Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Beginning ❯ cHaPtEr 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A New Beginning

By Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Aro

Aro: ok, so I decided to revise this story, it looked a little strange from this chapter and the 3rd chapter, so chapters 1-3 are being revised right now. Also this is different from the first time I wrote it, I was still a beginning writer, but now I can write better stories! Also when I mean revising, I meant changing some of the parts of this story, its kind of bad. So it's different than before a little bit, but I don't think I have to change chapter 4, but I'll see.

Izumi: also remember these are:

"Dialogue, quotes"



*~*(Author notes)**~

*Digivoling scene*

**ESP **

Kouji: Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Aro, doesn't own digimon. So there, I told you I could do the disclaimer Junpei!

JP: don't call me that!

Kouji: whatever. *~*Turns on the movie projector**~

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"How long will it be until we get home?" Hikari asked.

Hikari Kamiya, was 8 years old, and was the bearer of Light. Her nickname was Kari. She and the rest of the people on the train were the digidestined. She was with her older brother Taichi, or sometimes called Tai. He was 12 years old. He was the bearer of courage. Each digidestined had it's own crest.

"We'll get there soon Hikari." Taichi said.

"Ok, Taichi." Hikari said.

"Yo Taichi, do you think we'll see the digimon again?" Yamato, the bearer of friendship asked.

Yamato Ishida was 12 years old like Taichi is. His little brother Takeru Takaishi has a crest too. He had the crest of Hope. Yamato was called Matt for short sometimes; the only real people that call them by their real name are their siblings and family. The rest of the digidestined called them by their nickname. Takeru was called Tk.

"I hope so Matt." Taichi said.

"Matt, I miss Patamon." Takeru said.

Takeru or Tk is Yamato's little brother. The reason why they have different last names is because their parents have split up when they were only very young. They were lucky their parents had let them go to camp together. Tk was Kari's best friend. He is also 8 years old. Tk lives with their mother, whereas Matt lives with their father. It was a hard time for Matt and Tk to live apart, but they still visit each other once in a while. Tk and his mother live farther away than everyone else. Even though every digidestined did live in Highton View Terrience *~*(Sp?)**~ Before.

"Don't worry Tk, we'll see the digimon again soon." Matt told Tk.

All of a sudden a light came out of nowhere and engulfed every digidestined on that trolley. When the light engulfed them, the light also erased their memories of digimon, but they did remember the others. They just forgot about digimon, the light also engulfed everyone in the real world too. The digidestined were lifted up in the air and disappeared. They reappeared in their beds, and every single person's memories about digimon and the digidestined were altered. Thankfully they exchanged phone numbers before they left for the digital world the second time before Myotismon.

*~*4 years later**~

Tk had just moved to the Odaiba complex. He had called Matt, Tai and Kari, Joe, Mimi, Sora, & Izzy and told them that he was moving back. All of them were happy, even though they saw him during the summer; it was more convenient to have Tk closer. When Tk was going to school, he had met a few kids in his complex.

"Hi, my name's Inoue Miyako, but you can call me Yolei." Miyako or Yolei said. Miyako is in the eighth grade, and her family owns a convenience store. She has lavender hair, and wears glasses. She loves computers.

"My name is Hida Iori, but you can call me Cody." Iori or Cody told Tk.

Iori is in the sixth grade, and knows kendo. *~*(Was it kendo or something else? I forgot, someone tell me please.)**~ He is pretty short for his age, but to make up his height is his wisdom.

"Hi my name is Takaishi Takeru, but everyone calls me Tk." Tk said.

"Wow we live in the same complex, we must go to the same school too." Yolei said.

"Yeah, but I have to go to school to do something." Tk said. "Bye!"

Tk had walked faster to school because he had to do something at the principal' s office. He had to get his schedule. When Tk got there, he went straight to the principal's office and got his schedule from the principal.

When he finished getting his schedule it was already time to get to class. Tk looked at his schedule and saw that he has Math first period. Tk gets to the classroom and introduces himself to the teacher. Then class started.

"Students, we have a new student today, I want you guys to meet Takaishi Takeru. He just moved here to Odaiba," the teacher said.

"Hello, my name is Takaishi Takeru, I am delighted to be here. You can call me Tk for short." Tk said.

"Tk, why don't you sit next to Kamiya Hikari, the girl with the camera?" the teacher told him.

Tk walked over to Kari, and almost every single girl in the room stared at Kari jealously and with eyes full of hatred.

"Tk, I'm glad that you're in my class." Kari told him.

"I'm glad that your glad I'm in your class." Tk told Kari.

"Do you think we have that ESP thing still?" Kari asked.

"I guess so, wanna try?" Tk asked.

**Ok** Kari thought.

**Guess we still have it right Kar? ** Tk thought.

**What am I a convertible? ** Kari asked.

**No, no it's just your nickname. ** Tk thought quickly

**Whatever** Kari thought. **Thankfully I can block you anytime I want though**

**Whatever** Tk thought, but Kari wasn't paying attention to Tk anymore, she was listening to the teacher again.

Both Tk and Kari have all the same classes.

After school, someone came up to Tk and punched him in the stomach.

"That's what you get for trying to hit on my girl." someone said, could anyone guess whom?

"Davis, I am not your girl. I'm Tk's girl right?" Kari said while winking at Tk. Tk saw it and decided to play on.

"Yeah, that's right, she's my girlfriend." Tk said.

"Yeah, well then how come I never see you around her?" Davis asked.

Davis was in Tk and Kari's homeroom class or in other words 1st period. Davis was a Tai clone. He and Tai are in the same soccer team, sort of. Tai is the helper of the team because he was on that team, and was the best.

"I just moved back, but we still stayed in touched." Tk said. Which is partly true.

"Well I don't believe you, why don't you kiss her then?" Davis said. *~*(Ok, here comes the Takari moment, sort of)**~

Tk took Kari aside and kissed her on the lips. If Davis needed proof then he gets proof. Kari was shocked; she didn't know that Tk was really going to kiss her. She was just about to push him away, but then decided to keep kissing him.

**Oh My God!!!!! What are you doing Tk? ** Kari thought.

**Well would you rather have Davis bother you with proof, or get this over with and tell him? You've told me he has been a pain in the ass since 4th grade. ** Tk thought.

**True, but you didn't have to do this, but oh well. ** Kari thought.

Tk broke the kiss, and Kari stared back in shock, but didn't really show it. Davis had big eyes staring at Tk and Kari; he was surprised, and just ran away.

"I think I should take you home Kari." Tk said.

"I think so too." Kari said a little dazed, and looked at Tk a different way than before. She blocked Tk out from her thought.

'Oh my god, I don't think I have ever been kissed by a boy before, but Tk was a great kisser. Maybe the kiss should scare away Davis now. But then Tk, you didn't have to do that; if you haven't kissed me then I wouldn't feel this weird feeling inside me right now. *~*Mental sigh**~' Kari thought without Tk hearing her.

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Everyone excluding Aro: (0_0)

Kari and Tk: we kissed!?!?!?!?!?!? (0_0)

Aro: I didn't write it my yami did.

Davis: yami!!!!!

Yami: you called?

Aro: no not you yami, he wanted my yami, and Yugi is looking for you. Also I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Authoress: you looking for me?

Davis: no we're looking for Aro's yami.

Authoress: ok… (o_0)

Davis: what's up with you?

Tk: Authoress, don't worry about Davis.

Davis: Authoress?!

Authoress: (-_-) I see the pain that you guys have. Ok so like a valentine story will be up soon. I hope.

Aro: bye!!!!

Everyone waves

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Please R&R. Arigato! Ja!