Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A MiSTing of Humans, Digimon, and Hormones pt. 1 ❯ A (Not So) Inspiring Speech ( Chapter 2 )
(Door Sequence)
(We see TOM is repaired and is joined by CROW and BRIAN on the bridge)
BRIAN: The fic just started and I already feel like I'm going to throw up!
TOM: My head already exploded and I got a bad feeling that what we read was just the tip of the iceberg!
CROW: I just realized something.
BRIAN: What?
TOM: I got one right here, why?
(CROW looks in the mirror)
CROW: AHHHHH! UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN! (Snaps out of it) All though, I do look good. (Snaps back in) UNCLEAN!
(CROW starts sobbing uncontrollably)
BRIAN (trying to cheer CROW up): It's okay. It might be over soon!
TOM: But the lemon just started!
BRIAN: Come on! Cheer up! We must tuff it out! We can't let Pearl and her students win!
CROW (Calming down a little): We can't?
BRIAN: NO! If they win, they might decide to use this to torture everyone on the planet! For the safety of the world, we must read on!
TOM (Excited): You're right!
CROW (Excited): I'm ready to read!
BRIAN: We must press on until we reach the climax
CROW: Reach… the… climax?
BRIAN: But it just started!
TOM (Sobbing): But it was that bad!
BRIAN (Nervous): Uh… I mean let's give it all she's got!
CROW (Sobbing): That's what Sora's gonna do to Mimi! WAHHHHHH! (Sobbing gets worse).
BRIAN (Nervous): Uh... No! I mean uh… uh…
(Lights go off)
(Dog Bone… 6…5…4…3… 2… 1…0)
(BRIAN sits where MIKE used to sit, TOM sits to the left of him, and CROW sits to his right)
BRIAN: Feeling better?
T&C: Much!
BRIAN: Good because it started again.
(C&T start sobbing uncontrollably)
They find some large leaves,
TOM (Mr. Macky): Majuawana's bad. M'kay?
bundle them up, and
BRIAN (Jay singing): Smokin' weed! Smokin' weed!
TOM: That would explain so much!
CROW: It's probably what the author was on when he wrote this.
make a suitable pad
ALL: Oh.
on which to sleep for the night. Sora takes her helmet and shoes off, and Mimi does the same with her hat and hiking boots.
TOM: Oh no! The lemon scene's starting already!
We see Kari untie and remove her shoes, and she slips the whistle from around her neck and places it beside the makeshift mattress they have made.
BRIAN: Calm down guys. They're just getting ready for bed.
(C&T sigh with relief)
But, unbeknownst to them,
CROW: The "mattress" was making them high.
BRIAN: We already hinted that the mattress might be marjawana.
they are sleeping right above the den
TOM: Of ravenous raccoons.
BRIAN: And I thought Crow was dark.
of Seductimon,
BRIAN: 3 guesses about why she's here.
a good Digimon who never sleeps,
CROW: With Clinton.
BRIAN: Crow!
but is constantly granting the sexual wishes of all who happen to get lost in her forest.
CROW (Mimi): I wish to see Sora…
(BRIAN clamps CROW"S beak shut)
BRIAN: Don't even think about finishing that statement.
(BRIAN releases CROW'S beak)
CROW: I'll shut up.
Ever since Puppetmon became
TOM: Firewood?
BRIAN: Termite food?
CROW: Petrified?
BRIAN: Crow!
one of the Dark Masters,
ALL: Oh.
he had been pestering her to grant his wish
CROW: For everyone to stop calling him a Pinocchio wannabe.
and let him have Ladydevimon for a few nights.
BRIAN: If you say anything Crow…
CROW: What?
But, him being
CROW: A Pinocchio wannabe.
BRIAN: I think once is enough for that joke.
a evil Digimon, she wouldn't do it.
CROW: Evan though he had the $2.50 she asked for.
BRIAN: CROW! One more time and it'll be a time out for you.
