Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The Begin of the End ( Chapter 25 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

25. The Being of the End

Mimi: " Hi all! Finally as the chosen children come together then they go wrong once again after Ivymon takes first decides that she wants to kill Sora and Taichi but then decides other wise and takes Sora and leaves Taichi and the digimon. This all happens of course before any of us arrives on the scene. Quite typical day on digimon huh."


Somewhere in the digital world….

The same cave that Simon once inhabited, inside it was moldy and stank. Further into the cave where Simon first tried to get Sora to change her mind and leave the chosen children. Ivymon had Sora sat down in one of the chairs she was in rough shape and was half out of it.

"Where are they? Where did that miserable failure put those papers! And the book." Ivymon cried digging through the books that were on shelves in the room.

Sora opened her eyes he vision was blurred she couldn't see where she was or what was happening. "Taichi…. Piyomon?" she whispered, before she passed out again. Ivymon not noticing Sora's calls still was in search of the book and papers she need so the portal would open. "Where is it where could he have but it!"

Sora still remained unconscious her head was rested on her shoulder. "Hmm…well I might as well put you where you belong." Ivymon replied she picked Sora up and brought her with her to the wall where the portal was.


The Chosen Children walked around looking for a fight. "Koushiro I don't see any fight." Yamato replied. "They were fighting when I left." He explained.

"Taichi! Wake up Taichi." they all heard the voice and it sounded like Agumon they walked over toward the sound. "Holy crap what happened?" Jyou cried he and the other ran over to Taichi, Agumon and Piyomon. "We were defeated…she took Sora." Piyomon explained.

Jyou bent down and examined Taichi. "Hmm well…he's okay…I think he may have gotten a concussion." Jyou replied he sat back. "That means he's going to be okay right?" Hikari questioned. Jyou nodded. "Taichi will be fine of course." Agumon interrupted.

Taichi moved he opened his eyes. "Where's Sora?" he asked sitting up. "She took her Taichi." Piyomon said. "We have to get her." He was about to get up but Jyou and Agumon stopped him. "No you're not strong enough." Jyou told him. "Sora is in trouble I can't just sit here and do nothing." He said.

"I'll go Taichi." Yamato said, "No, I have to." He said clearly. "Taichi you heard Jyou you're not strong enough." Hikari told him worried about her brother. "I can go don't worry." He explained.

"Here this how about we all go." Miyako suggested. "Very good idea Miyako." Hawkmon applauded. "Come lets go before Ivymon hurts Sora." Piyomon said with urgency.


Sora began to come too her vision was blurred then had cleared gradually. She saw Ivymon she was searching by the looks of it, Sora frowned then looked around her surroundings. A sudden flash back came to her.

She shook her head. 'No not here…not here I have to get out of here.' She thought she tried to move her hands but she couldn't they were stuck and her feet were as well. Sora noticed that shackles tied down her wrist and ankles.

She was suspended a few feet from the floor in this rounded cove that was underneath the wall that held the prophecy that she had read when she was there with Simon, the one about her being feed to the giant monster.

Sora remained quiet as Ivymon was still searching; looking down at the pocket Sora spotted her digivices. 'Come Taichi, read the signal…please.' She thought she closed her eyes 'Please, Ivymon can't be aloud to go to the real world.'


"Uh oh email." Koushiro replied he looked down at the laptop's screen. "It's Gennia." He replied. "It's about time what took him so long to talk to us?" Gomamon commented. "He said that there is no time we have to get back to the place where we first saw Simon, Ivymon has Sora there." He said out loud. "Well come on we can't let that trash of a digimon enter the real world not like Vamdemon did." Yamato cried.

"Don't mention him again." Taichi replied grimily. "I just remember defeating him." Agumon replied he smiled "That was the best defeated ever!" the digimon all shouted. "

"Vamdemon? Could I hear about it?" Miyako asked. "Yeah...I'm kind of wondering myself how this battle went." Catherine agreed. "Jyou you explain it to them." Taichi said. "Why can't I?" Takeru questioned annoyed. "All you discuss it, I don't care. As long as I don't hear about it again." Taichi replied again kind of coldly.

Yamato went to discuss it since he didn't have much of a problem as Taichi did. 'Sometimes he's strange.' He thought quite confused.

Truth be told Taichi did savor that victory against Vamdemon but his mind was focused on one thing at the moment, and that was to save Sora and destroy Ivymon and to get home.


"Grrrr….I can't believe it he must have hid it some where." Ivymon growled she turned around sense that Sora had awoken she walked over to her. "Wake up you, you chosen child." Ivymon slurred with anger. Sora did her best to keep her eyes closed as if she were asleep.

