Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digi-Trigger ❯ Odaiba or Bust! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Susan VO: [To someone off to the side.] You sure this is caffeine free? I don't want to be up the
entire night tossing and turning again. [Takes a sip.] Huh? I'm on? OH!

As it turned out, that Time Gate Dino, Yukon and I took lead to the future. However, it was a
dark, bleak future in which the entire planet was reduced to a giant wasteland by a monster
called Lavosmon. We decided that we'd have to find some way to stop this from happening, so
we located another Time-Gate so we could figure out a plan. Along the way, we made friends
with a robot named Rocko, who after helping us get to the Time Gate, decided to help us in our
quest. I sure am glad he's around now, cause he's pretty strong. And something tells me we're
going to need all the strength we can get!

Digi-Trigger Episode 5: Odaiba or Bust!

[The episode opens up with a scene of the Dino and co, plus Rocko, minus Susan, swirling
around the purple and black vortex of the time portal.]

Rocko: I think I'm going to be sick to my stomach!

Yukon: Don't be stupid, you don't have a stomach.

Rocko: Tell that to my stomach!

Dino: Hey, where'd Susan go?

[The scene then changes to one of a floor in an empty black void. The floor is surrounded by a
fence, with a lamppost in the center, a solitary bucket, several pillars of light, and a door at one
end. Dino and co. (still devoid of Susan) appear in the middle of one of the light pillars.]

Dino: I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that time travel thing. [Looks around.] Hey,
where are we? And what the heck happened to Susan?

Yes, just what the heck DID happen to Susan anyway? She disappeared right after the
whole voice over thing.

[The sound of a door opening and slamming shut can be heard in the background, as Susan runs
on screen with a cup of steaming hot tea in her hands.]

Susan: Sorry I'm late, I was just getting myself some tea.

Dino: Tea? They were serving tea, and nobody told me about it?

Yukon: We get tea? Cool!

Rocko: I'm more of a hot chocolate drinker myself. [Everyone else glares at Rocko nastily.]

Dino: I want some tea, I'm gonna go get some.

No you aren't! We've already wasted more than a page on Susan and her stupid tea, and
I'll be dammed if I waste anymore!

Yukon: But that's not fair! We want tea too! [A whistling sound is heard, and a roll of duct tape
flies into view and bonks Yukon in her helmet.] Hey, what the heck was that?

I think that's Jan's way of telling us that the fourth wall still hasn't been fixed yet, so we
have to refrain from breaking it during this episode again.

Jan: Damn straight!

Rocko: [To the others.] Alright, who's Jan, and what's with the disembodied voice?

Dino: We'll explain later.

ANYWAY, where was I? Oh yes! After what seemed like a long time of falling through
the time portal, Dino, Rocko, Yukon and SUSAN found themselves emerging in this peculiar

Dino: I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this time travel thing. [Looks around.] Hey,
where are we?

Yukon: Don't you mean when are we?

Dino: That too.

Rocko: It appears we've arrived at some sort of strange void in space. What do you think, Susan?

Susan: [Is too busy sipping her tea to reply.]

Dino: Oh, Susan, would finish your goddamn tea already!?

Susan: Well excuuuuuuuse me! I LIKE drinking my tea SLOWLY, okay?

Rocko: Forget the tea, let's just figure out where we are.

Yukon: It isn't fair, I wanted tea too!

Rocko: Aw for crying out loud people, would you just SHUT-UP about the stupid tea already!?
There are more important things to worry about now!

As the group continued to waste space arguing over the issue of tea (after I distinctly told
them NOT to), a tiny old man with a cane and a black, bowler hat came out of the door that
seemingly led to nowhere. This old man had apparently heard the yelling, and decided to see
what all the ruckus was about.

Old Geezer: Hey there kids, what seems to be the trouble?

[Everyone stops to look at the old man.]

Dino: I'll tell you what the trouble is, [points to Susan] she gets tea and the rest of us don't!

Rocko: I thought I told you guys to forget about the tea thing!?

Yukon: What are you? The author all of a sudden?

Rocko: . . .NO! And that isn't the point, the point is. . . [All four fall back into arguing about the
tea issue again, ignoring the Old Geezer. This ticks the Old Geezer off a bit, which causes him to

Old Geezer: Would you guys stop talking about the tea!? You've wasted two pages on it already!