CROW: Ha! You don't even know where the tape…
(BRIAN grabs the roll of tape from the bottom of the seat)
CROW: I'll be good.
So he took over the forest,
BRIAN: Wait a minute! Puppetmon didn't just decide to takeover the forest because he didn't get his wish! He took it over when Piedmon divided the territories and he did it because he was evil too!
CROW & TOM: Fanboy! Fanboy! Fanboy!
reconfigured it
TOM: Because the program kept crashing.
and forced her to go into exile in the cave she now inhabited.
BRIAN: After killing several bears and using their fur as a coat.
(CROW & TOM look at BRIAN)
BRIAN: You guys aren't the only ones that are dark.
Reading the girls' minds,
BRIAN: She thought Stephen King wrote better.
she smiled,
ALL (Singing): When she smiles.
closed er eyes
CROW: And said er prayers.
and concentrated.
TOM: But she still couldn't add 2+2.
Up topside,
CROW: A bunch of diseased misquotes stun and killed the main characters thus preventing Seductimon from granting their wishes. The End.
BRIAN: Wishful thinking buddy.
Mimi's Digivice begins to glow,
TOM (Singing): You'll never shine if you don't glow!
awakening all 5 of the travellers.
BRIAN (Sora): Damn night-light!
Palmon is shrouded by a white light,
CROW (Babes Bunny): Head 'towards the light
BRIAN (Buster Bunny): What, we got a choice?
we go into the familiar sequence, and hear a cry.
TOM (Crying): Mommy! He won't share!
"Palmon........ Digivolve To..........
TOM: Weedmon?
BRIAN: Nope.
CROW: Pornmon?
(BRIAN tapes CROW'S mouth shut)
CROW: Mmmmm!
TOM: Oh.
CROW: Mmmmm!
As the giant cactus Digimon stands in the clearing,
BRIAN: Oh god! They're going to sleep with a cactus!
CROW: Mmmm! Mmmmmm!
BRIAN: Don't make me extend your time out Crow!
we hear Mimi asking a question to her newly-Digivolved friend.
CROW: Mmm mmmm mmmmm!
BRIAN: I know what your saying Crow!
CROW: Mmmm mm mmmm!
BRIAN: Good!
"Hey, why did you Digivolve? There isn't any danger."
TOM: Danger! Danger Will Robertson!
"I don't know why."
BRIAN (Singing): I don't know why! I don't know why! Why they want us faded!
the reply from the large plant standing before them.
(BRIAN & TOM sigh with relieve)
"I just felt a surge of power,
and I did it."
TOM (Angelica Pickles): I did it! I did it! I DID IT!
As she says that last word,
TOM (Mimi): The last word.
Mimi's Crest of Sincerity begins it's own light show.
B&T (Spectators): Oooo! Ahhh!
CROW: Mmmm! Mmmmm!
(CROW breaks free)
BRIAN: And you better be good!
"Togemon...... Digivolve To......
TOM: Flowermon?
CROW: Plantmon?
BRIAN: Sorry.
T&C: Oh!
"Well," said Sora,
BRIAN (Joel Gurtner): And well, well, well!
"now that you're down
ALL (Singing): Going down down baby!
to human size, let's try to go back to sleep."
CROW (Singing): Now I lay me down to sleep.
TOM (Singing): Now I lay me down to sleep.
CROW (Singing): I prey the Lord my soul to keep.
TOM (Singing): I prey the Lord my soul to keep.
CROW (Singing): And if I die before I wake,
TOM (Singing): And if I die before I wake,
CROW (Singing): I prey the lord my soul to take.
TOM (Singing): I prey the lord my soul to take.
BRIAN (Singing): Hush little baby, don't say a word and never mind the noise you heard. It's just the bests under your bed!
C&T (Singing): In your closet, in your head!
BRIAN (Singing): Ha ha ha! Sleep tight! Pleasant dreams!
