Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The Dark Tyrannomon Queen ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

08. The Dark Tyrannomon Queen

"Hi Matt here, Last time Sora go seriously sick because of some bracelet that Simon had put on her, while she was out of it. Tai, Izzy and me all went to find a girl who was kidnapped, until Joe called us and told us that Sora's condition had gotten worse Tai decided to go back. He says he doesn't care about her…. but I like I believe a thing Tai says. Any ways Izzy and me found a girl name Catherine and her digimon a Floramon then we fought this Giromon, which was so easy with two-mega digimon. Who knows the crazy stuff that's going to happen next."


Tai surveyed the area ahead of them through his the monocular. "Well…. looks clear." He said putting the small telescope in his pocket. "Are you sure about that?" Agumon questioned. Tai looked up at all their faces, "What?" he questioned.

"Nothing Tai usually you are like that. Say it's clear then the next it's not." Matt replied watching him. "Stop it really." Sora replied. The two boys stopped.

"I think I've been here before." Floramon replied from Catherine's side. "You have?" Catherine asked. "Yes…I think I am sure about that." She said and looked at area.

"It looks really…familiar…like something out of a movie that I've saw once." Joe said. "Well was it a cool movie?" Gomamon asked him. "Jurassic Park…" he trailed off. "OH don't start with that again! Joe." Mimi cried. "Yeah you scared us all the last time but thank god for Sora's ability to see that we were almost ambushed by those Deltamon." Palmon said.

"I hate to burst your bubble but Simon took that from me." Sora replied. Tai looked at her strangely. "Sora that doesn't make sense isn't' it within you?" he asked.

"Of course it makes sense Tai…I was never born with this power…so how can I have it within me?" she questioned him, Tai shrugged… "And this is the reason we should investigate into it." Izzy said. "Investigate? Izzy…we don't know where to start." Tai told him. "We could find out…from Genia." He said.

"But why would Genia know anything if he doesn't know himself…. beside he hasn't contacted us for the past few months." Tentomon replied. "He's right you know." Gomamon said.

"Who's Genia?" Catherine asked, "Genia's is a digital human…. I guess that's what he'd be called but anyways he helps us threw our journey." Tentomon said. "Oh I see, will I be able to meet him?" she asked. "When we are able to contact him then yeah you can see him." Izzy replied.

"Great…but lets just decided this do we go through here or not?" Tai asked, his patients was wearing thin. "Well…Tai it's your call." Agumon said to him. "Right…but there something strange about it…I can't put my finger on it though." He replied he took the monocular out of his pocket and scanned the area…he stopped on a figure that was standing there next to the forest entrance…. "What the…." He jumped as Sora grabbed the monocular from him she looked through it saw the same thing. "Who's that." She whispered. "I don't know but who said you can take that from me." He said taking back his monocular.

"Why do you two need the telescope for I can see it from here." Matt replied he frowned…. "And I think she saw us." He replied. "It looks human in form" Kari replied. "Maybe because it is." Patamon said. "I can smell it." Gabumon said.

"Dose it smell like a human girl?" Catherine asked. "Hm…I can't tell its weird." He replied.

"Who goes there!" it shouted at them. "Was it talking to us?" Joe asked. "I think it is Joe" Gomamon said to him. "Well should we do something?" Biyomon asked. "Go Tai you're the leader." Sora pushed him forward. He glared at her angrily then turned around. "Um Hello!?!?!" he called out. "What Kind of greeting is that Tai!" Matt moved passed him and began to walk toward the human standing there Gabumon followed him.

"MATT wait man! We don't know if she okay." Tai yell at him. "Listen to Tai Matt…he right you know." Gabumon told him. "Gabumon we have to communicate what harm is it going to do?" he questioned.

"Idiot." Tai muttered under his breathe. "Um Tai bad news tell Matt to come back right now!" Izzy yelled at him. "MATT COME HERE!" He yelled, Matt chose to ignore him and still walked to ward the figure. "Oh…damn…would you listen to Me!!! I thought you were the one that agreed that I'm the leader! Izzy says there something wrong so come here!" he yelled at the Matt.

"Matt this is not the time to ignore Tai I agree with him…. stop." Gabumon begged. "Oh here we go again with not listening." Mimi replied. "Dose this happen a lot Mimi?" Catherine asked. "Yeah…time to time." She replied off tone.

"STOP NOW!!!" the girl directed Matt. He stopped. "Look lady we just want to know who you are." Matt told her. "I believe that wasn't the best way to settle that Matt." His digimon told him from his side. "Who cares she needs to explain herself." He said.

