Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 17. Datamon's Pyramid ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

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"Wait Sora, I really meant what I said a few minutes ago."




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17. Datamon's Pyramid

Gabumon: "Sora told Tai that she knew what his dream was about and that it would come true.... meanwhile Simon and Sharon decided to be partners, she tried to convince him that they had to get rid of Sora...and he slowly agreed turning to the book of death for help. When we were finely once again reunited with Tai and Sora...plus Agumon and Biyomon we headed to search for the stone of destiny we found it...and nothing got in our way except for Arrowmon. Floramon digivoled to her ultimate level and defeated her. And we got the stone...now the next big task ahead is finding the Sand Stone.... which is inside the very pyramid that Datamon held Sora and Biyomon in and Tai made his crest of courage shine...Let's hope history doesn't repeat it's self."


Two weeks later...

The crickets chirped loudly the moon was fully as the chosen children and they're digimon where huddle around a fire watching the fames dance. "You know this silence is deafening." Mimi said she watched the fames... "You think?" Gomamon question he also watched the fames also.

"Well since your all here...I might as well tell you all something." Sora said her voice was troubled as if she knew something, bad was going to happen. "What is it Sora?" Biyomon questioned her. "Something that also applies to Tai." She looked over at him he sat with his sister, but hadn't heard her because he was thinking about what would happen if they disappeared.

"Tai...what's this thing Sora talking about?" Agumon asked. "Yeah...why is everyone being mysterious?" Matt questioned. Tai looked at Matt then to Sora then back to Agumon. "Sora that not going to happen. How can you know it will? Simon stole the powers away from you." Tai said confused.

"He did.... but I think I have them again why else would I have the same dream as you...did...we are connected some how by the crest I couldn't do that before." She replied. Izzy nodded.

"She has a point...." Izzy trailed off. "But why would he do that? He would be giving us the advantage if he just gave Sora her powers." Biyomon asked confused.

"It's not that Matt..... I saw something.... that Tai saw in his dream.....it was.....strange I didn't believe the it at first ...but now that I think about it...I feel different about it…I can sense something." She whispered standing up.

"So what happened? In the dream maybe we can decipher it." Izzy replied. "What?" Tentomon asked him. "Look at it more carefully." He replied.

"Um…I can't tell you guys…. you'll try to stop it…but there won't be no use…you won't be able to stop it." She replied, Tai was worried looked at Sora.

"Sora…" he trailed off, he watched his digimon and took off somewhere in the bushes. "Tai!" Kari called to him…Sora felt guilty now. "I'm going to talk to him." She whispered and got up and walked to the direction Tai had gone in.

"I'm coming too Sora!" Biyomon called after her. "Me too!" Agumon cried he hurried after the pink bird digimon.

"I take that it must be really bad to Tai to just take off like that." Matt whispered. "Hmm…yeah…I wonder how bad that dream was…if Sora knows what Tai dreamt about…wouldn't that mean she has her powers back?" Izzy thought out loud.

"Maybe she dose…I do sense she has a power…like me." Kari replied. "But that's crazy…we saw it will our own eyes. How Simon took it from her." Matt replied.

"Matt she's right…if Sora knows about the dream she might have those powers Izzy is talking about." TK spoke. "Hmm…something seems fishy." Gomamon commented. "Good then it's not only me." Tentomon replied.


"Tai!" Sora called, she heard something move in the bush. "Tai…I know it's you." She said talking to the bush. He came out. "Okay…it's me." He replied he was a bit angry at her for saying it's no use, to save them. "Tai I'm sorry." Sora said to him.

"Well you seem to have gave up pretty easily!" he cried looking at her. "Tai…I didn't mean to make you upset…I swear…I didn't mean too." She said to him quietly. His eyes lightened a bit, but he held his strong.

"Sorry I ran out like that but we need to talk about this dream, us alone." Tai replied watching her Sora nodded. "I understand." She replied.

