Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Kouja no Senshi Lemons ❯ Warren's Time ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kouja no Senshi Lemons 9: Warren's Time

(An American Tail: 1886)

The con cat waited patiently for them. They made their deal and they had to go through with it.

Warren T. Cat aka Rat, con cat to the mouse world, had recently trapped three rodents: the Mousekowitz child, the king of mice as he would claim to be, and a blue furred rat. These three were caught by himself the same time the others had caught...

Then, he heard the door slamming before he turned. There, he saw the two. The one in the red robe with headdress and the other one in those cowboy pants, unlike all women he saw whom wore bloomers or dresses.

Usually, he wouldn't be turned on by females wearing pants, but this one...for some reason...he had started turning on.

Maximus couldn't believe what had happened and all because that boy mouse thought his father was in the sewers. He with Nemesis only followed because they wanted to get them back to the meeting. However, they saw the trio passing them before Tiger and another thug cat caught them. They had hoped the ones that went with them earlier, the bird, raccoon, Hotaru, and especially their sidekicks Minimus and Ling Ling had hopefully gotten away.

The she-cat frowned at this situation. She wished she take it back. The choice between Warren having both her and Maximus spend the night or them being accused of being friends with the species outside of her own, the others killed while she would be raped AND killed immediately.

"Soooo, welcome to my abode." the chocolate furred cat smirked, lighting his cigar.

He looked seductively toward Nemesis as he continued, "You know, I haven't seen you or that guy before those three and a few others that were lead to the sweatshop appeared."

"Um, we're actually new to this" she frowned a bit, semi-lying about it.

"Now can you at least tell us where to stay for the night? Which one is our bed?" Maximus demanded, crossing his arms.

"Now, now, wait just a minute." the other male spoke, "There's one thing you need to do before you stay with me."

"I hate to ask...what?"

"What do you think?" he spoke in a slutty tone, groping Nemesis' breasts, much to her frustration and shock.

"Gah!" Nemesis shouted, shoving Warren a bit, "What kind of sicko are you? You said we'd only get some sleep here."

"No, no, I said come to bed with me. Never saying if you'd just slept here."

"Oh god! This is wrong! I rather be locked in a filthy cage and raped by your stupid goons than be screwed by you!"

"You should have been more specific, doll."

She glared, preparing to slap him before the chocolate furred cat grabbed her hand. He smirked at the struggling female while Maximus fumed. How could he do this?

"Now see here-" Maximus began.

"Oh come on now. You gave me permission to let me be near her, didn't you?" He chuckled a bit with smoke coming out of his mouth.

"Yes, but not by fucking her!"

"Too late. After all, she only looks like a slut who hangs around with you."

"What?!" the two from the future spoke in anger.

"Now let's get this off of you, kid." he continued, pulling on the shirt.

With one swift of his claws, Nemesis' shirt was destroyed, prompting her to scream in embarrassment. This was not happening. This was not happening, she kept thinking.

"You sadistic excuse of a cat!" Maximus glared, preparing to grab him.

However, Warren, smirking that he tried doing something, ducked from his grip before the male cat, noticing too late, grabbed Nemesis' left breast, stunning them.

"Oh crud, Nemesis, I-I-I-" the cat in mustache and beard stuttered, trying to explain to her.

"Oh my gosh!!" the female spoke with shock and more embarrassment.

She didn't know what to expect. She felt like dying right at that point.

Warren, however, taking the advantage of the situation, grabbed and licked the other one, sucking on her tit.

"Looks like you really ARE dirty." he chuckled while she was moaning, not liking the other cat's licking.

He stopped for a moment, looking at Maximus, continuing, "Hey, you're one of those thugs, ain't you? You fucking her or do I gotta put you away for rodent conspiracy?"

The Siamese cat twitched his eye with worry. If he refused, he'd have to force to let Nemesis get raped by Warren. Well, she was his wife. He would not allow it to happen.

"I'll do it." Maximus sadly spoke, in a bitter tone, "Forgive me, Nemesis."

"I know, Maximus...I know." Nemesis sighed.

