Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 21. Darkness vs Light ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

21. Darkness VS Light

Agumon: "I don't think I like the way this is going the bad guys are winning and we are losing that's a major drag…Dark Rosemon cheated fair and square…but the real problem for us now is finding out who's responsible for Rosemon and who the heck the new villain is."


"This isn't good, this isn't good…" Joe repeated he kept going on and on for a while now the other's just drowned him out now. "So now what do we do now that evil side won?" Matt questioned he directed the question toward Tai more then anyone else.

"We the thing or digimon who's at the bottom of this." Tai said he looked at everyone. "I got an idea how I search the digital world thought my computer, I certainly defiantly think that I could find something out." Izzy replied he got out his laptop and opened it up.

"Izzy I hardly think starting at that is going to help." Mimi replied she walked up behind him watching him. "It helped us more then you would have known." he told her back. "Hmph.." Mimi walked to sit on a rock fuming angrily. Matt watched between the two and sighed turned his attention to Tai…only to find that he and Sora where gone…only they're digimon where they're with them.

"What's going on...errrrr." Matt replied starting to get angry. "Um…forgot to tell you …Sora and Tai when for a walk…over there." Agumon replied. "Yeah…something about making him feels better about what happened." Biyomon explained. "Okay…that's fine as long as they don't run off." he replied.

"I think my allergies are acting up." Joe replied he sniffed a bit. "Maybe I can help." Catherine came up to him, took his hand in hers and looked at his palm. Joe turned bright red.

Matt groaned 'Great it's bad enough she starts to put moves on Joe…. holy man.' "Izzy any luck yet?" Matt questioned he turned to the spiky red head. "He's not done yet." Takeru replied he looked at his brother. "Oh. Well what is he doing?" Matt questioned confused.

"Okay." Izzy began he stopped the screen displayed each of the stones that were lost they were in a circle the names of each of the stone of destinies underneath each picture.

"What's that?" Matt questioned he looked over Izzy's shoulder at the computer screen. "The Destiny stone." he replied. "I know that…but why is it up like that?" he questioned him. "Because…that's what I got from Simon computer system." he answered he typed some more, his black eyes widened as he had opened a small note that was in the folder with the image.

"What that?" Kari questioned as she too was looking at the computer screen. "A prophecy." he replied.

"That's what we need more trouble…and more problems." Tentomon began as he hovered near by. "Well read it out." Patamon replied sitting on top of Takeru's hat.

"Well….Okay it goes like this….

Darkness will rein over Digital world

Turn all of it into near internal darkness and damnation.

Evil forces will rule for short time until the Chosen Children find they're combination crests.

If and only then will they have the power to over rule the evil,

And win back the digital world Once again.

That's all." Izzy replied.


Tai & Sora

"I failed everything as a leader, Sora we failed a mission we were supposed to win." Tai stopped he put his head in his hand and ran his fingers through his hair, Sora was standing before him she didn't know what to say to make him fell better. "Tai…we can't win all the time, this was just a set back." she replied she took a seat beside him.

"I'm no good leader." he whispered felt himself starting to cry. Sora patted his back gently. "Tai you don't have to be the hero all the time that's why were a team…we failed as a team…not because of you." she told him. "Never because of you." she whispered.

Tai stopped sulking he looked at her. "Sora they're something I want to tell you." he replied. "Okay what is it?" she asked him searching his eyes. "That I lo--."

"Tai! Sora, you too have to hear what Izzy found." Mimi replied she came into the clearing with Palmon at her side. "Okay…just wait…were not done here." Tai told her. "It's important come on." she demanded angrily this time. Tai and Sora both stood up and walked back to the camp to join the others. 'Damn every time I have a chance to tell her I can't cause we always get interrupted.' he fumed angrily.


The three arrived back to the camp where Izzy showed Tai and Sora both the prophecy that was found on Simon 'brain' information. "Man…looks like the first part of that prophecy has been completed…so dose that mean everyone has on of these?" Tai questioned as he pulled his glove off and looked at the back of his hand as the crest of Courage and Love infused together.

"I guess that's what it means." Izzy told him. "Man where uneven number there's not enough of us how's it possible?" Matt questioned confused. "Maybe there is another Chosen Child." Takeru suggested. "Hey that could be it." Patamon piped up.

"You got mail…." the automatic voice replied, Izzy looked at his computer now. "It's from Gennia." he replied. "Okay then hurry up and read it I don't want to stay here and not do anything." Catherine said she tapped her foot patiently.

"Relax will ya…Okay." he began.

