Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 20. The Missing Stones ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

20. The Missing Stones

Tai: " After the girls woke up we started off in search for the remaining stones that were left, we sent Gomamon to retrieve the water stone but when he came back he said it was missing. Simon decided that enough was enough and then tried to get rid of Sora using spells, mean while that was happening Gennia told us that there was one way to defeat Simon and that is that Sora give her powers to some one…and it ended up turning to be me. We kissed and the powers were transfer, Sora had disappeared. I defeated Simon with the powers and then Sora came back to me…no I mean us, now that's he's out of the way we still have more trouble coming our way! When will we be able to go back home….."


Days later…

"Damn!" Tai cried he picked up a rock and chucked in over the trees then looked to the others. "Why are you complaining I'm the one that had to actually go up there and check if the Ice stone was there." Matt quipped angry, he ran his hands up and down his bare arms trying to warm up. "It wasn't that cold Matt." Gabumon replied. "Your the one with a built in fur coat remember." He replied dryly, Gabumon smiled as he remembered. "Oh yeah."

"Okay that is it then…the water stone is missing as well as the other two wind and ice. Something fishy is going on and I don't mean Gomamon." Izzy replied. "HEY!" the seal digimon whined.

"He's just kidding Gomamon." Joe said. "Yeah well I didn't think it was funny." He replied. "Tai throwing rocks isn't the answer." Sora told him He turned and looked at her and sighed. "I'm just thinking." He replied.

"Honestly you guys put to much into this." Mimi replied she looked around at there surroundings. "I mean when do we get to go home?" she asked.

"Mimi…" Matt trailed off sounding a bit annoyed.

"What it's just a question, holy Matt." She replied and got up and went to talk to Catherine and Floramon, then Palmon followed her. Matt glared then turned to Izzy.

"So what now?" he asked.

"Simon had the other didn't he?" Tk asked everyone turned his or her attention to him, Matt nodded "Yeah he did, didn't he. But where do we find his hide out?" he asked, they looked among each other then all their eyes stopped at Tai and Sora as well as they're digimon.

"Well since the four of you were going to find some kind of rings and were tricked you might have remembered the way to the island." Matt began.

"No such luck, it was quite dark beside the moon glowing never mind the fog there's no way we can remember the way there." Tai said straightly, Sora and the two digimon nodded.

"Yeah but you've also forgot that I have those directions still they most be some where on my laptop unless there were completely erased from my laptop by Simon some how." Izzy replied he scanned through the files on his computer.


"Your Mistress! Dark Rosemon did her job." A Tanemon replied she looked up at the Mistress; there was only worry in the small in-training digimon's eyes.

"That's good." The voice replied.

"What about the Chosen Children? Did she get the rest of the stones from them?" her voice echoed with in the room. The Tanemon looked to her left there was seven stands, each stand had a small holder that looked like it was made from an blue energy, they also had the symbols of the stones on the stands,

For Fire a small flame for it's symbol was on the stand but the stone wasn't there. Water had a raindrop for it's symbol and the transparent stone with in it was blue with a little white stars shiny in it. Wind has two drops of water that looked like two whirls of wind as its symbol the stone once again was mounted on the holder. Ice had an Icicle symbol it too was there sitting on the same stand as the other two were.

The Leaf Stone's stand had a symbol of a leaf on, it missing. The Sand Stone had symbols of a what looked like rain but was a representation of a sand storm, as the other stone it wasn't there either. Then Last but not least was the earth stone the symbol appeared to look like two slabs of earth with a crack in the between but the stand was empty being that the Simon was once in possession of it.

Dark Rosemon entered the room with her in her hands was a small treasure chest in her hands, on it was the symbol of the Earth Stone "Mistress The Earth Stone." The digimon present her with the ground colored gem with the ring around it, a hand point out ward to the seven pedestals. Dark Rosemon place the stone upon it pedestal. The other four stones glowed a bit as another one of them had joined.

"Dark Rosemon you have severed me well, I want to you to go after those Chosen Children and take the remaining stones from them." Her voice was soft yet it was commanding, as a Mistress should be.


