D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Element Angels ❯ Flashback and Phone call ( Chapter 5 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Finally on to the fifth chapter. If it seems a little disjointed it's because different parts of it were written ayfferent times then it all squashed together. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own DNAngel, no matter how many times I hug the manga, which is a lot.
A new morning and it was the start of another chaotic week, probably. Asuka walked into the living room and was shocked to see an absence of Miharu reading.
Instead there was a neatly folded note which read “Gone flying, meet you at school,” This explained it, and Asuka started searching through the cupboards for something decent to eat. In the end Emi woke up and once again made pancakes for them.
Because Miharu was gone they both got to school on time, and soon spotted their slightly windswept friend in the form room, talking animatedly with Daisuke about something they had a slight suspicion was flying.
It was the one thing she liked more than reading, which was saying a lot as to her reading was essential. However her love for flying was hindered by the fact she could never be seen, which restricted her to night time and heavy rain/snow.
The bell rang and they all set of to their lessons. Emi had dance today, something she greatly enjoyed as she could watch guys making a fools of themselves. She liked it so she only half strangled Takeshi while dragging him to P.E.
She mainly wanted to see him dancing so there was no way she was going to let him escape, even if it meant getting change quickly and keeping guard of the boy's changing room doors.
Asuka was heading of to maths and wondering what torture it was going to be this lesson. She wished for one thing and that was for the lessons to be just a little bit harder. She was really fed up of being able to do everything.
The lesson started and Asuka's wish had obviously been answered as it was simultaneous equations, which is not something you take lightly due to the fact that there can sometimes be more than one answer.
Miharu went to art while still talking to Daisuke, who was way relaying Darks messages half the time. She happily settled down in her seat with a feeling she was going to enjoy the lesson.
As a matter of fact she did enjoy it as they were creating a picture of someone from memory using whatever medium they chose. Miharu of course chose to once again paint Dark using her faithful watercolours which were conveniently located in her bag, but then so was everything else.
Lunch started and to Asuka's horror she discovered that in PE, which she had later with Miharu and has up to now never been mentioned, they were doing cricket. On finding out Asuka tried to get partnered with anyone but Miharu.
Unfortunately Miharu who'd already known about it had made sure everyone in the class was partnered up, so there was nobody left for Asuka to go with but Miharu. Lunch ended far too soon in Asuka's opinion.
It was time for the long awaited and dreaded cricket lesson. Daisuke and Risa didn't see what the problem could be. (They're in the class too) Asuka was Miharu's partner and was the least likely to be hit as you were safest from being hit if Miharu was aiming at you.
Emi who didn't even have cricket now had stolen Takeshi's camera to photograph the results. “I can't see how Miharu's cricket abilities can be as bad as you make out.” Risa said. Asuka shook her head, how could they not understand.
~the long, hopefully awaited flashback of that fated day~
It was a sunny summer's day on which no one wanted to be in school. However they were and they were being forced to play cricket. The class was partnered and they were practising bowling.
Asuka was paired with Miharu and Emi was the other end of the field. Asuka soon discovered that Miharu was absolutely awful to be partnered with. She had absolutely no aim and threw with a super powered throw, which sent the ball along way and meant Asuka had to run a lot.
The fact that she couldn't control were it went, as she refused to guide it with the wind, meant it nearly hit a number of people. It was on one of these occasions the teacher walked past.
Not only did it go wildly off course, she threw it so hard that it hit the teachers head, knocking her out. There was no permanent damage but the ambulance was called and there were threats about calling home.
It had later escalated, seeing as the teacher was actually the daughter of an American crime boss. Although Emi and Asuka weren't at fault they were Miharu's friends and therefore blamed through association. Eventually they had had to flee the country, with Emi still not knowing what had actually happened.
There parents were looking for them, along with the mafia and police but they were by far the scariest, thought that they had just runaway together, not hitched a ride on an aeroplane wing and come to Japan.
In fact their parents were completely ignorant to the fact they'd taught themselves Japanese. This meant it was going to take a long time to find them.
~end of flashback~
Of course everything went smoothly in the lesson. All Asuka could do was curse Miharu's air power, as this time she was guiding the ball and it had nearly hit Asuka a few too many times.
Everyone thought she'd exaggerated Miharu's suckiness at cricket. If only they knew. If only they could experience the terror of playing cricket with a powerless/refusing to use her powers Miharu, then they would see.
Asuka stalked into the changing rooms making and evil laugh which was freaking people out. She was soon followed by Emi, who was looking guilty as she'd accidentally bowled Takeshi's camera instead of the cricket ball.
Miharu came in much later with the bits off of the camera which Emi had missed. This was a small pile of bits and instead of getting changed pulled out superglue and started fixing it.
However she actually made it worse, but now it looked fine and Emi could claim that it was fine when she gave it back. Later when asked why the changing room smelt of glue there were lots of blank stares.
