Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ All Things Good ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

06. All Things Good

"We can't do anything anymore." Izzy replied he put his laptop on the castle ground. "What happens now?" Gatomon asked.

Matt had gotten up off the ground he wiped away his tears, making sure the others didn't see him, he didn't want them to see him like this he had his back turned to them. 'Come on Matt don't cry.' He told himself.

"Matt?" TK came up to him slowly. Matt eye's widened but then he closed them tightly and braced himself to keep his feeling in line in front of his brother. He turned around. "Yeah TK."

TK had some tears shimmering in his eyes, he as the rest were also crying all the digimon were crying also. "Matt it's okay to let out your feelings." Gabumon told him quietly, TK was about to say the same thing. "He's right Matt."

He looked away… "I'm fine now." He told them.

Tai slowly stood up he wiped his tears away. "This is enough I had enough!" he shouted in anger. "What are you going to do Tai we aren't exactly in the mood to beat everything to a pulp." Mimi exclaimed, and then she cried some more on Joe's shoulder.

"She's right you can't head into something with the soul purpose of revenge." Agumon replied watching him. Tai knew he was right. "I'm sorry…guys come on I don't want to be here anymore." He replied. Kari nodded Izzy bent down and picked up his laptop.

1 week after Sora's death…

[Camera pans down to the chosen children who laying on the grass sleeping.]

Kari woke up first of the group she wasn't too eager to get up cause that meant more walking and searching of the crest…Biyomon had de-digivoled to Yocomon because of her depression over the loss of Sora.

The depression the whole group was facing was extreme at the moment but they had kept on looking for the crest; Izzy hadn't touched his laptop or even bothered to get in contact with Genia. Mimi had woken up as well as Joe…then Izzy did.

Mimi couldn't careless that her clothes were dirty she usually was extremely careful but now she wasn't.

Matt seemed out of it ever since Sora was missing. All this was making Kari feel sadder then she already was. "We are supposed to be finding that crest Tai wake up!" she shook her brother.

Tai rolled over on his back he saw his sister looking down at him. "Kari???" he asked in a daze. "Tai we've slept in. come on we can't let Simon get that crest." She begged him.


"Tai…. do you need to talk?" Agumon asked him. Tai shook his head. "No." he replied, he looked at ground. Tears escaped from Tai's eyes.

"Tai I want to help you." He replied. "It's all my fault…. I couldn't save her…I couldn't help her." He cried.

"Tai you can't blame yourself. Things happen.."

"THINGS DON'T HAPPEN AGUMON I WAS HER BESTFRIEND, I CA----." He stopped himself; he looked at Agumon and noticed the few stares he got from the others especially Matt.

"Tai…things will get better. You have to move on." He told him. Tai shook his head. "I don't think I can." He said softly and continued to walk in the search for the crest.

Matt watched Tai carefully 'He doesn't? Dose he?" he thought.


"Damn it!" Simon cried annoyed. "Sir. They're are no signs of the crest any where on this cliff face." An Airmon replied from the sky. "No it's supposed to be right there! I sought it out it should be there! Look for it again." Simon cried in dismay.

"But Sir…."

"DON'T BUT ME!! I SAID LOOK FOR IT NOW!!! I WANT THE CREST FOUND!!!" he yelled at the digimon and they continued.


Tai attempted to walk in front of them as a leader but he couldn't it failed him; he'd failed when he couldn't save Sora's life. What good was he to the team he was failure. Agumon watched Tai carefully.

'It's my entire fault Sora I let you down…. I could have saved her…but I didn't get there on time.' Tai thought again.

Matt still watched Tai a while 'he can't be in love with her, could he?' he thought

'How do I make it without Sora being here… Sora was like a mother to me.' TK thought.

'Poor Tai…he must really feel something for Sora.' Mimi thought watched him.

Joe watched everyone's sadden expression it hadn't gone the sadness that they were all feeling. 'We can't fight like this if half of our team members aren't feeling the sprit to fight.' He thought.

'Why do I feel as if Sora isn't dead?' Kari questioned herself, she gasped. 'Maybe she isn't…. she could have been trapped onto one of the ledges that Tai talked about in the pit.' She thought unsure.

Yocomon gasped, as did Kari. "Tai your crest it's flashing" Yocomon said. Tai looked at the digimon then to his chest he could see the crest flashing he pulled it out of this shirt, It was flashing.

"That means the crest should be some where around here." he replied he was about to go when Matt grabbed his arm and stopped him from going. "What's you problem Matt let go!" Tai shouted.

