Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The New Girl ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
07. The New Girl

Sora stumbled a bit as the group walked. "Are you okay Sora?" Biyomon asked her Sora nodded and smiled at her digimon. "Yeah of course I am why wouldn't I be." She asked her. "I hope your not lying to me Sora." She told her. "I swear I'm not lying Biyomon." Sora replied. She stared a head, but not in a failed attempt to keep her eyes drifting to the back of Tai's head. She then concentrated on the ground in front of her instead.

It's been like months since their digimon could warp digivole and since they haven't seen a trace of Simon either. 'He must be hiding some in a corner curled up in a ball and crying. Whoa…' she thought as she nearly stumbled again. It was a good thing no one seemed to be paying attention to her. 'What's happening?' the felt her forehead and it felt like she was burning up. "Tai." she called him everyone stopped. "Yeah Sora." He questioned he looked at her notice how pale she looked. "I don't know I think I have a fever or something." She replied. Joe came up to her. "Your just in luck I'm carrying a thermometer in my bag here." he dug into his bag and pulled out the thermometer, he put it in Sora's mouth. "Just keep it there for…" looks at his watch "…a minute." He replied.

"Sora you lied you told me that you weren't sick." Biyomon said looking at her sadly. "Okay well let take break here then we can decide where or not we can start going a head." Tai replied, they all gathered around and waited. Sora took the thermometer out and she looked at the temperate and gasped. "Whoa…" she replied, Joe took the thermometer from her.

"94 degrees." He replied. Kari looked at Sora worried "I hope you do have what I'd Sora." Kari replied quietly. "I don't think so Kari." Sora told her. Tai looked a little scared, while Matt watch concerned.


Later on Sora's condition worsened and forced them to take up temporarily residence in a near by semi-cave. They had made an temporary bed that Izzy instructed in the building of. Joe place a small piece of towel that was dipped into cold water and place on Sora's forehead, she had her eyes shut. She looked like she had what Kari had seem to have when Tai, her, Izzy, TK and Kari were in Machindramon's city.

Sora moaned…. she could here the other talking around her. "So do you know what she has?" Tai asked quickly, he looked shaken and pale from so much worrying. Joe frowned, "I'm not sure exactly, the best thing to do is to try and break her fever." He replied. Tai seemed a little at ease, at this news. "Kari had this before." He replied. "And we got her some children's Tylenol. I don't know if Sora still has It." he finished. "We could ask her." Mimi replied.

"Sora?" Tai called her, she stirred and she looked up at him. "Tai? is that you?" she asked he nodded. "Yeah, Sora where did you put the Tylenol me and Izzy got for Kari?" he asked, she opened her eyes...then closed them again "I …...don't remember." She whispered.

"Tai I've got it in my back pack." TK replied he took off his backpack and gave it to Tai who then showed the medication to Joe. "Where did you get this from?" he asked. "A hospital. In Machindramon's City." Izzy said. "Never mind where I got it just give her some." Tai told Joe.


Matt sat resting against a tree he played his harmonica, the music drifted in the air silently. 'I hope she's all right.' He thought…. 'But Tai seems really troubled when ever someone gets….a cold or fever…maybe it was something that happened a long time ago.' he thought, then continued to play.

As Matt played a piece of paper was dropped from the tree into his lap it startled him he stopped playing putting the harmonica down, he stood up and looked up into the tree. Frowning Matt opened the note and started to read it.

Help me,

I'm an Chosen Child………please help me. I'm trapped in a house some where.

"What…this has got to be a joke." He said out loud, he quickly returned to the camp "Guys, look what I got I haven't a clue of what to make of it." he told them. The others raised their eyebrows at him. "Make of What?" Mimi questioned.

Izzy and Tai both read the note also. "Well…that's weird." Izzy replied after he read. "I could check it out on the map of digiworld but, this could be a trap we never know." He replied. "I know that Izzy it's obvious that it could be a trap but don't you think we should at lease check it out? I think this is important what if there is a New chosen child." Matt said. Tai looked from Matt to Izzy then to Sora. "Okay we should." Tai replied then he looked at the digimon who were resting.

"What are you planning?" Mimi asked she watched the boys talk… "Okay, TK, Kari, Mimi and Joe stay here with Sora make sure she gets better. Me, Matt and Izzy are going to track down this chosen child if there is one." He replied.

"Whoa wait Tai…this could be a trap." Joe told him. "I know and that's why we are going to keep in contact at all times with our digivices."

