Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction / Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Whipped Creme ❯ Chapters 9-12 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Whipped Crème 9 (C) Chaos, Confessions, Comfort Chaos Bikky stared as Ryo held Rain secure in his arms. Ryo stood holding the unconscious boy he stared at the seniors that sat around the room looking at him with unveiled contempt. “I would never give you a flower for fear that despite its beauty and fragility you would crush it beneath your feet.” Ryo sighed as the words left his lips. “Dee,” Dee was at his side in an instant prepared to carry Rain if necessary. “No, I’ve got him. Book them Dee… Book them with everything you can.”I’m on it baby,” Dee promised pulling his cuffs. When he ran out of metal cuffs he began to use the plastic until all five boys were trussed and waiting for backup vehicles. Lance sat with his head hanging sobbing openly. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”If you were sorry,” Bikky snarled clenching his fists ready to attack. “You would not have done it.”I told him to stop. When I saw how bad Rain was freaking, I told him to stop but he wouldn’t. We were only supposed to rough him up a bit, make it so he could not play the lead.”Well, you may have succeeded,” Dee muttered as he watched Ryo answer his phone.Andy,” Ryo was saying. “No, no he is not going to be able to come in tonight.”Ryo, bring him in.” Andy reiterated. The simple words had the sound of a command. Ryo tensed prepared to deny her again. “Ryo, I am not speaking in terms of rehearsal tonight. I am not speaking to you as the high princess of Arcadia. I am speaking to you as a doctor of Psychology. Bring him in.” Ryo nodded to the phone forgetting for a moment that Andy could not see him. Somehow, she understood. As Ryo stood rocking Rain in his arms sirens could be heard blaring as the cops came to a skidding halt outside the school. “Ryo! Dee!” JJ bounded from the car breathing hard. “I got the call that you guys needed backup here.”Take them,” Dee pointed out the seniors. “Call their parents, Ryo, you and Bikky get to the Consulate. I’ll take care of this.”Thank you,” Ryo whispered.No thanks needed, they’re my kids too.” Dee watched the grim expression lift from Ryo’s face replaced by a look of pure love. On impulse Bikky threw his arms around Dee. “Hey, you go take care of Ryo while he takes care of Rain. Make sure Laton does not get it in his head to eat anyone. The law will handle this.” Lance glanced up having overheard their conversation. Thinking they were joking he went back to his own morose thoughts.No, Dee,” JJ said handing Dee a stack of papers. “Fill this out here so that we can book them with a full report. The other statements we can get later, but we need an initial report in order to hold them. You go be with your family.” Dee nodded gratefully to JJ as he began to fill out a report. Dee finished his report and he went with Ryo to the large black Escalade that had been given to them by the NYC Police Department. Rain woke up several times during the long drive. He struggled against Ryo’s hold begging to be let go. Bikky felt tears prick his eyes as with one waking session he begged to be killed. Ryo held him tight stroking his back. Ryo murmured reassurances to him and he calmed hearing Ryo’s voice. Rain curled his fist around the fine linen shirt Ryo wore as he sniffled.He’s not in the book.” Rain woke up as they left the truck. Ryo looked down into his wide eyes. “I put it all there and they let it out. He’s not in the book anymore, oh… Ryo It’s almost like I can feel it all over again.”I won’t let it ever happen again Rain.” Dee promised when Ryo seemed at a loss for words.Dee… You don’t understand, he’s not in the book now. In my dream, it wasn’t me he was hurting; it was Ryo. He’s not in the book, he can come out and…” Rain broke off sobbing. “I would rather die than have him hurt you like that Ryo. He’s done with me, he…”He’s dead!” Bikky yelled angry when his own tears spilled as he watched his brother have a mental breakdown. “Damn it Rain he’s dead. He won’t be hurting anyone anymore. He’s dead! Dead.” Rain flinched holding tighter to Ryo who still carried him. Bikky looked up as the wide doors of the consulate opened to show Andy standing there in a lavender dress. It flowed about her like liquid silk. Pearls were sewn along the seams. “Andy help him.” Bikky begged rushing up the stairs to take her hand. Andy looked down with a serene smile. It was heartbreaking in its gentleness. “I am sorry Bikky, but I will not.” Before Dee could voice his outrage Andy held up a hand to forestall him. The tears that Ryo had fought so hard against spilled over his cheeks as he looked up at Andy. “This is a battle that I fought a long time ago, and now I will entrust it into the hands of another. Bring him.” Andy turned entering the consulate.Hey,” The distraught family paused in their following of the princess. “Do not be upset with her.” Nestoir’s words came out as a command despite the gentleness of his features. “This is a pain she bore a long time ago and she can not do it again. I will not allow her to suffer so.”So she can help him and you won’t let her?” Bikky asked outraged at the high Prince. “Look at him, Nestoir, look at him. He needs help.” Bikky pointed to Rain clinging tight to Ryo trembling like a blade of grass caught in a storm.He will receive it. And in accepting help, perhaps he will aid another.” Nestoir indicated they should go inside. Dee tried to press the prince for more information but he became tightlipped lost in his own thoughts. There was no pretense as the large doors closed. It was as if they closed off the normal earthen world. The Arcadian Palace gleamed before them with all its gold and jewels and precious metals. Ryo looked at Dee before he followed Andy to a lushly appointed bedroom. Ryo laid Rain on the bed. He had to pry Rain’s finger from their grip on his shirt. “No… No Ryo please… Don’t leave me.”I’m right here,” Ryo assured him as he sat near the bed.Relax, you are safe here.” Rain could feel his heart slow and his anxieties were being manually smoothed. “Come Ryo, Dee, Bikky. I need to talk with you. He will be alright.” Andy tugged on Dee’s arm. He was at first surprised by her strength but submitted to it. Dee paused for the first time noting the silent Angel prince leaning against the doorframe. At the somber look on his face Dee tried to take a closer look. His plan was foiled when a fall of golden hair covered his face. Andy placed a hand on his arm before she left him alone with Rain. BreakWhat the hell do you mean I can’t take him home?!” The Assistant District Attorney yelled at Leon. “I will have my son in my custody in ten minutes or it will be your badge!”I would love to see you back that up.” Leon gasped to find Agent Miaka standing beside him. He was sure she had not been there before. The ADA looked at the small Asian woman with a sneer. “Who are you little lady, his wife? I thought you’d be male, from the rumors that is.”I am Agent Li Hun Miaka of the Central Investigation Agency,” Dark eyes flashed as she glared. “You are Assistant District Attorney Hughes am I correct?” Hughes blinked at her straightforward manner and clipped tones. “I am not on this case, but seeing the officers involved I had a special interest and so requested to view the files. Your son is being held on charges of kidnapping, aggressive sexual assault, torture, theft and being in possession of stolen police evidence. You of all people should know the penalty for those crimes. Young Mr. Hughes is lucky he has not passed his birthday, or then the crimes would amplified as he would have committed them against a minor. Or are you unaware that the person he assaulted is a fourteen year old boy?” Hughes had been struck speechless when he found that the small beauty was a CIA agent. “I am aware of the circumstances, nevertheless, he is my son and…”And what?” Leon asked looking with disbelief at Hughes. “Tell me you did not expect special treatment because you are the ADA?” Hughes flushed slightly at the accusation. “Let me tell you something Hughes.” Leon leaned on the table finally allowing Hughes a glimpse of his own burning fury. “If Rain MacLean’s parents have their way, you will be seeing your son in five to ten.”We’ll see about that!” Hughes snarled as he slammed from the office. Confessions Count D looked up as the bell above his shop door chimed. He put his most sincere smirk in place as he turned to see who had entered his shop. “Hello Count D, I am Helen. Do you know who I am?” Count D gave the raven-haired beauty a discerning glance. “You have just said that you are Helen. Need I know more?” She stepped closer to the counter her eyes never leaving his lovely features. Count D took the time to memorize her cool amber eyes and milk white skin. She seemed vaguely familiar but he could not remember ever meeting her.There will come a day when you will wish that you did.” Helen backed away. She tossed a last look over her shoulder as she reached for the door. “Where is that adorable little girl of yours?” Count D turned and mentally searched his shop. