Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The Plant ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
02. The Plant

Tai stopped suddenly causing everyone to walk into him. And fall. "What did you do that for?" Matt ask irritated after getting up and brushing himself off. The other were getting up also. "I could have wrecked my computer. Tai." Izzy complained. Tai shrugged and moved to more important things. "Sorry, but look at this! There's a jungle …….or some kind of field!" He replied pointed ahead to the blur of green. "look at what? I don't see anything." Agumon replied. Palmon jumped up suddenly. "Plants! Those are plants." She replied. "Oh I think she right!" Mimi called, she began to run. "Wait!" Sora called to her. Sora went into Tai's pocket and took his telescope from him. "Hey Sora!" he replied whining. She looked through it, to look at the field in the distance, sure enough she could see the green which was definitely an jungle. "Yes." She whispered. "Sora what do you see?" Biyomon asked. "It's a jungle all right." She replied, Tai stole his telescope back from her. "So I was right." Tai said. "Well what are we waiting for why not just start going cause Mimi didn't seem to remember were still here." Matt replied. "But it's getting darker, we should rest for the night." Gabumon added in, Tai looked at the sky, as did the other. And it was starting to set. "All the more reason we should go now. Biyomon can digivole and she can fly us two at time." Sora suggested. "Great idea Sora. That way we don't have to stay in the dessert one more night." Tai replied.

Later in Jungle, camp fire all set…

"What are you on, Mimi?" Tai asked annoyed. You'd think she was eating way too much sugar, or something. "You could at least be a little bit nicer Tai." Izzy said as he waved is index finger back and forth as if to tell Tai to stop being an idiot. "Why should I, she like….Sorry Mimi." He said not to convincing, cause Mimi then shot a glare at him "Your not sorry! You always make fun of me Tai, I don't think it's funny." She yelled at Tai who sweat dropped. "Yeah I am or else I wouldn't be saying that." He told her sternly, then Mimi who couldn't take it anymore got up in a huff and stormed off. "Mimi Where are you going?" Tai asked. "That's none of your business!" she cried. "Look what you did now." Agumon said to him. "What I did? I never did anything." He shouted. "Tai you made her run away." Joe said. Looking at him. "Hey we don't need to be arguing." Agumon but in. "Tai just don't say anything else anymore." Sora told him. Tai looked at her, and sighed.

"Are you okay Mimi? You don't look that good." Palmon replied, concerned about her partner. "No, how come I get made fun of all the time." She replied upset. "I mean Tai also makes fun of me." She replied. wiping tears from her eyes. "I get hardly any respect from him, or Izzy or…..Matt." she replied again before crying. "Oh I'm sure they do." Palmon told her. There was a plant near by them that seemed to be opening up, but neither noticed it. "No, you don't know that Palmon." She replied and began to cry harder. "Mimi…" she replied. While Palmon was busy comforting an crying Mimi, the plant's pore's opened releasing pollen into the air. Mimi and Palmon both inhaled it.

Back at the Camp….

"Some one's got to go back there and see if she all right." Matt replied, looking at Tai. Tai frowned at him. "No, I'm not going she'll probably kill me with her purse or something." Tai replied. Sora sighed as did the others. "How about I go I can cheer Mimi up." TK replied, to the older kids. "No TK." Matt replied. "Come on, Matt. I'll be with Patamon." He replied. Kari then spoke up. "I'll go with TK and I'll have Gatomon with me." She replied, she looked at TK and the two nodded. "No, Joe can go." Tai replied. "Come on Tai let them go where with them." Gatomon replied to him. "Okay but Joe is going either way." He said then, turned to meeting Sora's angry face. He smiled nervously, and backed up into a tree. "Look Sora….I don't know what I did this time but I swear it's not what you think." He replied. Biyomon and Agumon watched them. "Here comes a fight." Agumon said. Biyomon frowned. "Yeah…I know." She said.


"Mimi!" Joe called. "Mimi, come out!" Gomamon called out. They were all three of them looked for her until they found her with Palmon. "Hi Mimi." TK replied he ran over to her with Patamon in toe. "TK, you respect me don't you." She asked the eight year old. "Uh, yeah, your older then me, and Kari dose too." He replied. "Yeah." Kari said agreeing with him. "good." She replied upset. As Joe came into view she jumped up and ran to him. "Oh Joe, you understand and respect me. Right." She wailed onto his shoulder Joe appeared quite flustered, "We should head to camp, Tai didn't mean it." He said to her.


