Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Kouja no Senshi Lemons ❯ Proposal and Gift ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kouja no Senshi Lemons: Proposal and Gift

"Oh god! Fuck yes!" the voice on the TV was shouting.

Warren T. Rat, bored with little to nothing to do that day, was at his bedroom, watching the hentai movie that got him and the non-Toon cat their somewhat stardom: Back Door Cats 12.

He had to admit, the director who helped out in making it was really good at getting all the shots and angles they and other cat actors took.

He could remember the scenes they did very well: Mary asking him for directions, him getting the price of her sex, the twelvesome of many cats, five other males for her and five other females for himself as well, the gentle and roughness each one took, even their cumming.

Warren continued throbbing inside his pants, groaning as he watched the scenes taking place. Even Mary's beautiful body was one to look at in those scenes he did with her. Best of all, he made sure they themselves remained uncredited as to ensure no one would know who were the leads.

At that moment, knocking was heard on the door before the male yelped, quickly retracting his hand from his pants and turning off the movie. Why now out of all times?, he thought to himself.

"I'm busy!" he shouted before the door opened.

To his notice, he saw a sleepy Mary arriving to the room, shocking him.

"Mary? Whatcha doing over here instead of that home you sleep at?" he asked with confusion.

"Sorry, Warren, but after what happened last night...well..." she began.

"Couldn't sleep so well, huh?"

"Unfortunately. That whole day for us was disturbing and..."

"Ah, I've been through worst. Try staying in Hong Kong for a long time in the Toon World and nearly get eaten alive by people that use anything for meat."

She sat on the bed near him as she looked confused, asking, "It was that bad, huh?"

"You don't know the half of it, Mary."

He remembered how he himself got to Hong Kong: all because of that Mousekowitz child, Fievel, that set up their superstition by using the Mouse of Minsk, which was later to be discovered as a fake, on them.

"Anyway, what made you hate that Fievel kid and got yourself into that...well curse in the first place?" she asked him.

"It's a long story." he began, rubbing his bare back.

Earlier, while watching the hentai, he removed his shirt and schawl and prepared to eventually remove the pants as well before she arrived. After all, he was horny.

"Fine, may as well tell you," smirking to her, "Well, I was actually an orphan back in those days and well, as you can tell, I used to have all white teeth."

"I seem to notice that, but go on."

"After some thievery and trickery on other miscrients who tried conning me, I eventually became a success in all of Toon World's New York. I had everything, new gold teeth I kept, a cockroach accountant, and my own gangsters. Then, came 1886."

"What happened then?"

"You probably knew it from that tale your friends and brother explained, especially when they went back in time on accident during that Foreign Exchange thing: One day, a boy mouse came to my turf and like every other one, I trick him into being with Moe, whom ran one of the sweatshops."

"I still disliked the idea of sweatshops, you know," Mary frowned, remembering that one time during her amnesia adventure that she remembered Warren's talk about sweatshops being his idea of romantic settings.

"Anyway, after the hassle, that very same kid along with many workers ran off and cost me my reputation, which of course I had to send my crew to the town to not only find them, but also ransack the place. After things calmed down, we enjoyed our quiet time unti...until that same boy saw me out of my getup."

"Let me guess, he was going to ensure he told everyone."

"Of course, and after my goons failed to catch him, I caught him myself, locked him in a cage and left one of my men in charge. I actually don't remember if anyone else was with that kid or not, though on the occassions I met the kid."

"Um, was he a vegetarian cat?"

"What makes you think that? Tiger is a killer, though he does have weird ideas. But ah, anyway, apparently, that traitor let him loose and after I fired him, I donned part of my mouse getup and we caught up with him at the abandoned museum. Problem was, my disguise was knocked away and everyone saw what species I was."

"Well, serves you right for lying about your species."

"I was only disguising to get some loot! Anyway, I lit the museum on fire, but they released a monster on us. It wasn't until some time after we were sent all the way toward Hong Kong by boat that we realized we were tricked."

"So um...what happened to your Maus Street Maulers?"

"They beat me up, threatened death on me, and left me to die. I think that cockroach was the only one sympathetic to me before he finally left with the others."

"Did you ever get out of there?"

"I tried to, but you don't know how hard it was in Hong Kong: I only got some fish, the mice there knew Kung Fu and nearly beat me up, and I was almost made into chopped liver by the people there!"

"So how did you ever become the Mouse King's lackey anyway?"

