Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ File Island ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

09. File Island

"We met a women my the name of the Dark Tyrannomon Queen she knocked us out with some kind of whistle. When we woke up we found ourselves in this tunnel system that was underneath all of Tyrannomon country, with out our digimon. Catherine had ran off some where in the tunnel system and Matt had went to find her only to fall in a puddle of goo which he said had immobilized him then the woman had talked to him. When Catherine had come back she told us she hadn't seen Matt, then we all went to look for him which wasn't that hard to do, then our digimon found us by blasting through the tunnel wall. After walking in what appeared to be in a circle. We then were transported to the surface my an unseen force only to be attacked by five huge Dark Tyrannomon. Our digimon all digivoled to there mega forms and surprising we were defeat…which totally shocked everyone considering that Dark Tyrannomon was only ultimate level digimon…. our digimon de-digivoled to there in-training forms which was also strange…The Queen ordered them to attack us but we ran for it, Me, Tai and Sora nearly ran off the cliff if we didn't stop but we did. Which wasn't much help cause we did end up falling off include all the rest of us. Things don't look so good from here on."


"They won't wake up." Yocomon said to the other two. "We got to try again." Motimon said. "I know we could spray them with water?" Koromon suggested. "No we can't do that." Yocomon exclaimed surprised, Koromon just sulked "It was just an suggestion." He said.

"Come guys wake up!" Koromon started to bounce around them Yocomon and Motimon both sweat dropped. "Oh I think it worked." Motimon said in surprise. Sora started to wake up then Izzy too. Sora sat up right she held her head her eyes shut tightly. "Oh…my head." She groaned. "Are you okay Sora?" Yocomon asked Sora looked at her digimon "Oh your okay." She hugged her digimon.

"Amazing where are we?" Izzy asked he looked around. "My memory is a little bit foggy." Motimon replied. "Motimon!" Izzy cried he hugged his digimon. "Izzy…I can't breathe!" he cried Izzy let go of Motimon. "Oh sorry little buddy I just got overly excited that all."

"Tai!" Sora scrambled over to his side. "Tai wake up." She whispered to him. "I tired everything I could think of to wake him up but I don't know why it wasn't working." Koromon said. "He'll wake up Koromon I have a feeling he will." She replied. Izzy and Motimon were on the other side of Tai they waiting. "Well let me see if he has a fever Sora took her glove off and was about to put her hand on his forehead but stopped as she notice he had shifted. He opened one eye then the other. "Sora?" he questioned. "TAI!" Koromon bounced on him. "Koromon your okay." He sat up.

He looked to Sora then Izzy. "But what happened?" he questioned, Izzy sighed, "I think we fell off that cliff." He replied. "Cliff?" the three digimon questioned. "Yeah…you were all unconscious when that happened." Izzy said. "How did we get here if we fell of that cliff we would be dead." Tai told him. "I know that's exactly what I was thinking." He agreed.

"Well let just get out here…we could fly back to sever and find the others." Motimon asked. "No we can't what if any of the other are on this island." Tai said.

Sora picked up a rock and walked over to a bigger rock that was up to her was she then tried to break the bracelet off her wrist. "Sora don't do that!" Yocomon cried she walked over to her. "Yocomon if I get this off I could use my powers….I can feel them in me still…Simon can't take it away like that." She replied,


Izzy and Tai were arguing on what direction to go. "No Tai…it's to cold that way I'd rather walk through the jungle then the snow!" he cried. "We won't be walking through the snow." Tai said. "Actually Tai….I rather not go your direction." Koromon said. "Oh thanks a lot for backing me up." He said to his digimon.

"Ow." Sora said to herself she dropped the rock she had in her hand. "You hurt yourself." Yocomon said to her. "No it's just a mild scrape nothing serious." She said.

"Well we'll ask Sora then." Tai said. "Okay fair enough." He replied. "Sora, Yocomon what way would be the best way to go? Izzy was way or mine" he pointed in the direction of the there choosing. "We should go Izzy's way." Yocomon said. "3 digimon against you, Tai." Koromon said as he bounced around. Everyone waited for Sora's answer…. 'Great if I pick Tai's way we have to walk through the cold and if we pick Izzy's way we don't have to walk in the cold which is better.' She thought. 'But then Tai's going to sulk…' she frowned. "Tai maybe we should go Izzy's way it's really nothing against you personally it's just I don't want to walk through the cold." She said to him.

"Okay….I guess I don't want to walk through the cold either." He said as he looked over his shoulder and saw the snow and Ice…he shivered. "Okay so lets go." He said.