"Damn…it's not here!" Tai cried he looked at the place where it had used to be. "That's all that ever seems to happen to us we get unlucky do you have a feeling we are have an unlucky streak or something?" Joe asked he glanced around what used to be Simons control room.

"All I know is that you whine to much Joe." Gomamon stated. "Quit the squabbling you complain all the time." Catherine justified.

"Tai maybe we should head back I don't like this place." Kari told him tugging on his shirt. "Wait Kari." Tai replied he went to inspect the other rooms Agumon followed him. "TAI!" Kari shouted at her brother angrily, he turned to her surprised. "I have a bad feeling about this place." She told him.

"Bad feeling Kari, Simon's gone." Tai told his sister Kari sighed. "Bad feelings about here and the thing that took the Destiny stones, we have to go back to sever and find out who is really responsible." Kari complained to him Tai sighed.

"I agree with her Tai let get out of here, and find the real source for the problem." Sora told him, he looked to his sister then to Sora. "Okay we have to get back to server so…uh Izzy?" he asked the younger boy who seemed to be entranced by the small crystal box. "Izzy Tai's is trying to talk to you." Tentomon replied as he hovered next to him.

"Just a second…I found something that's quite interesting." He answered he then looked at the box then felt up and down the pole for a phone jack. "Prodigious." He replied he then plugged his computer into the jack and began to type.

The others crowed around him and were confused as to what he was looking at the was so important or interested in. "What are you doing Izzy?" TK asked he watched as the older boy was typing away on his computer. "Whoa." Izzy whispered he stopped typing for a bit.

"I found something interesting about this box…. it was sealed with magic once right…so it could contain some information…About Simon." he answered.

"Huh? Izzy man what are you talking about?" Matt questioned he watched as he typed. Mimi stood over away from them not interested in the computer stuff, Catherine then walked over to her. "Izzy going into his computer dark mode again." She replied simply looking at her hands.

"Is it a bad or good thing?" she questioned her. "It's a bad thing especially if you want to talk to him and he doesn't listen." She replied recalling the time she was stuck with him in that pyramid.

"Just as I thought." Izzy replied.

"What you thought? Izzy what do you mean?" Joe's voice questioned. "Simon was a digital human like Gennia wasn't he?" the small boy with the red hair began. He looked at his laptop and image of Simon appeared.

"Yeah…that's what we were told." Sora said to him, the other's agreed. "What I have done was just log into Simon's computer system…that means all his thought his memory were all stored in this system that is inside this very castle." He said he tapped a few more keys and intently stared at the screen in front of him.

"Okay hold on your saying you downloaded his brain?" Matt inquired.

"Exactly." Izzy replied he then closed his laptop.

The other's looked fazed a bit. "Why did you download his brain?" Tai asked confused. "Just incase we need some answers…because you never know if we might need that information." He replied.

"Okay good Idea." Tai replied he patted Izzy on the back. "Okay guys I say we get back to Server." Tai replied. "Good Idea Tai." Agumon replied.


Tai's image faded into a water pool then a Tanemon looking at it she immediately went to the main room. "Mistress! Mistress!" the Tanemon replied as she hurried along as fast as she could on her little feet.

"Yes?" the voice replied. "The Chosen Children they were at Simon's Castle. They didn't find anything…though and are now heading back to Sever." She explained.

"Of courses they didn't, Dark Rosemon made sure of that." The mouth of the digimon that said this smiled her lips curved up ward in an evil fashion. "Alert me when Dark Rosemon has found them." She replied then smirked once more.

"Right Mistress." The Tanemon ran out of the room.


Hour later….

"Finally!" Mimi replied she hopped off of Kabuterimon.

"Okay, now that all the stones are collected…we need to find the remaining ones." Tai replied he looked to Izzy. "Izzy Idea's?" he questioned. "None Tai…it's like they have disappeared into thin air." He replied.

"Well I have a suggestion." TK began, Tai looked at him. "Okay let's hear it." Tai told him.