"I'll um, be honest with wasn't until some time later, don't know how long it was, that I met with a strange cat after I asked to giving anything for me to be free from there and have limitless power."

"I know who that is...but did you ever sell your soul to him?"

"Actually, he only demanded a sacrifice of a mouse's and that particular bully is long gone. He sent me to where that Mouse King lived and he was fortunate enough to send me the disguise and my old clothing."

"Wait, you mean you were naked in Hong Kong? Ick!"

"No, no, I only had my nightgown to go on with, but it was tattered, torn, and it would almost have been destroyed if Red hadn't shown up. Anyways, I donned my outfit and disguise, tricked the Mouse King to assisting him, and some time later, while he went off to find that Nutcracker guy, I found the strange Digivice and...well, you know the rest."

"That explains a lot, but it doesn't explain when the hell you found out about your werepanther curse."

"Um, that's easy: I found out the day after I met Hiram that I became a Werepanther."

"That figures."

At that moment, she noticed Warren hiding his bulge between the legs, and apparently, he wasn't doing a good job.

"Watching that hentai with us in it again, huh?" she smirked to him.

"How'd you know?"

The alien cat pulled his hands clasping the bulge, looking at the bulge that was throbbing in his trapped clothing.

"What do you think?" she giggled.

She remembered the good time she had doing that hentai. She hoped that those other cats took the advice on the invisible condoms, unlike Warren, whom decided to freelance on it. All in all, she had a good time, and was lucky no one knew of the stars that remained uncredited.

"This is just teasing, ain't it?" she grinned slyly to him.

The Toon cat groaned, feeling her fingers running around at the bulge. He smiled at what she was doing next: Mary began removing her shirt, showing her perky breasts. Still as lovely as ever he thought when he looked at the topless cat.

Their tails twitched as two of the similar, but different, species looked at each other for a long moment. Sure, her parents were completely strict against Warren, but who wouldn't be against a con-artist cat?

Mary leaned downward to the male, smiling before she placed his kiss on him, moaning as both embraced one another.

The female could feel his tongue in her mouth and his paws starting to rub her exposed breasts. She moaned softly while Warren moaned loudly. The two cats lied together while the moon started to expose slowly from the clouds out the window.

The kiss broke softly as he grinned, "You know, there is a way to make you an immortal, though not a Toon immortal."

"What's that?" she asked with curiosity.

The Toon cat's teeth started to slowly grow as he groaned a bit, feeling it and the claws starting to expand a bit. The male held her down a bit before looking at the barely uncovered moon shimmering its light on the cat slowly turning to a panther.

"Mary...I'm only gonna ask you once, cause after this, there's no going back on what I'm about to do." he spoke seriously, feeling his teeth starting to grow a bit more, "Mary IQ, be my bride. Be with me as the night is young. Let me be your Romeo to my Juliet."

She was taken aback slightly. Warren actually was proposing to the likes of her, especially after all that happened. This was really serious after all she thought and if she did proposed, that would mean one thing: she would lose her own mortality and be like Warren: a werepanther.

But she didn't care about that. She loved her Warren. And she knew there was no going back on it.

"Yes, Warren." she spoke, "I do want to be with you always."

"Then let me please grant thine wish. And I ain't kidding when I say this: this might hurt"

"I understand."

Mary braced herself while Warren looked at the moon pieces starting to uncover. He had to do it while his teeth were in its transformed state or else he'd have to wait 'til the next full moon for her to...

Finally, Warren bit down at her shoulder, with Mary gasping, feeling his piercing teeth on her.

She winced, feeling Warren removed himself just as the moon was covered once again, with his teeth and claws transformed to normal.

"You...weren't kidding when it said it'd hurt." she spoke, trying to ease the pain a bit.

The female looked at her wound, then at Warren. He had bitten her and was now engaged to Warren. But there was one thing missing.

"Um, Warren? Where's my engagement ring?" she asked.

"It took a long time to find the right size and I get it and give it to you now, you'll break it when the moon comes out."

"Good point there."

Then, both cats looked at the clouds starting to move away, starting to reveal the moon fully. Both knew what that meant.

"Brace yourself, Mary...this transformation's gonna be painful when you first start." Warren told her.

The moon was fully uncovered as the light shimmered down. To many people, the moon itself with its lunar mysteries was the most beautiful thing ever to have been seen. For those with a curse under the moon, however...

Mary grunted, feeling her head in sharp pain. The female, starting to transform, watched as she saw Warren starting to transform in front of her eyes.

