Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Kouja no Senshi Lemons ❯ A Wererat's Mate ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kouja no Senshi Lemons: A Wererat's Mate

In a bed chamber, Wacky locked the door, stuffing the key into the coat under his cloak. He'd had to make sure, otherwise the ones infected as wererats would...

He then looked at Xion, Ratigan, and Kate, saying, "There, you can't get out now."

"You do realize that you've locked yourself in with us." Xion pointed out, trying to make him understand.

"Hey, someone's gotta keep an eye on you, Xion. And I'm not letting any of the Wererat business come between you and me."

The Organization Rank member blushed a bit slightly. For you see, Xion had begun developing a crush on Wacky ever since she escaped the doomed Stubborn Titanic, and whenever she was near him or talking to him, she was truly happy. Even better than...

"This is utterly ridiculous." Ratigan frowned, crossing his arms, "Katherine and I are not wererats...though I am questioning why she gained fur and more rodent features last night."

The half breed of the rat gulped, overhearing, "I did what?!"

Could this mean that she was really a wererat? And if so, would she go over rampant through forced hunger after transforming to one? This would only mean trouble for her.

However, Wacky reassured, "And besides, the book also says that those born with the wererat within, any that have rodent DNA, and those that can be tamed are to be willingly control themselves."

"I...I hope you're right." was all Xion would say.

Then, the group looked at the moon that had uncovered the sky. Wacky began to watch as Xion began struggling, grunting as she tried to hold on.

The green weasel watched as claws and fur began destroying her gloves and boots, mutating them to look more rat-like. she gasped as she started clawing in her cloak, having a hard time breathing before pulling it apart.

Wacky gasped as he saw her body becoming more furry and her breasts starting to grow. After all, most humanoid Nobodies are born without clothing after all unlike himself and before her, Roxas and friends.

The weasel couldn't help, but look at the detail of Xion's body, especially when her hairy rat tail popped out and her face and ears finally became rat-shaped.

He only gave out a sly grin, noticing her finally finished her transforming. Despite her suppose to being scary, she never looked more beautiful in her rat form.

The she-wererat pounced onto Wacky while Ratigan and Kate, holding one another, were bracing themselves through their own transformation, grunting and feeling the painful force of the transformation.

The two looked at themselves, looking surprised. Ratigan's clothing looked exactly like it had when he confronted Basil at the clock tower, and Kate's clothing only having her pants and some pieces of her shirt remaining on her, and what was more, she looked more beautiful as a wererat.

Wacky, meanwhile, was grunting, trying to stop her fangs from even getting close to his neck. The green weasel groaned in frustration, it was becoming more difficult with her as a rat. If only...

Xion, then gasped and moaned, feeling Wacky snatching and touching her crotch. The blue haired wererat groaned as she felt him touching her. She had never felt quite like it before.

"Heh, guess you never felt touched before, huh?" he finally smiled to the groaning she-rat.

Feeling the time was right, Wacky began pulling down her tight pants, anxious for what they would experience. Pulling her cunt down to his snouth, the weasel began licking and sucking it, making her gasp and groan loudly.

She could feel his Toon tongue going inside her, growling in pleasure. So what if she was a replica.

Xion groaned more and more, holding Wacky at the position. The weasel dug his tongue deeper and deeper inside, pleasuring the she-were as he felt Xion's claws holding and pinching him slightly.

Grinning at this wonderful feeling, Xion tugged Wacky's cloak and trench coat before pulling them off swiftly.

She came to with Wacky licking off her juices, smiling softly. The girl were couldn't help, but feel relieved with him.

She grabbed his waist, rubbing the bulge in the black pants he had to wear with the cloak. He gasped and groaned, feeling her rub more and more harder.

She pulled them down since they weren't any buttons and tossed them aside, grinning at the cock that arose. He wanted her and wanted her badly.

Wacky could only groan as he saw the she-rat sucking hard, feeling her teeth pinching it. Despite the pain, he was enjoying this pleasure she was giving him.

As the other two weres watched, Kate could only speak, "Those two are a weird couple, aren't they?"

She then looked seriously to him, asking, "Tell I..."

"Katherine..." he spoke softly, caressing her into his arms, "You're beautiful, no matter what you are."

The half breed only smiled softly before the two looked on, watching Wacky groaning and moaning, holding her head to his cock.

"Yes, wrong me!" he shouted to her.

Both wererats watched as they saw her continously sucking on his cock. The fact was, it was starting to make Kate and Ratigan a bit horny.

Then, Kate began digging into her pants, moaning as she watched the intense were sex. She groaned a bit, touching her exposed tits as Ratigan watched on.

The male rat finally turned to where Kate was, seeing her finger herself. All this torture and this waiting, it reminded him of what he did earlier at one point.

Every day, ever since that time that Hiram the Mouse King punched him, enabling him to fire both Fidget and Kate, and their fighting to cause them to be fallen off the window, which fortunately for half Toons, they could survive, he wanted her.

However, about after the incident with the cruise on the Stubborn Titanic was what made him realize: He and Kate were destined to be together, no matter what.

So each night, he had looked in a special hole which had him watch Kate on the top bunk bed, fingering herself, seeing her going topless and her non-underwear jeans (sometimes underwear) opened and slightly pulled down to see her cunt.