"Tai it could be trap! Simon could still be after us." He said. Tai wrenched his arm away from him "A trap why would my crest be glowing." Tai yelled in anger.

'What?…I can't control my body……..what's happening.' Matt thought he could see Tai but he couldn't control his body's movement. 'TAI! It's not me!' he yelled. 'Nice try but it won't work you should sit back and relax' another voice told him. 'No.' he said.

"Matt stop it we have to get the crest" Gabumon told him. "You don't need the crest." He said bitterly. "Matt stop being a idiot this is not the time!" Izzy told him a little angry. "We don't have time to argue over this. Now let get moving." Tentomon replied hovering next to Izzy.

Tai glared at him and began to walk away forward. "Come on let follow the signal." He said. The other started to follow leaving Matt and Gabumon behind a bit.

"Matt what's gotten into you." Gabumon asked him. "Nothing really, but Tai's going to pay." He started to speed up and caught up with Tai. Tai looked over at him. "What's your problem now?" he asked.

"I'm sorry." He said. "You better be." Tai replied, Matt laughed. "No not for that for this." He pushed Tai into a tree Tai hit it pretty hard. This sudden motion caused everyone to stop.

"Matt don't do this not now!" TK cried. Tai slowly got up on his feet he winced in pain.

Kari watched Tai. "Tai are you okay?" she asked. "I'm fine." He said with out taking his eyes from Matt, he glared at him. "I don't know who the hell you think you are but you are asking for it." Tai told him.

'Tai it's not me someone is taking over my body!' Matt cried out in desperation. 'Save you whining boy, by the time I'm finished, you'll be the ones with the his blood on your hands.' The voice echoed in his mind. 'You can't make me kill my best friend!' he shouted. 'That's what you think' the voice replied.

"Oh really, I'd like to see you try." Matt replied in a dark tone, his voice sounded strange. Tai growled in anger and shoved Matt back. "Want to play it that way?" He asked. Tai narrowed his eyes at him. "Bring it on!" Tai said.


Simon smirked as he watched his handy man at work. "It's only a matter of time then the leader will be gone, Physicmon better do a good job." He said out loud.

A Vegimon came into the larger room. "Sir I'm afraid that something bad happened." He replied. Simon looked at him in curiosity. "What is the bad thing that had happened?"

He asked.

"Dragomon's back sir, he insists that you give him the crest." The digimon told him. Simon stood up in anger. "WHAT! He insists I give it to him…. that backstabber!" he raged. "Tell him I don't have it yet and I don't attend to give it to him." Simon put feet down.

"He's also said that the girl with the crest of love isn't dead." He replied. Simon now in anger stood up and angrily stormed out of the room, the digimon followed him. "Sir he's just outside!" the Vegimon scrambled toward him. "I know where he is." Simon growled back.

He ordered the two digimon at the gates to lower the drawbridge. He stepped out side where he was confronted by a huge digimon.

He stood about 13 feet in height was a dark purple, and had black tipped wings and a devil pointed tail.

"I sent you the girl what else do you want!" Simon shouted at the digimon. "You have not sent me anything at all. Did you decide not to sacrifice her?" Dragomon asked.

"I did too I saw with my own eyes!, you have better not be joking with me Dragomon, cause I'm not in the mood for pranks." Simon told him.

"You did not send her! I never receive anything! If she were dead then I would be able get the door opened and I never got her alive either. You know how it goes if I don't get her then you don't get the crest! Now hand it over." Dragomon demanded. Simon stared at him. He turned and paced back and forth before answering the Dragon. "I don't have it." he replied.

"Then that deal is off." Dragomon responded. "No, you can't just blow it off! We made the deal fair and square." Simon told him. "I told you deal's off you don't you understand Simon."

"Come on could we compromise instead? I promised you Sora, and I thought that I did send her but she some how escaped and I know that you need her power to open the secret grotto below…" he said. "I want you to get to the point. Simon I don't like games." The digimon told him. "Okay fine. What I'm trying to say is lets partner up."

"What's the catch?" he asked. "With my powers I can steal Sora's power from her and with your knowledge of the digiworld we can find the crest, we could stop the chosen children from riding us from the face of the digital world."

Dragomon looked considerate. "Then I could open the secret grotto that's holding all the lost sprits of the evil digimon and release them all." He replied. Simon smiled. "Yes, great Idea, I never thought of that. Then all of them would be out for revenge against the chosen children." Simon looked up at the digimon. "Then it's a deal?" he questioned he held out his hand. "Yes it is." And the two shook agreeing on it.