"Matt would you listen for once!" Sora yelled at him. He turned toward them. "You listen to Sora but not me?" Tai asked annoyed. "That's not the point Tai." Matt told him. "This is the best we should go back over to them." Gabumon said.

The girl took out a whistle of some sort she started to play it. "Ahhh…" Everyone cried they covered their ears. "Turn that racket off!" Mimi yelled.

She kept playing it. "Yes we are coming." The digimon all said at once. "Huh? Gatomon?" Kari asked. "Tai! The digimon!" Kari cried to her brother. "Ahhh." The whistle got louder all them dropped to there knees. "God! What is that!" Catherine shouted.

"Now when I snap my fingers say goodnight." She replied. She did as she said then all went black….


Gradually the all woke up. "Okay…. what happened?" Matt asked he rubbed his temples, he looked around everyone ignored him. "TK…are you okay?" he asked. "I think so but my head hurts so much." He replied.

"Oh no…." Sora replied. "What is it Sora?" Matt asked. "Our digimon are gone! She took them." She replied. "Floramon!" Catherine yelled out. "Shhhh!" Mimi cried… "Were vulnerable without our digimon." She said and began to cry. "That's okay Mimi. I miss my digimon too." Catherine said, they hugged and cried. Tai rolled his eyes merely at them.

"Oh were fine just as long as we don't run into a virus type digimon." He said. "You just jinxed us Tai… cause the moment you said that…I know something's bad is going to happen." Joe said. "Joe you take the worst possible cause of action all the time." Matt told him.

"Well can you blame me…cause every time something like this happens…I know some digimon or something is going to pop out of the bushes and kill us!" he shouted Joe had walked to the front pasted Tai and everyone's expressions trued to a the 'oh no look'.

"DARK TARANNOMON!!!" they all shouted. "Dark Flame!" he launch his attack at the Chosen Children who by then had scramble out of the way expect for Catherine who stood froze with fear. "CATHERINE MOVE!" Matt shouted as he ran toward her, the he dove pushing her and himself out of the way but just before the digimon's flame attack hit the earth where she had been standing.

"Oh gosh you didn't tell me you guys were hunted down like wild animals!" Catherine shouted at Matt who shift away from her and stood up pulling her up fast. "No time to talk about this come on!" matt told her as he pulled away from her. The digimon chased them.

"Guys where are you!" Matt called. "Matt over here!" Sora called him he looked around but he couldn't see anything thing. "Down here idiot!" Tai told him, and then he felt like he was falling then the next thing he knew it Catherine was sitting on top of him. "Thank Matt for breaking my fall." She said to him. Before being helped up by Mimi.

"Oh sure I'd do it again." He remarked sarcastically, the looked around. "What is this place and how did you guy's find it?" he questioned. "That's funny cause we didn't really." Izzy said.

"Yeah…. we were running in this direction then we all ended up down here." TK told him. "Yeah like TK said we just found it by accident." Joe replied sounded annoyed with something.

"Right back to that discussion I want to know why you didn't tell me you guys were hunted down by so many evil digimon!" Catherine replied. "Were the Chosen Children and every evil digimon, knows that we could destroy them easily!" TK said sounding really mature for his age.

"Could we really not get into this now?" Tai asked. "Amazing this is a labyrinth of tunnels." Izzy said looking on the map. "A what?" Matt asked. "Labyrinth of tunnels….a massive tunnel system…look at the map here." Izzy pointed to his computer screen they all gathered around him. "Whoa…it a maze." TK said. "Yeah but these could lead any where in the digital world. They could be so far that it would lead us to file Island possibly."

"I am not going to stay underground and walk in the dark like a mole." Mimi said. "Technically Mimi…you wouldn't cause there is torches that are lighting up the room right now as you can see." Izzy replied.

"Oh it makes me feel so much better." Joe replied. "You think…. I'm not to happy with where I am I wished you guys never came to find me!" Catherine yelled at them and ran off. "Catherine! Don't run off we don't have our digimon with us it's to risky to split up!" Tai called to her.

"I'll go after her." Matt said sighing he ran after her. "Catherine! Come back! We shouldn't be away from the others! Like Tai said it's to dangerous to be any where with out our digimon." He said as he ran through the tunnels. "There are a number of dangers did you know that…spiders…and worms…whoa *SMACK*" Matt tripped and fell face first into what seemed to a sticky substance, he got up and spit out the gunk.