ALL (Chanting): ECW! ECW! ECW!
Lillymon removes her helmet, boots and thorns and lays back down on the leaves.
BRIAN: Get ready for impact guys!
Down below, Seductimon is smiling to herself.
BRIAN: Not a word Crow!
CROW: What?
"Well, old girl," she says, "you're really gonna make these kids happy!"
ALL (Singing): Happy, happy, joy, joy!
She begins to concentrate again.
BRIAN: Spell cat
TOM (Seductimon): C… A… Uh… What comes next?
Topside, we see Mimi, Sora, Kari and Lillymon and Gatomon
CROW: And mama bear, and papa bear, and baby bear decided to go for a walk while their porridge cooled.
start to sweat as the temperature rises to a searing 100 degrees farenheit.
TOM: Thus, causing their bodies to spontaneously combust! The end.
BRIAN: A little too dark pal.
Sora can't take it
BRIAN (Singing): We're not gonna take it!
and, making sure the others can't see her,
CROW: She takes the knife out of her backpack.
TOM (To BRIAN): And you thought I was dark.
removes her socks and blouse, revealing that she isn't wearing a bra.
CROW: Here it comes!
(BRIAN facefaults out of the seat)
BRIAN (Getting up): That was a bad pun Crow!
She reaches down and slides her jeans off,
CROW: Never mind, it was just a lemon sign.
revealing her vagina that, only 48 hours ago, had been penetrated for the first time by Tai.
BRIAN: That was more information than I wanted to hear.
Her small, firm breasts stand to attention
TOM: Ten-Hut!
as she is met with a small gust of air.
BRIAN: Gust of air, Sora. Sora, Gust of air.
A little cooler, she slips back to sleep.
BRIAN: Never to wake again.
C&T: You call us dark?
Mimi decides that it's just too hot to worry about
TOM: Her split ends?
BRIAN: Her make-up?
CROW: Her wardrobe?
ALL: Oh.
reaches down, removes her socks, and then slides
BRIAN (whispering): Sliderssss!
her dress over her head.
TOM: Heads will roll for this!
CROW: Or in your case, explode.
She leans back against a log and fingers her pussy.
CROW (Mimi): Here kitty, kitty!
BRIAN: CROW! One more bad joke out of you and I'll…
CROW: What? Tape my mouth shut? I broke free.
BRIAN: I hear Marry Sue Whipple is looking for people to read her advance copy of her newest Star Trek story.
CROW (freaking out): I'llbegoodI'llbegoodI'llbegoodI'llbegood!
BRIAN: Good.
She remembered
ALL (Singing): Standing by the warf.
when she and Matt had been seperated from the others
TOM: The Blair Which got them.
BRIAN: Bad movie =Bad joke.
and the thunderstorm hit.
BRIAN: But was disqualified because boxers weren't allowed to hit below the belt.
They got soaked,
CROW: And electrocuted.
BRIAN: Okay, now were getting too dark.
but they made it
BRIAN: Made what?
to a cave
about a hundred yards from where they had been kissing when
CROW: Mimi came out of the closet.
BRIAN: Crow!
the clouds started emptying their buckets upon the two kids.
TOM (Clouds): Bullseye!
Inside, she had stripped down and was enjoying the thrill of
BRIAN: Victory!
being nude in front of a boy. Especially Matt.
CROW: And this has what to do with the fic?
BRIAN: Two things:It shows Mimi's in love with Matt. A pointless lemon sign.
That night, they had pleasured each others bodies for the first time.
BRIAN: More than I wanted to know.
She smiled and went back to sleep.
TOM (Singing): As I lay me down to sleep, this I pry.
Next to her, Lillymon was burning up.
CROW: With desire.
BRIAN: Crow!
The fairy Digimon removed her dress and,
CROW: She…
(BRIAN grabs CROW's beak shut)
BRIAN: I know what you're going to say!
feeling a blessed coolness
TOM (Lilymon prying): Thank you o'blessed coolness.
come over her,
BRIAN: Don't even think about it Crow!
