Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Chocolate ❯ Ken: 1 Cor 6:9-10 ( Chapter 6 )
Chapter 6 - Ken: 1 Cor 6:9-10
He looked so angry. He didn't seem like the same Daisuke that I knew. He was so differant but that fire was still there in his eyes. He had changed a bit, but oh my, he was damn hot!
Ha! If only my parents could have heard me then. They are part of that 0.013% of Japan that choses to be Christian. Apparently homosexuality is opposing God. You know what I say to that? To Hell with God, an oxymoron almost. If I am going to fall in love with another man then, dammit, I will. Women don't interest me. I can't say they ever have. Then again, nor do most men. Its basically only one type of guys that I am interested in. Guys like Daisuke.
Even after all those years he still haunted my... dreams. When I saw him at the game, I almost got an instant hard-on. Go ahead, call me a pervert, at least I know what I want. That fire in his eyes is what keeps me going on living. The perfect tan that envelopes his body makes me just shiver with delight. What I would give to caress his body with my hands. To explore every inch of his soccer player's physique. To taste his lips with my own and hear him moan out my name.
I fall back against the soft silk of my bed. I definatly prefer living here then back in Tokyo. I run my hand through my hair and breath in the sweet, non polluted air of the Digital World. Here, I don't have to worry about my parents walking in on me while I'm having some nice thoughts about a certain Mahogany-haired boy we all know and love.
One hand slides up my shirt as my other undoes my belt buckle. I caress my own chest and imagine how his hands would feel on my creamy flesh. Just as I get my pants down far enough to relieve the pressure in my pants there is a soft knock at my bedroom door. My eyes fly open and I grab a pillow to throw at the door. I growl as I crawl out of my bed and redress my self. I came here to get AWAY from interuptions.
I fling my door open and I glare at the small green digimon below me. He takes a few steps back as if the heat of my anger is pushing him back. He lowers his head to me as I wait for him to say what he wants. Finally breaking the silence Wormmon whispers to me.
"One of the Digidestined is in the Digital World by himself, Master. I thought that you would like to know. He doesn't have his digimon partner with him either," he pauses, "It is Motomiya."
With that last part my interest finally picked up. Daisuke is alone in the digital world with no one to save him from the big, bad Digimon Kaizer. This could get interesting. I may be in love with him, but he is still my enemy. I smirk at the little green 'mon and push him aside with my foot. Heading to my control room, my mind wanders over all the delicious things I could do to him. I spot him on the screen. He looks practically innocent laying there in the grass, staring at the sky. I fetch an airdramon to fly me over.
As not to give myself away I make the 'mon drop me off about 200 feet away. I slowly stride over to him and lean over him. I expected him to at least get a little defensive in my presence. His chocolate colored eyes slowly turn and stare into mine. He sighs and stands up.
"Hello, Dai," I said in my most seductive voice.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to finally get here. I thought maybe an airdramon ate you or something," he giggled at me. What a sweet smile. He continued, "I wanted to see you again, Ken. I just had to. If you are wondering about V-mon. I left him home to show that I wasn't hoping or planning a fight."
He leans in close to my face, keeping that smile on his face. Then he frowned at me. Taking his two index fingers to the corners of my mouth he lifts my lips into a smile, then giggled again. I am starting to wonder if maybe he is high or something. He is acting like a school girl that has a... crush. I shake off that thought and take a step back away from him.
My plans of taking him right here and now have drifted away. I couldn't harm his innocence and I know that now. He takes two steps toward me, making any distance that was between us non-existant. His chest is pressed against mine and his head tilted with his lips mere centimeters from the tender spot on my neck. His breath instantly raising my body temperature. Then he leans forward more and brings his sweet lips to my ear, tickling my earlobe.
"Those pants your wearing, Ken-chan. They are a bit tight, you can make out everything. I know what happens when your eyes lay on me. I know exactly how bad you want me. And frankly, Ken-chan," I gasp as he grinds his pelvis into mine and continues huskily, "I like it."
In one swift movement of my legs being swept out from under me and a hand pushing my chest back and an abrupt stop, I am lying on the ground spread eagle. My eyes are wide open as Daisuke throws his jacket and shirt to the side. In a matter of seconds he has my arms pinned above my head has caught my mouth with his own. His inner thighs are pressed hard against my hips as he rocks back and forth. Oh I wish it was our bare skin and now our pants that are touching now.
I let out a soft moan and a gasp as he frees my mouth. I wish he would also free my hands. I want to touch him, hold him close to me. He can see the need and eagerness in my eyes. He looks me up and down, then shakes his head and tsks. His delicate hand removes my glasses and he looks deep into my eyes. He pulls back with an astonished look.
"You... Do you love me?"
I stare at him in shock, break my hands free and wrap my arms around him, "More than the world itself, Dai. I love you more than the ocean is wet, or the sun is hot. Motomiya Daisuke, you have always and will forever be the only one for me."
He buries his face in the crook of my neck. I can feel the wetness of his tears start to soak through my Kaizer gear. In a flash I am wearing the gray suit that is most commonly seen in the real world. Daisuke lifts up his head and chuckles at me. He tells me that I need to get some fashion sense. I just smile at him and gently press my lips to the spots where the tears still linger. Then he starts purring and whispers to me through my chest.
