Demon Diary Fan Fiction ❯ On Love and Lust - And Their Resultant Disasters ❯ Part the First ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello all! This will be the third place I've posted my fics...

This here is a completed piece in four parts. It's the first yaoi fic I've ever written. So anywho, nobody likes a lot of pointless chit-chat, so lets get the disclaimers out of the way.
- Contains explicit male on male relations.
- Contains sex with a minor. (Raenef's only 15, after all, that's a minor in most countries.)
- Contains masturbation, and oral and anal sex.
- I don't own anything about Demon Diary. Like, duh. ^.^;;

Yea, so um... Ficcyness.


On Love and Lust - And Their Resultant Disasters

Being a pornographic tale featuring the demon Lord Raenef and his erstwhile servant Eclipse, in which the selfsame servant is found entertaining himself through lewd methods and many misunderstandings are cleared.

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Part the First:
In which the demon Lord Raenef is found to have caused much havoc, and his servant is found to be seeking relief from resulting disquietude in a questionable manner.

. . .

The fourth highest ranking demon in existance was feeling very cranky at the moment.

Eclipse dropped his torn robes to the floor with a sigh. With a wave of his hand the clothes disappeared, and he walked across the cold tiles to the enormous basin set into the floor, now filled with steaming hot water.

A jasmine scented cloud billowed up as he leaned over it, stinging his eyes and sticking his mortar encrusted hair to his neck and face. The water was almost scalding.

Perfect. Nothing else would be enough to melt the tension.

Lessons had not gone well today. It had been such a simple spell. There shouldn't have even been enough power behind it to truly damage anything. How on earth had that boy managed to...

But his lord always managed, somehow, to make everything go horribly awry.

The result of today's little disaster had been half the courtyard reduced to rubble. Not to mention Eclipse's ruined robes, the fact that he was covered in mortar dust from head to toe - and he had a nasty scrape on his shoulder besides.

Eclipse squeezed his eyes shut in frustration as he ran a hand through his stiff hair, tearing the tie from it irritably as he shook it free. He then slid into the giant basin, hissing with an almost masochistic satisfaction as he sank down into the scalding water. The sting was soothing - it burned away a little of his anxiety, and it relaxed his aching muscles.

His master had him at his wit's end. He'd told the child to pay close attention. Raenef had been staring at him intently enough - but that slight glaze over those green orbs had not boded well. Still, Eclipse hadn't expected anything that catastrophic.

So close. That pillar had come so close to crushing his idiotic little lord. Eclipse almost hadn't made it in time.


What if he hadn't made it? Well, his master was a demon lord, after all. Lord Raenef would have probably been all right.


However, "probably" was far too uncertain a prospect for Eclipse's peace of mind. And there were entirely too many "probably's" when it came to his master. The constant strain of one close call after another was gradually cracking his sanity in two.

Eclipse sank lower into the bath, stretching himself so that he very much resembled an irritable and tired cat. He winced as the water lapped up against his right shoulder. A stray chuck of granite had clipped it as he'd shielded Lord Raenef; the wound was minor, however, and would be gone by morning. In any event, his lord was safe, and that was the important thing.

Eclipse grimaced at the thought. Such a perfectly pathetic creature he was becoming. It was as if some sort of spell had fallen over him, and he could no longer tear his attention away from the boy for a moment, nor refuse him anything. It was disgusting.

And yet... And yet. Those startlingly green eyes, always staring up at him with such wide open trust; that little body lying beneath him as they'd fallen to the floor, protected from harm. Eclipse couldn't regret this child no matter how he might try.

Eclipse's eyelids fluttered shut as he exhaled slowly. The memory of his master as he lay shielded beneath Eclipse's own body haunted him, the feel of the child's heart pounding against his own echoing through his chest. When it was over, it had taken Eclipse a moment to collect himself. Far too long of a moment.

Those perfect little rose petal lips had been opened wide in shock, green eyes locked with Eclipse's ebony ones, their breath mingling as their faces hovered a few scant inches from one another's. The boy's slight frame had felt so soft, so warm and vulnerable beneath him.

Eclipse noticed with a start that his hand, seemingly of its own accord, had begun to slide through the water and down the flat expanse of his belly. Silently he cursed himself; but he did not stop the traitorous hand's slow journey south.

He'd wanted so much in that moment to capture his lord's mouth with his own. The compulsion had been so sudden, utterly unexpected, and immensely difficult to resist.

And it had frightened him terribly.