"Your both going to get hurt! Stop it now." Kari cried out. Tai and Matt circled each other glaring at each other angrily. "Sorry Kari but he needed to be taught another meaningful lesson why it is bad idea to get all stupid and fight me." Tai replied. "Oh is that what you call it. A lesson?" Matt asked in a mocking tone.

Tai lunged at Matt, he fist connected with Matt's lower jaw causing Matt to reel back a bit, he held his jaw. "Smooth move Kamiya." He replied, he then tackled Tai to the ground. They wrestled both getting a few punches in. Until Tai kicked Matt off of him, then standing up.

Matt got up slowly his face was bruised as well as Tai's. "Stop fighting!" TK cried. They all gasped noticing Matt was pulling something from his pocket. Tai saw the object too the he looked carefully at Matt's eyes there was something evil the shrouded them. "That's not Matt!" Tai replied he backed way from him.

'They caught on, Tai knows I'd never try to hurt him.' Matt told him. 'Sure but you can't get rid of me.' The voice said to him. "But I Can." The familiar voice said.

A blue aurora surrounded Matt slowly, Matt stopped suddenly dropping the knife onto the ground he grabbed his head and fell onto his knees. And screamed out in pain. "Matt!" TK started to go to him but Joe stopped him. "He'll be okay TK." he replied they all watched as the blue aurora had slowly gone from him and he passed out. TK rushed over as well as Joe.

"Oh my what happened?" Mimi questioned, she bent down next to them. Joe felt for a pulse on his neck, he sighed in relieve "He's just out of it that's all." He replied.

"He'll be okay. Someone was trying to control him, but I drove it out." A familiar voice said they all looked up and gasped.


Dragomon and Simon both arrived to the same spot where the fused crest of Courage and Love should be located.

"My digimon have looked this mountain face for the passed…I don't know about a week and I still haven't found the crest." Simon replied. "You are looking in the wrong spot, the crest isn't located here it's located in a underground cave." Dragomon replied.

"I was told here to search this cliff face!" he nearly shouted, Dragomon rose on claw as to tell him to clam down. "Where did you hear that from?" he questioned. "My sources that are completely wrong." He replied annoyed.

"I can't let the chosen children get to the crest before I do or else it gives all of the rest of they're digimon the power to warp digivole." Simon told him. "The crest is about 2 miles south of this place." Dragomon replied.


"Sora!" Yocomon cried she jumped into her arms Sora dropped to her knees as she hugged her digimon happily. "I missed you Sora." She cried. "So did I Yocomon." She squeezed her tight. "Sora I can't breathe." Yocomon said. Tai watched them smiling, he approached them.

"Opps sorry." She giggled and let go of her; and stood up her eye's met Tai's they both looked at each other she gasped as Sora felt her crest and took it out of her shirt. "What dose this mean?" she asked looking to Izzy, Tai's crest was still flashing he took his out too; he turned to Izzy that was when Matt awoke.

"Sora?" he asked. "This means the crest must be near by come on." Izzy said suddenly. "What? Guys wait." Matt got up and stumbled a bit before he got the hang of running again and caught up with the rest.


All the chosen children hurried they reached a cave, Sora and Tai stopped. "It's Simon." Sora whispered. "Do you want us to digivole?" Agumon asked Tai, he nodded. "Yeah guys digivole to your ultimate's Agumon and Gabumon warp digivole!" Tai told them.

"Yocomon digivole to…. Biyomon"







"Digivole to…"







"Digivole to…."








"Warp digivole too…"



"Hey Simon! If your looking for the crest you can for get about it!" Tai yelled at him. "Oh look at this… I didn't finish the job oh well but I guess I have to deal with it." Simon replied.

"I want her now." A 13-foot dragon replied, the chosen children all gasped. "Izzy what the hell is that!" Matt asked him as he stumble toward him. "It's…. Dragomon…. This isn't good…. he's lives in the hot caves below the digiworld." He replied.

"Should we annihilate him or what?" Wargreymon asked. Tai look to the digimon then to his digimon. "Wait." He replied

"Dark ball of Energy" Dragomon sent it corralling toward them it hit the ground with a huge impact that knocked the chosen children on to the ground.

"That's gone far enough! Terra force!" he shouted the an massive ball of energy formed with in his hands then hurled it toward Simon and Dragomon but the attack fail to hit them both.