CROW (Carl): Aw nuts! I-I mean uh… Aw nuts!
she fell
TOM: THAT was too dark.
back into the dreamworld.
TOM: With visions of sugarplums dancing in her head.
Off to her right, Gatomon had removed her
CROW: Fur.
BRIAN: From Garden Weasel!
gloves and was admiring her dainty paws.
CROW (Gatomon): Ah… my hands are so pretty I could just…
CROW (Gatomon): Kiss them.
BRIAN: Good.
She slipped
TOM: And broke her head.
BRIAN: Okay guys, no more dark comments. Agreed?
C&T: Agreed.
one of them into her cunt,
CROW: Now there's something you don't see every day.
TOM: What?
CROW: A pussy playing with her…
rolled it around for a bit, then removed it and went back to sleep.
Kari had been watching as the others removed their clothes
BRIAN: I don't like the looks of this!
and, because it was hot and she didn't want to be left out, removed her blouse, pants and socks.
TOM (Sarcastic): Well that's nice. She stripped to join everyone else. Do you think she'll join them when they jump the Grand Cannon?
Feeling relieved, she went back to sleep.
Mimi was dreaming about being home with her family.
CROW: And giving her dad panic attacks when he finds out how much money Mimi used on his credit card.
She awoke with a start
TOM: Your engines!
as she felt a hand massaging her breasts.
BRIAN: Now it's starting.
"Shhh." said Sora. "Let me have a little fun."
ALL (Singing): Fun, fun, 'till her daddy takes her T-Bird away.
"O.K." Mimi said. "I never thought you'd want to have sex with
TOM: Izzi?
CROW: Davis?
BRIAN: Wrong season.
ALL: Oh.
she said, blushing a little.
TOM (Singing): Just a little bit.
"Why not?" Sora said, causing Mimi to
CROW: Spas out.
moan with
CROW: Clinton
pleasure as her free hand
BRIAN (Sora's hand): I'm free!
TOM: On to pointed rocks.
BRIAN: I thought we agreed no more dark rifts.
TOM: I forgot.
into Mimi's dripping vagina.
CROW: Someone should fix that leak.
"You're beautiful, Mimi, and I've wanted
ALL (Singing): All that she wants is another baby!
this ever since we first met."
BRIAN: Cue any "Well, there was that one time at camp jokes" now.
"Oh. Well, to tell the truth,
CROW (Mimi): I'm a man.
I'm kind of attracted to
CROW (Mimi): Clinton
TOM (Sora): Bill or Hillary?
TOM: And for future reference, we usually call the people sending us this stuff the Mads.
BRIAN: Got ya'.
BRIAN: Calm down, we're almost done.
CROW: Really?
BRIAN: No, not really.
CROW: Nooooooooo!
replied Mimi. "Kind of?"
TOM: And they left it at that. The End!
BRIAN: I wish.
Sora said, giggling a little.
BRIAN: I don't want to know why.
C&T: Ditto.
"Oh, alright! I want to screw her brains out! Ya happy?"
Mimi said, not angry in the slightest.
TOM: Not even a little?
"Yeah," Sora said, "and you will be, too, in a minute."
(BRIAN closes his eyes and TOM and CROW averts their eyes away from the screen. NOTE: I'm deleting this lemon scene. If you want to see 12 year old girls "having fun," WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?)
BRIAN (peaking): Hey guys, its over.
(CROW & TOM sigh with relief as they face the screen)
"Hey, Mimi? Do you get the feeling that we're being watched?"
ALL: Uh-Oh!
asked Sora as her climax faded.
BRIAN: Off into the sunset.
Mimi was coming out of
BRIAN: The closet.
CROW: And you accuse us of being dirty.
her sexual daze and thought about her friend's question.
CROW (Mimi trying to think): Uhhh… Oww… I got a headache.
