Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 24. Keeping it Together ( Chapter 24 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

24. Keeping it Together

Palmon: "Yamato and Mimi fell into the murky sewer waters making them all smelly we finally got out of there and finally back on land where we found out we some how got to File Island. Sora and Taichi got sick rendering the search efforts for they're missing friends, after a few moment of arguing they thought it was good Idea they decided to split up, leaving Taichi, Sora and Koushiro in a abandoned tree house with their digimon the other eight left in search of us. I'm being to think that no one will be able to find us!"


"The new chosen child?" the six replied at the same time looking at her. "Yeah that's me. Glad to meet you all, but I thought there was more of you?" she asked confused scratching the back of her head. "Yeah there is but we are kind of separated now…things happened a lot of things." Agumon told her.

"Oh well that's weird I thought you would all be together after all this place dose seem to be dangerous." Miyako questioned them. "It is believe us." Koushiro agreed. "Well what's going on?" she wondered.

"Well lets start from the begin…." Piyomon explained.


Yamato and Mimi sat in silence in front of the fire they had made it was dark.
Yamato sat on one side Mimi on the other the sheets they got off the trees were wrapped around themselves.

Gabumon and Palmon had gone to gather some more firewood for them to burn. "Look I'm sorry what I said earlier…about the bathing thing. What I really meant by that was be a look out for anything suspicious." Yamato whispered looking into the flames of the fire. "Oh, I see then I'm sorry for yelling and over reacting like that." she replied her too looking into the flames.

"Okay more firewood on the way." Palmon said she came on to the scene carrying about a dozen sticks at least. She dropped them by the remaining pieces of wood. "We found quite a bit….I think it should be enough." Gabumon replied he took a seat next to his partner.

After sitting in quiet for a while the digimon started to feel uncomfortable. "Um is something wrong?" Gabumon asked he got no response again.

"Come we got to think of a way back to the rest…we can't just stay here…they must be looking for us." Yamato replied. "Are you kidding me Taichi doesn't care if I'm around…why would they be looking for me?" Mimi asked.

"Oh Mimi not this again…" Palmon trailed off. "Taichi not all cruel as you think he is…he's just a little obnoxious and can't stand the fact that you are friends with Sora." Yamato said, Mimi narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you kidding me?" she asked.

He began to laugh. "No that's not the real reason…. he's just………I don't know not that very patient, and I guess that fact that you take too long to do something gets him angry and frustrated at times. But that doesn't mean he hates you and doesn't care if you get lost here." he explained.

"Well some how I fail to see that…. you remember what happened the day we met Simon…. we were in the desert and then he got angry and yelled at me for no reason." She replied.

"Mimi I thought we talked about this already?" Palmon sighed. " We did Palmon…but it still doesn't make me feel better for the possibility that they aren't looking for us."


Jyou, Catherine, Hikari and Takeru with there digimon walked toward the digital ocean. "I don't see how it's going to help us find them if we walk to the ocean." Catherine answered she kept an eye on Jyou. "There someone there that can help us…hopefully." he said keeping a watch in front of him.

"If you're hoping that Whalemon to come back from the dead…it's a very long and impossible shot that he is still alive." Tailmon said as she walked along side Hikari. "There's nothing to suggest I was looking for him in the first place." Jyou replied to the remark that Tailmon gave.

"Well, maybe he is back you never know with the digital world…. maybe there's another Whalemon out there some where." Takeru said he squinted against the sun as he tried to see the ocean.

"Well the sooner we find a good digimon to help us in our quest to find those four where ever they maybe be. The faster we get to go home…so lets all put in one hundred percent effort to find Yamato, Mimi, Gabumon and Palmon." he told them. "Right on Jyou!" Takeru and Hikari exclaimed. Catherine just smiled happily at him.


"They will never get home and never get what they want…I'll make sure they stay here and get lost…. forever!" she looked over at the other monitor that was set up…it was the tree house. "Now to finish those two off…"
"Stone of destiny, stone of fire complete the task that relinquished upon you."


"And this is where we are now…" Taichi finished he looked at Miyako then to Sora and Koushiro. Sora put her hands over her ears suddenly…as did Taichi. "Guys what's wrong?" Koushiro asked them.

