Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The Crest of Friendship and Sinicerity ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

22. The Crest of Friendship and Sincerity

Biyomon: " Tai was feeling low because of losing, him and Sora went off some where to talk. Meanwhile Izzy found a prophecy that told of the combination crests and a new chosen child, Mimi had gone to collect Tai and Sora and Izzy told them the prophecy, they were surprised. But later the new evil digimon used the destiny stones against us making the earth shake and a twister came along we tired to get away from it but Mimi, Matt, Gabumon and Palmon had gotten swept up into the twister and disappeared. Things keep on getting down hill for us when will it stop?"


Some where in the digital world, in a forest there's a hole in the ground, it turns out to be a small underground cave inside it's dark, damp and humid.

Gabumon and Palmon lay on the ground both were unconscious, just a little bit over Matt and Mimi lay unconscious.

Matt groaned he shifted himself up of the ground he coughed and spit out some of the dirt that was in his mouth. He sat up right rubbed his head with his hand gently. He took his hand away looked around he sees Mimi laying unconscious "Mimi." he replied and crawls over to her shaking her. "Mimi come on be alright." he replied still shaking.

"Matt?" Gabumon and Palmon where both digimon walked up beside him. "Gabumon, Palmon you two okay?" he questioned the two digimon. "Yeah were okay." Gabumon replied, Palmon looked passed Matt at Mimi. "OH Mimi!" Palmon went to her other side. Mimi groaned light she turned over onto her back. "Hey Princess wake up." Matt replied.

Mimi moaned her vision was clearing she opened one eye then the other when her eyes adjusted to the darkness she saw two pair of eyes looking down at her. "Mimi?" he questioned. "Mimi are you okay?" Palmon questioned.

She sighed in relief "Palmon!" she sat up right and gave her digimon a hug, then pulled away from her and saw Matt watching her. "Matt…where are we?" she asked scared and confused she looked around it was dark and damp the only light entering the cave was from a hole from the top of the cave. "I don't know Mimi." he got up and stared up at the hole…it was well out of his reach.

"Well it looks like that way to high for us to even think about climbing our way out." Matt said as he shield his eyes to look up at the hole. "Maybe I could digivole." Gabumon replied. "I don't think so unless u want to squash us." Matt said.

Mimi pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them tightly, Matt sighed watching her. "Mimi are you going to get up and help us think of a way out or are you going to sit there and sulk?" he questioned.

"I don't want to do this anymore." she whispered she looked at the ground. "Mimi?" Palmon question Matt was staring at her a little confused as well as Gabumon. "What's wrong?" Gabumon questioned.

"First it was when Matt wanted to fight Tai, and now we are separated again it's like that allover again." she replied. "I'm sick of it…I just wish I could go home." she replied sniffing a bit she put her head down on her knees, Matt watched her silently.

"No it isn't Mimi, it's nothing like that situation…. we were separated on purpose." Palmon told her. "You think so?" she questioned her, Palmon nodded "Yeah that is it."

Matt sat on the other end of the cave he put his head in is hands, then ran his figures through his hair gently. 'My fault…everything about the group separating was my fault.' he thought, he looked at the ground. Gabumon watched him "Matt?" he questioned

Matt looked up to see his digimon who wore a very concern face. "What's the matter, you seem down." Gabumon replied. "I am the reason why everyone separated in the first place…..It's my fault." he replied as he stared at the ground.

"How can it be your fault?" Gabumon asked.

Mimi listened to the conversation, now she felt bad for saying that about him. Pushing herself up she walked toward him with Palmon following.

Matt still stared at the ground then a shoe came into view he looked up and saw Mimi and looked away. "Okay let me have it…tell me how much of an idiot I am and how much that it was my fault that we were separated again." he said

Mimi sighed and watched him for a minute. "I might not be the smartest here like Sora or Joe or Izzy but I know when I say that it isn't your fault." she replied Matt shifted from his spot and stood up looking at her. "You don't think it's my fault? How can you think that! it is entirely my fault….if I hadn't ran faster if I hadn't acted like I child…we wouldn't have been swept up by that twist and Tai wouldn't have been in a position where he nearly died! or that Sora was nearly killed by Simon!" Matt shouted he turned around and paced back and fourth.