" Dear Chosen Children…I know you already heard of the prophecy…I'm sorry I couldn't e-mail it sooner or later….or um…never mind that. I just want you to know that I recuperating here at my home. The prophecy is to be followed closely and you are expected to run into another Chosen Child, she'll join you nine soon. Until then be careful of what you do…evil is around…and they have the destiny stones." Izzy stopped reading. "I knew it." Takeru replied happily.

"More of us, I wonder how old she'll be." Kari thought she looked over at her brother. "Tai…do you know?" she questioned. "No…but will find out sooner or later…but we should be heading out now." he replied and started the front of the line, Sora followed him then Izzy, Kari, TK Joe, Catherine, Matt and Mimi.


A hand waved over a mirror in a giant room, in view came the chosen children, who were walking in single file. "That's it a little more further till you reach the desert but for now..." she trailed off. This time her face is shown, her full light green eyes, pale white skin, he hair was made of petals which were red, the outfit she had on was similar to the style of a Roman solider.

She walked over to the where all the stones were located standing on a pedestal. "Stone of destiny, earth make the earth rattle underneath the feet of the Chosen Children." The earth stone glowed brightly.



All of them screamed they all fell on the ground. "What was that!" Kari cried out "One major earth moment." Izzy replied. The other all got up. "I don't think so." Tai answered annoyed. "Well it sure seems that way." Izzy told him. "Okay, man just relax." Matt spoke up.

"Look we can't just wait here and expect the digimon or who ever it is come to us." Tai complained, Sora put her hand on his shoulder. "Tai…" she trailed off he sighed she was right he's over reacting a little.

"Uh guys….come one lets get moving!" Gomamon shouted they all looked behind them and saw a twister heading right toward them.

"Holy crap! Run everyone run!" Tai cried Sora, Kari, TK, Joe, Catherine and Matt were started to run but Mimi was trailing them, she let out a scream as she tripped and fell. "Palmon." she cried. "Mimi!" her digimon rushed to her tried to help her. Matt running he turned to make sure Mimi was behind him but gasped only to see that she had fallen and that the twister was coming after her. He turned right around and rush toward the fallen Mimi. "Gabumon come on we got to get Mimi!" he replied.

In the distance Tai's voice was shouting at him to come back, he ignored them and helped Mimi up the two digimon assisted him, they were trotting closer to the other but the twister gaining faster and faster on them.

"MATT!" little Takeru cried out he watched as Matt raced to get away from the twister, helping Mimi while at it.

The weather turned again this time it had started to rain heavy it made Matt fall off balance a bit but he steady. Mimi looked back and held on to Matt tighter. "Matt we have to go faster! It's catching up to us!" she cried worried. "Come on run Mimi!" he replied. "I can't my ankle." she cried out.

Matt looked to her foot then just forced himself to go faster the digimon were behind them then hearing them cry out after feeling them selves being lifted into the air…. then Matt and Mimi were lifted into the air.

Tai and the other were trying to see what was happening but they couldn't do to the downfall, then all the elements disappeared in seconds clearing leaving the whole group shrouded in confusion.

"Mimi! Matt!" Sora called she frowned when there wasn't a response. "What happened?" Catherine questioned.

"The Destiny Stones is what happened, the force that stolen them must have manipulated the powers and are trying to split us apart." Izzy replied. "Or maybe they just wanted Mimi and Matt or else neither of us would still be here with each other." Sora commented, Tai looked to where Matt and Mimi disappeared with their digimon.

"But why?" he questioned; he turned to look at Izzy. "Maybe it's to break us apart like Izzy said before." Joe replied, "You guys can't just stand around and speculate we got to find Mimi and Matt." Gatomon replied from Kari's side. "Yeah…so lets go find my brother." Takeru said he began to go but Tai stopped him. "We don't know where to look…they could be home for all we know." Tai replied thinking back to when he was sucked up into a portal and was brought back home.

They all sighed. "Great at this rate we will keep on losing people we'll never get back home." Joe whispered he adjusted the glasses. "Never say never Joe." Catherine instructed. "Right so what do I say?" he asked. "Nothing." she answered.

Gomamon frowned "Haha, that's funny…come on we got to go search" he pushed.

"Okay lets go." Tai said and lead the Chosen Children away on the search for Matt and Mimi.


Next time on digimon 02 AV…..

Mimi and Matt are stuck

"Matt….you what?" Mimi questioned him.

Do they get out or do they find something astonishing.

"Whoa…. that's the crest of Friendship and Sincerity." Gabumon replied.

The glowing symbols of Friendship and Sincerity float in front of them.

They try to get out of the cave they are in only to find the entranced is covered.

"What's that sound?" Matt questioned.

a hole opens up and swallows them.

"Matt!! HELP!" Mimi shouts