"a loud noise….I feel sick." Sora cried in agony, "Ahh!" Taichi screamed out. "Koushiro do something there's got to some kind of way to deactivate these damn bracelets!" Taichi's shouted at him.

Miyako gasped she took Koushiro's computer from him. "What are you doing!" he cried. "I know how to deactivate this bracelet." she replied she worked steadily, typing away on the computer Koushiro watched her as well as the two digimon.

"You know how to deactivate them how?" he asked. "I don't know….let me finish…and I will explain later." she replied Koushiro nodded, he went over to Taichi and Sora bed side they were in obvious pain…and seemed to be losing consciousness.

"Oh Taichi, come on stay with me." Agumon replied poking at his shoulder. "Sora, hang in there." Piyomon coached.

Miyako typed still she paused for a moment then look to Taichi and Sora, the back to the screen. "Bingo!." she cried. Koushiro looked at her then to Taichi and Sora who where by the looks of it coming out of the semi unconscious state.

"Taichi…Are you okay?" his digimon partner asked, he nodded "Yeah…but what happened?" he questioned confused. "The bracelets remember, Taichi." Sora pointed to her wrist where the bracelet was.

"Now its time for you to explain yourself Miyako." Koushiro replied everyone looked at her as they waited. "I used to know the secret to it because I'm the one the created them." she replied.

"What? You mean to tell us you were working for Simon!" Tentomon cried out. "I didn't know he was going to use them on you both…. when he left I was alone, Hawkmon helped me realize that guy was bad news. But I had no idea he was chasing after you guys or anything I swear I didn't know." she tried to explain to the best of her abilities.

"Well, no one can put you to fault there." Taichi explained. "But it's just the matter if your telling us the truth…." he finished eyeing her. "What are you suggesting that she's working for the new evil person?" Agumon asked him Taichi nodded.

"I swear I'm not…I'm a Chosen Child and I was looking for you at the time I thought Simon was one of us." Miyako cried out.

"Your going to do a lot more convincing then that to make sure you aren't on the evil side." Koushiro said to her.

"Okay that's fair enough…and I'll proof to you that I'm not who you think I am….I am a Chosen Child." she replied honestly as she could.
"Great then you can help us find Yamato, Mimi, Palmon and Gabumon as your first test." Sora said she got up off the cot, as did Taichi. "Right lets go." Miyako said.


"Yamato are you sure it's this way?" Mimi questioned he shrugged as they walked forward. "It's not me who's leading its Gabumon." he told her. "Yes were just about to…" he stopped and they where now standing in snow.

"Ahh!!! It's cold!" Mimi crossed her arms across her chest and rubbing her arms to keep warm. Yamato was starting to get goose bumps. "Okay lets turn back…we still have these towels on." he replied picking at what he was wearing.

"Come on I really think we should turn back I don't want to walk around in this place with nothing more then a towel and freeze ourselves to Popsicles." Yamato began he stopped, the other three turned to him.

"Good Idea Yamato, I'm with him." Mimi walked over to him with a huge sigh Gabumon agreed reluctantly.

"We are lost there's no point to getting even more lost when the others are trying to find us." Yamato explained he sat down on a log in the rain forest part of file Island. "Well what do we do then?" Palmon asked.

"We wait and see if we can hear or perhaps see any sign of Taichi and the others." Yamato looked off into space he knew that they were looking for them…they had to be. He thought worried.


Taichi, Sora, Koushiro and Miyako wondered the through the brush for a few hours already and they had decided to sit down for a break. "Here I got an Idea. Koushiro can I see your notebook?" Miyako asked him.

"Um…do you know what your doing with it?" he questioned her worried ton in his voice. "Yes I do don't worry." She replied he reluctantly gave her his laptop and watched as she opened up, starting to sweat.

"Koushiro really, I think she knows." Tentomon commented. "Don't worry she is good with electronic devices such as that thing right there." Hawkmon said with utter most confidence.

Miyako concentrated on the computer in front of her. Taichi, Sora and Koushiro watched and whispered among each other. "You don't think she works for the other guys do you?" Sora questioned. "I think she's okay if that counts as an opinion." Piyomon replied.

