Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Continuation ( Chapter 13 )
Special thanks to all the judges and all those who submitted their fics.
Special thanks to all those who assisted in the creation of this contest.
No thanks to those who didn't submit. You are bad people. Shame on you!
Special thanks to NBC for letting us use one of their many thousands of theaters for this award ceremony.
Special thanks to the creator of the Simpsons. Simpsons rock.
"The most tragic thing for any anime fan is when a series ends. The knowledge that they shall never see a new episode, never know a new thought to arise is both heartbreaking and disconcerting." PsyWeedle stated.
"However, from the ashes of the series comes a whole genre of Fanfiction! This genre is called Continuation, and in it, writers try to continue on the series in either the way they think the creators would've, or just from their standpoint how it should've ended. It can be a happy, joyous thing, or a sick, demented downfall into madness and despair." Digi-Chan stated.
"Or in my case with Evangelion: Tribulations After, make it a happy ending instead of some stupid mind-case with mental visions, philosophy, and the twisted visions of a manic depressant." PsyWeedle stated.
"And so, allow me to introduce the judge of the Continuation section, Professor Kashi!" Digi-Chan shouted.
Kashi, afraid to use any other entrance after hearing from some of the other judges about their non-successes and near-death experiences, just walked up from the Mediaminer.org table and took the podium.
"And now, the nominees for the Continuation section. Unfortunately, the video screen is busted, so we don't have the excerpts for them. I'm very sorry. Also, three out of five of the winners aren't here. Katarina Kadabra's fic `A Story Retold' won Best Continuation Story!"
Before Kashi could continue talking, there was a cry from the back of the audience.
"Wait! Wait! I'm here!" Katrina walks up to mic, gasping a bit for
"Testing... testing... is this thing on?" She fixes up her hair. "Well, what did you expect? I was writing fanfics and all..."
She blushes red and kicks at the floor. "Oh, yeah, the acceptance speech, right." Clears her throat and takes out a piece of paper. "A-hem! First of all, it has been SUCH an enjoyable experience writing this. The amount of positive feedback I've gotten on this story is just amazing, and all I can say is thank you SO much! You've so inspired me to keep writing, not just fanfiction, but my own work as well. The idea for this fanfic came to me before I was halfway done watching the series, so it's undergone a LOT of revision since I first started it..."
Katrina is getting really into the speech when suddenly and without warning, Yuiren pops up from behind Katrina's legs.
"What are you doing here?" Katrina asks in shock. Yuiren only smiles,
so Katrina picks her up and holds her in one arm.
"Yuiren says thank you too." Yuiren blows kisses out to the audience
and Katrina steps down.
"Merialiss won the Best Continuation Author, Nightheart won the Right Afterward Award and white rabbit won the Years From Now Award. And, coming to no surprise whatsoever after this evening, Time Lady is the winner of the Dark Future Award for her fic, `Remembrance!'"
Time Lady sighed and once again took the podium.
"When I was writing this story, I actually found myself crying at some
points because of the strong emotions I poured into it. Thank you for
recognizing it with this award."
And she once more sat down.
"Well, folks, it's been a fun evening. It's been filled with winners, losers, Invader Zim, Mr. T, and a bunch of crap I made up or stole off of other people's ideas. But now, it comes to a close, and-"
But before PsyWeedle could finish his brief speech, the intercom was suddenly filled with a maniacal laughter. Everyone in the theater looked around, trying to discern who was making the evil chuckles. And then, the beings that had been trying to sabotage the event, the beings that had caused all the problems, the ones who were responsible for all of the bad things that had happened throughout the entire contest.
And everyone in the room gasped in shock.