasure. "Yes..." Ryo choked on the need he could hear in his own voice. "Ryo..." Dee's strangled cry could be heard as he joined Ryo in a violent release deep inside the pale beauty's tight channel. Dee and Ryo collapsed onto the bed panting. "Oh Baby, I love you." Dee whispered pressing a kiss to Ryo's damp, honey colored locks. "Ai shite iru, Dee, Ai shite iru." Ryo's breathy words wrapped around Dee's heart melting it on contact. Holding tight to each other they fell ito a heavy slumber. To Be Continued Whipped Crème 6 sweet and bitterWhy do birds suddenly appear, every time… You are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you. Why do stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be close to you. On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes so true.” Renee opened her eyes reluctantly. She blinked several times listening to the singing coming from the room across the hall.Just like me, they long to be… Close to you,” Renee smiled feeling her heart lift at the sweet voice that she heard.Rain,” Renee looked up to see the dark skinned young man with the startling blond hair and blue eyes looking at her. “That is Rain, sometimes he practices in his room. The singing he does great, he needs to work on shaking his butt. Ryo told me to let you know that he is making breakfast. The guys have to work today so we are going to the pet shop. You are welcome to stay here if you want.” Bikky turned to leave causing Renee to be glad that she had slept in flannel pants and a large t-shirt. Last night she had found it odd that there were no locks on the doors of the bedrooms in this house. She got up and passed Rain’s door to see him standing brushing his hair as he sang. “Hey, singing beauty, come down for breakfast.” Bikky called tapping the door and running downstairs. Rain turned to see Renee staring at him. He smiled and padded barefoot down the stairs. He dropped into a chair just as Ryo was securing Lyo’s booster seat. “Morning,” He offered embarrassed as Renee continued to gaze at him. Renee thought it prudent not to comment on the large size of his pajamas. He was practically swimming in the flannel pants and t-shirt.I am sorry, I just… I see your father in you.” Renee offered causing Rain to gasp. Dee entered the room and Renee blushed looking away from her son.Is something wrong?” Ryo asked concerned as she continued to stare at her empty plate. Renee looked up to see Ryo dressed for the day in tan slacks and a yellow shirt. He looked like a living beam of sunlight with his light colored hair and pale skin. Bikky emerged from the kitchen carrying a platter of pancakes. Dee sat down his burden of eggs and bacon. “Rain drink your tea,” Ryo reminded the boy. Rain nodded silent as he thought over Renee’s words.You had to go to the bathroom last night,” Rain commented as Renee continued to blush. “You get used to it after a while,” Rain laughed at Ryo’s embarrassment as his words began to make sense. “Bikky and I have both learned to empty our bladders before we get into bed.”Perhaps it would be best to have Count D soundproof your room.” Bikky offered as Ryo’s face flamed even worse as he thought of all the noise he had made the previous night.Yes perhaps that would be best,” Dee offered with a soft smile as he ran his fingers through Ryo’s hair. “Considering…” Dee let the words hang, as Ryo turned redder.Considering?” Alicia asked laughing as she remembered the budding beginning of their relationship when they had been in New York. Ryo had been so shy and unsure of himself in his love for Dee.I got a whole lot of toys…”Syrup?” Ryo offered Renee as he shoved a forkful of eggs into Dee’s mouth. Renee was amazed that while attempting to choke her son with breakfast he managed to pour syrup over her pancakes with a steady hand. Renee could no more stop breathing than she could stop the laugh the spilled forth. Ryo sat at the table peeking at Dee underneath the fluffy fringe of honey colored bangs a smile lifting his mouth. Renee gasped seeing how her son had come to love this beautiful, dark-eyed man.You boys will be at the house with us tonight and tomorrow after school you will go to the consulate.” Dee explained as he looked away from Ryo before he gave in to the urge and reached across the table and mauled him.Oh, so now we talk?” Alicia said with a playful grin glad to see the two detectives in such an easy intimacy. “I was having fun watching you watch him like he was something good to eat.”He is,” Dee winked at Ryo then turned back to the boys. “We will be at the consulate and you have your cells if you need us. Don’t give Sofu any trouble. I would hate to see what he or Lady Aurora would do to you.” Bikky and Rain both audibly gulped. “Speaking of the consulate Alicia, Ryo and I have been talking.” Alicia looked up at Ryo then focused on Dee. Alicia felt out of place as she watched Ryo help Lyo with his breakfast. Every need the child could have needed was seen to before she even thought about it.Yes,” Alicia tried not to be hurt that Ryo had so easily taken her place.It is not safe for you to remain here, and yet neither would it be fair of us to send you out of your son’s life. If you are willing, Ryo can have you accepted into the eastern dragon court of Arcadia.” Dee explained looking at Ryo.I would no longer be an American?” Alicia asked thinking about the possibility. “I could keep Lyo with me?”Actually,” Ryo spoke up feeling tears threaten at what he would have to say. “He stays here. You said you relinquished all rights to him, I will hold you to that.” Alicia felt anger hot and thick sweep through her as she looked at her son as he clung to Ryo even as he ate his breakfast. “What do you think you can do to sway the Arcadians? I hear they have some weird royal system going and… Why would they listen to you?”I do believe they will do as I request.” Ryo said with a small smile. “At least this way you will be in his life.”Why would they? If you want me to leave fine, but don’t offer me false hope.” Alicia sobbed thinking that even if she left her son here, if she lived with the Arcadians she would be able to at least see her son grow up. Be involved with his life without the fear of her own. “Why would they listen to you?”Because he’s a prince.” Bikky said hating the anguish on Ryo’s face. “Ryo is to be crowned as a prince of the eastern dragon clan.” Renee choked on her coffee she turned wide eyes to Dee who smirked at her. “Guess I married up.” He laughed going back to his meal. “Rain, your tea.” Dee urged seeing the cup untouched as Rain simply picked at his food. “Rain?”You knew my mother?” Rain asked Renee. Alicia momentarily gave up the conversation as she looked at the beautiful young man that sat at the table.Yes, and your father. I was with her the day they met. We were so young then. It was before…” Renee smiled choosing not to think about the past. “As we grew up, every one could tell they were getting too close. Auntie Grace tried to send Patricia away to school, but they wrote letters. When Auntie Grace tried to have them intercepted, your father drove five hours just to see her. I don’t know much after that. Soon I left and… Then I got in touch with her several years later. It was an accident.” Renee paused and looked sad. “She showed me a picture of you. You were five I think. She told me about Thunder, I am sorry.” Renee touched Rain’s hand and gasped when he moved it out of reach. Ryo noted his movement and grew worried. “Rain,” He began but Renee continued.Then we kept in touch, I begged her not to tell the family where I was, or even that she had contacted me. When she told me she was seeing a new guy, William… Johnston I think…” Renee paused thinking of the name. She looked at Rain for confirmation. “She said he was handsome. Ha! She always had great luck with guys.” Rain charged to his feet knocking over his chair and spilling his tea. “It would be a shame to forget my homework after Ryo spent so much time…” Rain could not finish. Rain gulped air into his lungs before he stormed upstairs.Oh… Rain,” Ryo got to his feet handing Lyo to Dee as he went after the troubled young man. What… Did I say?” Renee asked perplexed as she thought over the conversation. “Oh no… he’s the one right? I am such an idiot, he’s the one that killed her.”There are several details of the case that we did not release to the press.” Dee explained. Bikky, not wanting to hear it, took Lyo upstairs leaving Alicia to stare after him. Ryo made it upstairs in time to hear the shower turn on. With a sigh he headed back downstairs. Ryo was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Alicia and Renee tried to get to know one another but the tension in the house soon left them sitting in silence watching Ryo as he cleaned. Both of the women had offered aid, but he had shaken his head. Ryo was about to go upstairs then paused. Rain was coming back downstairs with his backpack. Ryo shrugged and headed into the kitchen. He filled a thermos with Rain’s tea. Handing the concoction to the boy they all filed out of the house heading for school and work. Break Randolph was fit to kill. He had intended to go to Ryo and Dee’s last night, but when he had entered the backyard he had seen someone already standing there looking up at his tree. Who the hell was that? Who did he think he was looking at them while they were intimate? Only Randolph had the right to see Ryo so exposed and vulnerable, so pliant and enraptured, so beautiful. Randolph gasped when he heard the soft voice of Ryo talking in low tones as he walked the halls of the precinct.Grandfather, I am glad that you find this situation so amusing.” Ryo was saying into his cell phone. “I would love to come by earlier, but the new commissioner is being instated today. I know him, we worked together on several cases.” Ryo paused to laugh. “You are behaving like a spoiled child… Yeah I know brave words,” Ryo agreed. “What are you going to do… eat me? Ha Ha...” Ryo mocked, “You just might,” Ryo was still laughing as he entered the office. Leon waved at Ryo and Dee going back to his files. Randolph tried to look busy as if he had not been listening intently on the conversation. “Grandfather, I have a question about my training… When does it start? This weekend does not give me much time to learn anything.” Ryo listened for a while before he hung up looking disgruntled at his grandfather’s words. “Do not worry. It