Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Hangyomon's Calling ( Chapter 23 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes: Again...I've changed the names to the Japanese names most of you know those right...okay Hangyomon is Scubamon/Divermon (North America version gave it two names for one digimon). Gatomon is Tailmon as it should have been.

I wrote about 11 pages for this episode enjoy I didn't know where to stop it at....lol same thing for my other story Time As Always Times.

Enjoy and remember that if you don't know what digimon is which...just ask. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question.

e-mail me or leave a review empresse_sora1331@hotmail.com

23. Hangyomon's Calling

"Hi, it's Catherine, last time on digimon Yamato and Mimi got stuck in a tunnel or cave like thing any ways they found the combination crest of Friendship and Sincerity, then as soon as they got there they ended up in a gigantic sewer system, where unknown to them they were being watched by Hangyomon. Hmmm I wonder what they want?"


Three Hangyomon stepped forward, in a dark room they looked up to the master he was big, really big. His eyes glowed red the three terrified digimon looked up at him. "M…M…Master, there's intruders…." the first Hangyomon replied he was shaking obviously they were all scared to death of his reaction.

"I know." The master's voice was low and loud it echoed through out the room making him sound a lot more bigger then he really was. "You know?" the three trailed off shocked. "Yes, but I sense the present of light….it could be her." he answered.

"Her?" the three questioned. "The one who can help us, our queen." He bellowed


It was cold that night it was usual for it to be this cold in the digital world but fortunately Jyou had backed enough blankets for all of them. The fire was lit they were toasty holding their hands to the flames. "I can't believe how cold it is." Sora whispered she shivered holding her hands to the fire still. "You and me both." Piyomon replied.

"It's doesn't appear to get any better." Koushiro replied looking at his laptop. "What how would you know?" Catherine asked. "Simon had an on board weather map." he replied.

Taichi and the others sighed, "Okay please don't mention Simon again." Sora replied. "Yeah, he's done enough problem for us." Taichi answered as well. "We still have to find my brother, Mimi, Palmon and Gabumon." Takeru replied from spot from across the fire.

Catherine snuggled up against Jyou "You'll keep me warm won't you Jyou?" Catherine asked with a smile cozying up to him a little more. "Um…Catherine." Jyou began sweat nervously "Is there something wrong Jyou?" she asked him cutely. He just nervously laughed. "No…. it's okay." he replied his voice was a little higher then usual. "Come on let's share a blanket I heard that body heat is the best way to stay warm when it's cold…" Catherine trailed off she pulled her blanket over herself and him.

Gomamon groaned "God…will you stop with the mushy stuff." he complained.

The others laughed; Catherine only hugged on to Jyou's arm tighter.


"Yamato! I really think we shouldn't be here!" Mimi shouted over the noise from the turbines. "Just wait a second Mimi…I think if we go this way." Yamato shouted pointing toward another door that was at the end of the room. "But…" she began. "Come on we won't ever get anywhere by just standing." Gabumon replied he pushed Mimi and Yamato forward. "Whoa Gabumon!" Mimi cried, "Okay we can walk ourselves." Yamato replied, he stopped pushing them and the four headed toward the door.

Mimi looked around the big turbines she had a nervous feeling about being here suddenly. 'Maybe I should tell Yamato…but then he'll think I'm crazy.' she thought frowning a bit she hugged herself and look around following Yamato from behind, Yamato stopped at the door, Mimi who didn't notice ran into him she stopped. "Oh Yamato I'm sorry, I didn't mean too I was preoccupied." Yamato turned around to face her. "It's okay Mimi really." he answered then turned back around and opened up the door as he did everything in the room got turned off, Yamato closed the door quickly then everything came back on again "it's just a trigger." he replied.

"Uh oh…" Palmon replied "What? What is it?" Mimi asked. "Something or someone is here but I don't know." the plant digimon replied she looked around the room but found nothing. "Maybe if we go to into this room and close it then what ever it is that you digimon seem to say is watch us will go away." Yamato suggested. "I don't know Yamato but I still say we are being watched or followed by something." Gabumon told him.