"Tai how could you be a totally idiot like that!" she yelled. Matt, Izzy and digimon looked on. "I was not, I was simplify stating what I thought was right and it's true she is a complete moron!" he he said shouting a little also. "You won't talk like that about her, you're the one who should have gone after her!" she yelled at him. "this is going to go on and on…" Matt whispered to Izzy. Who just nodded. "Maybe we should stop them." Izzy said. "I'd rather not get into that." Tentomon said. "I think it's best if they fight. Like you and Tai did." Biyomon replied. "No, not like me and Tai, that was like a rivalry thing. And what they're fighting about it totally different." Matt said to her. "How different?." Biyomon said. Matt looked at the two. "Different, because….it's love… " He replied he stopped. The digimon all looked at him. "what do you mean?" Gabumon asked. Matt shook his head. "Never mind." He replied he replied uncertainly. He was now concern of what the consequences of this fight was going to have.


"Yes he did." She replied and cried some more he looked over at Gomamon telling him to help him out. "It's okay Mimi, no need to cry, cause you don't have to." He said trying to think of something, but it didn't work cause what he said just made her cry even harder. "Gomamon you supposed to help not make it worse" Gatomon replied. For most of the night they were there until Kari eventually convinced Mimi that Tai can be a idiot a times, but he never meant what he said to her.

Camp that night……

Later on in the night. Sora was experiencing a rather disturbing dream. Simon's Voice traveled thought the dark room "Sora give it up, you know you want me." He replied his voice echoed in the dark place she was in, she looked around in distress. "NO I don't your putting wording into my mouth!" She yelled. "Yes you do." He replied this time it came from behind her she turned around and found herself staring him right in the face. "What do you want from me!" She cried out. "Nothing, just a kiss?" He said. Sora shook her head furiously "No, you stay away from me." She cried. Simon clapped his hand over her mouth forcing her against the wall. Sora's eyes were wide she was scared. "Just don't talk." He told her. He moved his hand from her mouth. And Forced his mouth over hers. He was kissing her forcefully. Sora was struggling to get out of his grasp, but she couldn't she couldn't move she hadn't never been this weak before in her life. Her mind was screaming for Tai to come and rescue her, she call all most all the digidestined for help. No was coming for her, no could here her. Sora then bit his bottom lip hard, enough to cause some bleeding. He pulled back at her in shock. "You bit me!" He snarled at her. When he raised his arm to strike her……

Sora sat up startled, breathing heavy, she looked at Tai's sleeping form. They may have fought but he was still her best friend. "Sora?" Matt questioned she turned startled at his voice. "Oh, Matt. I just um…had a dream. Nothing serious." She told him managing to clam herself so he wouldn't get suspicious that she was lying to him. "Are you sure?" He asked. 'Sora don't lie to me' he thought. Sora gulped, and nodded. "No, I'm fine Matt." She replied, giving him a reassuring smile. "Hey, remember that I have the crest of friendship. You can come to me if you need to talk." Matt told her honestly, he watched her 'I care about you, and I don't want you be scared' he thought in his mind he didn't want to tell her this yet but he would, but at the right time. "I know you do, Matt thank for asking. If I need to talk I will know who to go to." She replied. She laid down on her side next to Biyomon her eyes were wide open. 'I'll make it through the night with out sleeping right?' she questioned herself.


"Rise and Shine!" Tai yelled to the stop of his lungs. Everyone shift a bit. "Tai shut up!" Sora said sitting up. Tai raised one eye brow. "I never did anything to you." He replied. "No of course you didn't you just woke us up with your annoying voice." Sora a said. He stared at her confused, then got angry. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!" Tai yelled. "MY PROBLEM, YOU REALLY WANT TO HEAR IT!" she replied angry. 'who the hell dose he think he is any way' she thought bitterly. "YEAH, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!" Tai demanded. "Stop yelling." Biyomon pleaded to Sora. "NO!" she cried angry. "DROP IT SORA!" Tai yelled. "I WILL NOT DROP IT TAI! YOU CAN NOT TELL ME TO DROP IT TAI!" she glared at him, Tai was staring at her angry.

Matt, Izzy, Joe, TK and Kari with there digimon were all staring. "Tai, Sora…what's wrong with you. Both of you." Agumon asked. "Nothing you should ask Sora that." He said still not taking his eyes off of her. Sora then dropped on her knees, putting her head into her hands then began to sob lightly. "Sora.." Tai trailed off, he was about to go to her when Agumon stopped him. He felt so guilty now. Biyomon went over to her. "Sora don't cry what's wrong." She asked. "Nothing……" she replied. "It can't be nothing Sora, so what is it."