"This stuff is disgusting!" he said as he wiped it off of himself. "Catherine?" he called. He slowly walked oddly as he was all wet do to that sticky stuff that he'd had fallen into. "Matt?" Catherine questioned softly. "Oh Catherine thank god… hey your not Catherine!" he said as he saw it was the women that wouldn't talk to them before. "Right again darling." She told him. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Huh? When was I right about the first time?" he asked

"You won't be able to move in about oh…a few minutes." She said, Matt tired to move himself but he couldn't. "What is this stuff?" he asked. "Funny you should ask I made it from my Dark Tyrannomon a substance that is only found on Tyrannomon." She said to him. "Just answer me this who are you and where did you come from?" he asked.

"I am The Dark Tyrannomon Queen." She said.


Catherine made her way to the others… 'They were right' she thought. "I'm sorry to all of you." She said. "Where's Matt?" TK asked. Catherine looked at them oddly. "Matt?" she questioned. "Yeah he went to get you." TK told her. "He did?" she questioned, "Well I didn't see him." She said sounding weird.

"I'm going to get him I'll be back." TK said he ran ahead up to the tunnel. "Okay wait TK!" Kari called and she ran after him. Tai sighed. "Okay come one we might as well all go." He said.

"Matt! Are you there?" TK called. Matt heard his brother and called back to them. "TK I'm here." He said. "Matt? What happened to you?" he questioned. Kari came up from behind TK and looked at Matt. "Did you fall or something?" he questioned. "Yeah In sticky goo stuff it was gross but now I can't move." He said.

The others arrived and watched. Izzy approached him. "Hey um Izzy do you think you can help me out?" he asked. "What happened exactly?" he questioned.

"That women she put some kind of goo in that puddle right behind me." He said. "Have you lost it Matt? There isn't any puddle of goo behind you or anywhere for that matter." Mimi told him. Matt turned around suddenly then gasped. "What there was a puddle I tripped and fell right there." He pointed to the spot were he'd had fallen. Tai, Joe, Izzy narrowed there eyes at him.

"If that was supposed to be a joke it's not funny." Joe said to him. "But…it really was there." He said the other all watched him uncertainly. "Why would I lie about something this serious? It's that woman's fault the Dark Tyrannomon queen." He replied.

"Matt are you sure you saw what you did?" Sora questioned. "Not you too…" he said. "I don't know what to think." She said. "Okay lets not think then come one and lets go…we got to find our digimon and they can be any were in here." Tai said to them.


after while of walking. Matt pulled Sora aside. "You do believe me don't you Sora?" Matt asked her, she looked at him uncertainly. "Matt I thought we weren't going to talk about this any more like Tai said." She told him, he gotten angry. "Okay fine…. believe Tai cause everyone believes him." He said. He left behind and Sora cautiously went to tap Tai on his shoulder. "Tai…Matt's acting weird he keeps insisting that he is right. Don't you think he could be right?" she whispered into his ear.

"Matt I believe you." TK said to him. "Thank you TK." He said, Kari looked up at Matt. "So do I." She said. "Thanks you two, now I just have to work on everyone else starting with Catherine." He said to them both. "What was that Matt?" Catherine asked him. He dropped back to where she was walking with Mimi and Joe. "Come on guys you got to believe me it's true. Kari and TK do…"

"Matt we need proof do you have that?" Joe asked. Matt shook his head no. "Well then it can't be proofed." He said. "I swear that I'm not lying what do I have to do? Get a lie detector test done?" He questioned.

"Don't sound so drastic." Catherine told him.

Izzy's computer started to beep. "Oh…there something here." Izzy said. Everyone gathered around the computer. "Do you think it's our digimon?" Kari asked. "Maybe so." Izzy replied trailing off as he watched the screen. "it must be our digimon." Sora said over his shoulder. "Yeah…." They all jumped as the walk in the tunnel was blasted through dust raised in the air causing the 9 children to start to cough, as it cleared.

"See we did find them!" Agumon said, "All right it's about time." Gatomon replied. "Guys *cough* why did you blast through the wall for?" Tai asked as the dusty air cleared away. "That was Agumon's idea." Biyomon said. "Yeah and it did work we found you guys." Patamon said.

"Sure by blasting the wall…but any ways were did you come from?" Izzy asked. "Up that way" Floramon said. "But not before fighting some Numemon." Palmon said. "Ew…don't remind me about them." Mimi replied. "Other then that did you guys find a way out?" Tai asked.

"Um no….I don't believe we passed any way out." Gabumon said. "Okay then you can help me out then." Matt said to them. "Matt there not going to know anything." Tai told him tiredly, Matt just glared at Tai then turned back to the digimon.