"Well that's one of the things…but still she said she worked for Simon I can't trust any of his advisors or computer personal even though they are ex's ." Taichi eyed Miyako from the corner of his eye then looked back at his friends.

"Well we can roast her if you want." Agumon suggested, Taichi glared as his dinosaur buddy. "What's with burning people to crisp any ways?" he asked confused. "It's the easy…" he answered

"It's an easy solution to a trusting problem, Taichi." Sora replied she smiled at him. "Thanks Sora." Agumon said Taichi smiled at Sora then laughed "Okay it's funny but still we can't do that." He told his digimon.

"Well my conclusion of her are confusing…she's an ex follower of Simons…. but she also has been looking for us for quite a while. Maybe she joined Simon in order to find us." Koushiro theorized.

"AH HA!" Miyako cried she jumped into the air and turned to look at the startled group. "What did you find?" Hawkmon questioned her. "I figured out the location of your friends…and they're all the way on the other continent of digital world." She said proudly.

"What other continent?" Sora questioned confused. "File Island." Agumon answered for her she slapped her hand against her forehead. "Duh of course…" she shook her head. "Hey it's okay Sor, we all get those brain freezes." Taichi said coming up from behind her, Sora pretended to laugh. "Funny Taichi, you have those more often then I do." She told him straight out.

"Okay like I said we should get to file Island." Miyako shouted at them. "Right we are going there."

"Don't think so Chosen Brats." A voice from behind them made all of them turn to look who it was. "Come out you coward of a digimon!" Agumon threatened.

"Yeah who do you think you are." Tentomon asked.

She looked like Lilymon only darker and wore a black cape same as Simon.

The digimon put a small smile on she raised her hand then brought it down again reveling a picture of the seven destiny stones. Taichi and the other are looked at the digimon. "You're the one who stole them!" he cried.

"Stole them I fairly possessed them…. and now all the power of the elements of the digital world are in my control." She replied again smiling at them. "I'll show you something." Agumon began to go at her but Taichi stopped him.

"Wait." He replied he stared at the digimon that stood in front of him and his friends. "What do you want?" he asked really wanting a simple explanation. "What hasn't it been along?" she said she looked at Sora this time. Taichi turned to see who she was looking and looked at her. "No I won't let you hurt Sora or any one of our friends." He demanded strait out.

"There's not a damn thing you can do about that boy…Sora is the last key, the last key I need to get control of the real world." Sora looked frightened a bit but she held her ground.

"Don't think I'm coming with you." Sora told her, Koushiro, Tentomon, Miyako and Hawkmon watched in the background. "And I won't let you take her…she's my friend." Piyomon stood defensively in front of Sora.

"No one gets in the way of my plans…and it certainly will not be you. Or your digimon friends nothing disgusts me more then digimon who are friends with humans." She raged.

"Taichi time now?" Agumon asked. "Yeah…in fact all of you get ready."


"Augmon Shinka…… War Greymon."

"Piyomon Shinka…… Phenioxmon."

"Tentomon Shinka…..Alutr Kabuterimon."

"Hawkmon Shinka…..Aquilamon."


"You arrogant fools! You can't win against me I have the stones of destiny and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Now give me the girl or else pay the consequences." She gritted her teeth as she said it.

"I said NO." Taichi told her he was standing in front of Sora arms spread out. Sora looked worried she didn't want her friends to get hurt if the digimon wanted her she was going to have to do something to keep her friends safe.

"You asked for it!" Ivymon looked down upon all of them. "WAIT!" Sora cried she push Taichi to the side so she could step up to her. "What now you have a change of heart?" she questioned smiling at them.

"Yes, I'll do it." Sora replied strongly, Taichi looked at her shocked but he grabbed her arm as she was being to walk toward the evil digimon. "Sora you can't! You can't." he begged. "Besides we got to fight if you give up then you'll be giving yourself to her so she could take over the world." He watched her eyes.

She pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear. "Taichi, I got a plan trust me on this." She told him, he smiled while he held her and gave thumbs up sign to Koushiro and Miyako. They both pulled away. "Koushiro, Atlur Kabuterimon, Miyako and Aquilamon go find Yamato and Mimi quick." Taichi ordered.

"Wait we can't just leave you both here by yourselves!" Koushiro exclaimed angry. "Do it! We need both here now and find Jyou and the others too. Bring them back here." Taichi said again.

