Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Alternate Universe ( Chapter 8 )
Special thanks to all the judges and all those who submitted their fics.
Special thanks to all those who assisted in the creation of this contest.
No thanks to those who didn't submit. You are bad people. Shame on you!
Special thanks to NBC for letting us use one of their many thousands of theaters for this award ceremony.
Special thanks to Gene Roddenberry for creating Star Trek. No thanks to Rick Berman who is totally %$*^ing up Star Trek.
"Alternate Universes ROCK. They give us the opportunity to change something that happened with a series and show dramatic repercussions. They can be used as a plot device when trying to crossover two or more different series of anime. And they can put characters in difficult situations that they'd never normally run into on a series." PsyWeedle announced.
"And they can be used to bring fleets upon fleets of IRKIN CONQUERERS TO TAKE YOUR PUNY, FILTHY PLANET!" Zim yelled.
PsyWeedle stared at Zim. "What the hell are you doing here? GIR is cooler than you."
"Silence, cat thing! The Digi-Chan monkey is investigating certain technical errors appearing in the theatre. And now, ZIM SHALL LEAD!" Zim laughed.
"Yeah, right. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the judge of the Alternate Universe section, Lady RavenShadow!" PsyWeedle announced.
After much clapping and applause, Lady RavenShadow stumbled out onto stage, looking like she was covered in dirt and dust.
"Sorry about that, everyone! Someone tried to push me down a flight of stairs while coming here!" She stated.
Lady RavenShadow fixed up her hair and took the podium.
"The nominees for the Alternate Universe section are now as followed."
The video screen came down in preparation for Lady RavenShadow's next words.
"Best AU fic...
Gifted - Alecto
Cyber Moon - razorknight
Psuedo Shigeru - Nate Grey
Lem's Life: Night Shift Party People - IainB
Princess Porcupine Hair - Time Lady
Secret of the Fae - Umi-Chan
A Story Retold - Katrina Kadabra
Captured in Charcoal - Koko Kitty
And the winner is... Pseudo Shigeru by Nate Grey! Accepting the award for Nate Grey is Gary Oak and his Espeon Cleo."
Gary frowned. "So who make up the Elite Four now, or do they even exist?"
"Oh, they exist, Gary. I think you'll find them very familiar." Professor Elm rummaged through his files, and finally located a photo on his desk. "This is a picture of the Rocket League's Board of Directors and the Elite Five as they were a year ago."
The first people Gary recognized were Cassidy and Butch. He remembered seeing them in the news a few times, usually for scams involving Pokémon. Both appeared to be very confident in the picture.
The person in the middle was, without a doubt, Ash. He looked strangely alien without his League cap, and his features were hard, almost as if chiseled in stone. In the picture, he was standing in front of Giovanni, a position which implied his rank. Giovanni's hand was resting on Ash's shoulder.
Next to Ash was Misty. Instead of her usual one-sided ponytail, she'd let her hair grow well past her shoulders. Gary was surprised to find himself admitting she was much more attractive that way...and then he realized why.
The final person in the front row had one arm wrapped possessively around Misty's waist. He was slightly taller than Ash, and he wore a smile that personified confidence.
"It's...me," Gary whispered.
"Yes, Gary. That's why you're perfect for this mission," Professor Elm replied. "Shigeru vanished shortly after this picture was taken."
"First, I wanna thank all the little people we stepped on to get here..." Gary stated.
Cleo rolled her eyes. "Ahem."
"Then, I'd like to thank myself, of course, for being so handsome and captivating that people just couldn't stop reading..."
Cleo frowned. "Trainer Gary..."
"Also, I'll take this time to thank all the losers who never stood a chance against me in the first place. Without them, you wouldn't have all those cool battle scenes were I beat their Pokémon within an inch of their pathetic lives!"
"I remember doing QUITE a bit of the work..."
"A big thanks to our writer, who had sense enough to feature ME in a fic. Heck, I was so good, he had to put TWO of me in the story!"
Cleo angrily said, "Trainer Gary. Don't make me hurt you."
"...oh, and Cleo wants to say something."
Gary holds Cleo up to the mike, who said, "We'd like to thank all the readers who supported us through this...very, very long process...still in progress, I might add."
"Which just goes to show how much we simply ROCK! I mean, winning is one thing, but with an unfinished story, no less! How's THAT for talent?!"
Cleo frowned. "Gary."
"Uh...yeah. Anyway, thanks again! And the movie rights ARE up for grabs!"
Gary and Cleo returned to their seats, and Lady RavenShadow returned to the podium.
"And the winner of the Wackiest AU... IainB's Lem's Life: Night Shift Party People!"
Prize to be accepted by Lem, Kenny, Dipsy, and Clem who are accepting awards for IainB for Lem's Life. IainB would love to come but he's been tied down writing the forthcoming Lem's Life story which has got no title yet. Writing and character work for that one starts in January. Meanwhile, the coffee shop workers collect the award.
"I knew we were mad, I didn't know we would win for it though," laughs Lem collecting the award. He pauses trying to think of something. " I just want to say, on behalf of us and the other members of the cast for Lem's Life is a big thank you to the judges who take so long to judge ths pieces of work and thanks to the writer of the piece IainB. He can't be here today, he's planning more wackiness for the four us in 2003. He puts a lot of work into it and because of that he makes us do crazy things. Our insurance covers any injuries, especially Dipsy's. I guess that's it...anyone got anything to say?" Lem looks at Clem, Kenny and Dipsy.