Ivymon looked at her studying her closely. "Wake up I know you are up." Ivymon whispered. "Tell me where the book is." She demanded. "I don't know where any book is." Sora told her she turned her head to face the digimon and opened her eyes. "Don't lie to me! You must have some kind of powers to tell where the book is!" Ivymon shouted at her.

"And for the last time I don't know where they are! My power were creased to exist anymore…I don't know what book you are looking for and I don't know where it is." Sora shouted back at the digimon angry.

"You have guts…we will see who the one with the guts when I find that book." Ivymon whispered she narrowed her eyes at Sora then turned and left the room. Sora sighed 'Come on guy hurry up!' she shouted in her mind.


"Atlur Kabuterimon there it is." Koushiro shouted at him. "I see it and going in for the landing." His digimon told him.

Once he made contact with the ground and came to a stop the Chosen Children and digimon all got off, Taichi was able to stand himself. "Okay we need a plan… I want Yamato, Mimi, Catherine, Miyako and Jyou to stay out here and be the plan B just in case Ivymon see us and runs for it. Make sure your all ready, digimon digivoled to their highest forms." He warned.

"Got that Taichi, we will be ready then." Yamato agreed. "Koushiro, Hikari, Takeru and I will go in first into the cave and confront them." Taichi replied Atlur Kabuterimon de-digivoled to Tentomon. "Get ready!"


Gabumon Warp digivole too ……MetalGarurumon

Palmon Warp digivole too …….. Rosemon

Hawkmon digivole too ….. Aquilamon

Gomamon digivole too ….. Ikkakumon digivole too…. Zudomon

Floramon digivole too…..Kiwimon digivole too….Blossomon


"Okay guys were are going in." Taichi ordered they followed after him.

"Taichi, it was threw this room then down the hall." Koushiro whispered. "Okay." He said back. "Don't you think it's kind of quiet?" Agumon questioned. "Now that you mention yeah." Tentomon replied. "It would be a lot quieter if you two be quiet." Taichi told them.

"Taichi that door." Hikari pointed. "How do you know for sure?" he asked. "Cause Sora's in there." She told him.

They opened the door…it was a large room, they looked around and saw some kind of writing on the wall. "Guys!" Sora called to them…all nine ran over to her. "Sora…are you okay?" Piyomon asked she flew up to greet her. "Yeah, but we need to hurry she's looking for the book that will grant her the permission to enter the real world. Apparently Simon hid it." She said.

"Great that buys us time." Taichi said, he went into the circle that Sora was held up in, he began to try and pry open the shackles that were over her ankles. "It won't work Taichi, we need something else." She told him.

"Takeru I need you to keep watch make sure Ivymon isn't coming." Taichi told him. "I will Taichi, me and Patamon will do a great job like the last time." He replied he ran to the door and kept peeking out of it…for any signs of the digimon.

"Here Sora, I help." Piyomon concentrated her attack on the shackle. "Magic fire" a swirl of green fire hit the shackle that had trapped Sora's hand, it broke Sora fell forward "whoa" she cried and was held by the other shackle on her left hand. "Okay wait she's suspend up about and inch." Taichi went up to her and held his left hand up. "Sora grab my hand and I'll hold you up when Piyomon gets rid of the other shackle." He told her. She nodded.

"Be careful guys." Koushiro warned he was watching them. "Who's going to support Sora's foot?" Hikari questioned. "I will." Agumon replied he tried to get up there but Taichi was in the way and was taking up most of the space. "No, guys it's fine I can hand it." He said.

"Magic fire." Sora's other hand was released she missed Taichi's hand and grabbed onto his shoulder instead. "The other one Piyomon. Hurry." Both Taichi and Sora cried. "Okay…Magic fire." The one holding her right foot dropped almost making the two fall themselves… Sora made her foot touch the ground and Piyomon hurried and freed her last foot. Doing so made them both lose there footing and fall back ward on to the ground.

"Oh brother." Hikari cried she went to him and Sora. "Guys. You okay I told you to be careful." Koushiro replied. Taichi groaned. "Yeah." He replied, Sora got off of him and stood. "Sorry Taichi." she said blushing a bit. "It's okay." He said. Sora offered her hand to him he watched her for a second before he took her hand, Sora pulled him up.

"Okay come on before we get caught." Tailmon said, "Takeru, is the cost clear?" Taichi asked. "Yeah…come on guys." Takeru ran out with Patamon on his head, the Taichi and the other are followed.


