Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Episode 26: So it Begins Again ( Chapter 26 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Part II
26. So it beings again

The vast connections and cables of the digital world turned quite more complex after the digital world reformatted it's self, mind you the digimon remained the same…but also there were new digimon, new worlds that were created. And one such world was known as the Dark Ocean.

There and only there lay the horrible digimon. A digimon who wants a human host…. and that host whom he had chosen four long years ago may soon again become part of his project on which he wishes to create more, pain and suffering and to lead him hopefully back into the realm of the digital world and on a collision course for the real world.

As this happens in the abyss known as the Dark Ocean, another threat rises greatly in the digital world, but not one of digimon origin, but one of human origin and evilness a human know as the Digimon Kaiser…. and so here is part two…


"Ahh!!" millions of digimon ran away as a Unimon was trampling through the forest with anger and furiousness, Tailmon was one of the many digimon who Unimon was chasing after, on his leg was a ring it had a signal red light admitting from it. "COME BACK!" he shouted he chased after Tailmon. "Hikari! Help me!" she shouted as she ran.

Tailmon tripped over a root falling on her back she looked and moved just in time to get away but the Unimon has stepped on her tail ring. Not feeling it coming off she ran fearing that she would not be able to get away from the crazed digimon.

"HIKARI!" Tailmon's voice echoed in the forest then stopped.

Real World…. Japan, School Tennis court.

Taichi sat on spectator's benches of the tennis court that his best friend was playing on…or so he thought she was his best friend. But these days' things were strange, with them. He felt something for her but he didn't know what it was. But what ever it was he couldn't keep his eyes off of her as she played Tennis.

Sora took a few glances she noticed Taichi was staring and she began to blush, while trying to concentrate on her game.

Yamato tapped him on his shoulder. "Yama that's mean leave him alone." Mimi said to him as she followed Yamato to where Taichi was sitting. "Sora dose look hot doesn't she?" he questioned him smiling; Taichi nodded "Yeah…" he kept staring not even taking to notice Yamato and Mimi beside him.

"Hey Taichi do you think that if you go up and ask her out then you'll feel better?" Yamato questioned his friend, who suddenly snapped out of it he turned around to face Yamato then Taichi pushed Yamato making him fall backwards into Mimi who stopped him and her self from falling.

"TAICHI!" she cried, Taichi stood up soon after Yamato and Mimi did as well. "Dude the hell is your problem?" Yamato questioned annoyed at him. "Oh I don't know, you couldn't figure that out yourself?" Taichi questioned him. "Okay, stop it both of you…Yamato should have know better then bother you Taichi. Say sorry Yama." Mimi said turning to look at him. "Me? Why do I have too?" he questioned Mimi glared at him.

"Sorry Taichi, I won't bother you again about Sora." He rolled his eyes, and had his fingers crossed behind his back. "Good that's better." Mimi replied.

Out of the corner of his eyes Taichi saw Jun walking passed the tennis court and grinned evilly. "SO YAMATO, how's your band coming along?" he questioned his friend. "Fine…but why are you yelling?" Yamato asked.

Taichi just smiled put his hands in his pockets "No reason."

Soon the three heard a shrill scream from the outside of the tennis court. "YAMATO! THERE YOU ARE I WAS LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!" Jun's voice echoed thought out the court; he nearly had a heart attack and looked at Taichi who was laughing his head off. "Oh I'll get you for this!" Yamato replied he took off running away, "Oh, Yamato Why are you running!" Mimi called after him and decided to run after him, Jun hot on their trails.

"Oh god that's harlious." He laughed he then stopped laughing seeing Sora who had finished her game she was looking at him a little annoyed with him…but she was smiling. "What did you do?" she asked. "Let's just say that Jun came by and she saw Yamato." He replied.

"Poor Yamato." She commented. "Aww…come on now you can't feel sorry for him after all he did get himself into that mess any ways." Taichi replied off handily, "Okay maybe so." She thought. "Sora, I'll walk with you home." He offered suddenly this time looking quite serious.

Sora blushed faintly, and then agreed.


Mimi walked around she lost Yamato some where in the town, and was walking she passed by an ally ways and was pulled in she tried to cry but the person covered her mouth she was frightened. "Mimi it's just me." Yamato whispered to her, a wave of relief washed over her, he took his hand off her mouth.

"What the hell are you doing in here…it's dark…and I don't like it." She replied she suddenly found herself holding on to him in the dark ally way. "Shhh…not until the way is clear." He whispered.