"Why would who ever this might be following us?" he questioned. "You got me." Gabumon replied


*Hikari's dream*

Hikari found herself on a beach, there was no one there not her brother not her friends she was alone. Hikari hugged her self and looked around the place.


"Queen, we needed your help!"

The voices called out to her, Hikari scared called out to them. "Who are you!? Why do you want my help!" she shouted.

"Your our Queen you need to them us…."

The voice replied, Hikari quickly turned around to the ocean out of it she saw red eyes tons of them appear, she staggered back terrified of what ever they were. "TAICHI!!!!" she shouted

*End Dream*

"TAICHI!!!!!!!" Hikari's voice echoed through the air waking all the chosen children from slumber. "Hikari are you okay?" Tailmon asked concerned, Hikari's eyes were wide she was breathing heavily "Their after me…" she cried "Hikari who's after you?" Taichi asked his sister. "Them…they keep calling me queen." she whispered, she hugged Tailmon close to her.

"Come Hikari tell us what happened in the dream." Takeru asked her she looked at him then to her brother. "I was alone on a beach it was dark…and these voices keeps calling out to me they wanted my help…then I saw red glowing eyes all around me." she whispered.

"Hey there, you'll be fine." Taichi gave her a hug. "I'm sure what ever that dream was about that it wasn't real." he explained to her. "I hope your right Taichi." she whispered. "Well if he isn't I'll protect you!" Takeru replied he smiled Hikari smiled as well. "Thank you Takeru." she smiled.


"This is the next room…" Yamato trailed off he looked around the place; there was a groan that came from Mimi. "This is just like the first room we were in." she whispered she rubbed her head with her hands. "Okay well let keep on going maybe the next room is different." Yamato suggested. "Hmm…I'm being to think this place is repetitive as the factory was…remember…" Gabumon replied.

Flash back….

"Man what's with this place it's like they put things together then take them apart." Yamato replied watching the conveyor belt with the thing that they seem to be putting together.

End Flash Back

"Right…lets not think about that place either it's giving me even more of a headache the being down here. Yama, did you think if we use our digivices we could find the others?" Mimi asked the blonde he was still spooked out about what was going around this room. "Um…lets check." he went into his pocket and pulled out his digivice. "Whoa…. okay." his eyes widened looking at the face of his digivice. "What is it?" she questioned.

"There's multiple number of us." he answered, "Huh?" Mimi searched her bag for her digivice and she two looked at it. "Aw…. come one this isn't funny anymore." she replied there was multiple number of red dots on the screen. "Dose all the whining mean we are stuck here?" Palmon pondered.

"Yes…but it's not whining it's complaining." Mimi replied calmly. "YAMA WHAT ARE WE GONA DO!" she cried out suddenly. Yamato, Gabumon and Palmon looked at her startled.


Daybreak above ground on the Continent of Server…

"Koushiro please tell me that there are any signs of Yamato and Mimi." Taichi asked almost begging, they searched for the whole morning did everything they could. Sora even had Piyomon cover the area from the sky and they still came up with nothing. "This is going to be impossible." Catherine replied she wiped the sweat from her brow and sat down. "Taichi I'm taking a rest." she replied.

"Catherine get up, we have to keep going…" Taichi trailed. "Yeah come on and get up." Tailmon answered snapping a bit. "I want rest! NOW!" she growled, Taichi back off "Okay, Okay." he answered. "Hey Taichi, do you think we should get some shelter first?" Agumon questioned. "Wha?…oh right we AREN'T EVEN NEAR TREES!" he shouted almost. Sora smiled wearily at him.

"Can I suggest we keep going only a little further till we have shelter." Jyou replied he pushed his glasses up as he said this, Catherine immediately got up from her spot and latch onto his arm. "OHHH JYOU!!! Your right lets go." she cried out in delight.

The other's fell over. "Did I say something wrong??" Taichi asked confused. "No I think because you weren't Jyou that's all." Sora commented.