"Matt don't take it upon you self that everything is your fault when it's not." Gabumon told him. "Yeah listen to Gabumon he's right you know….I have the crest of sincerity Matt, I'm telling you the sincere truth when I say that nothing is your fault. I'm sorry that you thought that I thought it was your fault." Mimi replied softly.

"I've been alone through this all." Matt whispered. Mimi frowned "Alone? Matt you weren't alone…you had us you know you could have talked to someone…like Sora, or Tai or maybe even me." she replied Mimi sat down next to him on her knees. "Matt…I know that I might not be the greatest person to talk to but if you need a shoulder to cry one then you can have mine." Mimi told him.

Matt started to cry a little he put his head on Mimi's shoulder and started to cry, because of the disappoint, hurt, everything that he had kept bottled up inside him.


"Okay….if we could just reach that hole." Matt replied looking up, Mimi was staring up at it as well. "I could use my poison ivy attack." Palmon suggested.

"That would work…go a head and try it." Matt said he looked up at the hole above them. "Poison Ivy!" Palmon's vines were about to reach the hole when it started to close up the earth fell they all turned away from the falling dirt once it had stopped they a turned back…. it was pitch dark now. "I hate the dark." Mimi trembled slightly, the dampness of the cave was a making her feel cold, now even more so cause of the light being closed out from the cave they were in.

"Okay so that didn't work…." Palmon replied. "Never mind that….we can't get out now….there something that wants us here." Matt replied.

"AH! MATT THERE'S SOMETHING IN HERE!" Mimi cried she felt another one of those things brush against her leg. "I'll get it Mimi." Palmon went to her rescue, but ended up going even further away from her

"Mimi!" she called, "I'm over here Palmon what are you doing way over there." She replied. "Gabumon use your blue blaster attack." Matt told him.

"Blue blaster!" the ball of blue flames lighted the cave only briefly…but it was enough time for everyone to get back together. "Once more, Gabumon." Mimi pleaded on her request Gabumon blue blasted the wall and this gave Mimi the opportunity to grab Matt's arm. "Mimi…." he began to say something but stopped, she was scared and he couldn't really blame her. "Don't leave me Matt…please don't." she begged. "I won't don't worry." he replied.

"Well how do we get out?" Gabumon asked "Yeah and I don't like this place anymore." Palmon said. "Well I don't know…maybe if you digivoled to Garurumon then you can dig the way out." Matt suggested. "I don't think that would work, Garurumon is too big." Gabumon posted. "Then we are going to have to sit and think about a way out." He answered.


The sitting and thinking phase hadn't exactly worked. Everyone didn't know what to do to get out of the cave either.

Mimi still had a hold of Matt's arm but not as tight. 'Maybe if I tell her…she could help me.' Matt thought. "Mimi, I want to ask you a question…. about Sora." he replied he stopped for a moment then sighed. "Mimi?" he questioned after not hearing her response. "I heard you Matt, what did you want to know about Sora?" she asked him.

"Who dose she really like?" he questioned Mimi gasped suddenly "Oh gosh…you like her don't you." she replied shocked a bit. "I don't know if I do." he whispered to her.

"I can't say that she likes you…. I think your just a friend to her, I think she likes Tai more." Mimi replied without thinking. Matt was quite "She dose…" he trailed off. 'Who am I kidding, of course Sora likes Tai and Tai like Sora they both have a thing for each other.' he thought.

"Matt, I'm sorry I shouldn't have been so rude about it." Mimi told him. "No its okay you told the true right. Then its okay nothing to worry about." He answered.

"If you say so." she replied a bit worried, Matt smiled "Of course it's okay…nothing that I haven't noticed for myself." he answered.