Biyomon continued to ask. "I'd rather not talk about it. Please just leave me alone." She replied. Sora stood up and wiped away the tears from her eyes and sniffed a little. "Come we should get going. Right." She replied shakily. Tai watched her, it hurt him to not do anything. But he had to respect her wishes. "Okay, then." He said.

"This is not good." Joe replied suddenly. "What are you talking about…." He stopped when he noticed Joe was by Mimi and Palmon side, examining them. "What happened?" he asked carefully, he and Sora and there digimon went toward the other who were standing around her and Palmon. "will she be okay?" TK asked concerned. Joe looked up to everyone grimly. "I don't know but we can't go anywhere, she and Palmon are both burning up." He replied. Tai swallowed. "Maybe she had what Kari had, pneumonia" he replied. Sora watched him remember the whole incident. Izzy looked at Mimi gravely. It was quite for a while. "What's pneumonia?" Gatomon asked them. "It's a bacteria infection of the lungs." Joe said, he looked at everyone. "Well she has to be all right." Matt said, looking at Joe. "I really don't know guys I mean we don't know what happened to her to get this, I don't even know what kind of infection it is. It could a viral , bacterial or a chemical irritants that's causing it." He replied. "I've heard of a healing herb that grows only on file Island, it's supposed to cure this." Tentomon replied. "Okay then we can go to the place it grows and retrieve some..." Izzy told him. "One small problem were on Server and the herb only grows on file island." Tentomon replied. "We have to do it, to get Mimi better." Kari spoke up, she looked at her brother. "Okay, some will go to file island." Tai said.

"I'll go Tai." Everyone looked at Sora. "Okay then I'll go with you." Tai said. "No Tai, I don't think it would be a good Idea, since me and Izzy have flying digimon I think we should go." She replied looking at him. Tai frowned. "fine." He replied. Izzy typed on his computer looking for what the herb looked like he found. "Prodigious." He replied. "You found it. Izzy, that plant grows in the marshy area of file Island." Tentomon said. "Do you really think that's going to work?" Joe asked. "It dose work I tried it once." Tentomon replied.

In the sky to file Island:

"How far ahead is file Island Izzy." Sora called to him from Birdramon's feet. "I don't know!" he called back over the roar of Kabuterimon's wings. "Kabuterimon how much further!" he asked. "Still a little ways ahead." He replied. Sora sighed, "at this rate we might not make it on time." she replied to herself.

The others:

"Oh…." Mimi moaned, she looked up seeing everyone stating down at her. "what's happening?" she asked softly. "Mimi relax, you have to stay still." Joe told her. She closed her eyes again, resting her head. "I didn't feel this bad last night." She replied. Palmon moaned also TK and Kari were watching her. "Palmon are you okay?" Kari asked. "no.." she moaned. "Well stay still cause you can't get better if you move." TK said.

"I don't get it what's her problem." Tai asked out loud. Matt watched him pace back and fourth. "Don't ask me, cause I'm not the one she has the problem with." He replied. Tai shot him a glare. "Thank you for the obvious." Tai replied angry. "I was kidding, she upset Tai. Just let her be." He replied. Tai turn looked at Matt. "What do you mean she's upset. I didn't do anything to make her upset." Tai replied. "Look, I can't get in between this is something between you and her." Matt replied. And walked over to where Joe and the others were.

"sure, what ever Matt." Tai replied. Agumon then came up to him. "Tai don't worry about." Agumon said, he patted Tai his shoulder. He sighed.

"Well that's the only thing I can do. We have to mange to keep their fever's down." Joe said, looking at them. "this sucks, we can't even do anything to help them but sit and wait and put a damp cloth on there forehead." Gomamon replied. "They'll come back with the herb on time." Gabumon said.

File Island:

"Kabuterimon! Can you see it down there!" Birdramon called to him. "Yes I see it." He called. "That's good now find a spot to land!" Izzy called to him. "Yeah Birdramon." Sora replied.


"whoa.." Sora replied she jumped back suddenly. "What is it." Izzy asked. "quicksand" she replied. They all stopped. "we could always fly." Biyomon said to them. "You guys need your rest." Izzy replied, he sat down started to type, on the computer and brought up a map of file island. "Okay so were here." He began. Sora and the digimon looked on the screen as he started to explain a few things. "okay so this is where we are near the bog pits. *he types a little information* whoa…something developing." He replied. "What is it, sounds like some thing bad." She replied. A few bubbles start to come from the bog. "Uh oh…trouble." Tentomon replied. Some huge ugly digimon appeared. "Ah! Not him again." Izzy replied. "Who is that Izzy?" Sora asked. "It's Raremon, and he stinks literally." He replied. "I got it. Biyomon Digivole to….Birdramon!" she zoomed at him and delivered some scratches to Raremon's back. "Birdramon! You can't fight him your too tired !" Sora cried. "Tentomon digivole to…..Kabuterimon!" Izzy watched. As Kabuterimon shocked Raremon.


