Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction / Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Whipped Creme ❯ chapter 13-16 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Whipped Crème 13 InterludeYou look like crap.” Were the first words Julie said to Rain as they all stepped into the green room. Rain took a moment to gaze into a mirror at his tangled hair, dirt smudges and torn clothing. “Were you trying to roller blade again? Bikky!” Julie turned a frown on Bikky. “You know he doesn't do too well with those.”We weren't roller blading,” Rain said with a smile.What are you just standing around for?” Ryo stepped aside as a teacher dressed in all black stepped forward. He tried not to smile at the thin man with his beret. It was obvious that the man was an English teacher using this play to live his dreams of Broadway through the talents of his students. Watery gray eyes fell on his stars. “Curtain is in 45 minutes. You were supposed to be here an hour ago.” The teacher pulled off his maroon beret. Ryo stepped next to Rain when it seemed the man would reprimand him. “Unavoidable circumstances, but he is here now.” Ryo smiled and the teacher backed away his bald pate shining in the lights of the green painted room making him look rather like a catfish with his protruding lips and hanging blond mustache. The teacher summoned the students working in wardrobe to get Rain in costume wondering all the while how such a gentle, mild-mannered man could instill such fear. Ryo took Rain's arms looking him deep in the eye. “Are you ok?” Rain winked at Ryo a smile lighting his face. “After watching Lord D show Hama what's what... I think... I'll be just fine.” Ryo nodded allowing the frantic students to usher Rain into a shower while they laid out his costume and makeup. Ryo stepped out to the waiting Arcadian limousine that was parked outside the school. He stepped in to be greeted by several dressing rooms all bustling with activities.There is a shower waiting for you,” Bikky called as Dee left one wearing a towel. He grinned at Ryo winking.Hey sexy, need me to wash your back?” Dee smirked as Bikky rolled his eyes.We do not have time for you to help me shower.” Ryo said real regret in is voice as he shut the door firmly behind him. The lights were just going down in the the theater as the entire Arcadian Royale, including Laton, Torcha, Zarro and Victoria along with the Kami and Lady Aurora were shown to their seats.Gosh no,” Julie's eyes widened as she got a look at them all in the first row. The row behind them occupied by their guards and retinue. “We are supposed to entertain the likes of them?” She turned a nervous gaze to Rain who smiled.I know you will be great.” Rain planted a small kiss on her cheek as the curtain lifted. It was time. Rain grinned sending her on her way. Break Alicia sat on the bed in her room at the Arcadian palace staring at it's lush appointments. The room was done in various shades of blue and green with large splashes of white. She felt as if she were already in the ocean. Just as Zarro was talking to her about her new life if she still agreed to become Arcadian, a deafening alarm had gone off. Alicia could still remember the fright she had felt when a young guard announced that demon intruders were attacking the palace. Zarro had growled. Alicia was in shock, the little king in his pristine white clothes and bare feet had sounded ferocious. Before her wide eyes he had summoned a strong gale that lifted him from his feet. Alicia watched as the man was replaced with a large white winged lion. Was she sure about this? The thought had continued to plague her as she listened to the sounds of the battle that was taking place outside the gates. As she looked around the velvet and satin room she was thinking of what it would be like to have fins and live among the waves carefree and... A giggle escaped as she remembered the cartoon crab claimed that life was the bubbles under the sea. The best part, no mafia. Alicia smiled, she could get used to that. Break Bikky had never been happier to see his home. Rain had entered the car, leaned over against Dee falling asleep almost instantly. Dee lifted his legs allowing him to stretch out on the seat. “I can't believe he performed so well after all that. He must have been exhausted even before he set foot on the stage.” Bikky said a wide yawn muffling his words. Rain woke up as Dee moved. “Come on, we're home.” Rain mumbled opening his eyes. Bikky took Rain's arm helping him from the car. Dee parked while Ryo carried Lyo inside. Bikky followed along. He put forth a mighty effort to stay awake.Go on to bed Bikky,” Ryo said a gentle pat in his bedroom's direction sending Bikky on his way.Gonna help with...” Bikky yawned leaning against the wall in Lyo's bedroom.You're asleep on your feet,” Ryo's words were kind. “Now get into bed before I have to carry you.”I'm too big...” Bikky flopped over leaning his head against the wall.You heard him, brat.” Bikky frowned when he felt Dee tugging his arm. “We have all had a long day.” Bikky opened his mouth to argue further but yawned instead. “You are practically asleep on your feet.”Don't fuss so much,” Rain muttered to Bikky as he went to his own bedroom. Bikky saw the tired expression on Rain's face. “Get in bed, I'll braid your hair.” Rain nodded understanding Bikky's need to care for someone. Ryo laughed softly as the boys went inside. After tucking Lyo into bed Dee and Ryo went into their own bedroom to find Renee sleeping on their bed. Ryo took a moment to appreciate that he had changed the sheets before they left the house.M...Mom,” Dee said still not used to saying the word. Renee awakened to his gentle brushing of her hair.They told me that you were off fighting. I wanted to be sure to be aware of when you got home.” Renee placed her hand on Dee's face. “You are safe, both of you.” Renee smiled at Ryo. “You do not look like you have been fighting. You both look tired, you can tell me about it tomorrow. I just needed to be sure you are safe.” Renee kissed them both on the cheek before she left them alone. Dee heard a sigh as Ryo dropped heavily on the bed. “Even though you are exhausted, you will never get to sleep. Is it bad that I can interpret your sighs?” Ryo sighed again a sweet smile on his lips. “Perhaps I can help relax you.” Before Ryo could form a reply, or claim to be too tired for sex Dee kissed him. “Just relax, let me take care of you.” Dee's words were low and sensual never failing to work their magic on Ryo. He did as Dee said enjoying the gentle undressing. Dee's fingers peeled his shirt off. As his chest was exposed Dee placed light kisses. Ryo sighed taking his bottom lip in his mouth as Dee sucked his pert nipples. “Just let me take care of you.” Dee said against the moist flesh of Ryo's chest.Dee... I don't know,” Ryo began panting. “How much I can satisfy you. I am so tired.”Don't worry about me baby,” Dee murmured pulling Ryo pants from his body. Ryo gasped at the feel of the firm grip on his manhood. “Yes, that's right baby,” Dee whispered placing kisses along the length of Ryo's excitement. As Ryo moaned and panted Dee sucked him in deeply. Ryo closed his eyes crying out softly. Dee massaged the sensitive globes beneath Ryo's member trailing his tongue over the flesh.Dee,” Ryo panted gripping the sheets. “Close,” Ryo moaned lifting his hips pushing himself further down Dee's throat. “Oh... Dee,” Ryo cried out feeling his body coil in upon itself.Ryo, relax,” was the only warning Ryo had as Dee pressed two fingers inside of him. Dee smiled as Ryo clenched his fingers, uttered a cry and came in a flood down his throat. As Ryo settled down he realized that Dee was cleaning him with a damp towel. Before he could say anything, he felt sleep stealing rational thought. “I love you baby.” Dee whispered close to Ryo's ear as he pulled the blanket around him. Feeling on the verge of the best sleep he'd had in a long time, Ryo smiled. “Love you Dee, love you. Zutto.” Break Randolph stopped walking and just stared. For so long he had looked into this office only to see Brown and Goldman poring over files. Now, sitting looking fresh, as if they had never left, were Ryo and Dee. At desks in the office across the hall were Orcot and Jameson and Resnick. Randolph was still staring as Dee got to his feet. “I think I have something. Where is Rose?”Having lunch in his office with Jeremy,” Ryo said without looking up from his computer.Of all the times for him to be getting a blow job,” Dee said rolling his eyes. “Sorry,” He muttered when he looked up to see JJ standing with a file in hand.No need to apologize, I agree.” JJ frowned at the closed office door with the blind over the window drawn.So uh... How's Lord D?” Dee asked with a wink at JJ. JJ grinned saying nothing. He handed Dee the file and went back into his office. Break (Last Night) Count D could feel his heart break as he looked at the makeshift sling on his father's arm. As the car drove to the boy's school, Count D had knelt at Lord D's feet. “Chi Chi Ue.” Lord D opened his eyes to peer at his son. “If you lend me your gifts again, I can heal your wrist,”I did not lend you my gifts child.” Lord D smiled moving his uninjured arm to brush through the thick locks of Count D's hair.I don't understand.” Count D stared at his father trying to figure out how he had healed him.I bestowed them upon you. You have them inside of you. The first time I guided your trance, now if you truly wish it, you can do it on your own.” Leon watched as Count D placed his hands on his fathers broken wrist. Lord D winced biting his lip as D tried to heal him. “Relax child, go inside of yourself, find your core...” Lord D paused a smile lighting his face as the faint smell of Sakura bloomed in the car. As Count D slipped deeper the