Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Drama ( Chapter 6 )
Special thanks to all the judges and all those who submitted their fics.
Special thanks to all those who assisted in the creation of this contest.
No thanks to those who didn't submit. You are bad people. Shame on you!
Special thanks to NBC for letting us use one of their many thousands of theaters for this award ceremony.
Special Thanks to Spatula City. Remember - Go to Spatula City for ALL your spatula needs!
Once again, anime characters, celebrities, and people from Mediaminer.org flooded into the theatre hall so they could continue watching. Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z didn't like the way Heero from Gundam Wing was looking at him, so he went Super-Saiyan and tried to throttle him. Heero promptly pulled out a gun and shot him in the head. Normally, this sort of thing would probably kill Vegeta, but since I don't watch Dragon Ball Z and it would probably be a huge lawsuit if he died during these proceedings, Vegeta just shrugged it off and returned to his table.
And up on stage, PsyWeedle and Digi-Chan returned to the podium. PsyWeedle was grinning like an idiot, and Digi-Chan was just smiling.
"Welcome back to the-"
But before Digi-Chan could continue, PsyWeedle took the podium.
"I'M DRUNK ON SAKE!" he announced, then passed out.
Digi-Chan sighed, then snapped her fingers. Ling Ling from Steam Detectives came out and pulled out the unconscious PsyWeedle.
"Since PsyWeedle is now out for the count, allow me to introduce the new Co-Host: Zim from Invader Zim!" Digi-Chan announced.
Everyone exploded into applause and cheer at Zim who came on stage using the spider-like legs that came out of his back thing. He lowered himself down to the podium, looking at all of the people in the crowd.
"Make silence now, filthy bags of meat and hair!" Zim shouted.
Everyone immediately got quiet.
"Now, prepare yourself, foolish earth monkies-"
"I'M NOT HUMAN!" Vegeta shouted.
"SILENCE!" Zim growled.
"I do not have to take such insolence from you!" Vegeta roared.
Zim growled and leapt off the stage and then ensued a bloody melee between him and Vegeta. Digi-Chan sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, the judge for the Drama section, ladies and gentlemen and others: Th'Lady Shadow!" Digi-Chan announced.
Once again, Th'Lady Shadow came out on stage, much to the happiness of all. Especially Mr. T, who was getting ready to join in on the fight between Vegeta and Zim. Th'Lady Shadow took the podium.
"And now the nominees for the Drama contest." She stated.
The video screen came back down as Th'Lady Shadow continued:
"Best Dramatic Story: "Sailor Moon Super T," by PsyWeedle, "The Kindling," by Lady Pesh, "The Flame," by Lady Pesh, "Absence," by Kirika , "Moth to the Flame," by Lady Ravenshadow, "Moon Dreams," by Tenoko, "My Love, My Destiny" by Katrina Kadabra, "A Story Retold" by Katrina Kadabra. And the winner is... Absence, by Kirika! And for once, Kirika's actually here!"
Kirika smiled and ran up to the podium and grabbed her award.
"Well, it looks like my shoujo-ai Sailor Moon fanfic, Absence, (which happens to be my first and only fanfic ever) won the award for Best Dramatic story. Wai! I can write after all! I certainly wasn't expecting that; I thought I'd have a better chance at the Best Angsty story and Best Action/Adventure story awards. Oh well, it's not like I mind."
She winked to the audience.
"I'd like to thank everybody who read my (very) long story despite its length, and especially all of those people who took the time to review or email me about it. Everyone's feedback encouraged me to stick with my story and complete it; without your comments I would have been a lot less inclined to update on a relatively frequent basis. Thank you! Also, I'd like to thank all the other Sailor Moon shoujo-ai authors out there (the Rei/Usagi ones especially); your stories provided a lot of motivation for me to write my own. And finally, I just have to thank my girlfriend for putting up with my behavior during the long writing time Absence required, and also for supporting my efforts to write (buying that laptop for me comes to mind... ^.^). Okay, I think I'm done now."
She waves happily while blowing kisses.
"Yay! Thank you all!" she shouted and returned to her seat.
Th'Lady Shadow retook her spot.
"Best Drama Author: PsyWeedle, Lady Pesh, Kirika, Lady Ravenshadow, Tenoko, and Katrina Kadabra. And the winner is... Lady RavenShadow for Moth to the Flame!"