"Got it Taichi! Come on Koushiro we got a job to do and that's bring together the entire Chosen squad." Miyako said she grabbed Koushiro and pulled him with her. "Aquilamon, come on Atlur Kabuterimon." She gestured.


Gomamon hopped out of the ocean "Success! I found us a ride." He cried he turned to face the water, at the water surface bubbles began to fizzle up then brown skin broke the surface rising further to reveal a Whalemon. "Yay!" Everyone cheered. "Whalemon your alive!" Takeru cried. "No I'm Whalemon's brother and I will do everything I can to help you all out." He replied.

Little bit later…

They were what seemed to be in the middle of the open ocean, Jyou was looking rather green and Catherine was comforting him trying to make him feel better. Takeru and Hikari said with their digimon chatting quietly.

"So when we get to file island we have to find my brother and Mimi." Takeru said. "Of course that's the point of the mission isn't it?" Tailmon said quite sarcastically. "Tailmon! That's rude." Hikari told her. Takeru squinted in the distance they saw something flying towards them.

"Uh oh." He trailed off looking upward "What?" Hikari questioned, "Look something heading our way." Takeru pointed, Hikari and the digimon looked to see what Takeru was seeing.

"Your right." Tailmon replied. "Jyou! Something is coming toward us!" Hikari cried they two children stood up. "Who is that?" Patamon pondered.

"This is bad! I already know it." Jyou replied as he watched the giant bird coming toward them.


"I told I could track anyone!" Miyako shouted over the blowing wind. "Maybe I should go meet them and tell them about Miyako they must have saw us by now and think we are the enemies." Tentomon said. "Okay." Koushiro agreed.

Tentomon flew up and off of Aquilamon and toward Jyou and the others who were now seemed to be panicking. He flew as fast as he could toward them.


"Hey isn't that Tentomon?" Patamon question. "I think your right." Tailmon replied she jumped on to Jyou's head. "HEY!" he cried "Hold still I have to see if it is him." She cried. "Tailmon get off of his head!" Hikari told her digimon.

Tailmon leaned forward to get a better look at who was coming and indeed it was Tentomon. "That's him I wonder how he found us?" she wondered. "GET OF MY HEAD!" Jyou shouted.

"Opps sorry." Tailmon hopped off of his head he stood there wobbly at first but fixed his hair a bit and his glasses. "Hey, Jyou you should maybe relax a bit." Gomamon told him. "I am relaxed, dose it look like I'm not relaxed?" he asked.

"Okay come on now." Catherine whispered she grabbed his arm. "Aww…Jyou" she smiled then hugged his arm. "Yeah…" Jyou trailed off not amused.

"Ah good! I got a tale for all of you." Tentomon replied as he landed onto the Whalemon.

"Where is Koushiro?" Jyou questioned, "He's coming, but let me explain this first." He stopped briefly and then went on. "After you left, a girl 'popped into the tree house, her name is Miyako and get this she is the tenth Chosen Child."

Hikari and Takeru's faces lighted up with excitement. "Really? What's her digimon?" Tailmon asked, "That's him…Aquilamon." He pointed to the bird digimon who was now come up to them. "Hi guys!" Miyako chimed.


Hours passed Yamato, Mimi, Gabumon and Palmon sat waiting they were bored of waiting they couldn't do this any longer. 'If it we go to the beach it would be easier for them to see us.' He thought finally after thinking for it for about an hour Yamato stood from where he was seated.

"Come on we got to get into the clear…maybe if we go back to the beach and stay there they will see us better." He replied Mimi frowned how do you suppose we get their attention if they do come to find us." Mimi said as she stood up. "Well we can't just not do it…come on give it a try. Yamato is right you know." Gabumon said to her.

"Sure…look at us we fall into a sewer…stink like sewage take a bath in the lake and now we are wearing these cloths which I don't think are a terrific fashion statement." She stopped as Yamato and the digimon stared at her strangely. "What?"

"Let's just go Mimi." Palmon pleaded sighing Mimi nodded "Fine but first I want to change into my clothing." Palmon held them up "They're still not dry…we need to get the sun more." She explained.


…………………… ………………….