The Chosen Children walked in single file toward the tree line that was about a few miles way from where they were right now they were walking threw a grassy field that didn't have any trees in it.

'Oh…god what wrong with me?' Sora thought suddenly she began to feel sick nauseous…and was being to sweat, she dragged her feet forward and kept going on. Piyomon concern looked up to her partner. "Sora?" she began "It's nothing Piyomon I'm okay." she answered. "Okay if you say so." Piyomon replied and continued to walk forward in silence. Sora slowly brought her left hand up she looked at her bracelet it was glowing red.

Unknown to her Taichi was feeling the same way, he too looked at the rainbow colored bracelet that Simon had put on his left wrist, it was glowing red. "Wha…." he replied confused 'if Simon was dead then who has the control to use these.' he thought, he turned to Sora she too looked sick as he did. "Koushiro quick we got to rest right here." Taichi replied suddenly.

"Taichi…" Koushiro began but their leader had collapsed to his knees on the ground, Sora did too. "Oh no what's wrong?" Hikari cried she looked at her brother and Sora. "The bracelets." Sora and Taichi both replied at once.

"Well what about them?" Catherine asked. "They're evil, you guys have to help get them off." Taichi replied he tried as he was catching his breath. Jyou examined both of them. "Whoa…. guys you are both running high fevers, we need to find a way to bring them down." he went into his duffle bag take out a thermometer. "Open wide." he told Taichi first, then stuck the thermometer into Taichi's mouth.

"Well what do we do now?" Tentomon asked. "We go and find shelter is what, we can't go no where if they are both sick." Jyou replied standing up. "I got just the place too." Patamon piped up. "You do where is it?" Takeru asked. "It's in that forest that we were heading…there's a tree house and everything there." he replied.

"And you know about this when?" Tentomon asked flying in front of them. "Well…I forgot about the place at first. I only remembered now." Patamon replied.


Digimon Digital Monsters Alternate Version Adventure's 02 …

Look for the theme of Digimon 02 AV to come out.


"Master…." the first Hangyomon replied he walked up to him, the masters shadow was cast on the wall to the left of the digimon, who was shaking till, being frightened of the master.

"Are you going to send some one out to do something about that? About…the queen." He asked him, "Hmm…So far she's too young, three years later I shall return to gather her and she can help us leave here…. the Dark Ocean." He answered.

"Should we deal with the intruders?"

"Yes…but show them the way out, of the sewer. Discreetly."

"Yes Lord Dagomon!" The three Hangyomon replied they hurried out of the chambers of the master and off to find where the intruders where.

At the thrown there sat Dagomon, he was big and ugly looking, he looked like an octopus, though shaped as a human, tentacles that where grouped in bunches for legs and a arm. His left arm was hook shaped. Oh his face he had a red symbol on his forehead his nose hung down he and his mouth he had lion like teeth, on his bottom jaw. Oh his back where a pair of red wings.


"Okay…calm down Mimi, there's nothing to worry about." Palmon reassured her partner. "Yeah...Like Palmon said we will find a way out." Yamato agreed nodding his head. Mimi frowned "You don't even look that convinced." she replied watching him suspicious. "Of course I am sure, in fact…." Yamato began to sweat nervously he looked around for a loophole…then saw one a hole in the wall it was big enough for them to fit into. "They're see." he turned her around to face the wall that had the hole in it. "Oh wow Yama your so smart!" she turned around and hugged him, he started to blush.

"Actually I never really had anything to do with it before it was just there." he answered; Mimi let go of him suddenly then looked a Palmon. "Come on lets get out of here Palmon." Yamato stared at her for a minute then shook his head 'No Yamato.' he told himself. "Gabumon lets move out of here." he replied. "Right away Yamato." the four all headed toward that hole in the wall.

Mimi stopped at it she pried into the hole she shirked. "Eww…don't tell me we have to step in that water." she questioned to no one in particularly. Yamato looked into the tunnel then stepped in "Come on in the water warm." He smirked.