is in your blood.”Baby,” Dee called placing a kiss behind Ryo’s ear. “Come on, Rose is here.” Ryo smiled leaning is body into Dee’s and left the office. Randolph stared after them. Taking a moment to assure himself that it was safe to stand he followed them. Better pay his respects now. Langston was furious. No matter how he tried to inform the new Commissioner about Laytner, Orcot, MacLean, and Jameson the man refused to take the hint. What did he have to do? Langston was about to spell it out in clear terms when several officers entering the room interrupted them. The bane of his existence was among them laughing and joking as they settled into their seats. “Yo! Rose,” Dee called, “You on for Wednesday?”Detective Laytner please conduct yourself as an adult and not some uncouth teenager.” Rose frowned over the rim of his glasses. Dee grinned shamelessly waiting for his question to be answered. “Yes, I received my invitation from the Arcadians and Jeremy will be accompanying me.” Langston frowned… they knew each other? So the man must know. No wonder he had not heeded his words. Langston felt a satisfied smile creep over his face. He was so busy thinking that the new commissioner would settle matters that he did not hear the man claim another male as his date.Now Gentlemen,” Rose said he nodded and several officers placed several large boxes on his desk. Langston wondered at the many files he could see inside. “This is the level of excellence I expect.” He addressed the officers in the room with a knowing smirk at Langston he continued. “In these boxes are cases, solved cases. I want you all to emulate the team of Orcot, Laytner, MacLean, Jameson and (FIND JILL”S LAST NAME). You are dismissed.” As the crowd dispersed Langston looked into the case files. Many were high profile. He felt stunned. “They are all damned good detectives. I know you are recent to this precinct. If their proclivities bother you, you can be transferred.” Rose said no more. He left Langston with his jaw dropped. Langston sat behind the table looking through the cases becoming amazed at the caliber of men he had in his precinct. Break Rain was so red Bikky worried he might faint. Maybe he should stop. Even as the thought crossed his mind he nudged Rain into looking as the cheerleaders warmed up. “Julie is cute today.” Bikky said laughing. His laughter died as he yelped in pain. Rain’s bright eyes lifted to see Carol holding tight to his loosening ponytail. “Ah… Ow… Carol!” Bikky grimaced trying to pry her fingers loose without loosing too much hair.So,” Carol fumed releasing him to stand with hands on her hips as she glared at Bikky. “You think little Julie is cute?”No babe… Rain does.” Rain gasped looking around to make sure that no one had overheard Bikky. Taking in Rain’s startled reaction Carol decided that Bikky was not lying to her. She would have said more, but the bell rang signaling that they needed to get ready. Extracurricular activities were over for the day.Bikky, Rain!” The boys looked up to see Eric and Terry walking over carrying their gym bags. “Is it true that Wednesday is Rain’s birthday?” Erick asked leaving his brother to flirt with several of the cheerleaders.Yeah,” Bikky said handing Rain his thermos. “Drink it.” Rain dutifully began to sip.That smells good what is it?” Erick asked leaning close to Rain. Rain sidestepped graceful as ever to get away from the other boy. Erick swallowed his hurt as he waited for Bikky to elaborate. “Any plans to celebrate? Can we come?”It is not going to be like Bikky’s party,” Rain said softly shrugging into his jacket. “Just family, close friends…” Rain trailed off at the hopeful look on Erick’s face. Terry joined them. He took one look at his brother and his smile faded. If Erick were not careful, Bikky would figure it out and rip him to pieces. “We’ll be at the Arcadian Consulate.” Rain informed him.I thought you said close friends and…” Terry trailed off as he remembered that Rain was a member of X’Ta-C. “Yeah whatever.”Maybe Ryo can get you guys in for the afternoon.” Bikky offered not sure if the creatures of Arcadia would be willing to be stuck in a human shape for the party. “Make sure your parents know where you are going, and let me know your curfew so that Ryo can get you home.” Bikky mumbled as he dialed Ryo’s cell.So responsible,” Terry muttered resisting the urge to say something rude to Rain who continued to sip from his thermos humming softly.You always drink that.” Erick commented his voice softening as he spoke to Rain. Making sure that Bikky was busy he reached over to touch Rain’s hair. “What is it?”Tea,” Rain answered. “I have to drink it. Doctors orders, helps with my tummy.” Rain felt the tugging on his hair and he again moved away from Erick. “Why do touch me?” Erick blinked for a few moments having forgotten Rain’s blunt honesty.Sorry man,” Erick added a macho chuckle hoping to put Rain at ease before Bikky came back. The younger boy had a mean edge to him that could spell serious injury for him if riled, but he could not stay away from Rain. “You have pretty hair.”So do they,” Rain spat pointing to the cheerleaders before stomping to the car that waited by the fence. Terry stared after him in awe. Rain was beautiful when his eyes flashed that way. Terry took a moment to nudge his brother who stood in awe as well.Ryo said he would work on it.” Bikky said coming back over. “Ah man, Rain,” Bikky called laughter in his voice. “You drank all that tea and we are eating at the Count’s tonight.” At Erick and Terry’s confused look Bikky leaned over to kiss Carol’s cheek. “See you later babe.”What is so special about eating at the Count’s?” Erick wondered wanting to know everything about Rain.Count D’s a vegetarian.” Bikky said before he trotted off. Erick was glad to see Rain laughing when Bikky reached over to pull his hair. He watched the two boys scuffling in the back seat of the escalade. Jill waved to Carol as she drove off. BreakOrcot,” Leon looked up as the chief poked his head into his office. “I have the schedule for this week and it says here that you are requesting all of Wednesday off.” Langston frowned, even though the new commissioner seemed to like these guys and they were good detectives, he could not help but want to give them a hard time.Yeah my buddies are covering the hours, what’s the problem? Don’t we all get off day’s?” Leon joked not liking the way the man looked at him. Why so much hassle?Valentine’s day is one of those days when crime could get out of hand.” Langston said thinking quickly of a way to deny Leon the day off. “Jilted lovers, cheating spouses caught in the act…” Langston trailed off as the Commissioner poked his head into the office.Oh Orcot,” Rose said after he greeted the chief. He saw the schedule in the man’s hands. “Something wrong? Ah… Wednesday… Right, your wedding anniversary.”Two years,” Leon mused thinking it had been one hell of a ride.I didn’t know you were married.” Langston said with a smirk. He had noted the ring Orcot wore, but had stubbornly refused to acknowledge it. “What’s her name?” Rose frowned when Langston continued to smirk at Leon almost daring him to name a female.His name is Count D.” Leon answered not at all ashamed to admit it. In fact he smiled as he turned a picture on his desk to face Rose and Langston.Man, he gets prettier every time I see him.” Rose laughed at the picture of Count D offering his typical smirk.Why thank you Commissioner, I think I will take that as a compliment.” Langston gasped at the smooth voice that could be heard. Count D slipped between the two men that blocked the door. Leon smiled when he saw the basket that Count D carried.Civilians can’t be back here,” Langston barked causing Rose to raise a brow.I believe that is my call,” Rose smiled at D. “Is that dinner I smell?”Why yes Commissioner Rose, the others will be here shortly. The shop is secure.” Rose knew something more was in the words that Count D did not say. “You are welcome to join us. When my Lion is away from home working late shifts I hate to think of him eating disgusting fast food. It is no good for him.” Rose laughed at Langston’s disgruntled look.I hear you just made Ninth Dan, congratulations.” Rose sat beside the Count careful not to step on the ends of his deeply colored green Cheongsam where it’s sleeves brushed the floor. Langston backed away from the office as the officers entered laughing and reaching for plates.Ninth Dan,” Langston wondered. He had to find out what that meant. Later, as Count D left the precinct, his path led him past Langston’s open door. The man looked up from his computer to stare in open-mouthed shock at the slim man that carried such a high ranking in martial arts. Count D offered him a knowing smirk as he wandered out into the night. Break Valentine’s Day(Begin) Sunlight poured into the room covering the bed in a golden glow. Leon rolled over smiling when he felt the warmth of the small body pressed so snugly against him. He loved the smell of Count D in the morning when he was sleepy warm and relaxed. leon nuzzled the smooth neck. He loved the smell of Count D anytime of the day or night. Feather soft silken hair tickled his nose as Count D shifted to a more comfortble position. Leon trailed a hand down the soft satin night robe D had worn to bed last night. Interesting morning changes began to make Leon wish that Count D would awaken. Count D felt Leon stiffen against him and decided to take pity. He should not pretend sleep. Not when Leon was in such obvious need. Count D turned a brilliant smile on Leon as he slowly opened his dreamlike eyes. leon grinned pressing their lips together. "You'll pay for making me wait," Leon whispered pushing the night robe past Count D's hips. "Is that a promise?" Count D sassed sticking his tongue in Leon's ear. "You bet your sweet ass it is," Leon winced when Count D nipped his ear between his even, sharp teeth. "Yeah, yeah, stop swearing at you." Leon laughed bringing a hand down smartly on Count D's bottom. "You stop teasing me. Take that off." Leon commanded he waited for Count D to disrobe completely all the while planning for a very enjoyable morning. Break He was just so beautiful, Dee thought as he sat across from Ryo. Ryo looked up behind the rim of his glasses. “The case is not printed on my forehead.” He remarked going back to work.Ryo,” Dee said reaching across their joined desks to clasp Ryo’s