Lady RavenShadow raised from her seat and ran up, taking her award. She waited for the clip to end before she spoke.
In the darkness of the night, I have seen the sun -- its golden beauty has burned itself upon my heart; and even in my rest, I cannot escape it. I did not think it possible, but I believe that I have finally found that which has eluded me for so long. I have found her -- the woman that could set my immortal soul on fire and make my desire rage; the woman who could warm my long cold heart.
How did such a thing happen? Only by purest chance, I can assure you. I had long since resigned myself to my fate, and grudgingly accepted the cold loneliness that my existence had become. All thoughts of warmth and love had long been locked away in the icy recesses of my heart, never to escape again. But last night . . . last night I beheld such beauty and gentleness that my very chest ached with the desire for it.
Even now, I can vividly see her -- as if her image has been burned into my eyes for all time. Her soft curling hair, her wide amber eyes, her graceful body . . . it was like looking at a dream come to life -- my dream . . . a dream named Charlotte Elbourne.
"Wow . . . I really didn't expect this and I'm quite thrilled and honored. I always believed that "Moth to the Flame" was a good story, but I didn't think that it had a chance to win; especially after reading some of the other fics that it was up against. I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read "Moth to the Flame" and provided words of encouragement and constructive criticism. Knowing that there were people out there who felt touched by my story really boosted my dedication to finishing it and making sure that it was everything that I hoped it could be. I'd also like to thank Fanfiction.net and MediaMiner.org for existing so that I could post my work -- without sites like these, where would we be? A special thank you to the contest judges at MediaMiner -- I know how difficult it can be to pick a winner when there is an abundance of quality work to choose from. Again, thanks so much for the honor and I hope to continue writing quality work that will live up to this special award." Lady RavenShadow said.
Th'Lady Shadow once more took her spot at the podium.
"Most Dramatic Character: Kira Pesh, from "The Kindling" and "The Flame," by Lady Pesh, and Rachel, from "My Love, My Destiny" by Katrina Kadabra. And the winner is... Kira Pesh!"
Excitedly, Kira clasps her trembling hands over her ecstatic smile to stifle her squeak of surprise. Rising gracefully from her seat, she accepts a congratulatory embrace from Bulma and a quick platonic kiss from Vegeta. After exchanging another embrace with Lady Pesh, Kira steps away from her colleagues and strides nervously to the podium while fussing with a couple locks of her blonde tresses that refuse to remain secured behind her pointed ears.
Smiling broadly at Th'Lady Shadow, she unconsciously smoothes the emerald satin of her gown with her clammy palms before accepting her award. Squinting against the blinding stage lights, Kira steps tentatively closer to the microphone, causing a rush of static to crackle loudly over the sound system. After a few embarrassing seconds of watching the audience grimace against the agitating noise, the tech crew manages to level the system to bypass the interference stimulated by her metal interior.
Glancing about for a cue to continue, she gnaws nervously at her lower lip as the hall settles into a deathly silence. Finally, she chews too fiercely at her flesh and a trickle of blood breaks free of her mouth where her left fang severed the delicate skin, "Shtana." She gasps with wide-eyed horror as the Kaern profanity echoes through the hall and those familiar with her tongue snicker lightly at her expense.
Quickly, she dabs away the chrome and crimson trail from her chin with her fingertips and forces a smile. "I- I'd like to thank the people that made this award possible. Vegeta, Bulma, and the rest of cast from the Kaern Trilogy, you've been wonderful to work with on this project, and I sincerely look forward to continuing the series at your side. Lady Pesh, I especially thank you for creating my existence and sticking with me through all these years. Through Hollywood rip-offs and weeks of writer's block, we've been through it all, and I will gladly brave those waters with you time and again. I'd also like to tip my hat to the creators of this award. You've inspired everyone here to strive for excellence in our work and to make the world of Fan Fiction and Fan Art a better place. Thank you."
As the applause fills the hall once more, Kira makes a hasty escape to the stage-right wing while trying to avoid trailing blood across the stage. Digi-Chan watched as Zim had been crushed underneath Mr. T's foot, and that Mr. T himself was about to go head-on with Vegeta.
"Um... yeah. Next up is hentai, folks! So all you horny freaks out there get ready!"