Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Begins ❯ Begins Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 24 Begins

6 weeks after….January 29th

§ Kari's having strange dreams, with TK in them. He keeps telling her that he's alive and well some where. But she hasn't the slightest clue about it, she confined to Sora about the dreams but not Tai and neither Matt.

§ Saria is now 5 months old.

§ Mimi and Matt resolved the whole Sora thing and are closer then before. But Matt breaks down every time TK's name is mentioned, he never really got over that fact that his brother is "dead"

§ Jeff still has TK trapped in the attic for the first week but then found a old house just of the out skirts of Obidia. Jeff locked him in a room in the middle portion with no windows, a metal door and a seal room with now signs of an escape. A bed and table but that about it a single light that could only be opened from the outside of his confinement. TK's been going nuts trying to take apart his bed, for two days now. His was a mess, he still had on his tuxedo from Christmas day night, he need a shower badly and was now willing to do anything to get out of there.

§ Tai's become suspicious of Jeff's behavior. Every time he would see him he had a bag of food. He talked to Sora about this, but she said it's just him going shopping. Tai monitor him, until he discovered something even more weird when he flowed him secretly in his car all way to an abandoned house.

Guest house…… 2:30pm:

Tai arrived back home in a state of confusion. Sora gave Saria a bottle, and some digestive cookies. She looked at her husband. "Tai? what is it." She asked concerned.

"Jeff." He said. Sora sighed heavily "Not this again Tai, I thought we've been over this all ready?" she asked. Tai looked at her seriously. "I followed him just to see where he was going and he went to that old abandoned ware house on the out skirts he's holding something back and I'm going to find out what it is." Tai replied. Tai went into the bedroom and looking through his draws for dark clothing, Sora came into the bedroom.

"What are you going to do?" she asked. "Investigating I know that he's hiding something." He replied. "Tai don't you going to get hurt." She replied, he shook his head. "I've got to do this Sora, that jerk's been acting really weird and I'm going to find out what about." He replied. Sora frowned 'Well if he isn't he's going to back down on this I'm going also.' She thought. "I'm coming." She said.

Tai stopped at what he was doing and looked up at her. "What?" he asked. "I'm coming too, if you believe so strongly that he is hiding something then I'm coming as well." She replied. Tai looked skeptical at her, he didn't want her to get hurt if there was any kind of trouble like that he'd never forgive himself is she did get hurt.

"Sora …no it's to dangerous, what about Saria?" He replied. she shook her head. "Your mother will be more then happy to look after her and Tai what about Piedmon? I nearly got stabbed with his trump sword attack. If I can survive that then I can go with you on this." She replied.

Tai frowned "Your not going to let me go alone are you?" he questioned. Saria started to cry. "No, your daughter doesn't want you to go alone either." She replied, as she picked up Saria who stopped crying and was now happy again "Saria….come with daddy?" Tai said as he held his hands out. she looked at him then reached out her hands to him. Tai took her now.

"So are we going or not?" Sora asked. Tai nodded. "Okay." He replied. He turned his attention his daughter who was finding it really funny to pull daddy's hair. "Saria…..honey…..let go." He said with happy tune in his voice. Saria laughed and tugged his hair harder. "Sora…a little help." He called. "I'm changing Tai." she from the bathroom. Tai gently removed her hands from his hair. "you don't want to touch daddy's hair again. That hurts when you pull it." He said to her in a sort of baby talk.


Mimi and Matt were kissing on his couch at his mom's apartment. His mother had asked him to move in with her, he was hesitate at first. But he agreed deciding to give his mother a second chance.

He wasn't that happy about her since….the divorce since she took TK away…. Matt stopped responding to Mimi. She pulled away from him. "Matt?" she asked. He shook his head. "It's nothing Mimi." He said to her. Mimi wasn't fool she saw right through him.