"Tai's right let me see you digivice Joe." Izzy held his hand out and Joe gave Izzy his digivice. They watched as Izzy typed and then the computer beeped. He then handed Joe his digivice. "Okay I installed a walkie-talkie into the device so what ever we say you can here us." He replied. "Okay got it I'll give you guys updates on Sora's condition." He told them.

"Tai where you going now?" Kari asked. "We'll be back Kari…take care of Sora while were gone." He said as he started to walk down a path. "We will Tai don't worry!" TK called to him. "Bye Matt Izzy…you come back!" Mimi cried. "Good luck!" Palmon called.

"We will don't you worry about us okay!" Agumon quipped.


"I can't find anything on here. About the a new chosen child…" Izzy replied he searched his computer. "I don't mean to be rude or anything but don't you guys think that Genia would have contacted us by now if there was a new chosen child?" Tentomon asked. "He's right we could be walking into a trap." Gabumon said.

"We can't just let this alone, you never know Genia might not know about this other chosen child." Tai told the digimon. "It was just a suggestion Tai." Agumon replied.

"Right I'll remember that." Tai said sounding not in a bit impressed that they were questioning him. "Okay apparently there is a house about 3 more miles from here." Izzy said. "How do you know that?" Matt asked.

"Been here before I think." He replied. The six continued forward through the long brush and thick leafs of a jungle. "He Gabumon you think you can digivole to Garurumon and clear the foliage away?" Matt asked him. "Yeah no problem."

"Gabumon digivole to…Garurumon."

He slashed away at the vines.


"Joe is she going to be okay?" Kari questioned him; she and TK and Biyomon were sitting on the other side of her while Joe was on her right he changed the cold compress that was on her forehead every 5 minutes. "I think she will." He replied.

"I'll go look for some plants that could help." Palmon replied. "I'll come with you." Mimi said. "Okay just be careful, Tai partially left me in charge here." he said.

"Don't worry about us Joe will be back before you know it." Mimi called to him.


"It's like the further we go there further the vines and leafs get thicker." Matt said. As he pushed away some of the vines, Tai was following, Agumon behind him. "Okay I think that house the note is talking about should be…right over there." Izzy replied. Just as Garurumon cleared the final vines there was house in view the bushy vines and leafs were all gone now.

"Your right." Matt said, Garurumon changed to Gabumon again. Tai walked passed matt and was now in front of him. "Do you always have to be in the front?" Matt asked him annoyed. "Yeah…the leader mus….Ahhh!" Tai fell threw a hole and land hard.

"Tai! Are you okay?" Agumon said he peered down the hole. He moaned and looked up. "Peachy.." he replied, he heard Matt laughing then saw Izzy. "Could some one help me out! And stop laughing Matt!" he yelled.


After that miss hap they continued on "I smell an digimon." Agumon replied suddenly. "So do I…a-." Gabumon was interrupted when a Floramon appeared suddenly out of nowhere. "Who are you?" Tentomon asked. "Please you have to help her." The flower digimon asked Matt. "I've got that note…who is it that needs our help?" he questioned her. "My partner she's trapped in the house over there a couple meters a way." She said.

"Izzy….*buzzzzz* Guys can you hear me?" Joe voice came over the digivice. Tai heard and took Izzy digivice from him. "It's Tai Joe how is she?" he asked. "Not good…her fever is rising every minute.." Joe told him, Tai was visibly shaken by the news. "What…are you sure." he asked, "Tai?" Izzy questioned him he looked at the younger boy. "It's gotten worst." Tai replied softly.

"Yeah I'm sure…it's has reached 113 degrees. Got to go Tai over and out." Joe said and his voice was gone. "New plan Matt and Izzy go help that girl. I have to go back." He said, Matt nodded "Okay go back…we'll take care of everything right Izzy." He looked over at Izzy who gave him the thumbs up. "Be careful guys." Tai said. He turned to Agumon "Digivole to Greymon."

"Agumon digivole to…Greymon"

Tai got onto him and start back the way they came. Matt looked opposite direction, where the house is. "Okay the house is just over there." Floramon stated.

"We know that thank you for stating to the obvious." Tentomon replied. "Tento that was rude." Izzy said to him. "It's okay, were almost there so come on." The Floramon replied.


"Here another plant Mimi." Palmon handed her another one and she put it in her other hand which was filled with various articles of plants. "Don't you think this is enough Palmon my hand is starting to hurt." She replied. Her digimon looked at her hand then she nodded. "I think there's enough okay." The plant digimon smiled and they both started back to the small semi-cave.