Yamato had to carry Mimi on his back he was lagging behind the digimon who where ahead of him. "Mimi come on…. just walk by yourself I can't carry you any more." he replied he took one big step at a time very slowly I might add and by the look of it he was about to collapse. "Come just a little further Yamato and I promise that you won't have to give me a piggy back ride again." she begged.

"OH THERE'S A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!" Palmon replied excitedly, "Come on Yamato, Mimi hurry!" Gabumon called back as he and Palmon ran toward the exit of the tunnels. "Come on Yamato hurry." Mimi urged. "I would if you weren't so heavy." he answered he felt his hair begin yanked "OW!" he cry echoed though the tunnel. "What the hell." he replied

"Like you don't know." Mimi replied she let go of his shoulders and to cross her arms across her chest but that was a bad Idea as it caused Yamato to lose his balance. "WHOA…." Mimi and Yamato both cried then fell into the murky water.

"WHAAA!!! MY…..MY……CLOTHES!!!" she screamed. Yamato stood back up soaked as well he held his hand out stretched and legs spread a bit he looked himself over "Egh….we are going to stink." he replied.

"Yamato! Mimi! are you okay?" the two digimon replied at the same time they walked back to find the two soaked. "Ew…you both stink." Gabumon replied "Oh thank you very much…Gabumon." Yamato replied sarcastically. "No really you guys need a bath." he said again. "No kidding." Yamato replied dryly and annoyed. "Shut up Gabumon." Mimi walked by them.


"Taichi how are you feeling any better?" Jyou questioned him "The same…. I'm telling you it's the bracelet." He whispered Jyou sighed, "How can we take something off that won't come off?" he questioned. "Maybe the key lies within Simon's data." Koushiro replied typing away.

"And what if it doesn't?" Tentomon questioned "We just to hope there is a way to get them off." Koushiro answered.

Takeru sighed. "After we find a way to get the bracelets off we need to find Yamato and Mimi." he replied. "That's right maybe we should split up to look for them." Catherine suggested. "No…we have been split up before and it's not a good Idea." Gomamon replied.

"No maybe she's right about that." Sora replied she sat up much to Jyou's protest then Taichi followed her lead. "Guys! You have to lay down right now." he demanded. "Relax Jyou." Taichi advised "Besides I'm feeling better then I was a few minutes ago." he replied got swung his legs over the side of the cot then stood but then quickly sat back down. "Okay I so I though I was feeling better." he trailed off. "That's because you were being delusional." Jyou told him crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well…if Jyou, Hikari, Takeru and Catherine with their digimon go off to find Mimi and Yamato then it will be okay." Sora replied. "Okay how when we will be separated?" Piyomon questioned, "We are strong enough to not need everyone."

"Huh? Come again?" Catherine asked, "I think she saying that you eight go and find Mimi and Yamato." Koushiro said. "But what about you guys who's going to take care of you?" Jyou asked nervously. "Don't worry we need to find Mimi and Yamato now go." Taichi said pushing them.

"Okay we will be back Taichi!" Takeru replied. "God, you better be right about this." Jyou warned Sora, she smiled nervously "Everything will be fine…Right Piyomon?" she questioned. "Right Sora." the pink bird digimon replied "See all fine." she laughed. Taichi, Koushiro, Agumon and Tentomon all sweat dropped

"Okay just go!" the all replied suddenly. "Okay, but I'm leaving my bag here Koushiro you know how to use the cold compresses and all that stuff right?" Jyou questioned still worried. "Gezz Jyou just relax Koushiro got it all covered right?" Gomamon questioned. "That's right…don't worry we will be all right here it's out of the open off the ground and well hidden." Koushiro replied.

"Okay on that note come on Jyou let's go!" Catherine replied she grabbed on to his arm and held him. Jyou began to blush. "Okay let's go." he replied nervously. Takeru, Hikari, Catherine, Jyou and their digimon all climbed down the latter from the tree house.