"What's going on I'm lost…I just came back today." She told him. "Okay…I'll explain later can you check if the cost is clear?" he questioned. Mimi sighed and got up straighten her shirt, then fixed her hair. She peeked around both corners and didn't see the girl named Jun anywhere.

"Clear." She called back to him, Yamato slowly got up from hiding behind the big blue bin. "Oh my god…look at you." She cried. "What?" he questioned. "Well one word dirty." Mimi replied she looked him over then jumped. "Ah I got an idea…come with me." She dragged him with her back to her house. "BUT MIMI…WAIT!" he cried.


Koushiro typed on the school computers he grinned looking at his accomplishment. "I did it!" he cried he jumped up the heard someone clearing his or her throat he turn so he could see who it was. "Koushiro what are you up too?" Miyako questioned him.

"Would you believe nothing?" he questioned a little bit nervous. "Nah ah." She put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at him. "Miyako! There you are." Irori said to her "GAH!" she jumped up into the air. "You promised to fix my computer…I waited and waited and waited." He began to explain himself

"I was getting to it don't worry. As a matter of fact I will come and fix it right now." Miyako replied, iroi nodded and they both left the room. Miyako quickly peeked into the computer room again her eyes narrowed to thin slits "Don't you go any were." She warned Koushiro who just watched her he sighed.


"Hikari! Hikari!!" Takeru shouted from a distance, she was walking home from school and Takeru happened to see her and he wanted to walk with her home. "Takeru what's up." She questioned.

"Nothing, but guess what I'm going to be going to your school. As of today I'm official an Obadia resident." He said happily. "That's great news, look here." She picked up her digital camera and snapped a picture of him. "Hey…I wasn't' ready for that." He complained. "I know…but look at it. My own digital camera I've always wanted it!" she cried she gave him a big hug.

And it wasn't till then… "HEY!" a boy came marching up to them "What do you think you are doing?" he questioned; he took Hikari by the arm. "Um hugging a friend why?" Takeru asked confused. "She's my girlfriend." The boy told him. Hikari frowned. "I'm not your boyfriend Daisuke." She pulled her arm away. "Well I saw you first and it doesn't make it right for him to hug you like that in the middle of the street!" he continued.

"We are nothing more then friends….um Daisuke?" he questioned as he looked at the boy. "Yeah that's my name…don't ware it out…. who ever you are." He said. "Okay really no one is anyone's girlfriend or boyfriend okay." Hikari told them both.

"But I didn't do any thing!" Takeru began. "And you will not start anything." She turned and continued walking. "This is all your fault." Takeru replied angrily as he stared at Daisuke. "No it's yours!" he said the two began to push and shove, until Taichi and Sora came.

"Whoa! What's going on?" Taichi questioned he pulled apart the two boys who were at ends. "Nothing…Taichi honestly, I was about to walk home." Takeru told him he turned and began to walk home. "Not so fast." Takeru stopped in his tracks. "Is this about Hikari?" he questioned. "No it's not right Takeru we were just playing around you know fake wresting." Daisuke explained, Sora turned around to not show that she was trying not to laugh.

"I can ask the same thing about you two." Takeru threw back at them, Taichi and Sora blushed, and Sora had turned to face Takeru the laughter from her face had faded to a serious look. "Taichi is being nice and is walking me home." She told both of them.

The four of them didn't notice that the skies had darken considerably, and that flashes of lighting began, then they all jumped when there was a strike of thunder and they all ran to Taichi's Apartment complex for cover, not just a moment soon it began to rain.

"No way." Sora began; the rain pounded the ground hard and the thunder roared. "Well I guess there is no way to getting you home." Taichi replied, Sora shrugged. "Come all of you guys lets go to my apartment I'm sure Hikari will be glad to see you Takeru. "Actually Taichi, I did see her but she's is kind of mad at me." He explained.

"She's not one to stay angry at anyone for so long. So come on lets go upstairs." Taichi said as he pushed them along.


Koushiro sat at the computer still he looked at the port he had created. "This is amazing…. maybe I if I do this." He put his digivices to the computer screen. "Digivice go!" he shouted. His digivices began to glow purple, then is d-terminal started to beep. He grabbed it taking it out of his pocket then opened it up.