Nemesis watched as both males licked the breast and tit they held, with her groaning and moaning loudly. She grunted, delighted that Maximus was at least participating in this sex, though furiously on Warren fucking her as well.

She continued moaning, watching Warren let the schawl he wore drop to the ground before tugging on his shirt, discarding it. She looked more worried as she panted. She was going to be raped by this guy, of all people, whom was to be a member of Team Spicer in the future.

Maximus, meanwhile, had undone his headdress and robe, leaving him as topless as the two. Perhaps going through sex wasn't making his head clearly straight. How could it?

The three, now shirtless, continued with the males suckling on the tits and the female gasping and moaning loudly.

"Unhh, god...the tongues..." she spoke, moaning loudly.

"Yeeaaah, you like that, don'tcha?" Warren grinned.

She looked a bit closer at Warren. His bulge rising, the chocolate cat heaving heavily, the pudged belly he was making Nemesis proudly pet.

"I like my women petting my belly...makes it easier to look sexy toward you." he chuckled to her.

"Not to her, it doesn't," Maximus muttered in disgust.

The female looked worried, noticing Warren's fingers digging into her pants. She grunted, feeling them going inside her clit. Grunting and moaning, she looked more frightened at what he had planned.

"God, those pants make you look good." he panted heavily in a sexual tone.

Nemesis grunted and moaned, feeling like he would tear her bottom in two. The she cat continued groaning and moaning, trying to not get very horny from Warren's tongue and dirty fingers, but the touch of Maximus' tongue made her feel very hot, starting to feel slightly wet.

"Oh god..." she muttered, now noticing Maximus rubbing her jeans crotch slowly, holding her leg with his tail.

The she-cat felt tingly about the situation, with Warren only grinning in lustful delight. He knew that the night was his, and he'd make sure she would know that.

"Let's get them pants off ya." he chuckled, starting to unbutton her pants.

Nemesis looked more frightened as she saw Warren's clawed fingers slowly unzipping her pants. She didn't want this to happen, but it had.

"No, please..." she began to beg in what appeared to be a fearful moment, "don't fuck me!"

"Once you fuck me, there ain't no going back." He smirked, digging to where her cunt was.

She moaned uneasily, grunting from his claws digging inside her cunt, feeling him remove her jeans and panties. Maximus only watched, looking extremely angered and jealous that he would do such a thing. It was his own bit after all.

Nemesis began feeling wet, herself starting to precum herself. The she cat grunted, trying to resist Warren's fingers making her more and more horny, but alas it was not to be.

"Unnnh, no, please..." she muttered as Warren rubbed his bulge.

"You two wonder why I'm the only Mott Street Maulers member that wears pants?" he chuckled a bit, "Let's just say my 'package' tends to rise when I think of money and sexy women."

Warren popped his pants open, cock rising upward, grinning delightfully with lust.

"You go on ahead...suck it. I want this." he chuckled.

"But...I don't." She frowned to herself.

She looked at Maximus, whom held her away before speaking, "Just a minute...she's mine, you know. And besides, if anyone is going to let her touch a shall be mine."

"Your dick can't possibly be bigger than mines." Warren glared.

"But it is when compared."

Maximus opened his pants, showing his own cock, rising high with erection.

She watched Maximus' penis fully out of his pants. Watching it, the tip burning red, she looked horny when seeing it. She did wanted his own member better than Warren's.

The she-cat leaned down, touching and rubbing it with awe, making Maximus moan and groan. The non-Toon male watched her stroking it, suckling on the top. He growled, tail twitching and ears flinching. Despite the setback, he started enjoying Nemesis' cock sucking and had hoped he would start screwing her around next.

The Toon cat frowned in jealousy, glaring at the she-cat starting to suck and lick on Maximus' cock first instead of his own. His face was about to turn red with anger, glaring in fury and jealousy at the sex the two were having.

However, he noticed her cunt, wet with precum. He smirked a bit, looking at the small bits of precum on her pussy. Chuckling, Warren knew he'd at least drink from her while this happened.

The chocolate cat sucked and licked on her cunt, making the female groan and moan. The she-cat winced at what was going on while she was sucking on Maximus' cock: Warren was sucking on her own cunt.

