Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Late that night, something made Impmon wake up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. He sensed something not too far away. Then he became aware of something warm beside him and looked down and saw Skadumon sound asleep. He had to smile. She was cute when she slept, that he'd admit. Impmon reached down and brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. He blinked as few times when he heard her STILL purring. He shrugged it off and tried his best to get her tail off his arm.

"Persistent sucker!" He hissed silently. When he was able to unwrap her tail, Impmon pressed himself against the cave wall and pushed himself up into a standing position. Then he limped quietly over to the entrance. He was about five feet from the door when he heard a small sleepy voice.

"Impmon? Where are you going?" Skadumon sat up and yawned. He stopped dead in his tracks and glanced over his shoulder.

"I'm....uh...going to get a drink of water. I'll be back in a sec."

"What! You can't go out there! You're injured! I'll go get-" She was about to stand up when Impmon spun around.

"No, no...I'm just fine. I can get it. No need for you to get up."


"I'll be right back!" Then he was gone in a flash, or kinda anyways. (A/N: C'mon guys, use your common sense! ^_^)


Impmon watched from the shadows as the seven tamers and their digimon walked over to Guilmon's hideout. He could barely hear what they were saying.

"Well, this is it guys!" The boy named Takato, said.

"Ah, hey Takato, what about that other digimon?" Kazu asked.

"This is more important Kazu. Calumon has been kidnapped! We'll have to start our search again when we get back. I doubt she'll do anything bad."

"Yeah, you're probably right. So what are we waiting for? Lets go!" Everyone then walked into the hideout, leaving Impmon alone, or so he thought. He limped over to the hideout and looked in it. There was a big hole that must have been Guilmon's doing. Now he knew what he sensed. Even without looking he was positive it was a portal to the digital world! He was about to go to it when...

"Did you get your water?" Impmon almost fell down when he heard Skadumon right behind him. He slowly turned around and faced an upset digimon. What did he do? Why did she look so upset? Did he do something wrong. Then his conscious came in. 'Hello! Maybe it was because you LIED to her! TWICE! You said you were going to get a drink of water, which you didn't, and you said you were going to be back which you were about to LEAVE!!'


"You lied...I followed you just to make sure you would be alright...you passed up the lake and were about to follow those others to who knows where!

"Skadumon! Listen! I didn't mean to lie to ya! I just wanted to see what was going on without you following me."

Skadumon looked at the ground. Impmon sighed, why he cared for her he'll never know. Guess it was because she was living in the same pain and sadness as he was. He really didn't know, but one thing for sure, he wasn't, and he meant WASN'T going to let her follow him to the digital world. He didn't understand it, but he couldn't bring himself to see her get hurt by some other digimon that was way stronger and larger than her.

"Listen, I need you to not follow me. I know you worry about my injuries. I'll be fully recovered in about one day. Please, DO NOT follow me." He said as he backed up into Guilmon's home.

"But Impmon!" She began to walk forward when he threw a fireball at her. She quickly dodged it.

"No damnit! I won't say it again! Don't follow me. If I find out that you did, I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life!!" Sure he was threatening her, but he didn't want her to come. And to prove his point, he created six more fireballs and threw them at her, giving him enough time to get into the hole and crawl through the portal.


Skadumon dodged all but one blast, which got her arm. She grabbed it and looked around franticly. She couldn't find Impmon. He wasn't anywhere!

"Impmon!!! Where are you?!!" She cried out. Then she remembered where he was heading. She looked into the dark abandoned cage or home. Whatever it was. All she knew was that Impmon was in there and she got the idea that he crawled into the hole just as those other digimon had done.

'Don't follow me. If I find out that you did, I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life!!' The threat rang through her head over and over again.

"I don't care what he does! I'm going and that's final!" She walked over to the hole and took a deep breath.

"Here I come ready or not!" She gulped and crawled into the tunnel.