"NO!…..no…..!!" Mimi screamed. She was starting to hallucinate. "GET A WAY!!" she scream at Joe, Matt and Tai who were trying to hold her down. Palmon wasn't hallucinating though. "OW! WHAT THE HELL!!" Tai held onto his face. Mimi just kicked him in his jaw and it hurt like hell. "Tai Man hurry up and help!" Matt yell at him. "I can't help if I just got kicked in the face!" he yelled back. "GET A WAY FROM ME YOU MONSTERS!!!!" she yelled again. Need to mention that TK, and Kari were scared and worried about Mimi. "There's got to be something us digimon could do Tai!" Agumon called. "Yeah go hold her feet down!" he replied, rubbing his jaw. "Mimi clam down." Joe told her. "Mimi, get a hold of yourself!" Matt said. The three digimon held her feet down. "Can't you do something?" TK cried.


"Meteor Wing!" Birdramon's attack flew forward hitting Raremon, Izzy looked panicky. "Elector shocker!" Kabuterimon cried his attack was launched and hit Raremon, he then retreated. "Come on we got to find the flower or herb." Sora replied, she jumped up and grabbed onto Birdramon's leg, Izzy got on to Kabuterimon. "Are you guys fine for a little while?" he asked. "no" they had replied. "we got to walk the rest of the way to the herb." Izzy said.


They managed to clam her down, Tai had a dampen cold cloth over his jaw. His eye closed obviously in pain still. "Oh Tai, do you want me to do something?" Kari asked her brother, he shook his head. "No, it okay you don't have to worry about me. Kari." He said to her. The two sick members of their team where asleep.

Joe sighed. "what's the matter Joe?" Gomamon asked. "Nothing really." He replied. "Ah, come on I know it's something." His digimon said. "Yeah, well……it's complicated." He said. Gomamon raise one eye slightly at his partner. "What do you mean by that? Dose it have to do with Mimi?" he asked. Joe's eye's widened. "shhh…don't say anything about loud." He replied. "Oh so it is. What is it that is bothering you Joe I bet I could help you out." He replied. Joe sighed wearily. "never mind." He said.

"Matt is something bothering you?" Gabumon asked. Matt shook his head, the began to play his harmonica. "Matt tell me remember the talk, I gave you in that cave." Gabumon said to him. Matt stopped abruptly. "I remember but it isn't anything like that, it's something close to the heart. I'll tell you when I'm ready too." He replied, the he resumed. Gabumon sighed.

Mimi woke up she blinked a few times trying to remember what happened. From her lying down position she saw Joe and Gomamon who were conversing. "Joe…." She gasped as she couldn't hardy speak herself. Joe heard her and went by her side. "don't talk your throat's probably parched." He said. He took the carotene, and gave her some water. "Better?" he asked. She nodded. "where is everyone?" she asked confused as she tried to sit up and see who was around. "There coming soon." He replied. "Joe don't confuse her." Gomamon replied. "I was not." Joe complained to him. Matt's harmonica music was drifting in the air, Tai was pretending to sleep while Kari, TK and their digimon were playing a small game. And Izzy and Sora were on file island looking for a herb which might not even exist. "It's okay, Mimi. Everyone's here." He replied. Mimi looked at him oddly know that he was lying. "Joe, your lying I didn't see Sora or Izzy either. Neither did I see Tentomon or Biyomon in site. Where did they go?" she asked. Joe sighed. " To get a herb that will help you feel better." He replied. She coughed, switch startled Tai who sat up and Matt stopped playing. "Your up again." Tai said, holding his jaw. "Tai don't say anything." Agumon told him. Tai remain in his spot of earlier not moving. Matt got up went toward where Mimi and Palmon were. "Mimi.." Palmon said out loud. "huh? Palmon *coughs*" she looks over and see her digimon. "Palmon what happened to you." She asked. Gomamon spoke up. "she got what you've got but we don't know what it is that you've both have gotten." He replied. Tai looked on worried, 'Sora and Izzy should have been back by now.' He thought. 'we can't have two team members die, or else it be my responsibility.' He thought.

There was a faint noise coming from the sky. "Tai! They're back!" Kari cried, she and TK jumped up and watched the two figures starting to become visible. Tai and the other all looked in the directions that the two younger kids had pointed out.

