Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Originals ( Chapter 4 )
Special thanks to all the judges and all those who submitted their fics.
Special thanks to all those who assisted in the creation of this contest.
No thanks to those who didn't submit. You are bad people. Shame on you!
Special thanks to NBC for letting us use one of their many thousands of theaters for this award ceremony.
Special thanks to that guy who invented the Pet Rock.
(NOTE: Series was supposed to be before this one, but I never got the nominees or winners. And I'm really upset, because Series was a funny one!)
"Teehee! Our plans are working out peeeeerrrfectly. So many sabotages!" one of the evil voices said.
"Indeed, but there is so much more we can do. Come! They are starting another section." one of the other voices stated.
"Fanfiction, although ultimately cool because it gives an author the ability to use characters in a story of their own, is still only as far as the characters and plot of the series that they are from can go. Truly great work comes from those that have original ideas and thoughts. And so, this next category honors those who have written original works of either fiction or non-fiction. Like me, I started writing an original novel called Angel Armor, and-"
Before PsyWeedle could continue, Digi-Chan bashed him over the head with an anime hammer. PsyWeedle fell to the ground, his eyes turning into spirals.
"Oh no you don't! You're not going to spout off another list of things you've written!" she shouted.
"I WASN'T!" PsyWeedle growled back.
The two got in each others' faces, getting into an eternal tongue war, much like the one that Serena and Rei at the Sailor Moon table were having. Reuisu (a character of my own creation in a fic called "Sailor Moon T." HA! I am the author, so I may use shameless self-promotion of my own work! Nyah!) sighed and put his hand on his forehead at the Sailor Moon T table.
For some obscure reason, Mr. T suddenly appeared and pushed the ever-fighting Digi-Chan and PsyWeedle off of the stage. He then took the podium.
"Okay, listen up, FOOLS! This here's the Original fanfiction awards, so you betta listen up or else I'll beat yo ass down with a stick. Here's the judge for this section: the hot-ass chick Th'Lady Shadow! Now give her some applause, FOOLS!" Mr. T announced.
Th'Lady Shadow came up on stage from the Mediaminer.org table and took the podium, Mr. T standing to her side looking serious and buff.
"And now, the nominees for the Original fanfiction awards." Th'Lady Shadow announced.
"For Best Original Story: "Alex Night, Vampire Hunter Extraordinaire" by Elf no Shin, "Dead End Walt" by Elf no Shin, "Legend of Fosador" by Demonic Fangirl, "You Want Me to Do What?" by Time Lady, "The Chosen Ones, Heaven's Call, Book 1" by D-chan, "My Love, My Destiny" by Katrina Kadabra. And the winner is... Legend of Fosador, by Demonic Fangirl! Demonic Fangirl couldn't be here tonight, so here's an excerpt."
Ludrigor lifted his head and looked at the object that had invaded his thoughts day and night ever since the war started and he'd been promoted as her second in command. She stared straight ahead with her dark violet eyes piercing through the crude stone wall of the house, seeming like a ghost in her black armor. A gust of wind pulled at the flames of the candles and fire on the hearth, highlighting her midnight hair in molten gold.
"Is there something you wish to tell me?" Her pale lips framed the words and she slowly turned her head toward him. Her face was shaped like a teardrop and pale as moonlight, framed by long straight strands of midnight black hair which always hung free, their ends were kept even however.
"No Lady Pyrotess," Ludrigor bowed his head once more, his white bangs falling forward to hide his steel grey eyes from her sight.
She stood then, her black cape rustling in the almost sudden movement. "Keep me informed," she ordered, her voice never changing pitch or volume and she strode from the building that was more a hut then anything, her steel toed boots clicking on the occasional stone in the ground.
Ludrigor sighed once the door closed behind her and stared once more into his goblet. It was late and they had a long road ahead before the next country's border was even in sight. He set aside the cup and stood as well, his blood red cape rustling with the movement, and went to the fire, warming his hands by holding them out toward the flames. The flames reflected off his polished black armor, an echo of Pyrotess's apparent love for the color.
"Best Original Epic: Alex Night, Vampire Hunter Extraordinaire" by Elf no Shin, "Legend of Fosador" by Demonic Fangirl, "The Chosen Ones, Heaven's Call, Book 1" by D-chan. And the winner is... Alex Night, Vampire Hunter Extraordinaire by Elf No Shin! Again, isn't here, so excerpt away!"
I can still hear their screams in my head. I can still hear the gunshots. I can still see his icy, silvery-blue eyes as he looked at my father and myself in distaste. I can still feel the painful burn of the silver bullet ripping into my shoulder and out the other side.
That's why I'm here, standing on top of an abandoned warehouse, watching. Because of something that happened a long time ago. Something that made me a little crazy.
Before I start telling you my story, I have to give you my name, Alexandria Night, but call me Alex or I'll kick your ass. See, if you knew anything about the supernatural structure of things or even a little about the Lupines, you would recognize my last name. If not, well, I'll get to that, just be patent.
A few years back, right after that night, there was something called the Lifting of the Cover of Darkness. Humans became aware that they weren't the highest on the food chain any more because things like vampires, werewolves, Fey, and the Lupines existed. They weren't the top bananas, but they did out number the supernatural critters. Anyway, as humans tend to do, they tried to embrace the darkness, the Americans especially, and find a place for them in their society. Most of the leeches, puppies, and the rest were like, "Hey, this is pretty sweet." Then there are the ones that I go after, but I'll get to that.
You're probably getting annoyed because I keep saying, "I'll get to that." Well, tough shit. You wanted to listen to this story and I'll get around it in my own time. I'm random, so get used to it.
"Best Original Author: Elf no Shin, Demonic Fangirl, Time Lady, D-chan, and Katrina Kadabra. And the winner is... Demonic Fangirl! Since she's not here and we've already seen the clip, we'll just move on. Bye, peeps!" Shadow waved to them all and moved on.
"Okay! I just tied up PsyWeedle. We're going to take our first intermission here, so mingle, go to the bar, blah blah blah. When we get back, it's on to Drama!" Digi-Chan said as she walked back up to the podium.