The group that was walking away stopped to look back at the tree house. "BECAREFUL AND DON'T GET INTO ANY UNNCESSARY DANGER! JYOU YOUR INCHARGE!" Koushiro hollered from the small window. "TA, TA!" Tentomon replied as he pushed Koushiro out of the way. "AND REMEMBER TO COME BACK HERE!" he called. "Okay thanks for the head up Tentomon!" Patamon replied.


"Right so where is the first place we should look Jyouuuu…." Catherine asked she hugged his arm tightly as she said it with a smile. "How about we go over there at that village of botamon." Floramon suggested. "Great idea! Come on Jyou." Catherine skipped all the way there dragging him along with her.

"Aww…poor Jyou." Gomamon answered frowning. "You said it." Takeru replied, Hikari smiled at the two "I think it's cute." she answered and went forward. "I think it's rather sickening." Tailmon answered. "You and me both ." Gomamon agreed.

"Okay come on let's catch up!" Takeru ran forward Patamon groaned. "Wait Takeru I can't fly that fast." he complained. "Coming, Coming!" Floramon and Gomamon said and they chased after Patamon who was chasing Takeru to catch up.


Taichi and Sora were forced by their digimon to lay down on the cots, Koushiro sat in next to them on his computer trying to find a way to break them free of their bracelets that trapped from going any were because of illness. Taichi was right underneath the window, he looked up he could see the tree's leaves and some of the sky peeking through them.

Then he saw a flash of purple hair. "Huh?" he questioned. "What is it Taichi?" Agumon asked. "I saw something." he replied point up to the window. "You saw something are you sure it wasn't your imagination or something Taichi?" Sora wondered

Koushiro got up and went to the window he looked up but saw nothing. "I think your mind's play tricks on you Taichi." he replied. "Well…I didn't want to say anything but I saw something before…it was purple hair." Tentomon buzzed. "Wha? And you didn't tell?" Koushiro questioned.

"That's what I saw." Taichi replied. "Maybe it's a digimon then." Sora said she turned her head to the left of her so she could look at the two boys and her digimon. "I'll check it out." Piyomon replied she hopped onto the window's sill and flew out up high.

"Ah ha!" Koushiro shouted it both made Taichi and Sora fall out of their own cots. "Holy, Koushiro what the hell." Taichi answered. "I found something…..errr although it's not good." he answered he rubbed the back of his head rather nervously.

"Uh oh…I have a bad feeling about it." Agumon replied. "You and me both." Koushiro answered.

"JUST TELL US!" Taichi and Sora both shouted at the same time. "Okay." Koushiro took in a deep breath of air then sighing. "Well…it says here in Simon's little diary of sorts that you can't take them off."

Taichi and Sora where both sitting up right "What?" the cried at the same time. "The Rainbow bracelets are constructed from the toughest metal in the digital world, they were made by an evil digimon by the name of Dragomon. The bracelets were designed to followed the order of those who cast spells, meaning Simon was in control of them, but he's gone now making the bracelets lose their powers altogether. That means that they are now a decoration of sorts…kind of like jewelry."

Taichi and Sora sat there looked at him in a kind of shocked look. "Dose that mean these bracelets are stuck on our wrist for our entire life time?" Sora asked. "Yeah." Koushiro nodded. "And that nothing not even the strongest laser is going to separate these things from our wrists?" Taichi questioned him Koushiro nodded.

They both groaned and fell back on their cots. "Don't' worry Taichi it will be absolutely fine." Agumon assured him. "Oh yeah I feel better thank you." Taichi answered he looked at the bracelet on his left wrist Sora was as well. "I guess I can live with this…. but if the bracelets aren't working what's making us sick?"

"Maybe you guys conjured up the thought that the bracelets made you sick…if you think they will then you get sick and you end up blaming it on the bracelets but now you it can't be the bracelets because they are inactive." Koushiro looked at the window Piyomon came flying in and landed on the ground. "I didn't see anything." she replied.