They all walked threw the jungle. "This forest is kind of spooky." Sora replied she looked past the trees. "It's the Bakemon forest." Motimon replied. "Oh that's right…this is were me and Joe were when our beds fell from the sky." Sora replied.

"Well I had to get stuck in the cold with Matt who got all crazy on me cause he had to protect TK." Tai replied. "I remember that…but you didn't have to punch him." Koromon said. "I did not punch him…if you remember correctly it was Matt who started it…I was merely trying to stop him and make him understand something." He said.

"Oh…yeah.." Koromon replied. "Well nothing as bad as being almost eaten by Bakemon." Sora said. "Yeah." Yocomon stated. "Me Gomamon were rescued them." She replied.

"Eaten?" Tai questioned. "Yeah they were going to be sacrificed to a big Bakemon." Yocomon stated from Sora's arms. "Could we tell our nice stories another time?" Izzy asked.

"Izzy made Mimi cry and Palmon too cause he was ignoring them." Motimon said. "Oh…I feel sorry for you Izzy." Tai replied he patted him on his back Izzy rolled his eyes. "Then we had to find her cause she had ran into the temple and gotten lost…Izzy didn't notice so I followed her." Motimon said.

"Izzy." Sora stated she looked at him in disapproving manner. "You should know how um…fragile her feelings were." Sora replied. "Yeah…man…she like a little baby." Tai replied he then hide behind Izzy as Sora gave him a death stare. "Sorry." He squeaked out.

"You better be." Sora said. "So is all this talking behind us?" Izzy asked. "Yup were moving on." Sora replied as she took lead. "No I'm not." Tai said.

They stopped and turned to look at him. "I still have one thing to say about Mimi." Tai said. Sora put Yocomon down, Tai nervously smiled. "Um…okay actually never mind…it slipped my mind." He replied. "Okay can we now carry on our walk in silence and try not to speak of the others in bad manners?" Sora asked as she bent down and picked up her digimon. "No problem Sora." Tai replied.

They walked a little further until they came up to a bush of vines. "Okay…digimon time to digivole." He said.




"Digivole to….."




"Pepper breath!" The attack blasted through the vines, but then they re-grew. "What the heck?" Tai questioned. "It's like they magically grew back." Sora said astonished.

With out warning two vines grabbed a hold of Tai and Sora holding the two in the air high.

"Sora!" "Tai!" Biyomon and Agumon shouted. "Guys help!" Tai replied as he did Sora cried out in pain. "Ahh." She cried. "Sora…ahhh." Tai was stopped as he felt like he was being squeezed tightly. Sora was feeling the same sensation the grip tightened on them both.

"Spiral twister!" her at hit the thing or what ever it was in the face but it didn't flinch once. "Izzy…any time now…" Tai said. "I'm looking it up wait." He said he went on his computer.

"Izzy…never…mind…the computer." Sora said trying to get herself free. "Electro shocker!" Tentomon's attack had caused enough of a disturbance that it had dropped both Sora and Tai on the ground. Their digimon rushed to their side and aided them as far a way from that thing as possible.

"Are you all right?" Izzy questioned the two who looked flushed. "No…what the hell is that thing." Tai replied. "Well for certain I doubt it was anything but digimon." Tentomon replied. "Yeah it was like a meat eating creature of some kind." Biyomon said.

"A what! Your making it sound like the digital world turned into a really bad movie, Biyomon." Sora said still breathing hard from nearly being squeezed to death. "No kidding I can't find any kind of record of what that could be." Izzy replied. "Oh great were trapped by some plant that can eat digimon and humans." Tai said as he started to get up.

"Okay so it's not digimon then what is it?" Agumon asked. "Maybe it's a …thing that was made up by imagination." Tentomon questioned. "Now your talking things that couldn't possible happen." Izzy replied. "It was just a suggestion." Tentomon replied.

"I know who it could be." Sora said she was got up with some help from Tai. "Simon." She said. "Simon?" Izzy questioned. Tai shook his head agreeing with Sora. "If he has the power to make himself disappear who says he can't create fictional creatures here in the digital world." Tai said.

Izzy typed a few things on his computer. "I guess its possible." He said looking at the screen. "Don't tell me there's a picture of Simon in the digi-analyzer?" Sora questioned him.

"No something else I got a e-mail." Izzy replied. "Well open it up." Tentomon said. "Exactly what I was going to do." He replied.

Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon gathered around Izzy. "It's from Genia." "I can see that Izzy…but what is he saying?" Tai asked. "Well let's find out." Izzy clicked on the mail and it opened.

