Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction / Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Whipped Creme ❯ Chapter 17-20 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Whipped Crème 17 A Meaningful Existence (Prequel)Please,” Count D's voice was pure sugar as he looked at the old man sitting across from him his hand only now releasing the quill that he had used to sign a contract. “Take good care of her.” The small, pale girl sitting beside the customer stared at the Count her pointed ears hidden behind her dense, strait hair the color of milk. “She needs a home where she will be cared for constantly. There are rules, three of them, that you must adhere to.”Rules,” The customer looked at the perfect image of a popular actress that he had stalked for several years.Never allow her to see you unclothed,” Count D held up a finger showing a long, perfectly manicured nail. “Never show her to anyone,”Another slim digit joined the first. “And never, under any circumstances, disturb her sleep.”Yes of course,” The customer took her hand leading her from the shop. Count D smirked as he watched her leave her bushy tail hidden underneath her long skirt.May you be safe,” Count D whispered closing the contract into a drawer. He heard Aoi toddling down the hall holding on to one of Ten-Chan's tails. “Papa no Shojo,” Count D scooped the small child in his arms. Aoi giggled happily as Count D bounced her in his arms. He felt a moment of dizziness and blinked. “It is time for lunch,” Count D frowned allowing that his hunger was great. His afternoon lunches with Leon were taking their toll on him. Count D could not understand Leon's craving of his release, but daily he had to have it or he would be surly. Count D looked up as Lord D and his younger brothers entered the pet shop. “ChiChiUe,” Count D smiled.You said you wanted to see me,” Lord D arranged his robes as he sat allowing the young boys to stagger after their niece.Yes father,” Count D blushed offering Lord D some of the lunch he had prepared. “Would you like some?” Lord D took the offered salad with a generous smile. “I just wondered... Has JJ been acting odd lately?”Odd?” Lord D sprinkled a heavy dose of honey sweetened vinaigrette on his greens.Lately, Leon has been craving the taste of... Me,” Count D turned scarlet. “Do not get me wrong father, I am not complaining... I simply worry for his health, that can not be healthy... Can it? I mean...I think he wold drink it by the cup full if I could but produce that much.There are vitamins you could take to increase production,” Lord D informed his son with a smirk. He had to admit that lately JJ had been unusual in his demands. Count D aimed a baleful look at his father. “to be honest with you.. I think it has something to do with our physiology. We are definitely not completely human, but we also share a genetic link with animals and plants. As you know some animals give off pheromones... I believe when you first became intimately involved with Leon he mention smelling flowers on you that intoxicated him. It was your reaction to him, you were... to put it bluntly, you were and are in...Heat,” Lord D paused blushing himself now at the subject. Then he had no inkling and now he no longer fights his attractions and so gives in whenever he craves.”Has JJ been... I mean, It is none of my...” Count D gave up his questions unable to look at his father.We shall weather this storm.” Lord D grinned, JJ was not craving him in such a way, but they had been rather amorous. Leon entered the shop smiling glad to be done with his work day. He saw Lord D and nodded his head in respect. Count D stood to greet Leon asking why he was off so early. Lord D paused as his son's scent assailed his senses. He snaked a hand out catching Count D's wrist. “Child,” Lord D's eyes widened. He backed Count D to the wall pressing his hand to his flat tummy. The silk of Count D's cheongsam slid underneath his hand. Lord D pressed, closing his eyes. “Oh Child, would that you love so completely.”I don't understand,” Leon said watching Lord D manhandle his son a perplexed frown on his face.Child,” Lord D looked away feeling the exact same fear that he had felt almost two years ago grip his heart. “You are carrying.” Count D gasped, his eyes rising to meet Leon's. They stared at each other in horrified shock as Lord D wiped a tear from his face thinking that his precious son had barely survived the first. How would he fare with a second? Break Laton sat on the couch listening as the young boys upstairs played their video games. Ryo was in the kitchen preparing dinner and Dee sat flipping through random sports channels on cable television, Lyo at his feet with his coloring books and Crayons. Torcha sat beside him enjoying the homey, family atmosphere. “Ryo tells me that you all want to re-do the backyard.” Torcha said to Dee gaining his attention. Dee could not suppress the shiver he felt every time he saw the tall Asian dragon queen. Her eyes glowed pale in the light a complete contrast to her husbands and Ryo's.Yeah,” Dee answered his brows drawing down as he remembered the previous night. Ryo had refused to make love. Dee even suggested nailing a blanket to the window, but the mood was spoiled and Ryo was too tense. He watched as Ryo sat the table with their crystal dishes in honor of his grandparents visit. Rain came tumbling down the stairs laughing Bikky on his heels. Bikky took the remote that Dee had left sitting on the arm of the sofa. “Hey!” Dee complained as Bikky turned to a video channel.Actually, Torcha and I have discussed things about your vows.” Laton said gaining Dee's attention. “As I told our snap dragon...”Stop calling me that,” Ryo's voice carried from the dining room amidst the clink of dishes and Rain setting silverware. Torcha's laughter rang like silver chimes throughout the house. Lyo looked up and laughed delighted he clapped his small hands. “As we said, we would welcome your ceremony in the Obsidian Palace, but... In welcoming Dee into our family there are certain traditions that should be followed.”Traditions?” Dee watched the fierce creatures exchange suspicious glances with one another. Laton looked particularly smug as his eyes traveled to Ryo standing in the doorway waiting for them all to enter the dinning room. Dee got to his feet watching Laton and Torcha not sure he enjoyed their playful manner that he felt he was cause of.You wish to speak them next week, and so Ryo will be with his family until then.” Laton announced sitting at the table sniffing the food. “This smells delicious little Snap Dragon.” Laton placed his napkin over his knee as Ryo sat a cup Rain's iced tea in front of the boy.So you want us to move into the palace for a week?” Dee asked when Ryo sat beside him. He trailed his fingers over the back of Ryo's hand.No, just him,” Torcha said no apology in her voice. Ryo's fork halted on its way to his mouth. “You will come with us tonight.”You mean Ryo's leaving, for a week?” Rain asked his eyes widened as he wondered how he would sleep without him in the house.What are we supposed to eat?” Bikky looked in horror at Dee. “Do something.” Lyo began to sob. “Mean take Da-Ryo.” Dee said one word, “No.”It was not a question.” Laton said his fork never breaking stride. “This is delicious,” Laton commented drinking the hand squeezed lemonade. “There is a small amount of Queen Victoria's honey in this.” Ryo stared at Laton his appetite sinking.You're not taking him away!” Bikky stood to his feet glaring at the frightening pair sitting so calmly in front of them eating Ryo's homemade dinner. “You come here, eat our food and then try to take Ryo. Not happening. They were already married before we ever even knew about you, we don't need your stupid odd palace or whatever it is.”Child,” Laton looked up from his plate. “Your tone is insulting.”Eat me,” Bikky glowered back impressing Laton with his bravery.I just might,” Laton promised bearing a threatening smile. Ryo stood to his feet quickly halting arguing. “Dee... a word.” Dee got to his feet sending a last fulminating glare at Laton and Torcha. The dragons smiled at each other as Ryo and Dee entered the kitchen. “Dee...”Bikky is right, we don't need...” Ryo pressed his lips to Dee's halting any more words Dee could have said. “You're going,” Dee's shoulders slumped. “Lyo is going to have a fit, Rain may restart his nightmares and Bikky and might starve, not to mention I will miss you like crazy baby.”I know, but this will also give you time with Renee, your mother. We have been so busy lately you have practically forgotten that she is here.”I don't know what to do with her, I mean,” Dee frowned holding Ryo close in his arms. “She went back to New York to settle what few affairs then she is going to get an apartment here, but... I never had a mother before.”Dee,” Ryo sighed pulling a chilled pudding from the refrigerator and fresh baked cookies. “We both need to get to know our families.”What about our family?” Dee asked looking in to see Bikky still glaring at Laton. Lyo sobbed inconsolable in Rain's lap.It is only a week,” Ryo said holding Dee's hands around his body.But...Baby,” Dee's hands traveled over the flat terrain of Ryo's tummy. “You may survive, but i doubt I will...”That is not fair Dee,” Ryo turned in Dee's arms. “I have needs too.” Ryo turned red embarrassed to think of the previous night. He had wanted Dee, but just the thought of someone out in their yard watching... even now he shivered.You know... you'll tighten up.” Dee trailed a hand over Ryo's bottom.You will be gentle,” Ryo smirked placing a gentle kiss on Dee's cheek.Take Rain and Lyo with you. They will fare better.” Dee whispered he stepped away picking up the bowl of pudding. Ryo took the cookies. “We better get back in there before Bikky hurts your grandpa.”What?” Ryo stood next to Dee peering into the dinning room.Right now they are just glaring at each other but Bikky is gripping his dinner knife in a threatening way and Laton is blowing smoke. Ryo walked out sitting his burden of cookies on the table. He placed a hand on Bikky's shoulder. Bikky looked up at Ryo his eyes rounded. “No Ryo,” He yelled recognizing the sad smile. “Damn it,” Bikky yelled before shoving to his feet with enough force to topple his heavy wood chair.Bikky, mouth,” Ryo tried to remain calm. Bikky narrowed his eyes at Laton and Torcha then stomped upstairs. Rain broke down then tears falling down his face. “Lyo, Rain, you will come with me, Bikky will stay here to help Dee and...”As a wedding gift we have hired our best contractors for your yard.” Torcha announced helping herself to a dish of chocolate pudding. “This is fabulous, you put you palace chef to shame.” Ryo sighed going up the grand staircase. He found Bikky sketching on his bed. He looked around the room noting the new artworks. There were several pictures of Carol and a few of