hand. He rubbed his finger over the simple golden band. “Let’s renew our vows.” Dee thought back to New York. It had been a simple ceremony, if it could be called that. They had simply exchanged rings and words of love and devotion in front of Bikky and Mother. “Our first time was incredible and I will never forget it, but… I just…” Dee gave up not knowing a good way to explain this new need to Ryo. For weeks as Ryo had prepared himself for his coronation learning about the intricacies of Dragon court and how it fit in with Zarro’s all the while learning about his own family, Dee had felt so far away.We have a larger family now, more friends, well they are more like family than friends and well… I want them to witness it.” Dee tried again when Ryo just sat looking at him with his bangs falling over his glasses. Ryo removed his eyewear then and brushed his hair out of his eyes. “Dee,” Ryo blushed smiling slightly. He licked his lips causing Dee to catch his breath as he tried to resist the urge to leap across the table and kiss Ryo. “I would be honored to stand before our family and friends to formally renew our vows.” Dee heard the formal words and knew that Ryo was saying so much more. Dee gave up the fight. He tugged until Ryo was standing and leaning over their desk holding hands they sealed their lips. Break Randolph peeked around the corner and gasped. He saw them standing there holding hands. Sunlight danced around them making Ryo seem to glow as he leaned into Dee. Randolph felt his heart leap as the kiss deepened. He wanted to be angry, Ryo would one day be his, Dee had no right to touch him so, but he also felt humbled by the sheer beauty of them standing so far apart, their desk’s keeping their body apart, yet so close. Dee backed away slightly his tongue still tracing the outline of Ryo’s lips. With a satisfied sigh they both turned to see Randolph staring at them.Do you need something?” Dee asked licking his own lips as Ryo sat back in his chair.The file, your shifts over.” Randolph couldn’t look at Dee. He wanted Ryo so badly that if Dee looked anywhere but at his face he would be shamed. Randolph took the file and rushed from the office hoping no one would stop to talk to him. BreakWhoa,” Terry exclaimed as they were dropped off at the consulate. Rain had said very little the entire afternoon. Sitting in the car with them was Ryan and Julie summers. Erick tried not to scowl at the blush Rain wore every time Bikky would poke him. They entered the large building and jaws dropped at the opulence of their surroundings. Their eyes boggled from the jewel encrusted baseboard to the marbled floors and up to the gold veined columns in the entryway.You guys come here three days a week?” Julie whispered amazed that Carol seemed so comfortable here.Give or take a few days,” Bikky answered when all Rain did was nod silently. “Mostly for Rain’s rehearsals.”Rain,” Julie squealed as Daphnus approached.You… You’re High Prince Daphnus…” She gasped causing Erick to gape at the beautiful man. At Bikky’s party he had seen him on stage and thought he was pretty, but up close the man was jaw-droppingly gorgeous.She’s such a fan,” Ryan teased his sister as Daphnus inclined his head in a regal nod causing his hair to fall forward. Julie near fainted as a lock brushed her hand Rain frowned at Daphnus folding his arms across his scrawny chest. “Yes your Highness?” Rain asked drawing the prince’s amused attention.Je suis desolee, mon amie. Une Moment s’il te plait.” Daphnus muttered knowing that Rain had taken French at West Lake and continued the classes at East doing quite well.Hey you found it!” Bikky exclaimed looking at a journal that Daphnus was carrying. “Rain searched the house and the pet shop for hours looking for it yesterday.”I am sorry I perused, but you are gifted.” Daphnus handed Rain the book watching as the boy found several pages tucked inside the book. He saw the music and then looked back to Daphnus forgetting for a moment that his Bikky and the others were standing around him in awe. “Your heart is like a beautiful flower opening its petals to the first rays of spring upon the pages.” Rain blushed clutching the book to his chest. “I… I don’t understand,” Rain stammered feeling his head swim. “We have rehearsal tomorrow. I hope you will work on those. Happy Birthday.” Daphnus gave Rain a small box before he bowed gallantly to them and walked away. Ryan caught his sister as she swooned. Bikky placed his hands on Rain’s shoulders shoving him into the room that had been set up for them to spend their afternoon until the adults joined them for the party. “Well,” Erick said ignoring Ryan as he revived his sister. “Open it.” Rain slid the box open and gasped at the high quality diamond earrings in a silver setting. Bikky had noticed Rain’s pierced ears a while ago but had not commented on it. Since his brother never wore studs he figured that it was a sensitive issue. Why would Daphnus give him those? What had he read in that journal?Dude,” Terry unceremoniously pushed Rain’s hair aside to see his ears. “Your ears are pierced.”My father did it when I was three.” Rain said softly. Rain sat in silence thinking of his first night in the hospital. When he had been able to move free of the drugs induced sluggishness he had removed the earrings. The symbol of his father’s pride in his son. He had been so ashamed. Rain swallowed hard refusing to shed tears in front of his friends. Bikky took the earrings from the box. With gentleness he placed them in Rain’s ears. “Come on. I want to teach you how to play the PS2 Remember I told you I would. Before the PS3 becomes available you should at least know how to play the 2.”What’s in the journal?” Julie wondered Rain looked up as Julie addressed him. Bikky prepared to tell her that it was none of her business but Rain picked up the book and flipped through a few pages. He looked at her and smiled. Erick felt his breath catch at the expression. “I…” Rain sang looking at Julie. “I tried to write a book about the way you act and look, I haven’t got a paragraph. Words are always getting in the way… any way I love you.” Rain blushed then continued. “I’ve, had time to make a speech about the love that touches me, but stumbling I would make you laugh, the words are always getting in the way… anyway I love you, that’s all I have to tell you… That’s all I have to say.” When Rain finished singing tears fell from Julie’s eyes. Erick turned away as she embraced him. Terry wanted to feel bad for his brother, but maybe this was just what he needed to let go of his hopeless emotions. Bikky laughed saying, “So will you go out with him?” Julie nodded hiding her blush as her brother teased her. Bikky had already spoken to him about Rain’s feelings for his sister. It was why they had arranged for her to come to his birthday party in the first place. Ryan had always liked Bikky. The two had a lot in common, and Rain… Rain reminded him a lot of Julie so they would be a good couple. Erick slumped into a chair and watched as they all gathered around the television prepared to teach Rain the wonder of video games. NOTES:the song that Rain sang to Julie comes from the Animated feature The Last Unicorn. I have loved that movie since I was a child. All rights belong with the original writers and composers.The song Rain was practicing in the begining is Close To Youas performed by Hikaru Utada and Shiina Ringo. Obviously the Playstation systems mentioned belong to Sony, as does the game. I am not making any profit from this fiction. Ja Ne Chi

Whipped Crème 7 Flambé Special Valentine BallWhoa! Ryo! You look hot,” Bikky teased as Ryo and Dee entered the room where they had gathered. Rain looked up from the game to smile at Ryo adding his agreement to Bikky’s assessment. Ryo tried not to blush as everyone in the room turned to look at his white satin pants and dress shirt. A red satin jacket hung over his shoulder.What about me?” Dee asked posing in his black pants. His black jacket set off the bright red shirt.Eh’ you’ll do.” Rain teased laughing as he went back to the game.He’s like some sort of prodigy, we taught him the basics and he had 17 takedowns on his first run, now he is up 42 and still going.” Bikky exclaimed excited pointing Ryo to the television screen.Oh my gosh,” Ryo gasped as Rain purposefully moved his car to hit another one. “He got points for that. What game is this?”It’s called Burnout. Remember I asked you to get it for me?” Bikky explained with a grin he cheered as Rain took down three at once. “Man, he’s a maniac!”I bought that?” Ryo asked shocked at the damage that Rain purposefully inflicted to the other cars around him. Dee nodded noticing that Julie was sitting close to Rain as he played. Bikky winked at Dee as he followed his line of sight. “I thought it was a racing game.” Ryo muttered cringing when Rain narrowly missed being smashed going on to take out two more cars.It is, but it has several different modes of play, this is road rage. He did not like the split screen version so we are letting the birthday boy go at it. It is fun just to watch him work.” Erick said coming to stand near Ryo. Erick was not mistaken; the scent that came to him when the two men had entered the room was coming from Ryo. “You smell good.”I bathe,” Ryo laughed as he mimicked Count D. “ In about two hours a salamander will see your guests home. We simply came by toooooooo…” Ryo paused giving Bikky a moment to reach over and pause Rain’s game.