Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The Change ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Someone requested I do a fic where digi-destined switched bodies and this episode is about it.

Just a note on how I wrote it. I've wrote this with, the characters bodies...I know it doesn't make any sense but I'll give an example say Joe and Mimi where switched bodies it would be like this. "What are you doing!" Joe yelled (but it's really Mimi saying this but in Joe's voice) sorry if this doesn't make sense, it just really hard to explain.

Okay any way this is one of those side track episodes it's comical also, well at least that's I think. 04. The Change

Digi-destined walked through the forest, until they had stumbled across a house that seemed to be entrapped in a Vass collection of vines. "That's weird how come I don't remember this being here?" asked Gabumon. "Maybe it's new." Agumon replied.

As they were too busy looking at the house that they didn't notice the vines creeping toward them. "We don't got time to look at it so come on" Tai urged. They began to walk away from it.

Sora gasped feeling something wrap around her ankle, as did Kari. "Tai! Some has me." Kari cried before being dragged underground "TAI!" Sora screamed as she two was pulled under the earth.

"Kari!, Sora!" Tai called as he desperately tried to dig. "Agumon! Digivole" he yelled. But there wasn't anything. "Agumon?" he called from his position on the ground.

"Tai get up!" Matt called to him. He was standing with the other digi-destined. "No! My sister is gone, and my friend." He kept on digging until he felt some pulling him down and everything went black.


Down in an underground cave…

Everyone lay unconscious on the floor; Kari and Sora were the first to wake up. Sora saw her "Kari! Your okay!" she cried out, normally she wouldn't say it that excitedly it was weird.

"Kari? My name's not Kari. Are you okay Sora?"

"What are you talking about?" Sora looked at her hands she gasped slightly…. "I don't wear jeans. " she takes out the crest looking at it. "That's not mine…" she said out loud.

Tai woke up next he blinked a few times. "Is that me?" he looked in Sora's direction. "Wait how can that be me when…" he looked at his hands. "I don't have white gloves…and shorts…"

Matt was the next to wake up… "Hey what happened considering I don't remember a single thing that had happen… But where's the digimon?" he questioned he felt his back. "My laptop!!" he cried.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH…" they all looked over at Joe. "What's wrong! " Sora asked. "I'm not me!!! Where's my hat and my dress!!!!" he yelled. Sora and the other looked at him like he was crazy.

"OH MY GOD!!!! I'm wearing a dress! What happened!!!" Mimi cried.

"I don't wear a hat." TK replied, as he felt his head.

"TK are you okay." Izzy asked. "I'm fine." Kari replied. Izzy narrowed his eyebrows. "huh? Kari?" he question. "No I'm TK." Kari replied.

Izzy looked at Tai "What going on Tai?"

Sora then answered him. "I don't know." She said. Matt then spoke. "Where's my laptop? Did anyone see it? " Then the light increased in the cave.

Causing everyone to scream.


(A/Notes: Okay In case you are confused of who's who then I'll tell you. Tai/Sora switched, Joe and Mimi switched, TK/Kari switched, Izzy/Matt switched.)

"Okay…. okay no need to worry right?" Sora said out loud. "No NEED TO WORRY! IZZY'S IN MY BODY!!!!" Izzy was really pissed off which was unusual for him. "I'm not to crazy about your body either!" Matt told him. "Now give me my laptop." He asked.

"No way! I'm in your body and I want to use the laptop." Izzy held on to it.

"Not when I'm around your not!" Matt stood up he smirked. "Okay fine do that I'll just fix the hair." Matt replied.

Izzy gasped in shock. "You are not going any where near the hair." He said. "Wanna bet" Matt taunted.

"Shut up!" Tai shouted. "Shut up Tai!" Matt yelled at him. "That's Sora you it idiot." Sora told him, Tai walked up to them now. "Sorry….?? Ugh…. Sora?" Izzy stopped he didn't who was who. "Yeah…I'm stuck in Tai's body. And he is in mine." he said.

"Patamon!" Kari yelled. "Sora how come you couldn't pick this up?" TK asked her. Sora shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. The power is inconsistent." She said.

"Never mind that, we got to get to our normal self again." Izzy said.


All the digimon were above ground. "How do we go get them back." Palmon asked. "I don't know…. maybe we could dig." Gabumon replied. Then all the sudden the earth gave way and the digimon fell into the cave.