scent intensified. Leon felt drugged by the need to embrace Count D as his senses were swamped with his essence. Instead of the ice he had been encased in his first time in a healing trance, Count D felt as if he were walking underneath the falling blossoms of the cherry trees. He saw his father as he had stood in front of Hama. Count D smiled as he watched his father defend himself with a broomstick. He went further still confused as he saw Helen protecting his father. Lord D could feel the tentative touch of his son coursing through his body. A little further and Count D backed away his face a furious shade of red. “How do you feel Chi Chi Ue?” Count D asked not looking into Lord D's eyes. Lord D placed a hand underneath Count D's chin lifting his face until their eyes met. Count D felt swallowed in the deep purple orbs of his father. “I feel just fine, thank you.” Lord D removed the splint and moved his wrist around. “As long as I live, you may feed upon my gifts without the use of the Hippocratic oath. Your particular brand of Chi Gong is safe. I would never bind you so.” Count D nodded still unable to speak. Lord D smirked as the car pulled up to their house. “Be well, child.” Lord D waved them off he and JJ carried their sleeping twins inside, glad to be home. JJ rounded the door of the nursery wondering at Count D's odd behavior. “What did you do to him?” JJ asked when they had returned to their bedroom. Lord D looked over his shoulder at JJ his smile dazzling. JJ moved to help lift the luscious locks of hair aside as Lord D undressed.I did nothing love,” Lord D unwound the large bow and sash at his waist. Lord D then peeled his robe from his body. “As is common with novices, he simply went too far and saw more than he cared to see.”What did he see?” JJ asked swallowing hard as Lord D removed his sleeveless sheath. JJ gulped as Lord D stood before him in nothing but his painted on under pants. “I can do that,” JJ said moving to undo the buttons at the small of Lord D's graceful back. JJ was assaulted with the scent of Lord D as he wrapped his arms around him reaching for the buttons. His hands shook slightly in anticipation as Lord D stared up at him a smile on his face inviting JJ to more than helping him undress. As his fingers closed around the small diamond closures JJ's lips connected to Lord D's and he forgot all but the sweet taste of Lord D. JJ continued to lap at Lord D's mouth while he pulled the pants down his fingers gracing the round, firm backside he had become so enamored of. A moan began in Lord D's throat as JJ pulled his leg up wedging himself between the porcelain fine appendages. JJ ground his hips firmly against Lord D's swelling member. The rough material of JJ's pants caused shivers to race along Lord D's spine. Lord D felt particularly wanton being completely bare while JJ was still fully dressed. Long fingered hands gripped JJ's tie as Lord D tried to assuage his need to feel the heated flesh underneath the fine shirt JJ had worn to the play.Easy, now,” JJ crooned licking the pale chest before suckling a sensitive nipple between his lips. “I will take care of you.” Lord D gasped as JJ's words sent a breath of warm air over his sensitized skin.Oh, my love, you always do.” Lord D sat on the bed glad to see JJ begin to undo the buttons of his shirt. Lord D could not contain his hands. With deft movements of his fingers, his nails made short work of the soft material. JJ laughed shrugging free of the tattered garment.Do you want the pants, or can I remove them?” JJ offered his belt buckle playfully. Lord D's cheeks pinkened in the dim light of the room. JJ ceased his teasing as his own throbbing member reminded him that he needed attention. Freeing himself he stepped from the pants and closer to Lord D. Lord D spread his legs so that JJ could stand between them. Lord D took a moment to appreciate the sight of the turgid erection displayed before his face. He took it lightly in his hands caressing it lovingly. JJ sighed as Lord D trailed his tongue along the seam stealing the drop of moisture at the tip. “Oh... Precious...” JJ sighed feeling Lord D engulf him. “You take me so deep.”Um hmmm,” Lord D's response caused JJ's knees to nearly buckle. Lord D worked his throat as his hand came up to gently massage the two swollen globes at he apex of JJ's thighs. Lord D hummed again and JJ gasped locking his hands in Lord D's hair as he moved his hips pumping into his willing mouth. JJ could feel himself quickening and pulled out. “Inside of me.” Lord D raised a brow and JJ nearly laughed at the demand.At your service,” JJ climbed onto the bed as Lord D scooted back. JJ placed his hands on Lord D's knees pushing them apart. He could not help but to lick up the long legs until he made it to the moist treasure between. Lord D cried out as JJ began his own time of licking and suckling. JJ moistened his fingers probing Lord D loosening the tight flesh he would soon conquer. Lord D panted as JJ dragged his tongue between his cheeks paying close attention to the entrance to Lord D's most secret recesses. Lord D brought a hand to his lips trying to quell his cries of rapture. “No, I want to hear. Deafen me with your pleasure.”Jemi-Chan, your tongue is so deep,” Lord D squirmed as JJ wriggled his tongue inside of him. “Ah...” Lord D canted his hips nearly bucking JJ off. “OOOHHHH!!” Lord D cried as JJ shoved two fingers in deep pressing against his most sensitive spot. Lord D's body wept with joy as he released down JJ's throat. JJ worked to swallow the copious amounts of sweetness that he had become alarmingly addicted to. JJ wasted no time moving Lord D's legs pulling until the relaxed Kami was practically sitting in his lap. Lord D whimpered as JJ pressed against his opening. JJ sealed his lips to Lord D swallowing his cry of pleasure as he sank deep inside. “Take me there, Darling,” JJ whispered against Lord D's lips. Lord D nodded moving his hips in slow circles raising up then sliding deliciously back down. Lord D's moans intensified as he moved on JJ his frenzy bringing him closer and closer as JJ pressed against his spot on each thrust.Jemi-Chan,” Lord D panted as he swelled. “Touch me,” Lord D took JJ's hand curling his fingers around his member. JJ began to slide his hand over the engorged member as he felt himself lose control. JJ began to raise his hips pumping into Lord D. He could feel Lord D tighten around him. The contractions of Lord D's release took JJ to completion. JJ brought his hand to his lips licking his fingers clean. Swallowing he pressed a kiss to Lord D's lips. Lord D smiled as he tasted himself in JJ's mouth. Easing from Lord D's body he took a soft cloth to clean them both. Lord D was asleep before he was dried. JJ smiled falling fast asleep beside him. Break Jeremy knew that look. Berkeley held the telephone book open but was not looking at the pages of restaurants that delivered. Deep blue eyes seemed to pierce through the thin jacket and shirt Jeremy wore. He could feel his nipples harden in excitement. From a look? Jeremy blushed as Berkeley sat the ignored book aside. He stood from his chair towering over Jeremy. Jeremy brought his eyes up to see Berkeley undoing his belt. Jeremy sighed opening his mouth to admit the long, thick member that he could feel swelling even more as it passed between his lips. Jeremy gagged as he always did, still not used to performing the intimate act even after all their time together. “Just try to relax around me,” Berkeley coached as Jeremy suckled. Jeremy bobbed his head, bring a hand up to stroke as he paid close attention to the head. Licking along the sides he grinned as Berkeley gasped pulling away from his eager, if untrained, mouth. “Too much?” Jeremy asked licking his lips clean of the pre-cum that glistened there.Drop your pants and bend that sexy ass over the desk.” Jeremy blushed doing as Berkeley commanded. Berkeley sat in his chair caressing Jeremy's thighs, he used his thumbs to part the creamy cheeks before he licked his lips and dove in. Jeremy bit his lips hard to keep from uttering a cry that would carry beyond the office door. Berkeley licked beyond the portal to the trembling flesh beneath. He moved further down pulling Jeremy's member gently through his spread legs. Berkeley inserted a finger into Jeremy causing the smaller man to whimper as his legs began to shake. “That's right,” Berkeley purred nuzzling the flesh as he inserted another finger and another in quick succession. Jeremy heard the sound of Berkeley opening a drawer in his desk and knew Berkeley was searching for lubrication. Jeremy blushed as he thought of the many times they had been in the office lamenting the fact that there was no lube. Berkeley had begun keeping a stash in his desk. Gently, Berkeley lubed Jeremy and began to enter him slowly. “Ah,” Jeremy cried before covering his mouth with a hand to keep as silent as possible. Berkeley grasped Jeremy's hips thrusting deep enjoying the exquisite torture of being so close, yet holding back. “Berk... Wanna come...” Jeremy whined when it seemed Berkeley would keep him on edge. Berkeley reached down squeezing tight. Jeremy sighed knowing Berkeley would have his way and he would not come until Berkeley was ready.Almost there, love,” Berkeley promised increasing his speed. Jeremy knew Berkeley was close from the feel of his continued swelling inside of him. Berkeley began to pump his hand as he felt his own end near. “Ok, Baby, come.” Berkeley demanded slamming hard against Jeremy. “Come,” Berkeley demanded again pounding him into the desk. “Come.” On the third command Jeremy emitted a strangled cry and shot over the fine, polished wood. He knew Berkeley could feel his contractions and he was pushed over the edge again as Berkeley released deep inside of him. Berkeley pulled out and sat in