"Quick, the digital world is in trouble. Hurry and tell everyone…-Tentomon." Koushiro read he frowned and quickly erased that e-mail from his d-terminal. He typed a short but simple message in his d-terminal. 'Chosen Children, anyone who gets this message hurry and meet me in the computer room at Obadiah Elementary school. ~ Koushiro.'



"Yamato I'm waiting." Mimi replied she sat on her bed crossed legged. "No Mimi I look like an idiot." He complained, Yamato looked at himself in the mirror he had a funny face on and didn't like the shirt or pants, Mimi had given him. He looked like an old Victorian guy.

"Come on, Yamato I bought them especially for you in America." She said in her super sweet voice. "There nice Mimi really but not my style." He said.

Mimi heard her d-terminal she quickly dug into her dresser drawers and took it out. "Oh no…Yamato we got to go there's an emergency in the digital world." She closed her d-terminal Yamato as soon as he heard her say that came out.

"Oh wow! You look good!" she cried, Yamato blushed "Never mind you said there was danger in the digital world." He began. "Yeah…Koushiro sent us a notice." Mimi showed him her d-terminal. "Okay lets go!" he replied the two hurried out of her room.


Obadia Elementary Computer Room…

Koushiro sat at the computer looking at the digital gate on the monitor. "KOUSHRIO!" Yamato came running into the computer lab, the followed in by a pink haired girl. He turned. "We got your message Koushiro." Mimi explained to him. "Good. they're some major troubles in the digital world." He replied

"We know but how are we supposed to get there?" Mimi questioned "With the digivices." Koushiro told them Yamato took his out and looked at it. "How is this going to work?"

"Just put your digivice out at the screen and say Digi port open." Yamato and Mimi both faced the screen. "Aren't you coming too?" Yamato questioned.

"Of course." A girls voice came from the doorway. "Catherine?" Mimi questioned with a smile, she left Yamato's side and gave her friend a hug. "I got the message." She replied. "But how did you even know where here was? You don't even live here." Yamato said to her. "Thanks for the warm welcome you're just the same as you were four years ago." She commented. "I've changed!" he shouted at her. "Okay guys, since it's only us four…. you guys can get ready and go to the digital world. I'll be watching from here." Koushiro told them.

"But Tentomon warned you don't you think you should be going too?" Mimi questioned "Will it looked good if someone just happened to walk in and see you guys through the portal?" he asked, the three shrugged. "Okay you got a point." Yamato held out his digivice to the screen. "Here it goes." He whispered Catherine and Mimi did the same. "Digi Port Open!"

The three screamed as an purple aura sucked them into the computer screen Koushiro frowned as he watched this happen. "You guys can go through that not me." He said laughing a bit.

Digital World…

They ended up in a crumpled heap, Yamato being at the bottom the pile. Catherine picked her self up then Mimi followed by Yamato. "Honestly…. that sucks." He replied. "Defiantly…. but look at your new clothes!" she cried, he looked down at his shirt it had some small grass stains and smudges of dirt on it.

"Ya I've been meaning to ask about that shirt." Catherine began to comment on it. Yamato gave her a angry glare. "No thank you. Go Back to France." He began. "Okay!" Mimi budded in between them. "Come on and lets find our digimon." She ushered them along.


Yagami house….

"Really I got to go, you how it is…Taichi." Takeru began he etched toward the door slowly, Hikari was angry with him and he didn't want to talk to her in her bad mood. "What are you scared off?" Taichi questioned confused. "Nothing it's just Hikari…you know how she is when she is mad."

"Nah Sora's in there talking with her." He answered he gave Takeru a pop. "Relax watch some television." Taichi sat on the couch and flipped through the channels…he eyed Daisuke who sat there quietly. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, Daisuke didn't respond he looked out of it.

"Daisuke…hello!" Taichi shouted at him. "I think he zoned out." Takeru said to him.


"Hikari…. is there something wrong?" Sora questioned she watched the younger girl pace in front of her. "No…why would you say that?" she questioned she looked out the window of her room and stared out. 'Should I tell her?' she questioned.

"Hikari?" Sora questioned and took a few steps toward her. Hikari turned around Sora saw the girl in tears; Hikari hugged Sora and began to cry on her shoulder. "Hikari…." She whispered.
"Sora…. don't tell anyone please. You have to promise not to tell Taichi, or anyone." Sora frowned slightly with a sigh she pulled away from her and brought her over to Hikari's bed they both sat down.

"I promise Hikari…tell me what's bothering you." Sora watched her. "Remember I was having dreams before when we were in the digital world four years ago. They're haunting me again." Sora gasped. "Hikari we should let Taichi know." She began.