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was busy playing with the Honlon and Ten-Chan. When he looked back to his guest he found himself alone in his shop. Break Rain pulled his legs to his chest scooting as far back against the wall as he could. Prince Angel had taken a step towards the bed causing Rain to leap from the cushioned mattress to cower on the floor. “Please, do not be afraid.” Rain gasped when the words entered his mind even though Prince Angel had not opened his mouth. “I know how you feel.”Like hell you do,” Rain surprised Angel with his vehemence. “I feel dirty, and… I think I’m going insane. I wish B… He had just killed me. He just… He just wouldn’t stop.” Rain crumbled in his corner his hands gripping his hair in an attempt to pull it out. “He just wouldn’t stop. If the police had not come in… he would probably still be on top of me.” Rain rocked back and forth clutching his knees. “You can’t know, no one knows. If they did they would hate me… My own father would be ashamed. They would hate me… They would.” Rain nodded hiding his tear stained face from the blond Prince.They won’t… I won’t let them.” Rain looked up shocked to actually hear the prince speaking. “Because if anyone hates you, they will hate me as well.” Bikky pressed his hand hard over his mouth to still his breathing. He had slipped away from Ryo and Dee to come check on Rain. He saw Prince Angel sit on the floor near Rain holding a shining object in his hands. “Andy said, that the reason so many people suffer with their pain is because they think they have to bear it alone. Look here Rain,” Rain looked into the Orb he gasped to see a young boy near his age huddled in much the same position he now found himself in. The boy had blond hair and wore what looked to be nothing but a tattered T-Shirt. The boy was frail to the point of emaciation his blond hair falling in limp locks to his shoulders. Rain watched in horror as a man came into the room and violated the screaming young man. As Rain watched the face of the man changed. Many men came into the room. When the faces all became blurry their succession quickening they melted away leaving only the boy on the floor sobbing. The young man looked up and Rain gasped as he looked into endless depths of sapphire blue eyes. He raised his own emerald orbs in shock to see an older version of those eyes gazing at him. “You are not alone.”Why?” Rain surprised Angel by pulling him into an embrace. “Why do people do such horrid things to each other?” Rain whimpered as memories washed over him leaving him bereft of his sense of self. “He ruined my life.”NO HE DIDN’T!” Bikky could not hold his tongue any longer. “Both of you listen up. We cannot change our past and so what? So what… It is long gone and over with. We have to look ahead. You both have people who love you now. You think, Rain, you think Ryo, Dee, Lyo and myself love you any less? And you…” Bikky pointed a finger at Angel. “You had better not be sitting there thinking that Andy holds your past against you.”I know better,”Angel’s thoughts resounded in both boys’ heads.That’s right, that part of your life has already been written and read. Nothing can be done about it.” Bikky got to his knees next to his brother. “You have a whole book full of blank pages before you all fresh and clean waiting for you to write your own story upon the pages. Your life isn’t ruined it’s still unwritten. You have so much potential. Ryo said the same thing to me after I began to live with him. He said that if I allowed my father’s path to consume me I would be lost, or I could choose to mark my own trail. So choose Rain, you too Angel, you choose to write your own book, finish the novel of your life. Walk the path of your choosing. Don’t let assholes like that take away something so beautiful. Rain you have no idea how beautiful you are. When you sing I see your soul laid bare and I am awed by it. Don’t let anyone snuff it out. I won’t let them, but I can only do so much. I’ll beat them down. If they keep coming I’ll beat them down again. You just shine. If they look at you through a dirty window, you open that window and let them see the beauty you can bring to them.” Bikky halted embarrassed by his impassioned speech. He wiped tears from his eyes.You are never alone, you never have to carry this burden on your own.” Angel whispered offering a rare sight to both boys. Dimples appeared on his cheeks as he smiled. BreakI have never been so ashamed of you!” Lance hung his head as his parents entered the holding cell where Jill waited with him. His mother’s scathing words were like a slap across his face. “You, of all people, should know better.”Mr. and Mrs. Meeren, please have a seat.” Jill indicated the chairs. “I have not begun questioning your son as yet. With your permission I will take his account of the incident.”Yes of course, do we need to sign anything?” Mr. Meeren said running a hand through his hair. Jill handed him the form that he quickly scanned and signed handing it to his wife. “Can you please tell the offended young man’s family that we humbly apologize for our son?”I already said I was sorry,” Lance sobbed his shoulders shaking. “The look in his eyes, when Thomas began reading, it was like Mat’s when he got back to us. I will never forget it. Detective please believe me, I was told that we were only going to rough him up a bit. I had no idea Thomas would take it so far.”Tell me what happened,” Jill softened her voice when she saw how obviously distraught Lance had become.It was right after the list for the musical went up.” Lance began, “Thomas came to me saying he was the prince’s father, he was so angry. He said that top card leads only went to seniors. He said that little sophomore only got special privileges because he was in that music group. I thought that wasn’t fair, so I went with him to get Bikky, Rain’s brother, in trouble. Then we took Rain to the locker room. But he surprised us; he can fight. He took out Derek and Anthony. Thomas got pissed… Sorry,” Lance glanced at his mother then back at the table he had been studying the whole time he made his confession. “Then Joey got him, Joey’s on the wrestling team, he held him like it was nothing. That’s when Thomas started touching him. Rain began to really freak out. I told Thomas to stop, but he told me to shut up.”What do you mean he began to touch him?” Mr. Meeren asked causing his son to look up at him and then swiftly back down unable to meet his father’s gaze.You know… he felt him up,” Lance blushed. “First he just squeezed his waist, then he was touching his butt and his legs. Joey too… Rain really freaked out then. He was shaking and crying and begging. I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn’t listen.” Lance began to sob. “Thomas took the book Rain is always writing in and began to read. That’s when I knew, Rain was just like Mat, only he wasn’t locked away. Somehow Rain was not locked away. But now he might be and it’s all our fault.”What do you mean locked away? You are closer to that scenario than Rain could ever be.” Jill said fighting the stinging in her eyes as she thought of the quiet, honest, beautiful, native boy that they had all come to care so much about.Our oldest son Matthew,” Mrs. Meeren explained accepting a handkerchief from her husband. “He was attacked on his way home from school. A few years ago there was a case that is to this day unsolved. A man was going around the neighborhood attacking young boys. My husband made sure he carpooled our son’s and several other kids to school when ever he could. Well he was home sick one day and one of the other parent’s forgot to pick Mat up. He was taken and abused. He went quite mad afterwards. He kept trying to hurt himself and Lance. He tried to hurt Lance, so we sent him to a hospital. He is still there. No matter what the doctor’s try he is making no improvement.” Mrs. Meeren broke into sobs leaning heavy against her husband’s strong embrace.That’s why,” Lance began again. “That’s why when I noticed Rain’s behavior I tried to get Thomas to stop. But he wouldn’t. Then Rain started screaming but Thomas just kept on reading. Oh… God, the things that man did to him. Thomas just kept reading. Then we heard Bikky coming and ran. We just left him there curled up… I am so sorry.” Lance lowered his head to the table. “In light of your full confession I can send you home in your parent’s custody with bail of course.” Jill said sitting beside Lance. “Mr. and Mrs. Meeren, please, give me the case number. I will look into it.”But it’s been unsolved for so long.” Mr. Meeren protested.Honey, at least they are willing to try again.” Mrs. Meeren pulled a carefully preserved scrap of paper from her purse. Handing it to Jill they left the office to await the release of their son. Comfort Ryo sat with his hands gripping his teacup. The dark liquid boiled over evaporating before it could touch the floor. Dee reached over and gave his arm a comforting pat. Ryo sniffled causing Dee to pale. He pulled the smaller man into his arms hugging him. Ryo sank into Dee feeling the large hands roam his back. Andy sat across from them similarly ensconced in her husband’s arms. “He’ll be alright, won’t he?” Dee asked Andy.That is his choice,” She replied saddened. “If he can not see in front of him because he too busy looking behind, there will be nothing I or anyone can