"Greeting Chosen Children…I'm sorry I haven't connected you…Tai and Sora you two have to get something e…in an Island far away just a few miles of the coast of sever there is a guardian digimon that holds medallion's you two are to go and only you two with your digimon as well….and get those medallions for the others as well as your selves.

As you are wondering yes…I know about Catherine…. but there is a problem with her crest….she doesn't have it yet thought she knows what it is and her crest is with the medallions. You also might be wondering what the medallion's are for well…lets see…. I haven't exactly figured it out yet but….just get them and remember only Tai and Sora can go….there will be a test they must face them selves only. OH my the fish are hungry I've got to go."

"Were not even on Sever Island…. it could take days to find that place." Sora said. "Or months." Agumon said. They all sighed. "Okay now what do we do?" Tai questioned.

"I don't know." Sora said. "We could check and make sure that no one else is on this file Island first." Biyomon suggested. "Yeah lets do that before me and Sora have to leave for what ever that place was." Tai said.

*********** File Island…forest

"TK do you have any Idea were we are?" Kari asked. Patamon who was sitting on TK hat flew around looking. "It dose seem familiar." He replied. "What dose Patamon?" TK asked. "Here I think were on file Island." He replied.

"File what?" Kari questioned. "It's the first place we came before we went to sever we fought Devimon here." TK replied. "Oh…so do you think any ones here on this Island with us?" she asked.

"Maybe I can pick up something." Gatomon said as she started to look around. "hm…weird." She said. "We could always use the old fashioned way for people finding us." TK suggested. "And what's that?" Kari asked. "Yelling." TK told her with a smiled. "Oh good Idea." She replied she cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted "TAI!!"

They waited and listed to the echo of her voice. "My turn." TK replied and followed the same motion as Kari did. "MATT!!!" he obviously shouted for his brother.

"Hey I got an Idea maybe if we all yell once it could be louder." TK suggested. "Hey great idea TK" Patamon replied. "Okay on 1, 2, 3!"

"TAI!!!!!!! MATT!!!!!!!!" they all shouted. "SORA!!!!!!JOE!!!!!!"


Sora, Tai and Izzy all walked in silence. "Hmm…maybe if…" Izzy stopped what he was about to say. And listened to the air. "I hear something!" Biyomon said.

"Oh good then it's not only me." Izzy said. He looked at Tai and Sora who were confused. "Hear what?" Tai questioned. "It sounds like…. kids…" Agumon said, Tai shook his head he still hadn't heard it, Sora gasped. "It's TK and Kari!" she said. "Yeah Sora's right." Biyomon said she started to fly toward the direction of the sound the digimon.

All them took off and left Tai standing there for a moment. "Hey wait!" he cried and chased them.


The four of them sat down. "I can't yell anymore." Kari replied as she rubbed her throat. "I think coughing up a fur ball is better then wasting my vocal cords." Gatomon replied.

"Some one's coming!" Patamon said he flew in front of TK, Gatomon stood in front of Kari in a protective stance. "Who is it!" TK cried out. "Come out or else you are going to face our digimon!" Kari told them.

"Agumon! Biyomon!" Gatomon replied in surprise. "Tentomon!" Patamon said. Then Izzy, Sora and Tai appeared. "Tai!" Kari ran over to her brother and hugged him. "Good…okay you two have you seen anyone else?" Tai asked as he stood up?" "We haven't seen anyone Tai." TK said.

"You are all okay right?" Sora asked. They all nodded. "Okay so now are we going to split up again?" Sora asked Tai. "You guys have to go. I'll fly TK and Kari back with me to Sever and look for the others." Izzy replied. "Okay be careful and take care of them." Tai said. "Where are you going Tai?" Kari asked.

"Me and Sora have to look for something…we will be back in a few weeks or so okay." Tai told her. "No problem Tai I can look after Kari." TK replied. "I know you can." He said. "I think we should head for a clearing." Izzy said.

"Yeah if I digivole to Birdramon I'm going to burn the entire forest down" Biyomon said. "You have a point there." Agumon replied.

…………… Clearing…

"Biyomon time to digivole." Sora said. "Right." She replied.


"Digivole to….."


"All aboard." Birdramon said to the three of them. "Bye Tai and Sora." The two smaller children said. Tai, Sora and Agumon got on to Birdramon's feet. Birdramon took flight. The six on the ground all waved. "We'll be back before you know it!" Agumon told them. Birdramon flew off toward sever.

"Okay your turn Tentomon." Izzy said.


"Digivole to……."


Izzy helped TK and then Kari up on to Kabuterimon's back, then himself up. "Everyone's on?" he asked. "Yup come on." Gatomon replied. "Right." Kabuterimon said they started up and over the ocean.