"I know you this is bothering you but you can't let it get to you." She said. "Not let it get to me! Sora this bugging me so much…I mean one of the things I wanted to know is how you knew about the dream with out me telling you." He replied.

"Because I had the same dream as you….it was scary Tai. And I didn't want you to know about it…until you woke up startled and I realized that you had the same one as I did." She replied looking at him, Tai looked at her confused. "But why didn't you tell me this before?" he questioned her.

"Because I knew what it felt like to predict what was going to happen next…when Simon kidnapped me, I knew it was going to happen--." He cut her off in mid-sentence. "So it was a prediction? Like of what will happen next?" he asked worried.

"Yeah…I have the same feeling as I had when I knew Simon was going to kidnap me." She replied.

"I can't leave my sister again…I can't do that I promised my mom I'll look after her." He replied, "Tai don't worry about that…Matt did a good job of looking out for her and TK." Agumon said coming from the bushes Biyomon then came after him.

"Matt?" he asked. "Yeah…Matt, he was being temporary leader when you were away…Gatomon told me so." Agumon replied.

"Agumon's right…Matt can watch Kari for you…so when we do disappear he'll be there and watch out for her, he has the Crest of Friendship. You can trust him…I believe he can." She told him.

"Okay I'll ask him myself." Tai replied he was about to go but stopped when Sora pulled him back. "Um…Biyomon, Agumon do you think we can have a moment alone?" Sora asked her's and Tai's digimon. "Okay Sora." Biyomon replied, "Should we tell the other that you come afterwards?" Agumon asked.

"Um…yeah." Sora answered she still had a hold of Tai's arm he wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying but to what she was doing.


The two digimon walked thought back to the camp where they set up for the night. "Well that was weird do you think we should have left them alone…in the forest at night?" Biyomon asked. "Hmm…I don't want to…how about we just hide some where, and watch them just in case." Agumon suggested. "Good Idea…but let's be quite." She whispered to him.

"I agree." Agumon said then the both went to 'watch out' for they're human partners.


"Tai…I want to tell you something." Sora said looking at him, blushed as she realized that she still holding on to his arm. "Sorry." She whispered turning around so she didn't have to face him. Tai was quite for a bit before speaking up. "Um…don't be." He replied.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" he questioned her. She then turned to face him. "That what ever happens to me or to you…I care about you." She replied softly. "You do." He whispered in sort of shock but he was kind of happy in a way he couldn't understand. "I want to tell you something too Sora…I should have told you when I thought you were gone…I was so upset…I blamed myself, and like the time when Datamon kidnapped you…I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I care for you too." He replied.

They're crest's started to glow…it caught both them by surprise. "Whoa…they're glowing." He replied looking at his then notice a glow from under his glove he removed his glove the crest that was tattooed to the back of his palm glowed…Sora did the same shocked she looked up to Tai and he to her.

"It strange…I feel different suddenly…like I don't know what to expect…like….I……" Tai trailed off a sudden vision passed through his mind like his dream he looked at her shocked. "Tai? What is it?" she asked.

"I see the dream….it feels real." He replied trailing off in such a shock…he didn't even dare try to speak…he couldn't.

The light faded and disappeared it left the two chosen children in the dark standing there as they did before what happened.

The digimon watch shocked as something strange was happening to their partners. "What's going on I don't get it?" Biyomon questioned. "Me neither they were talking then it started to glow…the whole place started to glow." Agumon said trailing off the two digimon watched still.


"I smell something…it's defiantly something strange." Gomamon replied he sniffed the air. Joe looked at him confused. "Sense what Gomamon?" he questioned.

"Danger." He whispered he glanced around the night air was clam…it didn't seem as if there was any sign of danger but there was.

"What are you talking about I don't see anything not normal around here." Catherine said as she stood up from the place she was sitting at. "Shut up Catherine…you complain to much." Matt replied bitterly at her, she turned to face him. "YOU! Are so rude MATT!" she shouted at him angry tone.