Rain. What caught his eye above the bed was the one of him and Dee. They were sitting side by side their faces turned to each other. Ryo smiled as he saw the look of love Bikky had captured.Your grandparents suck,” Bikky said without looking up. He turned his pad around to show Ryo the drawing of Count D he was working on. “Of all the D's, he's coolest. Lord D is too soft, Sofu is just scary, but little D...” Bikky nodded. “He is gentle with kids, plants and animals, but then he is like this little fighting machine, but he smells like a garden and looks like a girl. I want Rain to be more like him. Beautiful but tough.” Bikky nodded. “I already know you are taking him and Lyo with you. Good, Rain already wears your pajamas, and that's when you are here, I can imagine the freak out he'll have when your gone.” Ryo laughed and patted Bikky's arm. He was good kid, Ryo was proud of him. He leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of Bikky's head. “Come on Ryo... Go slobber on Dee.” Bikky laughed waving Ryo away. “We'll be alright.” Bikky tried to smile. “I'll miss you.”It's only a week,” Ryo said leaving the room. He went downstairs to find Laton and Torcha waiting for him. Rain and Lyo had already been sent to the car. Laton and Torcha left him a moment to say his farewells to Dee. “There are left overs in the kitchen, and don't be afraid to join Leon and Count D for dinner... See you at work tomorrow.” Ryo pressed his slim body against Dee. Green eyes bored into deep pits of love. Dee thought he could stand in this spot and drown so great was his emotions for this half Japanese detective. Dee lunged for Ryo drinking in his lips as a dying man slakes his burning thirst. Ryo clung to Dee gasping for breath as his tongue circled Dee's in hungry submission.You'll tighten...”You'll be gentle.” Ryo winked and left the house for the waiting car where Torcha noted the red, kiss swollen lips with a smirk. Whipped Crème 18 A Meaningful Existence: Part 1 Leon felt all strength leave his legs. Instead of falling to the floor he wobbled over and sat on the plush sofa his eyes wide staring at Count D. Yeah, he loved him... oh man did he love him... “I thought Kami's only gave birth to one child per family.” Lord D sat in his vacated seat not releasing D he had little choice but to sit next to his father. “That is because survival is limited.”I was not to survive the birth... But Chichiue... that would mean,” Count D paused as Sofu entered the room.Father,” Lord D stood to his feet he approached his father with inherent grace. Saying no words Sofu pressed his hands to his son's tummy and closed his eyes. “Am I?”No,” Lord D heaved a great sigh of relief. “But you are ripe.” Sofu grinned thinking of how well his family was doing. Surely Soofu A would understand the benefits of humans. Sofu reached into his sleeve pulling a glass of chilled white plum juice and honey. “Do you want it?” Sofu asked reminding his son of a lesson he had suffered through. Lord D shook his head backing away from his sire. Count D looked between the two older Kami quite confused by their odd behavior. “More importantly,” Sofu turned to Count D then Leon. Leon found a strength that he never knew he possessed and stood to his feet. He went to Count D and took the slight frame in his arms. “Do you deny the child?”Deny...?” Count D asked not sure what his grandfather wanted of him.You can deny the child the nourishment and blessing of your body.” Lord D said looking away from his son as he was unsure if he wanted him to go through with this pregnancy or not.Like an abortion, we covered this already.” Leon groused his face heating. “I want whatever is best.”I want this child,” Count D placed his hand on his tummy.Then I will help you,” Lord D vowed. “Take it easy until you accommodate.” Count D nodded his head he had a lot ahead of him, he only hoped he was able to deal with it. Chris came barreling in the room with T-Chan, Catherine and Blanca. He noted the silence in the shop. “Oh,” He whispered shushing his friends. “Is Jewel sleeping”No,” Count D shook his head not willing to reveal just yet to the child that he would soon be pregnant again. “She is playing hide and seek with the Honlon.”Um, Baby,” Leon said placing a kiss on the open palm of Count D's hand. Count D turned to Leon wondering at the slight smile on his handsome features. “How does a giant, three-headed dragon play hide and seek?”Ah... Hmmm,” Lord D grew thoughtful. “Good question.” He laughed, they had survived this once before, they could do it again. BreakWe got a problem,” Were the first words Dee said into the cell phone as soon as Ryo picked up.I miss you too,” Ryo laughed he had just settled into his diamond encrusted room inside the Obsidian Palace. Gold trim dusted almost every available surface. “You should see this room. We stayed at the Arcadian Palace for my coronation. I see why now. The Arcadian Palace and The Obsidian Palace are like California and Florida,” Ryo sighed. “Well, maybe not that far, but my gosh is the view gorgeous. I can stand on my balcony and see the ocean. Grandfather says that the water dragons are below.”The water dragons? You mean that princess that your grandmother was trying to set you up with?” Dee fumed forgetting the purpose of his call. “They are still at it, those obnoxious old coots, trying to separate us.”Oh we are attempting nothing as petty as all that.” Laton entered the room. “Don't you feel it Snap Dragon?”Feel it? Feel what?” Ryo held on to the phone needing to hear Dee's voice even if he could not see him.This room child,” Laton sat on the bed. “I come here when I need to relax and think of happier times.” Ryo looked around the room, he felt a current of heat pass through his veins. His body trembled with latent power that boiled his passions. “Dee,” Ryo gasped. Ryo's eyes darted from the gilded bed to the walls and shining posts. “This room,” he felt swamped by love so enduring, so deep that it penetrated his very core. “This room was my mothers.”Great,” Dee's voice was heard through the cell in Ryo's hands. “We still got a problem.”What problem?” Ryo tore his eyes away from the diamonds winking at him.The Arcadians are staging a mass media frenzy starting tomorrow. Kind of hard to highlight our normal family life when half of our family is in another country.” Dee's dry tone carried into the room causing Laton to glare at the tiny object. “Sorry old man, but I think it would be in our best interest if you would return him and the kids to us. Not to mention that Bikky and his friends ate all the leftovers.” Ryo laughed softly then looked at his grandfather. The old dragon surged to his feet glowering. He was thus as Torcha entered the room with Lyo and Rain. Lyo squeaked in fear hiding behind Rain.We have to take them back!” Laton growled hissing steam from between his clenched teeth.I know, His Majesty Zarro just flew by to pay us a little visit.” Torcha indicated the balcony where Zarro was seen leaving the palace his escort of gryphon guards flanking him. Rain stared in awe at the large white beast that flew by with his mighty wings beating against the azure sky. The gryphons beside him scanning the area for any possible threat to their king.Nowhere on earth would you ever see such a beautiful sight,” Ryo gasped staring at the entourage. Zarro turned as if hearing the admiration from so far away. He sent a ferocious grin to Ryo then flew faster disappearing from view over the peaks of the craggy Onyx mountains.So,” Rain huffed from his position in the doorway holding Lyo in his arms. “Are we coming or going?”Going,” Ryo smiled he felt a moment of shame as his mind drifted to thoughts that were more in line with Dee's thinking. They would go and soon he would come. Torcha's eyes traveled over Ryo. She saw the smile and blush then hid a smile of her own. Break Dee was grinning as the sleek black limousine pulled in front of their house releasing Ryo, Rain and Lyo. Laton and Torcha exited the car looking none too pleased with the turn of events. They stomped into the house just as a taxi pulled up with Renee inside. “Mother,” Dee stepped off the large porch. “If you had told me, I would have met you at the airport.”Oh no,” Renee shook her head handing over her suitcase to Dee. “I will move into my own apartment tomorrow, and I know you all have your own lives. I do not want to be a disruption, but I would not mind an inclusion.” Renee smiled at Laton and Torcha. “Hello,” She inclined her head in greeting. Bikky stood by watching it all not liking the way Laton and Torcha continued to smile at each other. For detectives, Ryo and Dee sure were gullible. Did they honestly think that the two ancient dragons would give up so easily?Ryo,” Laton held Ryo's arm after they entered the house. Dee looked back then shrugged taking Renee's bag to their spare bedroom. He paused on the stairs his eyes raking over Ryo's slim frame heating with unmistakable passion. Ryo's answering smile was full of promise. “I think not.” Ryo frowned in confusion at Laton's words he yelped when he felt his grandfather's hand on his stomach pushing in. A surge of heat flared inside of his body and he gasped a small tendril of smoke leaving his mouth.What the hell did you just do to him?” Bikky demanded for Dee had rounded the corner with Renee. Ryo dropped onto the couch clutching his middle he looked up at Laton's smug grin. “You bastard,” Bikky yelled taking Ryo into his arms.Bikky, mouth,” Ryo said weakly as shivers wracked his body before dissipating as if they never were. “I'm alright,” He assured the worried teen. “But I share his concerns.” Ryo got to his feet facing Laton and Torcha. “What did you do to me?”Assured that you remain in seclusion during this the week before you wed.” Torcha answered in odd formality. “You are here because our High King decreed it. True we agree that the purpose of this media frenzy is necessary and would never begrudge you the protection of your children,” Torcha glanced at Rain with a soft smile on her frightening yet beautiful features. “It is an internal chastity belt, the only time you should feel it is when it is disturbed.”So wait, he'll be in pain if he and Dee try to...” Bikky trailed off when he saw the terrified look on Rain's face.It'll hurt... It will hurt... No, no you can't do that!” Rain protested his eyes overflowing as he looked at the dragon king and queen. “Not to Ryo, don't do that. How could you hurt him, I thought you loved him?”We do,” Laton assured Rain. He looked to Ryo and said again, “We do love you, young one. But this is necessary. It may even strengthen your relationship.”How is this going to strengthen their relationship if they can't get it on?” Bikky demanded he stood with his arms folded across his maturing torso.Bikky, Rain take Lyo upstairs and give him his bath.” Ryo said Laton and Torcha watched as the two boys obeyed without argument. “They