Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Better look out or he'll get you ❯ Chapter 3 and 4 ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter 3
Izzy finally caught up with Mimi and Sora and told them what all happened with Tai and Yamato.
"Poor Tai. I always thought that Yamato always loved Jun." Mimi said
"O' my God, that whore." Sora blurted out. Both Mimi and Izzy looked at each other.
"Ok then, lets go find that hobo." Mimi said as she walked along the river trail Sora and Izzy followed. They were then walking were Yamato pranced off to; when Yamato came running out of nowhere.
"Run for your lives that damn hobo cut off my arm." Yamato yelled.
"O' really." Mimi said trying not to laugh because she really didn't like him.
"Shut up you slu…" Before he could finish he fell over dead.
"Hey Sora."
"Thanks for letting me hold your hand that was really scary."
"Um Izzy."
`I'm not holding your hand."
"Then whose hand am I holding." Izzy held up his hand and he was holding Yamatos severed arm.
"Holy shit!" Izzy screamed and dropped his arm. When it fell on the ground some blood leaked out.
" I am so out of hear."
"You can't go yet. If where in a group the hobo can't hurt us." Mimi told Izzy.
"Your wrong." A voice called out from the shadows.
Chapter 4
"Who's there?"
"It's me Yolie." She said walking out of the shadows.
"How did you know we were going to b here?" Izzy asked.
"Well I was kind of listening to you and Mimi's conversation today at school and I can tell you I was not the only one.
"Who else was listening to us?"
"Telling you the truth I can't tell you who but I know someone was."
"Ok now your really freaking me out, so stop." Sora snarled at Yolie
"Any way why was I wrong about the hobo not being able to get when we are all together?"
"Because you are."
"But why?"
"Because he as killed a group of people."
"How do you know?"
"Would you let me finish! A couple years a go when I first moved here I made some friends that were obsessed with trying to find the hobo. One night we all came out to find him. We were over the bridge when the first was killed. He was standing behind me when the hobo came up behind him and through him off the bridge and on to a rock and it killed him instantly. Then he got me and through me off the bridge my head hit a rock and I got knocked out. When I woke up I was lying on the ground near the river and the ambulance was pulling up. Later in the hospital I found out that everyone of my friends was dead."
"Did you ever find out how you ended up out of the water?"
"No I still don't know how it's still a mystery. You know I'm not really sure if I want to find the hobo I mean I might not be so lucky this time."
"Ya it already killed Yamato." Izzy reminded them.
"We are going to find that hobo if it's the last thing we do." Mimi said. Then someone was walking towards them with a cane, a big long fuzzy jacket and a hat with a feather in it. Also there were two people following the person.