After a while…

The digimon all ran to who they thought were there respected partners. "See there's a problem." Sora began. "What problem Tai?" Agumon asked. The digi-destine all looked away. "Our minds got switched." he replied.

"Not good…whose who?" Gomamon asked them. Mimi cheeks turned red. "Umm….I'm Joe." She replied. "And I'm Mimi." Joe said to Gomamon. "TK" Kari replied. "Kari" TK said they, both red. "Izzy" Matt said. "Matt" Izzy told them. "Sora" Tai told them. " Tai" Sora said.

"This is a real mess." Tentomon replied. "No kidding." Gomamon replied. "Who in digiworld did this?" Patamon asked.

"Simple I did." They all turned their attention to a small digimon; it had zebra stripes but had the body of a beaver, and a red jewel on his forehead.

"You! Change them back!" Gabumon shouted. "You've got to catch me first!" the digimon ran right through the wall. "Come on digimon, digivole." Agumon shouted.

Agumon digivole to……????

"Hey who come I can't digivole?" he questioned. "I don't think anyone can digivole. I guess it has something do to with our minds begin placed in the wrong bodies." Matt concluded. "Great, I don't want to be stuck in here forever." Sora said. "Shut up, Tai." Tai yelled at her. "It wasn't supposed to mean anything, Sora." She told him.

"OKAY can we please stop the fighting." Mimi spoke up as she stood. "So what do we do sit around?" Izzy asked them.

"No, we go after that digimon. We have too If we want our own bodies back." Tai replied as he stood up.

(Matt) "Okay all in favour of getting their own bodies back?"

"Aye!" They all shouted including the digimon even thought they're bodies weren't switch they wanted there partners back to there same happy selves and back to them old selves.


Commercial break….


The whole group walked down a dark Corridor, it smell gross and result everyone was hold their noses.

(Joe) "How much father Izzy? "

"Not that much." Matt pointed toward a wooden door.

Tai, Sora, TK…

(TK) "Tai what are you doing?" he asked.

(Sora) "What dose it look like Kari? Holding on to my body." She replied as she held on Tai.

(Tai) "Would you quite it Tai!" he yelled. He was trying to shrug Sora off of him.

Everyone stopped. As the little thing trued into a push and shoving fight sort of, and then they ended up throwing them sleeves against the wall. They froze feeling the wall starting to move then they disappeared behind the wall.

(TK) "Tai!! Sora!!…."

(Izzy) "Where did they go?" he asked.

(Matt) "Impossible! Tell me that just didn't happen it just totally defies anything concreted realty here"

(Kari) "It did, happen though" She said

Behind the wall…

The two coughed.

(Tai) "Look what you did now!" he yelled.

(Sora) "What I did! You're the one who was fighting me."

The two looked away from each other.

(TK) "TAI! SORA can you hear me!"

"Yes!" they both replied stared at each other and turned their backs to each other once again.


(Agumon) "Hey Maybe I can blast the wall with my pepper breath attack."

(Biyomon) "Good Idea we can all help."

(Matt) "Okay Sora, Tai stand back the digimon are going to blast through the wall."

All the digimon fired their attacks at the wall, then as Patamon's bubble boom attack hit the wall and it started to crack.

(TK) "Okay one more time and then they're free."

They fired their attacks once more and the wall crumbled. Sora and Tai both stepped out of it dirt covering them, and obviously a little angry.

(Izzy) "What's wrong with you two?" he questioned.

(Tai) "None of your business Matt." He shot a look him angry.

(Sora) "Exactly."

(Kari) "A door finally."

(Gatomon) "I know lets get out of this really dirty place."

(Matt) "Okay well, hey its opened." He replied he pushed the door and it opened up.

They all groaned

(Joe) "No…more dirt and darkness, Joe don't get my dress dirty." He told her.

(Mimi) "Don't worry about a thing." She replied. As Mimi was holding the skirt in between her legs so there was that much of "free space".

(Agumon) "Gabumon and I can scout ahead. We can smell that rat out. " Gabumon nodded "Right"

The two digimon scouted up ahead.


(Joe) "How long is the tunnel I hate the dark, I hate dirt and I hate this body!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAA!!"

(Izzy) "Shut up Mimi." He said annoyed.

(Joe) "You shut up Matt!!" he picked up some dirt off the ground and threw it at him.

(Gomamon) "That's enough!" he shouted but the quarrel continued. "I'm ashamed of you two."