are good boys.” Ryo said as they all watched the boys head upstairs.They adore you,” Torcha said her words soft and kind. “Listen, we do this not as a punishment, but as a way to ensure that it is you he wants... not your sweet behind. Look,” Torcha sat back on the couch. “I hope you don't get offended I'm not trying to be crude. But, you are so young...”I'm almost thirty...” Ryo's words ended as he could no longer remember his own age. “What is wrong... I know the day of my birth, but... What did you do to me?”You did this to yourself when you swallowed the tears of the seraph... You no longer have an age,” Torcha smiled. “You are a beautiful, proud eastern dragon in bloom.” Ryo was in shock as Torcha stood holding his arm. She was several inches shorter than him but she pulled him to his feet. “If he can't last one week... is it worth it?”What if I can't last?” Ryo smiled thinking of Dee in the tiny black thong. Torcha laughed Laton looked away.You'll do fine Snap Dragon,” Laton nodded his head and moved to embrace Ryo. “Put on your little show and be a good boy.”How will I get this thing off... In a week?” Ryo asked amazed that he could not feel any changes but knew that if he tried any physical intimacy with Dee... He winced as he showed his grandparents the door. Ryo turned out the lights and headed upstairs he heard Bikky putting Lyo to bed and Dee in the room with Renee. Ryo sighed thinking of sleeping beside Dee all night and unable to... “Oh gosh,” Ryo muttered opening the door. He found Rain sitting on his bed tear-streaked and panting. “Rain, what's wrong?”I don't understand,” Rain sobbed. “You said, you liked it... you said it didn't hurt... You said...” Ryo understood what Andy had meant when she said that when Rain needed to talk he had better be ready. Ryo gulped as he sat on the bed beside his son. “I do, like it I mean. I have told you that.”But they said that it would hurt.” Rain shuddered, “Ryo it is like a burning, ripping, tearing then the bleeding.”You are very young Rain, your body is very small,” Ryo reiterated their previous conversation. “Without proper preparation,” Ryo sighed when Rain shook his head.How could you possibly prepare for that?”Rain wiped his face with the handkerchief that Ryo had given him.Oh child,” Ryo blushed to have sounded so much like Sofu or even his own grandparents. “There are ways to relax the body, touches that feel nice, kisses and more. You've never been kissed before?”A few times... Julie kissed me,” Rain blushed. “It felt nice. Bikky kisses Carol all the time. I saw him put his tongue in her mouth like Dee does to you. It was gross but they were both smiling.” Rain sniffled then laughed. Ryo vowed to have a word with Bikky. “So Dee kisses you and makes it ok?”Depends on where he kisses me.” Ryo admitted he heaved a great sigh remembering Andy's words. He had to answer, honestly no matter how embarrassing.Like when he gets you in the kitchen and licks your ears and neck. You turn red and start breathing funny.” Ryo blushed clear to the top of his head. “I have sensitive ears.”So he kisses your ears and thats it?” Rain frowned something was not adding up. He had to run this by Bikky, Erick, Terry and Chris. Ryo panicked when he saw the questions on his face. Honest true answers, he reminded himself, not the heated delusion of horny teenagers.There are other places,” Ryo admitted then picked up a cup of water that he often kept by the bedside. After he sipped he cleared his throat and sipped again. Rain stared watching and Ryo floundered. “Ah, like... for instance...” Ryo waved his hand face flaming. “The chest and well... all over.”Like your entire body. He kisses your entire body.” Rain blushed, “Dee kisses you all over so you'll let him put his... I mean... in your.”I do my fair share of kissing and touching as well.”Ryo admitted with a smile.But why doesn't it hurt? When he's on top of you I mean... I have tried not to think about it. All this time, I have tried but sometimes I can hear you both. He's always trying to get your pants off.” Rain paused as Ryo smiled thinking of all the times Dee had gotten his pants of. He felt a tendril of heat in his tummy along with a clench of pain. Ryo swallowed the smoke that he knew would frighten Rain. “Ryo... Why doesn't it hurt?”There are muscles that need to be relaxed in your lower portions to accommodate having intercourse in this way. And lubrication helps.” Ryo explained knowing that his face was as red as his robe that Dee loved so much. Ryo reached into a drawer on the bedside chest. He pulled a tube of KY Jelly and showed it to Rain. “Give me your hand.” Rain held his hand over and Ryo opened the tube. Rain wrinkled his nose at the sweet smell emanating from the tube. “Strawberry flavored,” Ryo said as he squirted a small amount in the palm of Rain's hand. Rain moved his fingers marveling that they were so slippery. Rain brought a finger to his lips, his eyes widened at the sweetness. “Slides right in.” Ryo looked away. Rain thought of the dry skin rubbing against him. He had to admit that the pain had lessened when he had begun to bleed. But it still hurt.Dee must really love you if he does all this.” Rain smiled at Ryo.I love him too,” Ryo grinned when he looked up to see Dee leaning in the doorway of their bedroom. Rain got to his feet he wiped his hand on his jeans.G'night guys, sleep tight.” Rain snickered knowing that thanks to Laton and Torcha sleep was all they could do.You know,” Ryo said putting the tube away. He tried not to wince as Dee pulled it back out of the night stand. “I have been dreading that conversation ever since Andy mentioned it. But now that it is over it wasn't so bad..” Ryo stood and began to pull down the sheets on the bed. He put the tube away again.What are you doing? I'm not going in without it,” Dee said pulling Ryo into his arms he rubbed along Ryo's sides. Ryo gasped in pain and pushed away.Dee,” Ryo turned away. “We Can't.” Dee stepped away with a frown on his face. Ryo sat on the bed unable to look at his lover. Break Rain sat up in bed startled at the crashing sound of Ryo and Dee's bedroom door slammed against the wall. He opened his door to see Renee and Bikky also peering into the hall. They saw Dee hopping on one foot putting his shoes on. “Dee, be reasonable,” Ryo said trying to calm Dee.No Ryo, no!” Dee pulled Ryo from the room. Ryo tripped as he tried to put his shoes on. Dee let go catching him before the smaller man could fall. “Mom watch the kids... Please,” Dee added as an afterthought stomping down the stairs Ryo in tow. “We will just go to the consulate, get to Arcadia and tell them to take it off.”They won't I already tried reasoning.” Ryo explained, “I would have tried threats, but what could we threaten them with? Not to mention... Dee, do you know how old you are?” Ryo asked tucking his bottom lip between his teeth.Don't change the subject of course I know how old I am. I'm...” Dee paused his hand under his chin as he thought of his age. “I don't know... I don't know how old I am.” Dee sat down on his bottom in the hall. Ryo shook his head at Renee. At this she, Bikky and Rain went back into their rooms.It's just a week Dee,” Ryo wrapped his arms around Dee. “We'll survive.” Dee grinned ruefully thinking that if Ryo did not keep his cuddles to himself he would die of blue balls long before they ever renewed their vows. Break Collins slammed the door to their bedroom angel startled then went back to brushing his hair that he had allowed to grow longer forgoing the wigs he was once so fond of. “You're thinking about it.” Collins demanded causing Angel to sigh. “The entire summer Angel?!”Collins, think of what this could mean for the shop. If the Arcadians are wearing my designs...” Angel sighed thinking of the vast opportunity.You are doing just fine now. You have a steady stream of customers and we are growing everyday. Damn it Angel,” Collins pulled Angel into his arms the brush dropped to the floor forgotten as Angel brought his hands up to caress Collins. “I don't want to spend the entire summer without you.”If it wasn't for the Arcadians, you would be spending forever without me.” Angel whispered as Collins kissed his neck.Sofu D saved your life.” Collins grumbled his hands roaming the lithe frame of his love.Sofu D is Arcadian,” Angel informed Collins not minding at all when his clothes began to be removed from his body. “Yeah he's Chinese, but he has an Arcadian title and...” Angel gave up speaking as Collins closed his lips around his sensitive nipples. He fell back into Collins arms allowing him to carry him to the bed. “Make love to me, Collins.” Angel panted pulling the larger man on top of him. Collins rubbed his hands over Angel's body. “Umm,” Angel closed his eyes licking Collins neck.I want to taste you,” Collins whispered in Angel's ear. He then moved down licking the indention of Angel's belly button.Oh...yes,” Angel sighed clutching his hands in Collins hair. Angel spread his legs when Collins moved lower putting the long limbs over his shoulders. “Yes, Collins yes,” Angel moaned raising his hips encouraging Collins mouth as it sucked him in.Stay with me,” Collins pushed his fingers past the tight ring of muscles. Collins moved his fingers licking the warm sack near his mouth. “Stay with me,” Collins nuzzled kissing. He reached down and lubed himself before shifting positions.I don't want to leave you,” Angel panted wrapping his legs around Collins hips. “But... Please...” Collins pressed forward halting any words that Angel could have said. Angel cried out in supreme pleasure as Collins sank deep within him. Break Leon was sitting at his desk holding a coffee mug when Ryo and Dee entered. They both looked subdued causing him to wonder if they had been arguing, if so this was the aftermath of make up sex, if not... “What's up guys?” Leon asked feeling he was the one in need of someone to talk to.Nothing much,” Ryo began but halted as Dee glowered.Damn dragons put something on Ryo so we can't make love.” Leon tried, he truly did. His face trembled with the effort. His lips lifted in a smile a chuckle escaped then a loud guffaw, he was still laughing as JJ entered the office.Hey Leon, hows it going, Darling just told me your news.” JJ said looking around the room at the embarrassed frown on Dee and Ryo's faces.News?” Ryo asked as Leon sobered. Leon sat in the chair at his desk and went back to contemplating his coffee. “Little D is carrying,” He admitted with a sigh.No...Way,” Dee exclaimed with a laugh. “Little D won't be so little anymore.”He's only carrying, he's not pregnant yet,” Leon whispered looking around to make sure that no one had heard him. Dee began to laugh at Leon causing a chagrined frown to cover Leon's face. “You guys suck,” Leon grumbled when Ryo joined in the laughter.Nope, they don't,” JJ said for Lord D had also received a visit from Laton and Torcha. “ Not til