"Matt, it's something. Don't tell me it isn't cause it is." She said. "Okay! It is something." He replied raising his voice a little. Mimi watched him apologetically. "I'm sorry…I didn't mean to yell. It's just I was thinking about the divorce and how my mother wanted to me to come back and stay with her….cause now she doesn't have T…..TK." he replied.

"Matt not this again I thought we went over this at the his memorial." Mimi said softly. "We did but I still think it's my fault, I could have done something…" Matt trailed off.

"Matt, you can't go thinking that everything tragic is you fault." She told him. Matt watched her. "Now listen to me, I know your upset cause of what happened to TK. But don't think it's your fault cause it isn't." she told him. Matt rolled his eyes slightly cause of hearing this same thing over and over again.

"I don't want to talk about this, I just wanted to spend time with you." He replied he pulled her up to him. "Now can I enjoy this night with you?" he asked softly stroking the hair. "Yes….you deserve it too." She replied to him. Matt leaned in toward her kissing her. Mimi responded, great fully they wanted to forget everything bad that had happened that month and it was a most February. Her hands slid up into his hair running her hands through it. Matt moaned in the pleasure she was giving him by just kissing.…and pulled Mimi closer to him.


"Kari Help ME!" TK called to her, Kari looked around she couldn't see anything at all, where was he. "TK!" she called.

"Kari you have to help me!" his voice echoed in the dream like paradise. "TK where are you! I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!" she yelled out it echoed back her voice. "Kari Help!" he called again. "TK!!!!!! TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE!" she yelled out again. "I'm some where near the…out--." He voice was cut off Kari woke startled.

She quickly got off her bed, she'd fallen asleep reading a book she had to read for English class. She put on a robe and shoes and hurried down stair and out the back door to where her brother lives. She opened the door. Walked in.

Tai was holding Saria who was trying to grab at his hair, and she was laughing quietly cause of this and the reason that Tai still had is boxers on. "Saria what's so interesting about daddy's hair?." He replied to his daughter who was laughing ever time he moved. "Maybe if you cut it then it would be less interesting." Kari said. Tai turned around blushed red cause the fact he didn't have pants on and he was in his boxers still

"Kari! Knock before you come In!" he replied. hiding behind the island in the kitchen. "What? Sora said I could come without knocking." She replied. "Sora!….Kari's here and can you get me some pants.." he said trailing off. "I know hun." She replied then came out of the bedroom with a pair of pants and some other clothing, she was wearing a robe. She tossed Tai the pants and Saria laughing and giggling thought the whole thing was funny.

Kari gave Sora a hug, then the two girls went into the bedroom. Kari's smile faded as Sora closed the door. "I had the dream again Sora….he's calling me." She replied. Sora looked like she was in thought then spoke up. "Was it the same one?" she asked. Kari nodded.

"Yeah all most except he's trying to tell where he is. But I didn't hear it cause that's were I woke up at." She said. Sora look at her sadly. "Kari what are you thinking?" she asked.

"Sora, he's alive….I know it….I can still feel him around." She replied. Sora frowned, 'She's beginning delusional, TK's not going to come back.' She thought silently. "I know you must think I'm crazy but he is alive. TK is alive I know he is." Kari told her. "You don't know that for sure Kari." Sora spoke. "Neither do you Sora, how can you say that. I thought you understood!" Kari shouted at her.

"Kari I do!" Sora said. "Then how come you aren't believing me." Kari replied as she began to sniffle. Sora didn't say anything. "You don't understand Sora no one understands." Kari said she got up walked away from her out of the bedroom right by Tai ignoring him. Sora came out after. "What happened to her?" Tai asked. Sora frowned. "I don't know." She replied.


TK was franticly search trough out the room for something to take the screws from the bed, the mattress was off to the on side, he had his shirt off and was sweating.

"Come on, there's got to be some thing in here that can……" he's eyes widened as he saw a penny on the ground. "That's it." He replied he managed to get the metal bars off. He took the bar and rammed it into the side of the wall. He bounced back falling on the ground.