All the other chosen children rolled they're eyes…because apparently then know what was coming another fight…started by Matt of something stupid.

"Look this fighting between you is really old…we need concentrate on getting the next stone of destiny." Izzy replied watching the two. "He's right Matt now come on and stop it." Gabumon pleaded with him, he huffed and turned away from her.

"Where are they….it's been long enough for them to be gone like that to make us think something happened." Matt said out loud.

"We shouldn't disturbed them besides they're digimon are with them…Matt." Joe said to him, Matt took a seat next to Joe and Gomamon looked into the fire.


"That was weird…I wonder how it started in the first place." He whispered softly looking around as he said so. Sora shrugged. "I don't know but we should get back to the others." she walked passed him but he grabbed her arm. "Wait Sora…I really meant what I said a few minutes ago." He answered. "About Caring for me?" she asked the both looked at each other. He nodded. "Yeah…of course." He replied.

"So did I Tai..." she whispered softly they were still looking at each other. Slowly stepping closer to each other, there faces close together, Tai looked at her lips back to her eyes, She did the same to him. They're lips were close to touching when ground shook violently knocking both Tai and Sora down, a crack appeared in the earth causing them to separate both scrambled to get away from it.

"Tai!" Agumon ran forward to his digi partner. "Sora!" Biyomon shouted they're digimon came to there sides. "What the hell was that?" Tai questioned angry. "I don't know but…" Sora froze she looked at Tai.

"Sora?" he asked concerned.

Soon the other Chosen children came running into the picture. "Guy's are you both all right?" Matt asked. "Yeah." Tai replied stilling watching his best friend concerned.

"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GET ANY LOSER THEN YOU WERE LOVE AND COURAGE!" the voice boomed out loud. "Closer what are you talking about? And who are you!" Tai shouted out loud. "YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" the voice again boomed out loud.

With that it was gone.

"What was that about? Don't get any closer?" Matt questioned probably knowing the answer already. "Nothing…really we should get sleep then." Sora said suddenly she looked at Tai then nodded he smiled.

"What happened I don't get it." TK replied as the group walked back to camp. "Nothing TK." Matt told him a bit sad. TK frowned "I want to know Matt I'm not a little kid any more!" he shouted at his brother. "TK…don't yell….I never seen you like this before." Patamon said to him.

Kari walked beside him… "You know sometimes it just better to not think about it." She replied. "Because it's older kids problems." She told him. "Oh…well why didn't some one just say that." He answered and shook his head.

"We have to wake early tomorrow…because next where headed to the pyramid." Izzy replied.


Simon fumed furiously as what had almost happened. "I CERTAINLY DID NOT EXPECT THAT!!!" he shouted angered in the pool that reflected everything that Tai and Sora were saying at doing. Sharon started at him; the expression on his face was pale…yet he was angry also.

"What happened?" she questioned him. He glared at her. "What happened could have ended us all!" he replied.

"You mean when they were about to kiss?" Sharon asked. "Yes that's what I mean…her powers were receptive…they could have easily been transferred to Tai…then that would have meant that we were doomed." He replied in angry.

"That's why you stopped it I thought those stupid powers were hers only!" she cried standing up staring at him hard and coldly. "They are her…when the person with the powers is feel something more for a person…example when they're crest were glowing…Tai could have gotten the powers because he was what she was feeling and when two people one with power and one with out the power, kiss because of the attraction to each other they, Sora's powers wanted to share with the one she loves." He answered.

Sharon raised her eyebrows spectacle at him. "How can that be possible?" she asked. He shook his head. "I don't know all I know is that those powers solely belong here in the digitally world and not in Sora's world." He replied.


The very next they Chosen Children were off once again…toward the pyramid this time…where Sora and Biyomon were captured by Datamon and where Sora crest was found.