his chair keeping Jeremy in his arms. Jeremy sighed feeling Berkeley spill out of his body and onto Berkeley's exposed thighs. “We'd better clean up.” Jeremy said he moved to retrieve a tissue but Berkeley pulled him back kissing him. Jeremy sighed allowing Berkeley's tongue to claim his mouth. “I love you.”You know I do,” Berkeley smirked opening another drawer to show moist wipes. Jeremy smiled and enjoyed having his lover tend to him. BreakI say we visit the boy,” Ryo said sitting down his coffee mug. “Somewhere in his mad ravings might be the truth.” Ryo turned a few more pages in the old files. “It looks like the detectives who handled the case could not get much, but I would like to try.”If anyone can get him to talk, it's you.” Dee murmured looking up from his own disturbing file. “Our cases were easier when they involved one of Count D's weird animals. All we had to do was produce a contract.”Would you like for our cases to be easy?” Ryo asked as he closed the file after adding his own notes.I would be bored within a day.” Dee mused as he showed Ryo his work. “This guy here, he has dark hair under his nails, he is a blond, so I am going to go through all who know him and look for this shade of hair.”Also look at the other corpses to see if they have similar findings.” Ryo said thinking back over a previous case. “Our criminal is either not as smart as he believes or he was in a hurry and thus careless. We need to find out which scenario is the truth and why.” Dee looked up at Ryo a smile on his face. It felt good to be back. Break Jeremy shifted his hips as he entered JJ's office. “Hi,”JJ looked up from his work to see his cousin leaning against the door way.Hey,” Jeremy stepped forward trying to straiten his walk and failing miserably. He sat in the chair by JJ's desk with a pleased sigh.Now that you have had lunch with Berkeley, want something to eat?” JJ offered Jeremy a wrapped sub he had on his desk.I'm starving,” Jeremy tore into the package ignoring JJ's laughter.You could at least feed him,” Jeremy paused at JJ's odd words. He turned to see Berkeley standing behind him. Berkeley reached over stealing a piece of ham from the sandwich. Berkeley chewed slowly ignoring JJ and Jill. “Where is Orcot? He left a note on my office door saying he had something I needed to see.”I think he went home for lunch,” Jill said not looking up from her computer.Great,” Berkeley frowned clenching his fingers around the note he still held. “Of all the times for him to be getting a blow job.” JJ laughed causing Berkeley and Jeremy to look at each other oddly. Berkeley went back to his office and Jeremy went back to his sandwich after giving his cousin one last long look. Break Count D heard the chime over his door. The normal smirk frozen in place melted away to a genuine smile as he saw Leon entering the office a brown and pink bag in tow. Count D would recognize that bakery's logo anywhere. “Oh Leon,” Count D breathed edging closer to the bag.No, not yet,” Leon held him off taking the bag and backing down the hall. Count D licked his lips and panted following Leon to their bedroom. “Where is Jewel?” Leon asked holding on to his sense of responsibility. Count D sobered from his chocolate lust. He motioned for Leon to follow him. They went to the Honlon's garden to find all three heads dozing. Aoi lay with her small fingers curled around the fur of T-Chan.Chris went to the mall with Rain, Bikky, Carol, Catherine and a couple other kids. I couldn't just leave her.” T-Chan grumbled. Leon watched the ferocious beast gently grasp his daughter by the scruff of her neck. Aoi did not awaken as the razor sharp, flesh rending canines pulled her closer to his furry bulk. She snuggled the beast emitting a tiny sigh. Count D smiled as a large paw wrapped around her tiny frame. “Go on, before you wake her.” T-Chan ordered hiding his embarrassment as he shooed them from the garden. With a wicked grin, Leon pulled Count D back to their bedroom.Now where were we?” Leon muttered nuzzling Count D's creamy neck. He slide his tongue around the shell of a delicate ear enjoying the shiver that displayed Count D's arousal. “I am going to devour you.” Leon promised undoing the buttons that hid Count D's skin from view.Is that a promise?” Count D stepped away from the silk pooling at his dainty feet. Leon reached around to land a sharp spank to Count D's bottom. “Oooh,” Count D panted crawling onto the bed. He remained on his hands and knees presenting Leon with a perfect angle and view.Say when,” Leon commanded before his brought his hand down. Count D gasped feeling his erection throb almost painfully and Leon disciplined his aching backside. Leon spanked again taking a moment to run his hands over the bright red globes of D's perfectly shaped bottom. “I can't take anymore.” Leon said before D could call a halt to his activities. “ You are so sexy.” Leon was quick to spread lubrication on himself using his fingers to loosen and oil D. “Are you ready?”Yes,” Count D spread his legs balancing on his elbows offering more of himself for Leon's deep thrusting. Leon leaned over kissing each round, pink cheek before siding his tongue along the seam. He never bought flavored lube, D tasted good all on his own. “Leon, Shiite,” D whimpered hitching his backside up for further licking. Leon smiled knowing that word all too well. Taking himself in hand Leon pressed against D's opening entering him in one smooth thrust. “Oh... Leon, yes.” D moved his hips in appreciation of Leon's deep penetration. “Yes,” He began to moan as Leon placed his large hands on D's small waist and moved him. “Leon, I'm almost there.” Count D groaned at the feel of Leon pressing against his pleasure spot.Not yet,” Leon begged as he released inside of D. Pulling out D flopped over onto his back. He knew what Leon wanted. D spread his legs for Leon to lay between them. Leon wasted no time as he began to suck D deep into his mouth. He used his fingers to penetrate D stroking in and out as licked pushing D closer to the edge. “Give it to me,” Leon urged pushing his fingers in deep. Count D gasped and did just that coming into Leon's mouth. Leon gulped the sweet essence reveling in the taste of D. D lay sprawled on the bed as Leon crawled over to hold him in his arm. “Sorry, baby, but I need to get a shower and get back to work.”I know,” Count D said pulling a sheet over his body as he watched Leon walk nude to their bathroom.We'll finish this later.” Leon promised as D stretched out glorious under the bright afternoon sunlight. Count D smirked hearing the shower start. “I know.” Whipped Crème 14 Honest Delusions Julie tried not to mind the flock of girls that followed them around the mall. Carol seemed to be handling it well. She would not turn into a jealous shrew. It was just that... “Why do they have to touch him?” Julie gasped realizing that she had spoken aloud. She saw Carol look up from her perusing of a new dress. “It doesn't bother you when other girls hit on Bikky?”We made a promise to each other a long time ago.” Carol answered setting the dress aside. “This would look better on you with your darker coloring.” Carol took the pale pink dress away from Julie replacing it with a deeper colored purple. “You know, the royal color of High Princess Andromache and High Prince Daphnus is purple.”Really?” Julie mused thinking back over all she had learned about the royale. “But isn't she married to High Prince Nestoir? Then her color should match his, he is...”Deep blue,” Rain supplied coming over with a bag full of more cargo pants. “Do you like that dress?”It is cute, but I could never afford it.” Julie thought disdainfully of her meager allowance.Consider it a gift.” Rain took the dress to pay for it along with several overlarge shirts. “Ex-Ta-C has a concert in three weeks. I will try to get you guys tickets.” Rain looked over his shoulder a smile on his face making Julie's heart flutter. Her brother rolled his eyes as his sister sighed. Chris was laughing with Catherine showing Carol the bejeweled collar that she had purchased for Blanca.Hey!” Rain looked up as they left the store heading to the large food court. Erick ambled forward with Terry in tow. “What's up guys?” Erick tried to keep his words light and friendly, but it bothered him to see Julie hanging onto Rain's arm.Just getting a snack then heading over to the arcade for a while.” Bikky answered as Rain was busy tugging a note pad from one of his pockets. “Summer touring is going to be tough,” Bikky said to Rain looking over his shoulder at the pad as they sat in a booth. “Ryo and Dee said I was to go with you.” Rain's face brightened at the knowledge. “Now let's eat so we can go kick major butt at the arcade.” Rain grinned ordering a large meal as always. Break Ryo sat in his chair staring at the limp hair of the wild eyed teen. “You don't know. But I know... I know... I saw... I know, but you don't know that I know what I know.”What do you know?” Ryo asked gentling his voice he leaned forward. “You can tell me.”No, no...” The boy rocked back and forth. “No, no, no, no, I know, but you don't.” The boy laughed causing Ryo to gulp never before having come across such blatant madness. Though his hospital garments were neat and pressed they were sloppy on his frame. He was a tall boy nearing eighteen. He looked like an older version of Lance and a younger version of their father.Why did you try to kill your brother?” Ryo asked hoping a change in subject would refocus Matthew.Better dead than know... better dead.” Matthew nodded his head his eyes narrowing on Ryo. “I will get him and he will be happy. Then I will join him.”Tell me what happened.” Ryo looked at the notes. From the evidence, the boy had been raped repeatedly then left unconscious behind the school.Happened,” Matthew nodded his head gripping