"Y'know, I'm feeling the same way."
BRIAN (Singing): But where were they going with out ever knowing the way.
"That's... because.... you are!" saud
BRIAN: What?
TOM (Unidentified person): I saud you are! Didn't I saud it in perfect English?
Lillymon in between
TOM: A rock?
BRIAN: A hard place?
CROW: Now and then?
ALL: Oh.
She and Kari were on either side of Gatomon,
TOM: Not good!
who was being eaten out by
CROW: Hannibal Lecture.
Kari while delving her talented tongue into Lillymon. Gatomon increased her licking a notch or two and started rubbing Lillymon's ass with her bare paws. Finally, all 3 of them had their orgasms and collapsed in a sweaty heap.
BRIAN (Filbert): I'm nauseous! I'm nauseous! I'm nauseous!
(TOM starts to shake)
"You know, Gatomon, that was great."
BRIAN: No it wasn't!
said Kari, still a little out of breath.
CROW (Singing): She was out of breath.
"I'll agree with you, Kari, just as soon as the Digiworld stops spinning."
TOM (Person on a ride): Whee! The Digiworld ride is fun!
replied her Digimon. "You know, guys," said Sora, who, along with Mimi, had walked over to sit by their friends.
CROW: Oh no!
" Just had a really great idea."
"What's that, Sora?"
BRIAN (Sora): That's my hat.
asked Mimi, who already knew what her lover had in mind.
BRIAN: I got a bad feeling about this.
"Since we're in the mood, and we're all bisexual, why don't we just make a night of it?" said Sora.
"Uh, Sora? Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" asked Kari with a hopeful tone of voice.
TOM (Sora): I think so Kari, but how would we get the speedo on the hippo?
"Yep!" Sora said brightly. "I'm suggesting an orgy."
(TOM shakes harder, and BRIAN and CROW start feeling sick)
"Well," Mimi said, "let's put it to a vote. "All in favor of an orgy, raise your right hand."
Needless to say, everyone's right hand shot up.
BRIAN: But then someone demanded a recount and called the Florida election board, thus delaying the orgy forever.
TOM & CROW: We wish.
"Well, then, it's unanimous!" she said.
TOM (Shaking harder now): YEEEARGH!
(TOM, CROW, and BRIAN avert their eyes. NOTE: I am deleting this lemon scene as well. If you want to see an orgy between two 12 year-old girls, a cat, an 8 year old girl, and a plant, SEEK HELP!)
TOM (Peeking): It's over!
"Are you sarisfied?" the disembodied voice said.
"You bet!" they all shouted in unison.
"Then allow me to introduce myself. I am
BRIAN: A sicko who brainwashes kids?
TOM: Someone who needs mental help?
CROW: Someone who is just plain twisted.
BRIAN: That would be the author.
ALL: Oh.
I grant the sexual desires of all good
CROW (Seductimon): Presidents.
Digimon, and the occasional
TOM (Seductimon): Politician.
Digidestined, who come
(BRIAN eyes both TOM & CROW)
T&C: What?
BRIAN: Nothing.
into my forest. I am the one who made it possible for you to enjoy this.
BRIAN: As well as torture us.
Tell me, once you are free of my influence, will you do this again? Maybe with different partners?"
The girls untangled themselves and stood, still nude, in front of the gorgeous female Digimon who had granted their wishes. Again, they gave their answer as one.
they said, knowing that they couldn't stop themselves from doing it after what took place on this night.
BRIAN: Even though they tried.
"Good. Then I will not erase your memories.
Very few want to do it again when they find out that, even though it was their wish, it was my power that made them do it. I am pleased that I have found a group that isn't ashamed of nudity or sexuality.
CROW: If someone finds two 12 year-olds having sex as part of a normal act of sexuality, THEN HE/SHE SHOULD BE LOCKED UP!
TOM: So how did you escape?
(CROW mumbles angrily)
I will go now.