"How about I just digivole and I'll carry everyone there?" Tentomon asked as the walked. "That wouldn't be good…we can't let everyone know were we are going." Izzy replied. "Well I tried didn't I." He replied and buzzed quietly.

Sora and Tai were in another world of their own as they walked Tai with Agumon at his side and Sora walking behind him with Biyomon.

'The glow…' Sora thought 'Maybe it was something we said…to make it glow.' She thought…she then thought back to what she told him, he responded back to her cared for her too. Then they were interrupted by some one demanded they not get any closer then they already were.

'My god…what if that person who interrupted us knew something we didn't…why would it stupid us from kissing? There has got be something big enough to make…' Sora gasped shocked "Sora?" Biyomon questioned her.

"Simon…he's the one that stopped me and Tai from---." She stopped there; Tai and other chosen stopped too and looked at her.

"What was that about Simon, Sora?" Matt questioned before Tai could ask her. "He knows something…that we don't know." She replied.

"Knows something as in something big?" Izzy questioned. "Yeah…he stopped me and Tai from…being even closer because he knows something might happen if we did get closer." She replied looking at Tai.

"Knows something? Maybe if we go to pyramid we will find out more." Izzy said to them. "Yeah come on." Tai said he started forward. He was leading the way as Sora was till behind him she watched him. Matt was behind her he watched her concern. TK and Kari with they digimon then Joe, Izzy followed by Catherine and Mimi with they're digimon.

****** Day's afterwards…

"We are here." Izzy replied he looked at the pyramid…it had been reconstructed after they defeated they dark masters. "It's the same…as before." Tentomon said.

"Yeah and the problem now is finding the stone." Tai replied looking on Agumon sniffed the air. "I think it should be okay to go…all of us." He said to them. "Hm…maybe." Matt answered he too looked at the pyramid.

"Well it looks like the coast is clear." TK replied, Patamon who sat on top of his head nodded "Yeah so what are we waiting for?" the digimon asked.

"Yeah it dose look quite." Tai whispered watching, Izzy nodded as well as the others "We should split then and look for the stone…there are nine of us including the digimon which is eighteen." Tai replied looking outward he then turned his attention to them, "Sora, Izzy, Kari and Catherine come with me. Matt you take Joe, Mimi, TK…" he stopped. "Wait Tai, there is only one map and Izzy has it…it's not like he can't print it out and hand me one." Matt replied looking at him. "Okay then we might as well all go together." He said.

Matt nodded, "Okay let's go then." He replied.


Izzy looked to his laptop then the pyramid then back to his laptop. "Okay the entrance should be approximately there." He pointed to the middle of the wall. "What were walking through the wall?" Catherine questioned. "Correct we used this same method to gain entrance to the pyramid when Etemon was around." Izzy explained to her. Went through, Agumon, Sora and Biyomon followed as well as Izzy and Tentomon. Matt uncertainly reached his hand to the wall and he went through. "Strange." He whispered…soon everyone was in the pyramid.

"Okay which way then? This place is so big." Kari replied looking around the place. "Not really, we go this way." Izzy replied pointed forward.

Agumon ran ahead then smacked the wall with his hand and screamed. "OW!!" The Chosen Children all sweat dropped. "Agumon…the weak one's don't you remember what I told you about the finding the weak walls?" Izzy told him. "Oh yeah...right I'll do that next time." He replied.

This time around Tai wasn't fooling around, and trying to make himself get noticed, Sora was angry with him when he did it before and he understood why she was because he was acting so reckless.


"Those kids…again…the girl, what was her name again. Yeah that it Sora and her pink little friend." Datamon grinned, they came back after all they missed me unless they are trying to get this." He replied holding the stone of destiny, the stone that had the ring around it and had some kind of script on it as well. It glowed the color of the sand inside of it with what seemed to look like stars inside of it.

"No one getting out of this pyramid this time." He replied then pressed a button on his control panel then watched the screens.


There was a gap between them as Tai, Matt, Sora, Joe, Izzy with they're digimon where a head while TK, Kari, Mimi and Catherine were behind with they're digimon walking along side of them.