"I love you, Ken-chan. Even after all these years, I never forgot you. In fact, I only grew to love you even more."
I squeeze him closer to me. Now it is my turn to let a tear fall from my eye. I know that no matter how strong our love for each other is, I am still the Digimon Kaizer. Daisuke is supposed to me my biggest enemy out of all them. Now look at us, he is drifting asleep while laying on my chest. I love the irony of everything. His warmth is soothing to me. My eyelids are growing slightly heavy and soon I will join him in his slumber.
I awoke, I am lying with Daisuke in my arms. I smile and pick him up. It is getting late and he should be getting home but I don't want to wake him. I guess I'll just risk being seen in the real world. I pull my 'vice out of my pocket and made my way to the nearest portal with him on my back. We arrive in his school. Luckily, I am pretty good at landing on my feet when going between worlds.
I scan the computer and hack into a file labeled, "Motomiya Daisuke." I write down the address at which he lives and heft him back up onto my back. I chuckle slightly as he starts to snore. I suppese he is a pretty heavy sleeper to go through all of this. I trudge up the steps leading to his apartment after about fifteen minutes. The door opens and a girl answers. I smile at her as she squeals out my name over and over.
"Nice to see you too, Jun-chan."
"See me? We've met? When was this? Oh who cares! You're famous and you are at my apartment! Wait... is that my brother on your back? That little! He's friends with you and never.."
I cut her off, "You really.. don't remember me?"
She hangs her head and guides me to Daisuke's room. I lay him down on his bed and we exit his room and shut the door. She put her arm around my shoulder. She remembered.
"I've tried to forget, Ken-kun. I really have. But it haunts my dreams still. I lay awake some times and cry and cry. It was hard on both me and Dai. He actually may have took it harder because he just couldn't understand why you were gone. Dai thought it was his fault that you went away. Sometimes, even recently, we have just lied in each others arms and fell asleep crying," she looked directly into my eyes, "You look so much like, Osa-chan now. I loved him, you know. Call it fake because we were so young if you will, but I still do."
I hug her, "He loved you, too. 'Samu told me so," we just stand there. I gasp, " Jun-chan! Please don't tell anyone that was here. Please."
She narrows her eyes, "Too good to hang out with my brother? Well let me tell you.."
I laugh, "No. No. If anything he is too good for me. It's just.. well. I ran away from home a couple days ago. I don't think anyone suspects yet because I told my mother I was staying at a teammate's house. Ha! Don't look at me like that. You shouldn't be worried. I have a really good place I am staying. Its someplace.. differant from here though."
"Oi," she yells, "The Digital World, right? Wait, does that mean you are..."
I nod, "The Kaizer. They know. Daisuke was the one who figured it out. But... Just like you loved Osamu.. I love him," her eyes widen more and she smiles, "And.. Daisuke is my best, no.. only friend that I have. You have my word, I swear on Osamu's soul, that I will never hurt your little brother."
She seems to nod at this and understand. I turn around and open the door and walk out. I shut it behind me and am already down the stairs before it opens again. Jun pops out and slides down the railing to me. She lands on her feet gives a little bounce and a "V" sign. I chuckle at her.
"He told you how he feels then.. right?"
I smile widely at her and nod with excitement. She smiles and hugs me tightly. Then she trots back up the stairs and waves to me. I wave back and head back to the school. When I get half way there, on a bench on the side walk I see Hikari and Takeru, being a bit more than friends. I choose to ignore them and walk on by. I cross my fingers and hope that they don't see me. After a few more steps a firm hand is place on my shoulder.
"Dammit," I curse under my breath.
I spin around and come face to face with Takeru. The girl is standing a bit further behind him, both have slightly menacing glares. I take a step back and sigh. I hang my head then look up after he yelled at me to.
"What do you want, TK?"
He laughs at me, "What do I want? The question is what do you want here is Obaiba. What are you doing here instead of back in Tamachi? Scouting us out, possibly? Checking out where we all live so you can get at us easier, I suppose."
"You suppose wrong, Takaishi. Go back to making out with Yagami over there and let me leave in peace please. I don't want to fight right now. I am happy and would like to stay that way. I am in Odaiba because some old friends live here that I went to school with in Kindergarten. I only used to live a few blocks away from here, you know. Anyway, I caught up a bit with this old friend and we had fun. Therefore, I am happy," I smile sweetly at both of them.
"You aren't fooling anyone, Ichijouji," Takeru yelled and Hikari snorted at me, "You only were here a few month back then in school. And the only person who would even talk to you was....... You were with Daisuke?!"
I smile even brighter at him, giving him a "V" sign, and turn around to walk away. I continue walking until I heard him yell something about killing me if I had hurt my Dai-chan in any way. Now why would I do that? I laugh to myself and stare up at the school building. They followed me here. I quickly enter the building and head to the computer room to go back to the world I belong in. I can't take any more of this foul smelling air. Wormmon greets me and I pick him up and kiss him. He giggles in the way only a Wormmon can.
Get why the chapters are named all Christian-like now? Hm.. I was seriously contemplating a few times to take this story to an NC-17 rating. I think I will write a sub-fic to this and make it a bit citrusy in flavor! *winks* Tehehe! I will if I get enough reviews telling me too! *dissapears in a burst of pink smoke* POOF!