"No are you kidding me. I can't tell him he worries about me constantly I don't want him to worry. Sora you have to promise not to tell him." She practically begged her, she stuck her pinky finger out to her. "Pinky swear." She replied, Sora put her pinky finger out and linked them together. "Okay, but if you are upset about anymore of these dreams. You promise me to come to me and not go through this alone."


Yamato walked ahead of the two girls, he was calling out. "GABUMON!" he waited and listened but he heard nothing. "GABUMON!" he shouted out again.

"Yama, don't you think we should be quiet I don't want to attract an evil digimon if there is one in the area." Mimi called to him. "Well we do have to find our digimon" he said he turned around to face them. "Ya and the key is to be quiet." Catherine put in with a smile, Yamato turned his head to her and glared at her annoyed. "No one asked you to comment." He replied.

"Well I am and I will it is a free world isn't it?" she asked. "Not for you it isn't." Mimi sighed again. "Guys…. please." she replied.

Koushiro watched them from the computer he could still see them. And sighed he took his d-terminal out and typed a message.

"Oh d-terminal." Mimi took hers out and read the message. "Koushiro tells you guys to shut up and look for our digimon." Mimi read out to them.

"Arrrgh…Shadow Sickle!"

The three dove for cover nearly getting they're heads cut off. Bye swift blue rays of energy unleashed Snimon's arms. "What the hell!" Yamato cried. "Who dares trespass to the digital world!" The Sinmon asked them he stood in a fighting stance. "Who the hell gave you the right to attack us?" Yamato questioned angry.

"The master did." He voice hissed at them. "Master?" Catherine questioned. "WERE COMING TO THE RESUCE!" Floramon shouted, all three Chosen Children there around to see they're digimon running toward them.

" SHADOW SIC…….." "Allergy Pollen!" a mist of hazy quickly paralyzed Snimon making him start to cough and sneeze.

"Quick this way!" Palmon shouted they were in an open field she ran toward the forest as Snimon still remained in a sneezing fit.

The six all ran into the bush cover and Palmon quickly rushed them into a hallowed out tree.

They all caught their breath will inside and remained quiet as they stayed in there. "WHERE ARE YOU INTURDERS!" they heard Snimon call out he soared above the forest looking down seeing if he could spot the intruders to the digital world.

"I shall report to master." Snimon flew off.


"Is he gone?" Yamato asked. "Yup…I don't smell him any more." Gabumon commented, he peeked out from the tree. "Okay coast is clear." He told them all. "Guys we need some more explanations here." Yamato said to the digimon. "And we will explain." Floramon told him.

"Well, explain." Mimi began. "There is this human, he calls himself the Digimon Kaiser. He makes other digimon wear this thing called the dark ring and he uses the ring to control any digimon who wears it. Snimon usually doesn't behave like that." Palmon said.

"Well…where is he?" Yamato asked. "We don't know all we know is that digimon everywhere are scared to death of him." Floramon said.

"That's just great, how could some like that get into the digital world in the first place?" Catherine questioned. "I don't know but we would like not to be hiding in terror."

"Where are Agumon and the other digimon?" Mimi questioned, "We are hiding out at a secret spot." Floramon pointed behind them "Let's go and see them." Mimi suggested.

"Mimi we got no time." Yamato said as he looked at his watch. "it's nearly sunset and we need to get home before our parents realize that we are missing."


Miyako snuck up on Koushiro who was watching the screen. "Koushiro!" she replied it caused him to jump from his seat he turned to face her. "Miyako what are you doing!" he cried he turned to the screen.

"You still haven't told me about what is that on the screen." She pointed to the digi portal. "Would you believe me if I told you it was a game?" he asked. "Frankly no…. because you know what that looks like a Digi portal. HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME ABOUT IT!" she yelled, Koushiro put his hands up in the protective stance.

"Okay I'm sorry! But didn't you get my message I sent though the d-terminal." He questioned he peeked through his partly open eyes at her. "No." he looked at her confused. "I did sent a message…" "Koushiro it's turning purple!!" she cried she pointed to the screen.

But unfortunately he didn't turn around to in time, and Yamato, Mimi and Catherine came out from the portal falling all on top of Koushiro. "GAH!!! GET OFF ME!" he shouted.

The three got up off of him. "Sorry." They told him. "We need to call a Chosen Children meeting." Yamato told him.

To Be Continued….