TOM: Yessssss!
ALL (Singing): Na na na na! Na na na na! Hey, heyyy! Goood Byyyyeee!
You should get back to sleep.
Your frinds will be here in the morning."
CROW: And thus restoring sanity and order.
and then she disappeared.
BRIAN: Never to return.
C&T: Hopefully.
After a little more sex, screaming and orgasms, the girls fell asleep.
TOM: That was more than I wanted to hear.
When the morning came,
BRIAN: If I hear that something else came, I'm gonna throw up!
the girls awoke and, naked as the day they were born,
CROW: Well duh!
waiting for Biyomon and the boys to find them. Soon, they did.
ALL: Yessss!
BRIAN: Finally, with all of them together, order will be restored!
When they arrived at the clearing, Biyomon looked like she was ready to pass out.
(ALL look at sentence with shock)
The boys looked like their dicks were going to burst out of their pants. Of course, knowing these girls, we should have figured that the boys wouldn't have to worry about this.
(TOM's shaking gets worse and BRIAN & CROW feel sick)
(ALL turn their eyes away from the screen. NOTE: Yes, I'm deleting this too. Why? It's an orgy between kids and digimon. If you want to see it, THEN YOU ARE ONE TWISTED, SICK AND DERANGED PUPPY!)
CROW (Peaking): It's over!
After this series of orgasms had ended, they all collapsed into a heap.
BRIAN: Of junk.
After awhile, they got up, put their clothes back on and were starting to leave
TOM: Good bye!
BRIAN: Aloha!
CROW: And don't come back!
when Seductimon appeared and spoke to them
BRIAN (Seductimon): You are all sick and twisted, therefor I must kill you all!
TOM: What about the agreement on dark rifts?
BRIAN: Whoops. I forgot.
"Good luck, children. Your love and compassion will surely help you defeat the Dark Masters.
CROW (Seductimon): By giving them STD's
I have faith in those who have a healthy appetite for sex and are willing to share it with anyone at any time. You have demonstrated both and, if you continue to be like this through adulthood and teach your children to be the same way, then they will teach their children and soon, your world will be full of people who are too busy having sex that they don'y have time to fight. That is what world peace is all about."
CROW: So, she's saying that world peace is about the entire world becoming one big whore feast?
TOM: That's what she's saying.
(ALL think for a moment)
The, in a joking manner, said, "Besides, if everyone was naked, then no one could carry a concealed weapon!" This caused everyone to erupt with laughter.
TOM: Where's the joke?
BRIAN: I don't know.
CROW: Got me.
"Seductimon," said Tai, not sure how he knew her name,
BRIAN (Singing): Where everybody knows her name, and they're all sad she came.
"is really it possible that we could save both worlds? Not just in defeating the Dark Masters,
TOM: Yes.
but in convincing everyone not to restrain their natural sexuality?"
CROW: If it involves orgies between kids and other spices, NO!
"Yes, Taichi Kamiya, it is. Until we meet again, children, farewell and remember what I told you."
BRIAN (Tai): Uh… I forget.
she said as she disappeared.
TOM: For good.
B&C: Hopefully.
3 hours later.....
ALL (Singing): A 3-hour tour. A 3-hour tour.
The Digidestined and their Digimon are, once again, happily having sex.
CROW: I didn't need to hear that!
After their orgasms, they get up and go on their path.
CROW: Of destruction.
BRIAN: Crow! We said…
CROW: Come on. It's almost over.
Little do they know, Puppetmon is watching them and
(BRIAN immediately grabs CROW's beak shut)
had an idea.
BRIAN: I think it's almost over.
TOM: And my head didn't explode.
CROW: I feel like I'm ready for anything.
BRIAN: Okay fanfic, BRING IT ON!
"Cherrymon, I have a job for you." he says. As he voices this command, a large tree with a face and cane appears behind him. In a bad imitaion of a mid-1920's gangster's voice, he answers his master's call.