his knees. His laughter rang out strident in the enclosed walls. Several nurses ran into the room with needles to sedate the boy prone to violent outbursts. “Happened...” His laughter continued and Ryo got to his feet not wanting to see the young man restrained and sedated. As his laughter died Ryo walked down the hall knowing he would be getting no more information from him today. Dee waited for Ryo in the waiting room a grim look on his face. “I was reading through the files that the other detectives left.” Dee said as Ryo sat beside him his jacket hung over his knee. The double gun holsters at his sides belied the gentleness of his appearance. “He was an A+ student and athlete, model child, well behaved, stayed out of trouble... something more is going on here, something that snapped a brilliant mind.”In his madness is truth, we just have to decipher it.” Ryo mused going over his own notes. “He knows something... I think it is about his attacker.” Ryo got to his feet. “Come on, we get out at six tonight. Just enough time for me to finish a late dinner.” Dee understood Ryo's need to spend as much time together as a family even as he understood that cooking gave Ryo's mind time to pick through whatever was bothering him. Break Chris looked into the nursery to see Count D and Leon both near Aoi's crib. Count D sang a mandarin lullaby as Leon rubbed the small back. “Good night guys,” He whispered. They looked up and Leon winked at his brother vowing to visit him when he left his daughter's room. Count D smiled waving Chris off . Leon found Chris sitting on his bed looking over a new book he had gotten at the mall. “This says that a Kirin came down and spoke to an ancient emperor and gave the Chinese people written language.” Leon looked over at the pictures in the book of fantastic beasts that Chris held.Looking at the squiggly little lines of that stuff, I would have to agree... It had to come from some magical force.” Leon laughed remembering the many times he had seen notes from Lord or Sofu D to Count D. “Why don't you ask Kaylin the next time you see her?” Leon said moving so that Chris could get into bed. “Don't stay up too late.”Most of the creatures in this book, I have met either in this shop, or on Arcadia.” Chris said causing Leon to laugh as he headed off to find his own bed.Night bro,” Leon shut the door softly behind him leaving Chris with his book. BreakHave you talked with Laton?” Ryo looked up at the question startled. He nearly shoved his laptop to the floor from where it rested on his long, strong legs. Dee paused to appreciate the pale, beautiful limbs where they peeked at him from the boxers Ryo wore preparing to go to bed. “I thought we agreed not to bring work in here.” Dee frowned noting the files open on the machine and indicated their bedroom.I know,” Ryo saved his files shutting the computer down. “I am sorry.” When it was safe, Ryo dutifully closed his machine. He put it away in it's case before crawling on all fours to the edge of the bed where he got to his knees. He was nearly eye level with Dee where he stood at the edge of the bed. “Can you forgive me?” Ryo brought his hands up to slide his fingers just underneath the band of Dee's shorts caressing his skin. Dee grinned, a repentant Ryo was always fun. “I think I can,” Dee leaned forward sucking Ryo's succulent bottom lip into his mouth. “Tell me what your grandfather said about us renewing our vows on Arcadia.”He said something about the king making him see...” Ryo panted as Dee's fingers reached around to squeeze his firm bottom. “Then he said the Obsidian Palace would be glad to have us... Dee,” Ryo squirmed holding tight to Dee as he was tumbled back onto their bed.Shh, baby I know,” Dee muttered allowing his tongue to singe Ryo's nipples. “So tasty,” Dee smiled when he heard the sharp intake of breath Ryo sucked in.No Dee... You... I want... “Ryo gave up trying to speak and shoved Dee away from his body. He sat up pulling Dee's shorts down. Taking his lover gently in hand he began to suck. This taste hitting the back of his throat was painfully arousing.Ooooh Ryo,” Dee caressed the small hairs at the back of Ryo's nape before he began a shallow thrusting in his mouth. Ryo brought his hands up to squeeze the muscled globes of Dee's backside kneading the flesh as he bobbed his head. “Baby, baby,” Dee pulled out pushing Ryo onto his back breathing as if he had run a mile he fumbled around for the tube of Lubrication. Ryo relaxed his body as Dee's fingers found his intimate regions and pushed in. “So tight, my Ryo, always so tight.”I fit you Dee, only you.” Ryo sighed his cheeks darkening in the lamp light as he spread his legs wider to give Dee more access. “Dee,” Ryo purred opening his arms for Dee to crawl on top of him. Dee smiled as he conquered his blushing angel. Break Randolph held tighter, not wanting to end before they did. It was always more meaningful when they did it together. Randolph frowned to realize that he was so horny. The past few nights someone had been in the backyard, so he could not get to the tree. He had tried waiting and trailing the person, but he always lost them. Who the hell would dare to stalk cops? Ryo threw his head back gripping the sheets his cries carried faintly beyond the window and Randolph gasped giving up the battle to restrain himself. How can one man be so beautiful? Randolph thought as he wiped his hands on his jeans. One day Ryo would be his. Break Long incisors glowed in the deep darkness of the surrounding night as a predatory smile wreathed the doll-like face. Yards of silken brown hair fell around the unseen figure in pristine white as topaz eyes scanned the figure. She stood too far away to see his features but his scent came loud and clear. She looked over to her companion. “I knew that if we left for the night, he would come. It is like a drug his fascination with your grandson.” Laton nodded as Heaven again looked up to see the figure climbing from the tree. He stood at he bottom watching as the lights went out before he shuffled on his way home his pants stiff as the wetness cooled in the gentle night breeze. Laton wrinkled his nose at the scent of the cooling human essence.I will end him.” Laton vowed following him through the yard on silent wings. “I will end him very soon.” BreakIt must be someone who knows them.” Leon said to Ryo as he pored over the Mereen files. “Because they had to know that Mr. Mereen was home sick that day.”What about the parent driver?” Dee asked pulling another file and going over it. “Mr...Mr. Lester.” Dee found the name. “No, looks like he has a solid alibi and was ninety at the time. Not a parent driver, a grandparent driver.” Dee tried to infuse some levity in the grim findings. “More like great grandparent.” Ryo rewarded him with a small smile. “No hand prints, no blood, no semen,” Dee folded his arms across his chest. “This sucks.” Closing the file, Dee pulled another. “Looks like our 'Ripper' is taking a break. He hasn't murdered anyone in a while.” Jill said sighing hoping to solve the case before someone else was murdered.Looking at the files, I think we may have already locked them away.” JJ said showing the other detectives his findings. “See this symbol, it is the same one found on the cases involving 'The Cause'.” JJ showed them the mutilate crucifix. “It kind of seems like their moral BS to kill prostitutes.” JJ showed then the crime photos he had been poring over. “This hair matches the good doctors.” JJ affirmed. “I got it back from the lab today. Apparently this guy was killed a while ago, it just took some time to find the corpse. I'll bet that the guy was a male prostitute made it that much more worse for them.”Son of a...” Leon muttered looked around embarrassed to have looked for Count D at the office. “Son of a bitch.”One case closed,” Ryo got to his feet startled as Laton entered their office. “There is a strange young woman that tells me I can not be back here.” Ryo watched as his grandfather walked around the office as if looking for something. He frowned, was his grandfather sniffing around his office?”Did you eat her?” Dee asked wondering what the ancient dragon was doing.Young man,” Laton paused in his sniffing to pierce Dee with a deep gaze. “Do you know how long it has been since I have eaten human... you don't taste as well as you think you do.”O...K...” Dee watched as Laton turned about in the office.He's been here before, but the scent is faint..”What are you doing?” Ryo braved to ask before his grandfather could leave the office.Heaven and I tracked him here.” Laton looked around again. “The one who watches you.” Laton slid his gaze over Ryo. “You were intimate last night.” Ryo turned scarlet and began to stammer as he asked his grandfather what he meant. “You know what he means,” Dee winked at his lover finding his acute embarrassment adorable. “What I want to know is who is watching us. That is creepy, and all kinds of gross.”I'll find him,” Laton promised. “And when I do...” He let the threat hang as he wandered out of the office.I need more coffee. “Ryo dashed out going the opposite direction of his grandfather. Ryo entered the break room more shaken than he cared to admit. Whoever this person could be was persistent. He had been there a while now, if his grandfather was to be believed. The fact that the scent led here... Ryo poured his coffee frowning to find it lukewarm he looked around, seeing no one he heated the pot in his hands.Ryo,” Ryo nearly dropped the pot as Randolph came into the break room a shy smile on his face. “I mean MacLean.” Ryo looked over at Randolph wondering what he could need. “I know this might be hard to believe,” Randolph began. He had decided last night to try to become friends with the beautiful detective. Then perhaps something could grow from that. This animosity he