"Have you seen the woman?" he asked. "Woman???" Gabumon questioned. "Yeah the one we were talking to before we ended up down here." Matt said to them he watched all the digimon.

"Oh her!" Gomamon exclaimed. "Matt their no sign she was down here." Catherine told him. Izzy was busy reviewing the map on his computer. "I miss calculated on this…this isn't actually a tunnel system that spreads through out digital world…it's just in this area." Izzy said.

"Of course it is. It's called Tyrannomon tunnel cause it is in Tyrannomon country." Tentomon said. "Okay well let see…." Izzy trailed off and started to work on the computer.

"Well why didn't you say that before?" Biyomon asked. "I think I forgot about it…I haven't been here for a while it seems." Tentomon said to them. "Then you know of a way out don't you?" Catherine asked. "Actually no." he said.

"Well we might as well start looking." Tai said. Izzy closed his computer and put it back in his backpack. "Okay there. The precise location is…. down that way…and just look up as the ceiling for anything that looks like a hatchet." Izzy told them.

"Okay Izzy." Kari said to him.


"What gives didn't we pass this same mark?" Gomamon asked. "What mark?" Joe asked him. He looked to the one that Gomamon was pointing too. "Oh well maybe…but I haven't noticed any mark." Tentomon replied hovering.

"We could mark it with my pink mark I have in my purse." Mimi dug into her purse and pulled out a marker.

"So dose that mean that we've been walking around in circles for what hours with out us know it?" Tai asked…Izzy looked at the map on his computer screen. "Well Tai….I can't tell it seems like we have been but….."

Everyone gasped as they're surroundings turned from a tunnel to the forest they were going to originally, it has huge pine trees that reached approximately 80 meters high.

"Whoa…" They all replied staring up into the treetops of the gigantic trees. "Amazing I've heard of these but I never actually saw them before." Izzy said in amazement. "What are they?" Catherine asked.

"Sequoiadendron giganteum." He said. "In English Izzy." Tentomon told him. "On earth they are know as The Sierra redwood or just The Giant Sequoia."

"Oh yeah…" Tai and Sora replied at the same time. "I remember doing a project on this in grade 3 I think….it was." Tai said. "A project?" Agumon asked. "Yeah me and Tai worked on it then." Sora mentioned Tai nodded agreeing.

"Oh that's wonderful you're having a lesson…. well….I was just preparing for you all to play my game." They all turned to the sound of her voice.

"That's her!" Matt shouted.

"I was asked by a friend…of mine…I don't know if you know him…. maybe Simon…to get rid of all of you." She said.

"Oh big deal you tell your friend that we got the crest!" Tai shouted he took the glove off his hand and faced it toward the woman. "Oh…I'm shivering." She said.

"Just who are you and want do you want from us!" TK asked her. "Yeah were waiting for an explanation!" Kari yelled. The two younger children yelled at her.

"if you want an explanation then I'll give you one." She asked.

"Okay we are waiting." Agumon said.

"Actually no…I'd rather let you all solve it for yourself." She replied and disappeared suddenly into a cloud of smoke.

"Izzy did you get in touch with Genia yet?" Tai asked him. "No Tai…it's like he disappeared of the face of the digital world." Izzy said to him.

"He's never around we need him." Tentomon said.

The ground shook underneath their feet. "Okay now I have… a really bad feeling about this." Joe said. "I hear digimon coming!" Patamon said. "Dark Tyrannomon!" Gomamon said. Everyone was now facing the direction where the digimon had appeared.

"Great just want we needed." Tai said out loud.

"This is all her game she's the huntress and were the hunted." Izzy said, the chosen children all made a face.

"Tell me were going to make through this!" Catherine shouted then clutched on to Matt's arm. Matt was blushing like mad. "Don't worry every thing going to be fine." He said at this point she buried her face into his shirt.

All five Dark Tyrannomon stood in front of them.

"What are we going to do!!" Mimi cried. "We can digimon just say when." Palmon said from her side. "Oh okay digivole digimon!" she cried.

"That is my line!" Tai yelled at her. "To bad I beat you too it." She said sticking her tongue out at him, Sora had to restrain Tai.






"Pa tamon!"



"Warp digivole to…."



"Metal Garurumon!"


"Marine Angemon!"




The 8 digimon faced off against the five Dark Tyrannomon that were coming forward. "You guys run we will try and get rid of them!" Wargreymon shouted. "Got buddy! Come guys!" Tai shouted all nine (including Floramon) ran for it.