"Gomamon can you get more cold water asap." Joe he handed him a bowl since he couldn't carry it Gatomon helped. "Sora can you hear me?" Joe asked she nodded. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Not…. good…." she whispered, Kari noticed the rainbow bracelet on her wrist, she touched and jumped back. "What is it Kari?" TK asked her. "The bracelet burnt me." She replied she held her finger.

"Joe!" Mimi cried she ran over to him Palmon beside her. "Palmon found all these cool plants that could help Sora." Mimi replied smiling she knelt down beside him. "So how is she doing?" Mimi asked as she watches Sora's face. "The…..the…. bracelet." Sora whispered. "What about the bracelet Sora?" TK asked he looked at her. "It's…….. making……... me……. feel…….this way." She said softly then moaned in discomfort.

"Here you go Joe." Gatomon gave him the fresh bowl of water from the near by stream. "Thank you. Gatomon." He took the towel off and dipped it into the cold water and reapplied to her head.

Tai saw them he "Stop here…. I'll run." He said. Greymon stopped and Tai hopped off and ran toward them. "Tai slow down!" Agumon called he ran after him.

"JOE, MIMI!" Tai yelled to them.

"Huh? Tai?" Joe asked him. "Joe…" he started to talk but he had to catch his breath. "When I heard that she was getting worse I had to come back…Matt and Izzy are looking for the girl." He replied. "She wants us to take off the bracelet cause it's making her sick." Kari told him. "But when I touched it burnt me." She told him. Tai looked confused, "What bracelet?" he asked. "This one Tai." TK pointed to it.

"I never saw it before." He replied, he touched it but it never brunt him. "Tai you can touch it." Kari replied, "Well maybe he's connect with her some how that the bracelet won't hurt him cause she's wearing it…..egh…that doesn't make sense but some where along that line I think that is why Tai is able to touch the bracelet." Gatomon said.


"Help me! Help me!" a girls voice echoed. "Did you here that Izzy?" Matt asked Izzy nodded. "Oh yeah…I hear it." he replied. "I believe that came from that way." Tentomon replied he pointed down the hall on there right. "No you are all wrong…it's this way." The Floramon said pointing down to the right side of them. Izzy and Matt exchanged looks with their digimon then each other.

Un noticed to the five of them a pair of shiny eyes watched them through the eyes of the paintings on the wall.

"So where is you friend?" Gabumon asked. "She's imprisoned in an bedroom, by an Giromon he's an evil digimon, he looks like a bowling ball with horns." she replied. "Really that line sound familiar." Tentomon said trying to think of where he heard it from. "How did you get here?" Izzy asked the digimon. "We were walking, trying to find the Chosen children, I'm guess, that is you isn't it?" she asked. "Yeah that's us." Matt said. "Yeah but, there more of us…eight altogether." Izzy replied.

"Where's the other's?" she asked. "Um…. at our camp, we came here to help your friend after we got that note." Gabumon told her. "Which door is it Floramon?" Matt asked. "Oh…that one." She pointed at the door in front of them. Matt went to open the door but he couldn't it was locked. "Gabumon do the honors." He said stepping back from the door.

"Blue Blaster!" the door was blasted opened Matt was first followed by Floramon, then Gabumon, Tentomon and Izzy.

"Oh…who are you?" the girl asked, she had shoulder length blond hair, it was wavy her eyes were blue and looked about Matt's maybe Izzy age. "Catherine!" The Floramon jumped into her arms. "Oh Floramon." She cried hugged her digimon tightly. "I thought you were gone." She said sobbing a bit. "I escaped and I found the Chosen Children those two but there's more." She told her. Catherine looked at her digimon, then to the two boys who had came in here with they're digimon. "You're the chosen children?" she asked in awe…she stood up and approached the two boys. "I've been looking for you guys all over the digiworld. It was an adventure." She replied.

"We know…but, maybe we should introduce are self eves. My name is Izzy Izumi this is my digimon partner Tentomon." He introduced himself. "Good to meet another one on our side." Tentomon said.

"I'm Matt Ishida this is Gabumon." He waved. "Nice to meet you." He replied.

"I'm Catherine." She said. "I assume you know my digimon's name already." She replied. They both nodded. "Yeah we do." Gabumon said.

"Okay let's get out of here cause…we need to get back to camp asap." Izzy replied. Catherine Izzy, and Matt all started out the door. "I don't think so just where do you think you two are going." Said Giromon, they all turned started. "Not you again this time I got help." Catherine shouted at the digimon.

