Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Skadumon dumped the last bit of wood into the small fire. Impmon was lying on a bed of leaves and grass not to far from the fire. Skadumon had done her best to make him comfortable and tried to ease the pain in his leg by putting some herbs on it. He was becoming restless. She knew what he was going through. She was very surprised that the boulder didn't crush his leg to a pulp. It was still in shape, just that he fractured it in numerous places.

Dusting her hands off on her pants, she walked over to him and knelt beside him. He had his eyes closed. He was very cute, that she would admit, but only to herself. Maybe when the time was right she would tell him what she thought of him.

"Impmon? Are you asleep?" She whispered. He opened an eye and looked at her.

"How do you expect me to get any sleep with you always near me," He growled. Skadumon was a little hurt by that remark. She was doing her best to help him and all he did was give her rude remarks, sure he said a few occasional "please"s and "thank you"s but, it still hurt her when he said things like he said just now. Skadumon stood up and glared down at him.

"I'm beginning to regret I ever saved you! I would have gladly just left you there if I had known you would treat me like this! I'm trying my best to help! The least you could do is be nice to me." She turned and walked over to the opposite of the fire and sat down clearly upset. Impmon watched and sighed.

He knew he was being a bit too harsh on her. She was, after all, helping him when she didn't have to. She could just left him when he was out of danger. It would have been fair, but she didn't. She offered him to stay with her and she offered to help his wounds. All he did in return was give her a rough time.

Impmon propped himself up on his elbows and stared at the fire, every once in awhile he would catch a glance of her. What he saw disturbed him greatly. She was crying. Did he really hurt her THAT bad? He had to know. The last thing he wanted to see was her crying over what he did or said.

"Skadumon?" He called. He heard her sniff and caught a glance of her wiping away her tears, "You alright? Why are you crying?"

"Crying? Why would I cry? Thats absurd!" She lied.

"Yeah right, I saw ya crying. Don't deny it. Why are ya? Did I upset you? If I did, I'm sorry. It's the way I am. You'll have to get use to my attitude." There he goes again. Apologizing to her. Skadumon smiled a little causing him to sigh with relief.

"No, its not you, but you should be a little nicer to me."

"Then why were you crying?" This time Impmon pushed himself all the way up into a sitting position.

"Oh it's nothing, just thinking about how much I'm a failure." She whispered.

"A failure!? Where the hell did you come up with THAT idea? You just saved my life and now you're calling yourself a failure?!!" She laughed a bit and shook her head.

"Don't take this personal, but you somehow remind me of my old tamer. He was always mad at me, calling me mean names like loser, weak, stupid...failure. They always made me sad and empty inside. I was making Matt hate me without realizing it. But you know what...All those names were true. Everyone of them describes me."

Impmon was silent for a moment. He hadn't thought she was ANY of those names, actually he thought she was the exact opposite. He could careless what this Matt character thought of her. He was dead wrong about everything.

"Is that why you left? 'Cause you couldn't take the name calling anymore?" He asked. She shook her head.

"No....no I could put up with the names.....but Matt wouldn't put up with me. He told he didn't want me anymore, that I was worthless to him. I wouldn't blame him. I couldn't defeat an enemy if my life counted on it. I can't fight. I'm weak and helpless. Guess that's how I was created. To be scared and weak."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. If you were weak like you say then I wouldn't be here talking to you! I'd probably be in Hell eating hotdogs and steak right now. Come to think of it, I'm hungry." Skadumon laughed.

"Then wait a few minutes and I'll be back with something to eat." Impmon was about to protest that he could wait, but she was already out searching for some fruit. Impmon couldn't help but smile, which was rare these days. She was so kind to him and gentle. Matt didn't deserve someone such as her. She deserved better that's for damn sure!

Impmon sighed and looked at the door of the cave. He couldn't help but feel that he kinda missed his own tamers. The only reason he left was because they fought too much and, he had to admit it, that it scared him. He always got angry because of they're selfishness. Impmon quickly pushed away his feelings for his tamers and watched Skadumon come into view with an arm full of apples. She sat down and dumped them next to him.

"Eat up!" She said cheerily. Impmon stared at the apples. There was about eight of them. She couldn't expect him to eat them all!

"Aren't you going to eat any?" Skadumon shook her head, still smiling.

"Nope! Not hungry."

"You can't expect me to eat ALL of these!"

"Sure ya can! You're a digimon!"

"Thats doesn't mean a thing! I don't want to get fat! You're just like my-mfmffmmff!!" Impmon was cut short when Skadumon stuffed an apple in his mouth.

"Can it! Better eat 'em before they rot!" She grinned and watched him give in to his hunger. When he was done, Skadumon surprised him when she lifted her finger and the cores of the apples floated in the air. She got up and walked over to the opening of the cave, the cores still above her, and moved her hand outward making them fly out of the cave and land somewhere far away.

Skadumon turned and saw the purple virus gawking. She smiled sheepishly and placed a paw behind her head.

"A...heh, sorry, I wasn't showing off. I just don't like getting my hands sticky. It really bothers me."

"How did you do that?" He asked. She sat down by him again and smiled.

"I'm telekinetic." She stated. Impmon stared.

"WHY didn't you use that to lift that boulder off of me?"

"I couldn't. Not in this form anyways. I can only lift so much weight you know!" Impmon smirked. He wouldn't mind having a power like that. He watched Skadumon yawn and stretch. He got a good view of her cute little fangs.

"Tired?" He asked. Skadumon shrugged and nodded. She got back up and was about to walk away when Impmon stopped her.

"Where are you going?"

"Over there to sleep, isn't it obvious?" She turned and looked at him. Impmon shook his head hard.

"Oh hell no! I'm not going to let you sleep on the cold floor when there's room right here!" He pointed to the bed that was made for him. Skadumon was a bit surprised that he would even care where she slept. She gave him a smile.

"No, it's alright. I'm use to sleeping on the floor. Besides I'm a little afraid that I might bump your leg if I roll over. Thanks anyways." Did he just hear right? Did she mean to tell him that she slept on the FLOOR in her tamer's house!? That was just plain SICK! Even he didn't sleep on the floor. Now he was a bit angry with this Matt guy.

"Get over here! I ain't taking no for an answer. It's either yes now or I'll find some way to get up and drag you over!" Skadumon laughed. It made Impmon feel good inside when she laughed or smiled. She gave in and walked back and sat down beside him. He smirked. How he loved it when he got his way.

"Ya happy now?" She asked with another yawn. Impmon shrugged and lay back down. Skadumon soon did the same, curling up on his good side. Unconsciously, she wrapped her tail around his arm, causing him to tense up then relax. Soon she fell asleep. Impmon looked at the tail and then the girl. He could hear faint purring from her. He shook his head and feel asleep as well.