Ivymon got to the library she looked around for a book he could have possibly hidden in this big library. "I'll never find it!" she cried, she shook her head and flew over to the table…there was an opened book there she closed it and read the cover. "Portals. This is it." She thought then took it will her out of there.

Ivymon returned to the room she saw the Sora wasn't' there. " No!!!!" dropping the book she stormed out of the room and out of the cave…she came face to face with a troop of mega and champion digimon. "Okay well wonderful greeting." Ivymon replied she flew up into the air. So she was at their eye level.

"Ivymon you came a threat to the digital and the real world no longer" Hououmon growled at her "Is that so…what happened to talk no war?" Ivymon asked. "What's with the fight to put off the fight?" WarGreymon asked.

"No reason….I can easily defeat every single one of you." She threatened. "You haven't token on us yet have you." MetalGarurumon replied coming in…with his other mega and champion friends.

"Thorn whip!" Rosemon's whipped her whip out and wraps it around Ivymon she squirms. "Let go!" she shouted angry. "You want out fine." Rosemon brought the whip behind her then with one strong throw she lunged Ivymon into the lake that was a few meters a way.

Ivymon struggled to get out, when Zudomon came charging ward her as he reached the water she soared high up in to the air. "How dare you!" she shouted.

"Come to my aid!" she cried out loud…. as she said that bubbles bubbled on the top of the waters surface.

"What's happening?" Sora whispered. "I don't know" Taichi told her. Yamato looked on. "Dude she's nuts." He said as he watched. "Nah uh…look what coming out of the water!" Takeru shouted he pointed at the lakes edge.

What seemed like hundreds of Octomon emerged from the waters surface. "Holy! Moly!" Mimi cried, she and Catherine stared as the number of them began to grow, the two girls hugged each other scared.

Octomon where red he had a helmet of rock on three horns each striped black and red and a crown, one tentacle held a hair dyer like gun and the another he held a sword.

"Ha Ha Ha! Lets see you come through this." Ivymon laughed. "Talk about washed up garbage." Holy Dramon replied "Holy flame!" her attack burnt three of them to crisps.

"Seven Heavens" seven balls of light emerged from his wings, each burning brightly he sent them forth at the Octomon and one as it came contact with the balls were burnt because of their evil. "Gaia Force!" WarGreymon launched his mega attack at the Octomon getting rid of twenty the most.

"Starlight explosion!" dozens of tiny stars eliminated the Octomon the number began to decrease signiantly. "Hammer Spark!" Zudomon cried he slammed his hammer into the ground, a spark of electric go rid of half a dozen.

"Cocytus Breath!" Metal Garurumon froze five each time. Then he swiped them with his paws and broke the ice statues.

"Figures the kind of help I get." Ivymon replied annoyed her army of Octomon was clearly slaughtered, she flew toward Sora but Hououmon stopped her from going near her partner. "Don't step one step closer Ivymon." She warned. "Or what you'll disintegrate me to oblivion? Haha I'd like to see that…you nor WarGreymon could defeat me before what makes you think that you will defeat me now?" she wondered.

"Because Ivymon, we out number you." Hououmon glared with evilness Ivymon stopped momentarily. "THORN WHIPS!" she cried five long live came from her fingertips headed toward Hououmon but they were rudely interrupted by MetalGarurumon, Cocytus Breath freezing them, they broke into ice particles. Here eyes wide with worry she looked back an for the then was thrown forward as she was blasted with WarGreymon's Gaia Force.

Ivymon who was thrown to the ground got up slowly feeling herself begin to weaken but before she could gain control of her sense she was hit yet again with Hououmon's Crimson Flare, it brunt Ivymon considerably. "No…you won't win." She cried.

"We already have." Hercules Kabuterimon was cleared. "Take this Ivymon. Giga Blaster!" a ray of yellow and white hit the digimon making her slam into the wall of the cave, just above it's entrance. "NOO…..!!" she screamed her echoed pain heard but was stopped as she fell to the ground then dissolved to digital particles.


"Gennia!" the Chosen Cried. "Hi Chosen Children, you have all defeated the evil that was in the digital world now it can return back to normal…unfortunately you have to leave, back to your home world…and regretfully say bye to your digimon." He replied.

"But why can't we stay here?" Yamato questioned. "You can't stay because you are not of digital material you have a body in the real world you must return too. And it isn't safe here, the whole of digital world must reconfigure it's self to the way it was before."

"You all be ready by sunset tonight I'll give all time to say your goodbyes." Gennia told them grimly.