Dino: INCOMING! [All five of them duck an empty bottle of super glue that was chucked at

Rocko: Alright, we get the message! Anyway sir, our real problem is we don't know exactly
where, not to mention when, we are.

Old Geezer: I see, so you've lost your way.

Dino: I wouldn't quite put it that way. I'd just say that the way lost us.

Yukon: The way lost us? Is that the best you can come up with?

Dino: Alright miss smarty hearty panties, next time, YOU come up with something better!

Rocko: Smarty hearty panties, heh heh . . .

Old Geezer: Can we stay focused here?

Rocko: Sorry.

Dino: Anyway, do you think you could at least tell us where we are?

Old Geezer: Why certainly, you are all at-

Yukon: Wait, wait, I wanna guess!

Old Geezer: What the-? NO! Now stop being difficult and don't interrupt me anymore. Kids
these days, you know, when I was your age, people respected their elders! Yes sir, if I talked to
my grand folks the way you kids talk to me, they would lean my over their knee and smack my
bottom so hard that my eyes would pop out! Of course, it wouldn't make much of a difference
anyway, since my eyes are forever closed now and I can see just fine, even though this hat is
covering them. Which reminds me, I have to return to the cleaners to pick up my other three
hats. Good hats are hard to find these days. Why, I remember. . .

Susan: Um, excuse me, Mr.?

Old Geezer: Eh? What?

Susan: That's all really nice, but weren't you just about to tell us where we were?

Old Geezer: Oh yes, certainly! See, you three wipper-snappers could learn a thing or two from
this nice young lady right here! [Yukon and Dino stick their tongues out at Susan, who continues
to sip her tea.] Anyway, as I was saying- you four have somehow ended up here, where all time
streams converge together in infinite ways and turns. You my friends, are at the End of Time

Susan: [Chokes on her tea.]

Dino: WHAT!?

Old Geezer: Yes, the End of Time. Though how you managed to get here is beyond me, as even
time travelers shouldn't be able to make it to this place.

Yukon: So then, how DID we wind up here, anyway?

Dino: Isn't it obvious Yukon? You're invention turned out to be a flop- again.

Rocko: Whoah, hold it. Again? What do you mean "again"?

Dino: Well, you see, Yukon is a genius, but non of her inventions ever work the way they're
supposed to. And those that do, end up breaking down or doing weird stuff after awhile. And the
stuff she "fixes" is even worse.

Rocko: Wait a minute, she fixed me! So that would mean- [Rocko suddenly falls to the ground
and begins convulsing like he's being electrocuted.] Ack! Help! I'm dying! Oh the agony! Oh the
pain! Damn you Yukon, you did this to me! Arg! I'm dying! Someone, save me!

Yukon: [Becomes teary-eyed.] Way to instill confidence in a girl! [Bursts into uncontrollable

Susan: Oh poor Yukon, it's okay. [Kicks Rocko.] Stop that! See what you did, you made Yukon

Rocko: But I'm going to be dead because of her.

Susan: No you aren't you big crybaby!

Rocko: Crybaby? I'm not the one who's-

Susan: [Hits Rocko with Takeru's 02 hat.] Just shut-up and apologize to her!

Rocko: [Grumbles to himself.] Sorry Yukon. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. [Yukon then
proceeds to blast him with her Wonder Shot. Of course, this only serves to bang him up a bit and
knock him onto his back.] I guess I deserved that.

Old Geezer: [Whispers to Dino.] Are they always like that?

Dino: No, but considering that the robot just recently joined us from the year 2600, something
tells me they will be.

Old Geezer: Wait, you mean to tell me that you three humans aren't from the same time as he is?

Dino: Well, no.

Old Geezer: [Snaps fingers.] That must be it! Young lady with the helmet, do you think I could
see what you used to time travel for a second?

Yukon: Uh, sure. [Gives the Old Geezer the T-3.]

Old Geezer: [Opens up the T-3 and looks at its insides.] Yes, yes of course, that's it! The reason
why you four ended up here isn't because this device broke, its because this device doesn't have
the technology for transporting people from multiple time streams at the same time!

Susan: In layman's terms, please?