"My turn! Ice wolf claw!" MetalGarurumon attack struck Dragomon but affected him little.

Garudomon "Wing blade!"

MegaKabuterimon "Super Shocker!"

Angewomon "Celestial Arrow!"

Angemon "Hand of Fate!"

Lilymon "Flower canon!"

One by one they're attacks all fizzled out. None of them working not even the mega digimon could take him down.

Tai had made sure that everyone was okay. They were standing now.

"I don't like being harassed by the likes of you. Drago Canon!" Dragomon said booming with anger he shot down all their digimon cause them to reverse digivole.

"Tell us where the crest is." Simon demanded. "Never!" Sora cried from Tai's side. Kari and TK looked to there left of them. Kari gasped. "Tai! Look." She cried she pointed toward the sky as it darkens, they all gasped.

"Izzy can you tell what's happening?" Matt cried. "I am…I am…." He looked at his laptop but the darkness was making it difficult for him to see his laptop. "The whole sky darkened. How did that happen it has to be magic." TK replied. "He's power full" Tentomon said out suddenly

They turned they're attention to him. "What did you say Tentomon?" Kari asked. "Dragomon…he's supposed to be a myth. He's the one that wants to feed off of Sora's power to open a gate that will release all the digimon's evil sprits including the ones we have defeated. He has magic powers already but he seek more and he sense that we have power among us so that means Dragomon is the one that Simon was going to give Sora." He replied.

"So tell us where the crest is!" Dragomon roared. "Don't count on us telling you." Tai told him angrily Gabumon helped Matt up.

"I'm not going to take no for answer. Tell me the location of the crest." Simon demanded again. "Never!" Sora shouted at him.

"My the hostility you have there Miss Takenouchi." He laughs then continues. "I don't know why I didn't do this before." He shots his right arm forward toward him as if he were going to grab her, Sora gasped, she couldn't breathe suddenly. The other didn't know what do. "Stop it!" TK cried.

Simon shrugged and put his hand down. "I'm done any ways" he replied Sora felt weak and grabbed onto Tai, who was closet to her at the time, for support. "Sora what's wrong?" He asked her. "I don't feel good." She whispered as she struggled to stand Tai helped her.

The chosen children we tired as well as they're digimon…they didn't have another fight in them if they tried.

"That's it!" Joe said cried he dug into his bag and pulled out a small basket that was filled with berries. "The digimon can share this among themselves." He replied holding the basket out. Mimi smiled. "Joe that so…reliable of you." She cried.

The digimon started to dig into the food. "They need it more then we do." Kari replied as she watched the digimon eat their food.

"I'm losing my patients with you chosen children." Dragomon replied he got ready to blow the chosen children until a sudden bright light erupted from the ground. "Cover your eyes!" Tai shouted to the others. Sora buried her face on to his shoulder the other all cover there face with their arms.

"Oh…I can feel power." Biyomon said suddenly…. "It's not only you it me too…" Agumon gasped. "Same here…it makes me want to warp digivole right now." Gabumon said.

"I feel it too." Palmon said. "So do I." Gomamon replied…as he uncovered his eyes, the bright light was dying slowly. "We both do." Patamon and Gatomon replied.

"What going on?" TK asked "Unbelievable!" Izzy exclaimed he squinted in front of Sora and Tai was the crest they were looking for.

Simon gasped in horror. "NOO! I WAS SUPPOSED TO FIND IT FIRST!" he shouted angry.

Tai and Sora both felt a burning sensation on the back of there hands. "Ah…." they booth shouted, the took the glove of their left hands. "Whoa…" Matt exclaimed as he looked at both Sora's and Tai's left hands the symbol was tattooed on the back of there hands.









"Warp digivole to…….."









"They all warped digivoled…. cool." TK replied as he looked at the digimon. "It's not cool when I defeat everyone single one of them." Dragomon replied confidently.

"That's what you think!" Phoeixmon told him. "Crimson flame!" the fame engulfed Dragomon burning him merely but the dragon digimon still managed to stand tall. "Drago canon." The attack was hurled through that air at Phoeixmon but she dodged it easily.

"Now it isn't so easy to defeat eight megas is it?" Wargreymon told him.

"Terra Force!"

"Ice Wolf Claw!"

The two mega's digimon attacks hit him well and knocked the dragon digimon to his feet. He got up slowly.

"Dragon Fire!"


