D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Element Angels ❯ A school day and the cinema ( Chapter 9 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Silver: Another chapter done and it isn't anywhere near the end. This could take a while.
Sinner: Hey I just started reading the second chapter and I am not a tyrant.
Sushi: Your only on the second chapter?! But we wrote that ages ago.
Silver: I think there's a lesson to be learnt here. This is to read it before I post, if you want it changing. It'll stay like that for ever now.
Sinner: Shut up.
Silver: *smiles evilly* shutting up.
Disclaimer: I do not own DNAngel. If I did Risa would have died along time ago, and the guy's (especially Dark) would randomly cross-dress. And this hasn't happened yet sob.
It was there third day there and the English girls were taking a tour round Tokyo so much to Asuka's pleasure they didn't appear at school. This gave her a prime opportunity, combined with the excuse of having homework on fire safety, to ask where the most flammable part of the school was.
Funnily enough she didn't get an answer. Whether or not this then had anything to do with the fact her bag was searched for matches it is still unknown.
Then when a small fire broke out in the science prep room (A/N: the one filled with chemicals) there were a lot suspicious glances in her direction.
They couldn't however prove that she did it because at the time she was on a bench outside and had only glanced at the window, therefore starting the fire with her power.
After the school got evacuated they were sent home and Emi invited them round to Daisuke's house. Whether or not Daisuke's family were happy about this it was unknown as Emi pushed Asuka and Miharu through the door; then proceed up the stairs before any of them could comment.
Daisuke insisted on getting drinks and by the time he got back it was noticed that Miharu had something that looked strangely like his stuffed under her jacket. When asked about it, Miharu pretended she didn't know what they meant.
Eventually they forced her to give it back, mainly as it made her look like she had a hunch back. A rather large jelly fight broke out in the Niwa garden. Strangely enough the only one that didn't join in was Kosuke.
This was mainly as he was watching his wife and father-in-law with astonishment; he knew they were a bit random was going over the top.
By the time it actually finished they were all smeared with jelly, forcing them to get changed. The only problem was that Emi and Miharu had no spare clothes.
Asuka however was fine as she just got the clothes she lent Daisuke back. The other two however where in trouble.
Emiko gave the pair of them some of Dark's clothes and ushered them into a bathroom. After some hushed talking, Emiko went off to collect some things while instructions for hair dye could be head from the bathroom.
Emiko soon reappeared with a purple wig and hair straighteners.
Daisuke gathered the courage to ask what she was doing and was awarded with the smile she only usually wore when giving him a new outfit.
Half and hour latter Daiki was reading the newspaper while the others waited outside the door when it opened.
This time Emiko went off and returned with a model of black wings and charcoal. She ignored the confused glares.
Another half and hour passed and this time Emiko muttered “Nearly done” as she emerged.
Then she wondered off and reappeared with two liquid filled vials, like those you keep contact lenses in. No one was surprised when she shut the door again.
Ten minutes passed and she finally came out and announced it was done. Two Dark look-a-likes followed in her wake. Both Miharu and Emi had been transformed. They looked exactly like Dark and therefore exactly the same.
The only slight difference being height and the fact that Miharu could move her wings, while Emi's were fake.
Having now looked in the full length mirror, there were two Dark's jumping up and down while laughing hysterically, with Emiko joining in of course.
Daisuke and Asuka were trying hard to ignore the three while. Daiki and Kosuke were watching them with mild wonder.
The wonder turned once again to astonishment as Emiko in one smooth movement pulled a warning letter out, gave it to Wiz and threw him out the window to go and deliver it.
Daisuke groaned as he'd have to go and steal something now. What he didn't realise was that the two of them would be coming along.
Three hours later and a black winged figure flew towards the museum. Little did all the police and camera crews know that it wasn't in fact Dark but Miharu.
Dark and Emi were taking the underground route and the three of them would meet in the room the target was in. It was a glass statue of bird about to take off.
Every one was taken in by Miharu's disguise apart from Satoshi who per usual instantly saw through it.
This meant that he that he was half way towards the room when Miharu slipped in through the window.
Dark was already inside with the real statue. He passed a fake one to both Emi and Miharu. With that the three of them split up. They ran, or flew as in Miharu's case, in opposite directions.
At this stage Even Satoshi was a little confused so enlisted Asuka's help in figuring out which one was which.
In fact it was quiet easy. Miharu all ways flew. Emi always ran and Dark was doing a bit of both.
Dark made a clear get away out a window. Emi just about managed to get back into the underground route, although Krad did nearly knock her out again. Miharu however had slightly more trouble.
Takeshi's dad had decided she was the real one so all the officers were chasing her. This meant that in the end she had to escape up a chimney, which wasn't pleasant at the best of times let alone when people are trying to arrest you.
Dark and Miharu managed to meet half way back and flew over the crowds waving. There was a lot of confusion but they could just about make out a group of girls which looked distinctly like the English ones. Miharu waved at them extra hard.
When they got back to the Niwa residence it was so late they ended up staying the night. Emi and Asuka were sleeping on mattresses on the floor while Miharu got ready then climbed in her bag, claiming that she had a nice warm bed in there, opposed to a mattress on the floor, to sleep in.
No one doubted she did.
The next morning was a busy one and everyone was ready and out the door before they noticed something missing. This something being Miharu. Asuka had the bag she was sleeping in, but apparently Miharu was yet to emerge from it.
In the end they decided to send someone to try and find her. Per usual it was voted 2 to 1 that Daisuke should go. He was not happy about it.