Old Geezer: The way this device is set up, its programming only tells it how to send people that
come from the same time period through a "time gate" as you would say. As long as all the
people that travel using this device all come from the same year, the same day, and the same
second, the device will work without a hitch. However, say you have someone, like that robot
over there, who comes from the future, traveling with someone who comes from your time. At
that point, this machine here has to deal with two different time streams at once, but since its
only programmed to handle one time stream at a, well, time, it becomes confused. So instead of
sending you to where the portal initially intended, it took you all to the time and space
coordinates of the least resistance. And that's here, at the End of Time.

Dino: Well, I hardly understood any of that argument, but I did catch one thing, [kicks Rocko]
you stupid robot, you broke the T-3, and now we'll never get home!

Rocko: Ow! Stop that!

Old Geezer: You misunderstood! He didn't break it, the device would work just fine if only the
three of you were to use it. However, as it works now, he can't ever travel with you.

Susan: I guess that means there's only one thing we can do. See ya Rocko! [Susan, Dino, and
Yukon all turn and walk away.]

Rocko: Hey, wait, where are you all going!?

Yukon: We're going home. You can stay here with the Old Geezer if you want.

Rocko: You can't do that! I'm your friend. [Begins sobbing and gets on his knees.] Please don't
leave me behind! I can't bare to think of being all alone again! I'll do anything you want me to
do, anything! Just name it, but please, don't leave me behind!

Yukon: Will you be my slave.

Rocko: Dammit, would you shut up about the slave thing already!?

Dino: You know, I don't think we should just leave him here. After all, he is willing to help us in
any way he can. Plus, we're going to need all the help we can get to fight Lavosmon.

Old Geezer: L-L-LAVOSMON!?

[Doors all across time and space begin opening up randomly, with people popping their heads
out and exclaiming "LAVOSMON!?" at the top of their lungs, much like the Old Geezer did.]

Susan: Is there an echo here?

Old Geezer: You silly, foolish children! Don't you realize what you've just said!?

Susan: I said "is there an echo here?", or did you mean something else?

Dino: I think he mean my "fight Lavosmon" line.

Old Geezer: [Whacks Dino on the head with his cane.] Don't say such a thing! Don't you realize
that what you propose is not only impossible, but could spell disaster for everyone, everywhere,

Rocko: What do you mean.

Old Geezer: [Begins pacing back and forth.] This is no good, no good at all! [Turns to the
group.] Lavosmon is a powerful beast created long ago in the past. He's a monster, who
consumes the energy of planets for his own use, and destroys everything in his path. He is pure
evil incarnate, his presence causes reality itself to warp and distort until its barely recognizable,
and not only that, but his power is so great that it threatens the existence. all time streams
everywhere, even the End of Time!!!

[By this time, Rocko is cowering in fear behind Yukon, Yukon's eyes are opened wide with
astonishment, Susan has spilled what's left of her tea on herself, and Dino blinks, not at all

Dino: So? He may be an all powerful demon-god-type-thing, but just because he can do all that
stuff, doesn't mean defeating him isn't impossible. [Thumps chest.] He may be able to destroy
all existence as we know it, but a power like that is no match for the power of teamwork and
perseverance! If we just stick together and work as a team, then I know that there's no way we
can lose!

Rocko: [Whispers to Yukon.] Is this loony for real?

Dino: I heard that!

Old Geezer: You really believe you can actually win? [Chuckles.] Well, I think its crazy, but if
you kids want to go and get yourselves killed, then who am I to argue?

Rocko: Wait, don't lump me into a group with this bunch of crazies! I don't want to fight this
Lavosmon thing!

Dino: What about you two, Susan? Yukon? What do you say.

Susan: Well, I don't like it, but since its in the script, I'd say let's go for it!

Yukon: You know me, Dino. Wherever you go, I go!

Dino: Alright, it's settled then! We're all going to fight Lavosmon together!

Rocko: Hasn't anyone been listening to me? I said I don't want to!

Old Geezer: Well, you do seem determined. Tell you kids what I'm going to do, I'll help you
four in this mad quest of yours a bit.

Susan: Really?

Old Geezer: Of course! Now, I'm not stupid enough to actually go out there on the battle field,
but you can think of me as your guide of sorts. If you ever have a question relevant to your quest,
just pay me a visit.