(Joe) "Shut up Gomamon! I don't care!" he threw more dirt at Matt. And Matt threw more at him.

(Kari) "You acting like two year olds! Me and Kari are the only one who are being civilized."

(TK) "TK's Right, I can't believe all of you. Sora and Tai are acting like babies and now throwing dirt at one another isn't going to help the cause." He said.

(Tai) "We are not acting like babies!" he said angrily.

(Sora) "Shows one to know one." she replied. Tai just stared at her in complete surprise.

(Tai) "How dare you! Compare me to a baby! I'm going to kill you Tai!" he then jumped on her and both began to fight.

Matt quickly grabbed Tai and held him back. As Joe held Sora back.

(Sora) "Let Go!!!" she screamed.

(Matt) "What's the matter with you all! We are digi-destined we do not fight one another, we fight the evil digimon!."

(Tai) "Sorry." He said. "I just want out of here I want my own body back." He said.

(Sora) "I'm sorry too." She said.

Agumon and Gabumon quickly came back to them.

(Patamon) "Oh did you guys find anything?"

(Agumon) "We found a another door a little up there's." He pointed

(Kari) "Yeah…come on Kari." she ran ahead. TK smiled.

(TK) "Great hold on TK" he replied.

(Gatomon) "Hey wait for me!"

(Patamon) "And me!"

(Tentomon) "Oh this is just great."

(Matt) "Wait you four!"

(Tai) "Well let's go."

(Agumon) "Right come on"


TK, Kari and they're digimon stopped as they came to the door. Looking back they couldn't see the others.

(TK) "We should wait for them now."

(Kari) "Lets just hope then not fighting."

(Gatomon) "Twenty digi-dollars that they start fighting when the get here."

(Patamon) "It's a deal."

"Kari! Wait up." Sora called. They all caught up with the smaller kids and where standing at the door.

"Okay let's rest here." Sora replied. "Yeah I need one." Joe said taking seat.

"Matt, give me my computer!" Matt said put his hand out to Izzy. "No." he replied stubbornly. "Give him is computer. Matt!" Tai replied. "Nope, I mean why should I Sora huh?" He asked.

"I thought we weren't going to fight." Mimi said annoyed with everyone. "Come be a sport and just hand the lap top to him." Tentomon replied. Izzy sighed. "All Right! Take it I don't care." He said.

Matt took the laptop out.

"Okay pay up" Gatomon held her paw out to Patamon. Who just sighed, knowing he was going to lose the bet.

The digimon sweated dropped. Matt sat down and opened up the computer. "What's that digimon's name?" he asked. "I believe its Merimon." Tentomon replied. Matt typed some stuff on the computer.

"Yup that's his name…Merimon, interesting he's a data type digimon and he's a rookie." He replied. "Great now we just have to find him." Gomamon replied. "And the fact that this place is huge it won't help much." Tai responded.


Commercial break


They just came to a fork in the road. "How do we know which one is the right one?" Patamon asked. "Okay how about this, we could split up and…never mind it wouldn't work." Sora stopped and frowned. "I hate this! We should be up there looking for the crest but yet we are stuck down here in different bodies." Izzy cried annoyed. "Shut up Matt!" Sora said. "You shut up at least I'm not stuck in a girl's body!" Sora smiled at him. 'Sucker' Tai thought.

Tai, Joe and TK all the sudden glared at him. Izzy gulped "I didn't mean that, girl's." the back up slowly as they approached him. "I can't believe you!" Tai yelled. "Sora…I didn't mean it really!" he cried.

"Oh lookie this is so funny." Everyone looked up at as Merimon appeared. They all narrowed their eyes at him. "You think it fun! Come down here and I'll show you fun!" Tai yelled. "We'll take care of it! Sora." Biyomon said all the digimon got up. "Pepper breath!" his attack went and nearly hit the small digimon who ducked. "Hey watch it buddy!" he cried.

"Change us back!" Izzy yelled. "Nope, nope, nope. But it was nice meeting you all bye, bye!" the little digimon disappeared. "No!!! Come back!" Joe cried, he threw himself on the ground. "Mimi your degrading me." She said. "I want my own body!" Joe whined. "Mimi…" Palmon said sadly.

"Don't we all." Izzy complied as he just sat down. "Sora can't you use that power you have or something?" Matt had asked her. "No…It's not working I think…I'm not even sure how to use it." Tai replied to him. 'At least that I know of' Sora thought unsurely.