'Hmm…is that a light?' Palmon thought. "Oh it is." she replied the last part out loud. "What is?" Mimi questioned her. "It's a glow coming from the wall." she answered. "Maybe it's a way out." Matt replied he crawled over through the darkness to where the glowing was coming from, he stood up to reach the glowing area and started, with his hands, to remove the dirt each time the glow became stronger.

Matt frowned, was there something supposed to happen when he uncovered the more and more…but what if it was a trap he could be putting the four of them in danger by investigating further. "No that's all what if it's a trap?" Matt replied Gabumon beside him looked up at the glowing wall. "Some how it I know it isn't a trap." he replied. "How can you say that you never know what it can be." Matt answered.

"Well keep digging it up." Mimi replied from behind him. "I won't take the risk that it could be a trap." he told her. "Okay I'll do it…then." Mimi pushed Matt away from the wall then, with her hands began open up the wall further, after a while of digging Mimi stopped abruptly. Hearing the rumblings in the ground Matt thinking quickly grabbed Mimi by the waist and pulled her down, he cover her with his body. The digimon ducked then and explosion of light burst forth thought the wall where they had been digging at. Dirt was scattered on them.

Gabumon first to look at the wall gasped. "Whoa…it's the Crest of Friendship and Sincerity." he replied amazed Matt rolled off of Mimi. Mimi looked up still laying on the ground at hers and Matt's crest symbols that floated in front of them. "Where did those come from?" Matt asked he slowly got up…helping Mimi in the process. "Maybe it was destined to happen." Palmon replied the three looked at her.

"Destined?" they all replied. "Yeah…. don't you all know about." she asked. Matt laughed. "Yeah…sure…like I'm destined to have all the bad things happen to me lately sure…why not believe it in." he replied.

The crests symbols began to fly around the four until they stopped and floated to the top of the cave, then a blast of the brightest light hit them they covered there eyes quickly…and slowly that blinding light faded revealing a combination crest…the one of Friendship and Sincerity.

"Whoa…….." they whispered the crest vanishes then. Mimi and Matt both cried out suddenly they both pulled there gloves off and like Tai and Sora's crest…. it was tattooed on to the back of there hands.

"Wow." Palmon replied. "Maybe you two will have to do that kissing thing like Tai and Sora did." she replied Mimi and Matt looked at each other blushed furiously then both turned away from the other and the digimon and replied "I DON'T THINK SO!"

"Just a thought." Palmon said to them, Gabumon laughed quietly. "And don't get any ideas this doesn't mean that we are…an item!" Matt replied still very red in the cheeks. "Exactly what he said." Mimi backed him up.


"Well we are in the dark again…" Mimi replied she tapped her foot patiently on the dirt ground. "So now the problem is getting out of here." Matt said. "But that was the problem since the begin when we woke up in here." Mimi replied rather dryly, Matt ignored her.

Then the earth beneath their feet began to tremble. "Um…is this supposed to be a good thing?" Mimi asked questioned to no one in particular. "Well first off lets not worry too much." Matt replied calmly. "Not worry! How can I not?" she question.

"It won't do us any good if you don't calm down." Matt told her. "Something happening…." Gabumon cautioned.

Suddenly the ground began to crumble from right under their feet. "MATTTT!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!" Mimi screamed she was falling Matt fell past her grabbing her hand…then Gabumon grabbed on to Matt's foot. "GABUMON WARP DIGIVOLE! NOW!" Matt shouted as they continued to fall downward. "I got you Mimi don't worry." Palmon told her.

"Gabumon…….warp digivole too…………MetalGarurumon!"

MetalGarurumon swooped under then the three who where falling they all landed on is back rather painfully. "Are all of you okay?" he questioned. "Peachy." Matt answered he slowly sat up Mimi and Palmon did the same so now they weren't falling just descending downward slowly "I think I got a concussion." Mimi quipped she then made the mistake and looked down and screamed she pushed her self closer to Matt Palmon did too. "Mimi don't worry were not falling." Palmon replied. "We are we are!" she cried and wrapped her arms around Matt's waist holding onto him for dear life, and shutting her eyes closed tightly. Matt blushing really badly gulped "Mimi…. MetalGarurumon won't let anything happened to us right?" he asked for reassurance from his digimon. "Right…there some light down there it maybe a way out." MetalGarurumon told them.