'bad idea TK think before you do.' He told himself. He put the indigo light on reading the time, he knew exactly when Jeff would come by and drop off food then leave. And he had five hours to make a hole big enough for him to fit through. He stood up and started to pound the wall with the iron bar, he did this for about 20 minutes until he made a hole through it. He stuck his hand through it.

"YES!!" he jumped ecstatic he made a hole through the wall now he had to just make that hole big enough for him. He was laughing to himself. 'I'm going to get out of here.' The thought happily he kept on working.


Jeff sat at his computer in his room. 'Man talk about being double pay back… ' the thought. He got off the computer and lays down on his bed, "That little twerp cost me to much money." He thought out loud, but it was sure fun just to fake his death and make every single person that cared for him suffer. He started to laugh.

"Especially Blondie Boy." He remark. "The Jerk had this coming to him, he shouldn't have punched me over the fact what I did to Kamiya…hell I didn't do anything just pushed him out in the cold he wasn't about to screw up the carpet in old people's house. Kamiya's a pompous jerk." He replied.

He then got up seeing the hunting knife on his desk he picked it up. 'He might of won the last fight but he won't this time hope your ready fool you fell for the plan…you followed me to the location and knowing you your probably going to come to the rescue the kid and be a hero for everyone especially for your wife.'

The thought his eyes were narrowed in anger. He stabbed the knife into the table. 'Sora's hot, to bad she didn't lose the kid….that would have been such a good Idea for revenge, but then again I could always have my way with her.' He though and started to laugh he looked at his watch '4:00pm, it's show time.' The replied.


Mimi pulled away from him. "Come on Matt, you promised to take me to the movie remember?" she asked him. Matt smiled, "Yeah, I remember. I wasn't forgetting. You distracted me." He replied and laughed a little. He stopped, he felt something strange was going to happen but he didn't know what.

"What is it?" she asked looking at him weird. "I feel weird." He replied. Mimi raised one eyebrow at him. "What kind of weird?" she asked. Matt closed his eyes and reopened them again. "It's like something is going to happen…." He said trailing off. "Could it be a déjà vu?" she asked. "Maybe…*shakes his head* I'm just going to bring my cell phone just in case." He replied. Mimi nodded.

"Okay that's fine." She said. She wasn't normally happy when Matt brought his cell phone with him when they went out to the movies, but in this case she seemed to understand him, she could see it in his eyes. It was something like danger or some important event that might happen.

"Are you sure Mimi? Your not mad if I do bring the phone. Are you?" he asked. "No, I understand you Matt." She replied. "Okay then lets go see the movie…what is it you want to see?" he asked . "The new Romantic comedy with Mel Gibson in it. What woman say… It thinks that what is called." she replied. "Oh…yeah that one….I can't wait." He said sarcastically, Mimi swatted him. "You'll like it Matt come on." She replied. giggling and teasing each other the two were on there way to the movies.


"Thank you Anna so much…I'm really glad you could do this for me." Sora said, she looked at her watched and then back to her mother-in-law. "Okay Me and Tai are going now we'll see you in a little later." Sora said to her. Anna smiled.

"Okay have fun at your night out." Anna said to them. Sora gave her a smiled and wave. "Yeah we will." She said as she went out the door. Tai was waiting there for her already and he startled her.

"Tai!… don't do that." She replied. "Sorry, but we got to hurry up." He replied. Sora nodded at him as she went to changed into clothing that was more suitable for this kind of job they were going to do.


TK took a look at his watch, he stopped immediately cause it was almost 5 o'clock, and Jeff would be here soon. He hid the iron under the bed. "TK." Jeff called. "What do you want?" he asked. "Is that the attitude I get for feeding you for the past month?" he asked.