However, that previous night, since his learning of the curse, his urge took over as he and Kate both wanted one another, badly, both aching for the sex, which felt non-stop until morning.

Seeing her finger herself again was making him more and more anxious for her. This was was time to see if she truly loved him for more than just a fan she was.

The male rat crawled to her, smiling to her as he spoke, "Tell me...shall we prove to each other that you're more than just a fan of mine?"

Kate briefly stopped, looking at him as she said, "Padriac...that was what I have thought at first...but ever since we kissed back at Slumberland..."

She then tugged his tattered coat as she spoke, hugging him, "My heart will always belong to you and you alone."

The rats smiled before they kissed, anxiously embracing one another, with the two lying on the ground, a few feet from where Wacky and Xion were.

Swiftly, the younger she-were pulled off his cape, coat, and vest, with Ratigan undoing her pants. The male wererat grinned as he pulled it and her tattered panties down.

He began licking down on her neck, toward her breasts and suckling the furry jewels like a child wanting milk. Kate groaned as she felt his rat tongue continuing more and more before he neared her cunt, sucking and licking on it.

She felt him continously licking and sucking more and more, feeling his claws touching her butt cheeks. The half breed kept bucking back and forth, wanting more and more.

"Ratigan, yes!" she shouted as she released her own juices onto the male.

The rat smiled, licking off the cum that sprayed on her before seeing her smile, much to his delight.

"Katherine, you are too precious to lose, even through battle." he confessed, kissing her ear.

Kate nodded in agreement, her furred up rat tail twitching. The two turned as they saw Wacky cumming onto Xion. The girl who became wererat only gave out a soft smile.

"Xion," Wacky spoke, "I only wish we could be together...forever."

Xion, however, became concerned as she spoke, "Wacky...I don't know if I..."

However, she was hushed he spoke, "Shhh, don't say a word. Let's enjoy this."

He lifted her up before placing her on top of his hard weasel dick, making her gasp.

"Ooooh!" she gasped, feeling it go inside her.

He held her as the weasel began thrusting into her tight cunt. God, why did she had to be so beautiful, he thought.

As he thrusted, Kate was already sucking on Ratigan's cock, as the rat finished taking his own pants off. The half breed kept bopping her head up and down, feeling his cock going more and more inside her mouth.

"Yes Katherine!" he spoke, "This is what it means to be loved!"

The rat watched as she sucked more and more, harder and faster with each turn. She was only half, but even he had grown fond of her. He may not need protection, but she did.

"Fuck it!" he growled as the wererat male let out his cum.

Kate smiled, licking the cum that was on her face while some of it got in her mouth.

"You taste really good," she admitted.

The rat tails twitched as Kate lied down. Ratigan began thrusting into her cunt, groaning and moaning. The male growled while she gasped and groaned, feeling it going inside her.

"Yes Professor!" she smiled.

The rodents grinned, with Xion gasping and being thrusted, feeling more and more of Wacky's cock. The girl had screamed earlier, with her hyman breaking, indicating she was no longer a virgin.

The couples continued feeling the intense sex as they kept on going, growling and moaning with screaming.

"Yes! I love it!" Xion shouted.

"I want you badly!" the weasel grinned, thrusting even harder.

The couples kept going, feeling their insides continuing to throb and thrust, more and more, anxiously awaiting for one another's release.

"Fuck yeah!" Kate shouted with satisfaction in her face.

Finally, Xion and Kate felt their lovers' seeds as the three weres howled in pleasure, feeling their satisfaction complete.

They panted and looked exhausted, smiling to their own lovers' face while the weasel grinned.

"Looks like we got you tamed after all, huh Xion?" he smirked.

Xion only nodded before she began going to the bathroom, probably to wash up, as she felt her legs aching in pain.

Wacky smiled at where Xion was. Perhaps, for the first time in over 60 years, he finally found someone that would complete him.

The wererats left behind only nuzzled one another's necks before gathering the clothing not destroyed during the transformation.

"We may as well keep wearing them until a cure's been found on us." he had to admit.

"Yeah." she agreed, with the two dressing, though Ratigan gave the half breed his vest to cover her breasts, due to her shirt already destroyed.

The green weasel with dark green hair only finished dressing up before speaking, "I think we should check on Saix and Takato, to see if they're tamed yet."

Then, he noticed Xion, using one of Ratigan's capes to cover herself and already in her pants, arriving out.

The truth was, Xion was concerned that if she were to be would not matter as she looked seriously after hearing a howl from outside.

"Guys, did you hear something?" she spoke.

The male rat looked concerned as he said, "That roar doesn't sound like it came from Takato. It sounds like it came from..."

Then, it dawned on the four. They had realized that they made a horrible mistake. It wasn't Takato that was bitten, but...

"Ken Ichigouchi!" they spoke in unison, finishing each other's sentence.

The door was unlocked as the four began to head out. However, Xion stopped, looking at her pregnancy test, which wasn't finished yet before following. She would have to wait for the results later.

Four had loved and knew they had loved one another. However, with only one couple, sooner or later, it would all end in heartbreak, but that's another story...
