Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Beginning ❯ cHaPtEr 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A New Beginning

By: Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Yami Aro

Chibi Yami Aro: I'm back! Ok, chapter 6 is here!

Lyly: she's still chibi… Oh just Great!

Izumi: Also remember that these are:

"Dialogue, quotes"


*~*Actions**~ ~actions also~

*~*(Authoress notes)**~; ~(Authoress notes also)~

*Digivoling scene*

Kouji: oh great also Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Chibi Yami Aro (for now) doesn't own anything relating to digimon, including us, but she does own Lyly Ishida. She also doesn't own Monopoly, but she does have monopoly. *~*Turns on the movie projector**~ *

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"Yeah, what is it Kari?" Mimi asked.

"Well it happens that you're standing on my brother." Takeru finished what Hikari wanted to tell Mimi.

"What!" Mimi exclaimed. She looked down and noticed that Yamato was unconscious. Yamato began to stir. "Heh heh…" Mimi said sheepishly, "Sorry I didn't mean to, I mean I didn't even notice him on the floor." Mimi still didn't remove her leg because she forgot.

"Mimi…" someone started.

"Huh? Who said that, even though that voice sounds familiar…" Mimi said densely.

"Mimi would you mind moving your foot off me? It's starting to hurt even more than my head." Yamato told her.

"Eep! Gomen! I just forgot to!" Mimi exclaimed.

"It's alright but can you take your foot off me?!" Yamato demanded.

"Oh yeah sorry." Mimi moved her foot from her chest. She then noticed that Yamato was sort of red. 'I don't think he is blushing. I think that the pressure from me pushing his chest must be making him red. And I don't think that he likes me the same way I like him. I think…' Mimi thought.

"Well, Matt and me still don't know anything unwanted information about our past though…" Taichi told the girls. 'I wonder what the unwanted information was; since it made the others faint… must be something about the Digital world… wait! Digital world? Where did I get that from?' he thought.

"Well big brother of mine…" Hikari started. "And Matt too…"

"Have you ever heard of anything called the Digital world?" Takeru finished for Hikari.

"Of course! Being unconscious actually brings back those memories… ~rubs his head~ Kari, it still hurts… where did you get that mallet anyway? I never saw you carry a mallet before…" Yamato asked.

"From Chibi Yami Aro, she happens to have more." Hikari stated. "Well what about you my dear brother? Any familiarity about the Digital World?" Hikari asked.

"Well my dear sister, I do remember a little bit, but not a lot." Taichi responded very formally. Which was a bit scary for Yamato, Hikari, Sora and Takeru because they haven't really heard him say anything like that. Especially Hikari, and she's his sister!

"Well let's see, we have Matt, Sora, Mimi, Kari and me, really remember about the digital world. That leaves Tai, Izzy, and Joe." Takeru stated.

"Well Tk, I bet you Izzy and Joe already remember, so all we have to do is get Tai to remember." Hikari then walked over to Taichi and ~bonk~ bonked him on the head. "That should work because it worked for Yamato. Well, while we wait for the others to wake, wanna play a game?"

"Let's play Monopoly. That is all I have." Takeru suggested.

"Ok." Hikari answered. Just when Hikari answered, Takeru used his powers to bring Monopoly over here from his house, thank goodness no one was playing it, otherwise they wouldn't been able to play it anymore.

"Thank goodness we remembered. Otherwise we would have freaked, we still can't get used to the fact that you guys have those powers. Especially the ESP. ~(Chibi Yami Aro: using the same ESP thing from the original version.)~ Well Tk, can I have the pot of gold?" Yamato asked.

"I want the shoe!" someone said, but you should know who it is.

"Can I have the spinning wheel?" Sora asked.

"Tk, I want the dog." Hikari insisted.

"Then I'll take the thimble." Takeru told them. He passed the pieces to them and rolled the 2 dices first. It came out as 10. Yamato rolled the dices and it came out as 2.

"What?! A stinking 2!" Yamato screamed. After Yamato rolled, Sora rolled. It came out as 7. Mimi rolled next.

"Come on, give me 12, I want to go first! Just as long I'm not last." Mimi exclaimed as she rolled. It came out as 6. "Oh well, at least I'm not last!"

Hikari rolled last, her numbers came out as 11. "What?! Hikari rolled above me too!" Yamato shouted.

"He he! Sorry Mattie boy." Mimi said to him.

"Mimi, don't call me that…" Yamato muttered. They started to play in this order: Hikari, Takeru, Sora, Mimi, and last but not least Yamato. Every time Yamato rolled, he kept on landing on someone's lot, and then he kept on going to jail. Then he had to pay. By his 4th roll, he was down to his last 100 bill. "Come on, don't make me land on someone's property…" he rolled and landed on one of Takeru's Railroads. In 4 turns, Takeru owned all the railroads. So Yamato gave the last of his money to Takeru. "Just great, I have bad luck today. I had Kari smash me on the head with Chibi Yami Aro's mallet twice, get stepped on by Mimi, go last during monopoly and then loose all my money in the beginning of the game!" Yamato exclaimed.

"Don't worry my dear brother of mine, I'll keep your money safe. Now Yamato, you are bankrupt! Now Yamato can't play anymore!" Takeru said happily.

Hikari was just about to say something to Takeru about what he said; someone had started to regain consciousness.

"Augh… what happened?" the person asked. He looked down and noticed Taichi on the floor drooling. "Ew! Kari, your brother of yours is drooling in his sleep." he looked at Mimi, Sora, Yamato, Takeru and Hikari. "Uh… what are you guys playing?"

"Monopoly." they answered plainly.

"Yamato already lost all his money… and we just started." Takeru said while he was laughing.

"Do you want to play?" Hikari asked. "We could start all over."

"No, but do you mind telling us why you and Tk gave us back the memory of Digimon and the Digital World, not like I wouldn't like to remember." the digidestined said.

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Chibi Yami Aro: well it looks like the Digidestined are waking up! Guess who's the digidestined, also bad ending for chapter 6 huh? We know it can't be Taichi, so it has to be either Koushiro or Jyou. I don't believe that I forgot how to spell Koushiro a while back. It took me a while, but then whatever. Well I better return to Mell Minamoto's story 'Chibi Kouzumi Fans!" bai baix! Ja!

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