" Can we drink booze now?" asked Clem.
" Yes," Lem adds. " Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much, enjoy your evening. DRINKS OUR ON US!"
" Yippie," cry Dispy, Kenny, and Clem as the group go off stage.
Lady RavenShadow returned to the podium once again.
"Best AU fic writer...
Time Lady
Nate Grey
Katrina Kadabra
Koko Kitty
And the winner is... Time Lady!"
Time Lady stood up, got up to the podium, and looked at the video screen.
It was a rather rude awakening for Yamato the next morning. Jun practically threw him out of bed as the sun peeked over the horizon. "Come now. There are chores to be done."
Yamato muttered something incoherently and rolled over. His wife expected this. She went into the other room and returned with a ladle full of cold water, which she proceeded to dash all over his head. The prince sat up, sputtering. "How dare you!"
"How dare I _husband_?" she said, emphasizing the last word. "Are you going to be a lazy bum and sleep the day? There are things to be done around the house." She thrust into his hands a piece of dry bread and a tin cup full of milk. "Here is your breakfast. Eat quickly. We must begin clearing away the brush and readying the garden. We must grow what we can. If we are lucky, we will have extra to sell."
"This is ridiculous," he growled. "I am a prince."
"Prince no longer, according to your father," returned Jun with her hands upon her hips. "Now, finish your breakfast so we don't waste time." She turned and walked out of the room. Yamato stared after her in confusion. Yesterday he had slept till almost noon, arisen in a soft, silken bed. Gabumon had brought his tray with eggs, bacon, toast, juice, and coffee. Now he was sitting on a pile of straw holding a cup of milk and piece of dry bread, being ordered by a woman to hurry to do chores. Something was very wrong with the picture. However, he was hungry and ate the food he gave her.
By the time Yamato got out of bed, Jun was already outside. "Good. Now you can help me clear away the brush and leaves so we can begin to plant."
"Now see here. . ."
"NO! You see here," said Jun in a sharp tone that made Yamato wince. "You are my husband and there are certain obligations you have to help provide for food."
"Could I not hunt?"
"Hunt? With what? I have neither bow nor arrows. And if you should catch something, what then? Who would butcher the animal?" Yamato stared at his wife feeling very foolish. Of course, that was something the cooks did after the huntsmen carried the animal he shot to the kitchens. "Now then, start by clearing away the large pieces of dead brush in the garden area."
Biting his own tongue, Yamato did as he was told. In the back of his mind, he thought "whip tongue" was an appropriate nickname for his wife. He kept this to himself as, for the first time in his life, he began to do physical labor. The small plot of land was unkempt, as if it had not been touched for years. Though the area was about twenty-five feet long by twenty-five feet wide, he barely had a quarter of the area cleared by the time the sun was high above. The noon meal consisted of another piece of bread, a chunk of cheese, and a piece of preserved meat. The prince was too hungry to complain. He wolfed the food and washed it down with a cup of cold water. By the end of the day, every muscle in his body ached. Without a word he gobbled the meager stew Jun made for dinner, then again collapsed into bed.
"Well, after winning the last Mediaminer AU fic contest, winning the award for best AU fic writer really means alot for both me and my hyperactive imagination. Thanks a lot."
She then returned to her seat. Lady RavenShadow once more took the podium.
"One Small Detail Award...
Revived Hope - Time Lady
Gifted - Alecto
A Story Retold - Katrina Kadabra
And the winner is... Time Lady's fic Revived Hope!"
Time Lady got up from her spot at the Mediaminer.org table and got up to watch the clip at the podium.
"And so, when seven of the previous digidestined fought Piemon, only two were left, with only one of their Digimon. These were the youngest of the digidestined. Hikari, keeper of light, and Takeru, keeper of hope. Angewomon, Hikari's digimon, had already been taken by Piemon. Then Angemon, Takeru's digimon, was blasted by Piemon. Then Piemon captured the two digidestined. The remaining digidestined, the keeper of sincerity, arrived too late. Rumors have it that she has been trying to gather a force of digimon together to fight Piemon, but knowing Mimi, I think that's highly unlikely. My guess is she was either taken by Piemon or killed outright. Piemon has twisted the digital world into something unrecognizable and has somehow managed to align the time streams between your world and the digital world," ended Gennai. "Meaning, for the past three years, time between both worlds has been equal, where beforehand time in the digital world passed more quickly."
"That's why the skies have been black and twisted the last three years," said Iori Hida.
"And why you four were chosen as the new digidestined. Spies tell us that the digidestined that we know for certain were captured are still alive." Gennai turned to the four children before him. "You and your digimon have worked hard to become strong. Now comes your greatest test. You must somehow restore hope. When hope is restored, the last of the dark masters will fall."
"We'll rescue them," said Daisuke Motomiya. "Then we'll kick Piemon's butt!" Miyako Inoue and Ken Ichijouji nodded in agreement. Iori appeared hesitant, but nodded as well.
"The journey to the top of Spiral Mountain will be treacherous," said Gennai. "I wish you luck."
"Writing this fic was a huge challenge for me, because it deals with many issues I don't normally write about. Thanks for recognizing it."
She then returned to her seat. Lady RavenShadow once again took the podium. Again. I guess. Oh wait, this part of the contest is over. Never mind.
"That's it for Alternate Universe, folks! I'm going to take a short break, so Zim and Mr. T are going to take over for hosting as we come up on my favorite category: HORROR!" PsyWeedle laughed.