"Help? I would say hardly." He replied. "I don't like being insulted!" Gabumon said angry. "Me neither." Tentomon agreed. "Guys he's an Ultimate you know what that means." Izzy said to them. "Come Catherine, we don't want to stay here the building going to collapse on us." Matt said as he took her hand and pulled her toward the entrance, Izzy followed in close pursuit.



"Warp digivole to……"



they trashed the house the two digimon stood facing the Giromon.

"Amazing!" Catherine replied she watched them she looked down at Floramon then to Matt and Izzy. "There at their mega levels." Izzy told her.

"You think I'm afraid to fight you well guess again!" the digimon shouted "Big Bang Boom!" he threw a bomb at the digimon and exploded sending the digimon fly back. "That wasn't smart to do." HerculesKabuterimon. "Giga Scissor claw!" he swatted the digimon and sent him flying off into the far north."


"Tai it's not going to come off." Biyomon cried, he tried for about 30 minutes to take the bracelet off of her wrist. "It has to. If it got on, then some how there must be a way to take it off." He replied he tried again, to fit his fingers underneath it but he couldn't. Joe changed re-dipped the towel into cold water and reapplied it to her forehead. Tai sat still stopped what he was doing; he couldn't take the bracelet off of her wrist.

Mimi, TK, Kari, and they're digimon where cooking some fish they had caught. In a lake that was about 2 miles away from them.

"Good news Tai…her fever broke." Joe told him. Tai took a really deep breath in. "Joe could I take over for a while?" he asked. "Yeah you know what to do re-wet the towel when it's not cold anymore." Joe said to him before getting up and walking toward the others. "Biyomon? Did Sora ever talk to you about me?" he questioned. "I couldn't tell you that Tai, It would be breaking her confidence." She said. Tai looked away. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you." He said, Biyomon watched him closer 'he really dose doesn't he.' She thought.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while okay." Biyomon said she walked to the fire.

Tai looked down at her he sat down next to her. "Sora…can you hear me?" he asked, her eyes fluttered open as she looked up at him. "Tai you're here." she said softly. "Of course I'm here…I was going to find the other chosen child like ourselves but I didn't I came back here cause Joe said you were getting worse by the minute…and it really scared me." He replied softly also. Sora smile up at him "Tai that…was sweet you cared enough to come back." She told him, Tai merely blushed then looking away from her. "Tai could you help me sit up." She asked. "I'd have to ask Joe, I don't…" he stopped by her.

"Tai it was only a fever…I'm feel better enough to sit up it won't hurt me." She told him, he took one hand and she pulled herself up, there were close to one another, they blushed and looked away quickly. "I'm sorry." They both replied both of there blushes still relevant on they're cheeks. Then and uncomfortable silence followed.

Joe came toward them. "Sora your up, are you okay I mean…you had a really bad fever?" he questioned Sora shook her head. "I'm fine." She told him. Tai smiled at her the he stood up, and helped Sora up to her feet. Biyomon flew over to them. "Sora your okay!" she cried they hugged. TK and Kari came up to her as well as their digimon. "Sora, I'm sure glad your okay." TK told her. "So am I." Kari replied. "Your like a second mother to me and TK." they replied, Sora only smiled at them both and blushed. "Oh, I'm glad you guys where here for me…while I was sick..." she replied.

"When you were ill you said something about the rainbow bracelet and that It was making you sick." Gatomon replied. Sora tried to remember what she said but couldn't. "I don't remember saying that." She replied. "You said that taking it off could help you not feel sick anymore." Joe told her she nodded "Then it's true that…. animal put it on me, he originally told me that it would block my powers…but I was able to help Matt when he was being possessed by that digimon." She replied. "I'm just as confused as you are Sora." Mimi said.

"By the way were exactly are Matt and Izzy?" Sora asked. "Oh…they went on a mission to save another Chosen Child, Joe call them." Tai told him.


"Izzy do you read?" Joe voice was heard they stopped walking. "Joe, something to report?" he asked. "Nope Tai want to know where you guys are…actually we all do." he said. "Were fine…we'll be there in a second." Tentomon quipped up. "Hey! Tai!…..Guys did you find the chosen child yet?" he asked. "Yeah Tai…your impatient…man…like Tentomon said we will be there in a second." Matt told him.

"Okay make if fast we started cooking our dinner for the evening. Oh and Sora's okay, her fever's lessened." He said.

"Okay great we'll be there in a second or so." Matt answered again and Izzy closed the little walkie-talkie on his digivice.