His tail began growing a little longer, giving more of a fuzzy panther-like tail. The claws became sharper as his hands started growing and the feet began mutating. The growling transforming male kneeled to the ground, his body and girth starting to bulge with muscles growing, his pant knees tearing slightly. The chocolate cat growled, feeling intense pain with his teeth growing, his muzzle shaping to a panther-like face, and his eyes glowing from the moonlight.

The female, trying to struggle, felt herself in intense pain, lying down as her mutated feet began growing and ripping through the shoes. As she unbuttoned her pants quickly, the hands started growing with claws, destroying her gloves. Mary gasped and grunted, looking at her body starting to bulge more.

The she cat started feeling the pain more, noticing her tail slightly longer and her breasts becoming from B to D sized with her own scarf on her snapping off her neck. Mary couldn't believe her transformation was this painful.

Mary sweat more as her teeth grew sharper, with her ears becoming longer and longer. The pain was becoming unbearable for herself. Finally, as her pants knees tore, her muzzle began taking shape, from a cat to that of a panther look. Her eyes glowed as the last of her transformation was completing.

Finally, she lied still, panting a bit before looking at Warren, watching him howl his unnatural howl. The dizzy newly made she-panther was helped up by him as Mary looked at the werepanther mate. Despite the girth that still showed, he didn't look too bad in his panther form.

She nuzzled Warren before the transformed male spoke, "You like this gift, don'tcha?"

He lied her down, rubbing the female's breasts as she gasped, noticing the male licking all over them. Mary groaned and growled, watching as Warren clenched her breasts, rubbing one and sucking on the other. Warren smiled to her, loving each second he was having this sex with her.

The female and male both opened their pants, with his cock popping right out. It wasn't monstrous, but it was an inch bigger and wider than his original size.

"Oh my god!" she growled in pleasure.

"Yes, you want this, Mary?" he chuckled to her, "Why not come and get it?"

She leaned toward it, rubbing the clit inside her jeans in a teasing manner. Warren loved it when she did that. It made him all the more horny for more.

Pulling their pants off in a fumbling manner, Warren watched as the female suckled and licked on his cock, groaning a bit loudly.

Her tongue felt better than the other broads that he use to have sex with. The Toon were growled loudly, watching her suck and lick more, her tail wrapping around his leg. Warren grinned at the site, smiling to the now equally immortal.

He started breathing heavily, feeling intense from the sucking. Mary didn't want to stop. She couldn't.

Despite his penis feeling Toonish, it was warm and real. She didn't care if the law against Toons and non-Toons was suppose to be strict.

Her hair was petted gently by the heaving male werepanther Toon, smiling softly as his tongue hung out. His ears twitched more with each time her head bopped up and downward.

"God, you're good." he muttered.

Panting more, he continued to watch as Mary continued to suck and lick more and more.

He didn't want this to stop, he wouldn't want it any other way. But he felt sweaty and hot from the intense sex she was helping him give.

"I...I think..." he began muttering.

At that moment, something shot into her mouth before the female, removing herself a bit, let Warren's cum all over not just the mouth that hung open, but all over her face and naked body.

"Let me see, dear." he spoke before looking at the wet cummed mouth open, with her panting.

The male used his finger, taking small pieces of his own cum and placing it into her mouth, with her drinking it.

"God, that's so good, Warren." she grinned in a sultry kind of way.

"That's just the beginning, Mary," he smirked, "Now it's my turn."

"You know, daddy's gonna be very sore when he finds out what we're doing." she explained.

"Heh, he won't find out until he actually learns to respect me. Same goes for your brother and in-law, too. Least not until the time is right."

The male were placed his mate down, starting to suck and lick her now big breasts. Mary gasped and moaned, feeling his clawed Toon fingers pinching one tit and his mouth sucking on the other.

"Oh yes," she moaned loudly, "God it's good, Warren!"

He grinned, loving to hear someone speak his name during the sex. Warren clenched onto her tits, nibbling on them softly for a moment. Mary gasped at what Warren was doing. For a Toon cat cursed as a werepanther, he knew how to please.

Licking downward, he could hear her moans, hearing the squeals and meow-like growls of his mate. The male reached her cunt, smirking with a devilish chuckle. This was going to be fun indeed.

Swiftly, the male started sucking and licking on her widened cunt, licking the precum on her pussy lips. Mary moaned and groaned softly, feeling his tongue licking more and more.