next week.” Dee punched JJ in the arm as he too laughed.Come on Ryo,” Dee said pulling Ryo to the door. “We got a visit with Matthew Mereen today.” Ryo said nothing he followed Dee leaving the precinct thinking dire thoughts about his grandparents. Whipped Crème 19 A Meaningful Existence: Part 2 Matthew sat on his bed waiting for the detectives to enter his room. Ryo smiled as he sat on a chair. Dee paced back and forth every now and then he would look at Matthew then back at the photo. It was difficult for him to reconcile the photo of the deranged young man with the handsome youth sitting on the bed alert and smiling. His hair was combed and his clothes fit him well. “I want to thank you,” Matthew said. “The nurse said you recommended my Psychologist. She is wonderful. She came all the way here from Illinois just to see me.”She has helped my son,” Ryo admitted thinking of Andy's aid of Rain. “She is a very knowledgeable in post traumatic stress disorder.”They are releasing me soon,” Matthew announced his dark eyes traveling over the room. “With this disorder, it is no guarantee that I will not have an upset in the future.”You look well, I am glad to see it.” Dee said patting Ryo's shoulder glad to be able to touch him even in such a small way. “Ryo, why don't you wait here for his family. I am going to go get a few things settled before heading back to the pd. Call me when you are ready to be picked up.” Ryo nodded, he pulled up a board and a pack of cards. Matthew smiled glad to be with the beautiful detective until his family came. He felt bad for his mother, yet relieved that his father was finally being brought to justice for his many crimes. Break Many scents swamped his senses as he walked down the crowded street. The beach side market happened every week and he and Ryo were always doing something else. Dee paused by an art stall he looked at the charcoal drawings shaking his head when the young man offered to sketch him. Judging by the smile in the bright blue eyes and wink Dee figured the young man was offering him so much more. Diplomacy was never his strong point but Dee smiled as he showed his ring finger. His smile vanished as he realized that his wedding band was gone. Thinking quickly he shook his head, “What kind of paper is this?” He asked looking at the charcoal drawings all the while thinking that Laton and Torcha were responsible for his missing band, he knew also that Ryo's would be missing as well.This is from a charcoal pad, I have tons. I'm Sam by the way.” The vendor moved his long brown hair aside. “So you're a cop?”Huh?” Dee asked wondering if the young man had seen him before.There,” Sam said indicating the badge attached to Dee's belt. “You want a pad?”For my son,” Dee nodded. “Can I have two?”Sure,” Sam nodded he was disappointed that the handsome cop was not taking a drawing home, but cash was cash and he needed whatever he could get. “Want some charcoal?”I think he has some, but you can never be too sure, he gets an allowance, but he probably spends it all on taking Carol to the movies or something.” Dee purchased several boxes of charcoal before moving on to the next stall. He blinked several times when he saw the myriad of colors and smells. “Beautiful,” he whispered touching a soft petal. “Excuse me,” He hailed the owner of the stall. “What kind of flower is this?”That,” The owner, a plump, middle-aged woman said a smile wreathing her round face. “That's a snap dragon.” She said pulling several vibrant colors into a bunch. “Want a bouquet?” She offered taking other flowers to add to the ones she had already gathered. Dee nodded his head looking over the selection of Ribbons on display. He saw one studded with rhinestones in a pattern attempting to resemble diamonds and gold plated tassels hanging. Dee pulled it free of the box of ribbons. This, he thought would remind him of the room in the Obsidian Palace. The owner smiled taking the ribbon she wrapped the flowers in silver foil with glittering paper then twined the ribbon around it.That's beautiful,” Dee grinned paying. “Thank you.” Dee moved on to another stall he picked up a few snacks going on further he paused. Clothes hung about on hangers.I made them all,” An old man announced his leathery face creasing. Dee saw the two long braids that hung down the sides of the old man's face. The braids were held together at the end by a leather cord with beads and feathers attached. “The jewelry, the clothes the little purses and shoes... well,” He intercepted a glare from the woman sitting behind the curtain. She stepped out in a long tan skirt fringes decorating the brightly colored painted on design. “She helped, that's my wife by way. Little Bird.”Dee!” Dee turned when he he heard his name called. He turned to see Rain, Bikky, Julie, Carol, Chris, Catherine, Erick and Terry running to him. “What are you doing here?” Bikky said looking around. “I thought you had to work today. Where is Ryo? Off working while you goof off?”Nah, he's at the hospital, he's fine,” Dee waved a hand at Rain's questioning look.Child,” the old man stepped to Rain. Dee moved to stand beside the boy and offer protection if needed. “Wind Rider,” He said going no nearer him with Dee standing sentinel it would be foolish to approach.No... No, my name is Rain.” Rain said admiring the beaded fringe on several clothes. He picked up a pair of large white pants and matching top. If worn the top would go to his knees. A painting of a large bird was on the back it's wings spread against an azure sky. Blue gems sparkled in it's eyes. “This is awesome,” Rain smiled as Little Bird handed him several long hand braided ribbons. Rain, Dee and Bikky all reached into their pocket for the cash to pay for the items as the old man handed him shoes. “These should fit you Wind Rider, no need to pay, it's a gift.”But I'm not Wind Rider, my name is Rain,” Rain tried again to pay but was shooed off with a smile. The old couple looked at each other smiling then looked after Rain as they went with Dee to another stall. Without another word Little Bird handed her husband the telephone. Still watching the family he dialed a number. He said three words before smiling and severing the connection. “We found him.” Break Ryo stood waiting for Dee. He had been glad to see Mrs. Mereen and Lance come. They had both embraced and kissed Matthew so happy to be able to take him home. Dee parked his little sports car by the road and sat waiting. Ryo went to the car with a smile on his face. His smile froze as he noticed the large bouquet sitting in the passenger seat. “Dee,” Ryo picked up the blooms before he sat cradling them in his lap. He brought them to his nose inhaling their sweet scent. “These are beautiful.”They reminded me of you the moment I saw them. So pretty and soft, yet they have this sense of... I don't know, I feel stupid, I just wanted to let you know I love you ok,” Dee turned red looking away from Ryo. “Then when the lady told me what they were... I just had to get them for you. Three dozen was all she had, so I got them all.” Dee tried to explain the large size he huffed a sigh when Ryo simply sat and gazed at him. He was not good at this whole emotional thing. When he wanted to show Ryo his love he made love, now without that outlet he was at a loss. Ryo leaned over and planted a kiss on Dee's cheek. Dee turned and found Ryo's lips pressed to his. “They are called Snap Dragons.” Ryo looked at the flowers his mouth falling open in a little “o”. Dee laughed put the car in gear and drove to the pet shop where the boys had agreed to wait. “I called us off at the Pd.” Ryo smiled knowing that he would have a great dinner tonight one that he had not prepared. Dee was sweet when he needed to be. Count D moved his elegant dark green and gold satin sleeve aside as he served Ryo a cup of steaming tea. “Congratulations,” Ryo said looking up at D. “I heard you are expecting again.” Count D turned a becoming shade of pink. “Thank you, I have yet to accommodate, but Grandfather says that they caught it early so it may be some time yet. Then again because it is the second one it could happen sooner.” Count D sat beside Ryo. “They are acting so silly, father insisted that he cook dinner and Grandfather has been on a cleaning spree. He can not find any dirt anywhere so he has been driving all the animals crazy searching for something to clean.”Well if he really must clean something he could go visit Bikky's room.” Dee smirked as Ryo placed his bouquet in a vase that Leon fetched for him. Leon had rushed to find the shimmering crystal object insisting that D sit and enjoy his tea. “No matter what Ryo does or says... that boy.” Dee sighed aiming an indulgent smile at Ryo.He is not dirty, just a little sloppy.” Ryo thought of the random clothes that he found around the room as well as art material and gym supplies. “He's a good boy.” Ryo seemed mellow perhaps, Dee thought, he should bring him flowers more often. “Our rings are gone.” Ryo informed Dee.I noticed it this morning, I was kind of pissed, then I thought about it,” Dee said. “Maybe Laton and Torcha took them. All this hocus pocus shit is driving me nuts.” Ryo looked away hiding his blush behind his tea cup. “Why are they making such a big deal out of this? We are renewing our vows, but they are turning it into a full fledged wedding.”They missed the first one,” Ryo said unable to meet Dee's gaze. “I don't mind, I mean, I'd marry you all over again.” Dee grinned and in that moment he vowed to do whatever the old dragons wanted him to do.You make it all worth it,” Dee whispered close to Ryo's ear placing a kiss around the sensitive bit of flesh. Ryo's eyes dilated before he winced and moved away from Dee. “Sorry baby,” Dee deflated sitting away from Ryo.You make it all worth it,” Ryo said smiling getting to his feet as the boys came crashing into the shop all laughing. “Rain, Dee showed me the clothes you got today. They are really beautiful.” Ryo said of the clothes hanging in the back seat.The guy kept calling me Wind Rider, Bikky says maybe I remind him of someone he once knew.” Rain smiled tossing his long hair over his shoulder.Do you want another hair cut?” Leon asked fingering the long mass.Nah, I'll grow it out, like my mother had it and my father.” Rain smiled at the fond memories. “He had long hair too.”It is nerve wracking to have such length,” Count D shuddered.How would you know?” Rain asked with a teasing grin. “You have always had that cute bob.”Not always,” Count D ushered them into the dining room when he felt his father's summons.Dee said you're pregnant again,” Chris said grinning as he looked at Count D.Not yet,” D said sitting with Leon holding his chair. “In time, a day perhaps a week or two, or three,” D sighed thinking of the wait his eyes went from the table to his lap to the doorway where his father stood with several animals carrying platters of food. Lord D sat