"Then we'll think of a way to get him." Gabumon said. Kari jumped up suddenly. "I've got an Idea!" she cried. "Okay lets just huddle together and whisper it, I bet he can hear us." Sora replied. "Yeah that's probably right." Agumon said.

They all huddled close together and started to whisper around each other.

"This is what we do. I did it to Puppetmon and it worked. We pretend to think that we start to like our new selves, that way he will change us back to our normal selves. " Kari replied. "I can't do that!" Joe cried. "Mimi we have to it makes sense to me." Tai replied. "Yeah and then we will be able to digivole." Agumon cried out happily. "sshhhh!" everyone told him. Agumon sweat dropped. "Wait…one second. So are we just supposed to act like we like these bodies we are in now?" Mimi questioned. They nodded.

Out loud…

"Actually, I could do a lot with this hair, Joe. I can just dye it pink and grow it out long." Joe said out loud. "Well I can eventually learn how to deal with being a boy…I could take over Tai's life." Tai said out loud. Sora's face paled, as did Mimi's. "Well I could get be used…to…being a girl...and take over Sora's life" Sora said. 'Oh god I hate this' Tai thought. "So could I. Living a girl life must be pretty relaxing and peaceful no stress at all." Mimi said. 'This sucks' Joe thought bitterly. 'Tai didn't sound so convincing.' Sora thought. 'Oh he's going to get it when I get out of here.' Mimi thought bitterly, as she watched her own self angrily.

"We all do in fact this game is really boring all the sudden there absolutely nothing to do." Matt said as convincingly as he could. 'I hope that sounded as good as the others.' Izzy thought.


"They can't be getting used to those bodies already?" Merimon questioned to himself. He frowned… "They're not fun any more." He cried annoyed. "Dukemon… You're turn." He called. The little digimon pressed a button.


"Hey I hear something." Gatomon ears perked up she looked around but she could see any thing. "I don't hear…" They screamed as the floor underneath them gave way. Much to every one surprise they were safe landing on a seemingly soft surface. "Hey, um guys, I'm stuck." Mimi said. The others tried to move but they couldn't. "Were all stuck!" Joe cried. "Shut up MIMI!" Izzy yelled at her.

Merimon appeared. "Oh, I so mad that you aren't angry anymore." He said, in an upset tone. "So what you thought it was funny that you could do this to us?" Sora told the small digimon. "Well…. yeah that's right." He commented. "But don't worry… you can stay for dinner, and be the main course." He laughed. "Come one Agumon you got to try and warp digivole!" Sora called to him. "Okay I'll try." 'I've got to help. Him.' Sora thought, she concentrated on getting the crest of courage to glow.

Agumon warp digivole…to Wargreymon!

Everyone gasped including Merimon. "You can't cheat like that." He cried. "You wanna bet." Wargreymon flew up and caught the little digimon. And held him. "Turn them back right now." He demanded. "Okay, okay can't you take a little joke!" the small digimon cried. "Not when our friend is in grave danger." He replied. "Very well…no body fun these days." The Merimon replied annoyed.


Commercial break…


The sun shone high in the afternoon sky. All the digi-destined were sprawled on the ground unconscious, Matt began to waken, and then the others followed suit.

"Oh god…that was a scary dream." Matt said out loud. He saw Gabumon and the other digimon standing front of them. "What happened?" Sora asked confused and disoriented. "I don't know but that dream I had was freaky. I mean switching bodies with each other that was just…. I don't even have the words for it." Tai reflected on.

They all gasped. "That's the same dream I had." They all said at once. "You know what I'd rather not talk about it…" Joe replied. "Good Idea. Joe" Gomamon replied happily. "Okay! Let's get on the move and find that crest." Tai exclaimed he lead the way. The digimon fell back a bit and whispering to each other.

"Do you think we should tell them that it actually did happen?" Biyomon asked. "Nothing that they don't know, won't hurt them." Agumon exclaimed. "Right." They all replied.

To Be Continued ………

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Next time on Digimon: Digital Monsters *

Something coming…. Something big is about to happen *

"Maybe you didn't hear me clear but you just lost the battle." Simon replied. *

The time of destiny has shone. *

*Sora is shackled to a wall. * *

The digi-destined are running. *

"Hurry we don't have much time!" Matt's voice echoed. *

Before it's to late…. *"SORA!!!! NO!!!!" Tai's horrifying shout echo's through out the castle *

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