The ground started to rattle knocking them all down, then the sound of shifting stone was heard and a wall was rising from the floor the Chosen watched shocked as a wall rose from the floor it was half way up already Tai and them all got up and ran to it.

Tai pounded on the wall, Sora pulled him away. "They're trapped." Izzy whispered looking at the wall. "No if anything we are trapped." Gomamon replied he and other stared at it…mean while on the other side.

"Oh no…where stuck…here alone!" Mimi cried, she dropped to here knees. "No were not…we can still get out." Palmon replied. "Yeah!" Floramon walked along the wall as she put her hand along it.


"No one's leaving this place…they may have found the entrance but I can easily seal it off." He through he then pressed another button


"Uh oh." Floramon gulped audibly "I guess it's not here anymore." The digimon replied. "What but how are we going to get out of here?" Catherine cried she too fell to her knees and started to sulk. "Oh come on and gather your selves up…we have stone to find don't we?" Gatomon questioned.

"Yeah…way to say it Gatomon." Kari replied she looked at TK then to the Mimi and Catherine. "Come on we have to find the other stone for the others…I bet they are doing that now." Kari said.

"Yeah…exactly it's time we get out courage and find it." TK replied proudly. "Yup…let's go then." Patamon agreed

"Why do we have to go? The others are on the other side they have more places to go…besides we will probably get lost, because Izzy has the map." Mimi declared. "So…we are going to try." Gatomon said she started to walk back and turned right down that hallway.

Kari, TK and Patamon followed leaving the other four behind. "Maybe we should watch them." Mimi replied getting up. "Yeah…who knows what might happened to them if we don't watch out for the younger kids." Catherine replied she stared toward the hall the four of them went in. "Are you coming Mimi!, Palmon, Catherine and Floramon!" TK shouted from the end of the hall. "Yes we are! Hold on you four!" Mimi shouted.


"Hmm…were stuck…the only thing we can do is go ahead with out them." Izzy replied. "But we can't leave them." Tai said a little angry. "They'll be find they have they're digimon with them after all." Agumon replied. "Well I guess we have to trust them to be okay." Matt replied.

"Come on we don't have a lot of time to get the stone and exit." Izzy replied.


"Un-contrary…my fellow chosen children who ever said you were going to leave?" the virus digimon smirked evilly. "I shall do my part as the master has planned…" he whispered. "MUHAHAHAHA!!"


Joe stopped suddenly "Um did you guys hear that?" he questioned as they progressed further into the pyramid. "Hear what Joe?" Gomamon asked. "Evil laughing." He replied. "Joe, I think your imaging it." Matt said as he examined the walls when he passed by them. "No he's right there's something strange going on." Gabumon said he looked around the hall.

"Well I didn't hear anything." Sora said.

"Come on we have one more stair way to go down…then we should come to an empty room." Izzy said walking in front.


"Look at this finally a normal room." Catherine said she stepped in, the eight all looked around. "hmm…there's something strange about this room…" Gatomon trailed off.

"Indeed there is." Another voice other then they're own interrupted them. "Who's there!" TK shouted angry.

"Hmm.…" the digimon the showed itself to them. "Haha prepare to die." He replied.

"Ah!! Why dose everyone one say that!" Mimi cried. "Don't worry we'll protect you." The digimon all stepped up.

"Doubt it." The lizard like digimon stuck his forked tongue out at them. "EW! Disgusting." Catherine replied, she hid behind Mimi the two girls were disgusted. "Okay digivole!" TK said, "Got it TK." Patamon said.

Patamon digivole….to Angemon!

"Stop picking on them!" Angemon said he stood in front of all the Chosen Children. "Hmm…yeah…sure angel boy. Poison scales!" he shouted as instant sharp scales where headed they're way. Angemon blocked the attack from reaching them.