just as JJ came into the room with a silent Jeremy. “Hello Detective, Jeremy it is good to see you.” Jeremy forced a smile and JJ gave D a sad look.I... I left him,”Jeremy said trying hard not to weep in front of the children.Come on, let's have dinner,” Lord D took Jeremy's arm and lead him to the table. He sat beside JJ hoping that Jeremy and Berkeley would work out whatever problem had worked itself into their happy life. He had seen them together, so in love, so happy. “I made a feast,” Lord D announced sitting down.So,” Bikky said once his plate was filled. “Rain tried to roller blade again today, he almost fell into the pool at the park. I grabbed him before he could go in, but it was so funny watching his arms flail. I nearly went in the pool keeping him out.” Rain laughed at the memory playing along with Bikky he said, “You looked like a goose flapping your arms.” Jeremy looked at the two boys before a smile parted his features.No, you guys should have seen Erick, I think he would jumped in right after you had you fallen,” Chris said, Bikky forced a laugh at the thought. He might have to have another word with Erick. Even Terry had tried to catch Rain. “Bikky was like superman the way he grabbed Rain and hauled him back. I have not laughed so much in a long time.” Jeremy laughed with the boys watching as Dee captured Ryo's hand under the table and squeezed. Ryo blushed looking at his plate. He speared a steamed carrot and fed it to Dee.Little D,” Jeremy said. “Do you and Leon tell each other every thing?”Yes of course.” D said setting down his fork. “We have no secrets.”Not anymore,” Leon huffed. “You know when we first got together he never told me that he's not hu...” Leon coughed sipping his soda and then concentrating on his meal. For a moment he had forgotten that Jeremy did not know all the secrets that involved the pet shop. “Well he kept a big secret from me, but it has all been revealed and we have no secrets from each other.”Same here, what's up?” Dee said looking away from his happy drowning in Ryo's dark eyes.Berk is not talking to me, I mean he says bend over or spread 'em,” Jeremy blushed looking to the kids he saw that they were all engrossed in their own conversation. Little Aoi sat in her high chair slurping her noodles. “But that is about all he says anymore. I think he is keeping something from me.”It might not be what you think.” Lord D said then told him of the time he had found JJ's old badge. Jeremy was laughing by the time Lord D had finished speaking. The room grew silent. Jeremy turned around a gasp shocked in his throat. Berkeley stood there his clothes disheveled his hair tossed in wild disarray. “I got attacked by a bird, a cat, a dog and some sort of goat. But dammit I'm not leaving, not without you.” Berkeley wiped blood from his lips.You have not injured my pets have you?” Count D asked the chill in his voice reminiscent of a glacier.No, one of them seemed to recognize a gun, the goat?” Berkeley let the question reside in his inflection before he continued. “He moved the others back and I heard voices down this hall.” JJ frowned, this hall was no where near the front of the shop. The only way he would have been led here is if a Kami had willed it. JJ looked to see Lord D smiling down at his food. “Jer what is this?” Berkeley shoved a crumpled piece of paper under the smaller man's nose. “What do you mean I don't trust you?”You think that because I am a reporter I will write something about your cases. I am not that shallow.” Jeremy bit his lip knowing he had gained the attention of the younger boys at the tableI never said that,” Berkeley growled realizing that it must have seemed that way the way he guarded his words around the other man.You didn't have to,” Jeremy pouted embarrassed by the affectation his face heated. “Actions display more than words ever could. You say you love me, but you show you don't trust me.”Little Bit, come home we can talk about it.” Berkeley tried to pull Jeremy to his feet. JJ stood wedging himself between his commissioner and his cousin. Berkeley knew he could hurt the smaller man. But he was impressed with JJ's nerve to stand up to his superior. He gave a rueful grunt that attempted to be a laugh, failing that it sounded more like a deflated sigh. He knew that outside of work, JJ was a man defending his family and he was no more than an insensitive brute of a boyfriend. “Whatever,” Berkeley stormed from the room he wandered the halls before he found the balmy night. He stalked down the street wishing he could just tell Jeremy what was in his heart. Break The moon hung low in the sky. Ryo shut the newly acquired curtains sad that he would no longer sleep with the night wind caressing his skin. Dee lay in bed already, his long pants uncomfortable. He had decided not to sleep nude for fear that it would cause problems for himself and Ryo. “Don't sleep so far away tonight,” Dee said remembering the previous night. Ryo had slept on the other side of the bed. “I want to hold you. Even if holding is all we can do. I like how you feel in my arms.” Ryo smiled. He shut off the light and crawled into bed. He scooted over to Dee laying his head on Dee's broad chest he sighed when he felt Dee's arms around him. “Yeah, it's all worth it, you make it all mean so much.” Dee placed a kiss at the top of Ryo's head nuzzling the soft hair there before he drifted off. Ryo smiled, he could not help the feeling of pure agreement. Break Count D dragged a brush through Aoi's length of hair. Before he plaited it and left her sleeping in her little bed. He found Leon laying in their bed already in his shorts. D untied his sash pulling the sleeves of his outer garment down. Leon watched as each long limb of D's body was revealed. “Life means so much more now, because of you.” Leon whispered almost reverent as he took Count D into his arms kissing his full, rich colored lips.I could say no different,” Count D stroked a hand through Leon's golden tresses. “I am glad to carry your child.”I am glad that you are carrying our child,” Leon whispered laying D on the bed. D grinned his invitation blatant in the dim light of the room. Break Rain tried not to think about what Ryo had told him at dinner tonight. It was right after Lord D had served dessert. Tomorrow he would go to court to testify about Thomas Hughes. Rain picked up his journal. He wrote a few lines then sighed before he smiled and penned a letter. “Dear Thomas, you hurt me. I guess you knew that. I know it is not something you would care about, but that was beyond cruel what you did. You stole from me, my most private thoughts and fears. You took my nightmares and read them aloud for the express purpose of ridicule and amusement. You touched me in ways I hope no man ever does again. Even now I am nearly ill at the thought of your hands on me in such a vile way. But,” Rain paused, his pen quivering before he continued. “I forgive you. Not for you, but for myself. I promised that I would not hold such hatred in my heart as I felt when I was underneath BILL.” Rain forced himself to write the name in bold letters a tear falling down his cheek. He wiped it away before continuing letter. “I forgive you.” Rain signed his name and closed the book. He smiled before he turned out the light. To Be Continued EXTRAThis is Macy your morning voice,” The bubbly newscaster announced into her microphone. “I am standing in front of the Arcadian Consulate here in sunny Los Angeles. The Home base of the royal group of Arcadians that make up the popular group Ex-Ta-C. So named because of the joy found in music says their spokesperson.” Macy paused for affect before she continued. “The members including LA's own Rain Cornwall MaClean will be leaving on their sumer touring schedule. The first concert will in fact be a live broadcast from Arcadia. This is a special performance because only a select few Americans have ever even set foot on the mysterious continent. We will be allowed to tail the groups members from now until...” Assistant District Attorney Hughes clicked off the television then hurled his remote control into the wall. How dare they? He fumed sitting in his chair he thought of the many press releases he had sent out. He had turned on the television today expecting to see the crime scene photos splashed on every channel. Instead the only thing on the news was that dumb concert and those royal meddlers. On this day, the courtroom should be flooded with reporters, this day they should be focused on embarrassing that boy, not publicizing his tour. Hughes grumbled as he straitened his tie. This war was not over, not by a long shot. Whipped Crème 20 Fire in the Sky The police department was buzzing with stilted conversation as the television crew and reporters filed in. They set up their equipment amidst the sounds of grumbling criminals, beeping machinery, and cops in uniform. Ryo sighed as several of them set up camp in his and Dee's office. “This is Macy your morning voice, I am here in the office of Detectives Dee Laytner and Randy MaClean. They are the proud parents of Rain Cloud Cornwall MaClean, the youngest member of the popular group Ex-Ta-C. Now Randy, is it true that you are a prince of the Arcadian realm?” Ryo sighed wanting to shoo the bothersome crew out. He remembered their purpose for being there and forced a smile. “Yes, that is true.”How amazing is that? You must love your job to continue working long after an extraordinary modern fairytale of lost princesses and missing heirs to fabulous crowns.” Dee grimaced at her bubbly disposition her brown curls bobbing reminding him of Julie. “Yeah well,” He groused. “Someone has to keep this city safe.”Do forgive him, he has been...” Ryo paused his cheeks heating. “Frustrated for the past two days.”Difficult case?” Macy asked her eyes raking over the beautiful man smiling at her.You could say that.”Ryo sighed feeling the strain of the forced celibacy.Is it an exciting prospect to be going on tour with the pop group?” Macy asked moving in closer to Ryo finding the beautiful detective intriguing.It is kind of scary actually,” Ryo admitted. He looked to see Leon entering the office with a bag of fresh made submarine sandwiches. “Before I was just protecting adults, then when we were at the shop we were protecting, you know, the pregnant princess and the baby she carried, but now... This is my own son that is involved. Now that I think of all the dangers I worked hard to survive and putting my child in the midst of it.” Ryo took a deep breathe he looked up and smiled when Dee gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze. Macy indicated that the cameraman should zoom in on the affection displayed between the two detectives.So you truly do live together as a couple? Do your children have a hard time being raised by same-sex parents?” Another reporter barged in shoving his microphone in next to Macy's.Yes we do live