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Rain stared in awe as the Royals entered the room in full dress their jeweled crowns and tiara’s sparkling in the light. Julie stood back as Andy embraced Rain. The long sleeves of her halter-top nearly obscured Rain from view. She found it hard to believe this smiling beauty was older than them and had two children to boot.Andy,” Rain returned the hug. He then pulled Julie to his side. “This is Julie?” Julie looked at the deep purple floor length skirt as she was introduced to more Royalty.You are so cute.” Andy gushed taking the girls hand. “This is my husband High Prince Nestoir,” Julie stared in awe at the tan man that stood next to the princess. “You have lovely hair and skin.”My father is part Irish and my mother is Mexican.” Julie answered embarrassed by the effusive presence of so many royals.Really? Rain is part Irish.” Julie looked up to see a blond Princess tugging on Rain’s arm. “The Cake is here, Ryo baked it himself, but he won’t give us any until you get your booty over there. Come on I love his cake.” Tisiphone urged. Rain laughed becoming blinded by the swirling mass of light blue cloth she wore. Rain took Julie’s hand as he was dragged off. Erick turned away heading over to the table. Bikky stopped him. “We are going to have a talk.” Was all the boy said as he went to watch Rain blow out all fourteen candles. Count D and Leon arrived with Aoi and Chris. Chris was frowning as he made his way to his friends. Erick was too busy glancing at Terry as they both interpreted what Bikky had said to notice the younger boy.Man, Count D’s aunt held us up for hours.” Chris complained. “Sorry I am late. What’d I miss?”Rain’s a prodigy with Burnout it’s awesome.” Bikky said turning Chris to the table. Rain smiled as everyone wished him a happy birthday handing him presents. Erick gave Rain the CD he had bought for him of native music. “I love these guys.” Rain said smiling.You have this one,” Erick said in dismay. He had tried so hard to find something unique that Rain would like. Something he had not seen before. Something that showed how much he cared.Not this one, but four of their other CD’s. Thanks.” Rain said adding it to his pile. Erick smiled glad to see Rain so happy. Erick caught a warning look from Bikky and turned away. A flurry of activity took place as the adults left the room. Only Ryo, Dee, Sofu and Lady Aurora were left. Ryan gasped, he had not even noted the frightening man that looked so much like the little Count D. He had thought the one called Laton was frightening but this man seemed dangerous. And they all loved Rain? Erick saw Lady Aurora offer Rain a sweet smile. She was so pretty. Why was he so afraid?Just don’t rile them, you’ll live longer.” Dee said joking when he saw the boy staring at the ancient beings.Dee!” Ryo lightly punched his arm. “You’re being obnoxious.”You love me anyway,” Dee winked at Carol as Ryo handed Lyo to Lady Aurora. The little boy snuggled right up to the night walking beast as if she were a cuddly bunny. “He should be ready to drop.” Dee said as Ryo agreed that he did love him. As the Detectives left for the evening the teenagers went back to their video games stuffed on cake and cheese pizza. BreakHe’s going to hurt you.” Terry whispered to Erick as the uniformed guard drove them all home from the consulate.I know,” Was all Erick replied. Break Soofu L stared at her family as they danced. The royals took the stage singing songs of love and devotion. Soofu L tried to understand. It seemed the exact opposite of Soofu A’s reasoning was true. Humans were the catalyst to the prolific abilities of the D’s. There could be no other explanation. Leon pressed his lips to D’s and Soofu L thought she saw the child Kami glow. But no, not a child. She was thinking as she made her way out to the snowy hills of Arcadia. Count D was a full adult now, married with a child and… Sofu L sniffed him as she passed… He was almost to the point of Carrying again. As was his father, they had best be careful. Sofu L went off to find her brother to let him know she was leaving. There was no grand secret to the D’s that could be taken so easily. If she wanted her family to prosper she would do well to marry her last few remaining children to humans. Then in a few generations her family would be as impressive as the D’s. BreakCome on baby,” Dee encouraged Ryo leave the bathroom.Close your eyes,” Ryo called. Dee thought he could almost hear the blush on his love’s face.The point of you wearing it was so I could see it.” Dee suppressed a laugh not wanting to embarrass Ryo any more than he already was.I know but… It is a lot less material that I realized and…”I bet you look hot.” Dee allowed his desire to make his voice husky. He knew Ryo would hear those tones and respond. “I’m on fire just imagining it… Come on out Baby, let me look at you.”Ok,” Dee heard Ryo whisper and knew he was not supposed to hear. Several deep breathes later and a pale leg became visible. Followed by another. Long lean muscled appendages led up further and further. Dee felt his mouth go dry then water at the tiny shorts that hugged Ryo and showed off his beauty to perfection.Red silk never looked better.” Dee got to his feet admiring the way the robe slid across Ryo’s slim figure. “You are so beautiful.” Ryo blushed, but at the same time felt envious of Dee who sat so casually unbothered by the miniscule black thong. He saw Ryo’s eyes wander and posed. “Like it?”Uh… Yeah,” Dee laughed as Ryo’s face matched his ensemble. “You… look hot,” Ryo trailed a finger down Dee’s chest. “All mine,” He said lowering his head to a nipple. Dee grinned as Ryo’s lips locked around a sensitive nub. He loved when Ryo paid attention to his nipples.Give me these,” Dee rubbed his thumb across Ryo’s lips before he lowered his head and claimed them. Ryo sank into the kiss marveling that the silk felt cool against his overheated skin. “I’m going to be inside you all night.” Ryo melted into Dee's arms. "No baby I want to see you." Dee pushed Ryo away so tht he could look down."OOOHH," Dee licked his lips. he pulled Ryo into his embrace again. "Feel that?" He asked pressing his excited member against Ryo's own growing interest. "Yes," Ryo whisprered embarrassed by his reaction to seeing Dee so scantily clad. "Good," Dee whispered close to Ryo's ear knowing the sensitive apendages would cause Ryo to tingle deliciously. Ryo whimpered squeezing Dee’s shoulders. He felt Dee moving down his chest. “Tasty,” Dee said against the pale chest his mouth was pressed against.Dee,” Ryo urged when Dee trailed his tongue in lazy circles around a nipple. “Don’t… tease me.”You tease me with that sexy little outfit and you don’t expect me to do the same to you?” Dee seemed to truly be confused.But you told me to wear it.” Ryo panted and gasped when Dee took his nipple fully into his mouth.I did, and damn baby you are hot.” Dee affirmed reaching down to palm Ryo’s bottom. Ryo groaned when Dee reached between his legs to fondle him through the small shorts. “Relax baby, just relax and let ole’ Dee take care of you.”Don’t I always?” Ryo asked laying back on the bed. Dee took a moment to appreciate the sight of Ryo spread out before him. Dee’s mouth watered as he thought of just how beautiful Ryo was. “I love you Dee.”I love you too.” Dee whispered the words almost reverent in his emotions as he crawled over Ryo. “Keep the robe.” Dee said enjoying Ryo’s laughter as Dee removed the shorts. Ryo brought his silk clad arms to rest over Dee’s shoulder as he relaxed his body. Feeling Dee’s fingers probe him he moaned in ecstasy. “That’s right baby,” Dee coaxed before he moved Ryo’s legs into position. “That’s right.” Dee pushed his excited member into Ryo’s tight heat. “Oh… that’s so good…” Dee moaned vowing to stay right where he was for the rest of his life. End Valentine's Day (We ALL know that everyone got it on, but for the sake of our sanity and to move the story along please forgive us for not going into detail.) Break Erick looked into the locker room with trepidation. He saw Bikky sitting on the bench with his foot casually resting on a football. Bikky wore headphones and nodded his head to it as he read the small book in his hands. “Rain is not coming to practice today. He and Julie are auditioning for the spring musical. Did you know she could sing?” Bikky said without looking up from his book. Erick nodded, “Yeah she was on the girls choir until they changed their rehearsal schedule. Then she became a cheerleader.” Erick answered he felt it would be prudent to voice his side of the story. “Look man,” Erick began. “I like him ok. I am… You know, gay.” Erick waited; still Bikky did not look up from the book he was reading. “I have no plans to ask him out or anything, I am just happy being friends.” Erick sighed. Why was Bikky ignoring him? Finally Bikky took the earphones off and looked at him. Those bright blue eyes pierced Erick making him nervous. Bikky got to his feet he was silent as he tucked the things back into Rain’s backpack. Rain felt as if he had shamed his father he thought. Bikky shook his head. With a quick move he shoved his fist in Erick’s stomach. The older boy doubled over wheezing in pain. His eyes watered as he tried in vain to draw a breath. “I’m glad we had this conversation.” Bikky said in his ear. “I like you man, but he’s my brother.” He patted Erick’s back and left the locker room.Whew!” Erick looked up to see Terry in the doorway. “That went rather well.”What… Are you doing here?” Erick managed to ask when he could move.You don’t leave me to fend off Dad on my own. I was not about to let you tangle with a New York Street punk on your own.” Terry said handing his brother a bottle of water. “Drink this, it will help.” Erick took the water and nodded. His stomach did not hurt so much as the knowledge that his love for Rain would remain unrequited. Terry helped his brother to his feet as they headed to practice.He’s got a fist like a brick,” Erick muttered still rubbing the offended area. Break It was his favorite part of the day. Right after Aoi went down for her nap and the animals were all fed and snoozing. Count D wandered into his garden and just sat in silence enjoying the sounds of nature. Several plants reached out for his robe as he passed brushing their leafy tendrils against the soft cloth of his garments. Sitting on the soft grass among the blooms he felt so at peace he thought he could just close his eyes and drift. Life was so idyllic. He had his Leon, his Darling Aoi and Chris, a whole family. He also had wonderful friends. How could he have ever thought that he was meant to be a solitary creature? Count D felt a niggling doubt creep in his mind. Life was never so blissful all the time. With the good came the bad. Count D shook his head denying the thoughts. Things were going so well he would not look for trouble. A small furry creature fluttered by his head. Count D raised a hand for it to land. Taking a discerning look at the creature he said, “Grandfather.” Q-Chan chirped nuzzling his ear. Count D sighed, Sofu was always more comfortable showing affection in this form. He would never understand why and he had not the courage to ask such a personal question. Q-Chan chirped again, ran it’s little paws though Count D’s hair before he flew off the way