Neither sora nor Taichi answered they were to preoccupied thinking about the bracelets. 'if they are in active then Koushiro can touch the bracelet.'

"Koushiro…. if they are inactive the bracelet it shouldn't burn you. See if you can touch it." Taichi replied he held out his left wrist. Koushiro looked at it nervously "Okay…I'll try." he slowly reached out…and touched it he pulled his hand back suddenly "OW! the damn thing burnt me." he cried hold on to his finger.

"Koushiro…what language, I didn't know you were one to swear." Tentomon replied. "It hurt like crazy what did you want me to do about that?" he asked. "Probably swear." Tentomon said.

While they were too busy chatting away, some one was watching them from the other tree.


"Okay stop walking for a second I can't stand the smell any longer." Yamato replied. The others looked at him "Your right…but we don't have towels…the only who carried them was Jyou cause he had that big bag." Mimi told him.

Then lets find a pool of water or lake anywhere jump in with our clothes on and just wash…. I'm starting to gag on the smell, and I bet you are as well." Yamato replied pointing at Mimi. "Yeah…true." she answered. "Oh why didn't I think of this before!" Palmon cried out loud.

"What?" All three questioned. "In the digital world there is a tree called the Cloth tree." She replied happily. "A cloth tree?" Yamato questioned. "Like a fruit tree it makes cloth, in stead, it always making cloth. Sheets of it." Palmon replied she looked around I think there's one near here….I can smell it." she replied and ran. Yamato, Mimi and Gabumon all ran after her.


The four all stared at the tree it had green leaves and had cloth hanging off its branches. "This is it?" Mimi questioned Palmon pulled off two cloths one for Yamato and another for Mimi.

"Now you two can wash up and stop stinking." she replied. "You wouldn't happen to have a tree that has soap would you?" Yamato questioned. "No what a silly idea for a tree." Yamato and Mimi sighed, "Just thought I ask." he replied.

"There should be a lake near by." Gabumon replied he walked forward Yamato and Mimi was hanging onto there 'towels' "I remember this place…" she replied look around. "Oh no…don't tell me this is the place where you first digivoled to Garurumon." Yamato replied he looked at his digimon seeking some kind of reference that it wasn't the case.

"Hey what do you know it is." Gabumon replied. "But that means we are on file Island!" Mimi cried. "Hmmm your right…" Palmon said calmly. "Why aren't you freaked out?" Mimi asked "Because, there's nothing to be freaked out about…" she told her partner with a smiled. "Makes me feel much better." she whispered.

They came out to the clearing of small the lake was in front of them remained the same since after they had left this island to go to Server. "Okay Mimi you go ahead and take a bath first." he was going to leave but Mimi grabbed on to his arm. "No wait…stay here near me." she replied Yamato face started to go red "Um I don't think that's a good idea Mimi." he replied "NOT WITH ME!" she cried and smacked him the back of the head. "OW! that was uncalled for." he shouted "And that was uncalled for that you suggested watch me bathe!" she shouted back.

"Why don't you both find secluded spots to wash yourselves" Gabumon suggesting "Good Idea we will." Yamato replied he was about to turn and walk away when

"Oh I just remembered I have some soap." Mimi replied she went into her handbag and pulled out two packs, she tossed one to Yamato he caught it "This is perfumed soap I don't want perfumed soap." he replied. "It's the only soap I have you might as well use it unless you want to smell like sewage." Mimi commented.

Yamato growled he turned around. "Gabumon lets go find our own spot to bathe." he said Gabumon rushed to catch up with him. As soon as he was out of sight Mimi turned to her digimon. "Okay Palmon you can wash my clothing for me okay." she replied. "Okay Mimi."


Botamon Village…..

"Excuse me?" Catherine replied she chased after a small digimon but it was running away from her, she growled frustrated that they weren't get any where at all. "Maybe if you weren't so bossy." Gomamon suggested. "GOMAMON!" Jyou cried out at his digimon.