Dino: Gee, thanks a lot!

Old Geezer: Before I let you go, I want you guys to visit a friend of mine. [Motions to the door in
the fence.] Just step in there to meet him. He'll give you all the power of magic to aid you. In the
meantime, I'll work with this T-3 device here to modify it so that people from multiple time
streams can travel together.

Yukon: Alright, magic! Come on guys, let's go! [They all rush into the room, except for Rocko,
who slowly saunters after them.]

Rocko: [Muttering.] Great one, Rocko. "I'm forever in your debt! I'll do anything you ask me
too!" Hmpf. . . teach me to be a good Samaritan. . .

[Inside the door, we find a room that looks like the first one, except smaller and without pillars
of light. Also different is a small Koromon that's sitting smack dab in the middle of the floor.]

Tiny Koromon: Oh wow, Guests! Welcome travelers. I take it the Old Geezer sent you here, am I

Dino: Uh yeah. Say, do you know where the guy who's supposed to teach us magic is?

Tiny Koromon: That would be me! I'm Otakkio, the god of war!

Susan: . . . YOU are the god of war?

Otakkio: Of course I am!

Yukon: But you're so small.

Otakkio: Am I really? Well, I may not look like a god of war, but that wouldn't be my fault. You
see, what I look like to you, is really a reflection of your own inner strength. How do I look to
you guys?

Rocko: You're a fribbin' Koromon, how do you THINK you look to us?

Otakkio: Pretty weak, huh? Well, then the reason for that is because YOU all are weak

Dino: What!? Who you calling weak!?

Otakkio: Not to worry, though! Once I'm finished with you, you'll all be super strong, and more
than worthy of gaining magical powers! I can already sense the magic potential inside of you.
You there, goggle boy! You're energetic and unpredictable, so your power will be lightning.
Little girls with the tea-stained clothes, your beautiful, open minded, and yet, can be cold when
provoked. So your power will be ice! As for the girl in the helmet, you have a fiery spirit and
burning ambition in spades, so your power will be fire!

Rocko: Ooh! Ooh! What about me, huh? What power am I?

Otakkio: You get no power, cause I don't like you.

Rocko: What? That's not-

Otakkio: Go on, get out of here, you!

Rocko: But-

Otakkio: Out!

Rocko: But I-

Otakkio: O-U-T spells out!

Rocko: [Grumbles.] Stupid Koromon. . . [Turns around and leaves.] Calls me weak. . .god of
war, feh, all I'd have to do is step on the damn thing-

Otakkio: And with that nuisance out of the way, we can begin the training! Now, here's what I
want you to do-

And so Dino, Susan, and Yukon stayed behind to train with the god of war, Otakkio.
They trained long and hard, doing various tasks for the god (who no matter how they looked at
it, always looked just like a Koromon), such as walking around the room three times, washing
the dishes, cleaning the cupboards, vacuuming, cleaning that hard to reach place under the
fridge, programming the VCR, and among other things. Of course, I can't tell you how long they
were there, as at the End of Time, time has no meaning. So lets just say that they did a lot of
stuff and were very, very tired once Otakkio decided that their training was complete. At that
time, Otakkio still looked like a Koromon, but decided to give them magic power anyway. With
the training done, Dino, Yukon, and Susan emerged from the door back into the rest of the End
of Time, to find Rocko and the Old Geezer, sitting at a table, drinking hot cocoa and playing a
game of cards.

Old Geezer: -And so then she says "you insolent fool, that isn't my son, it's a duck!"

Rocko: Hah! [Notices Dino and co.] Oh hey guys, what's up?

Dino: Hey, where'd you get that hot cocoa from?

Rocko: Oh, the Old Geezer made it while we were waiting for you guys to finish up.

Dino: Is there any left.

Old Geezer :[Quickly pours the last of the cocoa into a mug and drinks it.] Not anymore.

Dino: I don't believe this, first we miss out on the tea-

Susan: Are you still hung up on that tea thing?

Yukon: Never mind the tea, did you fix the T-3?

Old Geezer: The what?

Yukon: Our time machine thing.

Old Geezer: Oh that! Of course I did. [Gives the T-3 to Yukon.] It should allow you four to travel
through time without a hitch now.

Yukon: Thanks!

