Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes you just... ❯ Loss Of A Friend ( Chapter 54 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I just recently lost two friends I trusted with my world, so obviously I write about it in poetry (what else would I do?).
Loss Of A Friend
I really don't know what to say
No one's ever made me feel this way
I've never wanted to impress you more
Yet still my heart lies on the floor
I try so hard to give you my all
But you push it away and I start to fall
I'm falling deeper, falling fast
Was it not supposed to last?
You take for granted all that I do
Everything I put myself through
I'd do anything to keep this alive
I even hide away my pride
Uncertainty has made me wait
With my heart and mind in constant debate
Paranoia starts sinking in
Shaving my walls to be so thin
One little push, one more mistake
May end up making me, not bend, but break
Breaking my heart, breaking my mind
I'm losing all that I've worked hard to find
Am I just destined to lose in the end?
To lie without a hope or a friend?
It seems to be that way thus far
Each time my heart gains a deeper scar
This collection, it grows
But no more room shows
I can't seem to bear it, can't seem to stand
My heart won't stop bleeding as it lies in my hand
It's crying so loudly, a deafening sound
Otherwise, it knows, it'll never be found
The friend that I wrote this for says I'm “playing the victim.” Isn't that just sick? I mean, I even stated in the poem that I was willing to give my dignity even to save the friendship. It seems that every time I get attached, the person leaves me… *sigh* In guess all that's left to say is “please review.”