"What if it's another digimon that's doing it…like DemiDevimon he was causing us so much trouble before…and we didn't know till later it was him who was working for Myotismon." He said.

"Way to go TK, maybe he's right." Kari replied smiling then looked at her brother. "That makes sense…. but…now the problem is who or what took the other stones." Tai thought out loud.

"Perhaps if we look…ah…never mind. They're no way to find out who it is until who ever the evil is shows his face." Izzy said.

"Well put." Matt answered.

"Doesn't something feel funny?" Palmon questioned, Floramon turned to look at the plant digimon. "Feel funny? Um no." she answered, and then she listened for something.

"Hey your right Palmon." Floramon said the two digimon looked around alerted. "Some wrong?" Mimi questioned.

"Yeah….I sense something." Palmon replied. "Me too." Floramon spoke up.

Soon enough all they're digimon where feeling rather wearily of a presence of what Gatomon described as evil and dark forces.

Sora looked up in time to see a something coming toward Tai… "TAI WATCH OUT!" she shouted she dove at him the two fell to the ground, rolling once. "Sora…" Tai replied they looked at each other then to the source of where the attack came from, Sora and Tai both hurried to get back onto their feet. Digimon protected their partners.

"Hmmm…. Chosen Children I presume." The digimon said, she flew down into view.


Digimon Analyzer

Palmon " That's Dark Rosemon, my mega level turned evil."


"Dark Rosemon! How can they're be a Dark Rosemon you're the only Rosemon in the whole digi world are you not!" Mimi cried to her digimon in shock.

"Actually Mimi, Digimon can be implanted with a dark seeds or lets just call this a virus…. which is then implanted inside the digimon. It's the master mind the person with the real power who has the resources to be able to put a virus in them." Izzy replied.

"Thanks for the history lesson Izzy." Matt replied. "But we have bigger problems as you can SEE!" he cried

"Clam down Matt…if she's Rosemon's dark side shouldn't Rosemon face her?" Catherine question.

"Enough with the talk hand over the stones! All of them!" Dark Rosemon demanded angrily she held her hand out waiting for the Chosen Children to hand them over.

"I don't think so! Your going to have to try a little harder then that cause we won't hand them over with out a fight." Tai told her. "Very well you've been warned." She answered she pulled out a whip made of thorns. "Dark Thorns!" she cried as the whip came crashing down the middle of them, the Chosen Children jumped out of the way to avoided it.

"That's not what I call playing by the rules!" Agumon shouted "If you want to fight me…go a head, if I lose you can have the stones." Palmon replied just as angrily as Agumon was.

" Palmon…Warp digivole too ROSEMON!"

"Dark Spore!" Rosemon shouted, she opened her hands up and from them shot out tiny black Particles hit Rosemon Izzy gasped. "No…this isn't good!" he cried Rosemon fell to the ground immediately she then turned around to face the Chosen Children her eyes glowed red.

"Rosemon? What wrong…fight her!" Mimi cried The digimon kept coming closer, toward Mimi. "Rosemon?" she questioned. Matt saw what was happening and immediately took action. "GABUMON WARP DIGIVOLE!" he cried.

"Gabumon Warp digivole to Metal Garurumon!"

"Thorn whip!" Rosemon was about to use the attack on Mimi instead Metal Garurumon jump took the hit for her.

Matt quickly got Mimi and pulled her way from them. "Rosemon what's wrong!" Metal Garurumon replied he took stand in front of the digimon. Both Tai and Sora where stunned of what had happened, they both shook out of it their mini trance then both at the same time called for they're digimon.



"Warp digivole!" they both said.

"What's happening Izzy." Tai replied as they watched they're digimon. "Something happened…" Izzy replied. "Don't stall hand them over!" Dark Rosemon demanded. Matt struggled to hold Mimi back "Mimi stop it! She's going to hurt you." He cried.

"A little help! Joe!" Matt called to him. Joe came over and helped out Matt holding Mimi back. "Mimi she'll hurt you." Joe struggled to say, as they two boys held her back from going in the middle of the fight they're digimon were now in.