Matt leaned a little to see the light but when he did Mimi wrapped her arms around his waist tighter. "Mimi…..your starting to hurt me…" Matt whispered. "I'm sorry…" she lighten the grip on him "Just don't lean…please." she begged. "Okay I won't." he said.

"All most there Matt." Metal Garurumon replied around them light was taking over the darkness. "That's much better…at least no more darkness." Palmon replied looking around them.

"MetalGarurumon are we on the ground yet?" Mimi asked her eyes were still closed and still had a hold of Matt around his waist, Matt cheeks where still crimson. "Nope still a long way down." he answered her. "We have been going down this hole for a long time." Matt replied very uncomfortable and was beginning to sweat.


MetalGarurumon was looking around at their surroundings…a sewer. "We are here." he replied. Mimi let go of Matt looked around…there were torches that lighted the place up. It was big room….it just had four streams of water in it….over each stream was a small bridge that made it possible to cross the stream…since it was really hazardous to cross because of the extremely fast flow.

"Well this looks different…then the last time we came down here." Mimi replied she scrunched her face disgusted by the sudden stench. "What the heck is that smell…." she trailed off she pinched her nose. "Egh….I don't want to know…." Matt answered. "I think there's a exit over at the other side…we just have to make it across the room first." Palmon replied.

Metal Garurumon de digivoled back to Gabumon. "Okay lets go then…it shouldn't take us long to do that." Gabumon replied he started to cross the first of the four bridges, Palmon followed then Matt and Mimi.

Eyes watched them from within the darkness of the water tunnels. Gabumon felt that they were being watched he turned his head to the left of them but found nothing but the blackness of the tunnels that the water was streaming into.

The group reached to the exit they stopped for a few moments to take a small break. "Did you feel that someone is watching us?" Gabumon questioned. "Now that you mention it yeah I did." Palmon replied the two digimon looked behind them only to find nothing.

"That's odd." they both replied at the same time. "Maybe it's your minds playing games on you." Matt suggested. "Can we just go already we've had a small break and I don't want to be here anymore." Mimi replied looking around the large room. "Okay come on…" Matt said he opened the door up it lead into another room, it looked as if it may be the mechanical room. It had two large turbines and a motor was placed right in the middle of it. "Whoa…. this is room is just as bad as the last only this one is noisy." Mimi shouted over the roar of the motor. The four stepped into the room and the door closed.

The creatures hiding in the water tunnel emerge from there hiding spots…and turn out to be Scubamon. "Master won't like this…" they replied.

To Be Continued…….

Next time of Digimon 02 AV......

The prophecy has been read will it come true will a new Chosen Child be chosen?

"Was that a kid I saw just now?" Tai questioned himself.

After searching for Matt and Mimi for what seems like ages to the others they run into something.

"WHO ARE YOU!" a girl's voice shouts.

Mimi Matt, Palmon and Gabumon are in a dilemma unknown to them.

Scubamon walk up to this huge digimon…

"Master intruders." they warn.

"I sense the power of light around them but it's not from them." their master answers.

Kari has a nightmare of swamp like digimon trying to get her.

"They're after me, Tai I know It." she whispers.

Author's Note: remember the episode that Kari was transported to the dark ocean in 02? well...I'm going to explore that storyline which I think went unfinished...(The monster that comes out of the dark ocean at the end of the episode claming that he will get Kari back.) if u don't remember don't worry it might come back in the next episode.

Also....look for them to return to back home...very soon maybe at episode 29 and I'll try to make a better fight then what was in the last episode of s1.

And in the second half of season it will be to five years later when there 16: Matt having a band you know ete......But don't look for Davis, Cody and Ken or any of the world digi destine to return except for Catherine.