Susan: Speaking of which, do you know how we can get back to the year 1000 from here?

Old Geezer: Certainly. [Points to a pillar of light.] Just take that pillar of light until you reach a
crossroads of sorts. Take the wormhole to the left and keep on strait for about twelve centuries
or until you find the year 2000. Get off on the exit ramp marked 1212 and just take that rout until
you reach the year 1000. You can't miss it.

Yukon: Got it! Alright people, let's go!

Rocko: [whispering to Susan] Did you get any of what it was he said?

Susan: [whispering back] Not a thing.

Utilizing the newly repaired T-3, Yukon opened a portal in the indicated light pillar, and
all four of our protagonists jumped in, hoping that at least Yukon remembered some of the Old
Geezer's instructions.

It was a peaceful and quiet day in the town of Server Village. The Digimon were having
a good time, for the work day was over, and now was the time for fun a relaxation. Two of the
younger Digimon, Gabumon and Gomamon, had finished eating dinner and were about ready to
go about their business for the rest of the day. Gomamon would go down to the local tavern and
do stand up for all who cared to stay and listen, and Gabumon would do whatever or stay home
and smoke weed. Little did either one realize that today would be unlike any other day, for as
they were busy cleaning up, a blue black portal opened above their heads, and out fell our four

Dino, Susan, Yukon, Rocko: WAUGH! [They all crash in a huge heap on top of the Digimon.]

Gomamon: What in the name of rabid otaku is going on!?

Gabumon: Uh, yeah, what he said.

Rocko: Anybody get the truck of that license plate number that hit me?

Dino: You know Yukon, you should really fix that thing so it can give us a soft landing next

Yukon: Sorry, it isn't my fault.
Susan: Who cares who's fault it is!? All I want to know is where the heck are we!?

Gomamon: Hey, aren't any of you listening!? [Everyone looks at Gomamon.]

Dino: Hey, you're a Digimon.

Gomamon: Brilliant deduction, Sherlock. Now what the heck are you humans doing in my

Gabumon: It's my house too, you know.

Gomamon: No it isn't. Not until you start paying your share of the rent and stop spending all
your money on weed!

Gabumon: I do not spend all of my money on weed, thank you very much.

Gomamon: Don't try and deny it, Gabumon. You know you have an addiction problem, admit it!

Gabumon: I do not!

Gomamon: Yes you do!

Rocko: Uh, I hate to interrupt this little squabble, but-

Gomamon: And you! How dare you come barging into our house like you own the place! Get

Susan: But we-


15 minutes later. . .

Dino: Ugh, my clothes still smell like fish.

Susan: That Gomamon has issues. And speaking of which, Yukon, where and WHEN are we

Yukon: Well, according to my calculations based on the directions given to me by the Old
Geezer, the surrounding environment and population, as well as information I got off the
calendar in that house we were in, I'd say we're in Server Village, on the eleventh day of
January in the year 1000, with the time being 4:40 in the evening.

Susan: Wait a second, did you say we are in Server Village?


Rocko: Would someone tell me as to why this is a bad thing?

Susan: Don't you know about what happened 400 years ago.

Rocko: I flunked history when I was in school, OKAY!?

Susan: Well, it all started when this creepy guy calling himself the Myotismon appeared and
became leader of the Digimon empire. Digimon and humans had always held animosity towards
each other, but when this guy took charge, an all out war broke out between the two!

Yukon: The war lasted for three years, and then ended one day when the Myotismon disappeared

Rocko: How did he disappear?

Susan: Nobody knows. But whatever the reason, there was no other Digimon strong enough to
unite the entire race, so the Digimon empire eventually crumbled and the humans won the war.

Rocko: I see. So that would mean that these Digimon might still hold a grudge towards humans?

Meramon: [who just happens to be passing by] DEATH TO ALL HUMANS! [Gives them the

Dino: "Might hold a grudge" would be putting it delicately. If we stay here, we're as good as

Yukon: And the fact that we're 400 miles south from where we need and want to be makes this
predicament even worse.

Dino: Alright, anyone have any ideas on how to get back to Odaiba?

Rocko: We could always hitchhike.

Susan: No we couldn't. The Fox Kids network censors would never let us "influence" little
children to do such things.