do.”Rain’s fine,” Ryo looked up as Bikky strolled into the room smiling. “He’s taking a shower, he wants to know what’s for dinner.”Whatever the hell he wants,” Ryo said he was laughing and sobbing all at once. Prince Angel stepped into the room and nodded to Andy before he vanished. Andy beamed a bright smile to her friends and bounced around on her husband’s lap. Break Leon arrived home to find a small bed set up in their bedroom with Chris asleep on it. Count D lay in bed with Aoi. Two Q-Chan’s fluttered about the room. “Leon… Oh… Leon,” Count D said sitting Aoi on the bed so he could embrace Leon. Leon felt a stab of fear as he realized whatever had upset Count D had upset Sofu and Lady Aurora as well. Whipped Crème 10 Inferno JJ sat up in bed automatically reaching for his weapon. His eyes struggled to adjust in the darkness looking for the source of Lord D’s agitation. Lord D had sat up gasping in bed holding his stomach. “Darling?” JJ asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Lord D jerked at the touch. Wide glassy eyes found JJ’s as he stared about the room. “Are you alright?”We have to go,” Lord D said getting to his feet.Go… Where?” JJ stood going around the bed to place his hand on Lord D’s arm. “Precious, tell me what’s wrong.”We have to go to the pet shop. Father is calling me.” Lord D peeled his night robe off heading to his closet to find a cheongsam.Ok, get back into bed,” JJ said trying in vain to pull Lord D. “I will take you before I go to work in the morning.”No… We have to go now.” Lord D pulled away from JJ going back to the closet.Darling, it is three in the morning.” JJ grouched sitting on the bed. “Please be reasonable and come back to bed.”I can not…” Lord D paused breathing with some difficulty. “I can not ignore a summons.” JJ panicked when it looked as if Lord D would be violently ill. “It is urgent. The summons is urgent. We have to go now.”Ok,” JJ agreed pulling on his pants. “We’ll go, calm down. You get the boys I’ll get the car then come help you.” Lord D nodded grateful when JJ left the room. He rushed to the twins’ nursery to find them both sitting up in their cribs looking for him. They too could feel his father’s message. Lord D heard the garage door moving as JJ pulled the car to the front of the house. He filled a diaper bag then began to dress the boys. JJ returned in time to grab the bag and one of the small boys. He cast a worried look in Lord D’s direction as they headed out. Break Count D sat on his bed rocking Aoi. His grandfather had warned him that the summons might agitate her. Count D had been unprepared for the reaction in himself. Because he was freed from parental constraints due to his binding with Leon, it was mild. But his father was feeling more than this, Count D shuddered as another wave hit him and he blinked to clear his vision. Aoi whimpered clinging tight to her papa. Leon aimed a frown at Sofu but the Kami paid him no heed.We’re here,” Lord D and his family came rushing into the room. “Father, what do you wish of me?” Lord D dropped into a bow before his sire.Only your safety child.” Sofu answered pulling Lord D to his feet. The younger Kami’s in the room all breathed a sigh of relief as the summons ended. “I want only your safety.” Lord D looked for and found his mother sitting by the window peering out into the dense early morning fog.Grandfather,” Count D sat Aoi in Leon’s arms to approach the ancient being. “You have been acting rather erratic. First in the garden and now this, please, if it is not too presumptuous of me, tell me what is going on.”What do you mean ‘in the garden’?” Sofu asked Count D a frown marring his beautiful features.The other day I was in the garden, you came to me as Q-Chan and cuddled for a few moments, then flew off.”I know nothing of what you speak.” Sofu looked as if he was thinking back over the past few days.It was you, I can tell, grandmother has softer fur.” Count D smirked. True his grandfather was embarrassed to admit to such affection but Count D had never known Sofu to outright tell a lie.And I tell you it was not,” Sofu said with chilling alacrity. “ Come here child.” Count D approached his grandfather cautious of the foreboding in his father’s eyes. “Submit your will to my own,” Count D dropped to his knees unable to resist the pull of his grandsire’s words.How are you able to do that?” Lord D demanded. “He is freed from constraints.”I do not need parental constraints to exert my will over a younger mind.” Sofu words were crisp as he placed his hand on Count D’s head. He watched as the events in Count D’s mind played out. “That creature is a near exact replica of me. But I sense no malevolence coming as it touches you, only curiosity.” Sofu paused watching. “It went in the direction of the nursery, as if mapping this place.”Sofu! Do something,” Lady Aurora got to her feet taking her husband’s arms she pulled him to his feet. “Don’t let her harm them.”Who?” JJ asked placing his sleeping sons in bed next to Aoi.The creature,” Lady Aurora paused remembering Count D’s accounts of his beautiful visitor. “Helen… is my mother. She abandoned her family for a flight of adulterous fancy. When she came back she had to ask who I was. She did not even recognize her own daughter. She is bone deep selfish, only caring for herself and her own pleasure. Daughter of Zeus or not, no one should be so self-centered.” Lady Aurora spat giving the room at large a glimpse of the human girl she once was. Left behind and forgotten. Sofu placed a gentle hand on his wife’s arm. “My light,” Lady Aurora turned into his embrace. Count D got slowly to his feet slightly dizzy from having his grandfather searching around in his mind.You ok?” Leon asked steadying Count D. Count D nodded his head. He allowed himself to be sat on the bed near the children.We will stay here together tonight.” Sofu looked out into the night. Seeing nothing he closed the curtains. “I will re-align the shop. My love, have the Honlon, T-Chan and several of our more interesting species roam freely about the shop. We are hereby closed for business indefinitely. When this is over. Well… It will be over.” Sofu said no more. He went into a dark corner of the room focusing his mind outward. The shop began to shift. The realms of the shop briefly connected to the mortal world then were wrenched apart. Lord D watched his father work awed by his concentration and stamina. Lord D leaned his head against JJ falling into a fitful slumber just as the sun crested the horizon. Break Ryo opened his eyes when he heard singing. He listened for a moment and realized that Rain must be in the shower. “I love Saturdays,” Dee muttered beside him just as the telephone rang. “Yeah,” He answered emerging from the blankets with a scowl on his face. “You’re beautiful,” Dee whispered to Ryo. In the pale morning light that filtered in through their window Ryo’s hair formed a mussed halo around his lovely features. Ryo blushed and took a moment to push his hair back from his face. “Leon… what?” Dee sat up earning a questioning look from Ryo. “A couple of days off, yeah whatever, but you know we are working one hell of a case now. Yeah, yeah, I’ll talk to the chief about it. Rose too. Good luck.” Dee hung up and flopped back into the pillows. “Never mind, my day has not started yet.” Dee pulled Ryo’s arm. “You lay down and we will start all over again.”Dee, what was that all about?” Ryo asked leaning on his arm to face Dee.Sofu is closing down the shop. He wants us to act like nothing is amiss and keep visiting them, but if we need a sitter send the kids to the consulate or something.”Well, we intend to hang around the house today anyway remember. We took a few days off ourselves,” Ryo said. Dee smiled as a new thought occurred to him. “Yeah, Rose is going to be fit to kill us all. Not to mention Jill. She’s on vacation with Diana Spacey. Apparently they are shopping. Diana is getting married to that Gryphon she started dating a few years ago. The whole Arcadian/ CIA unit is out.”The good thing about that is that we can have an arc of Fae support take our places for a few days.” Ryo said being the only one in the group to actually go over the files that Agent Miaka had given them.HEY!” Bikky called pounding on the door, “ Will you two get out of bed already? We’re hungry.” They heard Alicia and Renee both laughing. Dee said nothing. He picked up a shoe and threw it at the door. “Dee quit complaining and put some pants on. I’m a growing boy and you know when Rain gets out of the shower he’ll be…” Bikky paused when Ryo opened the door. “ Morning,” He greeted with a cheeky grin. Ryo reached out and pulled Bikky’s hair. Dee tied his freshly donned pants and followed the group downstairs. Lyo clung to Ryo’s pant leg. Alicia smiled through the pain of her son abandoning her so quickly. Break Randolph stepped around the open office door. Stopping in his tracks he stared at the two strangers sitting at Ryo and Dee’s desks. “Who the heck are you guys?” Randolph gazed at the strangers flowing hair that blew in the wind from the open window as if it were made of the lightest tinsel. Their pale skin seemed almost translucent in the dull light of the office while their slim figures offered the illusion of frailty belied by the guns strapped to their holsters. They turned to face Randolph and the clear beauty of their eyes startled him. Where one new comer was piercing with dark brown hair and blue eyes the other was ethereal with platinum hair and gray eyes so light they appeared silver to Randolph.We are Agents… Detectives… Brown and Goldman, respectively,” The dark haired one answered. Randolph felt his heart melt at the musical voice that issued forth as Brown continued to speak. “Detectives MacLean, Laytner, Orcot and Jameson are all on leave due to separate and uniquely intriguing family matters. We are fill-ins until their return. We will handle their cases and in due process turn them back over to them upon their return.” Randolph nodded and turned to go back to his own office. He paused turning back to the beautiful pair. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I have to ask,” Randolph paused looking them over again debating whether or not to voice his concern. Brown and Goldman both waited with mild curiosity on their faces. “You are men…?” Brown and Goldman both looked at each other with bright smiles on their faces that seemed to light the room. Then they looked at Randolph who became so enamored of their smiles that he almost did not hear their answer. “Yes,” They both said. “We are male.” Randolph nodded leaving the office for good baffled at the strange events taking place inside the precinct. BreakRyo,” Alicia entered the kitchen where Ryo was busy preparing dinner. Ryo looked up with a smile on his face He heard Bikky and Rain upstairs talking excitedly and poring over one of Rain’s journals. “I want a question answered before I make my decision about Arcadia.” Ryo turned his sauce to simmer and sat down at the table with Alicia. He looked into the living room to see Dee in deep conversation with Renee. He smiled to see them getting to know each other. They had yet to deal with her being Rain’s aunt, right now, they would focus on her as Dee’s mother. “What question?” Ryo asked taking his tea and warming it in his hands. Alicia stared at the bubbling liquid a moment. Her eyes lifted to Ryo’s then dropped to her folded hands. “ You said Lyo would have to stay with you or you would not help me… Why would you be deliberately… I mean he is my son. Why are you taking my son?”Arcadia is based on rules,” Ryo tried to explain. Failing that he sighed. “I am not doing this to be mean,” Ryo sighed again thinking that the words were something that Bikky or Rain would say. “Or selfish, I do not just want to keep Lyo, though I do love him as my own. Arcadia is… Well they adhere to human free will. You are old enough to make such a decision on your own. My own mother never told me I was a dragon. I would have found out when I was eighteen. Then I would choose the life of a mortal or the life of a dragon. Even at that age I cannot say I knew what was best. As I am now it is a tough choice to make and one I am finding an ever increasing burden as the title carries several lesser titles and land…” Ryo shuddered then purposefully refocused on Alicia. “You will be in his life, and when he is eighteen the choice will his to make. That is all. Arcadia will accept consenting adults, not children. He will be heavily influenced.”What do you mean?” Alicia asked worried that her son would never truly be human.Take Rain and Bikky for instance. They still have years yet before they would make any choices. They can choose what family of Arcadia they will belong to. They may want to be marked by dragon blood, or that of the phoenix, or the unicorns, or any race offered there. They can even choose to become oblivious to Arcadia, forgetting all… even me. Prince Angel has said that Rain has the possibilities of Wind in him and Bikky could master fire. They could both be mages of Arcadia if they so choose.”But what about me?” Alicia wondered having her mind at ease about her son and the man she had left him with.What do you wish?” Ryo asked instead. “Think of a creature you would like to emulate. If the king allows it, you will be human still, but you will have to ability to take the form of your preferred creature…”A mermaid,” Alicia blushed to have so quickly cut off Ryo’s words. “When I was a child in Italy I fell in love with the tales of mermaids and King Triton…”He will be delighted to hear it.” Ryo said when Alicia trailed off. “When we go to the consulate later this week to formally announce you, I will introduce you two.” Alicia’s eyes widened and filled. Ryo smiled, reached a hand over and warmed her coffee. BreakThis is stupid!” Leon exploded charging to his feet startling Lord D. Count D placed a reassuring hand on his father before he turned his eyes to Leon. “We are playing right into their hands. They spook us, then have us alter our lives to try to supercede a plan only to fall into a trap.”Leon this is an angry, vengeful relative, not a criminal mastermind.” Count D tried to placate his lover.Most times you can not tell one from the other.” Leon muttered earning a halfhearted snicker from JJ.What would you suggest we do?” Sofu asked. He looked over at Leon from his perch on the armrest of Lady Aurora’s chair.I suggest,” Leon arched a brow at the Kami. “That we go on with out lives. When the trap is sprung, be ready. I would rather face this head on than hide in here and have them blindside us. It’s coming, you know it. I would rather let it come and fight. The best defense is a good offense.”Are you really willing to risk so much?” Aurora looked at Leon her eyes showing her age more than her features ever could.We could lose it all either way. I want to lose it knowing I lived to the bitter end, and fighting.” Leon smiled. “No one takes something from me without me giving them something for their effort.”So what do you suggest?” Sofu got to his feet and walked over to Leon. “Do we let them take our children?”As soon as they get it out of their system, we can kick their asses then get on with life.”Do you realize who we are dealing with?” Aurora asked feeling a shudder of revulsion. “Daughter of Zeus, she could call aid from her father and have the many ancient titans come against us… I am mighty, but not that mighty.” Leon looked out into the brilliant afternoon sunlight. “I am not for sitting locked in this pet shop.”Can we not look to Arcadia for aid?” JJ asked wondering at the gravity of their situation.You have no inkling, child, what that could do to the Arcadian realms.” Sofu heaved a tired sigh. “I will not be the cause of such a harrowing event on the plains of that lovely palace.”What kind of event would calling for help bring?” Leon whispered to Count D. Before Count D could answer his question Sofu continued. “Many years ago when Zarro ascended the throne, there were several Olympians who tried to wrest it from him feeling that the leader Zeus should retain his former glory serving no one. But their might was as nothing compared to the might of the White Lions, the Gryphons and the Dragons. This was just before the Fairy and Elven kingdoms joined us. Arcadia was terrorized by…”Civil war,” Leon finished thinking of a time in the US’s own troubled past. “But wouldn’t that mean that they would go against Zarro if they attacked us.”They have no qualms against that,” Lady Aurora sighed. “It would mean another shot at the crown. A simple family squabble would turn into a full-scale war; something mother is fond of starting. Her infidelity lost so many lives I am ashamed to admit she birthed me.”Are you forgetting,” The room turned startled eyes to the doorway to see Nestoir leaning against it, as if he had been there a while. “That Zarro has an entirely new army at his disposal.” Nestoir walked into the room. “You Kami’s are not without your own defenses and allies. Your oldest brother…” Nestoir looked deeply into Sofu’s eyes. “Is quite fond of you.” With those words Nestoir turned to smoke. His voice wafted to them as he floated out into the warm afternoon. “Let them come.” Leon grinned, he had always liked Andy’s husband. “…Be…Prepared…” Break Ryo stood at the sink mulling over the Andy’s words as he cleaned the lunch dishes. He was amazed that Rain was doing so well after such a complete mental breakdown. Whatever it was that Prince Angel had said to him had worked wonders. Bikky would not speak on it. Thinking of that day brought him back to what Andy had wanted to speak with him and Dee about. She had looked more adult than he ever hoped to see the vivacious bubble of childish energy. While Ryo had sniffled wiping the trail of tears that fell down his cheeks and Dee had simmered Andy had leaned over her chair looking deep into their eyes. “He will need to talk.” Andy had said. “He will have questions, and you will have to answer them.”Questions?” Dee wondered aloud as Ryo blew his nose on the handkerchief that Daphnus gave him. The silken article the first sign that he had entered the sumptuous room.We have already discussed things of a sexual nature,” Ryo whispered his face heating. “He asked, if Dee loved me so much why would he hurt me so terribly. I explained…” Andy shook her head, “When he needs to talk, you be ready, no matter how embarrassed you are you need to talk to him. Or he will get his answers elsewhere and who knows what knuckleheaded teenager will give him advice…the wrong advice. Better he hear the truth from