Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Skadumon screamed as she fell from the sky. "I'm gunna die! I should have listened to him! I should have! But NOOOOO! I had to do my own thing! Now I'm going to DIIIEEE!!" She squeezed her eyes shut and curled herself up in a ball and waited for the impact. When she did land, she didn't expect it so painless.

She coughed a few times and stood up. It was like a desert. Nothing but sand, rocks and cliffs. Just one thing that was different, it had a reddish color to it. Skadumon looked around her. She couldn't find anything that would help her search for Impmon.

"IIIIMMMMMMMMMPMOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!" She screamed into the deserted area, just hoping that she would get a response. She didn't. Sighing deeply, Skadumon decided on which direction she should take. Then she saw something not too far away. Running toward it she saw footprints of all kinds and sizes. They were all heading in the same direction.

"Must be that Takato guy and his friends." She mumbled. She couldn't find any kind a foot print that resembled Impmon's. Sighing again, she pondered on if she should follow the tracks or go her separate way. Deciding on it, she turned to the East and began her journey that way.

"This is going to take awhile," She said to herself.


"Is....Is that you Impmon?" Kyubimon asked the digimon in front of her. He was wearing nothing but black save for his fluffy white collar on his leather jacket. He sat proudly on his motorcycle and smirked at everyone.

"Ha, you wish! Impmon is gone! I'm Beelzemon, the strongest digimon you'll ever meet! And notin' personal, but I gotta kill ya. Every single one of ya!"

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted.

"Hey, its business! Get over it." Beelzemon pulled out his twin shooters and aimed them at the yellow fox type digimon.

"And you'll be the first to go fox face..." Just then out of nowhere a wind storm came up, shocking everyone, even Beelzemon. It was pretty strong, almost knocking right off his bike!

"Damnit! I gotta get outta here. I'll deal with you dirt bags later. Seeya!" And he was off like a rocket.

"Stupid humans and their pet digimon! They have no IDEA what they're up against." Beelzemon smirked as he rode into empty land, every once in awhile he would pass up some digimon that would just be target practice to him.

The deal that he made with the Sovereign was that he would be given power beyond his wildest dreams, but in return he had to destroy the tamers and their digimon. He had automatically agreed without giving it any real thought.

He would have done anything to digivolve, even if meant to keep up with his other end of the bargain. He would have done it, too, if that blasted storm hadn't interfered. Beelzemon sighed inwardly when a sudden image of Skadumon popped up in his mind. Something told him she wasn't sitting in that cave.

"Females," He growled, "They never listen to ya. She has the looks of a princess, but the mind of a Rika. I doubt I'll ever come to understand them." Shaking his head, Beelzemon kicked his bike into high gear and sped off into the distance.


"Oh....man....my feet are killing me! What did Impmon and the others see in this place? Why did they even come here??" Skadumon fell back on her butt and groaned. She had been walking for two hours straight and she couldn't find Impmon! Not even a clue. She leaned forward and began to massage her aching, worn out feet. She looked up at the sky and thought to herself.

"Impmon. You jerk! Why the hell did you ever come here? You were still injured and there's no telling what could have happened to you!! What if...what if something horrible DID happened to you and your hurt somewhere, or lost, or worse...No! I can't think stuff like that! I must think positive thoughts, Impmon is brave and strong." She rested her paws in her lap and stared at them. They became a blur as her eyes filled up with tears.

"Still, I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to him. I barely know him, but still...he's so arrogant! He'll take about anyone on, even if they're bigger and way stronger than he is. Oh, I sure hope he's alright!"

Skadumon dried her eyes and stood up with a grunt. She had to get going if she was to see him again. That's IF she'll ever see him again. Skadumon was then struck with an idea that would haunt her for the rest of her life. What would happen if they NEVER met each other again? They could be fine for the rest of their lives, but what if they never came across each other again? She quickly dismissed that idea and thought of what might happen if they DID meet again.

Skadumon smiled. She would probably throw her arms around his neck and give him a big smooch right on the lips just to show how happy she would be. Just the thought of that made her blush. She was thinking things that would only happen in her dreams. So she thought of something that would happen in reality. If she were in a good mood, she'd slap him clear across the face. If she weren't, then she would punch him.

"I don't know why Impmon didn't want me to come...its not that bad here....I haven't come across anyone all! Let alone anyone dangerous."

"Until now..." Came a deep rumble behind her. Skadumon froze right then and there. She didn't want to look, she couldn't look, she wouldn't look! Skadumon gulped and slowly turned. She had looked and she silently wished she hadn't.