Rocko: . . .The. . . what?

Susan: I sai- [she is interrupted by a piece of the fourth wall falling on her head.] Ow! Hey, who
threw that?

Dino: Who threw what?

Susan: Never mind.

Yukon: Hey guys, any of you three notice that it's getting a little, um, crowded out here?

Dino, Susan, and Rocko all averted their attention to the crowd of Digimon which had
been slowly gathering around them. And by the looks on their faces, they weren't too happy to
see three humans walking around their village.

Dino: I think we're in trouble.

Voice: [in cheesily done Elvis voice] Yall'r right about that!

Rocko: Who are you?

Eddiemon XIII: [the Digimon surrounding him move out of the way to let him be seen.] Who
ahm I? Who ahm I? Why I'm the baddest, meanest, best lookin', best singin' Digimon in the
whole wide world! I'm Eddiemon XIII, descendant of one of the Myotismon's top three hench-
mon. [silence] Come on, I just made a funny here. Laugh, dammit, laugh! [The Digimon around
him all break out into uneasy laughter.] Thangya, thangya very much!

Susan: Is this guy for real?

Yukon: Oi vey.

Eddiemon XIII: Now listen here closely, ya dirty little human wimps, we Digimon don't enjoy
your company in our city, do we? [Just about every Digimon in the crowd agrees and yells out
insults and slurs at our heros.]

Hawkmon: Actually, I don't really mind at all. [All the other Digimon then proceed to throw
stuff at Hawkmon.]

Eddiemon XIII: [To crowd.] You can deal with Chicken Little over there some other time! [To
humans.] Now, all us Digimon here in this town hate humans, and so because of that, we're all
gonna attack ya and reduce ya to Digi-dust! [Crowd cheers.] BUT FIRST- Ah'ma gonna sing a
little song I call "Killing the Humans Until They're Dead!" [Crowd screams in terror.]

Dino: Quick everyone, run!

Eddiemon XIII: [Singing in a very bad Elvis impersonation.] Oh ah'ma gonna kill them humans,
and kill em good! I'm gonna kill em over and over, until they're dead, those humans they make
me so mad, that I see red, so that's why ah'ma gonna kill em and kill em until they're d- [Stops
singing and looks around him to see that the entire crowd is either unconscious or dead, with
their ears bleeding.] Hey you good for nothin' digital loafers, you gotta wait till ah'ma finished!
[Looks around.] Hey, where'd those kids and their tin man friend go?

What Eddiemon XIII didn't know, was that one other human was present at the scene of
the mob. When Eddiemon began to sing, this human inserted a pair of earplugs and amidst the
confusion, quickly swept through the crowd, gathered up our heros, and took them all to the
safety of his house, which just happened to be a few blocks away. Once they awoke from their
comas, the three humans wasted no time in thanking the strange old man who rescued them.

Yukon: [Bows three times.] Thank you, oh strange man who has rescued us from harm! We are
eternally grateful.

Susan: Erm, just what exactly IS your name, anyway?

Mook: You may call me Mook, the greatest artist and weapon smith in the entire world.

Yukon: Well, Mook, [bows three times] we are eternally grateful for-

Rocko: Enough of that! [Yukon blows raspberry at Rocko.]

Dino: Well, we are thankful, but why exactly did you save us.

Mook: Well, for one, if I didn't, then we wouldn't be able to meet up again some 12,600 years

Dino: Huh?

Mook: Never mind. Anyway, the other reason I rescued you four is because I believe that no
living creature, human or Digimon, should be subjugated to Eddiemon XIII's singing. He's every
bit as bad as Eddiemon the first! But enough of my babbling, I bet you four are hungry, yes? [All
three nod their heads.] Well, it just so happens that I was about to make dinner. You all are more
than welcome to join me.

All: Alright!

Over the course of dinner, the four travelers explained their predicament to Mook in semi
full detail. They were careful to leave out the part about Lavosmon, as they didn't want to freak
out the kindly old man with the knowledge that the world would be reduced to rubble within the
next 999 years.

Mook: I see, so you all need to get back to Odaiba?

Dino: [Slurping some soup.] That's what we just told you.

Susan: Dino, don't slurp your soup, that's bad table manners!

Dino: Well excuse me, who made YOU my mom?