"ICE WIND!" Ivymon shouted holding out the Ice stone of destiny, a gust of wind sent forth heading straight for Sora "NO!" Hououmon shouted she jumped in front of Sora protectively.

"Hououmon…." She whispered "It's okay Sora I'm fine."

"I'll teach you for tricking me!" Ivymon shouted, " Leave them alone!" War Greymon told her angrily his were clenched together tightly. Ivymon turned around to face him. "All the terror that unfolds is the doing of your human partners who deserver nothing more then to die for betraying me the way they did." She looked at him fiercely.

"No! Fight us leave our friends alone." War Greymon told her again. "Fine…let's to it this way I destroy you both I get to destroy your human friends." She wagered. "Fair enough." Hououmon stood behind Ivymon.

War Greymon, Hououmon and Ivymon flew up to the sky they began to battle it out. "Gaia Destroyer!" A massive ball of energy form in his hand he released it and it went hurdling toward Ivymon who moved his attack his Hououmon sending her flying back a bit. "HOUOUMON!" he cried.

"Haha, u can't do better then that?" she asked a giant fire ball came formed in her hand she threw it at War Greymon it hit him in the back making him crash into Hououmon and both digimon when corralling downward to the ground.

"Oh my god…." Sora whispered as she and Taichi watched how easily Ivymon defeated their digimon. Ivymon had turned around and slowly approached to them slowly.

"I should have told you to go too." He replied "No Taichi this isn't your fight it's mine!" she cried. "It's my fault you're here it's my fault!" he cried. "No it isn't." she told him. "How sweet…." Ivymon said as she watched them.

"Now it's time to give you both a taste of Ivymon's special." Taichi and Sora held onto each other, both shivering slightly of fright thought either wanted to show any at all.

"Starlight Explosion!" Hououmon soared up into the air she released a giant ball of energy and it exploded into tiny stars hitting Ivymon in the back, it sent the digimon reeling put she returned to her stance quickly and was quite angry. "I ought to teach you a lesson!" she shouted.


"And that's the story that long truth be told story." Miyako said to her new partners. "Crazy." Takeru said. "No kidding." Patamon agreed.

"Okay guys we got no time we have to find Yamato and Mimi soon, Tai and Sora are back on server right now in a middle of the fight, the digimon whole stole the destiny stones. I don't know how much they can hold up." He replied.

"What you left them there!" Jyou cried shocked "Taichi forced us to go! Not like I had a choice besides we got to find the others quick." Koushiro explained heatedly. "Okay lets get a move on Whalemon." Catherine slapped the digimon on the back. "Right on young lady."


Mimi stepped onto the beach first followed by Palmon then Yamato and Gabumon. "Finally." Mimi sighed a breath of relief. "Okay are our clothes dry yet?" Yamato questioned because if they catch us wearing these thing and nothing else they are going to think sick." He replied a little nerved.

"OH YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S SICK!" Mimi cried she turned around. "Now I'm changing back into my clothes even though they are damp. "Okay wait for me Mimi." Palmon said as she followed Mimi in the forest.

"And don't peak Yamato!" She shouted out. Yamato sighed and took a seat on the sandy beach. "I WASN'T GOING TO! Why do you make me sound like a pervert!" he called back at her, she didn't responded after.

"Mimi's not talking to you anymore Yamato." Palmon called to him, he rolled his eyes. "Yamato how about you change into your clothing." Gabumon suggested he held out his jeans and green shirt.

Yamato looked at them and felt the jeans. "Still a little damp…I hate wet clothing." He replied Gabumon sighed "Fine I'll put it on the tree over here." He walked over to the lone tree and slung Yamato's clothing on one of its limbs.


"Yay!" Miyako shouted, "Quick I found out where the two of them are…they're digivices give it away easily." She said. "So where are they?" Tentomon asked. "File Island just a few more…"

"I see file Island!" Takeru cried standing up. "Right…so we have to go a little further east then south for a mile and they're on that stretch of beach." Miyako said. Koushiro looked a little jealous because she was about to find them with her laptop and he couldn't.