"Damn, you got so tasty there, bitch." he smirked, "Better than all the other whores who'd fuck with me."

The two's pants were pulled off, with Warren continuing, "'Sides, I don't want to have to get my favorite pants wet from all the fucking cum we'd be making."

" son of a bitch!" Maximus grunted, kneeling to the other cats' level.

The she cat, still with cock in mouth, had tried to speak, though her words were gurgled by the liquids she was drinking from her love.

The Toon cat, anxious, stuck his tongue through her pussy, suckling each and every bit he could get from her. He heard the other cats moaning and groaning, due to Nemesis having her mouth sucking Maximus' cock.

Maximus, meanwhile, patted the female's hair and ears, wrapping his tail around her arm, speaking, "God grand and hot..."

He panted hard, feeling his climax rising. The she-cat was sucking harder and faster at that point, while she herself felt Warren doing the same.

The chocolate furred at continuously licked her insides, desperate for her liquids. He knew that this sex was what the female wanted. And he was not going to stop until Nemesis finally admitted that being with Warren was the best.

Finally, cum came out of the non-Toon cats, Maximus groaning with Nemesis panting, feeling some of Maximus' cum splashing onto her already wet mouth and face.

"You're very tasty, Maximus." she grinned to the Siamese male, licking his mustache and beard a bit.

The female then looked at Warren licking the remains of her cum, gasping a bit as she felt his tongue licking off the wetness left on her pussy.

"We'll find a way out, I promise you, Rinoa." Maximus spoke, hugging her a bit.

"Rinoa...Rio..." Warren, looking a bit dazed at her, grinned, "Such a more beautiful name than Nemesis. How about I start calling ya Rio from now on?"

He chuckled, forcing Nemesis to turn to him as she frowned, "Hey, only Ling Ling or Maximus are allowed to call me Rio."

"How about Rinoa then?"

"Same thing! I don't like using my real name!"

She yelped, forced near his penis as he spoke, "Well get use to it, Rio. Because we're the only ones here."

She grunted, trying not to open her mouth as he continued, "You could walk away any time you wish...but just remember...if you do, then your own meals are wasted on them."

"What?!" Maximus frowned, feeling that he had insulted Fievel, Hiram, and Remy, "Now look here! Those rats do not belong to you!"

"One rat. The other two are mice. I know, cause I dress like a rat to fool those rodents." He spoke to the non-Toon male.

"Jus...just don't hurt them...not like what you plan." She spoke weakly.

"Then shut up and fuck me over."

Nemesis bit her lip, knowing she had no real choice. She knew that if she and Maximus try to escape, their friends would end up in the hands of the other cats and especially Warren.

Finally, Nemesis started sucking on his cock, making the gold toothed cat gasp, panting as he moaned softly.

"Yeees, you like that, bitch." He chuckled, petting her head.

The other male, flinching, looked furious at what he was seeing. He could not stand to see Nemesis like it. He had to find a way out of it.

Then, Maximus noticed the female's pussy exposed, looking awed on it. He looked at the female starting to suck on Warren's cock now, then at her cunt.

The siamese cat got on all fours, sighing. Until he and Nemesis get out, he would have to make due with having sex with her.

Nemesis groaned, feeling her love's tongue now being the one touching her cunt. She groaned and moaned softly, muffling with the cock going in and out of her more.

"Oh god, Rio...I can just taste it..." he grinned, growling in pleasure.

Whatever images of any girl cat, especially Miss Kitty were had vanished from his thoughts. Now all he could think about on fantasizing females was Nemesis herself. She was not like any other cats he had slept with after all.

The she-cat groaned more and more, feeling the tongue and cock going deeper and deeper within herself. A hint of tears could start to be forming within her eyes. She was not only stuck in the past, but also semi-raped by Warren himself. Why did she even agree to do this?

"Rio, good god, yes!" The Toon cat shouted, "Oh yes! So horny near hot!"

She could only obey his words of cock sucking. Nemesis felt like the world was going to end. She would feel a bit more worse had she been the only one caught and raped without Maximus' pleasure for comfort.

