Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Romance ( Chapter 11 )
Special thanks to all the judges and all those who submitted their fics.
Special thanks to all those who assisted in the creation of this contest.
No thanks to those who didn't submit. You are bad people. Shame on you!
Special thanks to NBC for letting us use one of their many thousands of theaters for this award ceremony.
No thanks to that guy who canceled the A-Team.
"Who here's doesn't like Romance?" PsyWeedle asked.
And within the audience, quite a few hands actually went up. PsyWeedle nodded and snapped his fingers, and the select few who had been stupid enough to raise their hands was dragged, kicking and screaming, out of the theater. PsyWeedle and Digi-Chan smiled and looked around.
"Anyone else who doesn't like Romance?" Digi-Chan asked.
No one dared raise their hands.
"Good! Now, this next category is devoted to the mushy stuff. It's for all those that like to hear a good story about the love of two people whether it be happy love, angsty love, a hero/princess, or your basic romantic comedy. As much as we might want to fight it, all of us are truly looking for romance. Whether that romance comes in the form of love for another person is the real question." PsyWeedle stated.
"And so, we want to introduce the judge for the Romance category: Dee-Chan!" Digi-Chan announced.
Romance authors cheered and applauded, along with few people in the audience as Dee-Chan went out onto the stage and took the podium.
"And now, the nominees for the Romance category!" Dee-Chan said, waiting for the big television screen to change into one of the clips.
Nothing happened. Dee-Chan sighed, walked over to the screen, and then kicked it. It continued to sparkle and crackle. She shrugged and took the podium.
"Winner for Best Romance Story... Moth to the Flame by Lady RavenShadow!"
"Wow . . . I'm not sure what to say. I always thought that this was a good story, but I never believed it could ever win an award. "Moth to the Flame" was the second fafic that I've ever written and the only one completed thus far. I've only been seriously writing fanfics for about a year and a half, so to have one of my fics win an award is quite an honor. I'd like to thank the creators of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust for giving me two characters that intrigued me enough that I wanted to write about them. Without them this story would never have been possible. I'd also like to thank Fanfiction.net and MediaMiner.org for existing so that I could post my work for public review. A very big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read "Moth to the Flame" and leave a comment, whether in praise or criticism. Again, this is quite an honor for me and I really appreciate it -- just the extra motivation that I needed to get back to work. I only hope that my future work will justify this award. Thank you." Lady RavenShadow spoke as she reached the podium.
"Winner for Best Romance Author... Ember for All By Myself!"
"Eep this was hard enough the first time! Hey I know... VEGETA!" Ember shouted.
"Can you get this award for me..." Ember happily downs her fifteenth glass of champaigne. "For some reason my legs aren't working!"
"I'm busy!"
"If you don't I'll tell all these people about the incident with the mistletoe, Kakarrot and copious amounts of alcohol!"
Vegeta's eyes bug out. "FINE!"
He walks boldly onto stage and snatches the award before reading the plaque.
"Best romance author... what the...? ONNA you just signed your death warrant, the Saiyan no Ouji does NOT do romance!"
Ember suddenly sobers up and runs as Vegeta pursues her. "Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Dee-Chan took the podium again. "And the winner for Best Male Character... Meier Link from Lady RavenShadow's fic Moth to the Flame!"
Lady RavenShadow gasped, ran up, and took another award.
"This is unbelievable . . . really, I don't know what else to say. One was quite an honor, but three? I can't believe it -- someone pinch me! From my very first viewing of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, I was struck by the tragic and doomed romance between the vampire Meier Link and the all too human Charlotte Elbourne. There was such an aura of sadness and devotion surrounding them that I found it very touching; and although the two lovers do not have a lot of screen time, their story still managed to unfold and draw the viewer in.
"I was struck most however, by the character of Meier. He had such a noble, almost poetic manner -- a kind of Jane Austen-styled gentlemen. His manners were courtly and he seemed to have a sense of honor that made him appear more like a high-born lord from some century gone by, then a fierce blood-drinking vampire of the future. His optimism that he and Charlotte would get away, even until the very end, was very touching and heart-felt. In many ways, Meier Link was the perfect romantic hero and I just knew that I had to explore this fascinating character in more detail.
"I'd like to thank the creators of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust for making such an inspiring and wonderful film -- without them, none of this would have been possible. Secondly, I'd like to thank MediaMiner.org and Fanfiction.net for existing so that I could post "Moth to the Flame" up for public review. The people that run these sites do a lot of work and deserve our support and praise, so thank you!
"I'd also like to thank everyone who has ever taken the time to read my work and leave words of praise or criticism -- sometimes it was what kept me going when I wasn't sure that I wanted to continue writing at all. Supporting one another is what makes us all better writers.
"Again, thank you so much for the award and I only hope that my future writings will do it justice."
There was heavy applause from the speech just before Lady RavenShadow once again took her spot in the audience. Dee-Chan went up and took the podium.
"Best Female Character... Rei Hino from Kirika's fic `Absence!'"
Kirika gasped and quickly ran up and took the podium from Dee-Chan.
"Yay! I won again! Wai! Wai! Wai! *ahem* Looks like my Sailor Moon fanfic, Absence, won the award for Best Romantic Female Character in Rei Hino (Sailor Mars). I had considered doing this acceptance speech from Rei's perspective, but it's so near Christmas and my brain is a little frazzled right now so I think I'll just stick to my own plain boring perspective.
"Well, I thanked everybody I wanted to thank in my last acceptance speech for the Best Dramatic story award, but again, lots of thanks to all those people who read my fanfic and supported me throughout. Additionally, major extra thanks to my girlfriend for providing the inspiration to write Rei in a romantic light; many of Rei's actions/words were what I myself would have done/said in her position (romance-wise, not violence-wise... mostly. ^.^). Okay, I think that's it then. *waves* Wai! ^_^"
And as fast as he took the podium, she went back down to her spot in the audience. This time, PsyWeedle took the podium.
"And now, stayed tuned, folks! Next up is Scifi, so all you nerds and freaks out there get ready!" PsyWeedle said.