"Come off it! You major asshole, you've held me prisoner here! I don't care if you don't like my attitude." TK said. To him, he was angry. "True, but you I don't need you any more." He replied. This caught TK of guard. "What?" he asked. "You heard me." Jeff replied.



"It's here." Tai said, as he pulled into the abandoned parking lot. Turning off the car. He turned to Sora. "Promise me to be careful." He said to her. Sora nodded. "And you too…be careful too. Promise." She said. They hugged. "I promise. Sora…I love you." He said he caress her cheek gently. "I promise you too. I love you Tai." she said. They kissed to seal their promise. "Okay come on." He replied, They both got out of the car and slowly and carefully approached the abandoned building.


"Great movie….really good." Matt said. "Your lying to me. Please you didn't like it. Did you?" Mimi asked him. "Yeah I liked. You pick the best movies…and did I ever tell you I love you?" he asked. Mimi shrugged.

"Um….I don't know maybe. A few times today." She said teasing him. "Okay I'll say it again. I love you." He replied. Mimi kissed him intensely. "Is this leading to where I think it is?" he asked once he pulled away from her. She nodded. They began to kiss more heatedly.


"Mom I think Saria's going to be like Tai." Kari replied. "Oh and why's what honey?" Anna asked her daughter. "Cause she acting goofy." She replied. Anna and Kevin started to laugh at her. "What? I was just saying." She replied. "Sure, just keep feeding her. She needs to eat, Kari." Her dad said to her. "Okay, but if food is flying all over the place then it's not my fault." She said.


"No I don't understand tell me." TK demanded. "Is it that hard to figure out TK, think about it." Jeff replied. he opened the door. TK jumped at him tackling him down. Jeff being way stronger what TK was at the moment threw him off of himself, TK crashed through the wall. That was weak from the inside. "Little punk!" he screamed. He picked TK up roughly and throwing him down the stairs.

Sora and Tai heard screaming and crashing noises coming from the warehouse. They looked at each other and just took off toward it.

TK slowly picked himself up. He was holding back the pain in his right arm. Jeff stood at the top of the stairs. "feeling a little better?" he asked. TK couldn't talk cause the pain. "Did you really think that breaking the wall down in there was going to get you free?" Jeff asked.

He slowly stepped down the stairs toward TK. He yanked him up on his feet and push TK into the some of the chair's near the table. TK moaned in pain. The door suddenly swung open.

"JEFF!" Tai yelled , TK clearly recognized him. "Hey….it worked…Kamiya's here, and who's that Mrs. Kamiya?" Jeff remarked. TK tried to stand up. "T...ai..? Sor...a..?" TK managed to get out. Sora and Tai looked toward the boy who Jeff had thrown into the chairs. "Sora go ahead and see." Jeff replied. Tai narrowed his eyes at Jeff who did the same to Tai.

"Come on…what's wrong afraid to get the crap beat out of you?" he asked. "Not quite" Tai replied.

Sora slowly watched carefully as she made her way toward the boy. "Are you okay?" she asked. Slowly laid him onto the ground. She didn't see his face until the light hit it. Sora Gasped. "TK…oh my god! TK are you all right?" she asked in disbelief. "Sora…it's me….I'm not dead." he cringed in pain. This caught Tai's attention and gotten him even more angry.

Tai looked directly at Jeff. "You bastard." He exclaimed. "Yeah well I tried didn't I?" he asked sarcastically. Tai slugged him in his jaw. Jeff was knocked out for a momentary, he wearily tried to get up. Tai quickly ran to where Sora and TK were he had to see this for himself.

"Tai…..I'm…..sorry….about…Kari." TK replied. Tai shook his head. "Don't blame yourself Sora will watch you I'm going to take care of Jeff personally." Tai replied. "Wait Tai!" Sora called him but he didn't turn back.

"Enough with the games it's time I actually meant business." Jeff replied. going into his pocket he pulled out the hunting knife. Sora and Tai looked at the knife in his hand in shock.

TBC…………………&hell ip;..