together, we have for several years now.” Dee said trying his best to remain diplomatic. Ryo smiled at him and Dee determined not to punch the eager young man in front of him. “Our children have shown no signs of our relationship affecting them in fact I would say they are better adjusted than some straight couples I know.”And why would you say that? Normal families must surely have an advantage over you.” The male reporter said pushing Macy further away from her perch near Ryo and Dee's desks.What exactly do you define as normal?” Ryo asked and Dee grinned seeing the flaming signs of his temper on the rise. Ryo was slow to anger but once there... Dee leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes hoping no one in the room would start to smoke as Ryo's annoyance grew. “We are completely monogamous, neither one of us drinks overmuch, we are not abusive to each other or our children. They get three square meals a day, plenty of snacks, help with their homework, how much more normal do you want us to be?”So you guys never argue, never fight?” The male shoved Macy aside as she tried to take her position back away from him.Well of course,” Dee laughed handing Ryo a sub. “Here baby, lean turkey with extra veggies, no mayo, light ranch dressing.”Thanks,” Ryo smiled and blew a kiss in Dee's direction. “There is no couple that has no arguments, we are only human. Dee if you eat that you will have heartburn.” Ryo pulled the Tums out of his desk drawer and handed the package to Dee who bit into his meatball sub with extra cheese.Your arguments never escalate into... oh well, fists?”I have never hit him,” Dee growled he stood to his feet. Ryo stood as well. He took a napkin and wiped sauce from Dee's mouth. “He doesn't hit me, I mean he gets mad and boils water or cleans house or locks me out of the bedroom. I hate when he does that,” Dee frowned thinking of their current situation.You must be the 'man' in the relationship.” The reporter laughed he grunted when Macy shoved him out of the way sitting she smiled at Ryo and Dee who took their seats. Ryo offered her his salad as he went back to his sub.We are both men,” Dee grinned around a mouthful of meatball. “One of us just happens to have a great ass,” Dee winced when a wadded up piece of paper connected with his head. “What? It is spectacular let me tell you. In a room full of crowded people I can find him. I would locate him across an ocean.” Ryo smiled as Dee walked over and kissed his lips. Ryo looked over at the vase of Snap dragons. Today another bouquet of the blooms had arrived. The card had two words,'day two.'You must be excited. Aren't you renewing your vows next week?” Macy smiled pushing her hair back into place.Yes,” Ryo gentled his voice. “Dee, check out these pictures. Several prostitutes have been coming up dead. This one was force fed narcotics, we will be working with the narc unit for this one.”Gotcha, and this one is underage, so I will head over to juvie, Leon,” Dee said finishing off his sandwich.Yeah, eat the Tums,” Ryo said getting to his feet. “Leon you head on over to traffic, this one was run over by a car. But first we are due in court in half an hour, see you all then. The morning session was put on hold because the judges son broke his arm last night.”Ah... great, JJ,” Leon said looking at JJ as the other Detective entered the office with Jill. “Has the Commissioner come into the office?”Yeah,” JJ nodded. “I passed his way. But uh... It's not a pretty sight. Jeremy is still staying with me and darling.”Ouch, I know how he feels,” Dee grimaced he placed a swat on Ryo's perfect behind before he headed out. “Kids want to have Erick and Terry over for dinner, make extra.” Ryo nodded. He sniffed his bouquet before he sauntered out Macy packed up her things aiming a glare at the other reporter she stalked off to the next group on her list. Great, she was headed to the consulate. He was not coming, she vowed looking at the other reporter. Miles, the reporter for the Global Star, grinned, he would do as the ADA had paid him to do. Break Just as Ryo had feared the courtroom was full of flashing cameras and microphones. Crowds of people bombarded them with questions as they made their way inside. The blaring litany of young girls calling Rain and Bikky's name were deafening. Ever since it became known that Bikky was allowed to dance on stage the fans had doubled. Ryo held tight to Lyo's hand as the tyke grew fearful of the many people crowding his small family. Dee placed a scowl on his face that he hoped would be intimidating to all that came near. Bikky remained sullen keeping a grip on Rain's arm as the approached the austere wooded domicile of the judge. Rain took a deep breath, he patted his over-sized pants feeling the reassuring bulge of his journal in his pocket. Bikky saw the gesture and was thus wearing one his meaner scowls when his eye fell on ADA Hughes and his son Thomas, the Mereens were there as well as the other boys that had been involved with the horrendous events that led to Rain's meltdown. “What the hell is this?!” Hughes yelled when he saw Rain sit with his family. “He does not look traumatized!” Rain startled causing his long strands of inky black hair to fall about his face hiding his enormous green eyes that quickly filled. With a glare from Bikky he dashed the tears and firmed his quivering lip.My Client,” Princess Chimera said gaining notice for the first time so tiny she was standing amidst the tall men and gangly teenagers. “If you must know, suffers from PTSD. A startling disorder that can be offset by any manner of grotesque stimuli. Your son happened to be the catalyst needed to preclude a systematic episode. Now should I continue or are you going to wait for the judge?” Chimera smiled baring teeth in what appeared to be a predatory manner. Her small hands were folded in front of her and in no way looked harmless. The gold of her jewelry shone bright next to her short red skirt and matching jacket. The black top underneath the jacket aided her minuscule menace. “Oh do pardon my rudeness, “Charis Chyrstallis, Attorney at law.” She held out her hand for Hughes to shake, the much larger man hid the slight tremor at the cold fire he saw banked in her hazel eyes. Ryo sent a brief look of thanks to the tiny blond as she sat not giving Hughes the chance to touch the hand she had offered for a moment all too brief. Ignoring the enraged assistant district attorney she opened her briefcase pulling out files and photos that she might need in securing this case. Before any more could be said the hail to rise for the honorable Judge Watly was heard. Rain stood to his feet his hand firmly gripping Ryo's as the tall, thin man strode into the courtroom with a kind smile on his face. Rain soon sat beside his family trembling as the events at the school were read aloud from Lance's confession. The other boys confessions soon joined leaving only Thomas Hughes who had refused to make a statement in his defense. The camera's rolled catching each drop of sweat as Princess Chimera went to interrogate the young man despite his father's protests.Mr. Thomas Hughes,” Chimera paused for effect after saying his name. She looked over the belligerent teen. She had pushed the date back waiting for him to become eighteen, no juvenile detention center for him. He was already a hardened criminal in the making. Thomas had sat through his own lawyers questions with a smirk on his face telling all how distressing he had found it to be supplanted by the newcomer from the wealthiest school in the district with royal parents. He had painted a picture of Rain's stature and money as earning him the role in the final senior show. He had even pointed out that Rain was only a freshman. “I am sure that it was completely unfair that Rain Cloud Cornwall MaClean received the part of Prince Charming in a school play.” Chimera paused knowing that her remarks would make all who heard them see the foolishness of the actions. “And all because of his money and family prestige and of course being a member of a pop group...It had absolutely nothing to do with oh... I don't know, Rain,” Chimera turned to look at the beautiful boy sitting so still next to Ryo. “How about a few refrains.”What?” Rain looked at the princess as if she had asked him to lasso the moon.Sing child, show how you earned the part.” Chimera smiled gentling her features as she looked at the sensitive boy.Sing...” Rain said he looked at Bikky who nodded his golden head. Rain opened his mouth and took several deep breathes. At fist no sound was forthcoming and Thomas smirked. Rain closed his mouth and his eyes. He inhaled and with his eyes closed he thought of Ryo sitting with Lyo in his lap. “Climb every mountain, ford every stream, climb every mountain, until you find your dreams.” Rain held the last note with unerring perfection the crystal clarity of his pure voice stunned the audience into silence only the click of cameras could be heard as the young man closed his mouth and opened his eyes.And he dances,” Chimera said pleased to note that while Rain had sang Thomas's smirk had vanished. “Aside from him legitimately earning his place on the stage, was it really necessary for you to attack in the manner you did?”I'm not speaking,” Thomas said falling back on his arrogance.Might I remind you young man that you are under oath?” Judge Watly interrupted before Chimera could say more. He had been amazed that such a young woman had claimed to be an attorney, but she had cleared her Bar examination and finished all schooling with honors.You have my gratitude, your honor,” Chimera bowed showing her royalty in her actions before she remembered herself and straitened. “Do you deny that you first incapacitated Bikky MaClean with a rather devious plan?” Thomas said nothing so Chimera continued. “Afterward you kidnapped Rain,” Chimera paused realizing what she had said she amended with, “My client.”I did not kidnap anybody,” Thomas blustered forgetting his resolve not to speak.You took him from the place he was then detained him against his will. So added to kidnapping is unlawful detainment. All of this is of course precluded by your theft of police evidence. Then you proceed to attack my client,” Chimera felt a brief moment pf pleasure that she had remembered to be professional. She could not help the affection that had grown so easily for the shy young man that had insinuated himself into the hearts of the entire Arcadian Royale. “But you were surprised that my client had self defense training, but against so many he could only be expected to do so much,” Chimera said with real regret in her voice. “Once overpowered the real trauma began.” The judge sat back in his seat looking over the photographs that Chimera handed him. She smiled at Rain before she turned her blazing eyes back to Thomas. “You and your friends restrained my client, touched him sexually