He'd pushed himself away and proceeded to turn that fright into fuel for his frustration and anger, yelling at his master for his incompetence, for his ability to mangle the simplest tasks. The boy had run off in tears.

Why had the sight of his master's face crumpling, the tears glistening over those green orbs, felt so much like a punch to the gut? Why, at that moment, had he wanted nothing more than to gather his lord close, and still those trembling lips with his own?

Those perfect little rose petal lips...

A long, slow exhalation hissed through his teeth as his errant hand wandered down between his legs. His hips rocked subtly as he allowed his long nails to tease across the tender flesh of his inner thigh. His fingertips danced through the water over the soft black curls, tracing lightly up the rigid contour of his shaft. Between the searing heat and his uncontrollable thoughts, he had already grown uncomfortably hard with desire.

Inappropriate desire for the little demon lord that he served.

If he could taste those pink lips... Would they taste like nectar? Were they as soft and yielding as they looked? Would his young master surrender them easily, allowing him to drink from that fountain - or would he have to coax them open, steal his way inside that soft, sweet mouth?

A small, almost inaudible sound cracked deep in Eclipse's throat, and his eyelids shuttered tightly as he sank deeper into the water, his free hand grasping at the ledge of the basin. His fingers wrapped around his shaft, sliding up to cover the head, letting one fingertip travel oh-so-slowly over the slit. A shiver shot up his spine and through his shoulders, and he inhaled sharply.

If it were his master's body he was touching this way, what would the boy do�

And flash - his little lord stretched out beneath him, arms held above his head, the white, porcelain expanse of his body bare; the fine muscles of his abdomen quivering as he arched upward, thrusting into Eclipse's hand as he let out a sweet, sweet cry of agonized bliss.

Eclipse gasped, his eyes flying open and his fingernails clawing at the ceramic ledge of the tub as the image seared itself in his mind, etched in too-perfect detail, far more perfect than any true memory. Compulsively his fingers tightened around his sex, milking its length.

He forced his eyes shut again and began to stroke himself, slowly, steadily. His head tilted back, and his hair spread out around him like a black aura.

How loud, he wondered, could he make that sweet voice scream? How long would it take before he would hear it beg? And how much longer still would it take before the little lord ordered Eclipse to give him release?

A low, soft growl rumbled in Eclipse's chest. His lips pulled back unconsciously, baring his teeth, and his hips began to thrust up into his hand. The water lapped at him, trickling at the back of his neck and rolling over his chest, teasing at his nipples.

Mine. My little lord. My Raenef.

His master writhing beneath him, mewling. Those slender fingers tangled in his hair, lips and teeth hungrily searching for a place to latch onto, fine fingernails digging into Eclipse's flesh.

Eclipse's breath stuttered and stopped - and then started again, now ragged and labored. Oh, but to taste that white-golden flesh... His hips found a steady, snapping rhythm, utterly independent of his own will, and his grip on the ledge tightened to the point his knuckles began to turn white.

His lord's arms pinned, wrists captured in Eclipse's iron grip, that lithe little body bucking into Eclipse's coaxing touch, those beautiful cries singing in Eclipse's veins. That trusting green gaze shimmering with tears of desperation and need as those slender legs spread for him - his lord, utterly exposed, his soul wide open for Eclipse to plunder.

A low needy sound welled up in Eclipse and trickled out of his lips. He wanted... needed... couldn't have... Had to have! He was going mad, mad, and everything was twisting inside...

Eclipse ground his teeth together and groaned loudly, bucking up out of the water, his fingers clenching his sex with an almost brutal strength. So close, so close... And then his sanity would shatter and it would be over with.

His master's tight heat enveloping him, that sweet voice calling out in mingled pleasure and pain, fingernails scratching, restraint slipping, hips bucking... His master's slender arms clinging to him for dear life as he pounded into that young body, so utterly pliant as it arched into his every thrust, legs locked around his waist, plaintive cries, pleading cries, demanding cries... And it was so tight and so hot, and his master's mouth so sweet, his skin so soft, and oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck...

White hot lightning pounding thrusting electricity surging through his nerves and pulsing through his veins, tidal waves crashing down on him one after the other, oh my beautiful lord, lord Rae -

"RAENEF!" he cried aloud, voice strangled as he arched out of the water, shuddering, tossing his head back in the last throes of his madness as the warmth of his seed spread outward over his belly. Then, hissing, he sank ever-so-slowly back into the water, his chest heaving with relief.

Lord Raenef...

As if on cue, there came a soft clunk and an unmistakable squeak from just outside the door.