"Terra Force!" An orange sphere of energy was hurled at Dark Rosemon she got hit and went down, she shook it off easily then got back up.

"It will take much more then that." She replied smoothly.

"I can fix Rosemon." Gomamon replied "Joe….." he called back to his friend who was struggling with matt to hold Mimi down.

"Gomamon… warp… digi. ……vole…...now!" he cried as he was restraining Mimi.

"Got it Joe!"

"Gomamon…. Warp digivole too…MarineAngemon!"

"Hey Rosemon! Here." MarineAngemon shouted.

The digimon turned to face him and was about to attack him herself. "Hey that's not going to happen…I bet I can heal you with this…Ocean of Love!" a ray of pink hit Rosemon, she dropped to the ground and shook the attack off "What happened?" she questioned.

Dark Rosemon frowned immensely. "This is what happened…Thorn Whipping!" the whip lashed out and struck Rosemon in the back. "Hey, hitting digimon when they're not looking is a crime!" Gatomon jumped up.

"Gatomon warp digivole too… Magnadramon!"

"Fire Tornado!" a blaze of swirling flames went straight toward the dark digimon unfortunately she didn't get the chance to get out of the way when she was hit by the blast and was sent spiralling downward to the ground. "Do you want to try that again?" Magnadramon threaten the digimon.

"Oh…that's enough with the games…. just hand over the stones." She demanded once again.

The sky darken slightly Kari looked up first to notice. "Uh oh." She whispered, she tugged on TK's shirt. "Look TK, the sky." She replied, he did look and was startled as well. "Tai!" the little boy called to him, Tai as well as Sora noticed the TK then when he point upward the two looked up at the sky, soon everyone noticed. "Now." The digimon voice changed deeper more evil sounding.

Mimi gasped, as did Matt and Joe all the digimon noticed too now…. everything was dark the wind was starting to pick up. "Before I'm forced to use my biggest attack." She replied.

"You can't have them!" Tai shouted at her angrily the wind picked up. "Tai…it's better we just give them up." Matt told him from afar. "We can't just give up!" Tai replied he looked at Sora for her opinion. "Sora?" he questioned. "We should fight." She replied.

Matt growled angry he looked at them, "You know what, I think we should give the stones up it will give us a chance to regroup and come up with a tragedy!" he shouted.

"And we don't have time for that! You heard Gennia he said those were powerful stones we can not just give them up!" Tai exclaimed also a bit steamed at Matt. Izzy then interrupted them. "Tai's Right what ever we do we can't give them the stones." He replied looking at Matt seriously.

"I'll take care of her!" Phoenixmon replied she when to strike but found she couldn't move her body at all not even a bit. "I can't move…" she replied distraught. Most of the digimon soon found them selves not being able to move or do anything at all. "DIGIMON ATTACK WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" Tai shouted angry.

"Tai if you notice they can't move." Matt went to move but found that he couldn't move. "Um…guys I can't move." He replied as he tried again to move. "I can't either!" Mimi cried.

"hahaha…" Dark Rosemon replied. "Of course you can't kids….now who has the stones?" she asked again. "I do…." Joe trailed off defeated. "NO! GET AWAY From them!" Tai shouted.

Ignoring Tai's shouts she went into Joe's bag then pulled out all of rest of the stones she put them all in a bag then stood away from them. "I'll see you nine around later." She replied smiling, Dark Rosemon jumped up into the air and started to jump along away from the Chosen Children.


Somewhere in the digital world…..

In a field, a lonely tree whistles in the wind, Dark Rosemon appears with the bag, she push what seems to be a button on the tree, it disappears in a flash then a hole remains, she jumps into the hole then the tree reappears in a digital fragments and slowly regains it's original shape.

To Be Continued…

Next time on Digimon 02 AV...

The Skies Darken from Day to Night.

A Tornado chases the Chosen Children run

Two Chosen Children with their digimon get separated from the rest of the group...

"AHH" Mimi trips.

"Mimi!" Matt cries he goes back to her then the everything gets hazy.

Tai and the other stop to go back but find it impossible and are force to leave them there.