Angemon threw back his fist and gathered energy then shot his arm forward and shouted. "Hand of Fate! Ha" he launched it at the lizard digimon and knocked him back right into the wall, he got up and hissed at Angemon.

"No one beats Drawelmon!" he replied with an angry expression the digimon leaped up into the air and flew toward him and knocked down Angemon. "I think he needs some help." Gatomon replied.

"Yeah go Gatomon!" Kari said to her. "Right no it." She answered back.

Gatomon digivole to…….Angewomon!

Angemon flew toward the where Drawelmon had Angemon pinned down and was trying to bite Angemon. Angewomon kicked the digimon off of Angemon "Take that." She replied the digimon rolled to a stop, the four digimon hissed at her this time…then looked to the humans.

"I shall do as I was told to do." He whispered and started toward the Chosen children. "No you don't!" Angewomon replied she had a hold of his tail then Angemon came to help and together the two angel digimon began to swing Drawelmon around by the tail and then sent him flying across the wall.

Drawelmon lay on sprawled on the ground breathing heavy he got up. "I told you to go pick on some your own size." Angemon said holding his staff at Drawelmon.


Tentomon, Followed by Izzy, Agumon, Biyomon, Sora, Tai, Gabumon Matt, Joe and Gomamon came to a wall…it wasn't just any wall it was the same wall that Tai hadn't been able to cross through to save Sora. Tai's heart nearly stopped as he looked at the wall in terror, remembering what had happen the first time after Izzy told him that what will happen if he enter through the wall in the wrong spot.

"Tai…" Sora looked over at him concern his eyes were wide in shock he was still staring at the wall but she snapped him out of his thoughts. "Yeah." He looked over at her. "Are you okay?" she questioned carefully. "I'm okay…really." He replied he started to go over to where the others were, Sora and they're digimon followed.

"Okay the weak spot is right over here." Izzy pointed to the wall, Tentomon went through, then Gabumon…Matt stopped staring at the wall nervous edged himself to go further then went all the way through. Joe went threw then Gomamon, Biyomon and Agumon all went threw Sora was going to walk threw but Tai grabbed her arm. "Wait Sora." He replied. "Tai we have to go through…. what's the matter with you?" she asked.

Agumon's claw stuck through the wall. "Come on Tai…remember what you did last time to cross." His digimon told him. Tai shook his head he remember it was to save Sora…but this time it was to keep Simon for getting the stone… "I'm sorry…just thinking back." He told her. Sora watched him carefully then he went forward going throw the wall Sora followed…once in sided they all looked around.

"Ah…there it is!" Gomamon replied the stone was in it's box opened up on a platform. "Well how convenient." Joe replied looking at it." Matt looked around feeling this was a trap of sorts "Um…tell me this looks like a setup." He replied.

"You and all of us." Tai replied looking around the large room.

"Awe…and you through I could trick you…all." Datamon emerged from nowhere. "Your still alive! How can that be!" Tai cried watching as shocked as Sora had been. "Well prepare for a battle then." Biyomon replied she stood getting ready to digivole.

"You can't beat me…none of you can." He replied, he then glanced at Sora, then too Tai. "You boy wrecked my plan from before when you had to save her…but I'll make sure you can't do that again." He replied he then pressed a button from the panel…

Agumon digivole to…. Greymon!

A piece of glass came flying from nowhere Greymon had then swatted it way from reaching Tai.

"Hmm…I don't care to watch this any more!" Gomamon came running toward Datamon.

Gomamon digivole too… Ikkaukumon!

"Harpoon torpedo!" his attack torpedo Datamon the ground. "Nova blast!" Greymon attacked hit Datamon hard, while they were fighting Sora had snuck close enough to grab the stone of destiny 'just a few more steps she then picked the box up but was spotted by Datamon. "SORA!" Tai called to her she threw the treasure box over to him he caught. "NO! you blasted kids!" he shouted…the turned his aim on Sora but was she flying when Greymon tail's hit him and sent him flying to the wall.