against his will and robbed his person. You then proceeded to torture him by reading from an incendiary journal, past events that led to his current mental disorder. After witnessing my clients mental decline you did not stop as you were repeatedly encouraged to do by one of your own friends, in fact it is reported that you smiled as if you were enjoying yourself even remarking that my client is pretty like a girl.” Chimera quoted the words feeling bile rise as she remembered seeing Rain carried into the consulate. The family had been so distraught that they had not even noticed her. Thomas could see the flames of her anger as she stared at him, he sat in his chair unable to do more than squirm. His eyes found his father only to see the man looking away. Faced with the blatant facts spelled out before a jury he knew his son was sunk. Thomas began to think fast, there had to be some way out of this, he could not claim insanity or poor judgment at the moment, it had been well planned and executed. Thomas then glared at Lance knowing that his confession had likely sparked this information that the lawyer had of that day. Lance grinned back, even if he went to prison, he felt relief for his part in the crime they had committed against Rain.Young man,” Judge Watly said to Thomas when Chimera stepped aside. He took one last look at the photos of Rain on his side sitting in the mess of his regurgitated lunch Bikky at his side trying to hold him. He saw the look of blank terror even from the hastily snapped evidence. “Do you understand what you have done?”All I did was read a stupid diary, if he didn't want to hear it he should not have written it down!” Thomas glared at Rain unaware that his father was lowering his head in defeat.The Journal,” Chimera interjected. “Was part of therapy that his psychologist recommended. What excuse do you have for...” Chimera paused pulling several sheets of paper she began to read. “Groping, him you know, his butt and stuff, said he felt nice.” Chimera closed the confession with a snap her eyes narrowed. Thomas frowned closing his mouth he refused to say another word. He looked at Rain really looked at him. He saw the soft features. Even when he had taken the stand he had answered both lawyers questions with his eyes glued to a member of his family the whole time as if he drew strength from them.He is pretty,” Thomas whispered immediately wishing he hadn't for he heard the young man gasp. Rain's bright eyes collided with Thomas's and he sat in silence as the judge began to speak. A hush fell over the crowd as the judge pronounced that because he had completed his course work, his diploma would be delivered to his family. He would then be moved from the juvenile detention center to an actual prison where he would serve a minimum of five years. The other boys involved received similar sentences except Lance. Due to a word from Ryo and Dee he received only probation and community service. The crowd was buzzing with chatter and the click of many photos being snapped as the courtroom emptied. Hughes glared at several reporters that jockeyed for position among the others all vying for attention. Rain paused as Thomas was being led past him on the stairs. He reached into his pocket pulling the now full journal into view. The crowd silenced as Rain approached the taller young man bound by handcuffs. Thomas stood still afraid the other young man would lash out at him. Rain smiled throwing Thomas off guard he offered the journal. “It is finished now,” Rain said still offering the book. With his hands bound in front of him Thomas hesitated to reach for the book. “Every thing that I bottled up inside, everything that nearly destroyed me,” Rain paused knowing that if he did not take his time tears would surface. “I pray that this is the closest you ever come to what I have suffered.” Rain said after Thomas had accepted the little leather book. Any reporter that dared step forward was shooed back by the death glower on Chimera's face as they all entered the waiting limousine with the rest of the Royale and detectives inside. Thomas stood on the stairs a moment before he was dragged away to begin his sentence. Hughes looked after the car a begrudging admiration for the the family. Not enough for him to end his campaign against them, but it was there. Ryo pulled Rain into his arms. “That was a very brave thing you did.” Ryo commented as they headed to their home where dinner awaited them. He knew that these were the only moments of privacy that they would have for the rest of the week so took advantage of it even with the Royale and other detectives looking on. “I am so proud of you.” Ryo then extended his arm pulling Bikky into the embrace. “Both of you.” Dee wrapped his arms around his family and they sat in silence enjoying the quiet peace around them. Break Erick stood beside his brother in the living room of the MaClean/Laytner residence and stared in awe at the camera crew that milled around following the reporter as she meandered through the house. Ryo had went into the kitchen to prepare dinner while Bikky and Rain went over notes from the last X-Ta-C rehearsal while Dee sat with Renee and Lyo. Macy approached Ryo in the kitchen. “I see you enjoy domestic tasks.”Yes, well, if I don't cook they will eat greasy take-out and well rather than live in a sty, I clean.” Ryo smiled as he checked the boiling cabbage.Dinner smells fantastic, what are you making?” Macy asked standing on the tips of her toes to peek into the steaming pots on the stove.Just corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, vegetables, baked cornbread,” Ryo trailed off as Macy stared incredulous at him.And chocolate cake I suppose, all homemade?” Macy laughed.Oh no, I made strawberry pie, a recipe of my mother's.” Ryo smiled thinking of all the times his mother had celebrated with such a pie. His joining the soccer team, his getting strait A's, when he went on his first date. Ryo sighed a gentle smile on his face.Now your mother is...” Macy paused realizing that she was treading on slippery ground.My mother, my parents,” Ryo said turning to get a towel so that he could open the stove and check the baking contents. “Are both deceased.” Ryo said with a finality that let Macy know that the subject was closed. Macy would have said more but the doorbell rang admitting Leon and Count D.So you are all friends outside of work?” Macy asked as Count D handed Aoi to Bikky. She screeched as Slyph rubbed her tawny head against her legs.Slyphy-girl,” Rain ran into the kitchen he scooted under the table emerging moments later with the large cat. “There you are, I thought you were going to stay outside with Cujo.” Rain admonished the creature that stared back at him with disinterested yellow eyes. Rain huffed under the weight of the lynx as he carried her to the door and sent her out to their yard. “Sorry Ryo,” Rain said heading back out.No problem, if she and Cujo had been in the yard a couple of weeks, months...Well never mind all that.” Ryo went back to his dinner making sure that it was all coming along nicely. “That was a gift from Count D, the caretaker of Count D's pet shop in China town.”Caretaker?” Macy said accepting the taste of steamed vegetables that Ryo offered her. “You mean he is not the Count D of the namesake?”That,” Count D said earning a gasp from Macy. Having seen his beautiful face she was unprepared for the masculine voice he possessed. “Would be my grandfather”Oh,” Macy shook herself feeling dumbfounded was not how she had gotten her current position as the headliner for the morning show. She had nearly succumbed to dumb silence as she had entered the consulate and stared like a ninny at the royalty there. She had been shooed out as they all left headed to the courtroom. “So the support in the courtroom was more a gesture of your immense friendship than anything else?”They have always been there for us, just as we will always support them.” Ryo was saying just as Rain entered the kitchen to collect the dishes and silverware.Ryo I have rehearsal early tomorrow and your grandparents have arranged for the group to handle certain things with your wedding, so you and Dee are supposed to be there.”We are already married,” Dee grumbled entering the kitchen he passed Ryo unable to walk by without kissing his lips. Dee grinned then helped to pick up the heavy pots that contained dinner. “Baby, should I leave the corned beef?”No detective,” Count D said entering the room. He paled nausea threatening as the scent of the steaming dinner approached him. “Oh, then I suppose so.” A steely arm gently wrapped around Count D's waist as Leon pulled him from the kitchen. “Did you forget?” Leon asked nibbling the perfect shell of D's ear.No I just did not want to ruin their dinner.” Count D breathed deeply not wanting to be ill in front of the cameras.You won't ruin a thing, in fact it will just give them something to make sandwiches with, I do hate buying processed meat you know.” Ryo said sitting his burden of potatoes on the table in the decorative ceramic container. Macy and her crew sat through dinner, a movie and after dinner talking. The boys, including Erick, Terry and Chris had locked themselves in the den with video games. Renee excused herself early heading to bed. Macy waited until Leon, Dee and Aoi went home leaving Chris to stay overnight with his friends to approach Ryo in the kitchen. As he cleaned with Dee wiping down the dishes with a dry rag before putting them away she cleared her throat. “You guys really are not normal,” She said without preamble as the last dish was put away. “Family dinners like that just did not happen at my house, I mean if my mom cooked more than once a week it was a miracle. We barely even ate at the same time. When we wanted to get together with friends, like you guys did tonight, we met them at a restaurant, it was all so impersonal.”Ryo makes it all possible,” Dee told her adding a squeeze to Ryo's hip as he pulled a soda from the fridge and offered her one. He knew Ryo would make himself tea. “He somehow balances all of our schedules so that we have at least one meal together a day. When we are lucky we have two, on our off days three. All home cooked. In between our work load, Bikky's sports, Rain's rehearsals,” Dee cut off to whistle. “It still amazes me to see him do it.”That does seem kind of tough.” Macy agreed sipping her soda she watched as Dee sat beside Ryo trailing lazy circles in the back of his hand. It was a simple intimacy that brought tears to her eyes. “Sorry,” Macy sniffled looking away. She signaled the camera to be put away. “Off the record, I wish my parents were as loving as you two are. I wonder sometimes if they even like each other. Here we have straight couples together for years and they can't stand to be in the same room and yet... look at you guys.” Macy floundered her hands falling at her sides in