he had come leaving Count D to stand in his garden confused. BreakShe’s doing it again,” Lady Aurora sat on the bed with her arms wrapped around her middle. “Why would she give us a reprieve if she was just going to start back up again? We still have the care of the young ones until after the festival.”Well I have been in counsel with his majesty Zarro, he wants the young ones contained this afternoon, Laton wants to train Ryo.” Lady Aurora forgot her own problems for a moment as she thought a conversation she’d had with Laton. The Dragon king had asked if she knew of the nature of his grandson’s most cherished possession. Lady Aurora had told him to get Ryo to display his true energy was to put his children in danger. Zarro had disagreed. “We want him to use his gifts, not destroy the palace.”I wonder, then, how it will be accomplished.” Lady Aurora mused getting to her feet. “The young ones will be released from their institutions soon.”They are in school, not prison.” Sofu D laughed at his wife’s terminology. “Not that they see the difference. But Bikky and Rain will be here later; they have a new curfew in affect. Bikky called Ryo to let him know that they were going to the park with young Christopher. They are trying to teach Rain to…” Sofu paused trying to think of the words that the young human had said. “Blade and roll… or something like that. Lyo is here with his mother and Aoi is napping at home.” Lady Aurora grinned at her husband. “Then we have time for ourselves.”Yes, my love, we do.” Sofu placed his hands on her shoulders drawing her in for a kiss. Break Count D sat on the park bench cradling Aoi as he watched Chris strapping on his roller blades. Bikky was sitting on his bottom making sure that Rain’s were properly tied. Rain stood tentative on the unfamiliar wheels. He was amazed when Bikky got to his feet on the wheels standing steady. “Now try to balance.” Bikky advised taking both of Rain’s hands he pulled the slighter boy forward. “You look like you should weigh more.” Bikky noted, as he was surprised at how easy it was to pull Rain. Bikky released Rain’s hands to feel his waist. He was surprised that underneath the baggy clothing his brother was so slim.Stop that,” Rain frowned trying to back away from Bikky’s touch only to forget that he was wearing skates. “Ow!” He exclaimed rubbing his bottom looking up with a frown at Bikky he accepted his hand. Bikky easily pulled him to his feet. “You eat like a cow, what, do you have two stomachs or something that keeps it all compact?”Ha ha funny.” Rain muttered glaring at Bikky promising retribution for his teasing.Hey guys,” Chris looked up. He smirked as he saw Erick and Terry heading their way. “Ryan said you were coming here.” Erick said he caught a warning look from Bikky and tried to smile his assurance that he would keep his distance from Rain. “The posts are up for the musical.”Yeah we know,” Chris said rolling past doing circles around Rain. Rain took a small step lost his footing and clutched Bikky to him. Erik instinctively reached to offer aid when it seemed Rain would fall.I got him,” Bikky’s sour expression warned Erick off. “Rain and Julie got the leads they’re doing Cinderella.”The Rogers and Hammerstein version.” Rain chimed in when he had gained his footing. “Whoa!” Rain cried out surprised at how fast he could lose his balance. “These things are impossible.”No they aren’t you just need to relax.” Erick said as he put on his own pair. Terry went to sit beside the count.Hello, I am Count D. I do not think we have been properly introduced, though I have seen you around the boys.” Terry looked into the small face of Aoi before he met the Count’s eyes. “Is something on your mind?”I am Terry,” Terry introduced himself. “That is my twin brother Erick. He’s got it bad for Rain. Bikky has already talked to him about it. I have tried to talk to him about it. If our dad finds out…” Terry trailed off. Count D reached over to pat his hand when he saw the woebegone expression on the teenager’s face. “I have tried so hard to dislike Rain but he is so … likable.”Why would you try to dislike him?” Count D asked pulling a sipping cup from his bag for Aoi.Arigato Pa Pa,” Aoi chimed causing Terry to look again at her. Terry looked back up to find the Count waiting for him to answer. He heaved a sigh. “Erick and I tried to get into West Lake, he got in, and I didn’t. Then Rain comes along transferring from that school with his good manners, good looks, he was just… I wanted to bully him. But Bikky kicked my butt, Sorry,” Terry apologized for his words. Count D smiled encouraging him to go on. “Then he got into the music band, and he… He’s dating the girl I have been wanting for two years now. His father doesn’t...” Terry paused refusing to admit to his deepest shame. Count D gave him a measured look. “ I don’t mean to be jealous, but Ryo and Dee are cool.”His life is not as envious as you would like to think.” Count D said with a small smile as Rain successfully rolled about three feet before ending up on the ground taking Chris with him. The boys were laughing as they got to their feet. “Every person has their own pain to deal with. It travels with them making them who they are. The true measure of a person is not the trials they endure, but how they cope with them. Some people choose to dwell in the past and become bitter, while others look to the future and retain hope.” Count D smiled at Terry. “Which direction will you face?” Count D thought about Terry’s words, so, he thought, the boys were abused. Perhaps he should pay the family a visit. BreakMy bottom hurts,” Rain complained as they trooped into the Consulate. Bikky laughed waving the Count off as he headed back to the car where Leon was waiting. Rain unceremoniously rubbed his sore tush frowning at Bikky.I caught you as much as I could. Chris caught you, Erick caught you,” Bikky was still laughing when they entered their suite. “You had on all the padding available, too bad they don’t make butt bracers.” Rain threw a pillow at Bikky opting to lie down before he did his homework. BreakI’ve taken something from you.” Laton informed Ryo as he entered the large room that resembled a gym except it had a large array of weapons displayed.Taken something?” Ryo asked with a frown. After a long day of dealing with the chief the last thing he felt like doing was solving his grandfather’s riddles. “I thought Sphinxes were the ones fond of impossible riddles.” He muttered doffing his jacket to assume a more comfortable position.Did I say something?” Laton smirked as he watched his grandson. “I meant someone…” Laton held up his hand. In a small ball of Flames Ryo saw Dee chained to a wall.What the hell are you doing?!” Ryo demanded charging to his feet to glare at the king of the dragons. “I thought I was here for training.”You are,” at Laton’s simple words Ryo felt his entire body heat. He heaved a sigh not noticing the smoke that billowed around him. “You want him,” Laton watched with pride as Ryo simmered before him. His skin took on a metallic sheen. “Come get him.” Ryo stepped to his grandfather only to have him vanish. Ryo walked to the open doorway to find several vile beasts blocking his path. They hissed lashing out at him with claws and talons. Sharp teeth were bared as he stood weighing his options. “Come along little snap dragon.” Laton grinned as he called Ryo by a name he had so often called his daughter. “He is a rather healthy morsel and I find I am getting hungry.” Ryo shocked himself with the growl he heard coming from his own throat. “Follow your instincts, don’t fight them.” Ryo gasped at the female voice he heard in his head. He had not heard that voice in so long it brought tears to his eyes. “Take what is yours. Fight for your destiny, your freedom to love. Do not give in to his bullying.” Ryo lashed out at the nearest beast. He heard it scream in pain as his fist connected. “Not enough… Show him the power of your strength. A dragons flames are a passionate inferno…” Ryo held up his hands and concentrated. He could almost see the power surging inside of him. When his blood heated he was not afraid. How dare his grandfather take Dee? Dee was his. Ryo felt startled by the thought but in the next breath he realized it was true. He could smell Dee. He could smell his own scent upon Dee strong and pungent. Calling to him. Heat enveloped the room as flames erupted from Ryo’s hands burning monsters as they approached Ryo. He locked hands with a beast grappling for dominance. He glared when he could smell the foul odor emanating from the yellow leathery skin. “Get away from me!” Ryo hissed casing the beast’s red eyes to light with fear moments before his body was lit with flames. Ryo tossed the smoldering husk aside. He entered a large throne room to find Laton and Torcha sitting watching his progress. Torcha raised a hand and several large monsters approached carrying weapons. Ryo decided not to waste his time. He glanced at them and they combusted under the weight of his fury.He’s not stopping,” A servant whispered in fear as Ryo advanced closer to the thrones.Give him back!” Ryo demanded marching forward. Laton raised his hand to Ryo and was surprised at how easily his intended blow was deflected. Before Laton could recover from his lapse, Ryo attacked. Laton blocked his blows backing away. He began to fear that the only way to stop his grandson’s rage was to injure him or risk injury himself.Ryo… Calm down, it’s over… He’s here.” Laton tried to motion for Ryo to look over beside The Queen of the dragons. Dee stood staring in awe at Ryo. “He’s so beautiful…” Dee mused watching Ryo’s strong yet oddly feminine features as he battled the figure before him. Laton allowed his human form to melt away hoping to intimidate Ryo into submission. Ryo’s hands blazed with flames as he took his grandfather’s serpentine tail and yanked. Laton howled in pain fearing that he must now hurt his grandson to calm his rage. He knew he loved the human but he never expected this kind of reaction.Good thing we did not take the children,” Golden eyes turned to Dee as strands of silky black hair fell around a doll like face. “Now how do we stop him without hurting him?” Torcha asked Dee startling him with her pristine beauty.I got it,” Dee said stepping away from the dais. Torcha stared in awe as Dee walked bold and brave to Ryo. Grasping his arm he spun Ryo into his arms and sealed