They got changed just in time for school ending, having skipped their last period, much to the English teacher's relief and headed off to work. They presumed that it was just going to be a normal week but they had underestimated the attractive force of the gale at the door.
So instead of being quiet there were a load of people inside and looked like probably a large majority of the local magical community still there. Asuka was not at all happy and made sure that Miharu knew it.
Emi and Miharu however were in there prime and were more than happy to help with rituals, explain things, translate English spells and chants and even make up a few of their own.
They couldn't see why Asuka thought of them as a little bit weird. They chatted to Risa who was doing fortune tellings and joined in a big ceremony to summon what ever made the wind at the end of the day.
This of course appeared to not work as Miharu was in the room and was protected by the circle. So with that a number of them left a little disheartened and new spells were being crafted.
It was the start of another wonderful day and much to Asuka and Miharu's joy it was pouring with rain. Despite this they did all actually go to school and were on time!
This shocked people, that and it gave them time to let Asuka Dry herself and Miharu out before lessons started. Emi had just used her water power to stop the rain falling on her so was absolutely bone dry, despite being in the rain for quarter of an hour.
The day actually passed quiet quickly, or at least the first lessons did. Then they were stuck inside for PE. The English lesson began and like usual they were doing what they wanted.
Miharu was painting, Emi sleeping and Asuka beating Miharu's high score on snake on Miharu's mobile, which she had only just been allowed to play on due to beating it last time. Asuka was nearly there when the mobile started to sing a merry Christmas ring tone.
This made Asuka swear and loose while Miharu snatched her mobile back and answered it. “Hello, Miharu speaking”
“Stupid foreign languages. Sorry wrong num…”
“Otouto-kun (little brother), how the hell did you get my number?”
“Well I got it off of Mum's mobile. Where are you? Why haven't you come home?
Sora. (Miharu)”
“WHAT! There was a reason I deleted it off of all the mobiles before I left, you've gone and spoilt it.”
“Where are you?”
“I'm abroad. You see I got on the wrong bus, then the wrong train, followed by the wrong coach and ended up on a plane. I would tell you which country but it would make me far too easy to find, now you have the whole globe to search! But you don't have to worry Kumiko (Emi) and Sheepy (Asuka) are here too but don't tell their parents.”
“So you ran away with them after knocking a teacher out?”
“More or less but that's none of your business. You shouldn't listen to too many rumours about that. Don't think about trying to track our names we changed them. Everyone says hi, and by the way if you were a girl you'd have angel wings, only joking. Anyway won't be seeing you and your about to run out of credit as this is an international call! Bye”
It was about then that Miharu realised that the entire class was staring at her, including Emi who woke up when she heard her original name being mentioned. Sure she hadn't used it in a while but it was still her name.
Asuka was also staring, but with concern, then shook her head. It wasn't like they could trace the phone call or anything, but they did know they were abroad now and that meant they had a chance of finding them, but a slim one at that. (They could have traced the phone call, true but for the purposes of this story they don't/can't.)
The teacher seemed a little annoyed they had disrupted the lesson but hadn't understood the conversation despite the fact that she spoke perfect English, due to the fact that Miharu had switched back to her northern accent which was had to understand at the best of times. (Note: Miharu wasn't born or raised in Northern England, she just has the accent)
The teacher asked if she could continue the lesson and before waiting for an answer proceeded to do so. When Emi looked curiously at Miharu and Asuka they signalled they'd tell her later, which actually meant they would try to avoid telling her for as long as possible.
It was going to be like why they'd run away, one of those things Emi didn't know and wouldn't be told until it was unavoidable.
With that they once again headed off to work. It was even busier than the day before as everyone was taking shelter from the rain. At one stage it got kind of like a carnival and a little noisy, although still the gale didn't kick anyone out.
This was mainly as it was infused with Miharu's personality and only kicked people she disliked out, letting the others make as much noise as they liked until it got annoying. At one point a guy even got blown out for bad mouthing its taste in music.
No progress was made in finding the source but everyone had lots of fun and there was a joint agreement that it probably didn't want to be found so they agreed to leave it alone.
This filled Asuka with much relief as she was sure they were going to find Miharu out, while Miharu hadn't really been bothered if they did. The day drew to an end and they set off home.
This however meant that Asuka was walking with the bags and Emi and Miharu were having a great time flying in the rain.
They had a great time swooping up and down, with a few loop the loops and dives involved. However one thing they hadn't thought about was the cold. Emi was fine as she stopped the rain getting to her.
Miharu however was completely drenched and constantly being blown by freezing winds which she created for herself to ride on. This however meant that for once her lack of feeling the cold was a bad thing.
When they got back, which was late, they both went straight to bed. Asuka was already asleep so Miharu had to dry herself and snuggle up in bed to get warm.
That's done and for me it was a pretty short chapter. Blame the fact I would only use two days.