"What do you want? From us" Phoeixmon asked. "We want to destroy you so take this Dark flame!" the digimon attack went high and wide of Phoeixmon. "You call that an attack!" Phoeixmon cried. "Starlight explosion!"

"Catherine come on!" Matt tried to pull her off of him. "No I'm scared!" she cried and hugged him tighter. "Okay fine you leave me no choice." He scoped her up and started running with her in his arms.

"Thorn whip!" Rosemon cried out, "Ahh that hurt…. Dark Claw!" she slashed her casing her to fall out of the sky. "Fire Tornado!" Magnadramon's attack knocked down two Dark Tyrannomon.

How ever she was side blinded by another one. She fell to the ground also. "Heavens Gat-- ahhh!" Seraphimon cried out as he was slashed by an Dark Claw attack.

Tai looked back gasped in shock. "NO WAY!" he shouted he stopped looking at the fight the Dark Tyrannomon were beating they're digimon up like rag dolls. All the other chosen children had stopped too they all saw the same thing as Tai. "How can they beat us!!" Matt said still holding to Catherine who was looking up at Matt. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"They're way stronger then we suspected" Izzy said watching them also their digimon kept on attacking and being knocked back down again. "Oh no Rosemon be careful." Mimi said looking at the fight. "Izzy an explanation please!" Tai called to him. "I can't Tai."

"I can try!" Floramon said. "No you can't Floramon there to strong for you." Catherine cried. "Oh look! That woman again!" TK cried. They're digimon returned to them they had all reverted to there in-training stages.

Sora picked up Yocomon. "What happened…Yocomon.." Sora asked her digimon just sighed.

"Oh you're poor digimon I told you that they wouldn't be of any help did I." She said to them. "You told us nothing like that!" Tai yelled at her as he picked up Koromon. "Oh I guess you are right but any ways say good bye."

"Tai we got to get out of here!" Kari called to him. "Dark Tyrannomon attack!"

The chosen children without the help of there digimon ran off in the direction they were running in before. Matt was pulling Catherine along with him as her digimon followed them TK and Kari ran right behind Tai, Izzy and Sora as Joe and Mimi were on the other side all them clutching on their digimon tightly.

Tai, Izzy and Sora came to a screeching halt as they nearly ran off the cliff face. "STOP!" Tai shouted everyone had stopped. "Where trapped." Sora said. They all turned around. The Dark Tyrannomon stopped cutting any possible escape root. "This is a situation reminds me of a time where we were being chased by Kawagamon."

"Don't remind us Joe." Matt warns still having a grasp on Catherine's hand she held onto his hand tightly also.

"Oh look something that Simon couldn't do trapped the chosen children on an cliff face." The queen replied. "Look we don't know what your doing but we don't like it one bit!" Matt told her.

"Oh well to bad." She said. Izzy peeked down the cliff only saw sharp jagged rocks at the bottom. He gulped. "Tai…there would be only one way to get out of this situation that that would be to fly and unfortunately our transportation is down and I'm afraid that if we fall it could be our deaths." Izzy whispered to him.

Tai looked down… "Man what do we do?" he thought his thoughts were interrupted when there was stomping. "Oh I just want to say thank you for entertaining me for the passed few hours Chosen children." She said.

"This is exactly what happened!" Mimi cried she grabbed onto Joe's shirt and sobbed with Tanemon in her arms. There was more stomping. Sora felt her feet losing footing she realized she was falling. "Tai, Izzy help!" both boy tried to grab her but failed… Izzy had over stepped and he fell backwards as Tai did the three of them screamed. Matt came over with suddenly as did Joe and Mimi. "SORA TAI IZZY!" he shouted to them but when he looked over they weren't there falling or at the bottom. "What happened!" Mimi asked as Matt turned to say something but the ground started to cave in as the rest of them fell forward. There was a twirl portal of some kind…Mimi and Joe fell down into one then Catherine and Matt and one to the right of them TK and Kari fell into.

"Good work. Digimon." She said to them. "Thank you." They all said. "There split up." She smiled.

To Be Continued…

"The Chosen Children are split up now…where are they and will they find there way back to each other?"


Next time On Digimon Digital Monsters Alternate Version:

Sora, Izzy and Tai all lay unconscious on the ground.

"Come guys wake up" Koromon bounced around them.

When they do awaken they are lost to where they are located.

"Okay that's great…no sign of the others." Tai replied looking at his digivice.

Izzy finds out there location.

"You two won't believe this but we are on file Island." Izzy said.

(Authour Notes: Sorry about this begin short.)