Magnadramon's attack brunt him more, as Seraphimon's hit him hard.

"Mega Elector Shocker!"

"Thorn Whip!"

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Dragomon cried out as he was thrown back a couple of feet. Dragomon slowly go up from his panting heavily. Looked up at all the chosen children's mega digimon.

Simon slipped away slowly and vanished into the darkness, which was still around them. "Just remember you won't leave here ever!" he (Dragomon) shouted at the kids, they watched on, as the one final blow was ready to be finally delivered.

"Ocean Love!" MarineAngemon's attack had engulfed the Dragomon. "I'll shall come back!!! AHHHHHH!" he then was reduced to digital partials.

The sky lightened returning to its normal radiance.


"That was amazing…our digimon are all finally able to digivole to there Mega forms." Izzy replied, it was now nighttime. They were all seated around the campfire. "Phoeixmon rules!" exclaimed Biyomon, the digimon where arguing on who is the better-looking Mega digimon, while the kids chatted about the things that had happened today.

"I'll could say that again." Matt replied…he looked over a Sora who was sitting beside Tai with Kari on the other side of him. "Sora just a questioned How did you survive?" he asked. Sora looked to him and then to the others. The digimon had came by now after hearing what Matt had asked and they also wanted to know, Sora's head was bandaged by Joe, her right arm and her ankle which was sprain were also bandaged he was so surprised that she found them when she did.

"Are you sure?" she asked them. "Please tell us…we thought you died…" Kari said sadly.

"I remember so little about it…I remember before I fell…I could hear, Tai and Matt, Agumon, WereGarurumon…you were slashing through the door. That's when I yelled for you guys to help me…" she stopped and then continued.

"He then told me that I had just said my last words and with out waiting he order a digimon, Veggimon I believe it was, to cut the rope holding me in place I remember screaming then black." She looked at the others expressions… they were all quite and seemed to be thinking at the moment and continued on.

"When I came too…I noticed I was okay but my head hurt extremely bad I looked down realizing that I was on one of the ledges. I looked up I could see the opening of the pit…so I climbed out. And onto the solid floor…I had no Idea where you guys were…I looked for was seemed like days…until I got a vision of where'd you might be and I followed that. When I did…find you guys Matt and Tai seemed like they were having a fistfight. Then I felt something coming from Matt, it was a digimon that was trying to control him. So I helped with some power I never knew I had and I ousted the digimon away from Matt." She said. "So that blue aurora covering Matt was that power wasn't it?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah that was it…but I had no Idea I could do that." She replied kind of lost. "So it would be like how I could talk to the spector right Izzy?" Kari asked him He nodded. "Yeah something like that." He replied. "At least I think."

"Sora we should have looked. I'm sorry." Tai said softly "You didn't think I could survive that fall. It's nothing to be sorry about…I mean what was the chances that I was alive?" she asked. "We shouldn't talk about this the important thing is that Sora's okay and alive." Mimi said. "That's the way to think Mimi." Palmon praised her.

"She's right." Joe said. "I don't know about everyone else but I'm tired." TK yawned…. then causing a chain reaction within the whole group. "I'll say were all tired." Tentomon replied.

Sora smiled she looked around at everyone. "Well we had a big day I'm just so tired and I'm sure we could all use that rest right…I know I need it." she replied and yawned again.

"I agree with Sora." Agumon replied, he lay between Sora and Tai. "I guess I'll take first watch." Matt volunteered.

"Great I'll take Sora's watch, so mine will be 2 hours long at least." Tai said.

"Can I stay up to do watch?" Kari asked. "Yeah can we?" TK asked the older kids. "You all-." Tai was interrupted by Gatomon "Hey there with us we will protect them if there danger Tai." "Right." Patamon agreed.

Tai and Matt looked hesitant to agree but they did just to see if it would work.


Matt and Gabumon where both on watch, while the chosen children are asleep.

Screen pauses…


*********************************************************************** **A note drops into Matt's lap

Sora gets sick.

"Help me! Help me!!!" a girls voice screams.

A Floramon appears from NOWHERE.

"Don't think so where are you headed?" the digimon shaped as a ball with horns asks.

"You have to help her." Floramon begs Matt.

Is there a new chosen child?

Next time on an all-new adventure of Digimon: Digital Monsters (the Alternate Version)

I hope you liked this episode.

I would have gotten this out sooner but I had to find the correct Mega digimon and attacks they had and it took me a while, and I had some internet troubles.

Thanks for all the review's everyone :)