Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Everyone gapped at the digimon. She stood up and smiled at the boys.

"Hello, I'm Skadumon. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's a digimon." She said, glancing at Guilmon.

"Um...oh yeah! I'm Takato and this here is Guilmon."

"I'm Henry, nice to meet you."

"The names Kazu!" Kazu smiled.

"I'm Kenta."

"Please to meet you all."

"Are-are you a deva?" Henry asked as Guilmon walked over and started to sniff Skadumon out.

"Deva? What's a deva? EEK!" Skadumon jumped back a few feet when Guilmon came to close to her tail.

"Please! Don't do that!" She shrieked and held her tail tightly to her chest. Everyone stared at her.

"Why? What's wrong? Guilmon won't hurt you." Takato said walking over to her.

"Yeah, I won't bite!"

"I'm sorry, but I feel very uncomfortable when strangers come to close." She whispered, rubbing her smooth tail.

"Hey, what kind of digimon are you?" Kenta asked.

"I'm not sure. I was created. That's all I know."

"Oh cool! You were created huh? So was Guilmon!" Takato said with amazement.

"Who's your tamer?" Henry asked. Skadumon froze. 'Matt...' She thought sadly.

"M-my tamer?" She asked, gripping her tail. Just the thought of his name brought hot tears to her eyes. He expected so many things from her, things she couldn't provide for him. She was such a failure.

"Yes, your tamer." Henry repeated, then saw the tears drop onto her tail.

"Why are you crying, Skadumon?" Guilmon asked.

"I l-left him. He didn't want me anymore and I don't blame him....He needed a digimon who could fight and win…even digivolve. Not some pathetic loser like myself." She whispered, making it a bit difficult to hear.

"Hey, it's all right! I love Guilmon as a loyal friend!! Not because he wins. I care for his safety and health! As he does mine."

"That's what....Matt...said too.....That he would love me and always take care of me.......He said he could careless if I lost...or won..." The tears ran down her creamy colored skin. Everyone watched her sob in silence. Takato slowly inched over, but she screeched and backed up.

"Please! Don't come any closer!" She cried out.

"But you can live with us." Takato said. Skadumon shook her head and backed away even more.

"No! You'll just lie like Matt did! I couldn't bare it again. I'm better off alone!" Then she quickly turned and dashed back into the forest.

"What do we do? Should we go after her?" Kenta asked. Kazu shook his head and glared into the darkness.

"I say we find this Matt guy and give him a piece of our mind!" Henry nodded.

"Yeah, that would be the plan, but I think we should get the others together and tell them about this first."
*************************************************************** ********

Later that night, Skadumon found a place in a nearby park, hidden by trees and shrubs. She plucked fresh leaves from the trees and placed them around for a bed. She laid down and curled up in a ball, slowly beginning to cry again.

"What did I do wrong? Why couldn't I have been a better partner for Matt?" She sobbed.

"Hey, who's there? Show yourself!" Came a voice from behind. Skadumon quickly sat up and wiped the tears away. Suddenly a purplish-black creature with big green eyes and a white face jumped down from a tree and landed a few feet away from her.

He wore red gloves and a red bandana around his neck. There was a little yellow face on his stomach with a wicked smile. He created a small fire ball an inch off of his index finger and glared at Skadumon. She gasped and scooted back.

"Who are you?" She squeaked.

"Answer me first! Who are you? Ya betta tell the truth or I'll fry ya!" He said motioning his hand toward her causing her to back up more until she pressed herself against a tree. Skadumon gulped. This guy meant business and she wasn't about to get on his bad side.

"I-I'm Skadumon....Who a-are you?"

"The name's Impmon. Mind telling me where you're little human is?" He advanced her with a smirk.

"Let's just say that I wasn't good enough for him." Impmon to stopped and gave her a hard look.

She was a digimon all right. Half human, half cat, dressed in human boy clothes. He looked on in disgust. Skadumon was the very LAST creature he would ever want to see. Just thinking about humans made him angry. They were selfish and rude, but seeing a digimon with some appearance of them was just sickening.

"Whadda ya mean 'you weren't good enough'? What am I sayin'? You're a walking freak show! I guess I don't blame the human!" That got Skadumon flaring. The one thing she hated was being insulted when that person had NO room to be talking. She quickly got to her feet and marched right up to Impmon and pressed an extended claw against his chest.

"Hey! Don't insult my appearance until you look into a mirror, ya black elf!" She growled, "And if I may add, where is YOUR tamer? Hmmm?" She put some space between them and put her "paws" on her hips. Her tail whipped back and forth behind her, indicating that she wasn't in a very good mood.

"It's tamer 'S' and I left them. They always fought over me and other things. I couldn't stand being around them anymore. Besides, I'm free to do whatever I want!! Ahahaha!!!"

"But don't you miss them?" She whispered, giving him her innocent look that made him blink and stare. Then her words hit him.

"Miss 'em? MISS 'EM!? If I was going to miss them, I wouldn't have ran away you dolt!!" Skadumon cringed. That was another thing she hated. Not only does yelling say that the person was mad at her for some reason, but it also hurt her ears.

"Please don't yell. It hurts my ears." Impmon growled and shook a first at Skadumon.

"I can do whatever I want!!" He yelled, "Like I can do THIS!" He lifted his hands and a fireball appeared on each finger. He smirked and threw one at her.


"Gahhh!" Skadumon jumped out of the way only to have another thrown at her then an another, soon all of them. Skadumon was able to dodge them all, but didn't expect him to form one more and throw it at her tail.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! MY TAIL!!!" She screamed. Impmon watched as she blew on her tail, gripping it tightly. He could even hear the grinding of her teeth.

"Ahaha! C'mon! It didn't hurt that bad!" He laughed. Skadumon glared at him with tear filled eyes.

"Speak for yourself!" She bit out, "It hurts like hell! You could have KILLED me you jerk!!" She screamed, "My tail is very important! I can die if I lose it!! I don't know why Matt created me like this. It's such a disadvantage on my part!" Skadumon was now having trouble breathing.

"Oh...oh man...jerk..." She gave Impmon one more glare then fell forward, going unconscious. Impmon watched Skadumon fall face first onto the ground.

"Uh-oh.....guess I put a little too much power into those blasts! Betta get outta here before someone sees me." Impmon quickly jumped into the trees and disappeared, leaving Skadumon alone and utterly defenseless against anything that might come her way.