forced to keep his real feelings from emerging was gaining him nothing but unfulfilled longing. Whoa, Randolph paused as he took in the dark blue top, white pants and polished shoes Ryo wore. He was so beautiful with his hair falling all over his face in a boyish flop. Those eyes, he understood why Dee left the lights on sometimes when they made love. It must be fantastic to watch those eyes cloud with passion.Did you need something?” Ryo asked when the other detective did nothing but stare at him.Um, yeah,” Randolph sighed dropping into a chair glad the break room was empty. “Can we talk?” Ryo sat with his coffee in his hands. He realized it was bubbling slightly and cooled his hands before he sat it on the table. Ryo noted the pensive expression that Randolph wore and grew worried that the man would try to mock him or his family again, or that he needed help with a case. “How did you know... I mean... Damn.” Randolph had not known how difficult it would be to speak about this. “How did you know you were gay?”I fell in love with a man.” Ryo answered with a smile as he remembered his battles with his feelings. “I reached the point where I was at the end of my emotional rope and the only one I wanted was Dee. To hold me, to comfort me... To have me. So I went to him and have been there since.”I thought he chased you.” Randolph was confused had he got his rumors incorrect?And caught... Where is this coming from?” Ryo asked his voice kind as he peered at Randolph.Do you, I mean, is there a man that you desire?”Desire is putting it mildly.” Randolph said feeling tears threaten as he spoke of his love with his love and was unable to tell him so.Hey... Whoa, it's ok.” Ryo handed Randolph a handkerchief never dreaming to see the man so emotional in front anyone, least of all himself.I am sorry I have been such an ass to you guys, I just... Never thought I would be caught in the same net.” Randolph sniffled, “How do you deal?”With?” Ryo asked still in shock to see the other man so distraught.Being gay, I mean, you guys kick ass in the field, you raise kids, you...” Randolph floundered when he saw Ryo's expression go from being amused to annoyed.So being gay makes us less than human, we can't do our jobs and have a family?” Ryo demanded afraid that this was going to turn into another session of Randolph's derogatory commentary on his lifestyle.No, no that's not what I meant.” Randolph was quick to reassure Ryo of his feelings. “I just feel so out of it. I don't know what to do.” Ryo's face relaxed into a smile. “Have you thought about telling him you love him?” Ryo asked out of his element with Randoph.I can't,” Randolph got p to get his own coffee unwilling to look at Ryo while his heart bled so painfully.Is he strait?” Ryo asked confused when Randolph shook his head.He is involved, in a long time relationship too.” Randolph clenched his fists. “But I know I can love him better.”How do you presume to know what someone else wants, or needs?” Ryo's words caused a pain to pierce through Randolph. “If he is with someone and it is long term, then I would say he is being loved as he wants to be. Perhaps you should accept that he is happy with someone else and look elsewhere. All this can cause you is pain.” Ryo got to his feet to refill his coffee cup. He was sad that he could not help Randolph more, but he knew that to give him false hope would later, make the situation only worse.I... I can't” Randolph saw Ryo heading to the door. “I can't accept that!” Randolph shoved Ryo hard into a wall causing the mug to drop and shatter. Ryo gasped as Randolph pressed his lips to his. “Just let me try, I can be gentle.” Ryo shoved Randolph hard. Ryo was gripping Randolph's arms breathing shallow as he stared at the wild eyed detective. “Ryo!” Dee entered the break room with Laton at his side. The dragon king had searched him out when he identified the scent coming from an office close by. The office was Randolph's. “What the hell?” Dee barked when Randolph stumbled away from Ryo. Every hair on Dee's body stood on end as he heard a feral hiss at his ear. He turned to see Heaven standing as if she had been there all along.Seal this room,” Laton ordered taking a step towards Randolph Heaven at his side.O-Ji-Ue,” Ryo snapped out of his shock feeling Dee take him in his arms. “No, let the law deal with this.” Laton turned on Ryo his gaze intense as he looked deep into Ryo's dark eyes so like his own. Laton nodded leaving the office a tomb of silence in his wake. Heaven frowned before she too left as silent as she had come.Randolph,” Dee pulled Ryo closer to his body and sighed as he felt the slighter man tremble. “You are under arrest.” THE WHITE LION IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE WORLDWIDE!! (more information at end of chapter) Whipped Crème 15 The Other Side: Part 1 Randolph backed away from Dee. “You can't prove anything... You can't.” He blubbered looking wildly about at the other detectives in the room.If we can get your DNA from our backyard...” Ryo paused feeling nausea threaten he inhaled deeply. “And just now... Assault, sexual assault. You kissed me.” Ryo frowned wiping the back of his hand across his lips. Randolph could see his dreams of holding Ryo in his arms being driven away by the cold, stark anger on Dee's face. “I'm in love with you!” He shouted causing more detectives to enter the break room with the chief and Berkeley. Berkeley stood with his eyes wide. He took off his glasses, cleaned and replaced them. “You should be thanking me for my restraint,” Randolph glared at Dee. “Plenty of times I have dreamed of killing you so that he would be mine. Every time your lips touched his, every time your hands grazed his hips, or you licked him... You like sticking your tongue in my places. They are mine, he is mine.” Randolph reached out a hand to Ryo only to be shoved back by a strength that shocked him. Because Ryo was beautiful somewhere along the way, Randolph had ceased to think of him as a man.I am my own person, I belong to no one.” Ryo's vehemence further cemented Berkeley's admiration of the quiet detective. “Dee and I share love... you have intruded upon a beautiful union of...” Ryo paused feeling tears threaten he firmed his bottom lip. “You disgust me.” Those words caused an anguish so deep to sear Randolph that he knew his heart was breaking for he could feel each piece crack and slip to the floor. “How could you say that?” Randolph asked, his voice small as Berkeley locked him in cuffs. “I love you so much. How could you say that?” Randolph resisted the pull of the larger commissioner's hold. “I only want to love you, to taste you, to...” Randolph backed up against Berkeley's frame as Dee lunged forward.You were right,” Dee vowed. “The only way you could ever get your hands on him is to kill me. And even then, I am sure there would be negotiations.” Ryo was shaken to his core to hear such words from Dee. Berkeley stepped in front of Randolph as Dee approached him. “If you strike him while in custody, I will have to arrest you too.”I'm not going to hit him.” Dee promised going around Berkeley to get to Randolph. Dee pulled the man to him sealing their lips. Randolph gasped as Dee's tongue foraged in his mouth stealing the strength from his knees. Dee pulled away leaving Randolph limp against Berkeley his shame pointing for all to see. With his handcuffs on he could not even bring his hands around to hide it.Dee?” Ryo spoke softly his face pale as he watched his lover deep throat kiss another man.Did you like that?” Dee asked Randolph. He continued, not waiting for him to answer. “I'm glad, you see... That is the only taste of Ryo's ass you'll ever get. Don't worry, it's fresh, I just ate him this morning.” Dee licked his lips. “Ummm tasty. I have to go brush my teeth.” Dee shoved out of the break room. “You disgust me.” He repeated Ryo's sentiments grabbing Ryo's arm he pulled the smaller man from the room with him. Randolph stared as Ryo went with out seeming thought or protest. Break Hughes smiled as he saw Randolph being led away. It seemed that Laytner and MacLean could not help making enemies. This, he thought, could be used to his advantage. He did not know how, but he knew, he would use any means necessary to make them drop the charges. His son would be home in time for graduation, or they would pay. They would all pay! Break Chris could not remember having so much fun. Rain accepted all challengers, he stared amazed that the machine was not smoking so great was the skill being displayed. He watched as Rain took down car, after car, after car. The other boys and men would all shout, or swear as the pint sized teen demolished their best maneuvers. “Why I ought to...” A man bellowed glaring at the beautiful boy. Bikky stepped beside his brother his intense blue gaze halting the man's movement. “You ain't worth it.” The man sneered leaving the Arcade. Chris heaved a sigh of relief as the man left.Maybe we should go,” Julie said looking around at the crowd of onlookers.One more game,” Bikky laughed clapping Rain on the back. He noted Erick staring and sent him a warning glare. Erick met his eyes, his emotional defeat plain for the other boy to read. Terry frowned at his brother. Why couldn't he just give up on Rain? For the first time in his life he wanted to walk away from his brother. Terry glowered at Rain for being the cause of the division. Rain was busy learning the basics of a fighting game. Before long he was keeping up and defeating Bikky. As the kids left the mall they were unaware of the adult male watching them a frown on his face. Hughes looked Rain over. He was laughing at Bikky's frown for he had beaten the older boy. His loose hair flowed around his shoulders, just gracing his back. Bright green eyes danced with merriment his happy features caused Hughes to