Susan: I am not trying to be your mother, Dino! I'm just saying you should display proper
courtesy while you're someone else's guest!

Rocko: Exactly. And if you really need to get your soup down quickly, then you should use a
funnel, like me!
Rocko then proceeded to demonstrate what exactly he meant, by opening up his visor and
extracting a tube with a funnel on the end. He then poured all of his soup inside the funnel,
ingesting his entire meal in one big gulp. Once he finished and withdrew the tube and funnel
and closed his visor, several compartments on his body opened out to release a burst of steam.

Rocko: Ahhh... that hits the spot!

Yukon: That vapor better not be what I think it is. . .

Mook: . . . Anyway, I think we had better get back to your problem. You see, I know of a way
that will get all four of you to Odaiba in just under a day.

Dino: Really?

Mook: Yes. There is a mountain out behind my house known as Kaiser Mountain. At the top of
the mountain there is a warp hole that *should* take you back to Odaiba. However, I'd be
careful if I were you guys. Many Digimon make their home on the mountain, and all of them
hate humans.

Dino: Don't worry about us. We can take perfect care of ourselves! Right guys?

Susan: [Oblivious to the previous exchange.] Give me that bun!

Yukon: No! It's mine! You already had six!

Susan: What difference does that make?

Yukon: That's two more than I ate. Plus, you had tea earlier.

Rocko: What the heck is with you guys and food anyway?

Dino: [Sweatdrops.]

The next day, Dino, Yukon, Susan, and Rocko all bid Mook farewell and set out for the
warp on Kaiser Mountain, hoping to get home in time for lunch. They were all cautious, just as
Mook warned them to be. As they entered the inside and continued to climb to the top, however,
they met no resistance from Digimon whatsoever.

Yukon: What crock! I don't see any Digimon up here, do you?

Dino: Nope. I guess that old guy with glasses and the taped on moustache was just trying to scare

Susan: Hey look, there's a light at the end of the tunnel!

Yukon: Couldn't you have thought of something more original?

Despite the eerie sense of deja-vu all were feeling, that somewhere, some when they
heard the exact same exchange between two different people, they pressed on to where Susan
spotted the light. Once they reached the end of the tunnel, they all saw that the light was in fact,
the warp hole Mook told them about.

Rocko: Alright, there it is!

Dino: Come on guys, let's go home!

At that moment, however, something very big, very dangerous, very mean, and very, very
*cute* dropped from the ceiling. It was: BIG WORMMON!

Big Wormmon: [In Waspinator voice.] Hu-mons! Big Wormmon hate hu-mons!

Yukon: Wow, looks like Mook wasn't pulling our chains after all.

Big Wormmon: Sticky net! [Fires web at Yukon, which hits her face and covers her mouth.]

Rocko: Bwah-hah!

Susan: [Walks up to Big Wormmon.] Awww. . . how cute! [Reaches out hand. Big Wormmon
attempts to bite it off. She withdraws her hand.] Why you nasty little bug! [Pulls out crossbow.]
I'll teach you! [Fires several arrows, all which bounce harmlessly off of Wormmon's soft,
squishy skin, which also causes Big Wormmon to squeak like a little toy.] Aww, I can't be mad
at you! You're too squishy and adorable! [Hugs Big Wormmon, causing him to squeak again.]

Big Wormmon: Help! Somebody heeeelp Big Wormmon!

Dino: Susan, get away from him! I'm going to try and chase him off! [Susan moves away.] Slash
Wave! [Sends a wave of energy crashing into Big Wormmon. All this does, however, is make
him squeak again.]

Big Wormmon: Big Wormmon getting vvvery mad at hu-mons!

Rocko: Now it's my turn! Alright everyone, let me show you how to get rid of something like
this. [Runs up and stops right in front of Big Wormmon, and then makes a face at him.]

Big Wormmon: Wha! [Cowers in fear.] Big Wormmon is scared! [Begins crying!]

Rocko: Alright everyone, get through the warp bef-

Susan: Nobody's going anywhere! Rocko, what you did to that Wormmon was mean! Apologize
to it!

Rocko: But. . .


Rocko: [Grumbles.] I'm sorry I scared you and made you cry, Big Wormmon. Do you forgive

Big Wormmon: [Stops crying.] NO. [Bites off Rocko's hand.]

