Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Sora's Mysertious Gift ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

03. Sora's Mysterious Gift

"Guys' wait up!" Matt called, as he scrambled up after finishing tying his shoe. "We can't help it if you're slow. Matt." That was Tai obviously. Matt angered. "I was tying my shoe. Moron." Matt told him. "Then what's your problem tie it and catch up." Tai replied from the front of line. Matt was at the back of the line, mumble some inappropriate words to him.

"Right can we just move along without the complaining." Tentomon said as he hovered next to Izzy.

"Not if it applies but my jaw still hurts from where Mimi kicked me." Tai replied putting emphases on her name. "I didn't mean too, I told you I thought you were monsters holding me down." She told him. "Let's not rehash the happenings of 2 day's ago okay." Joe said.

"Yeah, I mean. We are supposed to find Gennia's house." Gomamon spoke up.

"Yeah and we are precisely…300 kilometres from his home." Izzy said. Mimi moaned annoyed "Could we get a break maybe?" she asked.

"Mimi, we already did." Sora told her. "But I'm need my rest my feet are tired and I hate all this walking…. Izzy did say 300 kilometres didn't he, that sounds pretty far." She said. "We haven't gotten that far yet." Gomamon said. "Yeah but its only 186 miles." Tentomon told them out loud. "I don't care! It's still a long way from here." Mimi cried.

"Mimi, you won't die. If you don't get your rest." Matt said to her. "Hey guys no need to get hasty." Joe said stepping in. "Joe, we don't have time we got to go…." Tai said motioning on wards. They kept walking in silence for a good two minutes until.


"Did you hear that Gatomon?" Kari asked, most of everyone had stopped walking. Gatomon twitched her ears trying to pick up a noise. "I don't hear anything." She said. "TK do you hear it?" Kari asked since he was near him. He listened but to no avail… "I wasn't really paying attention." He said. "It's can't be anything, to big can it?" Mimi asked. "It probably is." Agumon said. Tai frowned looked down at his digimon.

"That really not a good time to say to mention that" Tai told him. Gabumon smelt the air. "I can smell something." He said. "What is it?" Matt asked. "Me and Tentomon can check from above." Biyomon offered. "Okay do it." Tai said agreeing.


'Whoa, Sora get a grip on yourself.' She thought to herself. Images of a digimon started to appear in her mind like pictures she could easily match them to a name. "This is not good, this feels like I'm in Jurassic Park." Joe replied. "Not funny, Joe!" Mimi told him.

"That was a scary movie." TK said. "What is Jurassic Park?" Patamon asked. "It's a movie that was about big lizards. It was pretty cool." He replied.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!" Mimi cried. "Deltamon." Sora said out loud they turned to her. "What?" Tai asked her. "It's Deltamon." Sora said, looking at him directly.


"Hurry! Move. A digimon is coming… its Deltamon." Biyomon cried out suddenly from above. "Sora how did you know?" Kari asked in shock. Sora shook her head. "I don't know…I…It just came to me all the sudden." She replied. "Come on hurry!" Tentomon cried as he came back down after Biyomon. The digi-destined started to run.

**Some Where in Digiworld…. **

"Damn it!" Simon pounded on the table with his fist. "Damn…this is all happening too fast." He cried, in anger. "This book is useless now!" he threw it across the room angrily

*******Back to the digi destined…. *****

"Guy's there is another one. It's an ambush." Sora cried out. Sora started in the other direction, the digi-destined never questioned her and followed.

They kept running and Sora stopped abruptly.

"There gone…."

Izzy looked up to her as well as the others.

"Sora how do you know?" he asked after he got enough breath to speak. She shook her head

"I told you I didn't know…. it's like a picture book that suddenly coming to my mind." She replied.

"a picture book?" TK questioned. She nodded.

"That's like being physic or something…that's totally impossible." Izzy replied.