As the two flying digimon landed they quickly de-digivoled as soon as they touch the ground. Sora ran over to where, Joe was. In her hand were several pieces of herbs. "What took so long…." Tai stopped holding on his jaw as a sudden burst of pain shot threw it. "Tai what's wrong?" Sora asked. He shrugged. "Nothing, I just got kicked in the face. But it's fine it doesn't hurt." He replied. Sora casted her glaze downwards. "Tai…I'm sorry about today." She replied. "It's okay." He replied. "Can I talk to you alone?" she asked. Izzy gave her thumbs up. "ah, yeah." He said quite unsure of what it was about. The two went to the other side of the camp.

"We found out what you two might have gotten." Izzy said to Mimi and Palmon. "What was it?" Matt asked. "Me and Sora talked to this guardian of the herb garden on file Island he referred to a plant that release spores that cause the symptoms of pneumonia, but he didn't tell us the name of the plant I don't think. Any ways he showed us these 5 plant herbs that cures it." He replied. They all started at him surprised. "While how do we administer it?" Joe asked. "we make a tea out of it." He told them. "That's easy I'll start the fire" Agumon replied.

"I'm sorry for this morning, for yelling. I was upset. And I didn't get that much sleep at all either." Sora said to him. Tai nodded holding his jaw still. "about what?" he asked. Sora turned her glaze away from him and watched the group who were running around. Doing things. "a dream….about Simon." she replied. Tai nearly stood up. "Simon!" he cried then cringing cause of the jaw. "Sora…what happened." He asked calmly. "He was trying to rape me." She replied Tai's eyes widened, he was angry be on words could describe. "Sora, I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to protect you from that guy. He's evil." He told her. Sora smiled. "I know you would Tai. And I know you will keep it. But I'm afraid there more to him that meets the eye." She replied. Tai was confused now. "What do you mean?" he asked. "the next time we see him, he'd be after me and there won't be anything you can do." She replied tears forming in her eyes, Tai shook his head refusing to believe this. "No Sora, I'll protect you and everyone, I'm the leader of the digi-destined it's my responsibility that your all safe." He replied. Sora watched him, she had so much admiration for him right now. "Well, as holder of the crest of love could I see your jaw." She asked. Tai looked at her, then agreed with a smile. She took off her gloves and placed them down, she reached out to feel along his jaw line for some evidence that it was broken. Tai shut his eye tightly cause of the pain that he was feeling. Sora noticed and dropped her hands to her side. "I'm sorry Tai I didn't mean to hurt you." She replied he shook his head. "No you weren't." he replied. he didn't know what he was thinking next cause he now removed his glove off his hands too. There was a jumble of mixed emotions that the two were experiencing neither one of them knew what those feeling were. But only that they were nice and warm, and that they were experiencing it with one another. Tai brought one hand up to her face and brushed way a strand of hair, Sora closed her eyes as those feelings grew stronger. They brought there heads closer to each other until they were inches apart that when someone called "Tai?" The two withdrew turned bright red in the process. "Agumon!" Tai wined. "Opps sorry." He replied. "I think it's best if we don't spend time alone together anymore." Sora told him. Tai's heart was racing… "Yeah, your right." He replied agreed. What they were about to do was kiss and best friends don't kiss each other on there lips.

Somewhere in the digiworld……

"Wonderful." He replied bitterly. "I didn't anticipate this was going to happen." Simon replied he threw the cup he was holding against the wall angrily. "Sora doesn't need this kind of distraction if she going to learn her powers." He replied. "Master." The small orb appeared from no where. "Yes." He answered. "You are requested at the banquette." It replied. Simon waved it off. "The dreams aren't enough." He replied. he walked over to his desk drawer pulled out a few things. Then pulling out a big old looking book he brushed it off, the dust flying everywhere. "here it is." He replied smug smile on his face. He placed the book on the desk then hurried off to the banquette. The book's cover read 'The Book Of Death'

Back to the digidestined….

"I have *coughs* drink this." She replied. Joe nodded as the all the digidestined waited for her to drink it. After about 5 minutes of persuading she finally drunk some as well as Palmon, which didn't talk long cause she drank it from her roots. "Izzy you've go some mail." Tentomon replied. He got his lap top and turned it on. It was from Gennia. "Guy's it from Gennia." He replied, then opened the main. The small picture of Gennia came up "Digi-Destined good news, I've got a device that will allow you to come here and go home any time you want. So hurry to my house." He said the messaged ended. "Did he say go home?" TK asked. "Yeah.." Matt replied speechless.

What do you think the Book of Death is for? And what is the device the Gennia has for them?….

TBC……………………̷ 0;…

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