Rocko: Hey! That was my favorite hand!

Susan: You deserved it.

Rocko: But he ate my right hand! That's the hand I write with!

Susan: Should of thought of that before you were so mean to him, shouldn't you.

Dino: You know, call me an insensitive jerk without an Overactive Sympathy Gland, but I think
Rocko is more in the right than the Wormmon here. Don't you agree, Yukon.

Yukon: [Still trying to get the webbing off her face.] Mph, hrmph uff fmm, rmmmph!

Susan: But it's so cute and squishy! How could you possibly think that doing such horrible things
to it is justified?

Just as Susan said these words, Big Wormmon jumped atop her and flattened her on the
ground, crawling over her in order to get to the others who were behind her. With his right hand
missing, Rocko could no longer fight, not that it would do any good, as any attack just bounced
off the Wormmon's body and caused it to make a squeaking sound. Fortunately for them, the Big
Wormmon just made a terrible mistake; it made Susan angry enough to pull out Takeru's 02 hat!

Susan: [Getting off the floor.] Why you overgrown piece of fish bait! Take that!

With that, Susan whacked Big Wormmon as hard as she could with the hat, busting a
hole right in his soft, squishy skin. The Big Wormmon then began to fly all about the room, as
the hole was letting all the air out of it. After a few minutes of this, Big Wormmon finally landed
on the other side of the warp-hole, now a regular sized Wormmon.

( not so) Big Wormmon: [Cries.] Whaaaah! Whaaaah! You hu-mons are mean! Big Wormmon
going to go home now and tell his mommy on you! Whaaaah! [Begins crawling away,
veeeeeeery slooooowly.] Big hu-mons wouldn't be so mean if Myotismon finished making
Lavosmon like he was supposed to. If Lavosmon finished, then Digimon would rule world! It not
fair for poor little Wormmon. . .

Everyone just stood in the room, blinking as the Wormmon crawled off into the distance
and out of earshot.

Susan: Oh, the poor little Wormmon! I hope I didn't hurt it too much when I hit it, but it was just
asking for it! [Sniffles.] Curse this Overactive Sympathy Gland of mine.

Rocko: Poor Wormmon? Hello? MY HAND!?

Susan: [Indifferent.] What about it?

Rocko: Grrr. . .

Yukon: [Still tugging on the webbing.] Mph- grmphuh- rmmm. . . [rips it off] YOW! That hurt!
[Rubs her face.]

Dino: There you are Yukon, I was wondering why you were being so quiet.

Yukon: Normally I'd come up with some witty, sarcastic remark right about now, but that's not
important. Did you guys hear what the Wormmon said while it was crawling away?

All three of them blinked for a few moments, then shook their heads no. Except for Dino,
who mentioned the "poor Wormmon" line, but that wasn't what Yukon was talking about.

Yukon: Look, you guys. If you all payed attention, you would have heard him say something
about Lavosmon!


Susan: Hey, she's right!

Yukon: Of course I am. And if you also heard, he said that Myotismon created Lavosmon!


Dino: So it was the Myotismon who created Lavosmon.

Susan: That would mean that if we want to stop Lavosmon, then the best way to take care of him
would be to kill the guy responsible for creating him!

Yukon: Exactly!

Dino: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go back to Odaiba and see how we can put a stop to
the Myotismon's nefarious plans! [Jumps into the warp-hole.]

Susan: [Jumps in after him.] Hey Dino, wait for meeeeee. . .

Yukon: Come on Rocko, let's go!

Rocko: [wails] But my haaaaaaaand!

Yukon: Oh forget about your stupid hand! If it'll make you feel any better, I'll give you a new
one once we get home, now come on! [Pushes Rocko into the warp-hole.]

Rocko: Yay! [Falls into the warp-hole, followed closely by Yukon.]

Devimon VO: Will the warp-hole really lead Dino and co. back to Odaiba? Will they find a way
to stop the Myotismon before he creates Lavosmon? Will Rocko ever get his right hand back?
These questions, as well as others will be answered in the next installment of Digi-Trigger! So
read the next episode of Digi-Trigger to find out!

Dee-da-dee-dun. Dee-da-dee-dun-deeeee!

Devimon VO: Stop that.