"FORCES OF DARKNESS, AND SOURCES OF THE DESTINY STONES MAKE ME STRONGER!" Ivymon shouted winds swirled around the digimon muilt colored waves of ribbons encircled her, slowly light shown brightly enough to blind. Once they faded Ivymon stood there she laughed. "No one can stop me now…. I'm ten times strong with the power from the dark world and the power from the destiny stones."

Taichi and Sora were standing now "Nothing you can do to save yourselves." Ivymon warned. "Yes there is." War Greymon stood behind her she turned quickly. "You can't beat me I'm more powerful then both of you digimon. Hououmon was at War Greymon's side.

"We will see about that. Taichi, Sora get out of the way." War Greymon told them, Taichi lead Sora out of the way they stood away from them.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY I WANT THE GIRL! She is the one piece to me getting into the real world." She threatened the two digimon. "No your not touching Sora." Hououmon said standing her ground.

"Very well remember I gave you the option." She whispered. "Earth of fire!" she held her hands out at both digimon and a ray of brown and red spiraling ribbon of flames was sent there way both digimon got hit instantly before they could move out of the way.


"War Greymon!"

Taichi and Sora looked on as they're digimon were plowed into the ground with incredible force. "Taichi, for the first time I think we are going to lose." She whispered. "No…we can't…they have to hurry up before our digimon fall." He whispered back to her.

"It's not over Taichi." War Greymon stood slowly and weakly. "We will fight her no matter what." Hououmon agreed also standing weakly.



Yamato had changed into his clothing now and was sitting on the beach playing his Harmonica Mimi and Palmon sat a few feet away she had her back to him Gabumon perked his ears up.


This time he heard voices abroad, he looked to Mimi and Palmon but they were talking, then he looked out at ocean saw something he blinked his eyes once, it was still there, then twice it was still there.

"Yamato." He tapped his friend's shoulder, making him stop playing. "What is it?" he questioned. "Listen." Yamato frowned then complied, Mimi turned to them. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Shhh, and listen." Gabumon told her, they were all quite until they heard.


"It's them!" Mimi cried she quickly stood up Yamato did the same they both walked over to the waters edge. "It is them, I knew they would have came for us!" Palmon cried.


"What a story…." Catherine trailed off. "Yeah tell me about and he's got an attitude problem as well." Mimi said glaring at Yamato, he sighed. "Okay guys no time to fight as we speak Taichi and Sora are in major battle we got to get back to them." Koushiro warned.

"Okay then what are we waiting for! Lets go." Yamato said they got on to the Whalemon and he set off toward Server Island.


"Gaia Destroyer!" Ivymon shielded herself from the attack the afternoon sky began to set, War Greymon was exhausted, as was Hououmon they both attacked with every beam of power they had with in and they hadn't made a impact on Ivymon or even tired her out.

"Ice over!" she shouted this time the hit on the digimon was more tragic, Hououmon's armor had cracked...as did War Greymon's both digimon had dedigivoled to their rookie stage.

"HAHAHA!!!" Ivymon laughed it was the cruel laugh of evil villain who has own. Taichi and Sora looked to each other and ran to their fallen digimon. "We are so sorry." Agumon whispered faintly. "We tried we really did." Piyomon explained to Sora. "I know you did." Sora sighed she stood up.

"I'll never give myself up for you! NEVER!" she shouted.

"Wrong thing to say." Ivymon whispered. "Very wrong do I have to get rid of you period?" she questioned. "What ever you have to do! I'll never allow you to take over the world." She whispered hoarsely with anger.

Taichi left Agumon's side letting his digimon rest. "Sora what are you thinking?" he questioned worried. "I don't know I don't want her to take over the world."

"Foolishness! All of you!" she shouted. "No, not at all." Taichi told her. "Well what are you going to do about it? Your going to stand up for yourselves…no one's going to save you." She answered. "And because you didn't cooperate…you'll both pay."

She trusted her two hands outward facing Taichi and Sora, a strong gust of wind came sweeping both of them off their feet sending them both to the ground.

To Be Continued….

Next time..

The Chosen Children arrive back to the scene of the battle too late as Taichi is semi couscous and Sora is no were to be found. Ivymon has Sora tied up and gagged When Sora awakes Ivymon tells her that it's time for you to open the portal of the real world. But dose it mean Ivymon will gain access to the real world? Maybe or maybe not. Find out next episode of Digimon 02 AV.