Finally, the two, feeling their climax, cummed their cum, with Warren's going all over Nemesis. Maximus, whom was the one drinking her, licked some of the cunt, making her tickling a bit. Nemesis was glad that was over. Perhaps she would...

However, Warren grabbed her near him, panting hard, still horny from the sex they had together.

"Not still have one last detail to take care of..." he chuckled, touching her cunt and making her groan.

"No...please!" Nemesis, in tears, begged, "Anything, but that."

"You're lucky you're not in heat, otherwise, I'd be making lots of kits with the likes of you."

"That is disgusting!" Maximus glared before seeing Warren lie Nemesis on top of him, forced onto a velvet bed.

The she-cat felt Maximus' dick rubbing near her cunt, which was rising upward. She then looked at the other male, going on top of her. What was he up to?

"Doesn't matter though, he-he-he, I'll bet that you can have your little cunt pumped up really good." He spoke darkly to her.

"What are you-?" she began before feeling something go inside herself.

Nemesis gasped and screamed, feeling Warren's cock going inside her cunt. The one next to her, Maximus', slowly started entering as well.

"Forgive me, my dear." Maximus spoke sincerely to her.

"I know." a teary Nemesis nodded.

The female groaned and gasped, watching as the cocks pushed into her. Never in her life had anyone taken two hard cocks inside a pussy before.

The she cat meowed and growled in a mixture of pain and pleasure, closing her eyes, hoping this would all end.

"Nemesis, god! It feels tight!" Maximus shouted.

"Ungh...good god!" Nemesis started screaming.

Warren watched as he thrusted hard, looking at the two groaning and growling with the two cocks inside the pussy. The Toon smirked at the sight. At least he got something out of what happened earlier that night.

The cats growled with the cocks thrusting and the pussy herself bucking hard. The she cat gasped, groaned, and moaned. She could not understand why she wanted more of it. It was really odd for her.

Heaving heavily, Warren continued thrusting his cock inside her. He was more than happy to enjoy this sex with her. Chuckling, he looked at the cats enjoying the sexual thrusting each one was doing.

"Oh god, Nemesis!" Maximus groaned loudly, "This...this is..."

"Oooooh, I know!" the female shouted.

To Warren, this was better than expected. The two cooperating in this sex, the two letting him fuck her over, it was all going so well.

Thrusting more and more, the three continued, tails twitching and the three tails wrapping around one another. The female growled, grunting, forgetting about what was happening to themselves.

Feeling their climax about to come, the girl shouted in pleasure, shouting, "Maximus!!"

"Oh god Riona!!" the siamese shouted.

Finally, as each of them cummed very hard, Warren howled like the wolf, all three collapsing together.

He grinned, looking at the now exhausted cats that had now fallen asleep, then patted Nemesis' cheek. He smiled softly to her. She was very different indeed after all. Perhaps things would be interesting if he had some sort of love potion to make Rinoa his instead of Maximus'.

Finally, he kissed her on the lips, purring in delight before lying on top of her, face lying on her breasts and falling asleep at last.

What neither of the three knew was that someone may had seen the scene and recorded what both future cats would regret ever doing.


Time had passed before Maximus awoke, noticing now Nemesis only lying on top of himself. He looked at her, looking relieved and hoped that the nightmare was all just that: a nightmare.

However, he could not have been more wrong as next to their side, lying next to them with tail still tangled with theirs. Why was he...?

When Nemesis awoke, she groaned a bit, groggy from what had happened. If only she could...

At that moment, she and Maximus, realizing with horror, looked worried. They had now realized that Nemesis had sex with both himself and Warren. The thought of them gagged the two cats.

Quickly and quietly, the two cats had gathered the clothing, though Nemesis had to snatch up Warren's outfit as not only were her jeans still wet from some of the cum that spilled on the ground, but also, her only shirt was destroyed.

At that moment, as Nemesis placed her wet clothing in the bag, she felt a familiar paw, Warren's, touching her ass.

"Where you going at this time of night?" Warren, yawning, chuckled. "'Sides, it's dangerous with you going out alone. Also, I doubt you wearing my clothes will help."