"Oh…Who's Tai?" Catherine asked. "Tai's the 'leader' he can be cool sometimes but he can also be really stupid at times." Matt replied. "He's not that bad Matt, you're just over exaggerating." Gabumon told him. "What about Sora?" she questioned. "She…hey we don't know what your crest is." Izzy asked her, he was curious.

"My crest is the crest of faith, what do you two have?" She asked them. "Mine's Knowledge and Matt's is Friendship." Izzy replied. Matt frowned 'okay like I couldn't say it for myself.' He thought.

"There they are now." Tentomon replied he said pointing a group of kids up a head. Matt could see Sora and Tai together, they were being really touchy feely and he didn't like it one bit. "Yeah, Catherine lets go meet our esteemed leader." Matt stated dryly, sure he'd love to beat Tai up but knowing full right when ever they fought Tai always won partially every time, even thought they're fights never really ended and were always interrupted.

The others all looked and saw Izzy, Matt, Tentomon, Gabumon and a girl with a digimon that they didn't recognize. "Who's that?" TK questioned. "It's probably the damsel in distress." Gomamon said.

"Tai.... " Sora sighed annoyed he was starting to bug her as the two fought he wouldn't let her go passed him. Tai held her hands forcing her back. 'He's asking for it.' she thought angrily. "Hey Tai." Matt called Tai turned he head to look at them temporarily, until Sora pushed him really hard sending him falling back but unforgettably he still had a hold of Sora's hands in his causing her to land on top of him.

Agumon and Biyomon eyed each other and sighed nodding their heads in a disapproving manner.

Izzy frowned and turned to Catherine. "Don't mind them.... Tai's really a responsible person and so is Sora." he said. "Yeah but not when they are together they aren't responsible." Matt argued muttering under his breath. "Huh?" she questioned Matt, he looked at her confused. "You said something." she replied, Matt smiled when he remember then it turned to a frown. "Nothing." he replied.

They finally arrived everyone was gathered in circle around there campfire. "Guys this is Catherine, she from Paris surprisingly enough." Matt said he then let her talk. "This is my digimon Floramon." she replied showing the entire group.

"Say sorry Tai!" Sora shouted she sitting on him, and Tai wouldn't apologize to her. "Come on Sora.... can't you take a joke?" he questioned she frowned. "I just want you to say sorry then everything will be fine. Okay." she repeated.

"Question do I get to met your leader? And his girlfriend." she asked as she said that everyone sweat dropped. "She's not my girlfriend!" "He's not my boyfriend!" they shouted at the same time angry.


"Okay I'll say sorry...I'm so sorry for bugging you Sora please forgive me." he said not sounding sincere, Sora smiled. "Better." she replied smiling and got up, she let out her hand to Catherine. "Hi, my name is Sora Takenouchi, I have the crest of love." she replied. "I'm her digimon, Biyomon." Biyomon introduced her self.

"And I'm leader Tai Kamiya. Crest of courage and my digimon's name is Agumon." he replied. "Tai I could have introduced myself thank you." his partners replied from his side.

"Hey Mimi did you and TK and Kari cook those fishes?" Tai asked. "Yes Tai." she replied annoyed and huffed off. "Gabumon let help her." Matt said as he also walked by them in an angry mood.

Sora frowned..."Well what wrong with them?" she asked. "I don't know but I'll check on Mimi." Joe started toward where Mimi and Matt were watching the fish cook. "I swear the more we handout together the weirder everyone gets." Gomamon replied. "I think it's an human thing." Gatomon replied. "Well it's sure is weird." Patamon replied. The digimon whispered between them while their human counterparts talked among themselves.

"Well Catherine are you ready to join as our 9th member of the Chosen children it won't be no picnic after all cause we do have some crazed lunatic chasing us to get to Sora." Izzy said to her. "Don't remind me Izzy." Sora replied, Catherine smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'd love to." she replied.

"Great now that is settled we can eat." Tai replied. "I'm starved!" Agumon said he ran ahead of Tai toward the fire. "Wait up!" Tai called to him.

To Be Continued………………


"Catherine! WATCH OUT!" Matt cried, he dives pushes her out of the way.

A explosion rips a whole in a forest.

"It's a stupid game…..we are the hunted and she is the huntress" Izzy said with serious expression.

"TK!" Kari cried, Mimi screams.

They're time is running out

There's a deafening Roar of a beast.

"JOE!!!!!" they all scream.

It's a game of reality and Danger

Next time on an all-new episode of Digimon: Digital Monsters (Alternate version)