Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ First Intermission ( Chapter 5 )
Special thanks to- aw, who cares?
"No, seriously, Mr. T! We need to get you back onto television. Those `Mr. ` vs." type fics are good, but they don't bring in the kind of audience we need." PsyWeedle said after downing a bottle of sake.
"I pity da fool who gets in my way of gettin' back on TV!" Mr. T shouted, slamming his fist on the bar counter.
"Exactly! You were right at the NBC 75th anniversary: you need a Law & Order spin-off for yourself. Maybe a CIA sort of thing. Or terrorist beat down type of thing." PsyWeedle suggested.
Mr. T hit his fist against his open hand in agreement. The two continued to talk like old friends within the cozy bar that sat next to the auditorium. All around, anime characters mingled and laughed with one another. Ryoko from one of the many Tenchi Muyo series laughed it up with Naga from the Slayers movies as they drank down bottles of tequila. Utena and Chibi-Usa were desperately trying to get away from Razorknight, a member of the Mediaminer.org community who was obsessed with girls with pink hair. And anytime someone new would walk into the bar, three members of the Mediaminer.org community named Star Madison, Destiny, and Shinigami would bash them over the head with something, being the `newbie initiators' that they were.
Meanwhile, the only people who weren't getting drunk off their asses were the technical crew of the auditorium and Digi-Chan. The technical crew actually consisted of mechanical Digimon, Magnemites and Magnetons from Pokémon, and Ami from Sailor Moon.
"Honestly, what's going on? Two judges almost didn't make it out. How is this possible?" Digi-Chan asked.
"It appears to me sabotage! The trap door was stapled shut, and the bungee cord that was being used to have that guy fall from the sky was cut!" Ami explained.
"Should we cancel the ceremony? This could get dangerous." Datamon stated.
"Not just yet. I'll tell Psy, but whoever's doing this to us will pay for their crimes!" Digi-Chan said, and walked off.