The female gasped and growled at what he was doing, bucking softly from the male's licking. It was so wet and she was so horny, feeling like it was that hentai she was doing all over again. His panther-like tongue, despite Toonish, was very real and it felt good.

"Oh yes, Warren, I love it." she shouted, starting to buck about more and more.

Warren loved it when she would get rough on the sex, especially on this particular night to celebrate.

Mary growled more, holding his head to where her cunt was being suckled more and more. The she panther herself grunted more and more, loving every minute of it.

"Your tongue's so long and wet," she muttered before shouting, "God yes! I want it!"

The male, despite not able to smile while sucking, was glad he was drinking out of this mate. The she-panther clenched to the floor, growling in pleasure more and more. Never had Warren's sex felt this great.

Finally, the she panther came, with trickles of the cum being sprayed out of her cunt. The male removed himself, smirking at the cum that began pouring out with some on his mouth and face.

He looked at her, licking the cum on his lips before grinning, "I think it's time you knew how a werepanther mates, Mary."

She grinned a little before he continued, "Bend over, honey."

They knew where this part was going.

The female were bent down cat-like style before the male walked in all fours before he jumped to her, starting to thrust behind.

Mary gasped and moaned loudly, feeling his cock going into her cunt.

"God, you're so tight there!" he shouted, starting to hump her.

Growling and moaning, Warren thrusted into her, with Mary starting to bounce. She grunted, feeling his cock going in and out of her.

"Oh Warren, yes!" She shouted with lust and joy in her voice.

The male growled in pleasure, holding her as he thrusted and humped into her, softly and slowly for a little while. After all, he does like to build up.

"Yes, you like that, don'tcha my precious." he joked lustfully.

Both moaned more and more loudly, with him grunting as he began to thrust harder and faster and her starting to moan louder and louder. The panthers both smiled as their tongues hung out, feeling intense.

"Whoa, Mary!" he shouted, "You're so hot and fucking beautiful!"

"Grah! Warren!" the female started screaming.

The she panther felt Warren clenching her breasts as he continued thrusting, rubbing and bouncing them along with herself. Warren had a thing for siamese females, especially ones with hair.

"Oh god!" Mary screamed, "Screw me over! I want this!"

Warren grinned, knowing she wanted this. The male groaned from thrusting, sweating with his face burning red.

Mary growled more with lust and passion in her eyes, shouting, "I want to be mated! Cum for me! Fuck me!"

The female's turned red from the exhausiting sex, feeling like their time of cumming would soon cum. They didn't care what others thought. They didn't want to stop their lust or love for one another.

Finally, with one big thrust into her pussy, the male werepanther howled loudly with her howling alongside him, both cumming with his seed shot right into her before the cock was pulled away from her cunt.

Both panthers panted, grinning to one another before Mary nuzzled him. She felt good when she was with Warren, and back then she didn't know why until they found real love with one another.

"No matter what form, you're still handsome in my eyes," she told him.

They looked at themselves starting to turn back to the way they once were, noticing storm clouds covering the moon. Looks like it would be a rainy night after all.

The two lied down, feeling the transformation from beast to regular felines taking its toll. Finally, when they lied in bed together, both still naked, but now cat instead of werepanthers.

Their tails wrapped around each other as Mary lied on Warren's belly, grinning to the male.

"Well, we can't win 'em all, can we, huh?" he chuckled.

"Wanna go for round two?" she asked.

"What's your excuse for wanting it?" he teased her, grinning with his gold tooth.


It was three in the morning when things settled down. She was suppose to come home by 10 after finishing up that HQ.

Max Sr. frowned, arriving to the apartment complex, knowing that she'd see Warren once again, despite his warning to her about him.

It wasn't that he didn't want other descendants to carry his lineage, heck he was fond of his kids sometimes, especially to Mary, but when she was with Warren...

The thought of them together made him more angry. He was not just a con-artist, but he was a demon and he was afraid that if something happened to her...

Finally, the older cat arrived to the door that was left slightly opened, peeking in. What he saw was what shocked him the most.

Clothing on the floor, the room a mess, and his own daughter sleeping soundly in the person he distrusted most: Warren. It was as if he had feared: his daughter really was taken by Warren.

It had been official: he truly had lost his daughter to him.

He could only sadly walk away, looking back once more before speaking, " better take good care of her, ya hear?" as a single tear shed with him leaving the place.

For him, he had lost his daughter to the Toon con-man...perhaps forever.

The End