Sora shrugged. "We still have to get to Gennia's house." She replied. Tai nodded as he watched her, Matt also. "Yeah, we should get going now. They're got to be a better way to get there, other then walking an nearly getting ambushed by Virus digimon." Matt replied. "I agree with you on that." Joe said. "I know where's a cave is. We can take shelter there for while." Gatomon said. "Okay lead the way Gatomon!" Tai called she ran ahead the other followed.


"What just happened back there, Sora those physic abilities how did you do them?" Gabumon asked the digimon were pretty excited and wanted to know. Sora shrugged. "I don't know….It came and went." She replied gesturing with her hands. Izzy had his total concentration on his computer searching for something like this but he couldn't find it. "Ugh! There's nothing on it. It's unexplainable." He replied. He thought over how Kari was able to communicate to spirits and stuff like that but predicting what was going to happen next was different. "It's just as mysterious as Kari's abilities to hear spirits." He replied. "Come on we got to start thinking I mean her life could be as stake here." Tai said. The others looked at him. "What do you mean Tai?" Agumon asked. Tai turned away from everyone. "Tai if there's something you know that we don't, you got to tell us." Joe said to him. "Yeah, you're acting weird all the sudden." Matt said to him.

Sora sighed and looked at the ground. "What I told Tai the other night about Simon…he could come back after me and be successful this time. I think he might be after me cause of this power that I have." She said. "How do you know for sure?" Biyomon asked. "He tried to swoon me away from you guys. But then he turned the knife and tried to sacrifice me to that water demon, which just throws everything off track. " Sora replied to everyone not only Biyomon. "So he wants to take you…may be there is something about you in the digiworld…" Izzy stopped as his laptop began to beep. He took out his laptop. "It's from Gennia." Izzy said, "Well what dose it say?" Tai asked. "He's want us at his house right now."

"Then come on let hurry." TK replied.

2 hours later…

"Digi-destined this is the word that I got from file Island." Gennia said he looked serious. "What word?" Matt asked. "Bad news, There is a new threat to the digiworld. That could directly affect your own world, but I not sure in what way." He said. "Do we got to figure out why?" Joe asked somewhat stressed. "No…. this is something you can do. You have to find this symbol." Gennia held up a picture of the Crest of Courage and Crest of Love fused together. "What is that supposed to do?" Izzy asked. "That's my crest." Tai replied. "And Mine." Sora said, looking concerned. "What dose that mean?" Tai asked. "I don't know…. you'll have to figure that out. I'll tell you kids later on once I research this more." He replied. "What that doesn't make sense don't we at least get a hint?" Gatomon asked. "I don't think we do." Kari replied. "Gennia, I have to ask about me, I could see what was happening when we almost got ambushed." Sora said, to him. Gennia was in absolute shock. "That's not good…but now I know one part of the puzzle." He replied. "Sora's part of it?" TK asked. "Yes." He replied. "Does this have to do with Simon?" asked Tai. "I have no Idea, the only thing I know for sure is that Sora in great danger." He replied. "I can protect her." Biyomon said. "You see that's were the problem lays, no one can."

"WE CAN WE HAVE TOO!" Tai cried out angry.

"Get a hold of you self boy."

Tai sat, down hesitantly. Sora closed her eyes. Biyomon patted her back. All digi-destined were quite. Tears threatened to surface, Tai tried holding them back. 'I'm going to fail being a leader….' He thought, while he was in his own world

"We can't just do nothing." Matt spoke up.

"That's true, there is one thing you can do and it's find that symbol." Gennia replied.

"But what about Sora?" TK asked. "Everything will be fine if you children get to a part of the continent of sever that has that crest inscribed in stone." He said.

"Wait man, what about us going home you told us that you would have device that will allow us to go home." Matt asked. "Ah, yes those devices. Well there's a wee problem with them, so you'll have to wait." Gennia told them, they all sighed heavily.

"Then that means we can't go home…THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!!" Mimi cried out. "There, There Mimi." Palmon patted her back in an effort to console her.