look again to make sure that the child was male. That boy did not look traumatized... Not yet anyway. Break Dee watched as Ryo entered the shower. Several officers had seen them enter and left them alone. It had never bothered Dee before how the showers would vacate whenever he or Ryo would enter, but today it grated on his nerves. All the homophobia in the world hadn't stopped Randolph from looking at his Ryo with desperate lust. Ryo paced in the shower allowing the steaming water to pour over his lithe, pale, beautiful body. Dee wanted so badly he could barely see straight. Ha, Dee thought, he hadn't seen straight in years. “Baby,” Dee stepped into the shower with Ryo.Un unh Dee.” Ryo stepped away from Dee's strong arms. He had admitted to personal feelings to Randolph, thinking he was helping the other man in his dilemma. He had not taken his grandfather serious when the ancient dragon had claimed they had a stalker.I just want to hold you.” Dee was adamant wrapping his arms securely around Ryo. Ryo gave up leaning back against his lover. “No one will come in.”No one ever does, it is the same with Leon and JJ.” Ryo's voice was muffled as he turned in Dee's arms shoving his face in the groove of Dee's neck.Like we'd want to look at their pasty, out of shape asses.” Dee whispered into Ryo's hair. His scent traveled to Dee making his senses fuzzy. “Seems like I have more to be concerned about with them staring at you.” Ryo said nothing he held tight to Dee feeling the hot water relax his body. “Come on, let's clock out for the day.”No,” Ryo straitened his spine. “I have an appointment with Matthew Mereen today remember, you're coming too.”Ever the good cop.” Dee smiled indulgently at his beautiful Ryo. He grabbed the soap thinking over the case they both washed quickly leaving the stalls. The locker room was eerie in the silence as they dressed both too lost in their own thoughts to make any conversation. BreakYou came back.” Ryo paused as the young man addressed him sounding almost logical. “I like your face.” Ryo smiled his thanks sitting in the room's only chair. Matthew sat on the bed his clothing seeming to hold on to his frame by the will of God. “Five I counted.” Matthew held up his hand displaying all five of his fingers. “Five I see you.”Yes,” Ryo said in a kind voice he often used when speaking to Lyo. “I have been here five times.” Ryo sat forward in his chair. Matthew stared into the eyes so dark they appeared black. “I need you to tell me what you know about who hurt you.”Ha...Ha...Ha!” Matthew laughed his face contorted into a wild rage. “What I know... I know about bicycles. Condoms and gloves hide what Bicycles know I know. Hurts... It hurts... But gloves show skin, skin show bicycles, condoms hide skin, pain still there.” Matthew stood on the bed his fist clenched at his sides his entire body was strung taut as he began to yell. “Pain still there! Because I know, I know, I know, but you don't know. Have to protect them. I know, but you don't know that I know what I know, but I know, I do.” Matthew brought a trembling hand to his forehead tears falling from his eyes. “I know.”Ok,” Ryo stood as well reaching a hand to calm the deranged teen. “It's ok.”It's not ok!” Ryo snatched his hand back as the young man lurched away. “Because I know... I saw.” Matthew whispered hunching on his hands and knees he peered at Ryo through his cloud of disheveled dark hair.What did you see?” Ryo prompted glad that he had thought to have his recorder in his pocket.I saw bicycles.” Ryo sat back as the boy lay on his bed his eyes closed he moaned. “Dark place then pain and bicycles.” Ryo got to his feet logging all he had learned in his notebook and turning off his recorder. “Will you come back six times?” Ryo nodded knowing that even after he solved this case, he would care for the well being of this young man.Dee,” Ryo walked to the waiting room he sat beside his partner. “ We know the boy was dumped behind the school, is there a bike rack back there?”No, look at the pictures of the scene.” Dee handed the file over. Ryo perused the scene there was dumpsters and... Ryo paused.Dee, the perp could have pulled him back far enough that he would not have been found until trash pick up day. But he pulled him up so that he would be seen by anyone passing by. He risked being seen dumping the kid just to make sure that he was found. What kind of rapist does that?”One that cares for the kid's safety.” Dee said looking again at the photos of the unconscious boy in the alley.Someone who cares.” Ryo mused thinking back over all he had heard the young man say. “Let's get back to HQ, we should get all of our minds working on this one.”Only you would work so hard to solve an unsolved case.” Dee stood to his feet tossing his light jacket over his holsters.It's only unsolved until I solve it.” Ryo promised smiling into the bright afternoon sunshine. BreakNo!” Ryo and Dee halted mid step as they entered the police department to hear the chief shouting. “You heard me, tell them I said no!”They have clearance from the Central Investigation Agency which they all hold badges from, and they have clearance from me,” Berkeley shouted just as loud. “We are on good terms with Arcadia and should endeavor to remain that way.”We are American, we do not kow-tow to some picayune kingdom in west dumb-fuck... Where the hell is Arcadia anyway? You all did this on purpose,” The chief turned on Ryo and Dee. “You and those others like you. You all planned this.”I don't know what you are talking about.” Dee frowned as he tried to keep his voice from raising in front of Ryo. Ryo was always trying to get him to respect his superiors. Dee hesitated to take the paper that the chief shoved at him.You telling me that you all did not plan this?” The chief barked.That is the second time you have referred to us as 'you all' and what did you mean by 'like us'? Surely you are inferring that we are all knights of the Arcadian realm, as well enlisted in their American faction of their military and the CIA Link up with them. Not to mention that I am a royal prince. You are not at all talking about our sexuality in relations to our plotting some devious way to leave town for what... a romantic tryst or two?” The chief knew he was treading on slippery ground here with the dark eyed detective. “I said nothing of the sort. I am just tired of losing my detectives for weeks at a time. These Arcadians are very demanding.”It is to my understanding that royalty is.” Ryo smiled now making the chief catch his breath to see such a beautiful expression. “What do they want this time?” Ryo asked Dee who handed him the paper. “Three weeks huh,” Ryo looked at Berkeley. “They want us to detail a guard for their tour... Great,” Ryo sounded less than enthusiastic.Don't give me that, you are going on a world tour with a famous band...” The chief blustered.Yeah... bunch of screaming fans,” Ryo frowned.The odd stalker or two,” Dee mused, “complete with death threats.”Not to mention the horny bastards that are always after the girls... And the boys.” Ryo glowered as he thought of his beautiful son joining in on the tour.One big party eh' babe.” Dee handed the summons to Ryo. “We leave in three weeks.” The chief glared at all in the room before he stormed back into his office. Dee and Ryo found Leon, JJ and Jill in their office going over paperwork to file for Randolph. “Hey guys.” Dee muttered sitting at his desk while Ryo went to get them coffee. Ryo returned to his desk handing Dee a hot cup.We got lunch,” Leon said tossing two sandwiches to Dee and a cold cut sub to Ryo. Ryo smiled glad that the other detectives had known what he would like to eat.Hmmm,” Dee muttered when he realized the burger had grown cold. He could microwave it, but it would get too hot. Then he would have to wait for it to cool, after it cooled the bread would be hard and tough to chew not to mention the burger itself would be rubbery. “Baby, would you mind?” Dee held over the sandwiches in their aluminum packaging. Ryo smiled before he looked around. Making sure they were alone in the office, Ryo heated his hands. He handed back the smoking packages. “Thanks...whoa!” Dee blew his hands sticking a burned digit in his mouth.Oh.. too hot...” Ryo pulled Dee's finger from his mouth and stuck it in his own. Dee's eyes clouded as he stared at Ryo deep throating his finger.Get a room,” JJ looked up stealing the Mereen file from Ryo. “Did you guys see this picture here?” JJ pointed to the boy's position.Yeah,” Dee said. “He is placed in a way that will assure that he would be found.”Not that, look, his arms are placed to cradle his head and the blanket is pulled up around him like protection.” JJ said making notes in his pad.You think this is a case of the perpetrator falling in love with his victim? The boy was held all day and violated several times.” Jill wondered aloud. She looked up a smile frozen on her face as Mr and Mrs Mereen entered their office. “Civilians just can not stay out of our back rooms.”We were told you went by to visit Matthew. How? He will not tolerate any male visitors. He screams bloody murder and has to be sedated even when his own father visits him.” Mrs Mereen demanded looking at Ryo with something akin to awe on her face. Mr. Meeren leaned on the table his jacket lifted reveling the back of his wrist. Ryo frowned when he saw the scar there.He is a bit precarious, and twice I left early because he had to be sedated, but...” Ryo began to speak, the scar on Mr Mereen's wrist drawing his notice again as the man moved his arm to take a chair being offered by Leon.How... How close are you to solving this thing?” Mr Mereen asked. “Do you have any suspects?”A few,” Ryo said causing Dee and the others to frown at him for saying something that was not true. “Mr Mereen, if you don't mind my asking... where did you get that scar, I can not help but notice it's shape...” Dee looked over the scar in question a frown on his face as he noted the two wheel shapes and the seat in the middle. “That old thing?” Mrs Mereen laughed glad to focus on something other than her deranged son. “He has had it since he was a kid. 