you than fantasy’s from a child.” Ryo nodded prepared to speak but Andy got to her feet her dress sliding over her form like lavender liquid sparkling in the jewel toned light. “Another thing Ryo-Chan.” Ryo looked up and felt warmth wrap around his chilled body. “You need to forgive him, and so does Rain. This hatred will kill you inside. Let it go.”Forgive the boys who…” Ryo began but Andy shook her head slowly her own eyes filling as she touched the raw, burning emotions that roiled inside of Ryo a similar heat emanated from Dee. Andy took her hand away from his face and touched his heart.Easy to say,” Dee ground out his jaw clenched. “You were not there that night,” Dee stared at the hanging painting of Queen Victoria. “You did not see him Andy, a child… A child being held down and… he was on top of him…”He has been taken from this world and sent to his judgment. Harboring this hatred cannot hurt him, it never could, and all it can do is tear you up inside.” Andy’s words felt like a knife in his soul. Ryo realized he was just standing with his hands running under the hot water. As it fell off his hands it sizzled and evaporated never reaching the sink. “Let it go,” Andy’s words rang in his heart. “You all need to let it go.”Ryo!” Bikky ran into the kitchen pulling Ryo away from the sink. Not knowing what was wrong Bikky simply put his arms around Ryo. Ryo cooled his hands and returned the impromptu embrace. “You ok?”I’ll be fine…I” Ryo tried to smile. Thinking of how well Rain had seemed to adjust after his talk with Prince Angel Ryo smiled. “I am fine. So is Rain. We will be ok. He can’t hurt us anymore…”Ryo?” Bikky questioned tossing a helpless look at Dee who rushed into the kitchen when he saw Ryo in tears.Prince Angel said that Andy told him,” Rain said entering the kitchen a small smile on his face. “That you can’t always look behind you. If you look behind you, you are more than likely to walk into a wall or off a cliff. Look forward and see where it can lead.” With a simple smile from Rain Ryo could feel his grip on his anger slip. The smile widened and just like that he let it go. Break Count D sat on the park bench next to his father and watched as Chris, Rain and Bikky pushed them on the small toddler swings. Leon prowled the playground keeping his eyes wide. T-Chan marched beside him sniffing random strangers. T-Chan growled as a stranger sidled up to the bench ignoring the children. “You are still so beautiful,” Count D frowned at the familiar voice of the man who addressed his father. Lord D looked up at Hamanosuke a small smile on his face. Hama- allowed his hand to stray to a length of Lord D’s silken hair where it fell over his shoulder. Lord D smiled as the hand was shoved away. JJ stood behind Hama holding the wrist of the offending hand. “Haven’t you learned not to touch him?” JJ tossed the hand aside. “It pisses me off.”Tell me,” Hama said as Count D gasped feeling a pain in his heart that he did not recognize. “What pisses you off more? MEtouching him, or…” Hama turned his head to look at Leon and T-Chan fighting several large men while several figures headed for the children. “Hertouching them?” Count D jumped to his feet as he saw Helen heading towards the children. Chris held Aoi in his arms backing away while Rain and Bikky snatched Kiba and Shinrai. JJ’s heart beat in a twisted cadence of panic. He needed to protect his children, yet he needed to free Lord D from Hamanosuke. What a great time for Sofu and Aurora to seek Soofu A JJ thought frantically. They should never have left the safety of the shop. “Be at ease,” JJ’s mind reeled when he saw Bikky and Rain knocked out and Chris soon following. “All is as planned.”Andy these are my children! Are you insane?!” JJ yelled struggling against her words.You had already lost this battle before it began. At least this way we can plan a counter. Leon was correct about staying in the shop. They think to attack from all sides.”What do you mean?” JJ asked as he grappled with Hama.We were coming to your aid when the alarm sounded at the palace. Dae is making war on Arcadia! If we had gone to the shop we would have gotten here too late to aid the king.” Andy’s presence left JJ as he received a ringing blow to his scull from behind. Lord D struggled but was caught in a strong embrace.It’s us,” Angel looked up where Collins shoved against the thin Asian man that stood over JJ. Collins was amazed at the wiry strength that was pushing him back.Get back human. This is not your fight!” Hama yelled shoving Collins to the ground. He looked at Angel holding on to Lord D and a smile lit his face. “But it is now.” Angel bit back a scream as he and Lord D were enveloped in a black cloud and solid ground vanished from beneath their feet. He felt Lord D slump in his arms unconscious. Count D felt rage build in his slight frame as he fought the demons trying to take the children. Several swarmed him at once enveloping him in a mound of hard, scaled bodies. Leon felt the breath leave his lungs as Count D vanished from view along with the group of children. The demons disbanded leaving Count D on the cold ground panting for air. “They’re gone,” Count D sobbed feeling his own heart pound as he suffered through his first parental attack that all Kami’s experienced when their children were in peril. “Oh, my love, they have taken the children.” Whipped Crème 11 Instinct Deep blue eyes opened roving the area with discernment uncommon in one so young. “Biggy,” Bikky heard the whimper with a mixture of relief and anger. He felt something soft against his hand and looked to see Rain lying beside him still unconscious. Bikky smiled at Lyo hoping to stop the small child from crying. He reached over to touch Rain testing for a temperature. Rain muttered his eyes opened revealing his confusion at finding himself in strange surroundings.We’ll be alright,” Bikky said when Chris awakened. “I am sure that by now the rescue is planned and ready to be executed.” Bikky nodded his confidence mounting as he remembered the previous times when he had witnessed the Arcadians preparing for battle.You think so,” Lyo whimpered at the slick voice that could be heard. Hamanosuke approached the young people in the room. It was then that Bikky noted Lord D and Angel slumped in the corner. Even unconscious, Angel had refused to relinquish his hold on his friend. Angel’s fingers flexed in the silk material of Lord D’s robe as he opened his eyes.D…D,” Angel called gently patting Lord D’s cheeks. “What did you do to him?” Angel’s demand caused a smile on Hama’s face.Oh… He will be out for quite some time, you see,” Hamanosuke’s smile was pure smugness as he looked over the beautiful kami lying across Angel’s lap. “Anytime a being of pure light is trapped in a black soul net for any length of time it takes some extra effort to recover. Here,” Hama left a gleaming silver bucket near Angel. “He may need this when he awakens.” Hama paused on his way out of the holding room to look at the children. He saw the burning defiance in Bikky’s eyes and smiled his eyes then roamed over Chris, passed Lyo and the smaller children to fall on Rain. “Aren’t you adorable?” Rain shivered at the intimate look Hama treated him to before leaving the room. Rain looked at the silver bucket and contemplated using it before Lord D ever got a chance to. Break Count D’s entire world was consumed with the need to embrace his child. He brought trembling hands up to his head as if to keep it in place as the world spun in wild circles around him. Count D flinched when Leon picked him up into his arms. “Aoi…” he sobbed tangling his fingers in Leon’s wild riot of blond hair. For the first time Count D noticed the blood that trickled from Leon’s brow. “Oh, Leon, they have injured you. They injured you and took our child... I must destroy them, I must.”Relax child,” Leon battled the urge to shed tears of his own when he heard Sofu’s command. “You must not allow this to consume you.”They took Aoi and Christopher and…” Count D began his fingers clenched drawing blood. Leon frowned when he saw the crimson drops falling from his love’s palm.Look at me,” Sofu commanded ignoring Soofu A beside him. Q-Chan fluttered about squeaking as she looked for Lord D. “He too has been taken.” Sofu told her. JJ watched as her leathery wings fluttered once, and then she sank to the ground trembling. JJ took his mother in law in his hands. “I know, he is trapped in a black net, I felt it when he was enveloped.” Sofu took several deep breathes as he thought of his beloved son in the clutches of the fiend who had previously abused him.It seems you were earnest in your request of my aid.” Soofu A commented as he looked at the curious onlookers that took in the scene. Sirens could be heard as the LAPD arrived trying to figure out what had happened.You mean to tell me,” Commissioner Rose was yelling at another officer. “That royal and noble Arcadian’s were kidnapped on American soil. Orcot!” Leon tried not to be surprised that Sofu could easily lift Count D for the older Kami had simply taken his grandson from Leon. “What is going on here?” Rose demanded as soon as Leon was standing in front of him.My brother, my daughter, Rain, Bikky and Lyo Maclean as well as Kiba and Shinrai has all been taken sir. The perpetrators are