Sora looked down and shivered. Tai watched her concerned. "What's wrong?" he asked. "This bracelet isn't it supposed to block that power I have to see into the future?" she asked, Tai didn't know what to say to her. "I don't know." He replied. "I wasn't expecting you two know Tai." She said softly. "What are you worrying about?" he questioned.

"This whole idea of getting medallion's and Catherine crest, it seems so fake." She said. "Fake?" Agumon questioned. "Yeah…why would we need medallions in the first place and why doesn't Catherine not have her crest." Sora asked. Tai thought of a bit. "Well we should check it out carefully then." Tai said to her. "And if anything goes wrong we always have Wargreymon." Agumon replied. "Hey and don't forget Phoeixmon." Birdramon mentioned. "Opps I guess I'm not a trump card any more huh Tai." He asked.

Tai laughed. "Right." He said.


"NO I said I won't go and I mean it.!" Catherine yelled at Matt stubbornly. "Your even worse then MIMI is!" he was angry. "Hey…hey come we can't just sit here and do nothing at all." Tsunomon said to them. "Okay you try to get her to move then." Matt cried at his digimon. Floramon sighed inwardly. "Catherine…come on." She asked.

"Come on nothing I will not get up from this spot after where he had his hands!" she replied. "Would it make you feel better if I said I was sorry?" Matt asked. Catherine pondered this for a while. "Yes it would." She said.

"Okay I'm sorry!" he shouted. "Say it nicer." She demanded, Matt narrowed his eyes at her. "I will not say it nicer just for you." He replied as clam as he could.

Meanwhile across from the other side of sever…

"Oh great…." Joe replied he gulped. "Oh…it's the factory again." Mimi replied, the two both looked at the factory. "All I can say is that it better not have another killer robot in it." Joe replied.

"He wasn't a robot Joe his name was Andromon and he was an android." Bukamon corrected. "Okay sorry." Joe said annoyed slightly. "Hey could we not go there Joe?" Mimi asked he nodded "Yeah that's what I was thinking." He said to her.

"Well wait maybe Andromon could help us." Tanemon asked. "No Andromon can not help us." Joe replied. "But we didn't even ask." Bukamon said to him. "That's because I don't want to go there again." Joe said to him. "But it was different the other time."

"Yeah…sure….I loved to be chased by a robot that was trying to kill us." He said.

Mimi and Tanemon both sweat dropped. "Okay come on…I don't want to be stuck here let's go and find the others." Mimi replied. "Oh wait wrong place that was on file Island." Tanemon said. "Oh yeah….I remember now that was when Tentomon first digivoled to Kabuterimon." Bukamon replied.

"Who cares the details I'm not going in there and I'm sure Mimi agrees with me." Joe said.


Matt played his harmonica Tsunomon, sleeping next to him. Night was starting to set in slowly…Catherine looked around nervously. "Floramon…it's getting dark." She replied, "It's okay Matt with us." She said. "I don't like him." She replied and gave him a evil stare. "Catherine…he saved you on numerous times." She told her. "No Floramon…he touched me inappropriately." She said.

"He didn't not touch you inappropriately ….you upper arm isn't something that you can yell at him for." Floramon said. Catherine sighed as noticed the sun was setting pretty fast. "Dose the sun set fast? All the time." Catherine questioned. "Yeah it dose at least ever since I was here." Floramon replied.

Catherine looked over to Matt who was still playing the instrument. "Would he forgive me?" she asked Floramon. "I don't know lets go see." Her digimon told him.

She walked over to them. "Matt?" Catherine asked. Matt stopped playing and looked up at her. "I never been here alone at nighttime before…without the others…could I seat next to you?" she asked. "Are you apologizing to me?" he questioned. She nodded. "Yeah and I'm sorry for that stuff I said earlier." She replied.

Matt moved over a bit and let Floramon and Catherine sit next to him. They sat in silence for a while. "Matt?" she asked. He nodded. "Could you play that thing again." She questioned. "Okay sure." He agreed. He started to play again.

Catherine leaned against the tree and closed her eyes…she felt safer now.

To Be Continued…

"With four more chosen children left to find will Izzy, TK and Kari find them…"


Everything is quite except….

"It's a Rockmon!" Tsunomon replied.

Joe and Mimi get help from an old friend.

"Chosen Children you came back to visit." Andromon said to them.

Izzy, TK, Kari finally arrive to sever, but noT without having a surprise for them waiting on there arrival. Next time on Digimon: Digital Monsters Alternate Version.