'Looks like the culprit' he always says.” Mrs Mereen laughed her blond hair falling around highlighting the young girl she once was mixed in with the desperate mother and hopeful wife she now portrayed.Yeah,” Mr Mereen added his own laugh slow to come. “When I was eight, me and my brothers decided that it was a good idea to ride our bikes off the porch. I broke this wrist, my brother had a broken arm, and I have the bicycle shaped scar on my wrist to show for it.”Dear God in heaven,” Ryo blanched getting to his feet and leaving the office.Is he squeamish?” Mr Mereen asked looking at the faded blemish on his skin.He's not squeamish, just a damn good detective.” Dee said looking after his horrified lover. “You sick son of a bitch... He's your son.”What the hell are you talking about?” Mr Mereen demanded surging to his feet his dark brown hair becoming damp with sweat as he stared wildly about the room at the detectives. He carefully avoided his wife's gaze. Ryo stormed into the office he slammed his recorder down onto the desk hitting the play button he glowered at Mr Mereen. Mrs Mereen stared aghast at her husband as she heard her son speaking on the tape. “What I know... I know about bicycles. Condoms and gloves hide what Bicycles know I know. Hurts... It hurts... But gloves show skin, skin show bicycles, condoms hide skin, pain still there.”Stop it!” Mr Mereen yelled. “Stop the tape!”Pain still there! Because I know, I know, I know, but you don't know. Have to protect them. I know, but you don't know that I know what I know, but I know, I do. I know.”Ok,” Ryo's calm voice was heard on the tape. “It's ok.”It's not ok, because I know... I saw.” Matthew whispered.What did you see?” Ryo prompted glad that he had thought to have his recorder in his pocket.I saw bicycles.” Ryo was quiet as Matthew moaned. “Dark place then pain and bicycles.”No wonder he went insane,” Jill said with disgust apparent in her voice.Mr Sydny Mereen you are under arrest for the kidnapping and rape of Matthew Mereen... your son.” Ryo said pulling his cuffs from his pocket he approached the astounded man. Mrs Mereen watched with disbelief as her husband was cuffed. As he was led from the room, she fainted into JJ's arms. Whipped Crème 16 The Other Side Pt 2 Angel watched as Andy wandered around his shop. Business had been good lately. He'd had several regular customers that recommended the cafe to friends while wearing his designs. It had been quite by accident that Chihaya had begun to work there while Kagestuya worked with Collins in the kitchen. Chihaya stared as well as one ensemble after another was added to the counter and the pile of things the princess wanted. “You know...” Andy paused a smile on her face as she looked at him. “I think you should just come along as our designer for the tour.”But that's all summer!” Collins burst into the room a frown on his face.I'll think about it,” Angel promised despite Collins glare as the high princess paid for her purchases. Several servants entered the shop to carry the bags to her car. Angel looked after her as the men then got onto their flagged motorcycles flanking her little sedan as she sped down the road. Break Ryo heaved a tired sigh as Jones, the Detective in charge of his case, approached him with several files in hand. “We got a confession, well I am not sure if you should see the tape, I mean, you guys are fellow detectives but you are also the victims...” Ryo smiled at the young man figuring that Berkeley had given him this as his first case because it was pretty open and shut. Ryo remembered his first case with a rueful smile. Blood spattered walls and a bullet riddled drug runner. On the upside, he had gotten Bikky, or had Bikky gotten him? Ryo reached out a hand for the recorded session. Jones seemed relieved to hand his burden over. He followed Ryo into a viewing room where Dee, Leon, JJ and Jill were already sitting with coffee waiting.Hey,” Jill said offering Jones a seat. Jones nodded, blushed, then said, “thank you, I mean yes, I mean... Hi.”Graduated the Police Academy at the top of his class...” Dee smirked watching the red faced detective accept a cup of coffee from Ryo. “Maybe he skipped the class on talking to pretty women.” Ryo landed a soft blow to Dee's arm reminding him to be nice. Jones watched the interplay with a smile. He had been told by his classmates that this precinct would be more open to him and kinder than the others had been. Jones had to admit to feeling a bit apprehensive when he met the chief. The man had gone on for almost an hour complaining about the “Fuckin' homo's” in 'his' building. But they did their job and he would have to be at least half as good to keep up. The chief had not needed to tell Jones to keep up. He had been following Laytner and McLean since they arrived in LA. All of their cases were high profile and they solved them so well. Orcot, and Resnick and Jameson all... Jones looked around the vid room in awe of the caliber of Detectives surrounding him. Jones mentally shook himself back into the present as Dee started the tape. They all watched as Randolph paced he small room. “I know the routine ok.” he had barked at Jones enjoying a moment of mean glee at the hesitation the younger man had displayed. “I don't want a drink, I don't want a cigarette. I just want to get this over with.”Alright, we are being recorded, but I am going to turn this on anyway.” Jones had placed a recorder on the table.Whatever, I watched them alright.” Randolph leaned over the recorder. “I climbed the tree in the yard. I started, all I wanted was to find some way to make them... I don't know man,” Randolph sighed and leaned back in his chair. Dee tried to control his anger as Ryo blushed and Randolph continued. “I wanted to find some dirt on them. But while I was there, Ryo came out of the shower... he was all wet and wearing a towel. Then Dee came and pulled him to the bed. I did not know the sight of Ryo without his clothes would excite me, but it did and before long I had to relieve myself...” Ryo swallowed hard as he felt bile rise.So is that the only time...” Jones began prompting Randolph when the man seemed to slip back in time. “You know it wasn't. It was like a drug. I would return over and over again.” Randolph laughed half hating himself even as his heart broke thinking that Ryo would never be in his arms. “It got so bad I was staring at him even at work. I wanted Dee to just disappear... You know they are renewing their vows...” Randolph paused again looking off. “I watched them ok. Is that enough for you or do you want more?”Do you admit that you forced physical attentions on detective McLean?” Jones asked dutiful in his note taking.Whatever, man, yeah I kissed him. I tried to shove my tongue down his throat but he pushed me away. I kind of groped his ass too, but it was fleeting, he is stronger than he looks. We do still get drug test here right? Might want to check him for steroids. I think I have bruises.”Are you going to file a complaint.” Jones felt obligated to ask. Randolph laughed again, a hollow sound that reflected his internal bitterness. “I'm not crazy. Have you seen their lawyer. She is about five foot nothing, blond and mean. She would eat me and any lawyer crazy enough to go against her. Did you see what she did to that guy from new York. I hear he was a friend of Laytner's. If she does that to friends I would hate to see what she does to enemies. He is lucky to still have his license.” Jones reached over and stopped the tape. Dee stared at the blank television a frown on his face. He reached a hand out to pull Ryo into the circle of his arms. He felt the slight tremors that racked his body as he thought of the mad man outside of their window watching their most intimate moments.He also admitted to having tapes... He used police department equipment... I sent a team to his apartment to search the place and confiscate them... evidence... He made illegal, porn... of... you...guys...” Jones trailed off as Ryo paled.Baby,” Dee called him curling his fingers around as Ryo began to take slow deep breaths thinking of he and Dee and all they had done with and too each other. Their moments of love and.. Ryo breathed in deep again. “Baby,” Dee called trying to calm his voice even though he felt a violent rage envelop him as he thought of Randolph outside their house in the night watching. Ryo breathed deeply again thinking of all the times they had kissed... licked... loved... “Oh... Ryo...Baby!” Dee pulled Ryo to his feet and held him over a garbage as he purged his lunch. Ryo sagged against Dee bringing a shaking hand to his eyes. Dee stroked Ryo's back amazed at how vulnerable he was. It always amazed him that someone with such quiet, determined strength could be so sensitive. His heart was the most guarded part his personality and had taken Dee over a year to crack through. But he knew that the heart was so guarded because it was his most soft possession.I'd feel about the same if some psycho was watching me and Little D.” Leon said offering a cup of water to Ryo.He taped us...” Ryo blinked gulping air as a dry heave shook his frame, Dee could not help but think that the day had worn his Ryo down. First the perverted father then being assaulted by a pervert in love with him and finally to find out that he was the unknowing and unwilling star in illegal porn. “Who does that?” He asked not really expecting an answer.Randolph did...” Jones supplied the answer surprised to see the man he idolized so shaken. So