Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Series ( Chapter 3 )
Special thanks to all the judges and all those who submitted their fics.
Special thanks to all those who assisted in the creation of this contest.
No thanks to those who didn't submit. You are bad people. Shame on you!
Special thanks to NBC for letting us use one of their many thousands of theaters for this award ceremony.
Special thanks to the guy who came up with Catgirls. *Drool*
"As a writer, myself, I have discovered something. Long, drawn-out stuff is a lot more enjoyable to write than a one-shot. I mean, I've written tons of stuff: Evangelion: Tribulations After, Sailor Moon T, Amalgam Gundam..." PsyWeedle droned on.
"And so, this next category is devoted to the people who take time out of their busy lives to write a full series. Well, except for those people who write part of a series, then say they'll continue it, then never do. Those stupid little-"
Before Digi-Chan could continue, PsyWeedle interrupted her with more series names.
"...Star Trek: Stellar, Web of Dimensions..."
"Erm, Anywho, we now would like to introduce the judge for this contest: Subaru Sumeragi!" Digi-Chan announced.
The theatre exploded into applause as they waited for the Judge to enter out into the area. Digi-Chan looked up, trying to see if something was wrong with Subaru's dramatic entrance. PsyWeedle didn't even realize they had moved on, because he was still stating the names of all the series he had written throughout his entire life. All of a sudden, Subaru yelled as he fell down from the roof and crashed into the ground, a bungee cord dangling from up above him.
Technically, such an impact would've shattered a number of bones. However, we live in the world of happy fun animation and cartoons and anime, so our bone structures are made of rubber and gravity is reduced by a factor of four in most situations, so although Subaru was in a lot of pain when he finally got up, he was relatively fine. He went over to the podium.
"Sorry about that, folks! I was going to do this whole bungee cord drop, but something snapped the cord when I fell! Anywho, here are the nominees for the Series competition." he explained.
The camera switched over to the huge video screen.
"...Yu-Gi-Oh: Millennium Gate, Pokémon: Legend of MissingNo...." PsyWeedle continued, not even realizing they had gone through the Series winners.
"Coming up next is Originals! Don't miss it!" Digi-Chan shouted.