several terrorist with a nefarious agenda to wrest the crown from Zarro. They also have with them someone who is believed to be the great grandmother of Count D.” Leon tried his best to keep the explanation short and human friendly.Will it be taken care of?” Rose asked unsure how involved the police department should be in Arcadian matters. He did not know the full details, but he was sure this was no ordinary kingdom and consulate.Yeah,” Leon vowed. “It will be taken care of.” Break Ryo clenched his fingers around his gun as he shot the demons that were attempting to storm the Arcadian Palace. He wiped sweat from his brow. “Dee, who is calling our cell?” Ryo asked not bothering to look at the buzzing at his hip. When the cell stopped he went back to the fight at hand. He and Dee had brought Alicia to the Arcadian consulate so that she could meet the king and discuss becoming an Arcadian. It was quite by surprise that they now found themselves in the middle of a war.What are you doing?” Ro startled when Laton strode over to him.I’m trying to defend Arcadia.” Ryo answered unsure if he had done something wrong.But what are you doing?” Laton asked again watching his grandson load another clip into his weapon. Ryo looked at his grandfather when the man opened his mouth to speak he noted the smoke billowing around them. “When you are in human realms defeating human foes you use human weapons.” Laton turned his attention to the horde of demons trying to beat down the Arcadian army. Ryo stared in shock as Laton opened his mouth to emit a ferocious flame that took several rows of monsters down. Dee gulped when Laton gave Ryo a meaningful glare. Dark green scales flashed overhead. Laton smiled as his wife beat her powerful wings to fan his flames causing more damage to their enemies. Golden talons began to shred the leathery hide from the screaming demons as Torcha continued on her path. Ryo’s eyes stung from the acrid smoke making it’s way from the charred remains. With a resolute nod Ryo sat down his weapon. He clasped his hands before turning them palms out . Dee watched his lover in awe as flames akin to Laton’s blasted the army below. Laton gave an approving nod then climbed onto the balcony. He jumped into the sky. His arms extended to his side as claws replaced his hands. His skin was soon covered in glorious shining scales while large wings began to pump against the sky. Dee stared at the red and gold beast forgetting about the war at hand.Pay attention!” Nestoir yelled shoving Dee off his feet. Dee’s eyes wandered the littered balcony to see several large, spiked balls where he had once stood.Thanks,” Dee muttered getting to his feet. He felt his pocket buzz just as Chimera destroyed the last wave. “Yeah,” He said into the cell.Dee… help us…” Dee frowned when his connection went dead. He checked his phone’s log while shaking his head at Clarisande when she offered him medical assistance. “Ryo…baby, call the pet shop.”Is something wrong with the boys?” Ryo asked using a towel to clean the sweat from his brow. Before Dee could answer Andy strode over her sword sizzling as it cleaned itself of the rotting demon blood. She slide the now clean blade into its sheath and clicked her bracelets together. Within moments her deep purple warriors garb of leather and silk vanished to be replaced with a fresh outfit of black linen. “No time for that, no need to call the shop. No one is there.”Where are they?” Ryo asked worried as Andy and the other Royale appeared to be getting ready for another battle. Andy placed a hand on Ryo hoping to calm him as her husband explained the entire situation. “We are going to find them…” Ryo inhaled deep hoping to calm his heart. He could feel Andy’s gentle ministrations.They called me,” Dee pulled his phone out to see that both Bikky and Rain’s cell phone numbers were showing up.Call ‘em back on silent and trace it. I had their phones installed with Parent tracers.” Ryo said as Dee dialed.Ryo… Dee,” Bikky’s voice came through softly.Are you ok?” Ryo asked taking the phone from Dee. Ryo could hear Lyo sobbing in the background.Da-Ryo, Da-Dee,” Lyo whimpered Dee clenched his fist thinking of his children away from home.Ryo…Hurry guys, Lord D is still passed out and Rain is starting to freak.” Bikky said breathing deeply trying to remain calm. “The mean guy… Hamano… Whatever his name is… He thinks Rain is pretty…” Bikky continued speaking but Ryo did not hear the words. The small phone had fallen from nerveless fingers.The hell he does,” Ryo ground out stomping to the balcony. “O-Ji-Sama.” Laton heard the call. He curled over flying to his grandson. “Dee is tracking a location, I need you to get me there as soon as possible.”These coordinates,” Dee said looking at the computer screen. “Where are they leading?” Daphnus walked over smoothing his hair from his brow. “I don’t know where this is.”It looks like one of the Greek isles.” Daphnus muttered. He typed a few words on the machine. “Yeah, it appears to be Gortyn, the Island is…”Don’t start,” Nestoir held up a finger. Before Daphnus could say more Nestoir placed his hand over the princes mouth. “ Don’t be tedious, let’s just plan a rescue.”You don’t have to be so…” Daphnus trailed off as he saw the deep plumes of smoke rolling from Ryo’s fingers. “Laton… Call the dragons, your families army should be of use here, we will need flight. Angel keep the children in your orb.” Prince Angel nodded before silently handing his orb to Zarro. The king looked inside to see the youngest prince and princess sleeping soundly. “we will secure your children in another one of his orbs.” Daphnus told Dee and Ryo. He would have said more but heard the crowd at the door. Sofu stepped over the threshold holding tight to Count D. His tense features a testimony to his own distress at Lord D’s situation. “We’ll let’s get ready, Dae should be reeling from his defeat here,” Andy glowered at the room in general. Nestoir stroked his hand over his wife’s arm. “Let’s go retrieve our treasure.” Break A low moan alerted the occupants in the room that Lord D was regaining consciousness. Angel wiped the moisture from Lord D’s brow with his sleeve. “There now, D, there now,” Angel smiled hoping that the kami would not panic. Lord D winced as his stomach rejected the presence of the black net. “Bring the pail!” Angel called when he saw the sick tinge. Bikky rushed forward offering the gleaming article. Angel patted Lord D’s back through his sickness. Rain sat on the floor staring. This was a nightmare right? Rain wondered running his hands through his hair. Bikky noted the tugging and remembered when he had mentally collapsed at their school. Soon, Rain thought, soon he would wake up and Ryo would be sitting beside him on the bed talking softly. Sometimes if he asked, Ryo would even lie beside him… Rain’s thoughts trailed off. His eyes closed tightly wishing to feel Ryo’s warmth.Rain,” Bikky scooted over to Rain. He took the frail boy into his arms. “Be strong ok, just hold on, Dad’s are coming.” Rain tried to nod only managing to bury his face in Bikky’s chest.It’s going to hurt,” Rain’s words were muffled against Bikky’s shirt. “You don’t know… but you saw how he looked at me…” Rain sniffled tears falling. “God, why couldn’t I just be ugly?”I’m not going to let anyone hurt you Rain,” Bikky promised as he felt the trembles in his brothers body shake him as well. “I’ll fight… I will.” Bikky thought back to their earlier skirmish. He had done all he could and still they had taken them. Kiba and Shinrai crawled over to their father. Holding his robes they ceased to sniffle. Aoi went to her Grandfather sniffling.Dr… Lord D,” Rain whispered. Bikky was surprised that the ill looking Lord D had heard Rain. “When he’s done… can you… can you fix it?”I won’t let him hurt you.” Lord D stood to his feet. With a regal frown he straitened his robe. “I am not some meek toy to be passed from one to another. He will learn a lesson here today.” Angel admired Lord D’s courage, though he was unsure what good it would do them. Lyo whimpered as the door opened. Hamanosuke strolled into the room smiling at Lord D.You are awake.” Hama allowed his eyes to roam the graceful figure before him. “That human took one from me, and here I have retrieved three. My harem will be more lovely than ever.”Well now, son of Hermione.” Hamanosuke stepped aside to allow Helen into the room. She moved her dark hair away from her startling beautiful face. Helen walked in a circle around Lord D taking in his slim, pale figure. He gazed at her, his purple eyes defiant.Do what you will with me, but let the children, and this young human, go free.” Lord D indicated Angel.No, he’s mine.” Hama grasped Angel to him. He slide a hand over Angel’s stomach before groping him rudely.Get your hands off me.” Angel struggled wincing at the brutal grip on his arm. Hama growled when Angel managed to get enough leverage to land a punch. Hama shoved Angel hard to the floor landing on top of him. “Stop it this instant or so help me I will take you here and now.” Angel ceased his struggles when he felt Hama fumbling with his tights.Yeah Angel,” Bikky said fury lighting his eyes on fire. “His type only beats on those who are helpless, who can’t fight back… Look at him… I am taller than Lord D and he beat him.”Watch