At that moment, the bitter Nemesis slammed the naked cat to the wall, glaring, "Warren T. Cat, I don't know how your seducing manipulations work, but I do that to me again, and you're neutered."

"And I shall be the one doing the neutering!!" Maximus snapped, glaring at Warren. "And besides, we have other things to deal with. If you REALLY want to see her again..."

Both non-Toon cats, realizing, smirked before the male spoke, "Why not meet her at The Peer at 6? You can bring friends if you wish."

"What friends?" Warren shrugged.

The two groaned, dropping the cat before Nemesis spoke, "By the way, these are the only clothes you have clean, right?"

"I got my night gown, cap, and slippers, but I only wear those when stuff like what happened last night doesn't happen. Also, I usually don't go around without pants." He explained.

"Well get use to it, Rat Faker!" Nemesis bitterly shouted in an ironic echo.

"Sooo, I'll see ya two in the morning?" He asked before the door slammed shut.

When it closed, Warren chuckled, "Well, despite the minor setback, I'll take that as a maybe."

Warren yawned, snatching his gown and cap, yawning a bit as he dressed in them. He was tired and now he had a very early date to catch up with. It was almost morning anyway. The cat, smirking, knew he'd get another chance to...

At that moment, the alarm was sounded off. Warren quickly awoke from the sound. It could mean two things: Either it was a false alarm and the two newcomers were trying to find a way out or the more obvious one, his latest prisoners were escaping.

The cat, getting his slippers on and pulling his cap off a bit, dashed out of his room. He hoped it was just the cats lost or else things would...he knew the answer and he knew what he had to do.


(Present Time: 20XX)

It was still dark when Maximus, Nemesis, and the others had returned to their original timeline. They had fun getting rid of the evil cats lead by Warren. And Nemesis was especially proud of giving Warren a punch in the gut and groin hit by bag on the ship when he soon reached the inside of it.

But there was still one more thing she had to do. One final detail before the upcoming festival that was to come in daylight.

Nemesis had to deal with it before she would regret it. She needed to tell the truth now.

The she-cat noticed Warren arriving, his eyes sleepy and the mouse ears half in and out while the cone was on his forehead.

"Whatcha want? This better be important." he asked her.

"Do you remember that night of the Mouse of Minsk?" she asked him.


He then began to remember the past, the incident, the kid who ruined his entire life, and even the girl of his dreams, the one who was the same person he was speaking with now: Nemesis.

"Oh yeah, that." he spoke a bit, "What a night that was...before the day became lousy."

"Oh good, I was hoping you'd forget." she spoke in sarcasm, cracking her knuckles.

Warren had realized what she meant by that, noticing her raising her fist.

"Uh, now-now, Rio, we can talk about this! We can talk!"

"Talk to the fist, rapist!" she snapped, punching his eye and gut, then kicking his groin.

The Toon cat groaned, starting to cough a bit of blood for a moment. He groaned a bit. Why did she had to remember that?

"That was for raping me and trying to kill my friends, you jerk!" she shouted to him.

Finally, Nemesis, now better, began walking away a bit before stopping, speaking, "By the way, hope you're still up, because Maximus has a punching schedule with you to take care of."

Warren yelped a bit, looking at Nemesis leaving before noticing Maximus, whom arrived, glaring.

"Hello, Warren!" he spoke bitterly to him.

"Whoa, wait, wait! Come on, I can explain-" he began before being kicked down by the non-Toon cat.

His head was forced into the bucket of water, making him gurgle and groan before he was tossed to the ground, with his groin kicked once more. Seemed Maximus was also bitter.

"That was for any sick thoughts you had planned with her!" he spoke, "Just so you know, if you EVER go near Nemesis ever again, I shall ensure that I rip out all your fur, dock your tail, neuter you, and have you hunged, you got it?!"

Warren, groaning, nodded in fear. The chocolate cat watched as Maximus finally left. He frowned to him, wiping the blood from his mouth, relieved his teeth, especially his golden ones, weren't knocked out.

Finally, Warren looked seriously, speaking, "Mark my words...your wife WILL get back to me when you least expect it. I swear it!"

What he would not know that he would have her temporarily, but not in the way he would expect, but that...was another story.