it was true, they really were only human. With human emotions and... Jones smiled to think that he could one day be as good a detective as they were. Leon was the first to laugh. “Yeah Randolph did...” He laughed again. Dee looked at him before a smile cracked his features. Jill giggled and JJ began to laugh with them. Ryo looked around at his friends before he rethought the situation and a small laugh escaped. Dee kissed his cheek carefully avoiding his mouth. “Oh come on...” Leon laughed poking Dee in the side. “You'll lick his ass, but you won't kiss him with barf breath.”That's gross Leon... What's wrong with you?” Dee looked offended as he offered Ryo a breath mint. “His ass taste's better.” Ryo choked on the mint his eyes watered as he laughed. “You are sick...”You love me,” Dee shrugged and Ryo nodded even though it hadn't been a question. “Let's go, we have to visit Matthew Mereen today. You still need to brush your teeth.” Dee leaned over when he saw the embarrassed frown on Ryo's face. “Try not to think about it too much. We will just get through this.” Ryo nodded firming his spine. Dee grinned, maybe they all needed this trip around the world.Hey wait a minute!” Assistant District Attorney Hughes barged into the vid room just as Jones was resealing the evidence bag. “You are not leaving this country until you drop those charges against my kid.”What makes you think we are dropping the charges?” Ryo asked glad of the breath mint. If there was ever a time to hide his weaknesses it was while facing this man.If you don't drop those charges the press might get wind of all the omitted facts about your precious Rain's case. It will be everywhere. If he turns on the television there it will be, if he picks up a magazine it will be there. How do you think the other kids in school will treat him once they know he was some murderers cum dumpster for a couple days?” Hughes gasped as Ryo grabbed his manhood in a tight fist. Reminding Dee that although Ryo was sensitive to his own person, when it came to their children he turned into a ravening beast intent on destroying all who would harm them. Dee smiled thinking of him riding King Laton's back as they had flown to greece defeating a demon army and several deposed 'gods'. He had been magnificent.Oh, I see why you enjoy taunting a fourteen year old boy... got to do something to make you feel like a big man. I tell you what,” Ryo paused and squeezed. Hughes eyes widened and watered never having seen this side of gentle detective McLean. “If I ever hear the words cum dumpster out of your mouth again and you are not talking about your wife...” Ryo stepped further away releasing his grip with a pull. “I'll yank it off.”I'll file a complaint...You have no right to touch me like that.” Hughes whispered for fear that his voice would quiver if he spoke too loud.I hope you are that dumb.” Dee winked as the room cleared leaving Hughes alone with his impotent rage. That was it, that was the last straw, he had tried to be nice to them and ask them to drop the charges. Now he was going to call every media contact he knew. They would regret this. Break An air of calm hung about Matthew as if he knew. He looked at Ryo waiting patiently for the kind man to speak. He had been waiting for his return. “I knew you would be back today for six I knew. Smart... you know now, what I know. Because I knew about bicycles.” Matthew sniffled fat tears trailing down his smooth cheeks. Ryo smiled thinking that the boys words were almost normal now. Maybe he could deal with what happened to him and move on. “Lance is safe now.” Matthew smiled and Ryo glimpsed the young man he once was. Ryo promised to protect Lance Mereen as he left for the day. Matthew settled down not needed sedation as he dozed in his room. BreakHI!!” Ryo could not help but smile at the antics of Andy as she danced into his and Dee's office. “We all came by to say hi... I mean we came to officially sign the documentation that would have you guys as our American guard detail while we are on tour, but I wanted to say hi.” Andy hugged Ryo tightly. “I hear there is some major, madness in the mix going on around here. What is this I hear about Rain's private affairs in the press?”Hughes it threatening to release to the press if we don't drop the charges.” Ryo answered for Dee was too busy straightening the files the Princesses exuberant, clumsy affection had disturbed.What nonsense?” Andy looked around as if she had misplaced something. “Haven't you all ever heard of an eclipse.” Andy winked showing Ryo and Dee a schedule. “Our first show is a live broadcast from Arcadia. We are allowing a camera crew to follow around the band and their families. I hope you don't mind, but the media will be hit with so much about Rain, and X-Ta-C and our personal lives, some old case will simple not gain momentum.” Andy gave her most famous grin before she sailed towards the door her long white skirt billowing around her slim legs. “Ta...” Andy skipped down the hall laughing as her husband called her name.If Arcadia is doing such a mainstream effort, the only media that Hughes will be able to get is trash dime paparazzi mags, no one takes those seriously.” Dee said for Ryo was still standing in shock as the jingling bells on Andy's skirts could be heard down the hall. Break Bikky shrugged his shoulders as they all crowded around the living room. Erick and Terry had come over after they had dropped the girls off at home. Chris sat next to Bikky quite at home in the large house having spent so much time there. “Yeah, so a bunch a reporters are going to be sniffing around asking questions.” Ryo shifted Lyo in his lap as he sniffed the air to check the pots he had left simmering in the kitchen. “Can Erick and Terry stay for dinner?” Terry noted that they did not ask about Chris, either he was not staying or he was over so often he did not need an invitation.Fine, more than enough,” Ryo got to his feet to go back to his making of the nights diner.What is for dinner?” Rain asked causing Erick to gape at him. He ate so much at the mall today how could he even think of putting more in?Terriyaki Chicken, steamed rice and vegetables along with vegetable egg rolls and I made Castella cake. I was feeling my heritage today.” Ryo laughed as he checked his rice cooker with a satisfied nod he turned a few dials then when back to his large skillet.Extra terriyaki on mine please.” Bikky put in his order as they all ran upstairs to Bikky's room to play video games until Ryo called them down for dinner. Ryo was just setting the table when Erick came down to help him. “Rain was going to come, but he is on a hot streak, so I told him to let me do it.” He tried to explain hoping Ryo would not ask him too many questions.Are video games really that important?” Ryo asked letting Erick have the plates as he went into the kitchen to retrieve the food in their decorative containers and sit them on the table.You did not have to go to such trouble on our account. We get plastic at home if not paper.” Erick laughed as he sat the heavy glassware on the table with equally heavy silverware.Oh it is no trouble, honestly,” Ryo laughed as he entered with a large jug of iced tea. “We don't own any plastic dishes.” Erick looked in awe at the expensive plates that they used. Their everyday dinner table was more fancy than his mom's Christmas best. “Now why don't you tell me...” Ryo sat in a chair and indicated one near him for Eric to sit in as well. “You will be a senior next term right?” Erick nodded wondering what Ryo wanted. “How long have you been in love with him?”With who...” Erick tried to hide his blush but Ryo placed a hand under his chin lifting his face till they were eye level.Do not try to deny it, I see how you look at him and how you treat him. He is clueless, which I think is a blessing.” Ryo said with a smile as he thought of Rain.Look sir, I do not know what happened to him, I just know it was bad and he is real skittish. Bikky is fierce protective and... Well I know I have no chance with him ok... Rain will never know I love him. I value our friendship too much. I want to be near him in any way I can... Even as just friends, so don't make me stop coming over. I promise I won't do or say...”Alright, it is ok.” Ryo patted Erick's shoulder. “You know I am not a hypocrit, if he were to choose you I would have no problem with it, but seeing as how he is... Skittish,” Ryo smiled at the word that Erick had used to describe Rain's total fear of male intimacy. “I do not see it as likely. It is in your best interest to move on to a more willing romantic partner.” Erick nodded his head refusing to weep in front of the understanding man. “Why don't you go call the boys down to dinner,” Ryo sent him upstairs with a gentle pat on his back and a smile. Erick took heart and squared his shoulders before he did Ryo's bidding.He's got it bad,” Dee said from the kitchen where Erick had not even noticed him.His father beats him, he beats them all.” Ryo said pouring ice into a large bucket and sitting it on the table. “Dee...” Dee paused hearing the small smile in Ryo's voice even without having to turn around to see it. “I've been thinking of having some landscaping done.” Dee followed Ryo's line of vision and saw him staring at the tree in their backyard. He nodded his head in agreement that the arboreal accessory to the the crime had to go. To-Be-Continued

THE WHITE LION IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE WORLDWIDE!! That's right, you can now purchase your own copy of THE WHITE LION By Me, The Iceprincess AKA Chi. Have you ever wondered where the Arcadian Royale came from? Have you sat up wondering how Andy and Nestoir got married? Why does Dae hate them all sooooooo much? See how it all began... The White Lion GET YOUR COPY TODAY!! Get your copy today