Due to the lack of rope they were hoping eventually he'd either find Miharu or his way out. The way out was probably more likely but you never knew.
In fact the first thing that Daisuke came to was Miharu still asleep in a very comfy looking king size bed. It looked comfy that he got in the matching one that was placed opposite.
Daisuke was soon asleep as well and there was no hope of them emerging that side of dinner. Which was correct as they both managed to sleep through the entire school day.
Emi and Asuka went through the usual things, while watching Satoshi be stalked by Portia. Usually they would have stopped her but they were both finding it far too amusing.
Half way through the morning they realised that Satoshi understood (and spoke) English perfectly well when he turned round and requested that she left him alone.
It was a bit of a shock, but then a again they did have English lessons everyday, so most of the class had a basic grasp of English. Just Satoshi's was perfect as he'd already finished university.
For a genius he really couldn't handle people. His comment only provoked her as Portia realised that he had actually noticed her, then acknowledged her. And so the stalking continued, just a little more subtly.
Lunch time started and they sent Satoshi in to the bag to rescue the rescuer and the one he was meant to have rescued.
Satoshi found them easily but felt no desire to wake them up. In fact he climbed straight in to a third king size bed and was instantly asleep. This was mainly done so that he missed the rest of the school day and wouldn't be stalked anymore.
School ended and Asuka decided that as soon as they got home both her and Emi were going to find the three people currently residing in Miharu's bag. Two of which for as much as they knew could have gotten lost within its cavernous structures.
They had tea, called Emiko to warn her about what had happened and started the search. They were expecting it to take quiet a while but for some unknown and highly convenient reason they managed to find the three sleeping figures quiet easily.
Asuka stood and stared at the beds, of which there was about a total of ten, wondering how the hell they'd gotten there. Then she wondered why Daisuke and Satoshi hadn't woken Miharu and come out instead of joining her in the land of nod.
Emi didn't really care about worrying about silly things like that. She headed straight for the nearest vacant bed and joined the sleepers. It wasn't like she was actually tired it was just that the beds looked very comfy.
Asuka mean while found a gong, horn and Clapton, and was playing them simultaneously to wake up the sleepers. They all got up apart from Miharu.
Then Emi screamed in her ear and she still remained sleeping.
In the end Asuka whispered something to Emi and THAT woke her up. It seemed like a bit of backwards knowledge. Then again this is Miharu.
With that she sprang out of bed already dressed in creased jeans and a t-shirt. “You wear that to bed?” Satoshi asked absent mindedly.
“Yes, and it's very comfy.” Emi and Asuka snorted behind her. Luckily for them she didn't hear and didn't purposely lead them further into her bag so as to loose them and get them lost. It would have taken them hell of a long time to get out.
On the way out Miharu poked Daisuke. “Dark said I had to take him to the cinema. I picked a movie, but he's paying.” Miharu said rather happily.
Daisuke eyed her warily, he didn't know what she'd picked but he already liked the idea less and less. Slowly he nodded and let Dark take over. With that Dark stretched and instantly started arguing about who was paying.
As the screen filled up Dark, Miharu, Emi, Asuka, Satoshi and To-To filled into their seats. Asuka was on the end with Satoshi next to her, then Emi, then To-To, then Dark and finally Miharu.
Poor Dark was stuck between two horror/thriller movie enthusiasts and the movie was a psychological thriller.
Half way through and Asuka was clinging to the nearest thing, which was Satoshi. But he didn't particularly mind as he wasn't exactly a huge fan of the film and was clinging to her, anyway.
It reached the end of the movie, in which a mad computer geek/mass murderer searched out and executed everyone who'd been on his website exactly 3 years after they'd gone on it. (A/N: I'm told it sounds kind of like the ring, but I haven't seen the ring so I wouldn't know.)
Emi, Miharu and To-To were racing about like the sugar fuelled maniacs they were screaming lines from it out loud. Asuka and Satoshi had stopped clinging to each other and were rather glad it was finally over.
Dark was rather indifferent but more towards the sugar driven maniacs than the two glad that it was over.
It was decided that Emi, Miharu and To-To would meet up and go see all the horror movies together.
At this point Satoshi decided to point out that from the same screen a small group of stalkers had emerged and that they were following them. Emi and Miharu smiled and raced on round the corner forcing the others to follow.
The stalkers lost sight of them for a minute and when they made it round the same corner the street in front of them was empty.
Had they bothered looking up they would have seen Dark, Miharu, Emi and To-To hovering at roof level, while Satoshi and Asuka were unceremoniously thrown over Miharu and Emi`s shoulders.
The stalkers went off and the group of cinema goes reverted back to ground level. With that they split in two and went home. (A/N: One group was Dark and To-To. The other was Emi, Miharu, Asuka and Satoshi. For anyone who doesn't remember Satoshi is their neighbour.)
When the four of them got there Satoshi was dragged in for a binge on brownies and fizzy pop because they thought he was too thin. As far as Emi and Miharu were concerned they were going to keep feeding him, forcefully if necessary, all the junk that they ate until he fattened up a bit and no longer looked like a serious anorexic.
Krad, who tried to make Satoshi eat more, mainly as he preferred his hosts not on the brink of starvation, was mentally applauding the girls. He was starting to like their rather crazy and evil personalities more and more.
Yay, finished. Now I can finally have a guilt free holiday. Plus I have a week to get the nail polish off.
Is it just me or does anyone else find typing with nail polish on annoying?