Yamato and Gabumon sat at the dock it was silence. "Do you think you could play you harmonica one last time?" he questioned

Palmon wondered around to find Mimi wherever she was.

Sora and Piyomon sat in the tree. "Piyomon, I don't want to say good bye we I know we have to…I just want you to know that you change how I looked at my mother…and you change me." She cried "Oh Sora. There will be a day when we will me again." She replied giving her friend and partner a hug.

Catherine and Floramon were both looking out over the clam waters. "You know Floramon I thank you for being my partner and helping me threw al this crazy evil digimon stuff." She replied. "Your Welcome Catherine and I couldn't have asked for a better partner." The two hugged. "Awe Floramon.." she cried, tears fell down her cheeks.
"Don't cry I'm sure we will see each other again." Floramon said cheerfully.

Takeru and Patamon where in the field crying, "Why are you crying?" Takeru asked. "Cause your crying." Patamon sniffled. "How about we make a pact if you stop crying I will stop crying." Patamon said to him. "Okay." Takeru agreed.

Hikari and Tailmon both sat in the bush. "You know something Tailmon I have a feeling that this won't be the last time I see you." Hikari replied smiling. "I know we will meet up again in the future right?" Tailmon asked. "Right…and as something to remember me by here." Hikari took of the whistle from around her neck and gave it Tailmon. "Aw thanks Hikari." Tailmon smiled.

Miyako and Hawkmon sat on top of the streetcar, "We had great time right Hawkmon?" she questioned. "We did and there no reason why we shouldn't be upset right now.. Because we will again see each other." He said to her. "Right we will." Miyako and Hawkmon gave each other a high five.

Koushiro and Tentomon in the streetcar. "You know Tentomon I just have one thing to say to you." He replied as Koushiro was on his laptop. "What is it?" he asked "I love you." Tentomon fell. "Are you okay Tentomon?" Koushiro questioned his friend concerned. "Yeah I wasn't expecting that sudden display of emotion." He trailed. "I love you to by the way…your a best friend I could ever have!" Tentomon exclaimed.

Jyou and Gomamon were on the shoreline. Gomamon was swimming on his back Jyou was standing there. "You know Jyou I'd have to admit that you cool." Gomamon replied. "Yeah you too. Gomamon…even though were a little hot headed." He replied. "Well maybe the next time I see you, you'll be loosened up more." He replied. "Hey!" Jyou shouted at him.

Taichi and Agumon were by the waters edge Taichi was throwing rocks into the water. "We did have some good times and some bad time Agumon." Taichi replied. "Yeah we did oh and Taichi sorry for burning your map that one time." He replied. "That was a good map too." He pointed out. The Harmonica could be heard playing in the background…Taichi growled trying to hide his tears. "Stupid Yamato and his Harmonica!" he shouted throwing a rock in to the water.


All the Chosen Children were in the streetcar ready to go home. "Now remember keep your feet and arms in at all times." Gennia replied. "Aye!" the all said but Mimi was sad, Sora and Catherine came to her. "Are you okay?" they both questioned. "I didn't say bye to Palmon." She cried. "You didn't?" she questioned.

"MIMI, MIMI!" Palmon came running out of the woods "Listen Mimi, Palmon go to the window." Catherine replied Mimi ran to the window. "Palmon! I'm so sorry I should have said bye to you! I'll miss you!" she shouted. "It's okay Mimi, buh bye! I'll miss you too Mimi." She shouted. "Here take this as a reminder of me." Mimi shouted at her. She took her hat off and tossed it over to Palmon who caught. "I'll never forget You Mimi! Buh Bye!" she shouted.

All the rest of there digimon waved to them. "Buh bye! All of you guys bye!" the digimon waved, as did the Chosen Children.

FIN of Part 1



Takeru voice over…

"Hi! Four years have passed and we are all the same people! You wouldn't believe how much all of us changed during those years. And all new evils start to emerge to harm us…great huh just what we needed.

Taichi is still the same…actually he matured more.

Sora is playing tennis and she's pretty good at it.

Yamato started a band of his own, which I have to admit is pretty good.

Mimi is moving back to Japan after her parents decided that New York wasn't them.

Jyou is studying to be a doctor.

Koushiro is in High School and he grew quite a bit.

Catherine is coming to visit soon….hmm that should be interesting.

Miyako is studying to be a programmer like Koushiro.

Hikari has taken a interests in Photography

And I'm moving closer to my dad and Yamato.

Hope you like this preview well any way it all starts in Part two of digimon 02 AV."