their lips. Ryo gasped flinging his arms around Dee holding him tight. His skin cooled as their tongues dueled. He held tight to Dee as the flames that enveloped the throne room died leaving him sweaty and exhausted in Dee’s arms. Ryo took a staggering breath he leaned weakly against Dee.Magnificent,” Laton said taking a step as a dragon; within moments he was man trying to pull Ryo away from Dee. Ryo shoved Laton away from him. “You are truly your mother’s son.” Laton smiled when Ryo continued to frown at him. “Come now, you were concerned about your abilities, I could not explain it to you. A dragon’s flames are a…”A passionate inferno…” Ryo finished holding tight to Dee he looked at his grandparents through the cloud of his bangs. “I heard mother’s voice earlier.”Yes, this place, her blood in you, your flames, your passion for this man, your love for him… The soul lives on. She communicated through her love for you. I heard her as well. So at least now I know, that even though she left this place, she never ceased to love me.” Ryo and Dee were surprised to see Laton’s eyes fill with tears. They were gone as soon as they appeared making one wonder if they had ever been present. “It is only with her love would we be able to hear her voice now.” Torcha smiled and sniffled as she admitted that she too had heard their daughter’s voice as she had encouraged her floundering son. “Her words will forever be guide to you.”Come now,” Torcha shoved her husband aside. “You must be tired and in need of a bath and food.” Ryo nodded and allowed Dee to support his weight as he left the throne room of the glittering obsidian Dragon Palace. BreakBikky,” came a mumbled sleepy voice.Yeah Chris,”Bikky rolled over removing the pillow from his head.It’s Saturday right?” Chris asked yawning widely and stretching.Yeah Chris,” Bikky observed sitting up in bed. He sent a frown to Rain who laughed at the odd angles his hair chose to stand in. Bikky tossed his discarded pillow at his brother. Rain easily dodged the poorly aimed attack.Why,” Chris muttered getting to his knees on the bed. “Why are we awake this early?” Chris faked a sob as he crawled from underneath his blankets. “I don’t think I have ever seen those numbers on my clock before.”Please cease the melodramatics,” Rain laughed hitting both boys with a pillow. “It is only six AM you would both not be in such a condition if you had not stayed up playing video games.”Well we have to practice if we are going to catch up. You are the one who set the high score at eighty-nine takedowns before your first crash. Your total takedown is…” Chris was saying excitedly as Count D entered the room carrying their suits for the day.Is that a tie?” Bikky asked with a pointed glare at the offending object that Count D sat next to the suit he was to wear.Why yes it is.” Count D gave his small smirk. “Come along, the formal breakfast will begin in an hour.”Formal breakfast, formal ball, formal clothes…” Bikky fumed wadding up his blanket. “Can’t they just stop by the house, put the crown on his head and be done with it?” Bikky yawned and scratched his behind. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m going to the shower.” Bikky said before the Count could reprimand him.He’s such a grump in the morning,” Rain laughed as he picked up his brush to drag it through his own freshly washed hair. “My hair has gotten so much longer, I think I will keep it and let it grow.” Rain looked at his earrings glinting in the mirror his smile beamed back at him. Chris watched Count D sit on the bed. He had always liked watching the Count move. It seemed as if he stood still and the world moved around him at his command. Gentle folds of red and gold satin enveloped his slim body. “When Ryo is crowned, will he have to stop being a detective?” Rain asked taking his clothes behind a dressing screen before he dropped his bathrobe.If he did,” Count D mused, “I think he would refuse the honor.” Break Dee watched as servants busied themselves around the room. They waited for Ryo to emerge from the bathing chamber impatient to get on with their duties. They had wanted to bathe Ryo, but he had refused. They were going to insist, but Ryo had said that since he had matured the only person to help him bathe was Dee. Dee offered to help warning them that if he helped Ryo bathe the formal breakfast would be a formal brunch. Ryo emerged wearing a pair black silk boxers and running a heavy towel through his damp hair. “Those won’t do,” A snooty young man that claimed to be the master Chameleon in charge of wardrobe for the entire Obsidian palace said marching to Ryo.I’m not taking them off,” Ryo’s words were simple. The Chameleon’s already pale skin blanched. It was a common knowledge that the young half-breed dragon had taken on their king and survived.We have supplied every article that you are to wear today.” The Chameleon tried again. “If it is the material that has you worried, here,” The Chameleon held over the scraps of soft cloth that would be draped about Ryo’s loins. “It surpassing the finest earthen silks.”All right, whatever,” Ryo agreed with a smile disarming the men and entrancing the women. “How do I get this on?” Ryo asked looking at the swathes of cloth.We will aide you,” The Chameleon grinned figuring he had won the battle. He waited and Ryo dropped the boxers blushing brightly as the man approached him. Dee sat back wearing his tuxedo as he watched about ten men and women dress Ryo. After wrapping him in the elaborate underwear the moved on ignoring Dee’s threats when they properly adjusted Ryo in the loose fitting material so that a fold in the cloth kept him secure. Next a pair of pants was held out. Ryo reached for them and sighed when they were moved out of his reach, Ryo then raised his leg to step into the pants being held for him. A long sheath similar to Count D’s in its sleeveless design was next. The Chameleon then motioned for several women to come forward. They wrapped Ryo in yards of a white lace kimono. They followed that with a yellow kimono and then a red one on top of that. A wide band of cloth was then secured around his waist. Lastly a jeweled cord was wound about a thick length of cloth, which was used to make a large bow in the front.Are you sure a male wears that?” Dee asked fingering the lace that covered Ryo’s fingers.Of course, a female ensembles secures in the back.” The Chameleon gave a heavy sigh as if Dee should have known better. Ryo was sat in a chair where a woman with pointed ears and a long serpentine tail brushed his hair dry. “You are magnificent, your Highness,” The Chameleon addressed Ryo his supercilious attitude melting away at the sight of Ryo fully dressed. The servants left Ryo a few moments alone with Dee before he was presented to the courts at the formal breakfast. Ryo aimed a forlorn look in the mirror; he frowned at the pale face that shone back at him. “Dee,” Dee came over beside Ryo placing his large hands on Ryo’s shoulders. “Who is that?” Ryo asked going back to the mirror.The man I love,” Dee whispered kissing Ryo’s cheek. Ryo turned his face offering his lips. Dee gladly took them. “Come on,” Dee got to his feet holding tight to Ryo’s hand they left the room. The silence that descended on the Obsidian hall was deafening as Ryo and Dee became visible in the large doorway of the grand dining hall.Ladies, Gentlemen, Your Majesties,” A crier called bowing to Laton, Torcha, Zarro and Victoria. “It is my honor to announce His Highness Randy, Ryo MacLean, son of Hon, Princess of the Dragons. At his side is his Consort, Detective Dee Laytner a noble knight of Arcadia in active service to the High Court.” Rain looked around in awe as the entire room save for the high table where they all sat bowed before Ryo and Dee. Ryo held tight to Dee’s hand as they walked to the table and took their seats next to their family. Alicia sat next to Lyo staring in amazement at the gentle, kind detective who was raising her son.He’s so beautiful,” Renee observed the young man sitting next to her son. Ryo heard the words, tried hard not to blush, continuing to accept the food placed before him. Rain was laughing as he tried to help Bikky eat with the traditional chopsticks.You have to have a certain grace,” Rain informed him as he imitated Ryo’s sure fingers. “See, watch him,” Rain pointed to Ryo. Rain paused as he felt the small hairs at the back of his next stand on end. Rain turned to see an imposing man watching Ryo with severe intensity. “Who is that?” He wondered feeling the man’s taught features harden as they continued to watch Ryo.Cho Da Koen,” Heaven informed him. “He was set to marry Ryo’s mother, but she ran from him.” As Heaven finished her words the Korean dragon got to his feet dropping his chair behind him in an open show of defiance.He will not be crowned!” Cho Da spat pointing a clawed finger at Ryo. “I deny him as his mother denounced her crown years ago.”That is not your place to deny him. He has proved himself a dragon.” Laton charged to his feet.Against someone with no real desire to see him harmed,” Cho Da sneered at Laton. “Your love shielded him from your wrath. I challenge you human.”I have no quarrel with you,” Ryo said as he continued to eat blatantly showing no concern for the enraged beast before him. “Whatever quarrel you think should be between our families was settled the day my mother married another.”Do you refuse?” Cho Da asked leaning on his fist over the table.There is no reason to accept.” Ryo said bringing his eyes up to Cho Da’s he felt a moment of apprehension at their depths so like King Laton’s.Perhaps there is,” Cho Da grumbled as he returned to his seat. He allowed his eyes to travel over Bikky and Rain. They rested on Rain a moment more as he went back to his meal. As the meal finished the group left to find various seats along the great hall. Ryo approached the great thrones of the Obsidian palace. He noticed that this palace, like Zarro’s possessed an elaborate throne that sat above that of the king and queen’s and that it was never sat upon. “Come,” Laton ordered. Ryo dropped to his knee in front of his grandparents. All of his aunts, uncles and cousins surrounded them in their pure forms scales glistening in the afternoon sunlight. Ryo felt the heavy weight of a crown as Torcha placed it upon his head. Dee blinked back tears as the elaborate yet delicate twist glittered with jewels. “Rise