"What is your command, Lord Puppetmon?" he says.
"I want you to find a way to get Matt seperated from the others and convince him and Gabumon to force Tai and Agumon into a battle. With any luck, our pawns will destoy each other. Then, with the Megas out of the way, we can defeat the rest easily. Then Master Apocolymon will be able to come out from behind the FireWall and rule both worlds!"
"By your command." said the large tree, walking away and smiling evilly.
(ALL look at the passage stunned)
BRIAN: That's not how the real scene went! THAT'S NOT HOW THE REAL SCEEN WENT!
(TOM's head explodes as CROW & BRIAN facefalls from their seats)
The End.
CROW: Let's get out of here!
(TOM, CROW, & BRIAN exit the theater)
(Door Sequence)
(On the bridge of the SOL, TOM is repaired and BRIAN is calling someone)
TOM: Who are you calling?
BRIAN: Watch the view screen.
(TOM & CROW are watching the view screen and they see:)
(MIKE's apartment)
MIKE: Hey guys. Where are you?
BRIAN: I accidentaly teliported them to the SOL.
MIKE: You rebuilt the Sattlelight?
BRIAN: The pieces fell into my back yard and I rebuilt the SOL as a science project.
CROW: Yeah, and we ran into Pearl and her students, Nerd Boy Ned and QB Ted.
TOM: We just saw one of the worst stories ever writen. It was a Digimon lemon involving kids.
BRIAN: At least its not as bad as some of the stories I've read or movies I've seen.
CROW: You think you've seen bad movies and read bad stories? Try watching "Puma Man."
(CROW shutters)
CROW: That was a bad movie.
BRIAN: Oh yeah! I bet it wasn't as bad as "Spiceworld!"
(BRIAN shutters)
BRIAN: That was bad.
TOM: What about the "Touch of Satain?"
BRIAN: I bet it made "The Blair Whitch Project" look good.
CROW: "Virgin Warrior Sailor Moon!"
(CROW feels sick and TOM starts to shake)
BRIAN: Oh, so its lemons now, huh? Okay, "Chibi-Ursa's 7th birthday."
(TOM's shaking gets worse and CROW & BRIAN feel sick)
MIKE: Guys…
(SOL, where no one heard MIKE)
CROW: "Artimises's Lover!"
(C&B feel sicker as TOM's shaking gets worse)
BRIAN: Now we're getting into Oscar fics? "A Black Day!"
(C&B feel worse as TOM's shakes more violently)
CROW: "Oscar Toon!"
BRIAN: "Toon Lights!"
(C&B feel worse and TOM's feels as if he was about to explode)
MIKE: Guys…
CROW: "Ugasi's Usual Morning!"
BRIAN: A Tai and Kari Lemon involving spanking!
(TOM's head explodes as C&B throw up)
(Mads' light flashes)
BRIAN (weakly): No… more… pie…
(BRIAN drops his hand on the light)
(PEARL's class room)
NED: Finally. What took you guys so long?
MIKE: They were talking to me and then they got into a fight.
(Class room)
QB TED: Duhhh… over what?
MIKE: Don't ask.
(Class room)
NED: Who are you?
(PEARL appears)
MIKE: Hey Pearl. I hear you're torturing someone new.
(Class room)
PEARL: He burned down my house.
MIKE: I'm sure he didn't mean to.
(Class room)
PEARL: I don't care! I'm evil, remember. So how have you been?
NED: Uh… Ma'am, what about the experiment?
PEARL: Who cares? I'm talking to my old test subject.
(NED and QB TED just shrug their shoulders and PEARL and MIKE are still talking)
I have faith in those who have a healthy appetite for sex and are willing to share it with anyone at any time. You have demonstrated both and, if you continue to be like this through adulthood and teach your children to be the same way, then they will teach their children and soon, your world will be full of people who are too busy having sex that they don'y have time to fight. That is what world peace is all about."