helpless admiration. Ryo gave her a handkerchief. “He brings you flowers,” Macy could not remember the last time her own husband had brought her flowers.Just little things,” Dee said his face heating under Macy's praise. “Want to let him know I care, it's not always obvious when we make love, sometimes it is...” Dee gave up thinking of the times he had pinned Ryo simply to relieve a physical need. Dee gave up on words and went to let the animals in. Cujo and Slyph went right to the den to perch near their owners. T-Chan strolled in he gave Macy a hungry look before he went to Chris' side. “When did he get here?” Dee demanded glad of the change of subject.He must have followed, you know he never let's Chris too far out of his sight.” Ryo said getting to his feet to secure the door and close the curtains. He saw a pale apparition in his yard and paused as Heaven solidified. The white of her garments shining in the moonlight she waved a pale hand before vanishing. Ryo looked up at the tree she had stood under, so he was to be guarded. The notion left him feeling safer than the curtains had. He shut them then went to tell the boys that the lights would be out in fifteen minutes.Kay,” Bikky said winning his last game against Erick. “Rain is sleeping in my room tonight.”I thought I was sleeping your room,” Chris said with a yawn.Yeah, you and Chris and Terry,” Erick said naming the arrangements he had suggested earlier. “I'm bunking with Rain.” Bikky copied one of Dee's affectations. A grim smile and shake of his head blue eyes cold he said, “No.”Whatever,” Chris knew the warning signs and did not want to see his friends thrown out so late at night. “Under the circumstances, Lyo can probably crash with Ryo and Dee tonight, I will sleep in his room, Erick and Terry can have Rain's room and Rain will bunk with you.” Chris said as helped to clean up their mess. Erick deflated seeing no way around the current plan he nodded and headed upstairs. Rain went into his room to gather a few things before going to take a shower.Good show B,” Ryo said as the camera crew left for the night.He's got it bad for Rain,” Bikky said gathering up his art supplies he cleaned off the spare bed in his room. He heard Rain singing as the water from the shower droned on in the background. “I don't know what he planned to do tonight but uh... wasn't happening.”Maybe nothing,” Dee said wrapping his arms around Ryo. “Sometimes, you just want to be close.”Well he ain't getting close to my brother. If Rain wanted it, it would be different but you all know the notion is not something he wants to wrap his head around.” Bikky folded his arms over his developing chest showing the musculature he would soon boast. “Heck, he nearly wet himself when Julie kissed him.”Actually Bikky,” Ryo said picking up Lyo who lay sleeping with his little fingers tangled in T-Chan's fur. T-Chan sighed in relief as the little boy was removed he bolted up the stairs to find Chris. “I have been meaning to have a word with you concerning your advancements with Carol.” Ryo sat with Lyo in his lap Dee sat beside him. “You are only fourteen years old Bikky.”I know Ryo, dad,” Bikky grinned glad to have the overprotective detective in his life. “I won't do anything stupid, I mean it's just a few kisses.” Bikky hurried off before Ryo or Dee could say anymore. He heard Rain leaving the shower. Rain passed Erick on his way into Bikky's room his towel wrapped around his head he missed the heated look on Erick's face as his over-sized pajamas clung to his hastily toweled skin.You're so bony,” Erick joked hearing Bikky come up the stairs not wanting to be caught ogling his brother he laughed.Well duh,” Rain dropped the towel over his shoulders allowing his hair to fall to his back. “I am only fourteen, Dee said I'm going to fill out nicely.” Erick laughed again feeling the tension leave his body as Bikky joined in the laughter. “Wait on it,” Erick joked shutting the bathroom door he leaned against it a moment as the steam from Rain's shower swirled around leaving Erick with a mountain fresh scent of soap and something deeper, something more in tune with the earth itself. Something that was entirely Rain. Erick inhaled before stripping and stepping into the shower. Bikky dragged a brush through Rain's wet locks while Rain trailed his fingers over Slyph's dense fur. The cat's loud rumbling was the only sound in the room until Bikky spoke. “Rain, are you really ok with Ryo and Dee being gay?”Yes,” Rain said without hesitation he turned to look at Bikky. “They are not interested in me. Neither are any of their friends, our friends,” He thought of Count D and Leon, JJ and Lord D and Angel and Collins, Kagestuya and Chihaya.But what if one of our friends was interested in you?” Bikky pressed on doing a loose braid in Rain's hair.Oh come on,” Rain laughed scooting back on the bed so that he could face Bikky. “They are all leagues older and involved.” Rain lay back on the bed allowing Slyph to crawl up next to him. “Unless you mean Chris, Erick or Terry.” Rain yawned petting his cat's thick fur.Yeah Erick or...” Bikky paused gaging Rain's reaction. “Terry,” Bikky shrugged his shoulder. “Being with a guy does not make you a girl, I mean, look at Ryo.”I know,” Rain said as he thought of his last talk with Ryo. “It's ok for them, but I have a girlfriend.” Rain smiled thinking of Julie.It is going to be hard leaving her behind huh?” Bikky readily changed the subject assured that he would not be hampering his brother's feelings by warning Erick off.I'll bet, you'll be missing out on all your smooch time with Carol.” Rain teased puckering his lips at Bikky. Bikky laughed picking up a pillow and beating his brother with it. Rain laughed defending himself with another pillow causing his cat to leap to the end of the bed until the boys settled down. Rain was still smiling as Bikky turned out the lights. Break Lord D pulled a comb through his hair as he listened to Jeremy talking to JJ. “I don't know what I expected,” Jeremy's shoulders slumped. “I mean, he never made any promises, he just demanded, from the beginning, it was always “I love you, you're mine.” Jeremy propped his head up on his shoulder. Lord D secured the belt on his robe sitting gently on the bed he looked over at Jeremy. “I guess I wanted too much.”Do you know what you want?” Lord D asked with a smile that bedazzled Jeremy. “Does he know what you want?”I guess, I see you guys, and I want that kind of connection, that kind of closeness.” Jeremy looked to see JJ with his arm around Lord D.Then you should have what you want.”Lord D said patting Jeremy's hand. “Talk to him, let him know what you want, if he is not willing to give it to you then...” Lord D paused feeling helpless to aid the despondent young man in his bedroom.You know,” Jeremy sighed getting to his feet. “It all just seems so pointless. When I was with women, I was never this emotional, never this involved.”Never this in love,” JJ said to his cousin's back as he left their room. “I don't know darling,” JJ said taking Lord D into his arms. Lord D opened his mouth to speak but JJ's tongue hampered anything more than a sigh. JJ was quick to undo the bathrobe revealing Lord D's night robe. “Want to take that off?” Lord D smiled his nimble fingers going to work on the buttons as JJ undid his pants tossing his shirt aside. “Love me, Jemi-Chan,” Lord D sighed as he fell back his pale body glistening in the dim light filtering in from the window. JJ climbed onto the bed prepared to do just that. Break Bikky awakened to feel the sunlight warm upon his face. He turned to find Cujo laying on the rug and Slyph wrapped Rain's legs. Rain lay sleeping his head cradled in his arms surrounded by the folds of Ryo's pajamas. Bikky stretched and scratched his bottom before heading into the bed room. He started the shower with a yawn. Erick sat up in bed hearing the shower. He looked over and saw Terry still asleep before he crept from the room. Cujo passed him on the stairs heading out to the yard to relieve himself. Erick peeked into Bikky's room and gasped to see Rain on his back with his arms splayed around him. “Morning sleeping beauty,” Erick whispered as he crept over to the bed. Rain parted sighed, his deeply colored, red lips parted and Erick leaned over pressing his own lips to Rain's.What are you doing?” Erick gasped looking up at the heated whisper he saw Terry in the doorway. “Get out of here,” Terry urged he did not breath a sigh of relief when Erick left the side of the bed and strolled over. Terry grabbed his brother pulling him down the hall securing him in Rain's room. Last night he had sighed as he watched his brother touch Rain's things. His plants were well cared for. Pictures of Julie and his family were placed neatly in frames next to Bikky's artwork. Native dream catchers and eyes of God hung about some of them so old they looked to be from times long past. He saw music notes and notebooks filled to the gills with direction notes from his rehearsals.I couldn't help it,” Erick said in his defense looking at the white outfit that the two older natives had given to Rain calling him Wind Rider. Erick laughed feeling elated the imprint of Rain's lips still fresh upon his.Look,” Terry sat on the bed drawing his knees up in a pose he often took when he was prepared to fend off their father. “Ok you want to date guys. But please, pick one that won't get you hurt. We have both seen what Bikky is capable of, now he is even worse that Count D has been training him.”Don't worry,” Erick deflated sitting beside his twin. “I know, that was it. I was just saying goodbye to my dream.” Erick blinked away unexpected tears. “Just friends, from now on, I promise.” Bikky left the shower and meandered down to Ryo and Dee's room. He had no misgivings about opening the door. He gasped as he did. He saw Lyo laying on Dee's tummy with Ryo leaning against his chest. Surrounding Ryo was a clear shining golden light that seemed to move like no sunbeam ever had. It caressed his face touching his hair with what looked to be dangerous claws. Bikky swallowed afraid to take a step into the room but not daring to leave this early morning menace near Ryo. Ryo sighed burying his head further in Dee's bare chest wrapping his arms around Dee's waist. Bikky looked up into the face of a golden dragon tears like diamonds fell onto Ryo's hair vanishing into the honey gold color. Ryo gasped sitting up in bed he opened his eyes looking out the window to see the burst of golden flames light the sky brighter than the sun before leaving as if it had never been. Ryo coughed feeling tears in his eyes. “Kazama,” Ryo whispered feeling the warm touch of his mother's spirit. He shook his head in bemused wonder and tear shaped diamonds fell around him. Dee sat up laying Lyo on the pillow. “Dee,” Ryo said no more he simply looked out the window and greeted a new day. To Be Continued