Dragon Prince of Arcadia. Rise before all and allow them to gaze upon your glory.” Ryo got to his feet. He turned to face the audience. He paled at the rambunctious applause that greeted him. “Well done snap dragon,” Laton clapped him on the shoulder. “Well done.” TO BE CONTINUED WHEW!! I did not think I could do it, but it has been done. The rest of the Coronation Celebration was all pomp and circumstance (If you know What I mean.) Whipped Crème 8 March Madness Count D sat watching as Rain walked in his garden talking with Sylph, one of his lynx’s. Rain had been fascinated with her ears the moment they had met. Count D had been loath to tell the young boy her true species. The two had become fast friends and Count D was pleased to see the young man opening up. “…She loves Broadway and hopes to one day be a big star.” Rain was saying to Sylph’s delight.Perhaps she would like to go home with him,” Count D looked down at the young man in the leather jacket.Cujo,” Count D greeted the dog with a smile.Count D,” Cujo bowed formally before the Kami. “I have always delighted in your scent, even more so than your father’s and his before him.” Count D raised a brow at the sudden compliment. “But for some reason, now, you smell so… fresh.” Cujo leaned close to Count D. A hand wrapped around Count D’s waist pulling him into a firm embrace.What are you doing?” Leon asked splaying his fingers wide over Count D’s trim tummy. Leon turned his face to place kisses along Count D’s graceful neck. “You smell so good.”Cujo was just remarking on that very same observation.” Count D whispered close to Leon’s ear. Count D opened his mouth to nip at Leon’s ear. “I think, Leon, that Sylph would love to go home with Rain.”Better ask his parents and…” Leon turned Count D in his arms until they were facing one another. “No contract.”I wouldn’t dream of it.” Count D gave Leon a smirk that made Leon nostalgic of the days when he had suspected Count D of everything from drug trafficking to murder. “Now, now detective,” Count D lowered his eyes in a coy gesture that made Leon ach to take him right then and there. “Have a little patience, you can…” Count D let the words hang as he walked off. “Later.” The promise was tossed over his shoulder Leon stared after the delicate patterned silk wanting nothing so much as to be in the arms of Count D. BreakHey,” Bikky looked up when he heard the whispered words. With a shrug he went back to his homework when he realized that the senior boy was not talking to him. In fact it seemed he did not even notice Bikky as he sat in the school’s library working on his homework while Rain attended his play rehearsal. Basketball practice had been cancelled due to the coach being ill so rather than leave Rain to come home alone, Bikky had opted to wait for him.What’s up man?” Another voice replied. Bikky sighed trying to tune them out. He wished he had not left his Earphones in Dee’s car this morning.You know I was supposed to get the lead in the musical right? This is my last year, the lead is always played by a senior.”Yeah, I heard about that. Some West Lake snob got it. I heard his dad is some sort of big shot detective.”Whatever, the man’s a fudge packer. Big shot my ass!” Bikky perked up as he listened to the two faceless teens. “My dad works for the DA, when we had that stupid follow a parent to work I was going to work with him. Check this out.” Bikky wondered what the boys had.Dude! Where did you get those?”My dad’s office,” Bikky resisted the urge to go pummel the boys. Dee always said that you could learn much from listening. Bikky frowned as he thought that Dee probably learned that from Ryo.Man, he had long hair. He’s kind of hot… Like a chick.”Yeah,” The disgruntled senior agreed. “But look at this. Police photos from a seedy club by the waterfront and from the hospital. The report said…”Boys!” The librarian cautioned. “You should be studying. And you Thomas, why aren’t you in rehearsal?”Sorry Mrs. Beecher,” Thomas apologized with a sickening false air of innocence. “But only the leads are expected there today. I got the role as the Prince’s father.”Congratulations!” Mrs. Beecher grinned as she walked away. Bikky was simmering with a rage the likes of which he could not remember ever feeling. Bikky waited until the librarian was back at her desk before he made his presence known. “Give me the pictures.” He demanded quietly.No,” Thomas turned to walk away from Bikky. He felt the younger boys hand on his shoulder. “Or what, you going to beat me down too?” Bikky saw his fist connecting with Thomas’s face before he had even realized that he had moved. Mrs. Beecher came around the desk with her finger pointing at Bikky disapprovingly. Time seemed to creep by as she harangued him saying he would report to the principal’s office. Bikky allowed himself to be led away while Thomas stuffed the incriminating photos into a pocket.I think I better go see the nurse, he hit me really hard.” Thomas whined. Mrs. Beecher gave him a sympathetic look and Bikky vowed that next time, he would hit him harder.Honestly, I don’t know what’s gotten into you,” Mrs. Beecher lamented. “Your father’s such a nice man. Both of them.” Bikky refused to say a word. When explanations were needed, he would give them to Ryo and Dee, no one else. BreakSo we got another nut case mimicking Jack the Ripper.” Leon muttered as he looked over the files. “What’s this symbol here?” He pointed to an odd circular shape that had been branded into the victim’s side. “Looks like a crucifix that was broken and then remade with spare parts.” Leon frowned, as he looked closer at the mutilated flesh.You’re right,” Dee said handing Ryo a cup of coffee. “This look familiar to you?” He handed Leon another photo.The blade patterns on this corpse match the ones on this one.” Leon said looking at the neatly cut appendages. Ryo began to say something but his cell phone gained his attention. “Detective MacLean,” He said with a smile that let Dee know that there could be trouble. “Really… did he say why?” Ryo listened for a while before he closed the small flip phone. With a sigh he looked at Dee. “We have to get to the school, Bikky apparently attacked a boy and won’t say why.”Rain?” Dee asked knowing Bikky would get violent to protect the boy. Ryo shook his head, “he’s in rehearsal.” Dee sighed and handed all the files to Leon. “JJ will be here in about an hour hopefully we’ll be back by then.” Ryo was saying as they left the office. Break Count D tried to remain on his feet at the effusive embrace of the ecstatic feline. “He is such a wonderful boy Count D.” Sylph exclaimed licking Count D’s hand. “I would love to go home with him.”I am glad.” Count D said simply. He sent the young female on her way to prepare herself as he wandered off to enjoy tea with his daughter and Christopher. He grinned as he thought of Aoi toddling after him as he took care of his plants. She truly was the best part of his day. Break Julie watched as Rain was given instructions from the director before he made his way to her side. He was shy as he reached for her hand. Julie reached to slide a stray curl back in place and the sleeve of her shirt exposed her arm. Rain’s smile vanished when he saw the scars. Julie was quick to pull the cloth over her arms. She never allowed anyone to see her bare arms. She always wore a long sleeved shirt under her cheerleading uniform. “So shall we go find Bikky?” Julie tried to ignore the scars that Rain had noticed.What happened to you?” Rain asked looking around to make sure that none of the teachers or students was around. He pulled the loosened tie from his hair and re-secured the rapidly falling locks. Julie looked into Rain’s sincere green eyes. She sat on the stool that was on the stage facing row upon row of empty seats. “When I was a freshman, I was picked on a lot by the girls. Most of them had a thing for Ryan and had been rejected. I took it personal.” Julie admitted with a sheepish grin. Rain sat quiet as he listened. He placed his hand over hers waiting for her to continue. “I became very depressed and I… Cut myself. It was easier to feel this pain than… I mean on top of everything else that was going on,” Julie grew silent staring at where Rain’s hands touched her own.What was going on?” Rain ventured to ask when it seemed that she would not continue. Julie shook her head her eyes taking on a haunted expression of past hurts. Rain squeezed her hand in understanding. “I once cut myself.” Rain admitted thinking back. “I was enraged and scared. I just wanted my hair gone, if it marked me female, then I was so pretty, I wanted to disfigure myself. Before I could get to my face, Ryo put his hand in the way. I cut him instead. He had to get stitches. We all have our pain,” Rain was startled to feel Julie’s arm come around him in a tight hug. She placed her lips on his cheek.No one has ever understood me,” Julie sobbed. “I have always been so alone in my feelings. Ryan doesn’t understand, he just never leaves my side if he can help it… I love him, but he doesn’t understand.”Come on,” Rain pulled away. “We’d both better get back to our brothers before they send the cavalry looking for us.” Rain laughed as they reached the door of the theater. Julie looked back over her shoulder and watched as Rain walked down the hallway. He pulled a journal from his large pocket. Julie grinned knowing that she was not alone.Rain!” Rain looked up when he heard his name called. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”Oh, uh sure Thomas, but I’m on my way to the library.” Rain said turning down a hall.Looking for Bikky?” Thomas asked with a smirk looking at the journal still in Rain’s hand. Rain nodded shoving the book into another large pocket on his cargo pants. “He’s in the locker room come on.” Rain nodded and followed the senior humming the refrain from one his favorite tunes. “Do I love you because you’re wonderful, or are you wonderful because I love you…” Thomas paused blown away by the purity of Rain’s voice. “Are you the sweet invention of a lover’s dream… or are you really as wonderful as you seem?” Rain walked on quite oblivious to the fact that Thomas stared after him with his mouth hanging open. Thomas shook his head. It didn’t matter; he should be the lead. Thomas firmed his resolve and followed Rain into the locker room where Thomas’ friends were waiting. Rain startled when the door slammed leaving him in a darkened seemingly empty locker room. “Bikky,” Rain looked around waiting for his eyes to adjust. The lights came on and Rain realized seniors surrounded him. “Where’s Bikky?”He ain’t here,” Thomas smirked. Rain gulped as they closed in on him. Break Ryo saw the sullen look on Bikky’s face and knew they were on the verge of a mutiny. The boy would not speak. He’d had an easier time cracking suspects than he would with his own son. “Bikky,” Ryo tried to reason with him for Dee had given up stalking away enraged with the gangly teen. “Was the attack unprovoked?”You have to ask?” Bikky spat the words at Ryo. “Maybe a couple of years ago it would have been a legitimate question, but you should know better now.” The principal sat back impressed with the young man’s vocabulary.I do know better, so tell me why.” Ryo kneeled down until he was eye level with Bikky. It was a pose that spoke volumes to Bikky. Bikky felt tears threaten but he resolutely shook his head. He would tell Ryo and Dee, but only Ryo and Dee. The principal and his aides did not need to know. Ryo stood to his feet shoulders a little lower than they usually were. He held out his hand to Bikky. “Give me your Cell, you are… Grounded until further notice.” Bikky was silent as he slammed the phone into the palm of Ryo’s outstretched hand.Bikky,” The Principal addressed the incensed teen. “Why don’t you wait out front so that I can have a word with your parents?” Bikky stomped from the office slamming the door behind him. “Ah… teenagers. They all go through this rebellious stage when they just think they know everything, adults are morons and don’t understand.” The principal tried to relax the two detectives in his office. Dee was so angry that he had been quite beyond words. “I’m amazed I even made it to twenty-one…” The principal laughed.This is not like him,” Ryo whispered clutching Bikky’s cell.Of course it isn’t,” the principal agreed. “That’s why it is so hard to take.”Something set him off, I know it.” Dee said, “That’s why I am so pissed. He would at least tell you.” Dee turned to Ryo he felt sad at the hurt look on Ryo’s face. “He’s always told you.”I know,” Ryo whispered looking out into the bright afternoon. BreakHold him!” Thomas demanded when it seemed that Rain would break free. They had all been surprised when Rain had fought back injuring some of the seniors. Two of them lay on the floor in pain while Thomas wiped blood his mouth. “You’ll pay for that.” He threatened Rain. “I don’t know who taught you those moves, but you will regret them.” Rain spit at Thomas. “Bikky taught me that.” Thomas snarled wiping his face he reached for Rain’s waist. He gripped him hard causing Rain to frown. “You’re tiny here. I know some girls who would envy you.” Rain struggled hard against the brutish hold of the two larger boys. “Keep wiggling like that. I think Joey here likes it.” Rain stilled when he realized that his back was pressed against another boy’s front.Hey dude, I am into girls, you know that.” The dark haired Joey protested.Whatever, he’s as pretty as a girl and prettier than most.” Thomas slid his hands down Rain’s legs.No… W…W…What are you doing?” Rain stammered beginning to sweat as the older boy touched him. “Stop it!” Rain squirmed.Hey, that does feel kind of good.” Joey taunted when he noted Rain’s panicking.Please, please, please, no… stop it.” Rain began to sob.Hey man,” The other senior that was still standing and holding Rain spoke to Thomas. “Maybe we shouldn’t…”Shut up Lance,” Thomas demanded walking away from Rain who sagged in relief that he had ceased to touch him. “Day one,” Thomas began to read. Rain’s eyes flew open as he realized that while Thomas had groped him he had robbed one of his pockets. “I don’t know what good this will do me, but Princess Andy suggested I get in touch with what I feel. I don’t want to… Boring.” Thomas looked over his shoulder to see Rain struggling to be free. He flipped though the pages and began to read again. “I keep having nightmares every time I wake up, Ryo is there. He saved me then and he saves me now. He sits with me for hours on end.”Stop it,” Rain sobbed. “Why are you doing this?” Thomas turned a cold smile on Rain and flipped though a few more pages. “I am not a girl. I can remember thinking that. But no girl should have to feel the pain that I have felt. No one should. I wished he would just die… Or that I would. Any thing to end the pain. But he didn’t. I didn’t. I was held down; I couldn’t breath it hurt, oh God it hurt. I was bleeding. He wouldn’t stop, he just wouldn’t stop.” Thomas paused when Lance reached out. “Dude, leave it,” Lance blinked away his own tears as Thomas read.Shut up Lance,” Thomas demanded as he flipped though a few more pages. “In my dreams,” He read on ignoring Rain’s whimpers as he sank into his own personal hell. “He is always on top of me. Shoving, pushing, hurting. He’s relentless it won’t stop. Then Ryo wakes me up and holds me.” Thomas paused to see Rain trembling in Joey’s arms tears falling down his face. Rain flinched at each word as if he had been struck. “I lost all sense of time; they said I was missing for three days. Three days? It felt like thirty. The first time I came home from school, it was just an ordinary day. I was changing out of my uniform ignoring B…” Thomas paused. “Awww… You couldn’t even write his name. It’s all scratched up.No…. Not again…” Rain panted becoming lost in his memories.Hey man,” Lance tried to interrupt Thomas’ reading. Thomas turned a vile glare on Lance. “He came into my room. He began to touch me. I tried to push him away but he was too big…” Thomas paused as Rain began to scream. Break Bikky looked up when he saw Terry and Erick come running down the hall. “Bikky!” They called coming to a skidding halt. “We heard you were in it deep.” Before Bikky could answer Erick yanked his arm. “No time man we got to go.”Go?” Bikky got to his feet worried that Terry was even looking frightened.Seniors, they got Rain!” Erick words had barely left his lips before Bikky was running down the hall. They found Rain lying on his side in the locker room alone. He had his knees drawn up to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around them.Rain,” Bikky got to his knees on the floor near him. Rain gasped and scooted away further into the wall. “Rain it’s me, Bikky.”No,” Rain whispered. “No, no.” Rain sobbed squeezing his legs tighter.What the hell did they do to him?” Terry asked his eyes wide as he stared Rain’s huddled form. Erick looked over at the journal laying open on the floor. A door slammed and Bikky looked up. With an angry oath he took off after Thomas and his crew of miscreants. “Bikky wait!” Terry called. “Erick come on, Rain will be ok. Bikky can’t take them all on by himself.” Erick nodded leaving Rain to go help Bikky They got outside to see Bikky across the street from the school brawling with several large boys. Terry and Erick gasped before they joined the fray. Carol paused in her walk towards home to see Bikky fighting. She ran across the street to see if she could stop him before he got into bigger trouble than he was in already. Break Ryo listened to the principal as the man commended his patience to willingly raise three boys not his own. Ryo’s eyes unfocused traveling behind the principal to look outside his window. His eyes went wide as he saw a familiar blond head. Dee was startled when Ryo charged to his feet. “Baby?” Dee asked as Ryo shoved the window open to watch as a small ball of flying fists converged in fury.Bikky!” Ryo called before he jumped through the open window. Dee watched in amazement as Ryo made a perfect landing on his feet and took off running.Where are they?” Bikky was shouting as he pummeled Thomas. “If I have to search you I will…” Before Bikky could begin to go through Thomas pockets he felt strong hands on his waist lifting him from the prostrate senior. Ryo held both of Bikky’s hands in one of his own as he hauled him from his feet. Thomas looked up in amazement as the slim man held the writhing bundle of infuriated teen. “Let me go Ryo!” Bikky demanded as Thomas got to his feet. He stumbled as Carol fell into him. “Carol?” Bikky asked watching as Thomas and his friends began to run Dee in hot pursuit.I got it,” Carol said Ryo was amazed when Bikky went limp in his arms relaxing against his hold.Bikky!” Erick called running back to the school. “We got to go get Rain.”Get Rain? Where is Rain?” Ryo demanded running after the boys.NO!” Rain was screaming in terror. “No… stop it! Don’t touch me!”It’s alright boy, your parents are here,” Ryo heard the principal talking to Rain. They rounded the corner of the locker room to see the man with a hold on Rain’s arm. He pulled Rain to his feet.Stop it… Stop it please… Oh… I’m bleeding… I can’t w…w…walk…” Rain paused as his face took on a sick tinge. The principal tried to step back but he was soon covered in the excess of Rain’s lunch. Rain sank to the floor sobbing hysterically.Damn,” Erick muttered out of breath as Ryo went to Rain’s side.Ame-Chan,” Ryo called softly. Dee came crashing into the room pulling Thomas and Joey behind him. Lance walked in off his own volition. “I caught them.” Dee huffed coming to Ryo’s side. “Thomas is claiming Carol stole from him. Picked his pocket. Did you take his wallet little girl?”No…” Carol sneered at Thomas. “But I did pick his pocket.” Ryo frowned as he remembered her bumping into Thomas. “I took this,” Carol handed the three pictures to Ryo.Doesn’t matter what she took, stealing is against the law,” Thomas yelled. “You’re cops arrest her!”Where did you get these?” Ryo asked softly as he looked down at pictures that he himself had snapped as evidence. “Oh Rain,” Ryo looked at the journal then at his shivering son.Ryo… he’s here,” Rain sobbed staring at them all and seeing nothing but his own demons. “It hurts Ryo make him stop.” Bikky sat next to Rain ignoring the mess that was coating his pants. Bikky tried to reassure Rain that he was all right and safe. “Oh… God… Somebody help me!” Rain collapsed into Ryo’s arms falling into a blessed pit of nothingness. To-Be-Continued I do not own and I am making no profit from the mention of the games here they belong to Sony and anyone else involved. Pet Shop of Horrors, Fake, Earthian, Rent, do not belong to me. The White Lion and all characters pertaining to it do belong to me, BUY a Copy, Check Out my Website...