"Dose that mean we have to stay here till the problems fixed?" TK asked.

"Yes precisely." He replied.

"That doesn't help us. Are we supposed to go off then come back for those devices?" Joe asked. "No, I'll send them to you, but first can I see your digivices I'll upgrade them." He said. All them gave him their digivices; Gennia left them there to talk.

"Look Sora, I'm not going to lose you." Tai told her. Sora looked at him. "I agree with him." Matt spoke up. "Me too." TK agreed.

Sora looked at the rest they all nodded telling her that they wouldn't let anything happen to her. "Thank you…. all of you but you can't it destiny." She said. Tai angered a bit. "Sora don't say that." He told her. "I can Tai I can tell what's going to happen. You can't stop him." She replied.

When Gennia returned he saw that they were all tense. "Here's are your new digivices." He hand them back.

"Whoa there cooler." TK replied. "Yeah and nicer looking." Kari replied as she and TK looked at there digivices.

"Now go find that crest." Gennia said. "But we hardly know where to start." Gomamon said. "Yeah and when we do find it what happens?" Tai asked.

"Believe me you'll know when the time comes. Now hurry you don't have time to sit around when the life of one of your friends is in danger." He pushed the digi-destined out of the door.

********* Out on land ***********

"I don't like this one bit." Matt said out loud. "Who doesn't." Joe remarked.

"I think we should head toward those cliffs or mountains what ever they seem to be." Tentomon pointed toward the cliffs off in the distance. "That's too far away." Mimi cried out. "It wouldn't be that bad Mimi." Palmon said to her. "Oh all right then." She said sighing. "You were all just going to just leave me here any way." She sat down.

"We weren't going to leave you." Sora told the girl. "We are a team we stick together." Gatomon helped Sora who smiled at the digimon. "Gatomon's right." She said. "Okay I think we should start walking, and stop the talking." Tai replied he looked at the suns distance it was noon now and it was high tailed that they start going.


He sat in the mirror looking and watching the digi-destined. "Fools." He said out loud. "I won't let them make it to the crest. Not as long as I'm here will I let them have the satisfaction of having the first move." He replied to himself. He went to the book he'd had thrown and picked it up. It may have been useless for the plans he had for Sora but she couldn't be physic all the time cause her power must limited to certain times and places.

***Digi-destined walking through the brush of the digi-forest. ***

Due to Tai's strong argument that her life was in danger she had to walk with him and Kari. Which Sora didn't partially like. She gasped slightly of a vision she just had. It had caught Kari's attention but not Tai's. "Sora is something wrong?" the girl asked. Sora shook her head. "No nothing at all." She replied.

Kari in thought after what Sora told her…I could tell she's lying why won't she open up?

Tai was in thought…. what if this is bad, I mean our crest were combined what is it supposed to mean? Do we have to fall in love or something? Or is it something between us as friends…but what if it is love then we'd have to fall in love cause the stupid crests told us too. Ugh…I'm just going to get angry if I think about it any more.

Izzy thinking... This is probably the weirdest thing that could have happen. The crest of Courage and the crest of Love fused together. "Amazing." He replied out loud.

"What's so amazing Izzy?" TK asked him. "Oh um nothing really just thinking about some stuff Gennia said." he told TK, who nodded.

TK thinking... Izzy is weird sometimes.

Matt thinking as he glares at Tai…. Why does it everything always revolves around him? Tai has his moments but he can be annoying as hell. Sora and him seem to be involved some how. I don't understand why I can't be the one whose crest is fused with Sora's.

Joe thinking as he looks around at the others…Oh great, there's going to be a fight like most of them time. Maybe I should say something…or maybe not cause they won't listen.

Mimi thinking watching everyone…they all have a lot of tension I wonder if there's a digimon massages parlor somewhere around here.

Will Simon succeed on his plan and get Sora before the digi-destine reach the Infused Crest of Courage and Love? Find out next time on an all-new episode of Digimon: Digital Monsters...