"Okay we got it!" Tai called, Sora ran back to the others Biyomon flying next to her, and then they fled through the wall.

"I hate running!" Joe replied as they ran back the way they had came from.

"We got to get out of here…Gabumon warp digivole." Matt replied.

Gabumon Warp digivole to… MetalGarurumon!

"Move out of the way!" Matt cried to them he ran away from the wall the other did also. "Matt what is he going to do?" Izzy questioned him. "He'll just knock down that wall…it's the only way." He answered back.

MetalGarurumon smashed the wall in, they quickly made hast as Ikkaukmon and Greymon were still fighting off Datamon.


Drawelmon digivole to… MegaDrawelmon!

"Fire's claw!" The attack hit Angemon and Angewomon and knocked them back to they're rookie/champion levels.

TK and Kari looked on as the digimon started to approach them. "Poison Ivy!" Palmon vines wrapped around MegaDrawelmon's leg he shook her off of his leg easily sending the digimon flying across the room then with his whip he pulled way Floramon and sending her flying into Palmon both digimon groaned. TK and Kari backed up as MegaDrawelmon was coming toward them.

TK and Kari both bumped into Catherine and Mimi they…then the two girls screamed. "HELP!!"

"Ice wolf claw!" MegaDrawelmon was frozen stiff his tongue froze when he had stuck it out to eat them.

The four went to grab they're digimon, when MetalGarurumon came, into the room Matt hopped off. "Quick! We got to get out of here." Matt replied. "Metal Slamming Attack!" The wall crumbled reveling the desert out side.


A fire blast hit Datamon sending him flying into the wall once again. "Harpoon Torpedo!" the missiles hit the wall where Datamon had been flung into and it came crashing down on to the android digimon.


"Damn it…everything that could ever go wrong goes wrong…I should have never! Resurrected that trash box!" two Gazimon came up to him. "Sir…can I tell you that the MegaDrawelmon also failed at his mission." One of them replied. "I KNOW YOU FOOLS!" he shouted.

"Sssorrry…boss." They replied and ran out of the room the boss cloaked in black hood. He sat down and looked at the pictures…he had, Sora and Biyomon, Tai and Agumon, he went through all the pictures he had of the chosen children.


Tai was looking out into the fire, he watched as TK, Kari, Patamon and Gatomon were talking about what happened in the pyramid. He then saw that Matt and Gabumon where sitting talking to Mimi, Catherine, Floramon and Palmon 'that's strange why is he talking to them…he normally doesn't.' Tai through he shook his head saw that Izzy was on his laptop while Joe and Gomamon where arguing over something.

Then Tai watch Sora as she was talking with Biyomon, as he watched her they're eyes met, Tai blushed embarrassed and looked away. 'Okay…Tai she's just a friend…that's why yesterday you were stopped from kissing each other…it's bad, bad and bad!' his mind screamed at him.

"Tai!" Agumon cried, startled Tai jumped from where he was sitting. "Agumon what?" he questioned. "I'm trying to talk to you but your not listening to me!" he replied a bit frustrated. "Sorry…I was just thinking." He replied.

"Oh…about what?" he questioned. "Um feelings…" he whispered. "Feelings?" he replied out loud. "AGUMON!" he shouted.

Everyone looked over at him he smiled wearily. "Nothing you should all gets back to your conversations." Tai replied.

"I may not be dump or anything but I swear there is something going on between Sora and Tai." Mimi replied she looked over at Sora then to Tai who was what looked like yelling at Agumon in a whisper. "Oh you seen it too then…I'm not the only one." Catherine replied. "Nope…I saw it a long time ago." Mimi told her. "Matt what about you?" Mimi questioned.

"What about what?" he questioned. "Tai and Sora…" Mimi whispered. "Oh…I guess it saw it when he was crying about not saving her…. any ways it is pretty obvious." Matt said he then took out his harmonica and began to play it.

To Be Continued…