"Hey, just stating the plain facts she's too bossy." He said. "I'll show you bossy in a minute." Catherine replied she stomped toward the digimon her fists clenched. "Jyou help!" he ran and hid behind Jyou. "Don't think you'll get away from me seal!" she cried.

"Okay that's enough Catherine leave him alone…he's like that at times." Jyou stuck up fro his digimon although he agreed that his actions weren't justified. "Mr. Botamon do you think you can help us?" Hikari question sweetly. The little digimon began to say something that the others couldn't understand.

"Oh all right thanks any ways." Hikari turned around to face the other Chosen Children. "They haven't seen them any where." She replied. "How did you understand?" Catherine questioned confused. "I got my ways." Hikari smiled.

"Okay…so now where do we search we have nothing to go by at all." Jyou replied

"Ah Jyou…." Catherine said her voice shaking there was a suddenly cry from the botamon "SkullGreymon!" Takeru shouted. The giant digimon was charging toward the small village. "Tailmon you got to stop him from wrecking the botamon's village! Get ready." Hikari told her digimon. "Ready when you are Hikari."

"You two Patamon." The small rodent liked digimon hopped off from Takeru' hat and got ready to shinka.

"Patamon shinka to Seraphimon!"

"Tailmon shinka to Magnadramon!"

Magnadramon and Seraphimon both flew out to attempting to stop him from crashing into the botamon's village. "STOP" Seraphimon cried out hold his hand out. SkullGreymon roared in angry at the mega level digimon.

"Dragon Fire!" Magnadramon's body glowed then a bit of pink flames began to come from her mouth as if they tried to escape she released it and it hit SkullGreymon dead center, bringing down the large digimon easily.

Magnadramon circled SkullGreymon in the air. "I told you to stop." Seraphimon replied the armored angel was floating in front of him.

"COME ON SMACK HIM DON'T TALK WITH HIM!" Catherine shouted at the two digimon. Takeru looked at her "Let them do this there own way Catherine." He replied then turned back to the digimon, the whole village of botamon where watching from a far distance.

With his long arms SkullGreymon took one large swipe at Seraphimon sending the digimon flying to the ground. "No one tells me what not to do." the digimon cried angry.

"Testament." Seraphimon shouted out he flew back into the sky with his staff he slashed the air and sliver light of energy emerged and hitting its desired target. "Dragon Flame!" Magnadramon shouted again a pink blast of flames shot out from her mouth and smacked into SkullGreymon he groaned in agony…. then as fast as he appeared he was gone. His data flew off.

"Yay!" the botamon cheered


Tree house..

A girl about Koushiro's age came into the three house Koushiro had kind of drifted off to sleep after he was made in charge of the watch. "WHO ARE YOU!" the girl shouted at them.

All twelve of them woke startled "I can ask you the same thing." Agumon declared, they all watched the girl she was Koushiro's height, looked about age ten had violet hair and wore a sleeveless purple t-shirt, and pink shorts she had a green bag that was draped over her right shoulder and with her as well was a digimon…who looked like a hawk.

"Who are you?" Koushiro asked the girl who growled angry at the same question she had given them. "I'm asking you first!" she cried. "Okay gezz." Taichi replied sitting up right. "We are the Chosen Children." Sora explained.

"The Chosen Children……." she trailed of "You are the ones I was supposed to look for." the girl replied. "What' your name?" Piyomon wondered.

"I'm sorry for being rude…. My name is Miyako Inoue and this is my digimon Hawkmon. I'm the new Chosen Child." She replied smiling and holding out her hand to them.

To Be Continued…

Next on digimon 02 AV

Miyako tells her story how she got To the Digital World.

Taichi tell her about what they have been doing for the past days…and months they were here for.

"Simon put these on us." Taichi explained he showed her the bracelet.

Mimi and Yamato get caught in a situation

Jyou and the others are nowhere near close to find Yamato and Mimi.

"Good time for the best part of my plans.." She replied she clasped her hands together. "Destiny stone of fire heat things up for the Chosen Children!"



That's next time on Digimon 02 AV.