it kid, or I’ll have you too. You’re not my type, but I’ll put you in your place.” Hama snarled pushing away from Angel to tower over Bikky and Rain. Hama raised his hand high to strike.No,” Lord D ran forward placing his own body in front of the boys. Rain stood to his feet with Bikky. Bikky was right, they would not let this mad harm them. Lord D had been so kind to him, treating him easing his wounds. “You will not hurt them.” Hama grasped Lord D’s arm tossing him to the shining marble floor. Kiba, Shinrai, Aoi and Lyo began to sob. Christopher went beside the other boys hoping to help them protect the Count’s father. Hama turned; his eyes that of a raging beast as he gazed at the three boys. Angel got slowly to his feet shaking his head to clear it of the fog Hama’s blow had left behind. He tried to get to Lord D but was brushed aside. Lord D was knocked to his knees. Helen stood by watching the unfolding drama. Hama drew his hand back to strike Lord D and in that moment she realized a startling fact that nearly brought her to her knees. That was her grandson. “Stop it!” Helen rushed to Hama halting his hand from connecting with Lord D. Hama’s eyes turned from the brutal grip he had on Lord D’s hair to turn incredulous to the beauty before him. “ Do not hurt him…” Helen reached down and pulled Lord D into her arms. Consuming Fire Snug fitting black linen stretched across long legs highlighting the slender figure to perfection. Leon watched as Count D snapped the closures on a sleeveless vest. With a snap gloves were pulled on. Leon noted that D left his fingers and thus his long nails free. D then picked up a pair of bracelets that winked dully silver in the light. Leon realized that he had ceased to load his weapons into his bag to watch D dress. The last item that D picked up baffled Leon. D wound a long thick ribbon about his small waist the ends were tied with two large heavy globes that looked to be made of beaten metal. Count D then moved his hair behind his ear and Leon tried not to be freaked out by how much he resembled Sofu. As the sun sank Q-Chan chirped, fluttered and spread her wings. In a sudden gale the small creature vanished leaving Lady Aurora standing there her face streaked with blood that leaked from her eyes. “Weep not, love.” Sofu commanded entering the room. Sofu’s eyes traveled to JJ who had been silently loading weapon after weapon into his bag and on his person. “Our son has an inner core of strength inside of him now. He will draw upon that strength and stand.” JJ raised his face to Sofu. “As sure as my son has taken up residence in your heart, you hold his.”Will it be enough to save him?” JJ asked worried that he would find Lord D broken inside and out.No.” Soofu A’s simple answer and shrug caused Leon to frown. Sofu D deferred to his brother and stood silent as he continued to speak. “Do you have faith that you will find him safe?”Faith…” JJ wondered what the ancient being was trying to tell him. Soofu laughed softly before he went to stand beside his younger brother. Andy entered the room jewels winked at her wrists and hip where they were encrusted along the hilt of her sword. “We ride.” Was all she said before turning to leave the room. Dee looked to where Ryo sat in deep conversation with Laton. He made several gestures with his hands as if practicing before, with everyone else, he filed out of the room. Break Lord D felt Helen embrace him with an odd mixture of relief and disbelief. “Woman what do you think you are doing?” Hamanosuke demanded trying to wrest Lord D from her grasp. Lord D cried out at the brutal wrenching of his arm. Helen felt the shockwave of anger grace her entire body as she heard the delicate bones in the wrist snap.I…I…” Helen could not explain the emotions that fueled her actions. “He is my grandson,” Was all she could think to say.Never before has family meant anything to you.” Hama snarled holding the wrist. Lord D bit his lip refusing to frighten the children with his pain. Kiba and Shinrai were already terrified. Aoi patted her young uncles hoping to make them understand that Dada and Papa were on the way.But,” Helen hugged Lord D stroking his hair. Lord D gasped using his gifts to discern the emotions of the woman who held him so tenderly. Truly was she confused by her need to protect him. Before she could utter another word the door banged open. “Father,” Helen looked to the imposing figure that stood surveying the occupants of the room.Father…” Angel looked at the flowing white beard and hair. “If that is Helen, the legendary Helen of Troy, then you must be…” Angel’s eyes widened as he stared at none other than Zeus.If she said to release him, you should release him.” Zeus’ eyes flashed staring at the angry beast that grappled with his daughter for the soft creature in her arms.I do not take orders from anyone other than Dae.” Hama snarled Lord D gasped as his injured wrist was pulled further. Bikky was silent as he walked over to the wall. He picked up a broom with a heavy handle. While the adults were arguing Rain blocked their notice of Bikky as he unscrewed the bristles. Helen scooted away from Hama taking Lord D with her. Rain accepted the broom as Bikky stepped up with the handle. With Chris beside him he faced Hama. “What exactly do you plan to do with that?”I won’t let you hurt them!” Bikky gripped his handle. Zeus stared at him with admiration shining from his eyes.N…Neither will I.” Rain stepped up beside his brother and his friend. He took a defensive stance that he had learned from Count D. Hama growled and the boys braced themselves for attack. Zeus raised his hands and several other Arcadian angels entered the room to protect the favored daughter of their leader. Hamanosuke glared at the young humans and angels. He sneered and snapped his fingers. Several large demons entered the room snarling. Lyo began to sob as acid dripped from their mouths sizzling on the marble floors of the elegant room. Aoi patted his hand, “Papa here,” Aoi said holding her little hand open to show them an iridescent bubble. Hama’s eyes went from the bubble to the commotion at the door. Dae burst into the room holding his side. “Damn Arcadians,” he wheezed. “I need a body… Fast!” Dae summoned one of his warlocks. Angel screamed as Dae grabbed the man’s head. He stood as if transfixed. Dae’s previous body fell to the floor an empty husk. Angel’s feet scuffed the floor as he inched away from the slack jawed, empty stare of the corpse at his feet. Dae stood before them resplendent in his new skin. “Now what is the problem?” Dae pulled Hamanosuke to him kissing him deeply.This creature is trying to impede my claiming of my property!” Hama pointed an accusing finger at Helen. “The only reason I agreed to help is because you said I could have him.”A deal is a deal,” Dae’s hand traveled down Hama’s hip to slide across his backside. “Woman, release the kami.” Helen gasped as Hama moved to take Lord D.No!” Lord D got to his feet backing away from Hama. He held his broken wrist close to his body. Angel scrambled to his feet standing next to Lord D. “I am not yours! You will not rape me again.” Lord D took the stick from Bikky. “I may not be able to use my gifts to end your miserable existence, but I will not allow you to abuse me or my family.” Lord D’s eyes traveled to his children and granddaughter. He looked to Bikky, Rain and Chris. Lyo clung to Bikky’s pant leg his wailing a never ceasing background to the tense silence that captured the room in an inescapable net. Hama growled reaching for Lord D. he was brought up short when he felt the stick connect sharply with his head. “You hit me.” Hama stared at Lord D who brought the stick back preparing to do it again. Hama narrowed his eyes at Lord D as the demons engaged the angels that tried to protect Helen. “I want you to know,” Hama circled Lord D slowly drinking in his radiant beauty. Long skeins of delicate red patterned silk showed off Lord D’s beauty to perfection. “That after I have subdued you, I will have him,” Hama pointed at Angel, “And him,” he then pointed at Rain, And even him. While you watch.” Hama looked Bikky over with a curl of his lip he turned back to Lord D. “Then I will take you till you can’t stand. And then, I will take you again. Until you admit that you are mine.” Lord D rolled his eyes heavenward as if seeking divine aid. Hama stepped forward and Lord D rapped him again with the stick. “Stop that!’ Hama demanded when blood began to trickle from his brow.No,” Lord D smacked him again. Bikky and Rain cheered ignoring the fighting angels and demons around them they watched as Lord D stood up to Hamanosuke. Hama tried to grab the stick but brought back his stinging hand as Lord D tapped him hard across the knuckles. Hama growled preparing to charge Lord D. The large palace shook underneath their feet as the sound of thundering hooves could be heard on fast approach to the palace. Dae, sword locked with Zeus’ thunderbolt, paused a foul oath leaving his lips. “They could not give us time to regroup.” He muttered shoving his blade into its sheath.They?” Zeus demanded. “You said your army would keep the Royale occupied.”Well maybe I should have stayed here and tortured children and you could attack the bloody king in his domicile.” Dae grumbled stomping to the large windows he threw them open. Helen walked over to stare in shock at the armada of flying equines that halted several feet from the palace.Jemi-Chan,” Lord D gasped handing Bikky the broom handle he moved to the window. Lord D stared at JJ who mouth two words. “Get down.” Lord D backed away from the window. He took the children and Angel to a far corner where the crouched in safety as the equines landed. Dae and Hama looked down in confusion missing the roaring dragons that flared their mighty wings. Dae gasped backing away seeing Ryo on Laton’s back his hands bared. Princess Chimera sat astride her Unicorn and Prince Kronos, blond hair flying, sat beside her on his Pegasus.Flames,” Dae whispered moments before the room was blasted. Lord D trembled in fear that the flames used in their rescue would harm them. He noted a glow coming from Aoi.Angel…” She held up her small orb in her tiny hands. Lord D peered into the orb to see Prince Angel his massive golden wings beating against the azure sky. In his hands was a larger orb that he pointed towards the palace.Told you they were on the way.” Bikky said patting Rain’s shoulder.No one enters this room.” Dae threw the words at Hama as he turned towards the door. Helen coughed waving the acrid smoke away from her face as he father left to lend whatever aid he could to the demons fighting his king’s army. Break Leon thought of the last time he and D had been taken to an exotic island. He had been bound with his own handcuffs and D had jumped from a plane. Leon thought of the coolly composed D of the past and the simmering D of this moment and a wry smile lifted his features. Hama made the biggest mistake of all when he touched their children. D jumped to the ground moments before Nestoir’s Unipeg landed. Leon hurried to his side as Dee joined them. Dee took a moment to look up to see Ryo still atop Laton throwing flames at various points of the palace. A leather skinned beast approached D only to receive a tiny dagger from D’s bracelet in his throat. Leon blinked several times again studying the jewelry. He saw that the points on the bracelets were actually miniature swords that D tossed whenever he could not reach an opponent. Leon whistled at D’s accuracy. He had not time to further appreciate D’s skill as a horde of monsters came crashing through the gates.Come get it,” JJ muttered stalking forward with his guns glinting. Dee and Leon followed suit firing on the beasts. Andy, Nestoir and Daphnus soon joined them. The sound of Andy’s sword leaving its sheath was loud over the blasting guns. Nestoir and Daphus were soon armed as well. Tisiphone uncased large silver wings to ascend the sky shooting arrows into beasts from above.Princess Clarisande,” Nestoir called summoning the beautiful princess with flowing dark hair. “It seems Dae has sent you his warlocks… Have fun.” Clarisande smiled as she saw the robed men advancing with their pagan tools and books. “I will.” She promised preparing to battle.O-Ji-Sama,” Ryo leaned close to Laton’s massive head. “I want my children.”You shall have them, snap dragon,” Laton promised admiring the dogged determination he could sense coming from Ryo.Ha!” Hamanosuke cheered when Count D ran out of blades on his bracelets. Leon shot several slime covered, scaled beasts with Princess Chimera’s weapons and watched as D beat several beast unconscious. Dee walked behind the enraged kami and shot the beasts where they lay. “What are you doing, he was down?” Hama demanded watching as Dee shot all of the felled beasts.By direct order of High Prince Daphnus, you are all sentenced to death.” Hama’s eyes widened he scanned the fighting crowd to see the long braid of the High Prince as he swung his sword taking several demons down in one sweep. Hama backed away when D stood before him. Hama stared as D unwound the silken belt at his waist. “What are you going to do, perform a ribbon dance?”Yes,” Count D said simply. “Enjoy he show.” Count D’s hands moved and Hama was struck hard with one of the metal balls that were connected to the ribbon. He tried to duck, but Count D moved and used his legs to send the ball flying in a wide arc taking out several beasts that tried to come to Hama’s side. Hama ducked remembering the skills he had spent years honing in the imperial army of China. He dodged one of Count D’s swinging weapons only to be hit hard by the other.I am so tired of you damn kami’s hitting me on the head.” Hama snarled making Count D pause to consider the words. Hama took his moment of inactivity to rush him to the ground. Leon was worried until he saw D’s legs lift sending Hama flying to the ground with a painful thud. D stood to his feet swinging his ribbon wide, Leon watching him, thought that his movements did resemble a dance. D wrapped the ribbon around Hama capturing his hands before becoming secured around his neck. D then proceeded to land the remaining ball on his head. When Hama lay insensate on the ground D looked up to see that the ground forces were taken. The Arcadian army were storming the palace. Break Helen stood in between the demons guarding the room and her captives. They heard several piercing screams and Lord D placed his uninjured hand against his brow. Helen had been impressed to see Rain and Bikky wrap Lord D’s broken wrist and secure it to his side with a sling made from Bikky’s over shirt and belt. “Why are they screaming like that? A demon asked his human façade slipping away in his fear at whatever was coming to the door.That…” Lord D said backing away when he knew a breach was imminent. “Would be my mother.”Your mother…” Helen said looking to the door as if blew in on itself lighting sparking around it’s edges. When the smoke cleared Andy stood aside to allow Lady Aurora to step into the room. Aurora stood wearing black leather pants and top. Her heeled boos clicked on the marble as she took a step forward. Her long black hair cascaded around her face. Topaz eyes glowed in fury as she saw the sling on her son’s arm. Helen heard the hiss and stepped back as Aurora bared her fangs. “Hermione.”How dare you?” Aurora began advancing on the demons who retreated from her. Lady Aurora was glad of the protective orb as shards of glass from the window crashed into the room with Ryo, Sofu D and Soofu A. Dae came crashing in behind them an armada of demon guards at his side. Soofu A pulled a pin from his curly, sable locks that turned into a gleaming sword with a golden hilt. On the blade were sparkling stars of the house of David. He pointed the weapon at a demon and it fell dead without it so much as touching him. The other creatures in the room looked at Soofu A backing away in terror. Deep brown eyes pierced Dae and he felt his throat constrict. As he struggled to breathe Count D strolled into the room dragging Hama with his ribbon. Dae realized that all of his monsters were dead or dying. Dae dove crashing on top of Hama’s bound form. D tugged falling back into Leon’s arms as his ribbon fell to the ground empty.Gomen nesai O-Ji-Ue,” Count D bowed before Sofu D. “I tried to bring him to you.” Helen stared in horror at her daughter. Blood dripped from Aurora’s hands to stain the once beautiful now charred marble. JJ reloaded his pistol with a ominous click he pulled the hammer back pointing weapon at Helen. Angels came running into the room.I could not…” Helen began tears falling from her eyes. “I could not harm them. I took them to hurt you. You… I wanted to destroy all you had built, but… But,” Helen leaned against her father for support. “I took one look at him… he is so beautiful and he is my grandson. Hermione, he is my grandson, they,” Helen pointed a shaking finger at Shinrai and Kiba. “They are my great-grandchildren and it goes further with that one.” Helen pointed to Aoi. “They are all so beautiful.” Ryo walked to the or. He tapped the bubble and it popped as if made of soap. Lyo ceased his sobbing to rush into his arms, “Da-Ryo!” As Ryo soothed the small child Rain and Bikky both ran to his side holding him close. Dee approached his family and they embraced him as well.I am so glad we got you boys cell phones.” Dee said around the lump in his throat as he held his family. “So glad.” Count D took Aoi into his arms feeling his murderous rage leave his body he sagged against Leon.I want to go home.” Count D said simply holding tight to Christopher’s hand. Nestoir and Daphnus both approached Zeus and the remaining angels of Arcadia. “By order,” Nestoir began before Daphnus could go into a long speech. “Of High King Zarro you are ordered to appear before him immediately.” They turned briskly on their heel.Am I hearing the theme song to…” Ryo paused in his uging of his children. “Is that… Sailor Moon?” He paused as Rain began to frantically search his many pockets.Julie is a fan, so I downloaded it as her ring tone. Hi,” He said into his phone. When he answered it.WHERE ARE YOU!!” Julie screeched into the phone. Rain winced holding the phone away from his ear. As he stood pondering the merits of honesty against having to explain what he was doing in Greece she continued. “It is opening night, they are prepping your understudy. I DO NOT WANT TO KISS PETER CARMICHAEL!”Stall them,” Dee said into the receiver having taken the phone from Rain. “We’re on our way.” To Be continued